Touching words from the teacher to children and parents. Congratulations on gratitude to kindergarten teachers from parents in prose

Samples of beautiful, soulful texts for a letter of thanks addressed to a kindergarten teacher from parents. All names, surnames, names of organizations are used only for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them (if you are going to use the sample). You will find guidelines for the design of the letter at the end of the page.

Texts will help you express gratitude in your own words (verbally).

Option number 1

Dear Appolinaria Agafonovna!

With special warmth and cordiality, we express our sincere gratitude and respect for your teaching talent, for your care, affection and love for our children!

Special thanks to you for the individual approach, attentiveness and respect for each child. Every day we observe the results of your noble work, and we do not get tired of admiring how professionally you are able to determine the abilities of each child and develop them. Low bow to you for this and a huge parental gratitude.

Parents of pupils of the "Suns" group

May 2019

Option number 2

We, the collective of parents of pupils of the "Gnomes" group of preschool educational institution №19, express our deep gratitude to our teacher Anfisa Ibragimovna Sidorenkova!

We would like to note the high professionalism, pedagogical skills, sensitive attitude to children, care and responsibility.

We express our admiration for the perfectly organized educational process, which takes into account all the needs and requirements of children. Also, the organization of the environment, in which there are a lot of opportunities for the development of communication skills, creative, physical, musical and mathematical abilities, evokes admiration and respect. Our children willingly and joyfully go to the garden every day, look forward to meeting with a teacher with whom it is interesting and easy to learn about the world. We, parents, can only transfer children with a light heart into the sensitive hands of such a teacher, knowing that he is under reliable care.

Thank you very much and deep bow.

June 2019

Option number 3

Dear Kamilla Filimonovna!

Please accept our deep, sincere gratitude for teaching our children to be friends and respect each other, to fantasize and create, to appreciate the beauty of the world around us, to be caring, kind and honest. Our children are proud of their successes, achievements and discoveries.

Every day we observe how, under your careful guidance, children learn their individual capabilities. In the group, we observe order and cleanliness, coziness and comfort - a perfectly organized space for development.

For the fact that you can safely leave your child for the whole day and do your work without anxiety - a special thank you to you. We appreciate this and understand how important your contribution to our peace is.

We also thank the management of preschool educational institution # 28 for the excellently selected team of professionals. I wish you happiness and prosperity.

Collective of parents of pupils

Preschool educational institution number 28 from the group "Businki"

Option number 4

From the bottom of our hearts we express our heartfelt gratitude to the team of educators of the "Bunnies" group of kindergarten No. 37 for the excellent, effective and fruitful work in the upbringing, training and development of our children.

You have become the best helpers and an integral part of a happy childhood, and made the kindergarten a dear and beloved place.

We wish the entire teaching staff and administration good health, patience, new successes and pleasure from the results of their work.

Best regards, Parents.

July 2019

Option number 5

The teacher of preschool educational institution №46 Mikhailova Tamara Albertovna!

Please accept our deep gratitude for your painstaking, hard and important work. For the part of your soul invested in our children. For your worries and experiences, sympathy and attention. For your always wonderful mood in the morning when you meet our children on the doorstep. We sincerely wish you happiness, prosperity, obedient children and may all your kindness return to you multiplied.

Parents of the pupils of the group

"Umki", 2019 release

Option number 6

Dear Lilia Markovna!

The collective of parents of graduates of kindergarten №73 of the "Elves" group sincerely thanks you for the fact that being in the garden under your sensitive mentorship made their childhood look like a fairy tale and this fairy tale will remain with them forever. For the fact that all these years have opened their beauty and helped them find true friends. Special thanks for the kindness and affection.

Also, we express our deep gratitude to the whole team of good fairies from the "Elves" group. We, parents and children, will always remember you with warmth in our hearts and gratitude to fate, for making us a luxurious gift in the person of such a professional pedagogical team that helps us raise children.

We wish you to meet only kindness, love, understanding and joy on your way.

Regards, parents

preschool graduates 2019

Option number 7

To the nanny of our group, Filippova Zinaida Sidorovna!

Thank you, our dear nanny, for being so warm and cozy with you. For the kindness with which you surround the children. For always helping with a smile, cordiality and care. For your sincere generosity and affection, which you, without regret, give our children - special thanks. For the fact that it is always easy and calm with you - our special gratitude.

Always be happy, loved and healthy. Let all your dreams come true, and let the children come across only obedient and affectionate.

With love and respect,

collective of parents of pupils of the "Buttons" group

Option number 8

We express our parental gratitude to the team of teachers of the "Bows" group of preschool educational institution No. 55 for their help in raising our children: Petrova F.Kh., Ivanova Z. Zh., Sidorova Ya.Ch., Kharitonova P.E., Murzilkina U. Ts.

Every morning we visited the group without tears, with joy and pleasure, transferring the children to the care of excellent professionals. In the lives of ours and our children, you have become wise mentors and good friends. You taught our children to write, read, draw, reflect, be friends and communicate fruitfully.

Thank you very much for your patience, sensitivity, responsibility, hard work and individual approach to each baby. For allowing each kid to develop at their own pace, in accordance with their abilities and in harmony with the environment - a special gratitude to you. Professionalism and thorough, detailed study of the educational program made the classes understandable and interesting, and the stay in the group - comfortable and joyful.

