Doll woman from pantyhose with her own hands in stages. DIY nylon dolls: making funny toys for children

Recently, dolls made of nylon using the textile and hosiery technique have become more and more popular. These dolls are interesting because it is quite easy to make them "alive", similar to people. Thin nylon flesh-colored is incredibly plastic, so it makes it easy to give your face any facial expressions, drawing characteristic features with a needle and thread. In addition, there are a huge number of options for decorating such dolls, so it is enough to use your imagination and create a real miracle with the help of your own skill. Such a doll can be used as a cozy detail of the interior, as a heating pad for a teapot, for decorating various boxes or boxes, and simply as a gift for a child.

Despite the fact that a nylon doll at first glance seems difficult to manufacture, much material is not required. Enough nylon tights and filler in the form of padding polyester or silicone, as well as a few details for decoration, needles and threads. With the filler, everything is simple - the synthetic winterizer can be sold in the store both in rolls and in cut form. We don't care which one to buy. But with tights there are nuances. It is best to use the cheapest tights with a smooth structure and no slimming effect and no shine. It is desirable that they are of the smallest size, since when making a doll's head, large-sized tights will begin to stretch, and the head will have to be made large. The most correct choice of tights is tights without den at all, with a smooth structure, the composition is 100% polyamide. Such panty hoses behave well when boiled, they have a smooth structure, and if a puff appears during operation, it can be removed by pulling sharply from both sides.

Material preparation

In order to make the doll, it is better to discolor the tights. This can be done in two ways:

  • To prepare the tights, we need regular laundry bleach in the amount of approximately 120-200 ml per 1 liter of water. We immerse the tights in a pot of water, they must be completely soaked. Then add the bleach and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. After that, take out the tights from the boiling water and immerse them in cold water with the addition of a rinse aid. Now the tights just need to be dried.
  • Wet pantyhose in cold water, unscrew, immerse in a plastic bag and put in the freezer for 1 day. The next day we take out the tights from the refrigerator, let them thaw and dry.

Classic doll made in hosiery and textile technique

Such a doll is good for interior decoration. It will also suit and create a cozy atmosphere and fill the room with a kind, fabulous mood. The doll is suitable for a souvenir for both an adult and a child.

For manufacturing we need:

  1. synthetic winterizer or silicone;
  2. sponge for washing dishes;
  3. nylon thread
  4. needles, threads, pins
  5. smooth button on the leg;
  6. a small piece of knitted fabric;
  7. PVA glue;
  8. acrylic paints;
  9. cosmetics for face
  10. hair fixation spray

Consider the stages of its manufacture:

  • First you need to complete the doll's head.
  • Let's form a ball from padding polyester.
  • Then you need to fill the stocking with padding polyester and cover it. In order for the head to be of the correct shape, you can take an ordinary dishwashing sponge, tear off the hard part, cut off the corners and put a synthetic winterizer on it. If necessary, add some filler for the doll's chin.

It is necessary to ensure that the synthetic winterizer lies flat, without creases.

  • Fasten the resulting ball with a nylon thread.
  • With the help of a needle, in a circular motion, we first form a tubercle from a padding polyester for the nose, then for the ears. The ears can be made separately from the face and sewn on.

  • We make bow ties for the doll's nose. In order not to break the symmetry, it is better to mark the nostrils and grooves in the wings of the nose above the nostrils with pins. We stretch the needle and thread first from right to left, then from left to right along the finished nasal tubercle. This will be the top of the nose.
  • Then we move on to the formation of the nostrils. To do this, draw the needle to the right and down, and then to the left and down from the finished tightening. We do this until the doll's nostrils become visible. It will take about 7-10 stitches up and down.

  • In the same way we outline the wings of the nose.
  • Then we move on to shaping the cheeks. To do this, without cutting the threads, we make tightening on the sides - first to the left and then to the right of the doll's nose. You should get chubby cheeks. After that, make the last stitch from top to bottom and leave the needle and thread under the doll's right cheek.
  • We form a mouth. To do this, using a needle, we make a tubercle under the nose of the product, lifting the synthetic winterizer under the stocking with a needle in a circular motion. The bump should look like a smile.

