Hardening a child 4 years old where to start. Everything about hardening preschool children: methods, expert advice

The main question that worries caring parents before the onset of cold weather is HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNITY OF A CHILD? One of the most effective and simple ways to increase immunity is measures for hardening.

Hardening- a set of health-improving measures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors (temperature changes, hypothermia) and based on the effect of contrasting temperatures on the child's body. How to make the hardening process available for parents and enjoyable, exciting and, most importantly, useful for the child. Let's figure it out.

It is important to notice right away that hardening will only be relevant if, in general, child's lifestyle will be corrected with the construction of the correct daily regimen, a system of good nutrition, optimal physical and intellectual activity.

First, let's select basic principles of hardening, guaranteeing the effectiveness and reasonableness of tempering procedures.

Hardening rules for children:

  1. The state of absolute health of the child. It is not recommended to subject a sick child to hardening procedures because of the possibility of hypothermia of the body.
  2. Taking into account the individual characteristics and age of the child.
  3. Preliminary preparation of the body before hardening.
  4. Consistency. Daily obligatory rituals are developed, which naturally flow into the child's normal life.
  5. Gradualness. Smooth increase in the intensity and time of exposure to the hardening factor.
  6. Positive attitude of the child. The hardening procedures are best carried out in the form of a game. They should not cause discomfort and stress in the child.
  7. Security. Hypothermia of the child, excessive prolonged exposure to low or high temperatures should not be allowed.
  8. Complexity. Tempering activities are most effective when combined with exercise and massage.
  9. Combination of general and local hardening. It is reasonable to harden both parts of the body that are vulnerable to external factors (neck, feet, lower back) and the whole body.

Now you can consider main methods of hardening.

Tempering methods for children:


  • clothing - according to the principle EASY, CONVENIENT and DRY. Avoid overheating the body, sweating, wet feet. Clothes made from natural materials.
  • Walking - daily at any time of the year! Time - from 1.5 to 5 or more hours a day.

Children under one year old- sleeping outdoors is useful: summer- from 20-40 minutes to 6 hours a day; in winter(at a temperature not lower than 10-15 ° C) - from 5-10 minutes to 1.5-2 hours a day.

  • Indoor air - ventilate the premises 4-5 times a day. The optimum temperature in the room is 22 ° C. Daytime sleep is useful with open windows in summer and vents in winter.
  • Air baths - an effective hardening procedure applied from a very early age.

Air baths before bed and after waking up- let the child lie down without clothes for 1-2 minutes. Gradually (over several months) reduce the temperature in the room to 15-20 ° C.

Air baths during the day- Leave a minimum of clothes on the child during morning exercises, outdoor games.

Contrasting air baths- to play outdoor games with children with movement from a warm room to a cold one.

Frequency of air baths- 2-3 times a day.

Duration air baths - starting from 2-4 minutes, increasing the time after 4-5 months - up to 15 minutes.

Air baths for a newborn- during swaddling (leave undressed for 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the time: at 6 months - up to 15 minutes, a year - up to 30 minutes). The temperature in the room is not lower than 18-20 ° С. During the day, you can sleep without clothes under a thin sheet.

  • Walking barefoot - indoors and outdoors.

Walking barefoot indoors stimulation of reflex zones. It is recommended to walk barefoot all the time (only on floors made of natural materials).

Walking barefoot in the open air - a stronger immunostimulating agent. Better to start walking on grass and sand, then walking on pebbles, gravel, etc.

Frequency - 2-3 times a day for 15-40 minutes.


Hardening during the day:

Morning - washing hands and face with cold water, washing neck and chest with cold water, wiping with a damp towel.

Day - washing with cold water (hands should not be cold before washing), playing with water (you can allow to gurgle in a basin of cold water, play with a boat or toys), pouring cool water on your feet after a walk.

Evening: washing feet before going to bed, cool shower, contrast shower, pouring cold tap water over the feet.

Let's consider each procedure in more detail.

  • Washing hands and face with cold tap water:

Washing hands and face- a simple, elementary procedure that must be performed every day.

  • Washing neck, chest, hands with cold water:

Washing neck, chest, hands with cold water- a more powerful procedure, because there are many receptors on the neck and chest that respond to low temperatures. This procedure requires preliminary preparation of the child. The procedure should be started 2 months after the start of hardening activities.

  • Washing your feet before bed:

Washing feet before bed cool water- an effective procedure that gives a long-lasting hardening effect. You need to wash your feet with a stream of water, standing in a basin or in a bath. Wipe your feet dry after washing.

Periodicity: daily.

Time spending: start with 1 minute, after 2-3 months bring to 2 minutes.

Water temperature: 20-30 ° С, after 2 months - 21-23 ° С, after 3-4 months - 18-20 ° С.

  • Wiping down with a damp towel:

Wiping with a damp towel- a very gentle hardening procedure. With a wet towel, use slow massage movements to wipe your hands and feet first (from the toes up), then the chest and back (from the middle to the sides), the stomach - clockwise. If the room is warm, then wiping dry is not necessary, in a cool room it is better to blot the moisture with a dry towel.

Rubdowns are used from two months of age. It is better to start rubbing with a water temperature of 30-33 ° C. The child should be rubbed until the skin is slightly reddened. The water temperature must be gradually reduced, bringing it to room temperature by 2-3 years. In newborns, the water should reach at least + 28 ° C.

Frequency of rubdowns: every morning.

Duration of the procedure: 1-3 minutes.

Temperature: from 28 ° С and above, after 2 months - up to 22-25 ° С.

1.5 months after the start of rubdowns, you can proceed to douches (for children after 3 years).

  • Shower:

Shower is an excellent hygiene product that can be used daily. Warm shower does not have a hardening effect, having only a tonic effect. Moderately cool shower stimulates thermoregulation, cold shower(room temperature) has a pronounced hardening effect. Periodicity: every night before bed.

Duration of the procedure: start with 1 minute, after 2 months bring to 3 minutes.

Temperature: at first 28 ° С and higher, after 3 months - 22-25 ° С, after 4-5 months - 20-21 ° С.

