Design of the "Mother's Day" stand. Design of the "Mother's Day" stand.

Mother's Day in Russia is a young, but already quite popular holiday, which Russians celebrate with pleasure on the last Sunday of November. Since this day is dedicated to all mothers, it is not surprising that it is especially actively spent in kindergartens and schools. Most often, children of different ages prepare small concerts with congratulations for their mothers, make postcards and crafts, draw thematic posters, which will be discussed later. A good do-it-yourself poster (wall newspaper) for Mother's Day carries several important functions at once. Firstly, with the help of such a poster, you can congratulate all mothers at once. And secondly, the festive wall newspaper is an excellent thematic decor when decorating a hall in which a concert for Mother's Day is planned. In our today's article you will find different wall newspaper templates with pictures and photos that you can print. We hope that they will help you decorate this wonderful holiday with dignity!

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Mother's Day 2017 in kindergarten - a simple template with pictures

Of course, when making a wall newspaper for Mother's Day with their own hands in kindergarten, even according to a simple template, kids cannot do without the help of educators. After all, the crumbs themselves cannot write congratulations with good wishes. The simple DIY kindergarten wall newspaper template for Mother's Day, which you will find below, is very easy to design. Therefore, kids will be able to take part in its design without any problems.

Do-it-yourself materials for a wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten

  • Whatman or wallpaper cut
  • simple pencil and eraser
  • colored pencils, markers
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for a DIY wall newspaper template for Mother's Day for kindergarten

DIY congratulatory poster for Mother's Day 2017 in kindergarten - a step by step lesson with pictures

The next version of a do-it-yourself greeting poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten with pictures is even easier to execute than the previous one. You will also need colored pencils or felt-tip pens to decorate it. Read more about how to draw a do-it-yourself greeting poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten in a step-by-step lesson with pictures below.

Required materials for a greeting poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten

  • whatman
  • colored pencils / markers
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser

DIY step-by-step instructions for a greeting poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Mother's Day 2017 at school - a step-by-step master class with a photo

The do-it-yourself version of the wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school from the step-by-step master class below is already more difficult to execute. We can say that this is a classic example of a school wall newspaper: it contains congratulations, a festive crossword puzzle, and beautiful poems. At the same time, the design of such a wall newspaper with your own hands for Mother's Day to school, although traditional, is very cute and bright.

Do-it-yourself materials for a wall newspaper for Mother's Day to school

  • whatman
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • markers or paints

DIY step-by-step instructions for decorating a wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school

Beautiful poster for Mother's Day with your own hands to school - step by step instructions with a template, photo

The following step-by-step photo template is a great option for a beautiful DIY Mother's Day poster for elementary school. This option is especially good because it has a lot of space for congratulations, so you can independently adjust their number. Detailed instructions with a template and a photo for a beautiful poster for Mother's Day with your own hands to school next.

Necessary materials for a beautiful poster for Mother's Day with your own hands to school

  • whatman
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • paints / markers / colored pencils

DIY step-by-step instructions for a beautiful poster for Mother's Day at school

Commemorative wall newspaper for Mother's Day - printable templates, photos and videos

A beautiful commemorative wall newspaper / poster for Mother's Day does not have to be hand-drawn if you use a ready-made template that you just need to print. Examples of such templates for kindergarten and school can be found in the selection of photos, pictures and videos below. Even if the options for a commemorative wall newspaper for Mother's Day (templates that can be printed) do not suit you, you can always use individual design elements from them.

How unusual is it to tell dear mothers about your love? You can shout loudly and loudly with the whole class in unison, sing the most traditional song one by one (in which “ma-ma” is the first word), or give a large colorful wall newspaper for Mother's Day. The last option is not the easiest, but the most effective one. A beautiful poster with a photo collage, a bright Whatman paper with an abundance of volumetric details, a panel with poems and watercolors ... Any poster for Mother's Day, decorated with your own hands at school or kindergarten, can say much more than a song, a poem or a hefty bouquet. Read our tips, download templates, stock up on inspiration - and your gift to your beloved mothers will turn out to be the most original and extraordinary.

