Interesting DIY jewelry ideas. How to create jewelry on the neck with your own hands

Nowadays, handmade jewelry can easily surpass any piece of jewelry in its beauty. In this article you will find 20 photos of original ideas of jewelry with your own hands, which will amaze your imagination with their sophistication and elegance.

DIY jewelry - 20 original ideas

We bring to your attention a selection of jewelry made with love by the hands of our craftswoman.

Materials: beads flowers - natural jade, synthetic opal
Materials: green cat's eye, synthetic opal, handmade glass beads, silver-like fittings)

Color: Coral, blue, brown

Materials: white agate, handmade glass beads, silver-like accessories
Materials: synthetic turquoise, copper
Materials: shungite beads, ceramic square beads
Materials: crystal, accessories copper
Materials: white agate, polymer clay beads with imitation marble, crystal
Materials: cabochon -natural malachite, malachite beads, Czech beads
Materials: natural rose quartz, silver-like fittings
Materials: stone - natural howlite, accessories - bronze
Materials: cabochon - natural serpentine, crystal Czech beads
Materials: fancy beads of natural tinted mother-of-pearl, silver-like accessories
Materials: imitation pearls, gold-like fittings
Materials: agate, tinted crystal, accessories for gold
Materials: cat's eye beads, shungite. Handmade porcelain beads covered with glaze, silver-like fittings
SET of handmade JEWELRY "ISKRA"
Materials: crystal, electroplating, accessories for gold
Materials: crystal, bronze
Handmade DECORATION SET "Mayan Fire"
Materials: agate, coral, silver-like accessories
Materials: czech beads, bugles, crystal

We all know very well that handmade work is highly valued, but few people think why? Nevertheless, there is not one, but several reasons for this, with which it is difficult to disagree.

The very first is the uniqueness of the product. Manual work is not put on stream, but is made individually and is not like any other. Often, if a master makes a product to order, then he takes into account your wishes, and you become a co-author. Another valuable factor is that you can make or purchase a product in the color of your favorite outfit, the color of your eyes, skin, in order to highlight your advantages and hide flaws.

The second reason is in the knowledge and skill of the performer. To make a beautiful and original thing, you need to have certain skills and practice a lot. Then the decoration will be made with love and inspiration. A good craftswoman is responsible for her work, her good name is dear to her, and besides, the process of creation itself brings joy and satisfaction. Making jewelry with your own hands contributes to the development and creative growth of a person and fills life with harmony.

The third reason is time. Making jewelry with your own hands takes a lot of time. To make a sketch, select materials, come up with an original move, the manufacturing process itself takes more than one day. This creative process requires focus and inspiration. This is the only way to get a truly original work worthy of your individuality. Even if you need a copy of a decoration from a photograph, in this case, in addition to skill, it will take time to determine the sequence of steps and select the necessary elements.

What materials are used to create jewelry?

So, making jewelry with your own hands is valued primarily for the originality of the idea. But first, let's figure out what is jewelry?

Bijouterie in French means products made from inexpensive materials. Although modern masters went further in their work and began to use natural stones, gilding and silvering. Still, for the most part, these are products made of transparent and colored glass, metal and its alloys, wood, leather, plastic, polymer clay.

A kind of jewelry is now made from scraps of fabric, knitted from threads and yarn, glued to the base. Bracelets and pendants look very nice and peculiar, in which several techniques are used, for example, the macrame technique.

In addition to beauty, jewelry can have protective properties and even protect the owners. For example, if you use a stone that has certain properties or is suitable for the owner according to the horoscope.

However, the most common type of handmade jewelry is bead and bead products, we will dwell on them in more detail.

An interesting fact is that the first to wear jewelry were not women, but men. It was believed that they protect from evil spirits and bring good luck on the hunt. Over time, jewelry began to testify to the status of their owner. They could be judged about the place of residence and occupation of a person.

The Indians were especially sensitive to beads. They exchanged beads for gold and made a variety of ornaments: weaved into hair, decorated houses, sewn clothes, and weaved jewelry. By the ornaments of the adornments one could judge whether they belonged to one or another genus.

The appearance of beads is associated with the appearance of glass. They were the first to learn how to make beads in Egypt. The Egyptians made necklaces from them and embroidered dresses. Then the secret passed to the Roman Empire, and then to Byzantium. Byzantium became a center for the production of beads and traded them all over the world. The secret of bead production was strictly forbidden, and for many years European countries tried unsuccessfully to unravel it.

Finally, in Bohemia they made glass that surpasses others in brilliance and strength. At the beginning of the 18th century, Czech craftsmen began to produce faceted Bohemian beads, which were then covered with multi-colored enamels.