  • Contrast shower:

Contrast shower- a more effective way to activate the body's defense systems. The greater the temperature difference, the more powerful the effect of this procedure. It is necessary to alternately turn on hot and cold water (10-15-20 seconds each), so alternate without interruption for 1-3 minutes. It is necessary to prepare the body for this method, starting with a regular shower (within 2-3 months) and gradually increasing the temperature difference.

You can start using a contrast shower together with your child, standing with him first under warm water and warming up his feet, palms and back. Then offer to stand in a cool rain. At the same time, quickly pour cold water on the child's feet, palms and back, then immediately switch to warm water. Then repeat the alternating water turns at least three times, finishing the procedure with a cool douche. Wrap up the child.

Time spending: morning.

Duration of the procedure: up to 2 minutes.

Temperature: start with a water temperature difference of 10 ° C, after 3-4 weeks - a difference of 15 ° C or more.

  • Pouring cold tap water over the feet:

Periodicity: every day after shower.

Duration of the procedure: from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes after 2 months from the beginning of the procedure.

  • Gargling with cool water:

Gargling with cool water- a very effective tool, but requires proper use. You need to start with a temperature of at least 26 ° C and a holding time of 1 minute; gradually increasing the duration of exposure to 2 minutes and slowly lowering the temperature by 2–3 ° С. The full habituation period is at least 4–5 months.

  • Swimming in the pool or open water

Swimming in open water- the traditional way of hardening. For the purpose of hardening, the water temperature must be sufficiently low (however, children are not recommended to swim in the ice-hole in winter). It is advisable to swim in 1.5-2 hours after meals and 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to actively move in the water during bathing, which increases the preventive effect of bathing and prevents hypothermia.


  • Solar baths - carried out at an air temperature not lower than 22 ° С and not higher than 29 ° С in the shade 1.5-2 hours after eating. The head must be protected with a headgear.

Children under one year old- daytime sleep in the open air in the shade is organized, while direct sunlight is not allowed, you can leave the child in the shade from 10 to 11 am and after 5 pm.

Children after a year - exposure to the sun is allowed, but for 10-15 minutes a day and no more than 30 minutes.

After a walk, it is advisable to pour cool water on the child and wipe dry.

  • Light-air baths - the combined effects of the sun and air. Ideal for air mobility - when there is little wind. They are taken either in the supine position, or with light movement (temperature - not lower than 19 ° C).

Measures that enhance the hardening procedures include:

  • morning exercises;
  • body massage and self-massage of hands and feet;
  • physical education.

All procedures should be carried out regularly.

When choosing a set of hardening procedures for your child, be guided by the individual characteristics of his body, his capabilities and internal desire to engage in a certain type of hardening. It is possible to alternate different methods of hardening, all kinds of their combinations, but within reasonable limits.

During the hardening procedures, it is important to monitor the correct, nutritious nutrition of the child, providing his body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

If the child, despite hardening, fell ill, then this may indicate a still imperfect immunity system. And, of course, after the child has fully recovered, it will be necessary to start the course of hardening procedures anew.

Do not forget to promote a healthy lifestyle to your child by example. Move more, walk, breathe fresh air and enjoy life. This is the perfect way to teach your child to take care of their health, including hardening with pleasure!

According to the World Health Organization, human health is 50% dependent on lifestyle and only 20% depends on hereditary factors. Therefore, when a mother says that her child is often sick from the fact that she herself often suffered from colds in childhood, the relationship is minimal. The child needs to be taught from infancy to adapt to changes in the environment. It doesn't matter whether it is rain or wind, snow or blizzard - the body needs to be trained. Everyone knows the basic methods of hardening, but not everyone knows how to harden a child at home, step-by-step hardening without harm to health.

How to temper a child up to a year

Teaching a child to a healthy lifestyle from infancy is a wise decision of parents. Such manipulations will not only strengthen the health of the crumbs, but also reduce the risk of the immune system's susceptibility to infectious diseases.

Tempering does not mean walking in an ice hole or pouring ice water in frost. For young children, the hardening methods are completely different.

To begin with, we list all the hardening methods suitable for children under one year old:

  • Regular airing of the room, regardless of the season and weather conditions;
  • Air baths;
  • A gradual decrease in the temperature of the bathing water;
  • Massage with an open window;
  • Sleep in light clothes without a blanket;
  • Walking barefoot on grass and sand;
  • No diaper abuse.

Now in more detail. The child's room must be ventilated at least 3 times a day. In a frequently ventilated room, there are several times less pathogenic bacteria, and the air temperature is also optimal - 20 - 21 * C. if the weather is calm and calm, it is better to leave the window open at night.

When dressing a child, do not try to dress him quickly. Changes in temperature are a great way to harden. It is recommended to stay naked for 5 - 8 minutes.

When bathing the baby, lower the temperature of the water in the bathroom. With the optimum allowable 37 * C, for hardening can be reduced by 1 degree during bathing. After washing - pour over the baby with cool water - 33 - 34 * C, wipe with a towel.

In calm weather, lightly stroke the child. In this case, the window must be open. Remember! Massage - done by a medic! Mom can just stroke the baby. Tactile contact with the window open will not only bring the mother closer to the child, but also serve as a hardening procedure.

When dressing your child at night, do not overdo it with clothes. Swimming trunks and a tank top are smart sleepwear options in the summer. Do not cover the child, do not wear socks. should be uniform.

When walking, take off your socks and shoes, let the child touch the grass or sand with a full foot. The hot sand will improve the blood supply to the feet, and the grass will make every nerve cell in the lower extremities work.

A painful topic is diapers. Of course, there are no "bad" diapers anymore, they all breathe and provide comfort, but still - the body temperature should be the same everywhere, so put them on your baby as a last resort.

How to temper children 2 - 5 years old at home

Hardening of children older than a year begins in the warm season, preferably in summer or early autumn.

The safest and most effective hardening methods:

  • Rubdown;
  • Dousing;
  • in open reservoirs;
  • Contrast dousing of the lower extremities.

Regular airing of the room remains an integral part of hardening. They are joined by other procedures.

After bathing in 33 - 35 * C water, rub the baby's skin with a towel until a blush appears. Such actions will improve blood circulation in the tissues and dilate the baby's blood vessels.

While bathing, pour water on the baby, gradually lowering the temperature by 1 * C. Finally, the water temperature should be reduced to 24 * C.