What should be a do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school

So, preparations for my mother's holiday started: handicraft gifts, drawings, flowers, and so on and so forth ... There are no problems with these details. Collective work on the decoration of the classroom and the corridors is a completely different matter. What should be a DIY wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school that can convey the depth of children's love and cheer up mothers for the whole day? There are several options:

  • a humorous poster on a specific topic;
  • bright congratulatory poster with wishes;
  • a college of clippings and family photographs;
  • a huge drawing with handprints, 3D elements, etc.

There are other, traditional and more extraordinary variations of a DIY wall newspaper for school Mother's Day: classic greeting posters, voluminous posters, photo collages on Whatman paper, sweet posters, flying wall newspapers, etc. Read more about creating them in the next section.

How to create a wall newspaper for Mother's Day at school

Volumetric poster. This is a great alternative to a hand-drawn poster. To decorate it, you will need a Whatman paper, colored paper and scissors, pencils or paints, small cubes of foam rubber, glue and stencils. On whatman paper, you need to beautifully write the title, paint over the background, draw a pencil around the outlines of all clippings and other details (photographs, artificial flowers, bows, printouts with verses). All that remains is to glue small cubes of foam rubber and fix the volumetric elements on them.

Photo collage. This is the easiest and at the same time effective way to congratulate mothers on the holiday. To create a collage, you will have to collect in advance from all the students one of the most successful family photos (or a photo of their mother) and beautifully paste them on a poster in a thoughtful order. Alternatively, you can give each student one letter from the phrase "Mom, we love you very much!", And take separate photos. And then - put them in the right order on a wide canvas.

Flying wall newspaper. This is a relatively new form of congratulating moms with a Mother's Day poster. To implement the idea, it is necessary to arrange in advance a colorful congratulatory wall newspaper with bright drawings and good wishes from the whole class, and then fix thin light slats on its lower and upper edges. To make the poster easy to move in the air throughout the room, it is worth attaching 8-10 helium balloons to both upper corners. The finished gift will look very impressive and will surely sincerely surprise all parents.

DIY Mother's Day poster to school: what's what

Unlike a wall newspaper - the result of collective child labor, which includes a variety of types of creativity, a poster is an informative and entertaining poster of an introductory or congratulatory nature performed by one author. A do-it-yourself Mother's Day poster to school can contain short notes about the history of the holiday, unusual facts about the great mothers-heroines, themed poems of writers, colorful illustrations and nice congratulatory lines.

Often, school thematic posters for Mother's Day are drawn up in the form of an information summary about the achievements of mothers over the past academic year, about parental assistance to the school, about their participation in various kinds of contests and holiday competitions. Even more often - in the format of an advertisement or a poster for an upcoming school concert (performance, competition, etc.) dedicated to the mothers of all students. They usually contain the announcement of the event, the time and date of its holding. But there are other, more or less popular, versions of a poster for Mother's Day with your own hands to school: what's what we'll figure out next.

Certificate of honor to beloved mother on Mother's Day at school

In recent years, themed posters have become very popular - letters of commendation, diplomas and certificates of honor. They can be factory-made (bought ready-made) or homemade. In the first version, the students only need to sign the poster and add a couple of lines from themselves. In the second case, the guys create a poster on their own "from scratch": they buy a Whatman paper, draw a headline, write a commendable or grateful text, complement the picture with bright decorative illustrations.

In the certificate of honor, you can thank all the mothers at once on behalf of the whole class, or indicate the individual merits of the mother of each student. For example:

  • Kravchenko N.G. - the leader of the class committee;
  • Veres I.N. - creative organizer of holidays, etc .;
  • Zaitseva A.S. - a skilled pastry chef, sponsor of children's buffets;

A poster for mothers in the format of a certificate of honor may contain beautiful poems by classics, contemporary authors or the students themselves, a list of the merits of the class's mothers, a list of gratitude of all students, information about who and when issued the “document”.