Beads were not produced in Russia. Instead of beads, they used pearls, which were mined in huge quantities from numerous rivers. Likewise, pearls were used to make beads and decorate clothes. Black pearls, rare even at that time, were great chic.

With the development of trade ties, Byzantine beads began to be supplied to Russia. But it was expensive and not very popular. Only at the beginning of the 19th century did a real bead boom begin in Russia. Beads were used to embroider icons, walls, clothes, and adornments were woven. It became available not only for the court needlewomen, but also for the rural population. In the museums of Moscow and St. Petersburg, samples of jewelry and clothing of those times have been preserved. Despite the antiquity, a full sensation of novelty is created, so bright and durable are the beaded products.


Hand-made jewelry and its original ideas in execution are again relevant. And if you are in doubt about whether to wear it, you can remember how Coco Chanel, the trendsetter, described jewelry: “People with good taste wear jewelry. Everyone else has to wear gold. "

Handmade jewelry always attracts attention. An original and beautiful little thing will decorate your both everyday and evening look. Many do not dare to make jewelry with their own hands, fearing the complexity and lack of talent. But having at hand all the necessary materials and a good master class, such creativity is within the power of all lovers of designer jewelry.

If your fabric is stale and you don't know where to apply it, make jewelry. You can create necklaces, beads, earrings and bracelets from fabric. On the Internet, you will find thousands of ideas for such jewelry:

Pendants are very popular. An interesting option is a bottle pendant that can be filled with anything. Broken glass pendants also look original:

An original accessory can even be created from food. Beans, dyed or natural, are perfect for necklaces or beads:

DIY jewelry where to start

First of all, the novice craftsman needs to familiarize himself with the possible materials and tools.

Then choose the technique of work that suits you and find a good master class:

  • Modeling - jewelry made of polymer clay or ceramics.
  • Lempwork technique in which beads are melted from glass.
  • Wire work-creation of metal jewelry.
  • Jewelry made of fabric, leather, beads and other ready-made materials. This technique is best for beginners.

You also need to remember about the combination of shades and materials. Make the necessary measurements and calculations: the length of the product and the amount of fittings required for it. You can sketch on paper. Then all that remains is to turn on your imagination and start creating.

DIY jewelry materials

There are a lot of materials for creating jewelry. But still, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • Beads and beads

This is the most popular type of material for jewelry. They are very easy to work with and can be found in any sewing store.

  • Fabric, leather and threads

Necklaces, bracelets and even earrings can be created from various types of fabric. Genuine leather bracelets are very popular. Also, very original jewelry is woven from threads of different textures.

  • Natural stones

Natural natural stones will definitely add their zest to the decoration. For novice craftsmen, it is best to use ornamental stones: jade, lapis lazuli, jasper, malachite, etc.

It is very important to study well and choose the right fittings: fasteners, locks, chains, etc. The reliability of jewelry depends on its quality.

It is worth paying attention to the tools. For those who are just starting to try themselves in this craft, it is better to stock up on only the basic ones: nippers, round-nose pliers and thin-nose pliers. As you develop your skills, you can gradually buy everything else.

DIY jewelry master class, in detail with a photo

Using this technique, you can create not only a bracelet, but also a bezel or choker. All this can become a kit, or an independent decoration. For a bracelet, you will need a tape with a length corresponding to the girth of the wrist, material for decoration (beads, beads or rhinestones, all together). Two edge clips. Lock and strong threads (nylon or for embroidery with beads). Also pliers, scissors and a needle.

First, sew the center beads with neat stitches, they are larger. Then we sew the edges of the tape with small ones. In the first step, you need to sheathe the entire ribbon with decor. You can use not only beads, but also rhinestones, sequins, etc. If your wrong side is not very neat, then you can glue the fabric on it and hide the flaws.

The next important step is to trim the edges of the tape. Attach a clip to each edge with pliers, then hang the clasp.

Diy earrings jewelry, detail

If you have old leather gloves that are no longer possible to wear, then they can be given a new life. You can make original earrings out of them that will amaze others.

You will need quite a bit: genuine leather, as mentioned above, an old glove will do. Decor - beads and beads. Also hook loops 2 pieces, hug-whether for beads and bij. Carnations. Scissors, candle, round nose pliers, side cutters, tweezers, glue and lighter

Using a ballpoint pen, draw flower blanks on the skin - a trefoil. Three flowers are attached to one earring. For one, we need one large and two small shamrocks. A total of twelve small and six large. You can also put in the center<<сердцевину>> circle.

