Sweet gifts. DIY sweet New Year gifts

Made for this holiday. It's time to think about the amenities. And now we are not talking about expensive and complicated presentations. And we will simplify everything and make sweet gifts with New Year's symbols.

There are a lot of ideas, there are some that only an adult can do, and there are those that a child will calmly repeat.

Let's talk about the creation of the sweets themselves, as well as about the ideas for packaging sweets. Believe me, every member of your family, from old to young, will be delighted with such presentations. And all this is unusual, to be honest. After all, what is the value of homemade gifts? Yes, the fact that they feel the care and a piece of the soul invested in them. After all, coming up with different compositions and sketches, looking for ideas, a person thought about you!

Let's start with the design ideas. As always, all ingenious is simple. I liked the idea of ​​glass assembled snowmen, similar to those shown in the photo. Glass jars for baby food will be used as a basis (usually there are many of them in every family). And if not, then running to the store for apple or fruit puree - and tasty and healthy!

Master class №1. snowman

  • 3 jars,
  • thermo gun,
  • acrylic paints,
  • sock,
  • scissors,
  • sweet fillers (cocoa, marmalade, marshmallows).

We start the craft. We take 3 jars of baby food. We remove the labels from them. We dry it.

Now we take acrylic paints - white, black and orange colors. Draw a snowman's face on one jar.

On the rest, the buttons are black.

Now we twist them with lids and use hot glue to glue the bottom of the jar with the lid.

Let's make a hat out of a sock. To do this, take a NEW bright sock and cut off the part with the elastic. The side that we sew on the cut from the seamy side.

Now we take woolen threads and make a pompom. We sew it to the hat. We fix it to the lid on the snowman's head with glue.

Now we fill the jars with goodies! We pour cocoa into one, gummies or MMS into the second, and marshmallows into the head.

To this I decided to add an even more lightweight idea of ​​packaging from a glass bottle.

Just decorate it with ribbons, braid, pine cones and other decor and fill it with goodies! It is very unusual to receive such a gift. Even adults are happy, because we are all little children at heart.

New Year's gift "Christmas tree" made of chocolate with kinders

I also liked the idea with chocolates and kinders. It is her that I will bring to life this year and put under the tree for my daughter (she really respects the kinders here).

Master class number 2. Sweet herringbone

  • 3 chocolates,
  • 3-9 kinder (how many will be included),
  • tinsel,
  • decor,
  • thermo gun.

We take three chocolates, preferably with one color of the package. We glue them with hot glue along the edges to make a triangle.

To give the structure rigidity, we will cut out the background from cardboard.

It is better to choose shiny holiday cardboard in blue, red, green, gold or silver colors.

Now we apply our sweet triangle to the seamy side of the cardboard and outline its contours along the outside of the chocolates. We cut out the resulting part and glue it to the chocolates.

Now we glue the kinders inside the hot glue.

It is better to do this in a checkerboard pattern.

If you have chocolate weighing 100 g, then an average of 3 eggs will go into the tree.

It remains only to decorate the tree with tinsel or hairy wire and a star.

The craft looks very bright and festive!

Video idea - candy in a chocolate bottle

There is a wonderful idea for a totally edible gift. But it requires great care and patience. Therefore, it is more suitable for adults and high school children. And you will need to make a chocolate bottle, which is filled with sweets.

A detailed description of the manufacturing process is given in the video.

To use less chocolate, use a smaller bottle.

Edible chocolate cups can be made in much the same way.

Master class number 3. Edible cups

All instructions are described in the photo. We take a plastic glass and pour some melted chocolate into it. Then we put the glass on its side and distribute the viscous liquid along the walls so that there are no gaps.

Then let the chocolate freeze and carefully separate it from the glass.

Decorate as desired with a cloth, cream or whipped cream. Place sweets or cookies inside.

Any chocolate can be taken. However, you can add food coloring to white and get the colors you want: red, blue or green.

Of course, you only need to store this gift in a cool place, otherwise the glass will simply melt.