Wall newspaper for a matinee on Mother's Day in kindergarten: how to do it yourself

In kindergartens, matinees, concerts or festive evenings are held on Mother's Day. Children learn their roles in advance, prepare handmade gifts and publish a wall newspaper, with the support of educators. And if the guys may be inexperienced and not entirely dexterous in such a matter, teachers must be aware of all the nuances. Let's talk in more detail about wall newspapers for a Mother's Day matinee in kindergarten: how to do it yourself, decorate with details and decorate it on the wall.

Well, any festive wall newspaper begins with the purchase of a Whatman paper. Only then follows the planning of the composition, selection of materials, preparation of instruments. An important part of the poster is the title. It can be located along the top edge in one or two lines, in the center of the composition, in the form of a rainbow, and even diagonally in one of the corners. It is better to print and cut out the letters of the title, draw with a marker using a stencil or display in bright colors in calligraphic handwriting. The most frequent variants of the title text: "Happy Mother's Day", "It all starts with mom", "My mom is the sun!" "Congratulations to our mothers", "Mom is the first word!"

There are also rules in composing a composition:

  • It is better to place the most interesting materials in the central part (a collective photo of mothers, an interesting drawing of children, congratulatory poems written by schoolchildren);
  • The rest of the illustrative and text elements should be evenly alternated;
  • A separate place can be allotted with a funny statement by children about their parents (let each child write these lines with his own hand);
  • An integral part of a successful poster is decorative details created using different techniques of needlework. For example, applications of flowers, butterflies or the sun using the quilling technique, volumetric origami birds, watercolor drawings, and more. The more techniques are combined in the wall newspaper, the brighter and more original the result;
  • We must also not forget about the popular headings: anecdotes about mothers, riddles about the family, interesting facts from the history of the holiday, sincere congratulations and wishes;

Individual headings of wall newspapers can be delimited by frames, distributed collectively against a general background, or placed in the form of a specific object. For example, in the petals of a flower, in stripes of a rainbow, in drops of rain, in the rays of the sun, etc.

Poems and congratulations for the wall newspaper for Mother's Day in the kindergarten

It is important to know how to make a wall newspaper with your own hands for a kindergarten matinee for Mother's Day. But it is equally important to choose suitable illustrative material, beautiful poems, interesting riddles, the necessary congratulatory words. After all, a festive poster should be not only bright and colorful visually, but also competent in its text elements.

Verses like this will never ruin a Mother's Day poster:

Mom's hands are warm
Mom's eyes are light
Mom's fairy tale in a dream
Mom's genes in me
Mom's thoughts are with me
My earthly bow to Mom.

If mom is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mom is gone for a long time,
That dinner is not tasty.
If mom is not around
It's cold in the apartment
If mom is not close,
Bad in the whole world.
If mom is far away
It's not easy for children.
I'll tell you straight:
- Take care of your mom!

In the world
Kind words
Lives a lot
But everyone is kinder
And one thing is more tender -
Of two syllables
Simple word "ma-ma"
And there are no words
Dearer than it!

With these riddles, the wall newspaper for Mother's Day will be even more interesting and exciting:

Who warms with love
Everything in the world is in time
Even play a little?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - smack?
Here she is always like
My (mom) dear!

I'm not afraid of a thunderstorm, not a single gram
Kohl next to me (mom).

Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up"?
Who managed to cook the porridge?
Tea - pour into a bowl?
Who braided my braids?
Did you sweep the whole house alone?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who kiddies love to laugh?
Who is the best in the world?

Such entertaining facts will make the holiday poster not only entertaining, but also informative:

"The largest family in Russia lives in the Orenburg region, 64 children are brought up in this family, their parents are the rector of the church and his wife."

"The record number of children born to one woman was 69."

“The largest family in the world lives in India. Zion Khan - the head of the family is surrounded by 39 wives, 94 children, 33 grandchildren - a total of 167 people. "

"The oldest woman in labor, Rosanna Dalla Corta, from Viterbo, Italy, gave birth to a baby boy on 18 July 1994 at the age of 63."