After wiping with a napkin, we pierce each element in the center with a thick needle or awl.

So, the most boring process is over, now let's start collecting flowers. For one flower, you need to take a carnation, two small and one large trefoil. , round core, hugger and bead. We put on a carnation, first a bead, then a circle, two small shamrocks. and after them big. We put on a hug on top of the large one, squeeze everything tightly and bend the carnation.

Next, take a side cutter and cut off the excess length of the stud, leaving about half a centimeter for the loop. Then we wrap the loop with round-nose pliers, not completely, since we still have to put the flowers on the hook.

When all six roses are ready, we put them on the hooks, after bending the loop to the end. We decorate the hook itself with beads and beads.

DIY leather jewelry, original idea in stages

A genuine leather brooch can become not only your favorite accessory, but also a great gift. Every fashionista will be happy with such an unusual decoration. To make it, you will need two days of work, and a small list of materials: genuine soft leather, about half a centimeter thick, stamens in the color of the skin, PVA and a pin, three four centimeters wide.

Petals and corollas need to be cut out of the skin according to the scheme. Pattern in nature. magnitude.

Further, the most laborious process is the processing of leather elements with glue. Dilute PVA with water in a 1: 2 ratio. Lubricate the petals from the inside with a solution, roll in half and twist into a flagellum, leaving to soak for fifteen twenty minutes.

After the required time has elapsed, unwind the leaves and shape each with your fingers.<<гармошки>>. Let the workpieces dry completely. Then you will need a thick cardboard circle, about four centimeters in diameter. A children's play trick works well.

We glue the first row of petals. Then, in the same way, the second row in checkerboard order. We glue the third row in the same way, moving the petals to the center. They should be slightly raised.

The corollas are also processed with glue, rolled into a bud and dried. Then, in descending order, we glue them into each other.

Then we take the stamens, form a bundle from them and tighten it with a thin wire. We drip glue into the middle of the flower and fix the stamens there. Then again we drip glue into the center and glue the bud itself.

Now you need to decorate the seamy side of the brooch and attach the pin. Cut a circle out of leather that is one centimeter larger in diameter than a cardboard for a flower, i.e. five centimeters. Make marks in the resulting circle where the pin will be located. Punch holes there and insert the clasp.

Apply PVA on the inside of the leather circle, distribute it well and glue it to the cardboard. We leave the decoration to dry for a day, after which we are happy to use it.

Bracelet on hand jewelry, detail with photo

To make a bracelet you will need:

Let's get to work. To prevent the beads from escaping from the wire, bend one edge of it with a pair of fine-nose pliers.

We start stringing beads. Alternate three green and brown number ten beads. Separate them with larger bronze beads.

Put on about seven eight centimeters of beads. Then we string a large bead, framing it around the edges with bronze ones.

We continue in this way to fill in the entire wire, including in the set a large bead every seven centimeters.

At the end, you should have about one and a half centimeters of wire that needs to be bent into a ring.

We decorate the edges of the bracelet with connecting rings. We collect beads on them in random order and attach them to loops from both ends of the bracelet.

DIY beaded jewelry

An airy beaded necklace will decorate both a festive and a business outfit. Despite the seeming complexity of the decoration, it is quite easy to do it yourself.

Fashionable tassel earrings have been in trend for more than one year. Complete them with beaded embroidery and get an exclusive decoration.

Diy resin jewelry, step by step with a photo

Any jewelry can be created using epoxy resin. Everything from a shell to a dandelion will freeze in it. Using resin, you can make commemorative decorations with photographs. It is better for beginners to start with simple shapes, such as a bracelet.

First rinse the mold with water. Then dilute the resin: take one part of the hardener into three parts of the resin. You will need to read the instructions on your resin, there may be other ratios. Stir the resin thoroughly and leave for a while to release all the air and bubbles.

While the resin is settling, prepare the leaves. Choose the most beautiful and neat, cut off the excess. Then we take the resin and pour it into the mold. We spread the leaves there, straightening them with a toothpick. Preheat the oven to about eighty degrees. Turn off and ventilate a little. Let the mold dry for ten fifteen minutes. Then let it harden for about a day at room temperature.

Fashion for jewelry was introduced by the famous Coco Chanel. Since then, global designers have been competing with jewelers to create budget jewelry from a variety of materials. Jewelry making has become a popular handmade trend in recent years.

Bracelets, rings, earrings and necklaces - everything can be done independently based on online lessons and master classes. The article has selected the best free videos in high quality for comfortable learning the craft.

