How to peel with lactic acid at home. How to do milk face peeling

To gently, but at the same time, deeply cleanse the pores of the face and give the skin an almost perfect surface, lactic acid is used, the cosmetic properties of which were discovered not so long ago. It is formed in muscles during the breakdown of glucose, which is the body's main fuel resource.

Of the products, this substance is found in sour milk, fermented wine and beer, sauerkraut. In its pure form, you can buy in a pharmacy, you can easily purchase various cosmetics containing lactic acid, or pamper your skin with a course of cabbage or milk masks.

Beneficial features

Like other acids, lactic acid effectively exfoliates the upper, already dead, layer of the dermis and unclogs the pores. But this is not its only useful property from the point of view of cosmetology.

In fact, this unique substance can work wonders even on the most neglected skin. Any (home and store) products with lactic acid for the face are capable, with regular and competent use:

  • exfoliate dead epithelial cells;
  • update cells;
  • smooth out skin relief;
  • smooth out shallow wrinkles;
  • evenly distribute melanin, whitening the face from;
  • remove toxins and free radicals from pores;
  • protect from temperature extremes, frost, winds, ultraviolet radiation, sea salt and other harmful effects of the atmosphere and the environment;
  • control the level of production of subcutaneous fat;
  • moisturize.

In order for lactic acid for facial skin to be an elixir of youth and beauty and to show itself as efficiently as possible, you need to be able to use it strictly for its intended purpose. For example, young girls under 30 who do not have obvious problems with the epidermis should hardly seek help from this unique substance. Observe the indications and contraindications - and the result will not be long in coming.

Through the pages of history. Lactic acid was discovered in 1780 by Karl Scheele, a Swedish chemist.


We can say that lactic acid for the face has not only cosmetic, but also medicinal properties. Therefore, there are two areas of application of products with its content: cosmetology and dermatology. Usually it is recommended to use it to troubleshoot the following problems:

  • oily skin suffering from excessive greasy shine;
  • stretch marks;
  • acne and blackheads;
  • enlarged, clogged pores;
  • flabbiness and wrinkles;
  • age after 35 years;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • uneven relief of the epidermis.

Ladies of Balzac's age should certainly adopt lactic acid as an ideal beautician for mature, aging skin that requires special attention and additional care. True, not everyone will be able to enjoy its action, since this substance is characterized by rapid permeability and sufficient aggressiveness. Accordingly, in some diseases it can cause a number of side effects.

Hypothesis. According to one version, the famous beauty mask from Queen Cleopatra included not just milk, but sour milk. Then such a pronounced effect of rejuvenation after it is quite clear.


Having learned about the miracles that lactic acid does to the skin, you should first study the list of contraindications. Otherwise, you risk getting covered with a rash or swelling after applying products with this aggressive substance to your face. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • in the stage of exacerbation;
  • open scratches, injuries that have not healed, wounds;
  • cold;
  • inflammatory processes on the face;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology.

Ignoring these tips often leads to the most disastrous results. But if nothing scared you, finally start studying the instructions for use and pamper your tired skin with such an effective rejuvenating and cleanser.

Keep in mind! Skin allergy to lactic acid is very common, so be sure to pre-test any purchased or prepared products.

Application rules

Anyone can easily make a sauerkraut or sour milk mask at home. Everyone also knows how to use a pharmacy (store) cream or scrub. But what to do if you purchased a lactic acid solution at the pharmacy and want to use it to prepare a miracle elixir? Follow the useful advice from cosmetologists, without missing a single nuance and constantly remembering about the rather strong aggressiveness of this product.

  1. For face care, purchase a 40% solution. 80% too much concentration.
  2. It is sold in the form of a liquid that, if it comes into contact with the skin in its pure form, can cause burns, although in some it only causes redness.
  3. Dilute with water in equal proportions.
  4. First, apply to the inner bend of the elbow, analyze the reaction - whether there will be allergies.
  5. After that, apply to the problem area of ​​the face.
  6. For the first time - for 5 minutes. If the results are pleasing, then you can leave it on longer, but no more than 10 minutes.
  7. To remove it from your face, you just need to wash.
  8. Then apply a soothing cream to your skin.