“The largest baby in the world was born in Italy in 1955. Its weight was 10 kilograms 200 grams. "

An unusual poster for Mother's Day with your own hands in kindergarten - even more ideas

Even the most naive and touching traditional wall newspaper is unlikely to surprise the heroes of the occasion. After all, classic posters have practically not changed their concept since the childhood of our mothers. All the same clippings, rhymes, winged sayings and wishes. Another thing is an unusual do-it-yourself poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten: look for even more ideas for collective implementation in the next section. Use our tips, and you will surely see joy and delight on the faces of the guests of the holiday.

Original ideas for creating a poster with your own hands for a kindergarten holiday for Mother's Day

We offer even more ideas for unusual and original posters for Mother's Day in kindergarten:

Material design for Mother's Day

Dear Colleagues! I would like to bring to your attention a design option for a folder-travel folder or a small stand for Mother's Day in kindergarten. And also a selection of word games, topics of conversations, ditties for this wonderful holiday. I hope this material will be useful in your work.


Individual conversations: "My family"
"My mom, my dad" / expanded views of the parents /
"Grandmother, grandfather" / fostering respect for elders and caring attitude towards loved ones /
"Family photos" / respectful attitude to each other /
"What are our moms, dads doing?" / expansion of ideas about professions, the importance of professions /
"Younger family members" / c. foster a desire to take care of the younger ones /
"My family's household" / children's household responsibilities /
Didactic games
"Genealogical Dervo" / c. consolidate knowledge about yourself and your ancestry /
"Who accounts for whom?" / consolidation of knowledge about family relationships /
"Find similarities and differences" / teach you to find similarities and similarities in your relatives /
"Guess whose child I am?" / by photos /
Creation of a group photo album "My second big family"
Creation of a homemade book "My family" / from children's works /

Word games

"Who is what?"
A son..
"Who accounts for whom?"
Boy girl
Mom to grandmother
Dad to grandmother
Boy-mom ...

Plastic sketches
Cheerful mom
Sand mom
Tender mom
Strict mother.

"Complete the offer"
My name is ... I'm .. years old. My mom's name is ... my dad's name is ....
He bakes the most delicious pies here ...
The strongest and bravest we have ...
I love to walk with ...
He knows how to tell interesting fairy tales ...

Reverse game
Grandma is old, and mom ...
Dad is strong, and grandfather ...
Dad is big, and son ...
The daughter is the youngest, and the grandmother ...
The mother is an adult, and the daughter ...

Say a word
Read books about the war
Only the brave ... / boys /

Sew undershirts for dolls
Needlewomen ... / girls /

If I put on a hat
I will look like ... / dad /

We declare firmly, directly,
Best of all in the world ... / mom /

If it suddenly becomes difficult
That will come to the rescue / friend /

Rhyme used to help
and now she has become more insidious.
You, my friend, take your time
Don't get hooked.

Lush dough is already ready,
Apparently, she will feed the grandchildren ... / grandmother /

For our pickles barrel
We ask to put together ... / grandfather /

Oh, and a lover of sweet pears
Our Katya's younger ... / brother /

Sew a cap in ruffles.
Together with your mother ../ sister /

Look, our guests,
How fun we live.
We will dance for you now
And we'll sing ditties.

Chorus Oh you! Oh you! What are you saying!

At parents and hours
no to communicate with the guys.
I talk on the street
"Developing" very quickly

No puppies and no kittens
Mom and Dad don't want to!
They say it's too much
So buy me a brother!

We play mother and daughter
We imitate mom and dad:
Chur, on the couch, I lie,
Well, you go to wash!

If our preschool children
They will play in the room
Come to the clean-up day -
To clean the room.

Sasha rubbed the floor to a shine,
I made a vinaigrette.
Looking for mom: what to do?
There is no work!