The basics for making jewelry

An overview video from a practicing master will help you navigate the variety of accessories and materials. Chains, jewelry nets, ribbons, jewelry cables, various types of wire and fishing line serve as the basis for creating jewelry. The author of the video voices the options for possible decorations for each type of base and gives visual examples. The video contains recommendations on the principles of working with materials and the necessary tools.

DIY jewelry

Video tutorial on making quick five-minute jewelry in simple ways. After watching the lesson, novice craftsmen will learn how to imitate natural crystals using coarse salt, work with leather and glitter, and replace epoxy with nail polish. As a result of the lesson, a collection of summer jewelry is obtained: pendants, a brooch and earrings.

How to make ethnic beads from cord and beads

Let's start with a simple piece of jewelry consisting of a decorative cord and large beads. The video lesson demonstrates the process of cutting and folding threads, stringing beads and combining elements with each other. An important point in jewelry is fasteners and fasteners. The author of the master class shows how to make a ring with a copper wire hook. The video is accompanied by subtitles in Russian and English.

Wire jewelry

The video lesson demonstrates the manufacture of blanks for future jewelry. For work, you will need flexible wire, beads and tools - round-nose pliers and side cutters. The video shows the technique of wrapping beads with wire, fixing loops, creating letter inscriptions and arbitrary shapes. The wizard shows examples of using blanks for earrings and pendants. Beginners will learn the general principles of working with wire and will be able to create their own designs.

Diy rhinestone cord jewelry

A strass cord is an almost finished decoration. A good option when you need to create a piece of jewelry quickly: the master only needs to fasten the fasteners and limit switches. The lesson illustrates the making of jewelry using the example of a necklace, bracelet and earrings. The memory wire helps to shape the cord. The result is vibrant jewelry with minimal investment in time.

How to assemble a necklace and bracelet

The author of the video tutorial offers a classic way of assembling beads and bracelets. The work is based on alternately stringing beads, beads and metal accessories on a thread or fishing line. Assembly can be done according to the principle of symmetry and asymmetry. Metal fittings and beads are used to add plasticity and openwork effect to products. The master shows in detail the principle of secure attachment of the crimp so that the jewelry does not crumble.

Beaded bracelet

Olga Cojocaru's online lesson on intricate weaving from beads. Due to the use of crystals of different diameters, the bracelet turns out to be voluminous, wide and looks massive. By adding Swarovski crystals, you can get a noble evening decoration. The master shows step by step the process of beading according to a complicated scheme. The bracelet fastens with a durable magnetic clasp.

Brooches made of beads and crystals

The video lesson demonstrates the manufacture of brooches based on felt embroidery. Lesson takes time and perseverance. In the process of work, glass beads and crystals are additionally used to add texture to the decoration. The author shows two options for brooches step by step. It is better to do the work in parallel with the video.

How to make a necklace

Workshop on making a festive necklace from chains and crystals on a fabric basis. A step-by-step video with comments allows you to assemble the jewelry correctly and accurately. The lesson teaches you to harmoniously combine materials and colors in one product. The author shows the options for fasteners and fasteners and offers to choose according to your taste.

Epoxy resin jewelry

The instructional video shows a different way of creating the shape of decorations from the standard one: instead of a fill shape, a path made of mosaic glue is used. The method is good for the ability to create original outlines of future jewelry. The video lesson demonstrates how to work with dried flowers, which you can buy in specialized stores or harvest yourself. Dried flowers are used in other types of handicrafts: scrapbooking, panel making, floral paintings and collages, topiary.

Simple DIY jewelry for girls

Several dozen interesting ideas for simple DIY jewelry: bracelets made of ribbons and chains, pendants made of wire and stones, a pendant made of polymer clay. 20 types of jewelry - in 8 minutes of video. Materials for work are purchased in the sewing department and the art store. Roller products are more suitable for teenagers and young people. Jewelry can be modified and adapted to suit age and occasion.

Filigree brooch

Filigree is a technique of using openwork patterns on different materials: fabric, metal, paper. The video tutorial was created on the topic of making a fan brooch in the Victorian style. The craftsman uses a filigree metal blank. Earrings, pendants and necklaces can be created in the same way.

Bracelet with pendants

An online master class offers a great way to get to know and work with several types of accessories at the same time. Beginners will practice setting pins into beads of different shapes and sizes, fixing accessories on a chain, attaching clasps and extension cords, working with pliers, and harmoniously combining decor.

Jewelry that everyone can easily make

Jewelry making is an endlessly creative process. Modern artisans have ample opportunities due to the variety and availability of materials. Starting by imitating other masters, aspiring designers develop creativity and eventually create copyright copies.