When deciding on the independent use of this substance for skin care without the advice of a specialist, be extremely careful. All the side effects will have to be answered only by you. It is much safer to sign up for a salon where lactic acid is actively used for facial exfoliation along with other fruit acids. Both shop and home remedies based on it are effective. So think before risking your own skin.

Little secret. Summer with its ultraviolet light is not the best time of the year for the use of such cosmetic products. Leave them for the winter.

Lactic acid face products

The last step is to make up your mind whether you're going to go broke buying a store-bought lactic acid cleanser or making homemade masks with sour milk and sauerkraut. Both will please you equally.


In stores, you can look for the following well-proven mask:

  • Collagen Milk / Bath Mask (anti-aging mask with collagen and lactic acid) from Madame Heng (Thailand).

At home, you can also cook something like this:

  1. Squeeze sauerkraut from the juice and apply on face for 10 minutes.
  2. Mix the sour milk with oatmeal until creamy and keep on the skin for at least 15 minutes.

Any shop or homemade mask with lactic acid is good because it comes into contact with the epidermis for a long time, managing to saturate it with all the useful substances.


For daily rejuvenation and cleansing, you can use a cream with lactic acid for the face, but preparing it at home is troublesome, and sometimes dangerous, so it is better to purchase such products in stores. Pay attention to the following brands:

  • Medi-Refine - Face & Body (smoothing cream with L-retinol and lactic acid) from the USA;
  • Kart Medicare Lactic Cream from Israel;
  • Lactic microdermabrasion peeling cream from Theraderm (Korea).

Creams are good because they allow in small quantities, but daily to pamper the skin with micro-cleansing of pores with lactic acid. The results are usually visible immediately.


From store products, pay attention to the following:

  • NL Peeling-scrub for the face with lactic acid and allantoin from New Line (Russia);
  • peeling Milk mousse from Premium (Russia);
  • Lactopilling for the face from Belita-Vitex (Belarus).

As for homemade scrubs, you can make them according to the following recipes:

  1. Mix squeezed sauerkraut with coarse sea salt, rub over the face, rinse.
  2. Sour milk is mixed in small quantities with coarse-grained curd and used as a scrub.

Cleansing is the main function of lactic acid as a cosmetic product. Therefore, be sure to use scrubs based on it to care for your skin.


If the creams are best purchased in stores, then the face toner with lactic acid is much easier to prepare with your own hands in accordance with the following recipes.

  1. Wipe your skin daily with sauerkraut juice, the best homemade tonic.
  2. Before going to bed, you can wipe your skin with sour milk - toning will be amazing.

Lactic acid is a unique cosmetic product that not only effectively cleanses, but also rejuvenates the skin. When used correctly at home, the epidermis blooms, a number of problems are eliminated in the shortest possible time. If you are not sure that you can use such products on your own, contact the salon: they make excellent peels based on this unique substance.

Peeling is a necessary procedure that a woman should carry out every week. Nowadays, chemical peeling is very popular, which was previously done only in the salon, but now it can be done at home. The most popular is. In order to make such a peel at home, you just need to purchase a chemical peel kit. Consuming lactic acid for the skin has a number of benefits. This tool is able to eliminate or reduce hyperpigmentation, smooth out fine wrinkles, increase the production of collagen by the body, and also remove the surface layer of old skin.

Making lactic acid yourself

Making lactic acid at home is troublesome, so it's easier to buy a lactic acid solution at a pharmacy... This type of peeling is very mild, so after it the skin usually does not require strong recovery. After the procedure, the skin is very little flaky and redder, or these effects may not even be.