  • Next, we withdraw the left needle and thread under a smile, fasten it with a pin, sew the left cheek from bottom to top. We bring the thread down to the doll's chin.
  • With the help of circular movements with a needle on a synthetic winterizer, we outline the chin more clearly. Then we withdraw the thread again to the upper part of the left cheek and fix the tightening.
  • With the help of pull-downs, we form the part of the nose where the nasal bone is located. Then we fix the tightening, bring the thread to the seamy side of the doll and fix it.
  • We form eyelashes. To do this, you need to sew the doll's head from front to back in the appropriate places. You can pre-outline the places for the eyes with pins. We stretch the thread to the wrong side and fasten it. The thread can now be cut.
  • Next, we fix the doll's smile with a few stitches from bottom to top in the direction from the upper lip to the chin.
  • A separate stitch can be used to create a dimple in the chin. In order to make the doll look more interesting, you can use eyebrows to form eyebrows. To do this, you need to grab pieces of fabric with a padding polyester symmetrically over the eye fossa and tighten. Now you can bring the thread to the wrong side, cut off the unnecessary remnants of the tights and sew the place where the tights were pulled together with a nylon thread.
  • In order to make the back of the doll's head, you need a piece of sponge, which must be freed from the hard part, rounded and overlaid with padding polyester. Then the resulting base needs to be covered with tights and sewn to the back of the head. The back of the head should be the same size as the head. You can simplify your work and not do the back of your head at all by adding a little padding polyester under the doll's hat or by making her hair.
  • You can make ears from tights socks by stuffing them with padding polyester and sew them to the side of the head. It is better to point the earlobe slightly forward towards the face.
  • Now you need to complete the eyes. You can use ready-made plastic eyes, or you can make them yourself. In order to make eyes with your own hands, you need a smooth button on the leg, a small piece of knitted fabric, PVA glue, acrylic paints. From the fabric, you need to cut a circle with a diameter slightly larger than that of the button, then pull the resulting piece of fabric around the button, so that the leg remains free. Then you need to thread a strong thread through the hole of the button in several folds. Holding the thread, spread the glue on the top of the button and let it dry. Then we cover the button with white acrylic paint in several layers. When the paint dries, draw the iris. For this, you can use blue acrylic paint. In order for the iris to turn out smoothly, you need to outline a circle inside the button with a pencil and paint over. Then paint the pupil with a darker color inside the iris. After the paint has dried, you need to sew the eyes to the doll's head. If we use plastic eyes, then they need to be glued. Female false eyelashes can be used, which need to be cut and glued to the eyes.
  • Now you can apply makeup to the doll. You can use regular makeup products. First, apply powder, tint the lips with red, make a blush, add shadows near the wings of the nose and nostrils, chin, tint the eyes. If you brown the tip of the nose, then the doll will appear livelier.

Soft makeup makes the doll's facial expressions more natural.

  • It is better to fix the makeup with hairspray.

After the varnish is applied, you need to very quickly smooth it to the fabric, because the smallest synthetic winterizer threads will immediately become noticeable.

So, the doll's head is ready. You can experiment with facial expressions as much as you like, increasing the eyebrows, moving the corners of the mouth, making wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. All this will give the doll its original character. Next, we move on to shaping the body of the doll.

Consider two ways to make a torso

Method number 1

  • We use cardboard twisted into a tube as the basis for the body. Lubricate the bottom with glue and glue it to the tights.
  • We fill the base with padding polyester.
  • On the opposite side, we also coat the base with glue so that the synthetic winterizer is better kept inside.
  • We wrap the edge of the tights in a cardboard tube, coated with glue from the inside.

If we make the torso in this way, then the legs of the doll can be omitted at all. It is enough to glue a sewn fluffy skirt to the body.