DIY jewelry, will always look very original and stylish. Such decoration can attract the attention of others. Many do not dare to make jewelry for themselves with their own hands just because they lack imagination, fresh ideas and certain skills. But if you follow the step-by-step master classes, which are presented below, you can independently make an unusual decoration at home. Let's take a closer look at what decorations can be made around your neck with your own hands.

In contact with

Neck jewelry


Stylish neck lace

  • Suede or leather lace;
  • Fittings;
  • Pliers.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • It is worth starting by cutting the lace to the required length.
  • Attach fittings to the edges of the lace.

Jewelry for the neck is ready. Thus, it is very simple and in the shortest possible time to make an unusual lace around the neck with your own hands.

Bottle pendant

Step-by-step instruction:

  • You need to start by attaching the pin to the cork so that it is convenient to hang the bottle on a string or chain. To do this, the pin must be well smeared with glue and threaded into the cork, as shown in the figure.
  • After that, the free end of the pin must be smoked into a ring using round-nose pliers. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the diameter of the ring, since the chain must pass through it freely. If the pin size does not allow it, then you can make an additional ring from the wire of the required size. Attach the resulting ring to the pin.
  • Then you can start choosing the material with which the bottle will be filled. Anything can be used here. A small key, dried flowers, rhinestones, beads, beads, sparkles and much more will look very original.

Glitter pendant

For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

  • Glitter;
  • Metal base for suspension;
  • Matte glue;
  • Brush;
  • Pliers;
  • Chain with accessories or lace.

Step-by-step instruction:

Broken glass pendant

This version of the pendant is made according to the method described above, only broken glass is poured into the blank instead of sparkles. To do this, you must pre-select the glass shards of two or more flowers. The glass must be crushed well with a hammer. After that it is necessary glue to the base as in the previous version. When the glue is dry, the glass can be repainted to any color you like with regular nail polish.


Braided choker

For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

  • Elastic thread for beading or wire from old headphones;
  • Scissors;
  • Scotch.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Fold the lace in half and tape it to the table as shown in the image.
  • Start weaving a choker according to the indicated pattern.

Ribbon choker

  • Fabric tape of the desired width;
  • Accessories for processing the ends of a fabric belt;
  • Scissors;
  • Pliers.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cut a piece of fabric tape to the desired length.
  • At the ends of the flax, fix the fittings with pliers.

The ribbon around the neck can be tied with a bow at the back.

Choker with a ring

For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

  • from fabric;
  • Metal ring;
  • Super glue;
  • Scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cut the fabric ribbon into two equal parts.
  • Glue the edges of the halves with super glue to the ring, as shown in the image.

Such a choker around the neck can be tied with a simple knot. If you make the same decoration the smaller size can be worn on the arm in the form.

Chanel style choker

For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Cut the wire along the length of the neck circumference, bite off the edges in such a way that it is convenient to put on the neck.
  • Put large beads on the edges of the wire.
  • Drop a little superglue into the holes of the beads and insert the fastening fittings into these holes.

Similar to this technology you can make the same bracelet with your own hands, but only in a reduced size.


Braided pendant chain

For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

  • 6 thick threads or laces of various structures and shades;
  • Chain;
  • Centimeter or tape measure;
  • Scissors;
  • Pliers;
  • Masking tape;
  • Chain clasp.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • First, it is worth deciding on the length of the future product and cutting off the required size of the chain.
  • Fold the resulting piece of chain in half, place 6 laces parallel on top, as shown in the image.
  • Fasten the chain around the laces, as shown in the image, and then secure it with tape to the table and start weaving.
  • When the braided pendant is completely ready, the ends must be cut off, leaving a few centimeters.
  • At the ends of the chain, fasten the clasp with pliers.

Bean necklace

For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

Step-by-step instruction:

  • First of all, you need to paint the beans in the desired color with nail polish. Leave the grains to dry completely.
  • Attach the printed template from the back to a piece of transparent plastic.
  • Glue the beans onto the plastic using super glue, as shown in the diagram.
  • It is best to collect large bean patterns first, and take up the gaps later. They need to be filled with small beads, as shown in the image.
  • When the entire workpiece is sealed with beans and beads, it must be given time to dry completely.
  • Use a utility knife to cut the plastic around the edges of the product.
  • Using a hole punch at the extreme points on the plastic, make holes into which you need to thread the chain links.
  • Attach fasteners to the ends of the chain.

Beaded necklace

For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

  • Medium beads or large beads;
  • Hair band that is covered with fabric;
  • Needle with thread;
  • A small piece of fabric to match beads or seed beads;
  • Scissors;
  • Super glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

DIY bracelets

Now let's consider what bracelets can be made do it yourself from scrap materials.