For peeling with lactic acid, you need the lactic acid solution itself, a hair dryer, cotton pads, witch hazel tincture or medical alcohol.

Using lactic acid at home

When using this peeling for the first time, it is necessary to make sure that the concentration of lactic acid is no more than 30%.

Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser, then pat dry with a towel. Then the face is wiped with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol or tincture. This is necessary to remove possible fat from the skin.

The next step is to apply the peeling solution itself. To do this, using a cotton swab, you must apply the peeling to the face, wiping all areas. Avoid the area of ​​the eyes, lips and the area between the lips and nose. For the first time, the peeling should act on the skin for 2 minutes. Over time, you can increase the time each time the skin gets used to the peeling. It is dangerous to hold it for the first time for a long time, as you can get a chemical burn to the face., and as a result of which the scars. After the lapse of time, the face must be thoroughly washed with cold water.

Also has popularity. This peel is gentle. It can be used from the age of 25 when the skin starts to age. Also among the indications there are traces of acne, problems with oily skin.

Home peeling with lactic acid gently, without injuring the skin, will help cleanse the epidermis from impurities, keratinized particles, at the same time nourish and moisturize it, increasing its elasticity and tone. This peeling procedure is a good way to prolong the youthfulness, beauty and freshness of the skin.

  1. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Cleans, moisturizes, whitens, tightens the skin.
  3. Smoothes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity, rejuvenates.
  4. Fights acne (acne), blackheads, regulates skin pH.
  5. Regulates the sebaceous glands.
  6. Stimulates collagen production.

Masks with sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, curdled milk can be considered a "simple" milk peeling at home. Such procedures are popular among women and have a good effect on the condition of the skin, moreover, they are absolutely harmless, since the content of lactic acid in them is minimal. For peeling performed in the salon, lactic acid is used in various concentrations (30-80%). In each specific case, depending on the condition of the skin and individual characteristics, the specialist prescribes a certain concentration of acid for application, the frequency of the peeling procedure, as well as its necessity.

Milk peeling effect

  1. The skin is hydrated, filled with natural radiance, and there are no age spots.
  2. Skin relief is leveled, spots after acne disappear.
  3. Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. Eliminates inflammation and redness.
  5. Oily sheen is eliminated.

Remember, peeling with lactic acid at home can improve the condition of the skin, but it cannot get rid of deep wrinkles, scars and scars.

Peeling indications

  1. An unhealthy or dull complexion.
  2. Hyperpigmentation.
  3. Flabby skin and loss of tone.
  4. Inflammatory processes and skin irritation.
  5. Enlarged pores.
  6. Blackheads, acne, excessively oily, greasy skin.

Milk peeling can be used after 25 years, but before carrying out it, it is advisable to consult a doctor for the presence of contraindications, of which there are many.

Contraindications to milk peeling

  1. Pustular open wounds on the face, skin damage, severe inflammation, edema.
  2. Herpes in the acute stage.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. Pigmented nevus.
  5. Increased sensitivity of the facial skin.
  6. For spider veins on the face, the concentration of acid used should be kept to a minimum.
  7. Skin after sunburn, depilation, solarium.
  8. The presence of a tendency to form scar tissue.
  9. Malignant skin neoplasms.
  10. Age under 18.
  11. Pregnancy and lactation period.

For home peeling, you need to purchase a lactic acid solution and strictly follow the recommendations described below. The peeling procedure is quite simple and does not require long-term recovery. The visible result will be noticeable after several peeling procedures.

Video: Home peeling of facial skin with lactic acid.

Peeling with lactic acid, stages of behavior at home

For peeling, you will need: directly lactic acid, cotton pads (for the first procedure, it is better to take cotton swabs), a cleanser (lotion, gel, foam), tonic with fruit or lactic acid, or alcohol (90%). Peeling is carried out in several stages:

Stage 1. Preparation for peeling.