The shower has not only thermal, but also mechanical effects on the body. If you change the temperature of the water, during the procedure, it is a contrast shower, which strengthens the walls of the child's blood vessels and increases the body's endurance to pathogenic microbes. The water temperature during a contrast shower should range from 37 to 32 * C.

Children over 2 years old are allowed to swim in open water. The water temperature should be at least 22 * ​​C. It is recommended to start hardening with 1 - 2 immersions in water. After that, the child should be well wiped off with a towel. Gradually, the baby's stay in the open water is increased to 10 minutes. Such a wellness procedure will bring a lot of positive emotions to the child.

A funny and very effective procedure for the recovery of the baby's body is the contrast pouring of the baby's legs. Prepare two containers of water. One - with a temperature of 37 * C, the other - 23 - 25 * C. Alternating water, pour over the legs of the child. The duration of the procedure is no more than 2 minutes. The time can be gradually increased up to 5 minutes.

How to temper children 5-7 years old

  • and skiing;
  • Bath procedures;
  • Rinsing the mouth with disinfectant solutions;
  • Dousing and rubdown remains traditional.

Skiing and recommended in any weather. Classes should start with short walks, increasing the time to 2 - 3 hours. Sports wellness procedures not only help to form the muscle corset of the child, but also improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Many parents take their child with them to the bathhouse from 1 month of age. According to doctors, if the baby is healthy and has no abnormalities, this procedure will only benefit. At a more mature age, you can warm up your child in the sauna by pouring essential oils on the heater. The procedure should not exceed 3 minutes, 3 minutes - warm up, 5 minutes - rest.

To increase the body's resistance to colds, including sore throat, rinsing the throat with saline solutions of different temperatures is an excellent option. Prepare 2 glasses for your child. In one, the temperature of the solution should be 30 * C, in the other - 18 - 20 * C. alternating solutions, gargle with the baby. The solution is prepared at the rate of 0.5 teaspoon of salt per glass of water. As a disinfectant solution, you can use infusions and decoctions of chamomile, calendula and sage.

How to temper a child over 10 years old

In a child over 10 years old, the immune system has already become sufficiently strong, and he is no longer so susceptible to colds.

As a hardening procedure, doctors recommend:

  • Cold and hot shower;
  • Swimming pool visit;
  • A visit to the sauna followed by rubbing off with snow;
  • Contrasting douches.

All procedures are carried out in the same way as for young children. The only difference is in the temperature of the water. The temperature of the douche water can be reduced to 17 * C. The same applies to the contrast shower.

In winter, take your child with you to the sauna or bathhouse. After the steam room, rub the body with snow. The main thing is to catch the moment so that the child does not freeze during rubbing. After the procedure, you need to return to the steam room. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and increases the body's resistance to colds.

To temper a child at home? Remember! The hardening should bring pleasure and positive emotions to the child. Make sure that the skin does not acquire a bluish tint. Everything should be in moderation. The temperature of the water must not be drastically changed. Only the correctness and consistency of actions will benefit from hardening!

Most of today's children are brought up in sparing conditions. At home and in the kindergarten it is warm all year round, cleanliness, there are clothes and shoes for any season. But most children still fall ill with ARVI, even with slight hypothermia. The acquired immunity does not last long; after recovery, the baby falls ill again.

Parents of children with frequent illnesses have two ways to solve the problem:

  • First- to help kids by buying up all the novelties of the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Second- hardening of children. It is a simple and free health promotion method available to everyone. It will gradually restore the lost capabilities of the body, obtained at birth.

In this article, you will learn

The reasons for the weakening of the body

In the process of evolution, human babies have learned to adapt to any conditions. Women give birth to babies both in hot Africa and at the pole of cold, in Yakutia, where there is ice and frost. The newborn has a strong immune system, which gradually decreases under the influence of negative environmental factors. Here are the main reasons for the weakening of the body's defenses:

  • lack of nutrients during pregnancy and after birth;
  • bad habits of parents: smoking of a mother or father has a detrimental effect on the child's health;
  • lack or lack of breastfeeding;
  • overeating, an abundance of high-calorie, sweet and fatty foods;
  • poor environmental situation;
  • constant stay of the baby in a stable temperature regime, insufficient moisture in the room;
  • lack of movement and fresh air;
  • non-observance of sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family;
  • violation of sleep and rest.

The causes of disorders in the functioning of the immune system can be pathologies during pregnancy, congenital diseases, increased sensitivity of the body.

Signs of weak immunity

The baby's health does not become vulnerable immediately. How to understand that a child's immunity needs support? Indirect and direct signs include:

  • The pediatrician makes the diagnosis of ARVI from 4 to 6 times a year.
  • Even mild hypothermia can cause a cough or runny nose.
  • The child is characterized by constant lethargy and drowsiness, unwillingness to participate in outdoor games.
  • Headaches, allergies, skin rashes.
  • It takes a long time for a baby to recover from an illness.
  • High susceptibility to colds and other diseases.
  • Atypical course of the disease.

It is interesting! The elements of hardening were used by Hippocrates, complexes for strengthening the immune system are included in the systems of yoga and many martial arts.

How often does your child get colds during the year?

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Strengthening the health of the child

Often, increasing disease resistance does not require special financial costs and stress. You can effectively strengthen the body's defenses by revising many habits, changing the lifestyle of the family as a whole, for example:

  • Change or diversify your diet... There is an expression that immunity is hidden in the intestines. Its microflora is maintained at the proper level by eating certain foods: fermented milk products containing prebiotics, berries, fresh fruits, vegetables, especially the cruciferous family: cabbage, radishes, turnips.
  • Increase physical activity, especially in nature. Among other things, swimming is especially useful.
  • Revise the period of wakefulness and sleep: go to bed and get up in accordance with the natural biorhythms of a person.
  • Provide vitamin therapy, especially during periods of transition and at the peak of epidemics. You can enrich the menu with useful substances by adding herbal teas, honey and beekeeping products, citrus fruits, dried fruits to it. It is advisable that they be on the family table every day.
  • Harden the child... For those who doubt the effectiveness of the method or simply do not know where to start, how to temper the child correctly, you can familiarize yourself with various methods and scientific data confirming the beneficial result of the procedures.

But, Dr. Komarovsky believes that children do not need to be hardened... Take a look and see for yourself.