Bracelet made of ribbons. Option 1

For manufacturing, you will need the following materials:

  • Wide plastic bracelet;
  • Ribbon or braid with a pattern;
  • Glue gun;
  • Beads or seed beads for decoration.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Apply a small amount of thermal glue to the inside of the plastic bracelet with a gun, fix the tape to the glue. Begin to wind the ribbon or braid evenly around the bracelet around its entire circumference.
  • The tape must be periodically fixed from the inside with drops of glue. If your tape is with a pattern, and when winding it does not match, then there is nothing to worry about.
  • When the tape is completely wound, it must be cut, and the ends must be fixed with glue.
  • Attach a few beads to the bracelet using glue.

A stylish and original bracelet is ready! It takes a maximum of 20 minutes to make it.

Ribbon bracelet. Option 2

The following materials are required for manufacturing:

  • Ribbon;
  • Wire;
  • Needles;
  • Super glue;
  • Jewelry to your liking (flowers, buttons, clips, buttons).

Step-by-step instruction:

Our wonderful jewelry is ready!

Recently, handmade Christmas decorations for the home have become very popular. There are several reasons for this: home-made products are of much better quality than purchased ones and look beautiful, ideas are unique, making crafts captivates children.

The product can be made from any available material. On the Internet, there is a step-by-step production of almost any New Year's toy. You can develop a design yourself, using a variety of materials.

Home Decorations (MK)

Having decided to make holiday compositions on your own, a natural question arises: what kind of New Year's decorations can you make with your own hands? It is clear that it is impossible to make glass crafts at home. It is worth starting by identifying the materials that are at home and are easy to process. After that we draw sketches, choose colors for further decoration.

Thanks to crafts, the holiday will seem more homely and exciting, and the home will shine with new colors. We offer several simple master classes on making decor for the New Year.


The easiest option would be to make jewelry and crafts from cones. Lush, beautiful products are obtained from fir cones. Individual elements and single decorative ornaments are made from pine.

An original solution will be a nest of cones of different species of spruce trees with elements of branches:

1. First, the buds are thoroughly washed and dried.

2. The bottom and sides are formed, the cones are fastened together with glue, using threads and twigs.

3. Beads, sparkles and other decor will help to decorate the composition. The finished decoration can be used as a candle holder.

In this likeness, they make vases for tangerines, fruits, sweets. It is easy to decorate any festive table with such original dishes.

From felt

Recently, felt toys in the New Year's style have become very popular. Figurines made of felt serve as the main decoration for the Christmas tree and at home, because they are safe, non-shattering, eco-friendly and bright.

How to make a toy like this:

1. Cut a shape out of paper.

2. Place the template on the felt and prepare the patterns.

3. Cut out blanks and make basting.

4. Sew the details of the cut out figure by hand or on a sewing machine.

5. To add volume, you can put cotton wool inside. The felt figurine is ready.

From beads

It takes a long time to make New Year's interior elements and bead drawings. This option is suitable for those who love hard work and have a lot of free time. But such products look decent. Desktop mini-trees are often found, as well as toy keychains. Consider the manufacturing process of the first option.

For the frame of the future Christmas tree, you will need a large bead, for example, amber, 2 cm in diameter. Insert a small stick into its hole. To make the frame more stable, glue it to a large coin or flat button. Then we work according to the scheme.

The photo below shows a step-by-step master class.

From foamiran

Foamiran can be used to make festive fridge magnets with New Year's themes, a Christmas tree toy, figurines for garlands and much more.

Let's look at the process of making a Christmas tree from this material:

1. First, a pattern is prepared, according to which the toy will be formed. To do this, draw templates on a sheet of paper and cut them out.

2. We apply the patterns on the foamiran, outline them with a pencil. As a result, you should get three elements with different cuts.

3. Cut the blanks with scissors clearly along the line. Do this as carefully as possible to keep the edges straight.

4. The further principle is to connect the parts. You can cover the finished craft with sequins, decorate with gouache or sprinkle with sparkles - at your discretion.

Corrugated paper

Large-scale decorations for New Year's holidays are made of corrugated paper. Stylish wall decor elements are obtained from this material. Some craftsmen make up whole pictures with a plot. But we will consider the step-by-step making of a Christmas tree, see the photo below.

Polymer clay

The products closest to factory toys are formed from polymer clay. The result is durable, reusable jewelry that is easy to make with your child. The easiest way to make such a Christmas tree toy is in the form of a snowman.

To begin with, white clay is taken - it serves as a base, you can also use colored clay. When the body is ready, they start painting. One toy takes about 10-15 minutes to make.