Method number 2

  • Cut out a circle from the variegated fabric, put the stitches in a circle forward or over the edge and tighten the fabric.
  • Next, we fill the resulting body with padding polyester.
  • Put a piece of fabric on top of the same color as the body and sew it on. It turned out the body of a doll in clothes.

Moving on to the formation of the arms and legs of the doll.

First, let's make the hands.

  • We take a ball of foam rubber of the appropriate size, place it in a stocking and tighten it with a nylon thread. Now the place of the tie must be stitched, the excess part of the tights must be cut off.
  • From bottom to top, we make tightening so that we get 5 fingers. Then we stitch the trimming point again, and shade the fingers. Execute the second brush in the same way.

Let's move on to the formation of the foot

  • We form a ball of padding polyester for the foot and place it in a stocking. We fasten again with a nylon thread, sew and cut off the rest of the tights.
  • With the help of pull-downs, we make the fingers and give the foot a shape, outlining the grooves. Then add shadows to where the grooves should be in the foot and between the toes.

You can make the hands and feet of the doll directly. To do this, you need to cut rectangles of the appropriate length from the fabric and sew them in the form of a tube. Then these tubes need to be filled with padding polyester and sewn to the body. Sew on the opposite side of the feet and hands in the appropriate places. Let's make the doll a "manicure" with acrylic paints.

Now you can make a cap for the doll's head, put on a scarf or hat.

In order to sew a bonnet, you need to cut a circle out of fabric. The diameter of the circle will depend on the size of the doll's head. A rim of ribbon is made along the edge of the circle. Sew the stitches to tighten the circle. It is better to lay them closer to the edge of the tape. We tighten the circle and put the cap on the doll's head. For volume we fill a little with padding polyester and glue or sew the cap to the head.

Instead of a cap, you can make the doll hair. For hair, it is better to use natural and artificial fur, yarn, sewing thread or wool for felting. You can also buy a ready-made long hair clip from the store. In order to make the doll's hair from yarn, you need a sheet of cardboard. We wrap the cardboard of the beaches, then cut it. We wind the cut yarn with a thread in the center, grease it with glue and glue it to the doll's head.

If we are making hair from fur, we need to attach the fur to the head, cut out a piece of the appropriate size and sew along the contour. Dye the fur with an ordinary fabric dye. If the fur or fabric is natural, then you can use ordinary food coloring, henna or basma.

After all the parts of the doll are ready, they need to be sewn or glued with hot glue. On dolls, they usually sew colorful clothes in a folk style, but you can fantasize and sew a unique fashionable suit or sundress.

So, we looked at the process of making a classic doll. Now we will study the stages of sewing a doll, which will be very useful on the farm.

Doll - tea box

We need:

  1. cylindrical jar for tea;
  2. wire;
  3. nylon tights;
  4. synthetic winterizer or silicone;
  5. fabrics in two contrasting colors;
  6. ribbons and braid;
  7. yarn;
  8. thread, needle
  9. hot glue

Consider the stages of making a doll - tea boxes.

  • We make 2 holes in the jar on top. We draw a wire around the jar and thread it through the holes. This is necessary in order not to damage the doll when it is often picked up.
  • We sew a ribbon to the lid so that you can open it by pulling it.
  • We make the doll's head as shown in the example above for a classic doll. We glue the doll's head on the lid of the can.
  • Cut a strip out of the fabric, half the width of the can. We glue the fabric to the jar with hot glue. We fill with padding polyester. This will be the doll's shirt.
  • We make a skirt out of bright fabric and glue it to the shirt along the edge. The belt can be made of braid, along the edge you can also glue the braid so that the joint is not visible. The doll can be made with a painted apron.
  • We take a ball of foam rubber of the appropriate size, place it in a stocking and tighten it with a nylon thread.
  • The place of the tie must be stitched, the excess part of the tights must be cut off.
  • From bottom to top, we make tightening so that we get 5 fingers.
  • Then we stitch the trimming point again, and shade the fingers. Execute the second brush in the same way.
  • Cut out 2 strips from the fabric of the same color as the shirt and sew in the form of tubes.
  • We fill our hands with padding polyester and glue the brushes.
  • We glue the arms to the body.