Christmas deer from a glass jar with sweets

We are very fond of various gummies and chocolate covered nuts. But we do not indulge in them often. Therefore, this is a good idea for a gift, but they need to be beautifully wrapped. And for this I propose to make such a funny deer.

Master class №4. Candy in a jar with a deer

  • jar,
  • candies,
  • felt,
  • thermo gun,
  • fluffy wire
  • elements for eyes and nose.

Again we need a transparent jar. It is better to choose those with sloping sides. They can be glass or plastic, it doesn't matter.

Now we cut out a strip of at least 4 cm wide from brown felt.

If you have a label, then the strip must be at least as wide as the label. The length is equal to the diameter of the can.

We glue the strip to the place where the label was or is. Now we draw or glue the finished eyes and nose. Pom-poms and beads can be used in their capacity.

We twist the horns from the shaggy wire and fix them on the lid of the jar.

Put your favorite sweets and gummies inside. And we are all set!

Look, I found an even simpler idea where you don't even need felt!

A very unusual solution! Also, such packaging can become a New Year's table decor.

DIY pineapple candy with a surprise

I don’t know about you, but for some reason it is popular with us to give pineapples and coconuts for the New Year. Well, since the idea is not new, then we will use it. Only we will not buy the finished fruit, but we will make it ourselves.

Master class №5. Pineapple candy with a surprise inside

  • glass jar,
  • small candies,
  • large round candies in a golden wrapper, like Ferrero,
  • green felt or cardboard,
  • thermo gun.

We take a glass jar of baby juice. We remove the etiquette with water.

Pour small candies or gummies inside.

Now we take candies in a golden package. We will fix them on the bottle. This should be done from the bottom edge in rows. So we move to the top.

Then we cut out oblong leaves from green cardboard and decorate the neck of the bottle with them.

That's all. This gift is quite expensive, you can see for yourself which candies were taken. However, it can be repeated with other flavors. You can simply take a round treat and wrap it in foil.

Mini gifts with lollipops

O! Now let's talk about what to do when you need to present a large number of children. For example, a child in kindergarten has many friends and I want to congratulate everyone. We have just this case! My daughters and I found a way out - we made a deer with a chupa-chups. It turned out very inexpensive and cheerful!

So, you need to take a mini lollipop. They cost 5-7 rubles with us.

We translate the diagram onto a thick sheet of paper, but you can print it.

It's better to take thick sheets, my daughters and I tried - album sheets tear easily. All the same, the child is engaged in the craft, including.

Now we cut through a place for a lump - inside the deer and a hole for a stick. We paint the horns and eyes. We decorate the face and let it dry.

We insert a lump and glue the horns with glue. Decorate with tinsel or bows.

We've got such a cute thing.

By the same steps, you can make Santa Claus.

I also propose to collect a mini-present. We take beautiful bright festive cups. Put sweets and candies inside. we wrap all this yummy in transparent gift paper.

We fasten the top with tape, a stapler and decorate with ribbons.

The same gifts can be used to give gifts to children in kindergarten on Birthday Day.

Original packaging for chocolate

I also propose to present good people with chocolates! But not simple, but decorated in the form of snowmen. Not trivial and very uplifting!

Master class number 6. Snowman packaging

  • chocolate bar weighing 90-100 g,
  • album sheet,
  • sock,
  • markers,
  • glue.

We need a chocolate bar with a neatly tucked edge, like Russian.

We wrap the chocolate in a sheet. Gently press the folds with your fingers so that there is a shape. We glue the slices from the inside.

If it turns out that there is a lot of album left, then we cut off the excess. We fix the edges.

We draw a carrot, eyes and mouth. You can glue felt or beads on this place.

Now we make a hat and a scarf from a sock. Cut off the part where there is an elastic band and a heel at the new sock.

We turn it inside out and sew it up.

We select the edge where there is a seam and collect it so that we get a pompom. To do this, we pull it together with threads.