It is better to make New Year's decor elements from foam sheets that will be used outside the home. These can be huge letters, figures, houses. Styrofoam is easy to cut with a metal hacksaw. We decorate objects with glowing garlands, can be painted with paint, pasted over with decorative paper.

From ribbons

Small toys for the Christmas tree are formed from the ribbons. Ribbons are often used as a base, decorative material for many other compositions. Appliques and hanging toys are especially often made from satin ribbons. Fixation is done with a thread with a needle, glue, textile stapler.

From fabric

Decorative pillows with New Year's motives, soft toys for children are sewn from fabric. By using different fabrics, contrasting balances and shapes are created. It is better to sew elements and details by hand. It is very profitable to make New Year's interior elements from textiles - there will always be a few extra scraps of fabric at home.

From plastic bottles

Large objects are created with the help of plastic bottles: beautiful houses, boxes, geometric shapes. If you correctly decorate a plastic bottle, you will get a souvenir for a New Year's gift or a decoration for a Christmas tree. See what a wonderful penguin you can make.

From disks

Discs are mainly used to create disco balls, which are used together with a luminous garland. The atmosphere of a night club is created. A finely chopped disc can also serve as a finishing material for other products. So, for example, you can decorate a glass ball on a Christmas tree.

From pasta

The pasta is characterized by durability and flexibility in work. From pasta, you can make a small Christmas tree, animal figurines, an asterisk or a snowflake on a Christmas tree. It is easy to paint finished products with gouache, watercolors.

From threads

Often they perform New Year's work to decorate the interior using floss threads. It is enough just to tie a bunch of floss, forming figures. An unusually interesting option will be applications on a New Year's theme and posters. It is easy to make a decoration for a Christmas tree from threads, for this it is enough to wet them in glue and form the shape you need. When the product dries, it will become hard.

From the branches

Twig crafts can be candlesticks, vases, decorative plates, boxes for toys, fruits and candies. It is very trendy. They use mainly a pine twig. Branches of other trees are used as more non-standard wood.

From padding polyester

Soft toys for the Christmas tree are sometimes made of padding polyester, but more often this material is used to create applications. Colored padding polyester can be used to embroider pictures on decorative pillows or canvas. The craft in the form of a snowman also looks original - such a toy will decorate the interior of any room.

In the video: a snowman made of padding polyester.

From Thomas (polyethylene foam)

It is easy to make any shape from Thomas, just use stencils. Preparations consist in the correct design and color scheme. You can also make a Christmas tree to decorate your New Year's table. The principle of operation is very simple, see the photo below.


You will need templates and fleece. Parts are cut out, which are subsequently stitched together. The principle of operation is the same as when working with felt. Fleece makes New Year's decor elements soft and pleasant to the touch.


Foil is used to make disposable decorations, toys and garlands. The material quickly breaks, crumples and breaks. Used for decoration and shape maintenance. It is easy and simple to make snowflakes on a Christmas tree, you need to crumple pieces of foil into a sphere and fasten them together with a wire, forming a shape.

From newspapers

Newspapers and glue are used to create papier-mâché-style Christmas tree toys. A blank form is made of foil, on which a newspaper soaked in glue is applied in layers. When the paper is dry, you can paint the craft with colored paint or cover it with glitter.


Models of toys for the Christmas tree are made of plywood in the form of images of animals, houses, fruits, vegetables, fairy-tale characters. A hole is formed with an awl for attaching the thread. The toys can be used for a long time.

From light bulbs

We make garlands from light bulbs, "balls" for a Christmas tree, devices are suitable for a room and a street. Lamps are pasted over with bright or shiny materials. Registration takes a few minutes.

Burlap and jute

From burlap and jute, toys are sewn on the principle of felt and fleece products. Party bags and headbands are also made from this natural material. A bouquet of chestnuts, dried flowers, acorns can serve as an addition.

From cotton pads

Cotton wool is used as a finishing material for appliqués and crafts. We glue it to any base with glue. Cotton wool can be painted with watercolors, gouache. It is easy and simple to work with such material.

From newspaper tubes

Interesting tangerine baskets and other elements of New Year's decor come out of the tubes. Volumetric decorations are also made using tightly rolled sheets of newspapers. The paper can be dyed later.

Twine (twine)

Balls and hanging structures are made of twine, twine, rope. Such interconnected details form a garland. Christmas tree decorations made of textile material have many positive features: they do not break, are environmentally friendly, and are safe for children.

In the video: a New Year's ball made of threads.

