Joke poems for the little ones. Poems and nursery rhymes for babies for all occasions For children 3 months nursery rhymes

After sleep:

Who's already awake?

Who stretched so sweetly?


From socks to crown!

We will stretch - we will stretch, We will not stay small!

That's how, that's how we grow, Grow!

That's how let's go with our legs, Let's go!

For feeding:

This is a spoon

This is a cup

Buckwheat porridge in a cup

The spoon in the cup has been

Buckwheat porridge is gone!

How so?

When the baby cries:(My lovely)



Where did you come from?

By tram or train

Did you get to Masha?

No, nobody asked you to spoil the mood!

Or maybe we didn't cry

Was it drizzling with rain?

After the walk:

Why are they so good

Our kids have become:


Teeth are white

Are the cheeks pink?

Yes, we are out of the cold!

Please welcome!

Treat yourself to sweet tea!


The Fairy Tale walks home,

Along the high towers,

Wait for her, close your eyes.

Sleep, peephole, Sleep, other

A good fairy tale will come

A good heart will find

Wait for her, close your eyes

Sleep peephole

Sleep, other.

From the Internet

For feeding:

What a porridge

What a porridge! So in the mouth and asks!

The nose and cheeks were full.

The chin also got it. And little finger

I tried a little. Ate a little

The forehead with the top of the head, the rest of the ears have finished!

We treat with porridge

Let's roll up the children's boots, sew a sheepskin coat,

We will send the baby to grandma. Grandma will meet

Treat the baby with porridge, give her a warm pancake

And a ruddy pie, two soft balls

And a lamb's sweetheart!

Clever Alyona, eat sweet porridge,

Delicious, fluffy, soft, fragrant!

The cat went to market, bought the cat a pie.

The cat went to the street, the cat bought a bun.

Should I eat it myself or eat it for the kid?

I'll bite myself, and I'll take it to my child.

For changing clothes:

Chickens, cockerels and chickens are dancing.

Everything spun in a row, began to flap their wings,

Scatter, cat, go away, don't come into our yard!

We take the handles back, sliding on the table. We slap our fists on the diaper.

Bunny, bunny, dance, your paws are good!

Our zainka began to dance, to amuse small children!

Legs back and forth.

For swimming:

The water is cold here ...

Here the water is cold, here it is warm,

Here - hot, but here - boiling water, boiling water!


Who will be the kup-kup here, (touched the water with your hand, clapped your palm on the water)

For some water - squish-squish? Quickly into the bath - jump, jump,

In the bath with a foot - jerk, jerk!

The soap will foam and the dirt will disappear somewhere.

After bathing

Baba Frosya has grandchildren.

All are asking for porridge. Everybody screams.

Akulka in a cradle, Alenka in a diaper,

Arinka on the feather bed, Stepan on the stove,

Ivan is on the porch.

Baba kneaded dough, cooked porridge,

She drowned milk, fed the grandchildren.

As they ate porridge, drank milk,

They bowed to Baba, calmed down!

Before bedtime:

Lyuli, lyuli, crampons, gray-haired blues are flying.

Ghouls are flying out, out. They carry baby sleep, sleep.

The ghouls will coo, the baby will sleep soundly.

The ghouls will say what to feed the baby with.

They will fly into the woods and find a spikelet there,

They will cook porridge, they will feed the baby,

White porridge with milk and a ruddy pie.

Revitalization complex:

Oh, my little, darling,

My pretty, my pretty.

Oh you, my girl, golden squirrel,

Sweet candy, lilac twig!

Floats, sailing boat

A boat is sailing, a boat is sailing, a golden boat.

Lucky, lucky gifts, gifts to you and me!

We support the chest with one hand, and grasp the opposite thigh with the other. Up and down, rocking.

While everyone is busy:

Tell me, our lamb, how much wool will you give us?

Like a fly sings a song at our gate.

Ay, lyuli, here she is singing. Ay, Lyuli, here she sings!

Oh you kitty!

Oh you, kitty, you are my gray,

Little white tail! How not to love you!

The ability to turn your head towards the sound


Mouse, mouse, why are you awake, why are you rustling with straw?

I'm afraid to fall asleep, sister, I will dream of a mustachioed cat.

To be like, scratch with two fingers in front of a child lying on his stomach. Rustle to the right, then to the left.

Legs knocked

Legs knocked on a flat path,

Knocked many times, it will be fun with us (<скользящие шаги>legs).

Hit harder with your fist, just don't spare your hands,

We knock with a fist and spin around like a top! (banging a child's fist on your palm

How to entertain a baby who does not yet know how to play, walk and talk? Everything is very simple - you yourself need to talk with your baby more often, because the child's hearing develops in the first place. The child, even in the womb, knows and recognizes your voice, he needs to hear it now. After birth, the newborn is not yet accustomed to a new world for him, and everything that is not familiar seems to be alien. Help your little one get used to a new life, to a new world, to a completely new atmosphere. For now, a monologue from your side will help the baby to adapt faster and begin to develop. Nursery rhymes is a verdict song that accompanies the game with the fingers, arms and legs of the baby. Nursery rhymes help in a playful way to develop the child's skills such as fine motor skills, getting used to hygiene, order. Thanks to nursery rhymes, the baby develops emotionally, which is important for his overall development.

Geese, geese!
Ha, ha, ha!
Do you want to eat?
Yes Yes Yes!
So fly home!
Gray wolf under the mountain
Doesn't let us go home!

We lived with a grandmother
Two happy geese.
One gray,
Another white -
Two happy geese.
Washed geese paws
In a puddle by the groove.
One gray,
Another white -
Hid in a groove.
Here is the granny screaming:
“Oh, the geese are gone!
One gray,
Another white -
My geese, geese! "
The geese came out
They bowed to the grandmother.
One gray,
Another white -
They bowed to the grandmother.

Grandma, grandma,
Torn slippers
Give us porridge
Little kids.
Who will you give porridge,
That and our prince!
Grandma, grandma,
Red Hat,
Give us some pancakes
Give me some gifts
Sweet porridge
In golden cups.
If there is no porridge,
Then come on candy!

Bayu, bayu, busi!
The geese arrived.
The geese sat in a circle
Gave Vanya a pie,
Gave Vanya a gingerbread.
Sleep quickly, Vanechka!

Birds have arrived
They brought some water.
I gotta wake up
I have to wash my face
To make your eyes shine
To make your cheeks burn
So that the mouth laughs,
To bite a tooth!

As for Vankin's name day
We baked an epic cake -
Here is such a height!
That's the width!
Eat, Vanechka-friend,
Birthday cake -
Here is such a height!
That's the width!
Eat and eat well
You will soon grow up big -
Here is such a height!
That's the width!

Okay, okay!
Where were - at the grandmother's!
What they ate - porridge,
What they drank - mash!
Okay, okay,
We're going to grandma's again!

You are water-water
Queen of all seas,
Let the bubbles
Mine and rinse!
My eyes, my cheeks,
My son, my daughter,
My cat, my mouse,
My gray bunny!
Mine, mine at random
We will wash everyone in a row!
Water from a swan-goose -
With our baby thinness!

Om! Om! Om! Om!
I'll give you candy
But first, for our mother
Eat a spoonful of semolina!
Om! Om! Om! Om!
Eat, Vanya, porridge yourself!
Eat a spoon for papa
You will grow up a little more!
Om! Om! Om! Om!
You won't eat, I'll eat it myself.
And a whole mile
I will grow up with every spoon!
I'll become big at all
And then I'll eat you!

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word
Don't lie on the edge!
A gray top will come
And grab the barrel
Yes, it will take you into the woods,
Under the bush.
You, top, do not go to us,
Don't wake up our children!

The top has been sleeping in the forest for a long time,
Sleeps without barking,
Yes, without a cradle,
No swaying
No cradle!
Come on, go to sleep!

Let the cat get sick
The dog will get sick
There will be a cat disabled
And the dog is disabled!
And let you be lucky -
All your ailment will pass!

Bayu-byu, byu-byu!
Babai got into our house!
He climbed under the bed
He wants to pick up the baby.
And we won't give Vanya,
We need Vanya ourselves.
Bayu-byu, byu-bye,
Get away from us Babay!

One, two, three, four, five!
Bunnies have nowhere to walk!
The wolf-wolf walks everywhere!
His teeth are click-click!

There is a horned goat
For the little guys.
Who doesn't listen to mom?
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Who doesn't help a father?
Gores! Gores! Gores!

The horned goat
Small kids at home.
They gallop merrily on the benches
They don't play around, they don't cry.
Mom will come from the forest
Milk will bring them.

A goat walks in a meadow
Around the peg in a circle.
Eyes clap-clap!
Top-top legs!
Waving his tail
And sings and dances.
Small children are amused
He tells Mom to obey!

Growing up!
Grow legs -
Run along the path
Grow handles -
Reach out to the clouds
Squeeze the rain out of the cloud,
Water our garden!
Grow big
Don't be noodles!
Eat porridge,
Listen to mom!

A goat walks at night
Closes everyone's eyes.
Well, who doesn't want to sleep
Goats will butt!
Close your eyes quickly
Bayu-byu, byu-byu!