  1. 10-14 days before the peeling, you need to stop using sunscreen, solariums and tanning in the open sun.
  2. In the case of herpes sores, take antiviral drugs for two weeks of preparation.
  3. During this period, use cosmetics containing low concentration of lactic acid in the composition (cream with fruit acids, tonics, etc.) to allow the skin to get used to the effects of the substance and eliminate the consequences of its aggressive influence.

Stage 2. Purification.

Immediately before treating the skin, you must cleanse your face of makeup and other impurities with a regular cleanser. Next, the skin needs to be degreased, for which you can use a tonic with fruit acids (you can replace it with alcohol) by moistening a cotton pad and wiping the skin. We do not touch the skin around the eyes and the nasolabial area! For safety reasons, lubricate the area around the eyes and skin of the lips with petroleum jelly.

Stage 3. Test for sensitivity.

It is important to conduct a sensitivity test before the peeling procedure. To do this, use a weak lactic acid solution. Apply the solution to the skin of the wrist and wait for a few minutes. If negative reactions appear (severe itching, unbearable burning sensation, etc.), wash off the solution with cool water and do not use it on the face.

Stage 4. Treatment of the skin with a solution or peeling directly.

Cosmetologists in salons use a solution of lactic acid with a concentration of 30-80% for peeling and keep it for 5-20 minutes, taking into account the condition and type of skin. At home, it is better to start with low concentrations of the active substance (25%) with a minimum exposure time (30 seconds-1 minute, taking into account the type of skin, with oily skin it can be kept up to one minute), gradually increasing them to 30% and 2-3 minutes. To obtain a solution of lactic acid of the desired concentration, it is mixed with purified water in the ratio indicated in the instructions for the preparation. It is convenient to apply the peeling composition with a brush, but cotton pads will also work. When applying acid to the skin, it is important to remember that cotton pads should not be too saturated with acid, they should not leak. When applying, care should be taken so that the substance does not get on the mucous membranes. The application starts from the forehead and cheeks, moving along the massage lines. With a strong feeling of discomfort, burning sensation, you can direct a stream of cool air from a fan or hairdryer to your face.

Stage 5. Completion of the procedure.

At the end of the exposure time of the solution, wash with plenty of cool (not warm!) Water. Wipe your face with blotting movements with a soft towel. Immediately after that, apply a mask with an intense moisturizing and soothing effect, keep it on for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Finally, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream with oils and aloe.

Recommendations for skin care after peeling with lactic acid

In the first few days after peeling, you should use moisturizers, exclude creams containing retinoids and fruit acids for a while. Do not go out in the sun for two weeks. It is forbidden to touch the face for 2 days.

Peeling with lactic acid with a minimum concentration of 25% is best done constantly once every seven days, observing the reaction of the skin. The results of the peeling will be noticeable after about the fourth procedure for owners of combination and normal skin, with the oily type, the peeling effect may appear after 8-10 procedures. In case of any negative manifestations, the procedure should be stopped, the solution should be washed off with copious amounts of cool water.

Hello girls!

What lactic acid should be used for peeling at home In most cases, a ready-made liquid of 80% concentration is used for peeling with lactic acid. I want to say right away that this is acid and the effects on the skin can be dire if you deviate from the recipe. Lactic acid 80% for peeling can cause itching and redness, and even more dire consequences for certain types of skin. I definitely recommend that you think a few times before performing a lactic acid peel at home. If you really want to, then use the services of professionals.

Lactic Acid Peeling Recipe

So, in most cases, lactic acid is sold in 100ml cans and a concentration of 80%. For the procedure, you will need to dilute the acid to 10-15-20%, but no more, since you can simply burn your skin. For a start, it is better to dilute the acid to 5-10% concentration.

For example, to obtain a lactic acid concentration of 10%, you need to take 1 ml of acid and 7 ml of water; to obtain 20%, you need to mix 2 ml of acid and 6 ml of water. This amount is enough for you to carry out the peeling procedure about 2 times.