We put a hat on a chocolate bar. Cut out a scarf from the rest of the sock.

That's all! Add more pine cones and spruce twigs to make the holiday smell.

It is also better to choose expensive types. For example, "Babaevsky" is an expensive chocolate and you want to pack it accordingly. For this purpose, I advise you to use an envelope. Described in more detail.

DIY sweet gift ideas

You can donate candies with your own hands or cake pops. I suggest making simple sweets - nuts in chocolate glaze. To do this, simply melt a chocolate bar in a water bath and wrap hazelnuts, cashews or peanuts in it.

Cake-pop is a biscuit dough cake, it is very tasty and is always placed on a stick. And now you need to tinker with them! You will find many recipes and the process of their preparation in a separate one.

Therefore, here I will not give recipes, I will show only a photo instruction with step-by-step actions.

Of course, you can very easily make lollipops, such as cockerel. For this, you only need lemon juice, sugar and water.

Use this recipe: granulated sugar - 10 tablespoons, water - 10 tablespoons, lemon juice - 0.2 tsp.

Everything is cooked to a viscous consistency and poured into a mold, where the lollipop hardens. To shape the candy into the desired shape, you can take cookie molds, ice containers, or cut out a shape from cardboard.

Not everyone can have a lot of sweets. So I come up with a fruit idea. What's New Year without tangerines? And there are never many of them!

Make a herringbone out of them.

Or a bouquet. What does the New Year smell like? Cinnamon, vanilla, pine needles, oranges, tangerines and lemon.

So combine it all in one bouquet.

Kids can experiment with marshmallows.

These marshmallows can be slipped onto cream and muffins or cookies.

Very cool gifts come from cheap sweets! We took pretzels and marshmallows. They dipped it in the glaze and it turned out to be a fawn.

A similar idea, only Oreo cookies were planted on a stick.

We repeat the same idea with berries.

Experienced housewives can bake and decorate gingerbread.

Also, each should be wrapped in individual packaging. By the way, you can take any homemade cookies that you do well. Decoration is not a problem at all now - there are many types of glaze that does not crumble.

This idea is, of course, more complicated. But what if she also inspires someone?

Gingerbread houses are always popular.

Of course, you can depict the symbol of 2019 - the Pig.

I think that already from all of the above, you can collect many different presents. But we do not stop and move on.

"Santa Claus sleigh" from sweets

Oh, this sleigh! They are done in 10 minutes, but they look very dignified! You just need to look well for runners for them. In this capacity, special curved lollipops act.

We put these candies parallel to each other. We glue a chocolate bar on them.

We fix the rest of the treats on double-sided tape or hot glue, seat the figure of Santa Claus or a snowman.

In this craft, it is important to observe the proportions: the longest and flattest delicacies are the basis of the sled. And on it already all those that are smaller. Medium to small.

Then you get a harmonious composition.

This principle is visible in all the photographs in this section.

Great, right?

Holiday candy ideas for delicious gifts

Of course, what is not made of sweets. After all, they are so bright, tasty and colorful.

For example, you can make chimes that show the same time every year.

Or just pack the candy separately for each one!

Compositions are made in the form of balls.

Or in the shape of a pig!

An unusual idea of ​​packing sweets in plastic caps. By the way, this material is easily connected when heated. In order for the gift to be stylish, the candies need to be matched by color.

Of course, delicious Christmas trees! I'll tell you about them in more detail now.

Master class number 7. Candy tree with tinsel

We make a cone out of paper. To do this, take an A4 sheet and fold it into a cone. We glue the edge with tape, and cut off all excess.

We attach tinsel to double-sided tape, starting from the base. And we alternate rows: tinsel, candy, tinsel.

You can fix the layers with a thermo gun and super glue. But it is more convenient to use double-sided tape.

Of course, we won't get around the idea of ​​a sweet New Year's wreath.

Candy bowls are also popular. It is customary to give sweets in them. For example, you can make such beauty from threads, PVA glue and a balloon.