Baby doll

This is the easiest way to make a doll from nylon tights. We need:

  1. nylon flesh-colored tights;
  2. strong nylon threads;
  3. synthetic winterizer or silicone;
  4. beads for eyes;
  5. shreds for clothes

Let's take a closer look at the stages of making a doll-doll:

  • Let's start with the manufacture of pens. Twist two small balls from padding polyester and stretch nylon on them. Twirl and tie. It turned out to be small ball pens. In the same way, you can make a spout, only the ball should turn out to be very small. The handles can be made differently by tightening in places where the fingers should be, as in the example above.
  • Then cut the tights. Roll a large ball out of padding polyester and fill it with a strip cut from tights. Sew on one side of the pantyhose, pull off the opposite side with a thread. The side where the seam is the side of the doll's legs, and the pulled back is the top of the doll's head.
  • From the side of the legs in the middle, pull off the fabric with a thread. To do this, we sew the doll with a thread through and through, so that a transverse line is obtained - the line of separation of the legs.
  • Sew the handles to the sides of the doll. Sew on eye beads and hair from yarn or fur, you can also sew a cap or hat.
  • We will make clothes from a piece of bright fabric, tailoring a baby jumpsuit or a hat and a blouse.

Teapot on the teapot

Tea Baba is a hot-water doll that creates coziness on the table during tea drinking. They put her on a teapot to keep her warm. This is a cozy and very practical doll.

We need:

  1. frame made of wire or newspaper tubes covered with tape. A small circle is made, a large circle and connected vertically with sticks. A cover with insulation is put on the frame. The inner part of the cover is threaded inside the frame and sewn to the outer part.
  2. flesh-colored women's tights;
  3. synthetic winterizer or silicone;
  4. sponge for washing dishes;
  5. nylon thread;
  6. needles, threads, pins;
  7. face cosmetics;
  8. hair fixation spray;
  9. thick cardboard;
  10. plastic eyes

Consider the stages of making a tea woman doll:

  • Cut off the corners of the dishwashing sponge. We wrap the rounded sponge with padding polyester, we wrap it with tights.
  • Then we make the doll's head. To do this, we roll up a ball from a padding polyester, wrap it with tights, add an extra padding pad for the nose, ears and chin. With the help of pull-downs, we form the doll's facial expressions, as we did in the previous examples.
  • We carry out the handles of the doll, making tightening in place of the fingers.
  • We put on a sewn shirt on the body and fill the sleeves with padding polyester. We glue our palms to the sleeves. If desired, you can glue braid or tape to the shirt for decoration.
  • We twist a tube made of thick cardboard. The diameter of the tube should be such that the tube fits snugly into the upper, smaller circle of the doll's skeleton. We put on a fluffy bright skirt of the doll on a cardboard base and glue it.
  • We insert the body of the doll into the base and skirt and glue it from the inside. We make a belt for the doll with colored braid, glue an apron on the skirt.
  • We glue the head to the body.
  • We make hair for the doll from yarn. We wind the threads on cardboard and cut, then sew in the middle. We glue the hair to the doll's head. If you wish, you can put a handkerchief on the doll. Put the finished doll on a frame covered with a warm cover.

As we can see, from nylon tights you can create a real masterpiece that you can not only admire, but also use in the kitchen! We wish you a pleasant tea drinking!

Today, handmade pop dolls have gained incredible popularity among people for their uniqueness. and fun. Such products look funny, fun and perky.

Hosiery dolls lift your spirits when you look at them and subtly emphasize the reality of life based on the motive and type of doll.

note! The dolls got this name due to their appearance. From the front, the product looks like a comic caricature, and behind the doll, you can see funny and intricate priests with legs.