A goat walks at night
Closes everyone's eyes.
Well, who doesn't want to sleep
Goats will butt!
Close your eyes quickly
Bayu-byu, byu-byu!

A goat walks at night
Closes everyone's eyes.
Well, who doesn't want to sleep
Goats will butt!
Close your eyes quickly
Bayu-byu, byu-byu!

Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother.
One-two, one-two! Little gray goat!
Grandma loved the goat very much.
One-two, one-two! Loved me very much!
The goat decided to take a walk in the forest.
One-two, one-two! Take a walk in the forest!
Gray wolves attacked the goat.
One-two, one-two! Gray wolves!
The horns and legs remained from the goat,
One-two, one-two! Horns and legs!

I am a goat dereza
Thunderstorm for the whole world!
Who will beat Vanya,
That will live badly!

There was a goat-goat,
Hatching eyes,
With an unshaven beard
With unwashed face
Tumbled over the stump -
The horns rose to one side.

Roar cow
Burst into tears again.
This is how the tears flow -
You can choke.
Quiet, roar, don't cry
I will give you a roll!
Stop crying, roar,

You grow, grow, son,
Like a spike of wheat
So that your father loves you,
I did not scold for leprosy,
To be taken care of by the mother
Every day I baked pancakes!
Well, I'll tell you bye
I'll give you fresh milk!

Stop crying, roaring
Here, look, a cow!
She says: “Moo-moo!
Why are you crying, I don't understand?
I came from afar
I brought milk
Enough for our porridge
And another cup!
Drink my milk
You will immediately become more fun! "

Bayu-bayu, I have to sleep
Everyone will come to download you!
Come horse - calm down
Come pike - lull
Come catfish - give us a dream
Come pestle - give me a pillow
Come piggy - give a perinka,
Come cat - close your mouth,
Come weasel - close your eyes!
Bayu-bayu, I have to sleep
Everyone will come to download you!

Early early in the morning
The horn sang: "Tu-ru-ru-ru!"
And the cows fit him
Delayed: "Mu-mu-mu!"
You, Burenushka, go
Take a walk in the open field
And you will return in the evening
Give us milk to drink.

White-sided magpie,
Where have you been? - Far!
He stoked the stove,
I cooked porridge,
I interfered with my tail
I rode on the threshold
The children called:
"You kids, kids,
Collect the chips
I'll cook porridge
Gold cups! "

I cooked porridge,
She fed the children!
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
But this did not give:
“You didn't carry water,
You didn't chop wood
You didn't light the stove,
You didn't wash the cups!
We will eat the porridge ourselves,
But we won't give it to a lazy person! "

Ay, swing, swing, swing!
Look, rolls!
Look, rolls-rolls
From the heat, from the heat from the oven!

Not a feather on the tail -
I dived across the field,
Lost her tail.
Hid under the bridge -
Has grown a ponytail
And now he is sneaking -
The tail does not lose.

You dance, dance, dance
Your legs are good!
Good - not good
All the same, you will dance!
Trample with your feet
Slap your hands!

Grow a braid to the waist
Don't drop a hair!
Grow your head up to your toes
The maiden is red to the ridges!

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger nipped
This finger has already fallen asleep!
And the last is the fifth finger
Jumping briskly like a bunny.
We'll lay him down now
And we will sleep with you too!

Kitty-kitty, cat,
Kitty, gray pubis,
Come sleep the cat
Download our baby.
Bayu-byu, byu-bye,
Sleep soon, go to sleep!
The kitty goes to the market,
The kitty will buy a pie
The cat will bring it to us
And put it right in your mouth
Bayu-byu, byu-bye,
Sleep soon, go to sleep!

Like a cat, a cat
Cradle of gold
My child
Paint it.
Like a cat, a cat
Perinochka Pukhova
My child
There is a softer one.
Like a cat, a cat
The curtain is clean.
My child
There is a cleaner one.
There is cleaner than him
Paint it.

Tritatushki! Three-ta-ta!
The cat met the cat!
The cat calls the cat,
Walks and purrs.
Tritatushki! Three-ta-ta!
A cat married a cat!
For Kota Kotovich,
For Pyotr Petrovich!

The cat abandoned the cat
Bit off half a tail
And the cat is offended -
Half of the tail is not visible.

The cat went into the woods, into the woods.
The cat found a belt, a belt.
To pick up the cradle, pick it up.
Put Katya in the cradle, put it.
Katya will sleep soundly, sleep soundly.
Kitty Katenka download, yes download.

Like our cat
The coat is very good.
Like a cat's mustache
Amazing beauty.
Bold eyes
The teeth are white.
The cat walks on the bench
He catches everyone by the paws.
Tops-top on the bench,
Dzap-scratch for paws.

Cat, cat, cat!
Don't steal your breath
To our child
Not souls in bed!

Hiccups, hiccups,
Go to the cat!
And from the cat to Jacob,
From Jacob to everyone!

Scoop, owl, owl,
Big head,
Black legs
Boots on my feet
I flew through the forest -
She scared the mouse.
I flew around the yard -
The cat was scared.
You, owl, do not fly to us,
Don't scare our baby!

Oh you, Owl-owl,
Big head!
I sat on a stump
Spit head
I fell into the grass
I rolled into the hole.

Uh-huh, uh-huh!
I can not take it anymore,
Calm down in the cradle
This capriciousness!

Let's go, let's go
For pine cones!
Over bumps, over bumps,
By berries, flowers,
Penechki and bushes,
Green leaves
Into the hole - boo!
And there is a rooster! Will bite, bite!

Cockley-wet! Cockley-wet!
The owl's feathers are wet!
Stop, stop crying
Stop dripping tears.
Already in the pillow
The frogs are croaking.
I don't want to live with a crybaby!
I'll fly into the dense forest!

Oh! Wow! Wow! Wow!
Burdock grows in the yard!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Oh!
Thistle in the yard!
Oh! Wow! Wow! Oh!
Peas are growing in the yard!
Wow! Oh! Oh! Wow!
A rooster sits on the wattle fence!

Like Savishna Owl
Two heads on the shoulders
And eyes are like saucers.
Everyone is laughing at her!

    Valentina Dmitrieva.

    Poems, songs, riddles, rhymes, sayings, nursery rhymes. For children from 0 to 3 years old


    Dear parents and educators!

    This book contains nursery rhymes, pestushki, jokes, songs, proverbs, tongue twisters and poems for the little ones. These are the first literary texts for kids who begin to master the world around them.

    Nursery rhymes (from the word "amuse") and pestushki (from the word "nurture" - to nurse, groom, take care) are short verse sentences for all occasions. They help to calm or cheer up the child, wash and feed him quickly and in a fun way.

    Our ancestors believed that little pets, nursery rhymes and lullabies not only make daily procedures easy and joyful, but also help a child grow up healthy and strong.

    Nursery rhymes, pestushki and finger games train the dexterity of children's hands, thereby developing the child's speech and thinking. As a rule, they are accompanied by stroking, patting, rubbing - bodily contact with a loved one necessary for a baby.

    Lullabies, which are dedicated to one of the sections of the collection, help the child to fall asleep calmly, harmonize his psychological state after a day filled with emotions. An uncomplicated lullaby motif, in the rhythm of a swaying cradle, does not require musical abilities from mother or grandmother and helps to comfort and calm the child.

    Jokes are needed to cheer and make the baby laugh. These funny moments allow the child to see many things from an unusual perspective, cheer up. In the plots of jokes, the voices of birds and animals are often played out, natural phenomena are described, etc. Therefore, jokes are important for the development of imaginative thinking and creative skills of a child.

    The collection includes a section with Russian folk proverbs and sayings, selected especially for kids. Using them in everyday speech and explaining to the child the meaning of these expressions in simple words, you will not only enrich his vocabulary, develop imaginative thinking, but also begin to acquaint him with such important topics as family relationships, friendship, work.

    Pronouncing tongue twisters is not just a way to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly, but also a kind of fun game in which a mistake is a reason to laugh at yourself once again. And counting rhymes add variety to any game.

    Riddles are one of the most beloved types of poetry by both children and adults. In the old days, riddles were intended to test wisdom, and later they became fun folk fun, which they remain to this day.

    All poems dedicated to kids develop speech attention, train memory, help increase vocabulary, develop musical and creative abilities.

    The collection also includes rhymes - poetic texts specially constructed according to the laws of rhythm and rhyme. Most of the rhymes resemble riddles - an adult begins to read the text, and the child must guess how it ends, relying on the meaning of the rhyme and choosing the necessary word.

    Poems by Russian poets can be used for reading aloud, memorizing, to prepare for the holidays - both at home and in kindergarten.

    Reading poetry contributes to the emotional, aesthetic, intellectual and moral development of the child, shapes him as a person.


    * * *

    Ay you my girl
    Golden squirrel
    Sweet candy
    Lilac twig.
    Oh you, my son,
    Wheat spikelet,
    Azure flower,
    Lilac bush.

    * * *

    In the garden-garden
    Raspberry has grown.
    The sun warms her
    The rain cherishes.
    In the bright little house
    Increased (child's name),
    People love her
    All doves her.