Or a cardboard idea.

Master class number 8. Craft from cardboard

We take three strips of green double-sided cardboard, at least 2 cm wide.

1 strip - 8 cm,

2 strip - 14 cm,

3 strips - 20 cm.

We mark the longest in three equal parts and glue the triangle.

On a long, middle one, mark 2 centimeters and bend it like this: two corners inward, one outward. Repeating this sequence throughout the strip. glue this part to the bottom of the triangle.

We do the same with the middle stripe. We glue it over the long one. We turn the small one into a triangle and fix it on the top of the craft.

Now we need to make a barrel out of brown paper, where we will also put the sweets.

To do this, measure the width of the candies and put them on brown cardboard. We cut out a strip, glue it and fix it to our tree.

It remains only to put in a treat and decorate the craft.

Master class №9. Golden tree

  • thick cardboard
  • candies,
  • thermo gun,
  • glue,

According to this scheme, we cut out the parts and glue them. This is the base on which the craft will stand.

We make a cone. Measure out the dimensions shown in the figure and cut out the part. Paste it over with beautiful paper. The allowance must be folded inward and glued from the wrong side to the second side of the part. This will create a cone.

We begin to glue the cone with sweets from the bottom, we chose expensive round things. Then place the cone on the base and fix it from the inside. Decorate with beads, sequins.

Master class number 10. Green craft

  • bottle,
  • flat-edged sweets,
  • Scotch.

Glue a strip of adhesive tape to each candy from the flat edge of the wrapper so that it occupies only half the width of the strip.

We glue the candy to the bottle, starting from the bottom. We do the work in rows, gradually moving up.

We decorate the cork with a star and the gift is ready.

Another idea of ​​a boot-shaped candy holder.

It is made from the sludge of a plastic bottle.

You might like Rafaello's candy box idea.

The idea is to make the box look like a house. To do this, we cut off the edges of the box, and in their place we attach the roof.

The side of the roof can be lifted to make it easy to pull the treat out.

Children can wrap a sweet gift on their own. For example, in such a snowman.

Or use different containers of unusual shapes for this purpose.

Even such plastic cups can be used to put sweets.

It is better to take glasses wider and lower.

Gift Tags

We bought sweets or made them by hand and arranged them into gifts. Now all that remains is to sign who they are addressed to. And for whom we have tried so hard.

Therefore, I am attaching ideas for tags with New Year's symbols to the article.

This is especially convenient when the child was making various lollipops or cake pops. I think about different people. That is to say, so that nothing is forgotten.

Thank you for your attention and inspiration! I will be happy to continue to share with you ideas on various topics.

Hello dear guests of my blog. We continue the festive theme, and today I will tell you how to make a do-it-yourself gift of sweets for various events.

It's no secret that a small amount of chocolate is one of the sources of joy in our body and this is the most favorite delicacy of children. And souvenirs are what both adults and children love. Today we will combine this into a single whole, and prepare delicious souvenirs. We need certain skills and simple consumables.

How to make a do-it-yourself candy gift: surprise men

Representatives of the strong half of humanity always radiate confidence and steadfastness, but they, like children, rejoice even in insignificant souvenirs. And their bright presentation causes genuine delight.

Here are some ideas for such gifts you can bring to life (there will also be photos).

A pineapple

It is a symbol of the greatness and uniqueness of a creative person. Having made such a souvenir, you do not just make a gift, but give it a talisman. It helps genius ideas to appear and to bring their plans to life. The manufacturing process is simple. You will need:

  • Champagne bottle;
  • Round candies in a gold wrapper;
  • Green wrapping paper;
  • Yellow sisal (these canvases can be found in floral);
  • Harness;
  • Glue gun.

I offer you a step-by-step photo of the creative process. All candies will need to glue pieces of double-sided tape to one side (or use a glue gun in the future).

Cut out several layers of the pineapple top from the wrapping paper.

Now it's time to wrap the sisal around the bottle.

Glue the candy to the bottle in rows.