We wish you success and resounding victories both in your responsible, difficult work and outside it, as well as - happiness, health, prosperity and peace in your soul.

Option number 9

Dear Alena Timurovna!

We consider your participation in the development of our son one of the greatest successes in life and a happy gift of fate. We are very glad that you were the tutor of Zakhar Spiridonov.

It is very important that from the first years of life our children met with a respectful, wise and benevolent attitude towards themselves. We, as parents, highly appreciate and always notice your warmth, sensitive attitude towards children and feedback from us, parents.

Many thanks and a deep bow to you Alena Timurovna for her cordiality, kindness, contact, humanity and a huge heart. Thank you for everything you do for our children. You are the best!


parents of pupil Zakhar Spiridonov

october 2019

Option number 10

The collective of parents and children of the preparatory group "Preschoolers" expresses sincere gratitude to the educators of kindergarten №82 "Smart Kid" for their professionalism, commitment, responsible attitude to their work and pedagogical talent.

Today we say goodbye to you and sincerely thank, appreciate and remember everyone who helped raise and develop our children all these wonderful years: educators, nannies, cooks, doctors, technical and administrative staff.

We wish you happiness, good health, prosperity and success.


2019 edition: Smirnov Timofey, Kashirin Maxim, Goncharova Victoria, Zakharov Savely, Moiseev Timur, Pchelin Mark, Tsypkina Valeria

Option number 11

With warmth in our souls and gratitude in our hearts, we bring sincere words of gratitude and respect to the educator-teacher of the group "Berries" of the children's preschool institution "Light"

Razumovskaya Raisa Pamfilovna.

Such interested and enthusiastic, competent and experienced specialists can be wished for every kindergarten and these are the dreams of every parent. We wish the administration to protect, respect and value such personnel, it is such people who make the preschool institution what it should be.

Option number 12

Dear Valeria Valentinovna!

Please accept sincere words of gratitude and respect from the entire parenting team for your competent approach to work, professionalism and wisdom. You know how to captivate children, engage in useful activities and teach the necessary skills. Each of the guys is provided with attention, affection and support. An atmosphere of mutual assistance, friendship and joy reigns in the children's team. You are able to fairly, wisely and skillfully resolve any conflict. Children come home with a lot of positive emotions and are happy to return to the group every day. With passion and interest, they discover the world and themselves, easily and freely share their impressions of the past day.

We wish you unlimited happiness, joy, satisfaction with the results of your labor and may your path be easy and the sky above your head cloudless.

Respectfully yours, parents of the pupils of the Listiki group

September 2019

Option number 13

We express our heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable contribution to the development, upbringing and wisely organized educational process in the "Angels" group of kindergarten №73.

Thank you for your professional skills, responsive heart and spiritual generosity.

With all our hearts we wish you well-being, peace to your home, light to your soul and ease of life. And also - good and unshakable health to you and all your loved ones.

Option number 14

Dear and respected employees of our second home - kindergarten # 10: educators, nannies and cooks, doctors, technical and management personnel!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for:

  • Your kindness, understanding and help in creating a solid base for the subsequent personal development of our children;
  • For the constant, tireless and significant contribution to the development of the young generation - our replacement, support and hope;
  • For the excellent feedback that we, parents, received whenever we needed it and never knew it would be denied;
  • For holding on when it is difficult and when you are sick, when you are tired and when everything is tired ... it is not easy and we are grateful to you for your dedication, a wonderful example for all of us;
  • For the fact that every day they gave us the opportunity to meet your friendly faces at the door of the garden and constantly enjoy the generosity of your kind hearts, humanity and the light of your souls;
  • For tirelessly instilling useful skills in young researchers, discoverers and simply immensely curious, restless creatures;
  • For the preparation and implementation of touching holidays for us and our children over the years;
  • For vigilant supervision of snotty noses, wet legs, frozen ears and skinned knees;

And most importantly, we thank you for diligently, day after day, you guard the most sacred in the life of every person - his childhood. And for helping this childhood to become a warm, fabulous and bright time in life, illuminate it with smiles and care, become the closest adults after your parents, keep many children's secrets and remain a warm corner in our hearts forever.

Option number 15

Dear and respected Ruslana Nikitichna!

Please accept our sincere gratitude for the active, skillful and productive participation in the upbringing of our daughter Appolinaria Timofeeva.

Thank you for helping us make the developmental process fun, active and fruitful, thanks to this the child is ready for school, has acquired impressive social skills. For constantly listening to our wishes and tactfully helping to make reasonable decisions that are useful for our family. For the fact that not once during the entire period of our cooperation did you show irritation and did not refuse good advice and support. Because you are a wonderful, effective, smartest and most experienced specialist. And also for the enormous work behind this experience.

We envy ourselves from the fact that we have met such a talented mentor as you.

Thank you for choosing this particular field of activity to realize your immense talent and outstanding abilities. Remain the same brilliant educator and wonderful person in the future. We wish you to endlessly enjoy your work, great success and a worthy reward for your work. Be happy.