    * * *

    Pussy, pussy, pussy, scatter!
    Don't sit on the path:
    Our baby will go -
    Will fall through the pussy.

    * * *

    Oh you my baby
    Golden shrimp
    Grape twig,
    Sweet candy!

    * * *

    Catch, Catch,
    Grow, (child's name), above,
    Grow, (child's name), above,
    Up to the chorus, up to the roof!
    In the mouth - talk,
    And in the head - a mind.

    * * *

    And on end, on end, on end,
    Soon Vanya is one year old!
    Grow from an oak tree
    Get out the ceiling!
    Grow taller -
    You can reach the roof!
    Here's how to grow
    So that everyone can see!

    * * *

    Dyke, dybok,
    Soon (child's name) a year!

    * * *

    Pretty is pretty
    Nice little prick
    Slender slender girl,
    Dear relatives!

    * * *

    In a damp pine forest,
    Under the fir tree - grass,
    Flowers on the grass.
    Along the grass - a little tropon,
    Walking along the path (child's name).

    * * *

    Don't cry, don't cry -
    I will buy a roll.
    Don't cry, dear, -
    I will buy another.
    Don't cry, don't cry -
    I'll buy you three.

    * * *

    Ay, don't cry
    Don't cry, don't cry
    I'll buy you a roll!
    If you cry -
    Buy thin bast shoes!

    * * *

    Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
    Grandpa caught a cat
    And grandma cat
    For the left leg!
    Ay na-ri, na-ri-na-na,
    Ri-da-doo, yes-ri-yes-yes!

    * * *

    Fresh food on the table
    And there are cheesecakes in the oven.
    Unleavened bread, cheesecakes -
    To our Andryushka.

    * * *

    Ay, dudu, dudu, dudu!
    There is a raven in the meadow,
    He plays the trumpet.
    Turned pipe,
    Gold plated.

    * * *

    They sent the young woman
    Under a hill in the water,
    And the water is far away
    And the bucket is big.
    Our Katya will grow up
    Katya will gain strength
    Will walk on water
    Buckets are red to wear.

    * * *

    Sings, sings
    Sings, sings
    Nice one!

    * * *

    Our Masha is small
    She is wearing an alenka fur coat,
    The edge is beaver,
    Black-browed Masha.

    * * *

    Ay, on end, on end, on end,
    Tanya is standing upright!
    Let's buy a scarf for Tanya -
    A flower all over your head!

    * * *

    Oh, Vanyusha, dance!
    Your legs are good
    Another bitch nose,
    The head is bunched.

    * * *

    Little feet
    Little feet!
    We went for water
    Small legs.
    And they were in a hurry home
    Small legs.
    The houses were dancing
    Small legs.
    Oh, how they danced
    Small legs.

    * * *

    Vassenka, my friend,
    Do not go to the meadow -
    You will lose your boot
    The mouse will eat you.

    * * *

    Chi-chi-chi, magpie,
    Chi-chi, white-sided,
    I sat on the stove
    I cooked porridge,
    The children were fed:
    Petka - more
    Vovka - less.
    Don't you cry
    Papa will buy a roll!

    * * *

    Son don't cry
    I'll bake a roll!
    Son, don't howl -
    I'll bake another!
    Son, don't cry -
    I'll bake all three!

    * * *

    Don't cry baby
    The squirrel will gallop
    Will bring nuts -
    For you for a nursery rhyme!

    * * *

    The fox has pain
    The wolf has pain
    Nikolasha has pain
    Fly away to the birch tree in the forest.

    * * *

    The fox has pain
    The bear has pain
    And Olenka's pain -
    Go into the field.
    There they die
    So as not to get sick for a day!

    * * *

    The wolf has pain
    The hare has pain
    The bear has pain
    And heal Sasha's!

    * * *

    Oh, baby, don't cry
    Grandfather-trader will come,
    Will bring you a roll

    * * *

    Cuties, cuties,
    Tired of balushki
    Sit down, sit down
    Squeeze your lips,
    Fold down the handles!

    * * *

    And frets, frets, frets,
    Gardens not planted.
    And my Vassenka will go,
    He will plant and water.
    Top, top, top ...

    * * *

    And shards, shards,
    The boy stood on his heels.
    I began to walk on my heels,
    To love one grandmother.
    Top, top, top ...

    * * *

    Already you, month, steep horns,
    Oh, you, clear sun!
    Like the sun's rays are burning
    So at Tanyushka
    Rus kerchiefs are hanging.

    * * *

    Grow, braid, to the waist,
    Don't drop a hair
    Grow, skewer, to the toes -
    All hairs are in a row.
    Grow, braid, do not get confused -
    Mom, daughter, obey.

    * * *

    Legs, legs,
    Where are you running to?
    - Into the woods by midges:
    To shrink the hut,
    So as not to live coldly.

    * * *

    And rears, rears, rears,
    My grandfather was picking mushrooms,
    And a woman for nuts -
    Vanyusha for a nursery rhyme.

    Poetry for children

    - Why did mommy
    Are there two dimples on your cheeks?
    - Why the cat
    Legs instead of handles?
    - Why chocolates
    Doesn't grow on a crib?
    - Why the nanny
    Hair in sour cream?
    - Why do the birds
    No mittens?
    - Why frogs
    Sleep without a pillow? ..
    - Because my son
    Mouth without a lock.
    Sasha Black

    Waking up
    Folk songs and nursery rhymes
    * * *

    Little gray cat sat down
    On the stove
    And softly sang
    Song to my daughter:
    - Here the cockerel woke up,
    The chicken got up.
    Get up my friend
    Stand up, my daughter!

    * * *

    The night has passed
    The darkness has taken away.
    The cricket fell silent
    The cockerel began to sing.
    Mom got up,
    Opened the shutter:
    - Hello Sunshine,

    * * *

    Pretty little girls!
    Across the fatty!
    Hands are bloody
    Legs are runners!
    In the legs - walkers!

    * * *

    Here's a (oh) to grow
    Come to visit me
    Here's a (oh) to grow
    We are happy!

    * * *

    Handles - puffs,
    And the palms are clappers.
    Legs-legs - tramples,
    Good morning pens
    And legs
    Flower cheeks -
    We woke up,
    We woke up.
    Stretched sweetly and sweetly
    Mom and Dad smiled!

    * * ** * *

    We get up together with the sun
    We sing with the birds:
    - Good morning!
    - Happy clear day!
    This is how gloriously we live!

    * * *

    On Masha, pretty good!
    Grow up, daughter, healthy,
    Like a garden apple tree!

    * * *

    Sip on the cat,
    For the child of the little girl,
    And in the hands of the snatch,
    And in the mouth - a talker,
    And in the head - a mind!

    * * *

    Sunshine, sunshine
    Look through the window.
    Look in the window -
    Wake up the Earring.
    So that the day
    Was a little longer
    So that we know more,
    So that the toys do not get bored
    And they played with Serezhenka.

    * * *

    Potties, potties,
    Good luck to Vanya,
    Across the fatty!
    And in the legs - walkers,
    And in the hands - katuchnushki,
    And in the mouth - talk,
    And in the head - a mind.

    * * *

    My daughter is pretty good.
    You grow up healthy at all times,
    Like a millet dough.

    Poetry for children
    Sunbeam song

    The beam was driven into the shutter through a crack
    Golden needle
    And jumped on the floor.
    - Hey wake up
    Lazy boy ...
    The ducks got up, the mouse got up,
    The cat is washing in the corner.
    Sleeping! Snoring ... The nose will swell ...
    Samovar grumbles, in the kitchen
    Fresh milk is waiting.
    The wood and the roof are gilded.
    Misha's calf rushes into the forest,
    The tail is raised high.
    Get up, get up ...
    Water in a tub
    Colder than the belly of a frog -
    Splashes a handful in the eyes.
    The day is shining, the garden is sparkling
    A bug barks in front of the door -
    Well, get up, fidget!
    Sasha Black

    Folk songs and nursery rhymes
    * * *

    The water is flowing, the child is flowing,
    Water off a duck - thinness from you,
    The water goes down - and the child up.

    * * *

    Water, water,
    Wash my face
    To make the eyes shine
    To make your cheeks turn red
    So that the mouth laughs,
    To bite a tooth!

    * * *

    All kittens
    Washed paws:
    Like this! Like this!
    We washed our ears
    We washed the bars:
    Like this! Like this!
    And then they got tired:
    Like this! Like this!
    Sweet and sweet fell asleep:
    Like this! Like this!

    * * *

    You grow, grow, scythe,
    Up to the silk belt:
    How do you grow up, scythe,
    You will be a beauty to the city.

    * * *

    Bul-bul-bul, carp!
    We wash in a basin.
    Nearby frogs
    Fish and ducklings.
    We'll go swimming
    And splash in the water
    Splatter, frolic,
    Nastya will wash.
    We will wash your feet
    To our dear baby
    Wash your hands
    Little Nastenka,
    Back and tummy
    Face and mouth -
    What clean
    Dear daughter!


    The water is flowing
    The child is quick-witted.
    Water off a duck
    With Dasha thinness.
    Some water down
    And Dasha is up!