The benefits of hardening

An increase in immunobiological resistance during cold procedures was proved in the last century by Academician Ilya Arshavsky. He is the author of numerous publications on child physiology. The Nikitin couple, who later developed their own education system, established the relationship between hardening and reducing the manifestations of allergies. The following effects from hardening activities include:

  • Stabilization of the nervous and endocrine systems. The consequences of stress, overwork, increased psycho-emotional stress are reduced.
  • Improving the functioning of the circulatory system increases tone, improves the condition of the skin, protects against varicose veins.
  • Increased immunity to colds caused by changes in external factors: lower temperatures, increased wind and others.
  • The course of the disease in hardened babies is much easier and shorter in duration. Less likelihood of complications.

General rules

Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician and immunologist for the presence of congenital abnormalities or acquired diseases. Methods and general rules can be discussed with the pediatric doctor. Based on the advice of your doctor and the chosen method, make an action plan.

For parents who are hardening a baby for the first time, there are the following recommendations:

  • Sick child cannot be subjected to procedures... You need to wait for a complete recovery.
  • You need to get accustomed to hardening procedures extremely careful, otherwise the child will catch a cold and will have to be treated.
  • First you need to master one type of hardening, after about a week, you can make changes to the schedule of hardening procedures. Let your baby adapt.
  • It is optimal to start hardening at the end of spring.: At this time, the peak of colds has passed and the child will have a lot of time to prepare for the autumn cold. Be careful with water activities, it is advisable to start them in the summer.
  • At the initial stage, the fluctuation in water or air temperature should be 2 - 3 degrees.
  • Take a break from procedures for two days every two weeks.
  • Combine treatments with walks, being in nature, playing sports, optimize your sleep mode.

Advice! The kid will be more willing to take part in the procedures if mom and dad show him an example. Yes, and it is more convenient to switch to a healthy lifestyle for the whole family.

Passive hardening

You don't need to take drastic measures to improve your child's health. Hardening involves the rejection of the greenhouse conditions in which the baby is kept. It is enough to slightly change the usual way of life concerning the following aspects:

  • The habit of dressing warmly... Both excess clothing and lack of it are harmful. An extra layer of fabric leads to overheating, frequent stay of the baby in the same underwear in a cool room leads to disruptions in the operation of heat capacity systems.
  • Walking at home with shoes... The connection between the feet and the nasopharynx and throat has long been noticed. Teaching a preschooler to walk barefoot, parents not only train him to resist colds, but also prevent flat feet.
  • Indoor temperature and air circulation... Rooms where children are kept should have a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees, depending on the purpose of the room and the age of the children, this figure may fluctuate. Frequent ventilation without drafts is required.
  • Walking in the street... Stay in the fresh air should be regular, its duration depends on the age of the baby and weather conditions.

Active hardening. Memo to parents

Active methods of hardening include: procedures using water: rubdown, bathing, swimming, dousing; air and sun baths, sports exercises, massage.

Table 1... Instructions for carrying out procedures for active hardening of children up to 3 years.

Procedure nameDuration
WalkDuring the day2 times a day for 2 hours
Daytime sleepBefore or after noon2 - 3 hours a day depending on age
SunbathingBefore a year - 1 - 2 minutes, after a year - up to 20 minutes
Air bathsDuring the dayAccording to weather conditions, home environment, from 2 minutes to unlimited time
RubdownsAfter sleep1 - 2 minutes
Water proceduresDepends on the age category and the purpose of the procedure. It is recommended to swim in the open water at the age of one year for 5 - 7 minutes
Gymnastics and active gamesAt least 5 - 10 minutes
Massage5 to 15 minutes, therapeutic massage - according to indications

table 2... Active hardening program for children from 3 to 8 years old.

Procedure nameWhat time of day to spendDuration
WalkDuring the day2 times a day for 2 - 3 hours
Daytime sleepBefore or after noon1 - 1.5 hours a day
SunbathingBefore 11 am and after 4 pm10 - 40 minutes
Air bathsDuring the dayAccording to weather conditions, home environment, from 20 minutes to unlimited time
RubdownsAfter sleep2 - 3 minutes
Water proceduresIn the morning, after physical activity, in the evening - to relieve tensionDepends on age and purpose: the optimal bathing time is 10 minutes
Gymnastics and active gamesIn the morning and during the day, an hour after eatingFrom 15 minutes plus specialized workload
MassageIn the morning or evening, an hour after eating5 to 15 minutes

Advice! A simple hardening method is to gargle with cool water and added salt.

Water procedures

The most commonly recommended and gentle way is rubdowns... Suitable even for babies. The procedure requires a natural soft tissue. Usually used after waking up, first use warm water, slightly below body temperature, then gradually reduce it by 1 - 2 degrees. Rub the baby's skin with a wet cloth very carefully.

Once your child is used to daily rubdowns, you can start with pouring over handles and legs... First time temperature should not be less than 33 degrees... As the child adapts from warm water, you need to gradually switch to cold water, it is useful to use a contrast shower (after a year and a half). The process should be phased.

Proponents recommend starting after 2 - 3 weeks from birth... Children from one year old can swim in a home bath, an open pond, a swimming pool. The temperature and duration of classes depend on the age of the child and the time of year.

Magic track - an unconventional way

This method combines foot massage, exercise, aromatherapy and water treatments. To carry it out, you need to pour warm water into the bath. temperature 36 - 37 degrees... To stimulate the active points located on the feet, place a massage mat and medium-sized pebbles, sand on the bottom. Add scented salt with pine needle or eucalyptus concentrate.

Step-by-step procedure:

  1. Invite your toddler to walk and jump on the path.
  2. Continue walking for 10 minutes.
  3. Make sure that the baby does not freeze.
  4. After charging, wash your feet and pat dry with a towel.

Gradually increase the duration of the lesson, bring it up to 20 minutes... Reduce the temperature by 1 - 2 degrees, but do not use completely ice water.

Advice! To help your child breathe in beneficial essential oils and salt fumes more often, invite him to sing a song or recite a poem together.

For example, this:

We are not afraid of any weather

And in the winter cold, and in the summer heat,

We take health from nature,

And we wash off diseases with cold water.