  • The cap (upper part of the sheet) should indicate that it is grateful.
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page, however, layout along the left edge is acceptable.
  • It is allowed to write a letter from parents not in such a strictly formal style as a letter from the administration (or on behalf of other organizations), therefore, emotional expressions, colored with warmth and humanity, are acceptable.
  • The author is indicated under the main text (see samples), the line is laid out to the left.
  • The last entry on the page should be the date. It is permissible to write it both in full and abbreviate it (indicate the month and year of writing, or leave only the year).
  • If the above texts seem long to you, you can easily shorten them to 1-2 sentences, simply ignoring the text you don't need. The samples are written in such a way that by cutting them in half, the general meaning will not be lost. However, remember, the letter will become drier, and in such a text (addressed to the assistant in raising a child), the main thing is to convey emotions and warmth, than just observe a cold formality.

Thanks to parents

Repairing a kindergarten is not an easy task. Often it is necessary to seek help from the parents of the pupils. The reaction to such requests is different for everyone: someone expresses obvious dissatisfaction, but there are parents who are ready to help without delay. Thanks to ALL parents of group No. 6 "Zvezdochka" of kindergarten No. 189 "Solnyshko". We express our deep gratitude to the parents who are actively and directly involved in the life of the kindergarten, to the families: Ryabovs, Makeevs, Chvanovs, Buimovs, Pobozhievs, Luchaninovs, Verozubovs, Zhdanovs, Kosnyrevs.


Thank you for your help many times,
Thank you for your kind deeds,
It is pleasant for us to tell you without memory
Great words of gratitude!

Let it return to you in life, like an echo,
Good deep deeds of all your essence,
Health to you and a lot, a lot of laughter,
Let the path be easy in your life!

Thank you for your comprehensive support and attention, for the fact that, despite being busy, lack of time, you find the strength to resist life circumstances. We wish you to continue to be not indifferent to the life of the group and kindergarten, to love and understand your children! Thank you very much!

Educator of group No. 6 "Zvezdochka" MBDOU d / s No. 189 "Solnyshko" LV Bargatina

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

A sample of gratitude to parents

An example of an unconventional design of gratitude to parents for their help in creating a subject-developing environment at preschool educational institutions ...

Thanks to the parents.

Dear parents of the Teremok group, thank you very much for preparing the kindergarten site for the summer period. Thank you for your help many times, Thank you for your good deeds, We can tell you without pa ...

When a child goes to kindergarten, parents are most worried about how the team will meet their new little member. Whether the kid will be able to find his place among peers and a common language with adults in kindergarten largely depends on one person - the teacher. It is the educator who becomes the main teacher and assistant for the child, a kind of “temporary substitute” for his parents. Often, by the time of graduation, children and their parents become so close to the caregivers that they perceive them as members of their family. It is not surprising that both the first and the second, realizing the imminent separation, seek to express special gratitude to the teacher at the graduation party in kindergarten. As a rule, words of gratitude to the teacher are included in the main scenario of the holiday. Most often, children prepare short beautiful poems, and parents - words of gratitude in prose. Also, words of gratitude from parents and children are used to sign a commemorative postcard for the teaching staff of the kindergarten. Next, you will find options for original, touching and beautiful words of gratitude and appreciation for the teacher at the graduation in the kindergarten.

Beautiful words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation in verse from parents

Only parents can fully understand how responsible and difficult the daily work of educators is. Moms and dads know from their own experience all the "charms" of educational and training processes, which are rarely with children without whims and tantrums on their part. The more valuable and respectful parents are to educators who have inhuman patience and endurance. Beautiful words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation in verse from parents are a great way to say "thank you" to these wonderful people. Such beautiful poems performed by parents are a manifestation of respect and gratitude for the hard educational work. You will find the most beautiful words of gratitude from parents to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten, including short versions, in the following selections.

Thank you, educators,

For affection and love

For work and charm,

For many kind words

For wiped noses,

Wiped tears

For fairy tales and walks

Classes and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today

Congratulations and sadness,

And in the fall with a portfolio

Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration

And the strength to create.

We wish new children

Give your warmth.

The work of a teacher is not easy -

You need a whole cart of skills:

Draw and play

Collect a bag of different toys

And know the plots of many fairy tales.

Digging in the sand on the street,

Run around in the tag, do not be lazy,

Feed and caress everyone

Do not even try to get tired.

All cases, of course, are innumerable.

You have a big heart.

Thank you for the days in the garden,

For your affection, kindness.

We wish you inspiration,

Creative success, patience,

Well deserved big salaries.

Thank you for the kindergarten!

You raised them like family,

They were given care and affection.

Parents to you every moment

Thank you for them.

But now the children have grown up,

We have already set foot on the schoolyard.

Let them remember forever:

You loved them very much.

And we wish you happiness,

Love is huge, bright, pure,

Good health on the way,

Support from family and friends.

Love and tenderness for all children

And raise new kids.

They need you very much, believe me.

Short beautiful verses with words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation

You gave our children

A piece of your warmth

You taught them a lot,

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

Our guys have matured

First class is on the horizon.

We wanted to say thank you

Don't let happiness pass you by.

Our kids have grown up very much,

We didn’t have time to blink an eye,

After all, the years of the kindergarten flew by instantly.