    * * *

    Ay, frets, frets, frets!
    We are not afraid of water
    We wash cleanly
    We smile at mom.
    We know, we know, yes-yes-yes,
    Where are you hiding, water!
    Come out, voditsa,
    We have come to wash!
    Lay on your palm
    Not too much!
    Leisya, Leisya, Leisya
    Dare you -
    Katya, wash your face more fun!

    * * *

    We'll go swimming
    And splash in the water
    Splatter, frolic,
    Clean clean wash.

    * * *

    From water, from water
    Everything sparkles with smiles.
    From water, from water
    Flowers and birds are more cheerful.
    Katya is washing
    Smiling at the sun.

    * * *

    Assistant to everyone!
    Helped the meadows
    Help us too!

    * * *

    Wash Nastya's face,
    Nastya ate porridge -
    Dirty face.
    For the girl to be
    Always the cleanest
    Help me some water
    Wash Nastya's face!

    * * *

    Pure water
    Wash Sasha's face,
    Anya - palms,
    And fingers - Antoshka!

    * * *

    Owl owl,
    White head
    The owl was washing
    She put on shoes in bast shoes,
    In bast shoes, in rags,
    Warm mittens.

    * * *

    There was a woman from overseas,
    Carried a body of health
    This and that little by little,
    And Vanyushka has the whole box!

    * * *

    Blow up, bubble
    Swell up and out!
    Blow up, bubble
    Soap bubble and colored
    Blow up big
    Stay that way
    Don't burst!

    * * *

    Water off a duck
    Water from the swan
    From my child -
    All thinness
    To an empty forest
    Into the swamp water
    Under a rotten deck!

    Poetry for children

    Crane, open up!
    Nose, wash yourself!
    Wash immediately
    Both eyes!
    Wash your ears!
    Wash yourself, neck!
    Neck, wash
    Wash, wash
    Pour yourself on!
    Dirt, wash off!
    Dirt, wash off!
    E. Moshkovskaya


    - Doctor, doctor,
    How should we be:
    Should I wash my ears or not?
    If we wash, then how should we be:
    Wash often or less often? ..
    The doctor answers:
    The doctor replies angrily:
    E. Moshkovskaya

    * * *

    The doll in the bath does not cry
    Will sit for at least an hour.
    Loves to wash! This means -
    We have a clever doll!
    O. Vysotskaya

    Folk songs and nursery rhymes
    * * *

    The grass-ant rose from sleep,
    The tit-bird took up the grain.
    Bunnies - for cabbage,
    Bears - for the crust,
    Children - for milk.

    * * *

    Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo,
    The shepherd has lost his pipe.
    And I found a pipe
    I gave it to the shepherdess.
    - Come on, dear shepherd boy,
    You hurry to the meadow.
    There Burenka lies,
    He looks at the calves,
    But he doesn’t go home,
    Milk does not carry.
    You need to cook porridge,
    Our (child's name)
    Feed the porridge.

    * * *

    - Little kitty-murysenka,
    Where have you been?
    - At the mill.
    - Little kitty-murysenka,
    What did you do there?
    - I ground the flour.
    - Little kitty-murysenka,
    What made of flour baked?
    - Gingerbread.
    - Little kitty-murysenka,
    Who did you eat the gingerbread with?
    - One.
    - Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!

    * * *

    Jelly came,
    I sat down on the little bench
    I sat down on the little bench
    Eat (child's name) ordered.

    * * *

    Gu-tu-tu, gu-tu-tu,
    Cook porridge cool
    Adding milk
    Feed the Cossack!

    * * *

    The cat went to the market,
    I bought a cat pie
    The cat went to the street,
    The cat bought a bun.
    Does it have
    Or baby to eat?
    I'll bite myself
    Yes, and I will take it to my child.

    * * *

    Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
    Ships sailed in the sea,
    Nastya's porridge was brought.
    Kashenka dairy
    For your beloved daughter.
    Nastya, open your mouth,
    Swallow sweet porridge!
    And who eats porridge,
    Mom and Dad are listening
    Grows strong
    Healthy and beautiful!

    * * *

    Gu-tu-tu, gu-tu-tu,
    In the green in the meadow
    There is a cup of cottage cheese.
    Two grouses arrived,
    Pecked, flew away.
    How they flew
    We looked at them. Om!

    * * *

    The cat baked pies
    From pea flour.
    She took out a sheet from the stove -
    Knocked over to the floor.
    The bun rolled
    Right under the threshold.
    Mouse Praskovya
    Squeaks from the underground:
    - Roll, bun,
    To a mouse tooth!
    The mouse is glad
    And the cat is annoyed.

    * * *

    Already you, grandfather Stepan,
    Inside out is your caftan.
    The kids loved you
    They followed you in a crowd.
    A hat on you with a feather,
    Gloves with silver.
    You are already walking, mincing,
    You ring your mittens.
    You ring with mittens
    You say to the kids:
    - Get together all here,
    Eat jelly!

    * * *

    I'll bake a pie for Tanya.
    I'm already rosy to my granddaughter.
    There is a wheat crust on it,
    And the filling is egg,
    And a honey shaving brush,
    My granddaughter is in trouble.

    * * *

    Who are the pies,
    Hot cakes?
    With the heat, with the heat -
    A dime for a couple!
    Fried, baked
    Akulina for Peter!

    * * *

    Ay yes kvass!
    With a honey
    With ice!
    And thick,
    And zaboristy!

    * * *

    Cockerel, cockerel,
    Golden scallop,
    I jumped to Masha on the pole,
    I bit the pancake.

    * * *

    Lyuli, lyuli, cradle,
    Gulenki arrived.
    The ghouls began to speak
    What to feed Vanyusha.
    One will say - porridge,
    The other is curdled,
    The third will say - milk
    And a ruddy pie.

    * * *

    Fly, little birds,
    Carry the cheesecakes
    To our Andryushka.

    * * *

    Here are the nuts!
    Good nuts!
    Delicious, honeyed
    How much do you want to pay!

    Nursery rhymes and jokes

    * * *

    We walked across the field
    The garden was fenced.
    Angry bear,
    Don't take the big ones
    Take the little ones

    * * *

    Magpie crow
    I cooked porridge,
    I rode on the threshold
    I called the guests.
    There were no guests
    We did not eat porridge.

    * * *

    Katya, Katya is small,
    Katya is remote,
    Walk down the path
    Stomp, Katya, with a little foot!

    * * *

    Ay yes Parsley -
    Oak legs,
    Silk curls.
    He walks by himself
    Himself wanders
    Screams, laughs,
    Rarely fights!

    * * *

    Pavushka flew
    I dropped the feathers.
    - Who are these feathers?
    - Dear Vovushka.
    - What are the feathers to him?
    - Push the hat.
    - What is the hat for?
    - To give to grandfather.
    Let's give Vova porridge
    In a red bowl
    Bread edge,
    Honey tub
    Donuts, cakes,
    Chicken legs.

    * * *

    Saddled a rooster.
    The rooster whinnied,
    I ran to the market.

    * * *

    - Vanya, Vanya!
    Where did you go?
    - Into the woods!
    - What did you see?
    - Penechek!
    - What is under the tree stump?
    - Fungus!
    Grab it - yes in the box!

    * * *

    Jump jump!
    Young thrush
    I went for some water,
    Found a young man.
    Small -
    Itself from the top,
    Head with a pot.
    I went for firewood
    Caught on a tree stump
    Stood all day.

    * * *

    The goat jumped up
    To someone else's yard.
    - Why jumped up?
    - Ask for a bar.
    - What to ask for a bar?
    - To sharpen a scythe.
    - What to sharpen a scythe?
    - Mow hay.
    - What to mow the hay for?
    - Feed the horse.
    - What should I feed the horse for?
    - Carry firewood.
    - What to carry firewood for?
    - To drown the hut.
    - What to heat the hut for?
    - Little kids
    Gingerbread cookies.

    * * *

    - You are a doll, a doll!
    Where have you been, doll?
    Where have you been, lady?
    - I was, was, was
    In Novgorod,
    There was also me, there was
    In Vyshny Volochyok.
    - Wait, wait, doll!
    Wait, wait, lady!
    - Something to stand,
    It's time for me to run
    Equip the wolf.
    Wolves have a wedding:
    Fly is a cook,
    Mosquito - flying,
    And I’m an errand.

    * * *

    Manya went to the bazaar,
    Brought home the goods:
    A handkerchief to my dear mother -
    In the middle is a flower
    Brothers-falcons -
    On goat boots
    Swan sisters -
    Yes on white mittens.

    * * *

    Vanya is riding on oxen,
    Vanya is riding on oxen,
    Holds a pipe in his hands.
    He plays the pipe
    The kids are amused.

    * * *

    The cat walks on the bench
    Leads the cat by the paws:
    Tops, tops on the bench!
    Ds, ds for paws!

    * * *

    The ship runs across the blue sea.
    The gray wolf stands on the nose,
    And the bear fixes the sails.
    Zayushka leads the boat by the rope,
    The chanterelle looks slyly from behind a bush:
    How to steal a bunny,
    How to rip off the rope.