Air baths

The method can be used both at home and outdoors. Indoors, changing clothes for a baby, do not rush to quickly wrap him up. If warm, leave naked for two minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a day. If the baby is in order, after a while the duration of the air baths can be increased. The procedure can also be performed outdoors during a hot period.

In warm summer weather, the baby should not have excess clothing. A child can be naked or in only underwear during hours when the sun is not too active.


It is useful to combine this type of hardening with the previous one. A baby without clothes in the sun should be up to 2 minutes, a one-year-old butuz under the sun can stay up to 20 minutes... Be sure to wear a hat that covers your face and eyes.

Gymnastics and exercises

Morning exercises will be useful for both active kids and little lazy people. Its purpose is to stretch the muscles, warm them up, and activate the work of all body systems. Adults will also have to do the exercises: children are reluctant to do exercise complexes on their own, even if they are presented in the form of a vivid video.

While walking with your baby, encourage him to participate in active games, and the younger student and teenager need regular sports.


Elements of passive hardening: walking, washing, air baths within reasonable limits will be useful in case of ailments. Hardening of children is not recommended in the following cases:

  • with asthma, other respiratory diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis;
  • if the crumbs have adenoids of III - IV degree;
  • with diseases of the heart and kidneys;
  • water procedures should not be carried out if the integrity of the skin is violated;
  • with diseases of a viral and infectious nature;
  • in case of disturbances in the work of the nervous system;
  • after vaccinations and any medical intervention;
  • during the adaptation period of getting used to kindergarten or school;
  • ask the teacher if there was a quarantine in the kindergarten; if there is a threat of contracting an infectious disease: flu, chickenpox, especially for neuroinfections, hardening should be postponed.

In any cases of abnormalities in the development of the baby, health problems, a conversation with a pediatrician, a consultation with an immunologist before the introduction of hardening procedures is necessary.

Take a look useful and detailed transmission about methods of hardening children.

Most pediatricians, in particular the famous doctor Komarovsky, believe that one-time procedures with elements of hardening will not give a special effect, the baby will still be sick.

It is necessary to create conditions under which the adaptive systems of the body will function in a natural way. Here are some guidelines to help you make your wellness enjoyable and safe for the whole family:

  • consider individual characteristics baby;
  • harden in a playful way;
  • act step by step;
  • feed the child at will, give as much as the kid wants;
  • do not overheat;
  • do not expose sudden changes in temperature the genital area, especially in boys, is fraught with reproductive dysfunction;
  • follow the principle consistency and gradualness;
  • reduce the use of household chemicals;
  • focus on the behavior of the baby: Individual characteristics are different for everyone.

Note to mothers: the baby will be much healthier if he feels that he is loved and needed, and the atmosphere in the family is much more important than temperature conditions.

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The health status of the child quite often does not suit his parents at all. No, he is not that sick all the time, but he is very often sick. The district doctor comes, once again diagnoses another acute respiratory disease, prescribes treatment. We treat. It helps. A couple of weeks later - sniffs again.
The conditions are almost ideal - their own children's room, toys, well fed, dressed, shod, the house is warm and no drafts, a wonderful kindergarten ... Still sick. Negative parenting emotions gradually build up. Mom is in conflict with the authorities in connection with the receipt of the next hospital for caring for the child. Dad was tired of all this too; to what it came to - he is already in the pharmacy, which is next to the house, they know him by sight! Need to do something!
So what to do? The answer seems obvious - temper... But as? Where to begin? What kind of thing is this, hardening?
Let's start with the definition of the term.
So, HARDENING - increasing the body's resistance to the adverse effects of a number of physical environmental factors (for example, low or high temperature, water, etc.) by systematic dosed exposure to these factors.
Parents, internally ready for the fact that, they say, "stop babysitting, it's time temper", sincerely hope to get in this article a clear program of action - what temperature and how long to bathe in water, how to pour it over, how many seconds to walk barefoot and how many squats to do before breakfast. Lovers of programs and planning will immediately have to upset: the author offers such information cannot. Our tasks are completely different. First, to explain the essence of hardening, its goals and ways to achieve them. Secondly, to ensure that by conducting experiments on children that bear the conditional name " hardening procedures", the adults were aware of their actions.
It is quite obvious that many external factors can cause diseases that are called "colds". The most common causes of "colds" include, first of all, hypothermia, both general (poorly dressed, cold in the apartment) and local (for example, wet feet). On the one hand, the relationship "cold-illness" is quite obvious, on the other, it is completely incomprehensible.
Looking around, watching animals - dogs that run through the November puddles, crows that sit on wires in the fierce January frost - you involuntarily begin to feel a kind of human inferiority, a kind of isolation from nature. Is it possible that more developed brains have to pay with an absolute inability to live according to the laws of nature? No, it is quite possible to explain the connection between colds and extreme physical influences - fell through the hole, for example. But why does the disease arise only because it blew from an open window, only because snow got into his boots, only because he lost his hat at school and walked home for five minutes with his head uncovered? Why?
The answers to these questions should be sought in the earliest childhood. After all, a newborn human cub has an innate ability adapt to environmental conditions... The stability of these conditions, for example, constant and by no means low air temperature, warm water, sterile food, careful elimination of contact with moving air (wind) leads to the fact that congenital adaptation mechanisms disconnected as unnecessary. Unfortunately, it is the stability of external physical factors that is almost the main manifestation of parental love. What does this lead to? Besides, physical factors that are not at all extreme for a person - moving air, called the terrible word "draft", or the temperature in the room +17 ° С become a source of increased danger.
Thus, a very important conclusion should be made: a newborn child does not need tempering. He tempered by nature itself, by millennia of natural selection. You just need to organize the care of the baby so that it does not fade away. natural adaptive mechanisms... Not only not to avoid, but deliberately create contrasts in the temperatures of both air and water, use all opportunities for maximum duration of contact with natural factors of nature, in other words, walk more and in any weather. No need for extremism! There is no need to plunge children into an ice-hole, no need to keep them in the sun for hours, and it is absolutely not necessary to run barefoot in the snow.
Nevertheless, natural upbringing, based on maintaining natural abilities, comes into deep contradictions both with domestic pediatrics and with the domestic mentality. The situation is close to a dead end, if only because 99% of moms and dads get sick safely after sitting in a draft or getting their feet wet. It is not surprising that these factors are unequivocally regarded as dangerous, and the child will be protected from such threats in every possible way.
The problem itself hardening arises, as a rule, in those families where children are desired and loved, where parents are ready for all kinds of sacrifices and personal restrictions, if only the child would be good. Hardening should always be viewed as an attempt to return what was lost, an attempt to jump on a departing train, an attempt to revise the traditional parental ideas about what is bad for a child and what is good.
The above should be considered as a kind of theoretical basis, allowing us to understand that the main task of parents is not to temper the child. The main thing is to make sure that the child does not need hardening. But this is all theory. We have a fact: constant colds. We admit, we were wrong. We are ready to improve. Where to begin?
To begin with, to understand: any person - no matter whether it is an adult or a child - is constantly influenced by a completely definite set of external influences. These impacts can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first is the natural (natural) factors - the famous sun, air and water sung in songs and fairy tales. The second is the factors of civilization - place of residence, household chemicals, school, TV, clothing, transport, etc., etc.
The oppression of innate resistance to natural influences that are completely normal for the human body, which has arisen as a result of inadequate upbringing, may well be eliminated. To do this, not much is needed - fundamentally change the way of life, make it natural.
The natural way of life provides for priority contact with the aforementioned natural factors and the maximum limitation of contacts with the "harmfulness of civilization". It is this way of existence that awakens the inherent in a person adaptation mechanisms... The logical consequence is multiple increasing the body's resistance, reducing both the frequency and severity of diseases.
Lifestyle our children, especially city dwellers, in the overwhelming majority of cases is not natural. Inactivity. Almost constant stay in the room - school, homework, watch hours at the TV, a children's room with a bunch of toys. Feeding, incomparable with real energy costs, excess of household chemicals.
Readers, of course, may well object - they say, not every child has his own room with a bunch of toys, and not every parent can afford an excess of food, and not all children spend hours doing their homework. That's how it is. But the whole paradox lies precisely in the fact that non-overweight students from low-income families in hardening usually do not need!
Let us now consider the main components of natural lifestyle, very desirable for adults and absolutely obligatory for children, especially in those everyday situations when the family council considers the issue that the child it's time to temper.