We send kids on an educational journey.

We are grateful to everyone for their upbringing,

For painstaking, very important work,

For contribution to children, care and attention,

That the kindergarten has become like the most faithful friend!

Congratulations on your graduation

All kindergarten teachers,

We wish each of you

So that happiness is always there,

From all parents now

Accept many wishes,

We are grateful to you for everything

For your sensitivity and diligence!

Words of gratitude from parents to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation in prose

In addition to verses that are great for expressing gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the prom, words of gratitude from parents can also be in prose. Moreover, this form is always perceived much easier and more pleasant - there is an effect "said from the heart, in your own words." Therefore, if you are looking for really sincere and touching words of gratitude from parents to a kindergarten teacher at the prom, then prose is perfect. The main thing is to choose words of gratitude that fully correspond to the truth. For example, if a teacher is famous for his ability to quickly and effectively resolve conflict situations in a children's team, then this should certainly be mentioned in the speech. In addition, do not forget that parents can always write ready-made words of gratitude to the educator in prose in a greeting card and supplement their performance in this way.

Dear educators, today your children are leaving the garden and leaving these walls. Thank you for always being reliable friends and faithful helpers for your aunts, for giving the children a fairy tale and faith in miracles, for teaching everything new and interesting. Your children will always remember the happy and kind moments that you gave them. May your work always be successful, and work honorable and truly respected.

We want to thank the educators for their work, dedication, attention and love for our children, who today have their first graduation in their lives. We wish you continued enjoyment of your work. Obedient pupils and bright days, joyful and amazing events, high salaries and patience!

Dear our educator bees! In our collective, such a noisy and restless childish clue, you circle over our children, take care of them, teach them all the best, give instructions, understandable for the child's mind, for their future adult life. Patience, strength and joy, let the sun light up in your eyes from bright and radiant children's smiles! Thanks for your hard work!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teachers at the graduation in their own words

Congratulations to our flowers, the kindergarten team, and of course our parents on graduation! Hearts are overflowing with love and pride for children's successes, all the words in the world are not enough to express gratitude to teachers, and gratitude knows no boundaries! Thank you for being with the kids this important time for them, taking care and protecting them, helping them to grow up. Health, kindness and new little smiles.

Thanks to everyone who works in kindergarten! The guys were cozy, warm, interesting. You did everything to make our children friends and develop together, learn something new. They have grown up, school is waiting for them, but their beloved educator and nanny will forever remain in their memory. All the best to you and remember us, because we will never forget you!

Dear and dear educators, we congratulate you on the holiday - on your graduation! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you health for many years to come, happiness and unrestrained vitality. Thank you!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation from children in verse

Of course, the graduates of the kindergarten themselves also experience particular sadness from parting with their beloved teacher. Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation from children in poetry or prose will help kids to live this feeling of sadness. Poems are best suited for expressing gratitude to the teacher for the children - short and beautiful. It is with their help that it is easiest for kids to express the sad feelings that they experience at the moment of parting with the kindergarten. In addition, words of gratitude to the teacher from children in the form of poetry are much better remembered by kindergarten graduates, in contrast to prose. You will find below touching versions of poems that are ideal for expressing gratitude at a graduation party from children.

You were like mom and dad for a long time,

And days, And weeks, and even years.

Many thanks to you for this,

We will always love and remember you.

You have more patience and more health,

Be content with your work.

We wish you success in your hard work

And a lot of bright and juicy ideas.

The best of the best,

Our educators,

How much effort and time

You spent on children

Now quietly

Wipe away your tears

Here comes the prom

Say goodbye to the children.

The kids have grown up

It's time for everyone to go to school

How much were invested in them

Knowledge and goodness.

Happiness to you, success,

New achievements,

Sadika world of childhood

We will certainly remember.

Today is a day with a taste of sadness -

It's time for us to say goodbye.

We'll drop the curtain tonight

Will leave the kindergarten.

But don't you cry, don't be sad,

Other kids will come to you.

Let them in your heart,

They will not let you get bored.

We wish you easy days

We wish you good, warmth.

And if it is difficult in life,

You remember us more often.

Short verses for gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation from children

Dear educators,

Our moms are second

Your chicks now

They go to the first grade.

We congratulate you on this,

We really appreciate and respect.

Let your pupils

They will be able to make our world more beautiful.

Thank you for your work,

For kindness, warmth, care

We sincerely want to say

Wish you happiness in life!

The toys are all in order on the shelves

The childish laughter and noise and din died down.

Kids are preparing from kindergarten

To the responsible steps outside the kindergarten!

Thanks to the educators and nannies

For a gentle, attentive welcome.

For the fact that we perceived the kindergarten,

How warm and dear, cozy home!

Our kids are getting ready for school,

So quickly the time passed.

We wish you fun work,

So that you all live in happiness and love!

Kindergarten left behind -

Soon to school, first class is waiting for us.

We are parting, educators, we are with you,

But we are sure that we will not forget you!

For warmth, care and attention

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Your kindness and understanding

Forever we will keep in our hearts!

Gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten from children in their own words

If among the graduates of the kindergarten there are children with a good memory and excellent diction, then they can be entrusted with reading gratitude to the teacher in prose in their own words. In this case, a ready-made version of wishes can also be supplemented with your own words from the heart. Of course, it is better to think in advance what exactly the graduate will say on his own behalf, since a small child may well get confused in public. Remember that gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten from children in your own words in prose should not be too long and monotonous. Let there be fewer words, but they will convey the main idea - the gratitude and love of graduates to their dear educators.

Dear and dear educators, thank you very much for your invaluable work and care, for your understanding, kindness and your love, for excellent upbringing, exciting activities and positive emotions. I wish you happiness, dear ones, prosperity, respect and great success.

Our dear educators, we want to say “thank you very much” for your faithful and hard work, for the kindness of hearts and sensitivity of the soul, for understanding and an individual approach to each child, for fun leisure and good upbringing, for interesting hobbies and wonderful games. May you bring up more than one generation, may your hearts never tire of wonderful work and caring for children.

Thank you, dear educators, for your patience and understanding, for your love and sensitivity shown, for the kindness of your hearts and generosity, for your excellent upbringing, interesting development and exciting leisure time.

Beautiful words of gratitude at the graduation in prose for children

Today we say thank you to our wonderful educators. You have always helped us to cope with difficulties and overcome various obstacles, you believed in us and taught everything new. Thank you, dear ones, for everything. We wish you to remain always in the status of respected and respected educators, in a good mood and with good spirits.

Dear, beloved, patient, kind, lovely educators, we express our deep gratitude for your work, for your care. Thank you for your understanding at any moment, for your help and your efforts. You are doing a great job, helping parents raise and educate their children. Thank you very much. We wish you good health and happiness, strength and good luck.

Dear and respected our educator! I would like to sincerely thank you for the warmth, kindness and care that you envelop each child with. Thank you very much for your faith and development, as well as for love, tenderness and an individual approach to each of us. We wish you health, happiness, peace and good!

The words of gratitude to the teacher spoken at the graduation party in kindergarten by parents or children should be, first of all, sincere. Try to find really touching and beautiful versions of such words in poetry or prose. Let the farewell words of gratitude be remembered by educators for many years, giving joy and deep moral satisfaction from the worthy upbringing of their little graduates!

In modern conditions associated with the introduction of new federal educational standards, educational institutions successfully carry out the pedagogical process in close connection with the family, actively involve mothers and fathers in the life of a kindergarten or school. Parents today are not just consumers of educational services, but equal partners of the educational process. To encourage those who are actively interested in the life of a children's educational institution, the administration of kindergartens and schools uses such a form as a letter of thanks to parents.

It is compiled by the administration (director, deputy director), class teacher or educator on behalf of the educational institution. The text contains an expression of gratitude to parents for raising children or for the help provided to the school (kindergarten).

What is the reason for compiling a letter of thanks to parents?

The educational institution independently decides when and to whom to send this business document. Most often, a letter of thanks is drawn up in the following cases:

What is the purpose of a thank you letter?

As a tool of business etiquette, it is drawn up with the aim of expressing gratitude for the help provided, the assignments or requests fulfilled, for the successful cooperation or achievement of the set goals. When the administration of an educational institution wishes to express its gratitude, the text of a letter of thanks to the parents is drawn up.

Such a document has no legal force, despite its business purpose. It is known that not only educational institutions can write letters of thanks. Individual departments or authorities use them as part of the reward system. In this case, they perform the role of a certificate of honor or a diploma awarded for certain merits.

Features of writing business letters

A letter of thanks to parents is a type of business letter. It can be written in free form, but must necessarily contain elements of business style.

  • If there is a letterhead of the institution, then the letter is drawn up on it.
  • At the beginning of the text, a traditional header is drawn up, where the addressee is placed, to whose address the gratitude is sent, it can be a specific person, a group of people or an enterprise.
  • The text of the letter begins with an address that can be personalized, for example: "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!" or standard, for example, "Dear customer!"
  • The text of the letter may contain standard wording, for example, "We express our sincere gratitude for ..." and "We hope to continue successful cooperation and increase the achieved indicators."
  • The information about the person expressing gratitude (surname, name, patronymic and position held), as well as his signature, must be indicated.

What to write about in a thank you letter?

If the goal of the educational institution is to express gratitude to the parents for the upbringing, the wording of the letter may be a standard expression of gratitude for the upbringing, or it can contain a detailed description of the results of the family upbringing. In the second case, all the successes, achievements, positive traits and any other achievements of the child can be included in the text of the letter of thanks. Parents will be pleased to know that their child is a worthy member of society and that their parental work is appreciated.

If the purpose of the letter is to express gratitude for some specific assistance provided to an educational institution, then the reason must be indicated in the text. For example, "Thank you sincerely for helping us repair the classroom."

How to reward the parents of graduates?

In many kindergartens there is a tradition, following which, when children leave kindergarten, a letter of gratitude is handed to parents. It can be drawn up by the group educators, or by the administration, the content may be something like the following:

Dear _____ and _____!