Heroic Masha with laziness
She fought all day.
But, unfortunately,
Masha was defeated by laziness.

We finish singing ditties
And we always promise you:
To listen to you always, in everything -
in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon!

Scenario of the event dedicated to Mother's Day, "When mothers were young" for children of the younger and middle

It is customary to celebrate the good and bright holiday of Mother's Day both in schools and in kindergartens. For this event, the guys prepare skits, dance numbers, musical performances. But in order to beautifully decorate the classrooms, the assembly hall and the corridors of educational institutions, you need to make congratulatory posters with your own hands. A bright wall newspaper for Mother's Day can be supplemented with wishes, thanks from children. You can decorate it with paper flowers, sparkles, photographs of mothers. Also, a beautiful poster for Mother's Day can simply be printed and supplemented with inscriptions and verses on top. With the help of the following photo and video workshops, it will not be difficult to create both simple and unusual posters. For example, schoolchildren can make "sweet" wall newspapers with candy, candy and cookies in colorful wrappers. Such crafts will surely delight mothers and give them a maximum of positive emotions.

Do-it-yourself simple wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten - a master class with a photo

So that the kids in kindergarten can beautifully congratulate all mothers on their holiday, you can not only hold an original concert, but also prepare beautiful wall newspapers, posters. For their manufacture, bright paper is perfect, from which the palm-wishes will be cut. Additionally, the finished poster can be decorated with homemade flowers, leaflets. The next master class will tell you how easy and simple the kids in kindergarten can make such a simple wall newspaper for Mother's Day with their own hands.

Materials for making a simple wall newspaper for Mother's Day for kindergarten

  • white paper A3;
  • design or colored paper of different colors;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • PVA glue.

Master class for self-production of wall newspapers in honor of Mother's Day in kindergarten

Do-it-yourself cool wall newspaper from pupils at school on Mother's Day - master class with video

Creation of "sweet" wall newspapers with congratulations for mom is a fun and very interesting activity. To make it, the guys just need to prepare various juices, sweets in bright wrappers and write the corresponding congratulations, wishes or thanks on the Whatman paper. The following master class will help you learn how school students can make personal wall newspapers for Mother's Day for their mothers with their own hands. It describes in detail the rules for preparing materials and making an unusual congratulatory poster.

Do-it-yourself video of school pupils making wall newspapers for mothers for Mother's Day

As an example for making a cool wall newspaper for each mother, you can use the proposed picture. But the easiest way to create an original poster is the following video with step-by-step instructions. A simple master class will help you quickly and easily create cool wall newspapers that the guys can hand over to their mothers for the holiday.

Ready-made wall newspaper for Mother's Day for printing - a selection of colorful posters

In order not to waste time making backgrounds for the poster and sketching them, you can simply print the wall newspaper for Mother's Day using one of the templates below. They are suitable for both school and kindergarten. If you wish, you can decorate the finished picture with photos of mothers, poems or wishes.

A selection of wall newspaper templates for Mother's Day for printing

Simple templates are great for quickly getting ready for Mother's Day. They can be decorated by children in labor lessons or classroom hours. If desired, children can glue printed poems and pictures to the blank. You can also add ready-made wall newspapers with paper decor, rhinestones.

What posters for Mother's Day can be printed for school and kindergarten - a selection of pictures

The selection below is suitable for simple printing and stylish decoration of classrooms in school and kindergarten. Such pictures do not require significant additions, so they can be considered completely ready-to-use. Such templates will look very beautiful with photos of mothers, pasted decor.

Do-it-yourself original poster to school for Mother's Day - instruction with video

Both primary school students and high school students can make a poster for Mother's Day at school with their own hands. For a simple creation of congratulatory wall newspapers, the following instruction with a step-by-step video can be used. She will help schoolchildren to beautifully decorate the corridors and classrooms, it is easy to prepare the assembly hall for the celebration of Mother's Day.