    * * *

    - Wait, doll!
    Wait, lady!
    - No time to stand,
    It's time for me to run
    Equip the owl.
    The owl has a wedding
    The owl in the estate:
    Fly mosquito.
    Hazel-grouse cuckoo,
    Tap dance-girlfriend.
    I screwed up my eyes,
    Crow bride
    Has sat down in place!

    * * *

    In Ryazan
    Mushrooms with eyes!
    They are being eaten, and they are looking.

    * * *

    Fedya-Bredya ate a bear,
    Fell into the pit, shouted:

    * * *

    Julitta, ulita,
    Pull out your horns!
    I will give you, ulita,

    * * *

    Our moon,
    At a dear friend,
    Forty tubs
    Salted frogs
    Forty barns
    Dry cockroaches.
    Fifty piglets -
    Only the legs are hanging.

    * * *

    Oh, dudu, dudu, dudu,
    A cat is sitting on an oak tree.
    A cat is sitting on an oak tree
    And plays the trumpet
    In silver
    Come on, kitty, play
    Amuse our kids!

    * * *

    - Grandma Ulyana, where was she?
    - Walked.
    - What miracle did you see?
    - Grouse chicken
    With a cockerel in a droshky.

    * * *

    Like a rooster bakes pies in the oven,
    The cat sews a shirt on the window,
    A piglet in a mortar is pounding peas,
    The horse at the porch beats with three hooves,
    A duck in boots sweeps the hut.

    * * *

    Kuzma is coming from the smithy,
    Kuzma carries two hammers.
    - Knock-Knock!
    Here we will strike at once:
    For all people
    Let's get some nails!

    * * *

    Knocked it down, knocked it together - here is the wheel,
    Sat down and went - oh, good!
    Looked back - In a new sundress.
    Children on cats -
    In new boots.

    * * *

    - City duck,
    Where did you spend the night?
    - Near the city.
    - Why did you work at night?
    - She grazed the horses.
    - Grazed what?
    - Horse in the saddle,
    In a golden bridle.
    - Where is this horse?
    - Nikolka took him away.
    - Where is this Nikolka?
    - I left for the city.
    - Where is this city?
    - It was blown away by water.
    - Where is this water?
    - The bulls drank.
    - Where are these bulls?
    - We went to the mountain.
    - Where is this mountain?
    - The worms are carved.
    - Where are these worms?
    - The geese pecked out.
    - Where are these geese?
    - They went to the reeds.
    - Where is the reed?
    - An orphan nailed.
    Orphan Akulina
    Opened the gate -
    Knot, crochet,
    With a cane!

    * * *

    The stove is heated -
    Is melting
    The cat sways in the shake,
    The wolf on the bed is putting on his shoes
    Bear by the stove
    Crackers crush
    Chicken in boots
    The hut is sweeping.

    * * *

    I went to the chalk.
    I saw a curiosity there:
    The goat grinds flour,
    The goat pours
    Little kid
    He plays the violin.

    * * *

    Oh guys, ta-ra-ra!
    There is a mountain on the mountain
    And on that mountain there is an oak tree,
    And on the oak there are funnels.
    Raven in red boots
    With gold-plated earrings.
    Black raven on the oak
    He plays the trumpet
    Turned pipe,
    The pipe is okay,
    The song is foldable!

    * * *

    Oh, too many, too many,
    The bear shouts in the den:
    - It hurts, the stomach hurts!
    - Go, bunny, to the garden,
    Pick up the herbs of the mint
    Give him a heel.
    - Steamed, gossip fox,
    Soared, dear fox,
    It doesn't take steam,
    More sticks to the heels.

    * * *

    Big head,
    Sits on a tree
    Turns the head.
    Looks in all directions
    And everyone says:
    - Nobody beats the owl
    And does not fight by the ears!

    * * *

    There is a stump in the swamp
    He's too lazy to move
    The neck does not toss and turn
    And I want to laugh.

    * * *

    Creak, creak, violinist,
    Buy a new shoe:
    Cat Masha,
    Cat Nikolashka,
    Filly Nenila,
    Merina Gavrila,
    Duck Anyutka,
    Drake Vasyutka,
    Kochetu Nikita,
    Chicken Snail.

The nursery rhyme entertains and develops the kid. She teaches a young child to understand human speech and perform various movements that are guided by the word. The word in the nursery rhyme is inextricably linked with the gesture. It is the main thing and leads the gesture.

After sleep:

Who's already awake?

Who stretched so sweetly?


From socks to crown!

We will stretch - we will stretch, We will not stay small!

That's how, that's how we grow, Grow!

That's how let's go with our legs, Let's go!

We woke up,

We woke up.

Sweetly, sweetly stretched.

Mom and Dad smiled.

For washing:


Wash our face

To make the eyes shine

To make your cheeks turn red

So that the mouth laughs,

To bite a tooth.

Give me pens
Get out of bed
Let's go to wash
Where will we find some water!

From water, from water
Everything sparkles with smiles!
From water, from water
More fun than flowers and birds!
Tanya is washing her face
Smiling at the sun!

Ay, frets, frets, frets
We are not afraid of water
We wash cleanly
We smile at mom.
We know, we know, yes-yes-yes
Where are you hiding, water!
Come out, voditsa,
We have come to wash!
Lay on your palm
Leisya, Leisya, Leisya
Dare you -
Baby wash your face more fun!
We washed.
Have you washed?
And the eyes?

We know, we know - yes, yes, yes!
There is water hiding in the tap!
Come out, voditsa!
We have come to wash!
Lisya little by little
Right in the palm of your hand!
The soap will foam
And the dirt will disappear somewhere!

My pens before and after eating with a nursery rhyme:
Okay, okay,
Wash my paws with soap.
Clean palms
Here's some bread and spoons.

Wash Nastya's face,
Nastya ate porridge,
Dirty face.
For the girl to be
Always the cleanest
Help me some water
Wash Nastya's face.

For feeding:

This is a spoon

This is a cup

Buckwheat porridge in a cup

The spoon in the cup has been

Buckwheat porridge is gone!

How so?

What a porridge! So in the mouth and asks!

The nose and cheeks were full.

The chin also got it. And little finger

I tried a little. Ate a little

The forehead with the top of the head, the rest of the ears have finished!

When the baby cries:



Where did you come from?

By tram or train

Did you get to Masha?

No, nobody asked you to spoil the mood!

Or maybe we didn't cry

Was it drizzling with rain?

After the walk:

Why are they so good

Our kids have become:


Teeth are white

Are the cheeks pink?

Yes, we are out of the cold!

Please welcome!

Treat yourself to sweet tea!

For massage:

Petyagunyushki, poyatunyushki (stroking from head to heels)
Across the fat girl
And in the legs - walkers, (we move the legs)
And in the handles - grabbing, (clenching and unclenching fists)
And in the ears - shudnyushki, (gently press the ears)
And in the eyes - peepers, (gently press on the eyes)
And the nose - sopunyushki, (gently press the nose)
And in the mouth - talk, (gently press on the mouth)
And in the head - a mind! (gently press on the forehead)

(stroking the baby from head to heel)
From socks to crown!
We'll stretch, we'll stretch
We will not stay small!
We are already growing, growing, growing!
for tummy massage:
(stroking the tummy clockwise)
Pink tummy
Purrs like a cat
Purr puppy
Gurgled like a trickle.
Oh, belly, belly,
Who lives there inside?
Who interferes with the baine
Little bunny?
We will stroke the belly
Thick watermelons.
The puppy is sleeping, the kitten is sleeping.
The child smiles.

* * *
In the meadow, in the meadow (stroking the tummy clockwise)
There is a bowl of cottage cheese (we put our palm on the tummy),
Two grouses arrived (pinch the barrel from bottom to top)
Pecked (with two fingers we run over the tummy)
Flew away (stroking the baby)

Rails, rails. (draw one, then another line along the spine)
Sleepers, sleepers. (draw cross lines)
The train was coming late. (We "ride" with our palm on the back)
From the last carriage
Millet suddenly fell down. (we knock on the back with the fingers of both hands)
The chickens came and ate. (knocking with index fingers)
The geese came and nibbled. (pinching the back)
The chanterelle came, (stroking the back)
She waved her tail.
An elephant passed, (we "walk" on the back with the back of our fists)
The elephant passed, ("we go" with our fists, but with less effort)
A little elephant passed by. ("We go" with three fingers folded into a pinch)
The director of the store came, (we "walk" on the back with two fingers)
I smoothed everything, cleared everything. (stroking the back with palms up and down)
Put the table, (we represent the table with a fist)
Chair, (chair - pinch)
Typewriter. (typewriter - finger)
I started typing: (we “print” on the back with our fingers)
To my wife and daughter,
Ding point. (with these words we tickle the barrel every time)
I am sending you stockings
Ding point.
I read it, (we move our finger, as if we are reading)
Crumpled, smoothed, (pinch and then stroke the back)
I read,
Crumpled, smoothed
Sent. ("Put the letter" behind the collar)

Looking at the baby
Mom strokes the back:
A fish swims in the sea
The squirrel sweeps its tail
Like a cloud in the sky
We ironed the barrel.
How snowflakes fly
This is how we iron the back!