    Physical activity. Walking to school or maybe one stop by bus? Watch a movie or play football? What is healthier in general - chess or tennis? On Sunday, with the whole family, we do general cleaning, forming labor skills, or on Sunday we go to nature with the whole family, and we do general cleaning in two evenings on weekdays? Do I need to answer these questions? Do I need to explain that it is better to exercise physical activity in the open air, and not between the floor and the ceiling?

    Clothing. Doesn't interfere with movement. The amount is moderate, as sweating causes colds more often than hypothermia.

    Nutrition. Appetite as the main criterion for the expediency of eating in general and as an equivalent of energy consumption in particular. If he does not want to eat, it means that he did not spend the proper amount of energy (on maintaining body temperature, on the motor activity already mentioned by us).

A very special issue is visiting children's groups (school, kindergarten). It is clear that it is easier for a kindergarten teacher to refer to "bad weather" and not leave the premises than, firstly, to dress and undress everyone and, secondly, to listen to claims from Seryozha's mother later - the boy fell ill because it was damp.
School is a separate topic altogether. We all came to terms with the fact that school is a source of knowledge. What about your health? After all, the well-being of our people is not so great that everyone has exercise equipment, swimming pools and tennis courts at home. All that remains is to hope for the school. But it was not there...
Why math 4 times a week, and physical education 2? Beggar gyms with crumbling ceilings, what kind of exercise equipment, we could have at least a couple of new volleyballs! 90 minutes a week for physical activity and 20 minutes out of these 90 - roll call, "equal", "attention", "on the first or second pay off." Botany, natural history and geography without leaving the classroom. Additional activities. The number of homework assignments is such that conscientious study can undermine the best health.
Wait a minute, the impatient reader will exclaim, we have a topic " hardening"! A hardening what does it have to do with it?
Very much even to do with it, since it is Quite often they try to make hardening a substitute for a natural way of life.
The classic situation: the nice girl Helen is an excellent student. She reads a lot and loves cartoons, helps her mother wash the dishes, additionally studies English, and on Sundays a music teacher comes to the house (last year, grandfather bought a piano with his saved two-year pension). Helen has a lot of toys and books, chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, low hemoglobin, allergies to oranges and chocolate. During the winter she suffered from acute respiratory infections 5 times and bronchitis once. Lenochkin's dad was the first to conclude that a child is needed temper and was supported at the family council (five votes in favor, mother-in-law abstained). There was even a massively printed brochure "Tempering" in the house. We decided to start with douches. There was a table in the booklet - at what temperature to start and how to lower the temperature. Every day (before going to bed) Lenochka was doused - they started from 34 ° C, every week the water temperature was lowered by 1 degree, reached 30 ° C, but everyone in the class had the flu, and the book says - in case of illness, raise the temperature, again returned to 34 ° C ... In principle, temper it turned out to be very simple - to spend some 10 minutes a day on additional water procedures.
The described course of action is very typical and, most importantly, on the one hand, it is absolutely harmless to the child, and on the other hand, it is very convenient for the parents. Without changing anything in general and spending a maximum of 15-20 minutes a day on hardening procedures, adults and, at first glance, quite reasonable people, are deeply convinced that they the child is tempered.
Let's go back to the theoretical basis one more time hardening... Some physical factor, such as a draft, causes colds. If this factor is constant, at first short-term (metered), and then longer, then the body will get used to it (draft) and will not react painfully. From theory - practical hardening method- today we will sit for 20 seconds near an open window, tomorrow a minute, the day after tomorrow 2 minutes, ideally in 3 months we will sleep with an open window. Wet feet are a disease. Pour lukewarm water into the bathtub and jump before bed for 2-3 minutes. The next day we will make the water a little colder, and we will jump a little longer. Ideally, in six months we will be running through the puddles in slippers.
The child does not go out for weeks, does not take off his hats and woolen socks, eats with persuasion, sits near the TV for hours, but before going to bed he is doused (wiped) with water and with a feeling of deep satisfaction go to bed.
It is precisely such a theory and precisely such practical actions that is being introduced hardening into our daily life.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, "hardening procedures" do not bring any benefit or harm to the child, but they have a huge benefit to the parents' nervous system. Hardening is a big bold cross on the conscience of mom and dad - they say, we did everything we could.
So don't temper? Temper but correct and hardening should not be understood as short-term metered exposure to the sun, air and water, but a fundamental correction of the way of life. Do not start with rub-downs and douches, not with opening the window for 20 seconds. Start by addressing global issues: daily routine, learning intensity, food, sleep, nursery, clothing, sports.
Once and for all, define certain rules that must be followed - to walk in any weather and in every possible way to encourage physical activity, never to force food, to minimize contact with household chemicals, to provide an opportunity to dress yourself (to determine the number of things yourself). If the child does not get out of illness, decide on additional educational loads (music, foreign languages). Excessive knowledge with a deficit of health does not make a person happy. Tidy up the children's room, throw out the dust accumulators, wet cleaning every day. Do not dose fresh air, but dose TV, dose lessons, dose checkers-chess and tic-tac-toe. Donating not toys and chocolates, giving fresh air - not from the window, but in the forest, flowers - not in a vase, but in the field, water - in the river, not from the aqueduct.