You have chosen our kindergarten as a playground for the development of your kids. We are glad that we were lucky enough to bring up such wonderful children! Our entire friendly team expresses gratitude to you for the help that you have provided to us all this time: in replenishing the play area and the subject-spatial developmental environment in the group, together we strove to ensure that our children were good and comfortable in kindergarten. We sincerely express our gratitude for your understanding. We are confident that you will always be wonderful parents for your children in the future. And they will certainly delight you with their successes and achievements! Thank you for being with us!

Dear Parents!

On behalf of the entire teaching staff of the school, we express our gratitude for the upbringing of your son (daughter). May the children continue to delight with their achievements, they will be worthy successors of your family traditions. We wish you family happiness, mutual understanding, patience and success in your upbringing!

Template or creativity?

Each kindergarten may have its own corporate sample of a letter of thanks to parents. However, sometimes you want to move away from any template. Teachers sometimes show creativity and ingenuity, wanting to make a pleasant surprise: they come up with an unusual design, use non-standard materials and even compose a letter of thanks to parents in verse, because despite the business occasion, the content can be warm and touching.

We want to say "thank you"!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For being in the life of kids

It will become warmer and brighter.

We need your help so much

She is like a ray of the sun

May your path shine with good

And your deeds are the sacred essence.

Thank you many, many times

To parents from all of us:

From teachers and kids,

From all the girls and boys!

Oral thank you letter to kindergarten parents

Dear moms, dads,

We appeal to you,

You came to visit today

To our lovely kids.

Where to find more paintable words,

To say "thank you" to you?

All the problems of our group

Helping to decide.

All merit I am in conversation

I don't want to embellish

But any of our troubles

Next to you on the shoulder.

If there is a holiday, you will come

To share it with us.

What is broken - you will find

Time to mend.

Repaired the group,

Here without you - well, nowhere!

To create comfort for the kids

You do not regret the work.

If only a teacher

Competition offered to children,

Our talented parent

Already done something.

Do not regret for the kids

The kindness of their hearts

Golden moms, dads

Everyone is just great!

Children grow up quickly

but on the path of life

Im always with your support

It will be more joyful to grow.

We often contacted you:

In summer and in the middle of winter,

Knowing that at any time

we can rely.

I confess in this place,

Raising children is not easy.

But on the other hand, we are together

They managed to survive everything.

Let the sun shine

let the sky turn blue.

To the best moms, to the best dads

I bow to the educators.

Poetic gratitude of the teacher to the parents at the end of the school year

The school year has passed

The clock ticked by

Let's sum it up,

Vacation is on the nose.

We lived brightly, not boring,

And this verse will tell

How difficult it would be for children

Without their parents.

Academic performance is in order.

They know everything no matter what they ask.

It was not in vain that they sat with lessons,

sparing no effort.

Active life - excellent

If a competition is held,

Each parent was able to personally

Show all talents.

Labor will surely be rewarded to you

Every hour of the minute.

Your contributions to education

Children will grow up, they will understand.

Your help is a joy to the school,

Let's move everything together!

And accept in gratitude

our teacher bow

From worries and from lessons,

You have a rest during the summer,

And thank you very much,

In September we are on our way again!

A letter of thanks to parents is drawn up from teachers or the management of the educational institution or from kindergarten teachers. Below are examples of letters of gratitude addressed to parents from school and kindergarten management.

In what cases may a letter of thanks be required?

Typically, this document is drawn up on behalf of the educational or preschool institution upon graduation from school or kindergarten. Or after an event in which the parents took an active part.

Gratitude can be expressed for active participation in the life of the class, group, school or kindergarten, for the good upbringing of the child, for the physical or material assistance provided, for participation in any event.

Prepares a letter on the letterhead of an educational or preschool institution, on a suitable postcard or on a special letterhead. The letter of gratitude must be signed by the class teacher, educator, headmaster, or kindergarten director, depending on why the paper is being drawn up.

Sample Thank You Letters

An approximate example of a letter of thanks from a parent of graduates from a school:

We express our sincere gratitude to you for your active participation in the life of the school. Thank you for the excellent upbringing of our daughter, Tatiana Evgenievna Ivanova. Your daughter has shown herself to be a capable and purposeful student.

We wish you family well-being, health, happiness and good luck!

Sample letter of thanks to parents for helping kindergarten:

Dear Evgeny Alexandrovich and Olga Vladimirovna!

We express our sincere gratitude and heartfelt gratitude to you for the financial support provided in holding a cultural event for children.

We wish you health, well-being and prosperity!

Best regards, A.A. Petrov Petrov

Another sample text of a thank you letter to parents:

Dear Evgeny Alexandrovich and Olga Vladimirovna!

I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing of Tatiana Evgenievna Ivanova. Your daughter has shown herself as a student who is able to think deeply, overcome difficulties, and show excellent results in her studies.

Thank you letters to parents

A letter of thanks is a letter of gratitude in which the school leadership and teachers are grateful to the parents of a student or kindergarten pupil for the good upbringing of a son (daughter), active participation in the life of an educational institution, all possible help in various situations, etc.

The letter of thanks can be composed in various ways. This can be a letterhead from an educational institution, a beautiful postcard, or a special ready-made thank-you note that is freely available at any stationery and book store.

What's in the letter?

A letter of gratitude can be handwritten or typed on a computer. Documents filled with a fountain pen with liquid ink look especially beautiful.