From beads

Beads are used to create additional decor for larger items. Beads are sewn, glued, put on the base. From them, screw Christmas trees are obtained. Small crafts are gifts for relatives and friends.


Origami is used to create a huge number of works, you can make toys for a Christmas tree, a garland, hanging decorations. Paper figures are stored for a long time, have volume. They are used as interior decor if the structure is of impressive size.

Christmas tree decorations (MK)

Christmas tree decorations can be made from almost any material that is at home. Thanks to persistent fixation means, creative ideas are created. For the base, you can use ready-made toys. On plain Christmas balls, a frosty pattern is often painted with stained glass glue or a contour.

Decorating Christmas balls

Decorating spheres does not require any special skills or materials. This finish is ideal for transparent balls, but you can use a styrofoam ball as a base.

Algorithm of action:

  1. Remove dirt from the ball and degrease with acetone.
  2. Lubricate the surface with adhesive solution.
  3. "Dress up" the ball with finishing materials (in this case, sequins).
  4. If necessary, fix all parts with clear varnish and allow to dry.
  5. If the ball is made of styrofoam, stick in a pin or special hanging hardware.

All Christmas tree decorations can be upgraded. Broken glass from old toys, beads, beads, sparkles and ribbons are suitable for decoration.

Hair Jewelry (MK)

It is easy to make New Year's hairpins, headbands and hair ties from scrap materials. On this occasion, you can watch a lot of videos on the Internet. Let's take a look at two of the most interesting workshops.

Headband with horns

Creativity lies in creating a unique set that will adorn your hair. The simplest option is a decorative headband:

1. On the old rim, with the help of a wire, the frame of the future craft is formed - the antlers of a deer.

2. The hoop is wrapped with twine from one edge to the other together with a wire frame.

3. Secondary fastening is made with glue (deer ears and fabric flowers can act as an additional decoration).

The decor can be Mickey Mouse ears, a decorative bow or colored mohawk, Christmas trees, cones, pine branches, snowflakes - there are a lot of ideas.


For more discreet options for hair products, the kanzashi technique is suitable. Work is carried out from ribbons, which are applied to the base coated with glue. Practice is important for such products.

In the video: New Year's snowflake - a hair band.

Crochet and knitting Christmas decorations: diagrams and description

Christmas decorations can be crocheted or knitted. Knitted animals, little men, fruits, houses will decorate the tree and the house.

The work consists in:

  • buying threads and yarns;
  • knitting in accordance with the patterns;
  • stitching products.

Knitted toys last a long time. The technique will not take much time, it will calm the nerves, and it is easy to master. There are knitting-embroidery combinations in one product.

Decoration Santa Claus crochet
Crochet knitted snowflake on a Christmas tree
Christmas balls knitting pattern

Wall decorations

On the wall you can hang pictures made in various techniques, simple New Year's posters. Garlands of lights or decorative material are usually placed under the ceiling. There are a lot of options, see the photo and choose the option you like.

Door decoration

The door from the street and rooms are usually decorated with a New Year's wreath. Modern interpretations present compositions not of branches and cones, but of luminous garlands. From plywood blanks and thread, you can create a composition in the form of hinged structures.

Wooden decorations look also against the background of a metal door - it is unique, fresh and modern. You can make an original decorative wreath from a tree and branches.

New ideas

It is easy to create original Christmas decorations with children. Creative ideas can be drawn from the drawings and inventions of the baby.


The following original decorations are created in accordance with the decor:

  • Garlands on which unusual household items are strung.

  • Framed photos that form interesting compositions.

  • We drew an incomprehensible picture and decorated it with rain, sparkles. The main thing is to show creativity.


Interesting and fun ideas can be found in children's magazines.

  • A cool option would be to create garlands from volumetric figures of kawaii pictures.

  • You can alter old stuffed animals or make them yourself from socks.

  • Bring an animal to life from scrap materials, for example, from branches.

We make jewelry with children

Making jewelry for children is exciting, and working with them is even more exciting. Adults can show real class for their child. For the kid, time will fly by quickly and cheerfully.

When choosing a technique, it is worth considering:

  • the age of the child;
  • its capabilities;
  • the complexity of the work ahead;
  • safety of materials.

Greater preference is given to jewelry making: appliqués, drawings with additional finishing, corrugated paper, napkins.

For girl

The ideal option for a girl will be drawings that can be decorated with sparkles or sequins. A baby can offer ideas for New Year's decorations: bijouterie, decorative items for furniture, Christmas tree toys. The main thing is to use a lot of bright colors.

The simplest and most effective option would be to create a toy of a cartoon or fairytale character. Mom can do the main job, and the daughter can help at first.

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