Dolls made of nylon tights can hardly be called toys for children. They are more for decoration. These crafts fit organically into any interior, adding color and variety.

Each person can sew such a toy with their own hands. To do this, it is enough to have the time, desire and follow the step-by-step instructions for making the parts of the pupa.

Table: materials required for making crafts

Material Description
Nylon For the manufacture of crafts, you will need nylon knee socks, stockings or tights. This piece of clothing serves as the basis for the future doll. It is in stockings or tights that the filler is stuffed
Filler It is better to choose a synthetic winterizer or holofiber as a filler. These materials do not get confused, do not roll off during long-term use
Yarn Any yarn is chosen. It is used to make doll hair. It is better to give preference to cotton threads, rather than acrylic ones, which roll off over time
Fittings Eyes are required to create the face. The nose and mouth of the craft is done by pulling in the threads
Wire You will need it to create handles.
Additional materials PVA glue, fabric, ribbons, sewing threads, needles

The main advantage of pop dolls is their uniqueness. Even making the same craft, it is difficult to sew an identical doll.

By pulling in the threads, the expression on the face of the craft, its facial expressions, emotions and mood is regulated.

Instructions for creating a pop doll step by step for beginners:

Having mastered the technique of pulling the threads, you can make different facial expressions from the craft... Today the most demanded doll is the brownie - the house keeper.

It is done according to the same principle, only the face and hair of the brownie need to be embellished a little with cosmetics, namely with dark shadows to give the effect of pollution.

Main varieties

Dolls from nylon tights began to be made relatively recently, so there is no official classification of these crafts.

But they differ from each other in appearance, purpose and manufacturing method.


  1. Tumblers... Small oval-shaped crafts are meant. In these products, conventionally designated limbs, and the butt is made rounded for balancing.
  2. Wireframes are harder to make... The filler is wound on a pre-made frame.

    Such dolls are stable and outwardly similar to a living person or animal, on the basis of which the craft was made.

  3. Kettle warmers... This is a separate type of dolls designed to keep the temperature of the tea in the teapot. Such a product is put on a teapot.
  4. Pop dolls... These are crafts consisting of a head and priests connected to each other.

Important! Many people believe that priests bring good luck and predict future events.

Usually the priest is suspended and every morning he meets the person with his booty or face. If a person is lucky enough to see the face of the craft in the morning, then his day will be cloudless.

If the doll turned its booty towards its owner, then you should expect trouble.

Secrets of creating ornamental dolls from nylon

Irina Starkova is one of the most famous and talented manufacturers of pop dolls... It has become popular not only for making crafts.

Irina herself has developed many methods of face tightening to form different emotions on the face of the craft.

Irina Starkova's tips:

  • For aging the puppet character nylon tights and all materials for making a suit are dipped in a coffee solution, then dried in the air.
  • Buttocks of the doll after sewing to the head you need to powder a little blush for naturalness.
  • In the absence of padding polyester or holofiber, you can use cotton wool to create crafts.
  • When shaping the head, it is better not to sew nylon immediately and tie it up. In the course of work, you may need to add some of the filler to the chin, cheeks or nose.

Useful video

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Dolls are not only fun for children, but also a popular type of needlework today. It is not without reason that over the past few years, entire exhibitions devoted to sculptural textiles have been held in the world. At these shows, dolls made of nylon and synthetic winterizer are admired along with expensive works of authorship, and not only among little girls, but also among sophisticated collectors.

If your daughter asks to buy her a new doll, do not rush to go to the store. Try to create a cute toy with your own hands. Surely there are old nylon tights in the house - they can turn out to be a funny and cute soft toy. Usually old women or babies are made from this material: they turn out to be wrinkled and, due to this, very realistic. But you can also make animal figurines. It all depends on your creative adventurism, although in fact it is not difficult to make dolls from nylon tights. And with the help of a master class for beginners, in which all stages of work are detailed in detail, you will cope with a toy in just a couple of hours.