How to mix lactic acid with peeling water

Use a syringe to obtain the correct volume of liquids. You can mix the finished liquid in a small container. If you have small children, be sure to remove the resulting lactic acid as far as possible, as the consequences can be dire.

How to peel your face

Before starting the peeling procedure, you must thoroughly wash and degrease your face. Dip the diluted lactic acid on a cotton pad and apply it on your face for 2-3 minutes. After you understand the reaction of your skin, you can apply lactic acid to your face for a longer time: 3-5 minutes. It is better to increase the time during the next procedure, because the reaction can take several hours.

How to wash off lactic acid from your face

It is necessary to wash off lactic acid from the face only with cold water with gentle, gentle movements. After removing the lactic acid, you will feel a burning sensation and see redness. Do not be intimidated by this, this is a common reaction of the facial skin to the lactic acid peeling procedure. Additionally, you can apply a soothing cream if you feel you need it. Avoid using menthol cream to numb your skin. This way, you may not feel the behavior of your skin after the procedure.

Lactic acid peeling results

After the procedure, most girls notice that the skin of the face becomes more polished, soft and velvety. In some cases, the skin is strongly tightened, the black dots lighten. Within 3 days, the skin can peel off, this is normal, all peeling can be easily washed off with water when washing.

I repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week. 10 procedures are enough for my skin. Then I take a break for 5-6 months, if the skin does not require to carry out the procedure again earlier.

Peeling of heels with lactic acid

At home, you can also peel your heels with lactic acid. Unlike face for heels, you can do more concentration, but in order not to overdo it it is better to start with 15-20%. The procedure is very similar. We dilute lactic acid with a syringe in the ratio of 2 ml of lactic acid and 6 ml of water, thus we get ~ 20% solution. Next, apply the resulting lactic acid solution on the heels with a cotton pad for 2-3 minutes and rinse with cold water. For greater effect, the feet can be wrapped in cellophane, but it is better to do this after 2-3 procedures. To keep your heels from cracking, I recommend applying a greasy moisturizer.

Every girl has probably heard about Cleopatra's milk baths: after applying milk and honey, the skin becomes soft and more elastic. Now it is difficult to find a beauty who uses such skin care methods, but the milk peeling procedure, like Cleopatra's baths, helps to get rid of imperfections.

What it is?

Milk peeling, like any other similar process, cleanses the skin - it removes impurities, sebum and dead cells from the upper layers of tissues. The product is based on lactic acid. The gentle action of the acid allows the peeling to be used at home. In a beauty salon, this procedure is not considered a rarity - clients often apply for the provision of such a service.

Cosmetologists advise women under 40 to carry out the procedure. The drug has a lifting effect, makes the skin elastic, but it does not get rid of deep age wrinkles, flabbiness and scars. Milk peeling works well with other skin imperfections, for example, age spots, acne, flaking.

Lactic acid is produced by the breakdown of glucose. In industry, the substance is obtained through a fermentation reaction - the oxidation of glucose. In nature, lactic acid is present in sour fermented milk products, fermented alcohol.

Many tissues in our body regularly produce lactic acid, and the connective tissue of the skin and skeletal muscles constantly use and process lactate to replace fluid loss. Lactic acid, which is the basis of milk peeling, consists of small molecules, which allows it to easily penetrate into cells. The substance neutralizes protein compounds, thereby clearing the cover of dead cells.

As a result of the action of lactates, metabolic processes are accelerated: oxygen begins to flow into the cleansed pores, and the production of collagen and elastin is accelerated. Collagen is responsible for the tone, and elastin affects the elasticity of the skin.


Milk peeling refers to superficial chemical peels. The active ingredients of the chemical peel accelerate metabolic processes and activate the recovery process. Mechanical peeling cleans with scrubbing particles: sugar, olive and apricot kernels, jojoba seeds.

The delicate action of the peeling allows you to use it practically over the entire surface of the body. A complex of procedures will help to cope with shallow scars, stretch marks and age spots.