What is the best way to write in a letter to make it look sincere and convey the gratitude of teachers to the parents of their students? First of all, the text should not be pretentious, it is better to avoid grandiloquent unnatural phrases, as well as hypocrisy. Empty phrases will also not improve the impression of the letter, let it be short, but each word will convey the full depth of gratitude. However, you should not indicate in the literacy negative points related to the behavior or learning of the child, it should contain only truthful, but pleasant information.

In the letter, it is important to make it clear to the parents that they not only coped with their responsibilities in the home and social upbringing of the child, but also greatly facilitated the educational process at school for teachers, put the necessary knowledge and skills into it, and also, possibly, helped to make a fateful decision. in the life of their child.

A letter of gratitude to the parents of the student (kindergarten pupil) is also a good reason to thank them again for taking part in the improvement of the educational institution, repair, as well as for financial assistance, if any.

A thank you note is an unofficial document that, in fact, is just a pleasant formality and a compliment to the prom. It will remain in memory of parents about the holiday and school years of their child. Usually the document is drawn up by the homeroom teacher, but on behalf of the headmaster of the school (kindergarten).

It can be written in free form, but it is worth taking into account the general pattern of its spelling, so as not to be mistaken.

Sample Thank You Letter

A thank you letter usually has the following structure:

  • Appeal. Here the name and patronymic of the child's parents or his guardians are indicated in the nominative case, to whom the gratitude for the upbringing is addressed. Names are centered on the line and followed by an exclamation point.
  • Main text. Contains words of gratitude from teachers to the parents of the child, as well as wishes to them.
  • Signature. The name of the head of the institution is indicated, his signature is put and certified by the seal. Some letters also indicate the class teacher of the child and put his signature.
  • Sample letter of thanks

    We offer you an example of drawing up a letter of gratitude to the parents of a graduate from the school administration.

    Dear Anna Mikhailovna and Vladimir Sergeevich!

    I express my deep gratitude and sincere gratitude for the upbringing of Victoria, who for 11 years of study has shown herself as a responsible, deeply thinking and active student who knows how to overcome various life situations. Her excellent academic and sports achievements have become the common pride of the school.

    Thank you for your active participation in the life of the school, your help and support in the renovation of the classroom and participation in school matinees.

    I wish your family well-being, good health, prosperity and optimism!

    Yours faithfully, (title of position) (signature) Ivanova L.L.

    Free sample download:

    Thanks to parents

    Many parents show interest in kindergarten, group,

    in which their child is brought up, they provide all possible assistance.

    On the page of this section, we will tell

    about such parents and about what kind of help they provided to the kindergarten.

    On behalf of the kindergarten team, we want to thank you for entrusting us with raising your children. Thank you so much for your help in organizing a developing environment in the group, in expanding the play area on the playground, for cooperation in creating comfort and coziness for our children in kindergarten. We sincerely thank you for your understanding and sincerely hope that you can continue to be exemplary parents for your children. And they will grow up to be exemplary children for their parents.

    It is pleasant for us to tell you without memory

    Health to you and a lot, a lot of laughter,

    1. Nikiforova Tatiana Yurievna
    2. Kaznina Anna Anatolievna
    3. Andrey Kaznin
    4. Khatanzeisky Evgeny Nikolaevich
    5. Olga A. Prikhodko
    6. Prikhodko Nikolay Nikolaevich
    1. Mikusheva Irina Mikhailovna
    2. Semenchina Irina Leonidovna
    3. Serditova Natalia Sergeevna
    4. Kosyreva Anastasia Mikhailovna
    5. Nikonova Yulia Yurievna
    1. Parshukova Nadezhda Vasilievna
    2. Kopylova Lyudmila Viktorovna
    3. Eseva Nadezhda Sergeevna
    4. Matrunich Tatiana Andreevna
    5. Zlobin Pavel Anatolievich
    6. Mozhegov Anatoly Valentinovich
    1. Durkina Evgeniya Ivanovna
    2. Popova Svetlana Vasilievna
    3. Popov Igor Vasilievich
    4. Semenova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
    5. Marina Morozova
    6. Prokusheva Agniya Andreevna
    7. Pakshina Galina Vasilievna
    8. Misharina Anastasia Mikhailovna
    1. Boriskina Zhanna Anatolievna
    2. Panteleeva Anna Ivanovna
    3. Popova Anastasia Nikolaevna
    4. Marina Teplyakova
    5. Kodaneva Ksenia Alekseevna
    6. Music Ekaterina Vasilievna
    7. Bolshakov Sergey Yurievich
    1. Lipina Elena Nikolaevna
    2. Guzei Svetlana Nikolaevna
    3. Komyagin Alexander Vasilievich
    4. Krutov Evgeny Vladimirovich
    5. Larionov Anatoly Alekseevich
    6. Guryev Ivan Nikolaevich
    7. Shabanov Sergey Andreevich
    8. Shabanova Natalia Gennadevna
    9. Kudryashova Irina Olegovna
    10. Ryabchikov Valery Yurievich
    1. Artem Ivanov
    2. Anfimova Ekaterina Alexandrovna
    3. Zashikhina Natalia Alexandrovna
    4. Mikhailova Elena Nikolaevna
    5. Shaibekova Nadezhda Igorevna

    the text of a letter of thanks to the parents of kindergarten pupils in verse

    Margot the Enlightened (31767) 3 years ago

    Words of gratitude to parents.