Materials and tools for work

To make the process of making toys enjoyable, you must follow two rules:

  • do not rush;
  • prepare in advance all the tools and materials necessary for work.

As for the last requirement, it should be dwelled on in detail. So, to create dolls from nylon and synthetic winterizer, no matter what master class you repeat, you will need:

  • old knitted or nylon tights;
  • pieces of padding polyester;
  • threads for sewing in different colors (be sure to prepare a flesh-colored spool to create the bulges and bends of the doll's body);
  • scraps of tissue;
  • special fabric paints or wax crayons;
  • leftover yarn (for hair);
  • wire (on the frame of the doll's body);
  • long thin darning needle.

Maiden beauty

You can make such a cute blonde in just an hour, and you will have a new toy or original interior decoration.


  • flesh-colored tights;
  • pieces of padding polyester;
  • wire of medium thickness;
  • thin darning needle;
  • flesh-colored threads No. 40;
  • wax crayons;
  • ready-made eyes with eyelashes (optional);
  • a wig or yarn for making hair.


On the basis of this doll, girls of different nationalities can be made. True, some nuances will have to be taken into account. So, for example, for a Chinese woman, you should work out the mouth in more detail, making the lips thin. And, of course, do not forget to reduce the eye sockets to fit narrow beads. But for an African-American girl, black tights are used, preferably dense. And facial features, on the contrary, are made large, that is, large pieces of filler are stuffed.


Especially for those who are just starting to sew dolls from nylon, we offer a master class on creating a funny baby doll, which will become a symbol of good mood in your home.


  • flesh-colored nylon tights;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • 4 small pieces of wire;
  • flesh-colored thread;
  • darning needle;
  • scraps of tissue;
  • ready-made eyes with eyelashes;
  • hair yarn;
  • glue gun.


  1. We stuff a synthetic winterizer into a nylon bag.
  2. We form the nose, nostrils, mouth, lips, ears and hollows for the eyes with stitches.
  3. We glue the eyes.
  4. We make a base for the palms of the wire.
  5. We wrap it with filler and nylon.
  6. We decorate fingers, nails.
  7. We make feet according to the principle of handles.
  8. We start making priests. We place the filler in a piece of nylon, make a depression between the buttocks with stitches.
  9. We sew the ass to the head.
  10. We make hair out of yarn.
  11. Cut out a triangle from the fabric - panties, as well as a sun skirt.
  12. We sew arms and legs to the skirt, panties on the butt.
  13. With crayons we make the doll a blush and tint the lips. The doll is ready.

The famous master puppeteer Elena Lavrentieva on her website offers beginners a master class on creating a nylon shell doll.


  • nylon tights (white can be used);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • wire;
  • insulating tape;
  • threads to match;
  • pearl bead;
  • eyes with eyelashes;
  • eyeshadows;
  • glue gun.


There is never a shortage of doll design options in today's market. Despite this, handmade dolls still remain desirable and in demand. But not everyone will be able to sew a doll. But making a doll out of tights is within the power of every girl. Together with your child, you can create a whole puppet theater.

Manufacturing features

To date, the top of the art is the hosiery doll. These toys are very pleasant to hold and look like toy people.

Inside these dolls there is a very light material that resembles cotton wool. And it is called a synthetic winterizer. The rest of the work depends only on the imagination of the master. With these two materials, you can make a nose, eyes, face of any shape and size. The hosiery technique is very simple and you don't need to be a child prodigy to figure it out.

The main thing in manufacturing is to add kinks with threads correctly and in the right place, which form facial features or limbs and body bends. The second point is the formation of a frame that would imitate the proportions of a person or a child. But a frame is not always needed if the toy only copies a person's appearance in general features, as, for example, in this master class.

Fundamentals of technology

Start by shaping the head of the stocking toy. In this case, it will be a double cherry toy.