Of course, more often peeling is applied to the face and décolleté, but cosmetologists and dermatologists often advise using lactate to eliminate imperfections throughout the body. The composition of the peeling for the body and face is practically the same, but for the body, manufacturers use more concentrated lactic acid.


  • Dehydration of the skin (dehydration). Dry, dehydrated skin ages faster. The active influence of sunlight and the wrong choice of cosmetics lead to a problem that needs to be urgently eliminated. Lactic acid removes dryness while moisturizing and nourishing tissues.
  • Acne. Lactate delicately removes excess sebum from the skin, which provoke the appearance of blackheads and acne.
  • Dark spots. Milk peeling helps to get rid of age spots on young skin. Fruit acid (lactic acid refers to fruit acids) promotes an even distribution of melanin molecules and slows down the production of tyrosinase - it is this enzyme (enzyme) that is responsible for the expression of pigment. As a result, the skin becomes lighter and more even tone. For age spots, deep peels should be used in combination with other products.
  • Stretch marks on the body and face. It is very difficult to get rid of deep stretch marks - in such cases, dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend turning to surgical cosmetology. If the stretch marks are not wide and have appeared recently, then peeling with lactic acid will solve the problem of strip atrophoderma.

  • Mild forms of hyperkeratosis. Hyperkeratosis is a skin disease in which the cells of the stratum corneum divide too quickly. As a result, the skin becomes uneven, bumpy. Lactic acid normalizes the processes of regeneration and desquamation (the natural process of exfoliation and exfoliation of the epithelium).
  • Excessive sebum secretion. Usually this problem is typical for oily skin, but in summer, girls with perfect skin also suffer from increased oily skin. The acid normalizes the processes of sebum secretion, without overdrying the epidermis and dermis.
  • Sensitive skin. Milk peeling has a non-aggressive effect on tissues, therefore it is suitable for the care of skin prone to allergic reactions.
  • Loose and saggy skin. Additional hydration accelerates the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Gray skin color. Thanks to the action of lactate, the skin renews itself faster, respectively, outwardly, the complexion changes for the better.
  • Low pain threshold. Peeling is a painless process that causes a slight burning sensation and tingling sensation.

Milk peels are often used before other procedures, such as sugaring and depilation. This is done in order to avoid the appearance of ingrown hairs.

Cosmetologists often carry out the milk peeling procedure as a preparatory stage before various masks - thus, nutrients penetrate faster into the cells of the dermis and epidermis.

This procedure allows the client not to drop out of social activity - slight peeling disappears in 2-4 days.

Harm and contraindications

Below are the contraindications for the use of milk peels:

  • intolerance to the drugs included in the composition;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • wounds on the body and face: in the places where the procedure is planned;
  • drug photosensitivity (skin reaction in the form of a rash, redness and inflammation of the skin in the light due to the use of drugs);
  • cold;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • spider veins and rosacea (vascular mesh on the face).

You cannot start milk peeling immediately after shugaring and depilation - during these procedures, the protective layer of the skin is damaged, and the additional use of lactate can negatively affect the condition of the epidermis and dermis.

Do not peel the skin for at least a week after laser resurfacing and dermabrasion. When resurfacing with a special laser, dead skin cells are removed. In the process of dermabrasion, the damaged skin layer is scraped off - this method gets rid of post-acne, deep scars and age spots. Both procedures have a profound effect and injure the tissues, therefore it is necessary to exclude milk peeling from your care for the first time after their implementation.

Cosmetologists prohibit peeling in the summer - the sun's rays can severely damage the delicate, cleansed skin.


The effect after milk peeling is noticeable after the first procedure. Experts advise to carry out a set of procedures for a complete renewal and improvement of the skin - it is necessary to repeat the peeling procedure at least 5 times.