    We want to say grateful words to you,

    We want to say thank you very much!

    People to meet such sweet and glorious

    Throughout our life, grace is.

    You are responsive, infinitely sincere,

    You will always find words for support,

    Hints from you are both appropriate and correct,

    You will never leave in trouble!

    There are no overwhelming problems for you,

    Any worries can be solved

    In solving problems, you are a huge effort

    For quick help are ready to invest!

    Accept gratitude in verse without measure,

    Warmed by our warmth from our hearts

    You are in the life of others - landmarks, examples,

    And every one of you is a fine fellow!

    Let them be filled with sunshine

    All the days of your life and your children,

    And next to it, joy is blooming in a riotous color,

    After all, there are no better people than you!

    Say "thank you" to you in verse

    We are on fire with a wish!

    You are very competent in business,

    There are a hundred reasons to praise you!

    The result of your work is excellent.

    We were eager to work with you,

    Easy, beautiful, harmonious,

    And went with the sun, and in bad weather.

    Let your honest labor return

    Back to you with the good in your life,

    Let it not be insipid

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    We, parents of group No. ________, kindergarten No. _________, sincerely express our gratitude to the head of the school, ___________, and of course, to our beloved and appreciated teachers of the muse ___________________________ (full name).

    Kindergarten is the first social school for kids, and you treated our children with special trepidation and warmth on these important days of growing up. Thanks to professionalism, sensitive attitude to children, care and attention from the outside (full name), our children are gradually becoming active members of the children's team. The workers of our kindergarten teach kids to be friends and respect each other, step by step, our children learn the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, learn their first personal opportunities.

    Thanks to the head, the educational process is structured in such a way that the individual psychological characteristics of each child are taken into account. This allowed our children to adapt more gently and begin to actively participate in the educational process.

    In our group, a comfortable and warm environment reigns, and this is a great value. Thank you for that and a deep bow.

    Low bow to the head of d / s No. ___ ________________________ (full name), for the organization of work in the kindergarten, high-quality recruitment of the educational staff and, of course, for our special pride - a spacious, clean and landscaped area.

    With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of group No. ________ of kindergarten No. ___________

    The team of parents expresses its sincere gratitude to the pedagogical team of preschool educational institution No. ______. All employees of our kindergarten represent a single creative organism, imbued with love for children. You can feel it as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, does not at all amaze with modernity and prosperity. And it is all the more surprising that with the obvious modesty of the means in the garden, an atmosphere of comfort, kindness and the presence of a bright creativity in the design of whether it is a notice board or a corridor, which is always decorated with expositions of children's drawings and handicrafts, reigns.

    We are always greeted with a smile and we leave our children in the garden with a calm heart, as we are confident that they will be fed, looked after and, most importantly, trained and properly educated. In our kindergarten, special attention is paid to the issues of upbringing, and at the same time no formality is observed. Teachers conduct conversations with children on a variety of topics: these are questions of history, and personal safety skills, and reading literary works (carefully selected), and just conversations on general topics.

    Of course, additional classes cannot be ignored - these are serious preparation for school, and drawing, and the rhythm and music lessons are simply beyond praise. The musical director, ___________________________ (full name), selects unique material for each holiday. Children are introduced to the origins of our culture in the best possible ways. Moreover, these are very serious works of classical music and dance, formed into concert programs that look with ease and pleasure, but it is clear that behind this seeming ease there is a huge work of the entire creative team and the highest professionalism. The tendency to work according to the principle: teacher - pupil - parent is especially relevant now. But for our garden this is not a new direction at all, but a constant and long-standing component of daily work. That there are only annual exhibitions of family works for each holiday. These exhibitions are always original and you never get tired of being amazed at the talents of children and parents.

    I would especially like to highlight the work of the head of our garden ___________________________ (full name), under whose wise guidance such vivid manifestations of extraordinary talents, both teachers and the parental team, became possible. After all, everyone knows that any gem is beautiful and sparkles in its own way, but only collected in a single composition, they make up a unique ensemble and a real work of art. Also, the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. It is precisely such a leader that, in our opinion, is ___________________________ (full name).

    All, without exception, representatives of the collective of workers of our garden deserve separate words of gratitude and attention. Chefs cook wonderfully, children remember the aroma of freshly baked buns for a long time, our nurse ___________________________ (full name) surprises with extraordinary attention and professionalism, as well as just humanity and charm. Fine arts classes are held at the highest level, in the office of ___________________________ (full name) an atmosphere of creativity, beauty and order reigns. And I would like to say especially warm words to educators ___________________________ (full name and full name) - these people are endowed with a real talent to love, understand and always be patient with children and, which is especially important, with their parents.

    Low bows to all employees of our kindergarten and wishes for further creative success in the hard work of educating the younger generation of children. Our children acquire that valuable basis on which a strong and high-quality superstructure will be built, because in childhood the very foundations of the personality are laid, which constitute the generation that will inherit our country, healthy in every sense. And because the team of kindergarten № ____ works for the future of Russia, we can be calm.

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