Only such Lifestyle can make the child happy. And the practical implementation of such actions requires from parents not only desire, but also time. This is much more difficult and troublesome than wiping with warm water for five minutes a day.
The direct connection between the child's health and the parents' ability to find time to strengthen this very health seems obvious. But we have what we have - a sad environment, a low level of material well-being, a constant search for livelihoods, and a lack of health among the parents themselves. It's easy to say, "all free time is to walk." You have to have free time. It's easy to say "cool shower in the morning". You have to have hot water - without hot water it is difficult to make cool water, only cold water is obtained. The hand does not rise to ventilate the room, in which even without ventilation is + 15 ° C.
List of reasons preventing hardening you can continue, but the strength to put up with childhood illnesses is no longer left, and the desire to do at least something is increasing every day. An important argument in favor of the need for action is that a child's illness, in itself, takes time and a lot of money (medicines, diet, financial losses due to the inability to go to work). So, specific recommendations, long-awaited answers to the age-old question "what to do?"
Understand that there are two options for action. The first option is relatively passive - lifestyle correction. We have already determined what, how and in which direction to correct. Immediately, we note that such changes are quite enough for the gradual return of lost health. The second option is active. Lifestyle changes plus some additional measures (those same tempering procedures), allowing you to return what was lost much faster.
The recommended scheme for the active course of action is something like this.
Start with physical activity. Wake up an hour earlier than usual and go jogging in any weather. Not jogging in place in the room, but into the fresh air! We ran for 5-10 minutes (we are in no hurry, calmly, no records for speed and range), stopped, another 5-10 minutes - a set of elementary gymnastic exercises (waved hands, twisted a pelvis, jumped, squatted) and ran home. Total - maximum 30 minutes. At home - water procedures, shower or from a ladle poured warm water (while dad was running, mom warmed up the water), brushed your teeth. We had breakfast. Let's go to school (kindergarten). We gradually increase the range and time of jogging, complicate gymnastic exercises, and reduce the amount of clothing.
The described course of action only laziness can get in the way... There are simply no other excuses. It can be assumed (although not really wanting) that parents cannot afford a day off in nature and walks with their child after work. But you can and should carve out an hour a day in the morning. In this hour, the child will receive harmonious complex of influences - own physical activity + water and fresh air. The author guarantees that, having found the willpower to wake up an hour earlier every day, in a month you will feel a change for the better - not only in relation to the child's health, but also in relation to your own health!
When implementing any hardening activities should be strictly observed three main principles:

    systematic - since you started, don't back down, don't look for an excuse to miss today;

    gradualness - a smooth increase in the intensity and duration of impacts;

    taking into account individual characteristics - age, psychological mood of the child himself, concomitant diseases, household factors.

Hardening procedures should bring pleasure to the child. It always makes sense to focus on those options for action that the child himself aspires to. For example, he likes to walk barefoot. A very good option hardening- parents just have to remember about the gradual and systematic nature.
Paying attention: hardening helps to prevent only those diseases that are associated with the adverse effects of physical environmental factors. Hardening in no way can reduce the incidence of infectious diseases - if chickenpox is in the kindergarten or a flu epidemic has begun, it will certainly fall ill. But it is precisely hardening allows you to significantly reduce the severity and duration of diseases, the frequency and likelihood of complications.
Once again I emphasize the main thing. The child does not need tempering, the child needs a natural, harmonious way of life. Maximum physical activity, the maximum possible stay in the fresh air, a sufficient minimum of clothing, a clean, cool children's room - ten times more important and advisable than any gymnastics, douches and rubdowns. The justice of this very state of affairs is often comprehended by parents too late, when supposedly love, supposedly care and supposed care bear fruit in the form of a whole bunch of diseases.

Hardening of children is a useful practice, which not many parents hesitate to resort to, since they consider it extreme and do not know how to properly start this type of recovery. Proper prevention carried out on time is the best way to protect your baby from seasonal illnesses. But you need to take into account many factors: immunity, the state of health of the child, his age.

The principles of hardening children

The complex of measures that have an impact on the body and increase its resistance to the external environment includes such natural factors as: solar heat, air and water. Temperature contrast is at the heart of this process. The hardening of children makes the body ready to withstand negative influences, react to them faster and more easily withstand the effects of cold, heat, and wind. Systematic procedures improve the performance of all systems:

  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • the nervous system is strengthened;
  • is accelerating.

Tempering children makes them healthier and more energetic. The appetite increases and the condition of the hair and skin improves. But in order to do everything right and not harm the baby, you need to take into account the main principles of hardening:

  1. Consistency. Activities should take place daily.
  2. Consistency and gradualness. The dosage increases over time.

When can you start hardening your child?

The main rule concerns the period when you can start healing procedures. The child must be completely healthy, and the body must be strengthened. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician who will help you draw up a program based on the characteristics of the body. Everything new is introduced gradually. The abrupt start of hardening the child is fraught with consequences, this moment needs to be thought out in advance. Parents should discuss the time of tempering events, prepare the baby for them in advance, and ensure his optimistic attitude.