Pau - I sewed a spider web!
(we run our finger in a circle)
Suddenly it started to rain
(tap with our fingers)
I washed away the cobweb!
(stroking from top to bottom)
The sun came out
It began to bake
(stroking from bottom to top)
Pow - the spider is working again!
(we run our finger in a circle)

for foot massage:
(sentencing, stroking the foot)
Small leg
I ran along the path
Little heel
There is a patch on the heel
(pinch the heel)

The Bear slept on a bunk.
Hanging from the crib
Two bare heels.
Two barefoot, two funny,
Oh funny heels!
The Mouse saw
The mouse is a playful
Climbed onto the crib
Grab his heel!

to get to know the body:

Where are our pens?
And here are our pens!
Where are our legs?
And here are our legs!
And this is Mishin's nose
All overgrown with goats.
But these are the eyes,
But these are ears,
But these are cheeks, thick pillows,
Well, what is this? Stomach!
And this is Misha's mouth!
Show your tongue
I'll tickle your barrel.
My mouth knows how to eat,
Breathe nose and listen to ears,
Eyes blink - blink
Handles - grab and grab everything.
Wall, wall (alternately touch the cheeks)
Ceiling (forehead)
Two windows (eyes)
Door (mouth)
ZZZCall (push the nose)

Two bears sat
On a thin bitch
One whipped sour cream (beat)
Another ground flour (we pray)
One cuckoo, two cuckoo
Both fell into flour.
Mouth in flour (show your mouth), nose in flour (show your nose)
Ear in sour milk. (show ears)

For swimming:

The water is cold here ...

Here the water is cold, here it is warm,

Here - hot, but here - boiling water, boiling water!

Who will be the kup-kup here, (touched the water with your hand, clapped your palm on the water)

For some water - squish-squish? Quickly into the bath - jump, jump,

In the bath with a foot - jerk, jerk!

The soap will foam and the dirt will disappear somewhere.

That's when I grow up
And I want to swim
I'll get in on my own
Into a big bath
I will unscrew both taps.
I'll rub my stomach and back myself
And freckles on my nose.
Wrap myself in a sheet
And I'll take it to the crib!

We'll go swimming
And splash in the water
Splatter, frolic,
Nastya will wash.
We will wash your feet
To our dear baby
Wash your hands
Little Nastenka,
Back and tummy
Face and mouth -
What clean
Dear daughter!

(wiping the baby after bathing)
We washed the pens? Washed!
We washed the legs? Washed!
Did we wash the back? Washed!
And now we are pure fluffy bunnies!

Before bedtime:

Lyuli, lyuli, crampons, gray-haired blues are flying.

Ghouls are flying out, out. They bring the baby a dream, a dream.

The ghouls will coo, the baby will sleep soundly.

The ghouls will say what to feed the baby with.

They will fly into the woods and find a spikelet there,

They will cook porridge, they will feed the baby,

White porridge with milk and a ruddy pie.

The Fairy Tale walks home,

Along the high towers,

Wait for her, close your eyes.

Sleep, peephole, Sleep, other

A good fairy tale will come

A good heart will find

Wait for her, close your eyes

Sleep peephole

Sleep, other.

Cutting your nails with a nursery rhyme:
Who is this with us? Little finger!
I ran with a friend to the store!
I bought toys
Sweet cheesecakes!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clink, clink!
Hello ring finger!
Like a tin soldier
Always at the post
And has a formidable look!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clink, clink!
Who is this? Average finger!
Played with the puppy in the front
They hid, laughed,
Somersaulted on the floor!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clink, clink!
Index finger -
Very curious!
Who is this? How's that?
On questions he is a master!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clink, clink!
This is our big finger!
Glad to get a haircut with all my heart!
He's in a good mood
Eating strawberry jam!
Give us a nail!
Well, scissors - clink, clink!

Nursery rhymes - consolations:

The pussy is in pain
The dog has pain
And my baby

Revitalization complex:

Oh, my little, darling,

My pretty, my pretty.

Oh you, my girl, golden squirrel,

Sweet candy, lilac twig!

Here comes a mouse to visit,

I put a bow on the ponytail.

Ding, ding, donna, donna,

Is (child's name) at home today?

Run your fingers up the child's hand to the earlobe

and pull on it ("call")

The sun looks out the window,

Shines in our room.

We clap our hands -

We are very happy with the sun.

Sunshine, sun

Look out the window

Shine a little

I'll give you peas!

Rain, rain, more fun!

Drip, drip, do not regret!

Just don't get us wet!

Don't knock on the window in vain -

Splashing in the field is better:

As for the sun's name day
Baked clay cake
That's the width!
Here is such a height!

Sipping on the handles while sitting:
Here's how to grow
Come to visit me
Here's how to grow
We are happy.

The child sits on your lap, and you imitate the different nature of the movement:

Along smooth paths
Over bumps, over bumps,
On the bumps
Yes, into the hole - boo!
Crushed forty flies

Two firemen fled
(pointing to one, then the other of the baby's cheek)
And they pressed the button - pip!
(press the child's nose with your finger).

While reading, you imitate the actions of the characters, with movements of your head reinforce the answers "yes" and "no", and also encourage the kid to do so.

Who lives under the ceiling? Dwarf.
What did he build for himself? House.
Well, how long does he live? Year.
Who drinks coffee with him in the morning?
Cat, cat, cat.
Who is running on the roof with him?
Mice, mice, mice.
Well, what's his name?
Twist, twist.
Does he have a beard? Yes Yes.
And the shirt front, and the vest?
No no no.
He's naughty, right?

Who lives there little
Early in the morning he gets up,
Drinks milk from a saucer,
Likes to lick the chicks,
Likes to wave his tail,
Washes with a paw.
What is it called?

Nursery - exercise for fingers

My Littlefinger, where have you been?
I cooked cabbage soup with Nameless,
And with the Average I ate porridge,
He sang with the index.
And the Big one met me
And he treated me to candy.

They go through the child's fingers in turn, saying:
- Thumb boy,
Where have you been?
- I went to the forest with this brother,
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
I sang songs with this brother.

The finger is thick and large
I went to the garden for plums,
Indicative from the threshold
Showed him the way
The middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks the plums off the branch
The nameless collects, and the little finger is the lord
Planting bones in the ground.

One, two, three, four, five!
Let's count our fingers -
Strong, friendly,
All so necessary.
On the other hand there are five:
One, two, three, four, five!
Fingers are fast, though not very clean!
A lot of trouble for your fingers:
They play nice
Then for some reason they climb into the mouth,
Grandma's books are being torn ...
Having redone all the cases,
They pull the tablecloth off the table.
They climb into salt and compote,
And then vice versa.
Fingers friendly, all so necessary!
This finger wants to sleep
This finger jumped into bed
This finger has already taken a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, fast asleep,
And he tells you to sleep.

This finger went to the forest.
This finger found a mushroom
I began to clean this finger
This finger began to fry
This finger got up and ate
That's why he got fat!

What legs, what legs
You, our baby!
Neither dog nor cat
We will not give your legs.
These legs, these legs
They will run along the path.

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess, princess (in general, there is the last word in each line - 3 times)
Let's jump with you
And we kick up our legs
And we'll clap our hands
And we will sink our feet.
("Run" up the handle, saying)

How to develop a baby at 4 months: games, exercises, nursery rhymes

How to develop a baby at 4 months old? What games and exercises does he need? What is the main thing in the development of a baby? We started talking about this in the first part, and today we will learn simple and very useful for the baby games, exercises and mom's gymnastics with nursery rhymes for a four month old baby.

How to develop a child at 4 months: games, exercises, mother's gymnastics with nursery rhymes.

Developing the premises of speech

Roll call game

This is a very important game for the timely development of a child, and we start playing with it even before the age of 4 months. The game consists in the fact that the mother speaks after the baby those sounds that he already utters, prompting him to listen to them and repeat.

If the game consists only of verbal communication, then it lasts 3 minutes. If it includes the display of various objects and toys, then the game can last up to 6 minutes.

Before starting the roll call game, remove all unnecessary things that can distract the baby's attention.

1. Start talking to the baby, calling him by name, while stroking the baby. The kid begins to listen to your speech, and this is very important! Pull - intonationally highlight vowel sounds in your speech so that the child begins to hear them - to highlight them from the speech stream. For example: "Sip uuuuuushenki, my Vanyuuuuuuyuushenka!" Use rhymes, nursery rhymes, name parts of the baby's body, actions. Such communication lasts about 1.5 minutes (of course, this is only an approximate guideline, the main thing is to be guided not by the clock, but by the child).

2. Then show the toy, give it to the child, or play with the musical toy. Accompany the display of the toy with speech - name the toy, its parts, actions. Repeat words. for example: “What a horse! Whoa! Yogo - says the horse. She galloped, galloped, clink-clink-tsooooook. Jumping gallop. Noooooo! Here the horse has a holooooovka, and here is a hvoooostik. What a long, beautiful tail! " etc. Speak, highlighting intonation: exclamation, interrogative, so that the baby learns to hear it in speech.

Pause between phrases during your conversation with your baby so that your baby can respond with sound. Use nursery rhymes and short rhymes when demonstrating toys.