Roll the cut-off sleeve of the sweater into a tight ball, the sweater can be replaced with padding polyester, as in our case. It should be firm to the touch and firm enough. The diameter of the head is up to you. Slide the rolled-up padding polyester into the toe of the stocking and tie at the base.

Now it's time to move on to nylon stockings, which will go over the top of the workpiece. Pull the nylon over the head of the toy and tie at the base. Cut off the excess fabric, it is no longer needed.

After that, so that the main features appear on the face of the stocking toy, begin to shape them as shown in the photo.

Next, shape the nose of the toy by collecting a circular piece of fabric where it should be and fixing it with a needle and thread.

First, work the head, and proceed to the body only when the head is completely ready. Initially, you need to make the eyes, the mouth of the toy. You can also paint the cheeks, mark the cheekbones, using a weak solution of watercolors or acrylic.

Just don't overdo it with acrylic. In any case, it is worth practicing on an unnecessary piece of nylon before working with a toy.

When the head of the product is completely done, proceed to the creation of handles, legs, which are made according to a similar principle.

Make your toes shorter on your feet and mark with a stitch the place of the heels.

When the legs and handles are ready, connect them to the workpiece.

It is also necessary to make hair from yarn or wool for felting, choosing their length and type of hairstyle at your discretion. If you have never created hair before, it is better to make simple ponytails or pigtails. To do this, cut off about 40-50 threads of yarn, fold them together and tie them in two places so that the distance between the knots is equal to the distance between the temples of the toy, if you measure around the circumference.

Next, simply put on the wig like a hat, straightening the yarn. Hide the knots under the tape. Sew the yarn in two places to keep the yarn secure.

Now you need to glue or paint the eyes, tint the lips and cheeks a little.

The main working materials in the manufacture of a doll are synthetic winterizer, nylon stockings, a needle, and threads. For large parts of the body, a stocking is stuffed with large pieces of padding polyester, and then with the help of small balls compressed from padding polyester, the nose and its wings, lips, cheeks are laid out. The stocking stuffed in this way is pulled to a state of "wrinkle-free" and tied. Next, a thread with a needle comes into play. The master squeezes out the bridge of the nose with his fingers and begins to stitch it to fix the resulting shape. Then the wings of the nose, chin, eye sockets, cheeks are formed in the same way. Each operation must be completed with a reliable fixation of the thread, so that when the next parts of the face are squeezed out, the already finished ones do not warp. If it is necessary to add a padding polyester to form any detail of the face, the stocking is untied from below and material is added through the resulting hole. A good technique for shaping the mouth is to tighten the corners of the mouth through the eye sockets.
By its properties, nylon was found to be a more pliable, elastic and durable material for sewing dolls than other fabrics. It can be subjected to multiple bends, complex deformation - it will not lose its shape. A few decades ago, a technique for making homemade flowers from nylon and wire appeared. And after that, folk craftsmen mastered the technique of making hosiery dolls.

In many respects, this was facilitated by the appearance on the market of a light, voluminous (resembling cotton wool), but at the same time elastic artificial material - padding polyester. He became an inexpensive basis for all parts of the calf of the future doll. The rest of the work is based on the personal imagination of the master: by laying folds and bends on the padding polyester, he can make the doll's nose of any shape, small or large lips, high or low forehead, draw dimples on the cheeks or lay nasolabial wrinkles to give the toy age. The synthetic winterizer and nylon turned out to be so grateful in the work of materials that any person can master the technique of making dolls and create unique and original toys.

The main working materials in the manufacture of a doll are synthetic winterizer, nylon stockings, a needle, and threads. For large parts of the body, a stocking is stuffed with large pieces of padding polyester, and then with the help of small balls compressed from padding polyester, the nose and its wings, lips, cheeks are laid out. The stocking stuffed in this way is pulled to a state of "wrinkle-free" and tied. Next, a thread with a needle comes into play. The master squeezes out the bridge of the nose with his fingers and begins to stitch it to fix the resulting shape. Then the wings of the nose, chin, eye sockets, cheeks are formed in the same way. Each operation must be completed with a reliable fixation of the thread, so that when the next parts of the face are squeezed out, the already finished ones do not warp. If it is necessary to add a padding polyester to form any detail of the face, the stocking is untied from below and material is added through the resulting hole. A good technique for shaping the mouth is to tighten the corners of the mouth through the eye sockets.