Body hardening - contraindications

The hardening of children by parents is not always beneficial, and there are restrictions for conducting wellness sessions for children. These include:

  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • heart defects;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • cold, ;
  • severe neurological conditions;
  • exhaustion;
  • anemia (low hemoglobin levels);
  • the presence of burns;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lethargic or agitated state;
  • negative attitude towards wellness activities.

As a rule, preschoolers and schoolchildren are tempered, not daring to resort to manipulating babies. In fact, hardening of children under one year old is possible in the absence of contraindications and the permission of a pediatrician. Such procedures are not recommended for severely premature babies, too weak, at various stages of exhaustion. The rest can be tempered from birth, but with a reasonable approach. It is not necessary to immediately bathe the baby in ice water, you can use conservative methods of hardening children.

Types of hardening of children

Medicine knows several ways of hardening. All of them are divided into non-special and special. The first includes general actions to ensure the child's proper nutrition and daily routine: playing sports and walking in the fresh air, having the right clothes (street and home), regular ventilation of the living space. Special methods involve special activities at home and outdoors. Types of hardening of children:

  • aquatic;
  • air;
  • sunny.

Tempering children with water

The most intensive procedure is water hardening, the rules of which boil down to the same gradual and adequate actions. Water sessions are best done in the warm season, start after morning exercises. The water temperature should drop gradually, with a comfortable (33-35 degrees) decrease every day by a couple of degrees. Available water hardening measures:

  1. Rubdown. You can teach a child to it already from six months: with a soft damp sponge or mitten, wipe alternately the limbs, back and tummy. Then the body is wiped dry.
  2. Dousing with water, cool or cold. Short sessions (no more than 5 minutes) can be started from 4-5 years old, doused in hot weather outside or after taking a bath. The water temperature drops from 30-35 to 15 degrees.
  3. A contrast shower consists of alternating cool and warm water, the effect is achieved with a greater difference. In the first stages, the water should be at a comfortable temperature, and the session should last no longer than a minute. Then warm, hot and cool water alternates.
  4. Foot baths, rinsing the feet.
  5. Swimming in the pond in the summer. Combined with active physical activity.

Air hardening

An accessible and safe form for everyone is air hardening, the rules of which are simple. All that is required for manipulation is fresh air. There are practically no contraindications, air baths are also practiced in infancy (they briefly undress the child during swaddling), and continue throughout life. The following types of air baths can be named:

  • short-term exposure to the air without clothes;
  • charging outdoors or with an open window;
  • games, jogging while wearing obviously light clothes;
  • sleeping or relaxing in the fresh air.

Hardening by the sun

One of the types of air baths is sun exposure. This is useful because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in the body, it is useful for bones. A hardened child is a healthy child! But it is important to dose the time spent under the Sun, avoiding overheating. The rules are:

  1. Thermal baths begin at a comfortable temperature (22-28 degrees); you need to hide in the shade from direct sunlight.
  2. The ideal time is morning (from 9 to 11) and evening (from 16 to 18) hours.
  3. At first, the child should not be completely undressed; the presence of a headdress is mandatory on the head.
  4. When the baby has a tan, it is allowed to undress him to his panties and increase the time spent in the sun (no more than 40-45 minutes at a time).
  5. During thermal baths, one should not forget to replenish the water balance in the body.
  6. Baths and saunas - as types of thermal baths - are not recommended for small children. They can hardly tolerate temperatures above 41 degrees.

How to temper a child correctly?

Common mistakes of parents who are trying to teach a child to a healthy lifestyle: start active hardening without preparation and forget about constancy. To relieve the body of stress, it is important to adapt it to new conditions. How to temper a child competently? Gradually, regularly and consistently. You need to harden yourself every day, starting with simple manipulations: washing your face with cold water, walking barefoot, walking on the street. Extreme temperatures are already a test for the body, and not a healing procedure.

Hardening a child - where to start?

The success of the event depends on a competent approach: a correct start and a systematic continuation. How to start hardening a child?

  1. With air procedures. Air baths are the safest. It is advisable to start hardening children of any age with them, especially toddlers.
  2. From comfortable temperatures with a gradual decrease (or increase, if we are talking about being in the sun).
  3. During the warm season.

The pediatrician must approve hardening of young children. From the very birth, the mother performs such simple manipulations as morning exercises, washing, air baths in the process of changing clothes, evening bathing. As a consequence, you can start pouring cool water on the legs, practice rubdown, teach the baby to fall asleep with an open window or on the street.

How to temper a child with weak immunity?

Hardening strengthens a weakened, but illiterate approach can lead to deterioration of health and illness. Parents are concerned about the question: how to temper frequently ill children? Temperature contrast has a good effect on weakened immunity. It is important to dress the child correctly: do not wrap him up in the cold season, dress him almost like yourself (a couple of layers warmer). Walking outside in any weather is an excellent gymnastics for the body. In addition, we must not forget about a balanced diet.

How to temper a child's throat?

Knowing how to properly temper a child at home, you can make him healthier without much effort and cost. From the age of four, it is useful to teach him to gargle with water at room temperature, and then with cool water. The duration of the session is increased from one to 2-3 minutes. You can practice a contrast rinse like a shower. It is a good prevention of throat ailments. Another option for this procedure is to eat ice cream (in a warm room, outside) or dissolve ice cubes.

Tempering children in winter

In the cold season, parents are afraid to "freeze" the child, so they postpone all hardening manipulations for spring and summer. Indeed, extreme temperatures, diving into an ice-hole and walking in the snow are dangerous for an unprepared organism. But the hardening of the child's body can be carried out at any time of the year, including in winter. Exercising in the fresh air, active games and walks, regular ventilation and water activities at home help protect weakened immune systems.

Summer hardening of children

The summer season provides more opportunities for health procedures: favorable air temperature, plenty of sunshine, warm water in reservoirs. In summer, children can spend a lot of time in the fresh air and in the water, sunbathe, actively move, and get vitamins from food. This is a good basis for strengthening the immune system. Tempering school-age children during the holidays allows them to prepare for the school period and winter.

If you approach the matter responsibly, hardening children will bring many benefits to them and their parents. Adapted to external negative phenomena, babies are less likely to get sick and tolerate viral infections more easily. Tempering methods can be diversified, from one to another. Regular wellness procedures (water and air) should become a habit that the child will carry with him into adulthood.

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