3. Move the toy out of the child's field of vision and start communicating with him again without the toy. Try to say the same phrase with different intonations. The kid will begin to listen to her and highlight different intonations in the flow of speech. Speak loud and soft. This develops the child's auditory focus, he will listen to your speech which sounds different. You can silently pronounce the vowels a, o, y) to draw the baby's attention to the articulation of sounds (that is, only the lips "speak", but there is no sound). Wherein pronounce sounds exaggerated, pull them, making sure that the baby pays attention to your lips. At the same time, many children develop imitative lip movements, which contributes to the development of the articulatory apparatus and facilitates the subsequent appearance of speech in the child.

The roll calls include sounds that the child already has. However, gradually introduce into them those sounds and syllables that the baby has not yet mastered, expand the "repertoire" of roll calls.

What to talk about with a baby in roll calls? About anything! About what the baby does or will do, about close adults, about toys - about what surrounds him and what makes up his life. You will find a classic "repertoire" of such "conversations" in any collection of nursery rhymes for kids. You will find some nursery rhymes and rhymes later in this article.

Such roll-calls are repeated daily and create a solid foundation for the further development of the child. They provide the basis for a varied developmental interaction between the baby and the mother, create the basis for the development of speech and intelligence in the future, the child in roll calls feels a sense of emotional closeness and security, the joy of communication and exchange of remarks.

In roll calls, the baby no longer only passively perceives mother's words and actions, but is active - he answers his mother with a smile, a gesture, pulls his hands, walks. This is also very important for the development of the baby!

Earlier, when the baby was walking around in the fifth month of life, adults tried to support his first attempts at pronouncing sounds and sang to him in a drawn-out:


Singing - singing young!



Gulyuyuyuyu, gulyuyuyuyu, guuuuuulechek!




Aaaaaaguuuuul, aaaaaguuuuuul,


These little dogs can also be used in roll calls with modern children. They have been tested and perfected over the centuries of parenting.

Nursery rhymes

Using nursery rhymes in childcare or in games with a 4-month-old baby, stretch the vowel sounds when pronouncing the nursery rhyme text (oveeeechka, milkaaaaaaa, koroooova, muuuuuuuuu, etc.), accompany words with actions (clap your hands, nod your head, show horns on the head of a cow, etc.).

Use different intonations - speak in accordance with the content of the rhyme or nursery rhyme, now interrogatively, now with surprise, now joyfully, now admiringly. Change the volume of your voice (soft - loud) and the pitch of your voice (low as a bear, high as a bird). This will help the child learn to listen to speech, highlight intonations and individual syllables and sounds in it, and create a base for mastering speech.

Pause between the lines of the nursery rhyme, allowing the baby to respond with sounds to your speech.

Observe the baby's reaction - which syllables, sounds or gestures did he like, which caused him to laugh? Repeat them many times.

You need to play with nursery rhymes 2 or more times a day. Accompany the nursery rhymes with the care of the baby - dressing, bathing, eating, waking up, going to bed.

Learning to listen to myself

Create silence during the humming of the child, so that he learns to hear himself, to recognize his voice. You can record his humming on a dictaphone (when the baby is cheerful and actively walked) and then let you listen to this audio recording. The kid, listening to his sounds in the audio recording, begins to repeat them. Talk to your baby with different intonations, praise him.

Note: A child will not learn to hear himself and listen to the speech of adults if a TV or radio is constantly running in the house and a background noise is created that tires the baby.

We play with objects. Learn to grasp and hold a toy or object in your hand

Ringlets (Author - L.N. Pavlova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)

Take rings of different colors with a diameter of 10-12 cm and attach bells or bells to them. In further games, you need to change toys - give a ring of a different color, shuffles, rattles and other sounding objects.

Part 1. Show your kid a ringing ring. Place it in the baby's hand between your thumb and the other four fingers, wrap your hand around it so that the baby can hold the ring.

Shake the ring and say onomatopoeia: "ding-ding-ding". Pause. Let go of your hand, allowing the baby to play with the toy himself. Then give the ring a different color.

Part 2. After that, tie the same toy to a ribbon at a height of 10-15 cm above the baby's breast to the right or left of him. Bring the ring to the baby's palm so that it touches the fingers. So we encourage the child to grab the toy and pull it towards us.

Part 3. Repeat this exercise with the baby on your stomach.

On! Take it!

Take a rattle or a bright wooden spoon by the very tip. Show it to your baby, draw attention to the subject. Then say: “On! Take ”and bring the object closer to the child (at the distance of his outstretched hand), allowing the child to grab the toy by the handle and hold it in his hand.

Various toys

Place the baby on the tummy. Place items in front of him (2-3). For example, two rings of different colors and one cube (or any other object that is different in shape from the first two). The kid will begin to actively examine objects and at the same time learn to adapt the movements of the hand to the shape of the object being grabbed.

Give new items each time in this exercise. You can give two volumetric objects, and one flat. Alternate shapes of different shapes (bar, cube, ball, cylinder, cone, etc.). You can take these figures from the children's designer.

Rattles (bells)

Option 1. Hang rattles (bells) over your baby's crib with different colored satin ribbons. The height of the hanging toys above the child's chest is 10-15 cm. The height is calculated as follows - the toys should be at the level of the baby's bent or raised arms. Start swinging the rattles, touch them to the baby's hands. In this way, we encourage the child to grasp the toy and develop hand-eye coordination. The kid can not only grab the rattle, but also swing it left and right. Remove the rattles after the game.

Option 2. Tie a cord across the bed and hang bells (bells) on it. Tie brightly colored satin ribbons to the bells. Place the ribbon in the child's pen and tinkle to them. With this exercise, we encourage the toddler to grab the ribbons and cause the bells to chime gently.

Read a poem about bells to your child:

Dili-dili-dili-dili -
The bells were ringing.
Dili-dili-dili-dili -
Bells woke up.
All beetles, spiders
And funny moths.
Ding day! Ding day!
Let's start a new day!

Garland (Author - L.N. Pavlova)

Make a garland of balls and cubes. Details of different colors and shapes alternate in the garland. To do this, string parts (balls and cubes with holes) 3-4 cm in size on a tape 150 cm long.

Place the baby on the tummy. His torso should be half in a ring outlined by a garland. In front of the baby there is a semicircle of a garland. Give an opportunity to see the garland. If the baby is not interested, then move the ball closer to him. If the baby does not pull the handles, then you can take his handle and slowly pull the object with it. Name the figures: “Shaaaaaarik! Kuuuuubik! ", Highlighting the vowel sounds" a "and" y "(these sounds are already pronounced by the baby in the hum). After 2-3 minutes, turn the baby on the back and let him rest.

The same exercises can be carried out with a garland of colored bells and small toys.

We develop visual concentration on an object, the ability to trace the trajectory of its movement

Where is the toy?

By the age of 4 months, the baby, with whom they did exercises to develop the ability to follow a moving object, can not only smoothly move their eyes, but also follow the invisible trajectory of the object with their eyes.

Take a bright toy and draw the baby's attention to it (show it to the child, make a sound). When the child fixes his gaze on the toy, start moving it and then remove it behind a NARROW screen 7 cm wide. Then the toy continues its “route” behind the screen (the child does not see it) and appears on the other side of the screen. Show this “toy journey” 3-4 times, and the child will wait for the toy to appear in the place where it appeared before.

Peepers: eye tracking

Place your baby on the back. Show him a bright sounding toy (it should be comfortable to grip). When your toddler is focused on the toy, start moving it around in a circle. Increase the diameter of the circle gradually. After that, give the toy in the hands of the baby so that he can grab and examine it.

At this age, the baby is already able to easily follow the complex trajectories of the toy with a glance - so you can complicate the task by moving the toy vertically, horizontally, figure eight or along another trajectory.

Also see if the baby can follow your face with his gaze. Start talking to him (the baby lies on his stomach, your face is at the level of his face), and then first move left and right, then up and down. At the same time, talk to the child, call him by name, read nursery rhymes. It is important for the child to steadily follow your face in different directions.

Development of auditory concentration

Where does the sound come from?

In this exercise, the baby learns to turn his head towards an invisible sound source, to focus his gaze on it. Take a sounding object - a rustle, a shuffle, a rattle, a children's musical instrument (you have already read what toys a baby needs and how to use them to create a developing environment in the first part of this article) and start sounding them. The kid will turn his head towards the sound. Then walk around the playpen or crib, sounding like a toy - the baby follows the moving sound source with his eyes.

After that, knock the toy on the sides of the crib in different places - the child will turn his head towards the source of the sound.

Sound like a toy from different angles, pause, talk to your baby, encourage him to turn his head in different directions.

Always do these exercises, causing turns in different directions - left and right!

Mom's gymnastics with nursery rhymes

Playing with arms and legs

At 4 months, the baby already knows how to control his hands, gets to know them, tries to take an object with both hands, with one hand.

The kid is lying on his back. Say the words of the nursery rhyme, making movements:

Pens, pens, don't get bored! (shake hands, taking them by the elbows)

Where have you been? Answer me! (Bring and spread your palms in front of the child's face, hold the child's hands by the elbows)

Have you sat at home? (We clap our cheeks with our palms)

And we went to our friends! (We slap the palms of the child on our cheeks)

You can come up with your own movements for the words of the nursery rhyme.