Description of the materials and tools used.

1.Kapron nylon coats of flesh color 20-40 den.
2. Sintepon
3. The glue moment is transparent
4. Threads in the color of tights and white
5. Needle for tightening, needle for felting No. 36
6. Scissors
7.Pins for fastening with a tip
8. Paint brush
9.acrylic paints
10. Eyes (plastic, acrylic, glass ...)
11. Eyelashes
12. wool for felting (hair styling)

Step 1. Form a ball of padding polyester. We fasten it in the back of the head, the alleged head, with a white thread.

Step 2. We make a blank for the nose. We form a small ball from a padding polyester, fix it at the location of the nose.

Step 3. Cut off part of the tights and hide our head blank in them

Step 4. Ties capron on top and bottom so that it stretches and there are no wrinkles.

Step 5. Select the bridge of the nose with pins, it can be made thicker or thinner, it all depends on the shape of the nose and the image of the doll that you have in mind.

Step 6. We begin to stitch the bridge of the nose.

Step 7. Shaping the nostrils. Draw the thread diagonally from the bridge of the nose to the nostril. Immediately from this nostril, we stitch up to the bridge of the nose on this side and draw the needle diagonally into the other nostril.

Step 8. From the nostril we draw the thread up to the bridge of the nose, bend around the wing of the nose with the thread, pierce it into the nostril, going diagonally to the bridge of the nose on the other side of the nose, we make out the second wing in the same way. We fasten the thread and arbitrarily withdraw the needle anywhere on the head, cut it off. This is done so that nodules are not visible.

Step 9. Mark the mouth and eye sockets with pins

Step 10. Sew from the corners of the mouth (previously marked with pins) to the eye socket.

Step 11. In the same way we do it on the other side, but do not fix the thread, but go down from the eye socket to the place where the needle enters, ie. to the corner of your mouth.

Step 12. From the corner of the mouth we go to the second corner of the mouth (thread on top of the nylon), pierce it into the basting and bring it out towards the eye socket. We fasten the thread as previously described.

Step 13. Make a smile with dimples on the cheeks. We mark with pins as shown. Sew from one pin to the other on one side and then on the other.

Step 14. Mark the sponges with pins. Stitching from bottom to top. We fix the thread.

Step 15 Undo the top knot and add a little padding polyester to form the forehead. We tie it again

Step16 Matching the eyes

Step 17. Cut off thin stripes from the nylon to decorate the eyelids.

Step 22 Let's go back to the top knot. Unscrew the nylon to the back of the head and secure with pins.
Step 23. Sew on the cuts.
Step 24. Let's make the ears. In our case, the ears will not be overhead, but elongated. To do this, add a synthetic winterizer, through the lower entrance, to the places of the ears.
Step 25. Pull back the eyelet and mark it with a pin. We sew the ears, as we did the nostrils. We bend the thread around the capron in the upper part of the ear, the distance from the top of the ear to the bottom is simply sewn through, we also bend around the lower part of the ear (thread from above), forming an earlobe.

Step 26. With a stitch we form the conch of the ear as in the photo. The ears are ready.

Step 27. In order to be absolutely handsome, you need to make hairs. For this we take wool for felting. I take acrylic for dry felting. We sew in strands at your discretion, you can with a bang, you can without.

Step 28. Use a felting needle to apply the hairstyle quite a bit.

Step 29. Around the head, at the base of the hair, lightly pass the glue. Press your hair with your hands. You can also touch up with a felting needle.

Step 30. Make up. I use regular blush and acrylic paints.

The head is ready

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