Video instruction on how to make an original poster at school in honor of Mother's Day with your own hands

The next master class can not only be completely repeated by the students of the school, but also be used as an example for creating wall newspapers. A simple instruction will help you easily prepare for the Mother's Day holiday and please mothers with cool wishes and thanks.

Do-it-yourself bright poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten - master class with video

So that kids can beautifully and unusually congratulate mothers on their holiday, it is not necessary to make large wall newspapers with a lot of congratulations and decor. The following instruction will help kids to make a simple and bright poster for Mother's Day in kindergarten with their own hands under the guidance of educators and nannies.

Master class with a video of making a school poster for Mother's Day with your own hands

The following step-by-step guide will be helpful for creating the best Mother's Day poster. In this case, the elements used in the work can be replaced with simpler ones. For example, you can use ready-made paper flowers, felt cuttings, ribbons and rhinestones for decoration.

Making cool and beautiful posters, wall newspapers for Mother's Day is within the power of every student in school and kindergarten. For work, the guys can use both ordinary paper and photographs of mothers. Such crafts with sweets, cookies in bright wrappers are very unusual and bright. With the help of the above master classes with photos and videos, children can easily make any poster for Mother's Day with wishes or poems. Also, a ready-made poster can be used to decorate classes, an assembly hall. It only needs to be printed and supplemented with colorful decor. Such a simple wall newspaper for Mother's Day is perfect for quick preparation for the holiday and can be used as a template for making new unusual posters with your own hands.

Mother's Day is one of the most wonderful and brightest holidays, which has long won international status. Since 1998, in our country, at the state level, the "main" holiday of mothers has been established, and the corresponding date has appeared in the calendar - the last Sunday of November. On this wonderful autumn day, Russian mothers hear warm words of congratulations and the most sincere wishes from their relatives and friends. Bright bouquets of flowers, cute gifts and touching signs of attention - every mother is pleased to feel like a real queen! In kindergarten and school for Mother's Day, it is customary to make greeting cards, draw wall newspapers and colorful posters with photographs, poems, words of festive prose. Indeed, a wall newspaper and poster for Mother's Day is just perfect for congratulating moms on behalf of the entire class or kindergarten group. We propose to make several original thematic wall newspapers or posters with the help of step-by-step master classes with photos and videos for the upcoming "mother's" holiday - after all, November 26 is very soon! Alternatively, you can use ready-made templates for individual fragments, print them on sheets of paper and glue them into a single picture. So, let's start preparing for Mother's Day!

Do-it-yourself beautiful wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten - a step-by-step master class with a photo

For every child, a mother is kindness, tenderness, and care. On the eve of Mother's Day, kindergarten students prepare surprises for their beloved mothers in the form of cute handicrafts or a colorful wall newspaper from the whole group. How to make a wall newspaper for Mother's Day with your own hands? Our step-by-step master class with a photo can be held in kindergarten for kids of all ages. Each child will have the opportunity to literally "put their hands on" to create a beautiful festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day.

We stock up on materials and tools for a master class on making a wall newspaper for Mother's Day for a kindergarten:

  • sheet of whatman paper
  • colored paper and cardboard
  • gouache
  • congratulatory verses about mom - you need to print and cut
  • letters for the sentence "Mom means life" - made of cardboard or colored paper
  • paper flowers using quilling technique
  • voluminous flowers from colored paper
  • a picture of a woman with a child - printed on a sheet of paper
  • tassels
  • glue - in the form of a pencil and PVA
  • simple pencil
  • toothpick
  • double-sided tape
  • scissors
  • foam sponges

How to make a wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten with your own hands - a step-by-step description of the master class with a photo:

  1. On a sheet of Whatman paper we glue the cut out image of the mother and the child - in the central part. Draw a big heart around the picture.

  2. Using the foam sponges, create a light background.

  3. The edges of the wall newspaper will be decorated with prints of children's hands - all the kids in the group can take part in this stage.

  4. To color the heart, choose pink - the result of mixing red and white gouache.

  5. From the letters prepared in advance, we put together the sentence "Mom means life" and glue it to the Whatman paper with double-sided tape.