You can replace the words of the nursery rhyme with the word "Legs, legs, do not be bored! ...". In this case, we take the baby so that his feet touch each other - “say hello”. You can put a bell or bracelet on the baby's leg.

You can use other pestushki and nursery rhymes in this exercise:

Knock-knock-knock (knocking fists against each other) - loudly, clearly

Yes-daaaa-daaaa! (we open our palms and clap our palms) - surprised

May I come to you? - interrogatively (hitting with our fists again)

That way! - joyfully, stroking the cheeks with the handles.

We play with a bracelet (Author - I.V. Maltseva)

Put a colorful bright bracelet with Velcro or soft elastic on the baby's handle.

Pen, pen, where was it? (take the child's handle and lift it to his face so that he sees the bracelet)

Could hide from us? (we move the pen with the bracelet in front of the baby's eyes, he follows her with his gaze)

We will find you now (pause and let the kid reach for the bracelet, grab it with his second handle)

And let's go play soon.

Be sure to change the handle in these exercises. After playing with one handle, play with the other!


Place the baby on his stomach and grab the legs. Bend and unbend them alternately (the heel is pressed against the buttocks, then the leg is straightened). In this exercise, muscles are strengthened, coordination of movements improves, the child learns to move his legs alternately.

Top, top, stompuuuushki ... (rhythmically, fun)
Wondering at the game, (surprised)
A cat jumped on the window - (surprised)
Olya is walking on the floor! (joyfully, delighted)
Does not walk with his palms, (rhythmically, cheerfully)
And he stomps his feet
Little feet
Red boots.
And I am surprised myself (surprised)
What does not fall sheaaaaa!

Sitting down

Take the baby by two handles and begin to lift him - sit down. The kid will bend the back. First sit down with two handles, and then with one. Exercise develops the abdominal muscles.

Attention: you cannot sit the child down, you can only do the sitting down as an exercise!

Chiki, chiki, ciiiiichki,
Birch lyyyyychki!
Two birds flew
Myself neveliiiiichki.
How they were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
All the peopleooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
How they siii and yi,
All the people were dividing.

I really like the words of folk nursery rhymes, which not only accompanied the sitting down of the baby, but also at the same time…. raised him. Yes Yes! It was brought up, laying the foundations of human relationships. For example, these are the "fans". We take the baby by the handles and pull it towards ourselves until the “sitting” position, then lower it back to the supine position. And we accompany each movement with one line of text:

To grandmother - pokloooooon!

Grandpa - pokloooon!

Daddy - pokloooooon!

Mom - pokloooooon!

Brother - pokloooon!

Sister - pokloooon!

And you, baby -

Growth big oooo! (I mean not that the baby will be tall, but that he grows up quickly and develops well)

You will find this nursery rhyme and many other similar nursery rhymes in the excellent collection published by the Department of History of Pedagogy of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education "Songs, Fun, Game Gymnastics for Kids" in 2008. The only pity is that this collection is available, alas, only to specialists and in ordinary bookstores is not sold.

And here is another nursery rhyme for sitting down a child from this collection, which is sung like a song:

Toooonyu tyayayanu - ryyyybu loooovlyu,


Pike - in heaps, carpets - in poliichki,

One ruff! Yes, and the one in the pot!


Take the baby under the armpits facing you. Raise and lower it so that your baby's feet touch the table. At the same time, read the words of the nursery rhyme rhythmically.

The exercise develops the support of the legs, strengthens the muscles of the foot, and makes the child happy. It can only be used with children who perfectly keep their head upright. Usually all babies hold their heads very confidently by the age of 4 months.

You can jump not only on the table, but also on a big ball or on ... dad!

Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!
The grasshopper sat on a leaf!
Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!
Frog under the walkway!
The goat gallops along the path -
Jumping gallop! Top Top!
Children clap their hands -
Jumping gallop! Clap clap!
Sunny bunny on the wall

Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

I'm on my daddy's knee -
Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop! (Vladimir Danko)

But, horse, jump - jump!

On a hillock, on a footbridge.

We will ride through the woods

And again we will come back to you !!!

Tumbler: Preparing for turns from back to side and to stomach

The baby lies on his back on a diaper. Show him the tumbler (at a distance of 50 cm). Then move the toy to the side and rock it to make it sound. Pull up the edge of the diaper on which the baby is lying. Thus, we push - stimulate the baby to turn. But at the same time, the baby turns himself. With such a turn, all the sensations of the body are the same as with an independent turn, and this helps the children to move on to independent action.

Release the toddler's handle when pivoting to the side. This is necessary, because after turning on the side, the baby will master the turn on the stomach. And when turning on the stomach, the release of the handle is necessary.

When the child takes a stable position of the body, move the tumbler towards him. Support the baby by the back at this time. A child plays with a toy - shakes it, listens to how it sounds.



Fun swinging.



Does not fall to the floor. (G. Verde)

Learning to roll over

It's time for a baby at 4 months of age to learn how to roll over. This prepares for crawling, strengthens the muscles of the trunk.

Place your baby on his back. Show him a bright toy from the side so that the child has a desire to take it. Talk to him affectionately: "Come on, Ira, let's turn on the side." At the same time, support the straightened legs of the baby with your right hand. And with your left hand, hold the baby's arm bent at the elbow and very carefully pull to the side, prompting you to turn on the side (you don't need to pull or push the baby, we only encourage him to turn himself). Then we do the exercise in the other direction.

While doing the exercise, we say:

“Tolkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Tolkaaaachki-rogaaaaaachki-translateoooortishki! "


Pediatricians advise, already from 4 months, to begin to carry out exercises with the baby that will prepare him for mastering standing and walking. Place your hands under the baby's feet and push gently. The kid will try to straighten his legs and start kicking. Kicking gives the child pleasure and he laughs. Thanks to such a small and short exercise, the child learns to bend and unbend the legs in a coordinated way, which will help him later when he learns to walk. By the age of 5 months, you can make movements that resemble cycling. By the age of 5 months, the baby also learns to move his legs at the same time (he makes these movements, for example, when he tries to throw off the blanket).


This exercise develops balance in the prone position, as well as the support function of the right and left hands (baby's palms are open)

Roll up a towel roll and place your baby on top of it, tummy down. Rock your baby from side to side, humming a song or reciting a rhyme.

Ay kachi-kachi-kachiiiiii!
Look, bagels, kalachiiiiii.
Look, bagels, kalachiiiiiiii,
With the heat, with the heat from the oven.
In the heat of the heat from the oven,
All blush, hot.
Rooks swooped in here,
Picked up kalachiiiiii.
We are left with baaaa-raaaaa-nooooo-chkiiiiiii!

Bicycle (4-5 months)

Exercise strengthens the leg muscles and prepares you for crawling and walking.

Place your baby back on a firm surface. Start talking to him. Then take the feet and bend the legs at the knee joint. And “ride your bike,” saying the words of the nursery rhyme:

Let's go, let's go
With nuts, with nuts.
Let's go, let's go
For mushrooms, for nuts,
Have arrived, have arrived
With mushrooms and nuts.

Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Getting to know the world around you

Here is my family!

Take the baby in your arms, bring him to family members, call them, touch them with the baby's hand. Read a rhyme about the family, showing the toddler's pen up to the person called. Let them talk to the baby.

I know that I have
Friendly family at home:
This is my mother, this is me.
This is my grandmother!
This is dad, this is grandfather.
And we have no discord!

Who is this?

The exercise develops the child's orienting reaction to the mother's voice and her face. When talking to your baby, make changes to your appearance - for example, put on a hat or tie a headscarf, pin your hair, etc. The kid will be alert. But recognizing your voice, he smiles.

You can play hide and seek. During the conversation, hide your face with a handkerchief and pull the child's handle towards the handkerchief. The kid will pull off the handkerchief and see his mother.

Two bottles

Offer your baby two bottles. Will he be able to make a choice according to the color of the bottle with different liquids (a transparent bottle of water or an opaque white milk mixture)

Traveling around the apartment

The child should often be carried in his arms around the apartment and talk to him at the same time, name objects and actions. This not only allows you to familiarize yourself with the world around you and develop the premises of speech, but also plays an important role in the formation of volumetric vision. Indeed, on such a journey, the baby sees the same object from different sides, from different points of view.

Toy show

Place your baby on your stomach. Place a bright toy at a distance of 50 cm from it. Start demonstrating the toy. Name it parts, color, size, actions, show how to play with it, how it sounds. Use short rhymes about a toy, nursery rhymes. Then give the kid the opportunity to play with the toy, reach for it.


When bottle feeding, hold the bottle so that the baby can reach with his hands and “take” - hold it. Support the bottle and help your baby to hold it.

In the article you got acquainted with the fact how to develop a baby at 4 months through games and exercises. You will find interesting information about the development of a child at 4 months in the articles:

Folk and modern poems for bathing, dressing up, feeding, waking up, going to bed, playing with the child.

How to choose the right lullaby for babies and how to sing it?

A proven method of developing babies for centuries.

The main lines of the baby's development, the creation of a developing environment.

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