As a result of the action of lactates, the skin will change for the better:

  • the skin will be renewed;
  • fine wrinkles will disappear;
  • age spots and freckles will become less active;
  • skin tone will acquire a healthy tone;
  • the skin will become moisturized, peeling will stop;
  • sebum production will decrease;
  • elasticity and elasticity of tissues will return;
  • acne and blackheads will gradually disappear, inflammation will be much less.

In general, reviews of milk peeling are positive. During the procedure, an unpleasant burning sensation may occur, which causes discomfort. Peeling usually results in peeling, but this is a normal skin reaction. Of course, at first it is not recommended to spend a lot of time outdoors in order to save the renewed skin from dust and sun rays.

Photos of people before and after the process allow you to evaluate the result. Indeed, freckles and age spots have almost disappeared, and rashes have also diminished.

How to do it?

Milk peels can be done at home and in the salon.

To do the procedure at home, you need to purchase lactic acid (from 30 to 40%), you will also need medical alcohol (95%), cotton pads, and facial lotion.

  • The first step is to remove makeup and cleanse the skin. Be sure to wipe your skin with lotion.
  • Then you should treat your face with alcohol, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.
  • After that, you need to apply lactic acid to your face with a cotton pad. You can mix a small amount of water with an acid. This recipe is very simple and will help you avoid chemical burns. It is necessary to start with the forehead, then the nose, cheeks and chin.
  • Be sure to immediately catch the time. If this is the first use of lactate, then the acid should be kept for no longer than two minutes. With each subsequent procedure, the time should be increased.
  • During the procedure, a burning sensation appears - such a skin reaction is considered normal. But if the burning sensation is too strong, then it is urgent to wash off the product.
  • The peeling should be washed off with cool water - you cannot use hot water, as a burning sensation may appear from the high temperature of the water.

Before doing the peeling, it is imperative to carry out a test: lactic acid should be applied to the inner part of the forearm. If there is a tolerable burning sensation and a slight tingling sensation, then the product can be used on the face.

2 weeks before the peeling, you do not need to sunbathe in the sun and visit the solarium. Before going outside, you should apply cosmetics with an SPF of at least 15.

Sometimes delicate skin needs pre-peeling preparation. Cosmetologists advise to apply lactic acid (2%) on their own two weeks before the procedure.

The process of carrying out the procedure for milk peeling in the salon is similar to carrying out the procedure at home. Manufacturers often add hydroquinone to the product for a stronger whitening effect. Indeed, this chemical compound perfectly removes traces of pigmentation. But it is toxic, and for this reason is banned in Japan, Western Europe and some Central Asian countries.

After using creams, masks, peels with hydroquinone, dermatitis, ochronosis (a disease in which the skin color darkens or becomes gray-blue) appears. In addition, the substance destroys collagen and elastin fibers. Before peeling, it is imperative to consult with the specialist who will carry out the procedure and find out the composition of the product.

Specialists can use not only lactic acid, but also various vitamins and supplements. The substances will help the skin recover faster.

After acid peels, cosmetologists must use a neutralizing gel to stop the action of the acid - after the procedure, they moisturize the skin, apply oils and concentrates to it, for example, hyaluronic acid.

Do not exfoliate too often - this process should be performed at intervals of 2 weeks. The course of procedures is established depending on the problem that needs to be eliminated. The course usually includes 5-10 procedures.

Redness and peeling after visiting the salon will appear for several more days. But in rare cases, inflamed skin can take weeks to heal. This usually happens due to the wrong concentration. In this case, you need to use vegetable oils and panthenol - they accelerate the healing process of chemical burns.

Follow-up skin care

Post-peel care is very important. The skin after the procedure is very delicate - additional moisture will be required. After a milk peel, you should regularly apply nourishing creams to your face according to your skin type. You can use panthenol - it not only moisturizes, but also promotes healing.

Shea butter, fireweed and borage soothes inflammation well. It is allowed to use facial skin care products if they do not contain scrubbing particles. In this case, there should be no feeling of tightness.

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