  6. We also glue bright flowers around the heart with the help of scotch tape.

  7. On the free areas of whatman paper we place the printed and cut out verses about mom.

  8. We decorate the four corners of the wall newspaper with voluminous paper flowers.

  9. That's all, it remains to hang our product on the wall and wait for mothers - there will be a surprise for Mother's Day! Each mom will appreciate the creative talents of her child.

Do-it-yourself festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day - a master class at school, with a photo step by step

Each country has developed its own traditions of celebrating Mother's Day, but its meaning has remained unchanged - strengthening family ties, as well as close ties between parents and children. On this day, every mother is surrounded by attention, care, flowers and gifts from loving relatives. In many schools, on Mother's Day, they organize thematic classes, matinees for students of elementary and middle grades. In addition, children write essays about their mother, draw festive wall newspapers - with poems and congratulatory inscriptions. We have prepared a simple master class with a photo step by step on creating a children's wall newspaper with our own hands for Mother's Day at school. The best gift for all mothers from loving children!

Necessary materials and tools for creating a festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day with your own hands to school:

  • Whatman sheet
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • pencil simple
  • cotton pads
  • poems about mom - printed on paper
  • photos - 10 x 15 cm

We make a festive wall newspaper for Mother's Day with our own hands - according to a master class with a photo for schoolchildren:

  1. First you need to make a lot of daisies - cut strips of white paper and yellow round cores (two per flower).

  2. We glue each strip with its ends, connect it together, and place a yellow circle in the middle - and on the other side too.

  3. We fasten the finished daisies with glue along the edges of the Whatman paper - along the entire perimeter. It turns out an elegant floral frame for a wall newspaper.

  4. On the surface we lay out photos and poems about mom printed on paper, trying to choose the most successful places for each element.

  5. Bright red paper hearts will perfectly complement our composition.

  6. Children's imagination is truly limitless - you can make voluminous daisies of amazing beauty from cotton pads. To do this, we fold each cotton pad, giving it the shape of a petal, and then connect and glue it together with another “petals”. In the center of such a "chamomile" we fix the yellow center.

  7. We place the finished daisies on a sheet of Whatman paper, filling in the free areas. Such a wall newspaper will be a decoration of any class and a wonderful gift for Mother's Day.

Wall newspaper for Mother's Day (download and print for free)

To create a beautiful wall newspaper for Mother's Day, it is not at all necessary to have the talent of a graphic artist or the makings of a designer. Here you will find templates for individual fragments - you can download them for free, print them on A4 sheets and create a general picture. As a result, you will have a wonderful wall newspaper, which will remain to be painted in different colors. This method of making a congratulatory wall newspaper for Mother's Day is great for both children and adults - try it, it's very easy and fun!

Wall newspaper templates for Mother's Day - for printing

DIY congratulatory poster for Mother's Day to school - ideas with photos and videos

With the onset of November, children from all over the country are preparing to celebrate a warm, sincere holiday - Mother's Day. Indeed, every mother is pleased to hear sweet congratulations from her beloved daughters and sons. In many school classes, on the eve of the holiday, you can see congratulatory posters or wall newspapers made by children's hands - with best wishes, confessions, photos of beloved mothers. We'd love to share photo and video ideas for creating the most beautiful Mother's Day greeting poster. A choice for every taste!

Ideas for greeting posters for Mother's Day to school - pictured

Video tutorial on how to make a poster for Mother's Day with your own hands

DIY kindergarten Mother's Day poster - picture ideas

In kindergarten on Mother's Day, kids of different ages create touching crafts from paper, dry leaves and other improvised materials with their own hands. As a rule, it is customary to present such gifts at a festive matinee dedicated to Mother's Day. In addition, you can make a large "collective" poster for the whole group - ideas in pictures can be found on our pages. Everything is simple and affordable!

The best ideas for posters for Mother's Day do it yourself for kindergarten - pictures of finished works

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