Stick the top leaves on double-sided tape and glue in rows to the top of the bottle.

Master classes in video format

Photos and text descriptions are, of course, good, but MK videos are much more convenient.


Such a surprise will delight any man, no matter whether he is related to hunting (military affairs) or not. Guys love war games. And fun with toy machines or sticks instead of them is their childhood. In addition, it is in the man's genes that he is a hunter and a hunter, which means that such a present would be appropriate.


Such a sweet surprise will suit a man - a husband. And that's why. Even in Ancient Egypt, the anchor was considered a symbol of the universe.

If you look closely at this figure, you will see that it has three elements. This is a mast, a boat and a snake. The mast symbolizes the masculine principle, the boat - the feminine one. And both of these elements are entwined with the serpent of life, which is the sacrament of marriage. Later, the anchor began to be considered just a sign of a calm family life.

By preparing such a surprise for your husband, you will emphasize the reverent attitude towards the union of your hearts. And the video will help you create this masterpiece:

Tank: how to beautifully arrange a surprise for February 23

Incredibly, this toy captivates males, even if the boy is well over thirty. World of Tanks has engulfed the world. And your man will gladly devour a sweet dance. By the way, this idea can be used as a surprise on February 23rd. How to decorate this gift beautifully is shown in detail in the video:

Candy steering wheel

If the person you are preparing a souvenir for is a car enthusiast, then a present, as they say, "in the top ten". If there is no car yet, do not worry, because in any case he is a tough guy who drives in life. I offer you a video of this master class:

Glass of tea and sweets

This craft will suit both beer lovers and kvass fans. And the result of your work is essentially perfect for a tea party. After all, it consists of tea and sweets. So, to create a glass you will need:

  • A tin can of tea (black or green, it doesn't matter);
  • Candy "Hazel" ("Enchantress" or "Konafetto");
  • Two round Lindt Lindor sweets;
  • Angel threads (for beer foam);
  • Glue gun.

First you need to bend the edges of the "Hazel". Using hot glue, we attach them to the jar in two rows (vertically). We attach a handle to the resulting base of the glass. To do this, glue round candies, and on them 2 "Hazel". The glass is ready. Decorate with threads on top - create the illusion of foam. You can attach the finished product to a makeshift tray.

Sweet Candy Surprise Ideas for Women

Our mothers, sisters, girlfriends, teachers, fitness trainers, managers - everyone, without exception, love it when they remember their birthdays and professional holidays.

Here are the top 5 original designs made from sweets:

Sweet Christmas tree

This evergreen tree is certainly associated with the New Year, with the Christmas holidays, with home comfort and the warmth of the family hearth. Chocolate-waffle spruce will be an original souvenir for any lady on frosty days.

An uncomplicated instruction for creating a winter beauty is presented in the photo.

Rowan twig

The ancient Slavs considered mountain ash to be a sacred tree. Houses were decorated with its branches and fruits. believed that they were able to protect the house and the person from any disaster. In addition, she is a symbol of peace and happiness in the family. Rowan branches are used to create amulets.

And mountain ash as a souvenir will bring sweet joy. To create it, you need pastries in a red wrapper, wire, green tape, an artificial leaf, and a little time. You need to create elements as shown in the photo:

Bouquet of candy roses

Such a surprise is perfect both for a teacher on a professional holiday and for a leader on his birthday. Living roses, of course, will delight women, but they will not surprise them. And a gift made with your own hands is original and creative, therefore, it will leave a mark in your memory for a long time. You can use corrugated paper in the color shown in the video, or you can choose according to your taste. The main thing is that everyone is happy with the result.


Such a gift is perfect for Valentine's Day or any day for your girlfriend. What else can you add? All love and violent emotions are combined in this symbol. A sweet heart will melt the ice in the eyes of a loved one. You can create it like this:


Well, how a lady can live without this stylish accessory. The bag is needed for going out, for shopping, for a harmonious look with new shoes. I offer you a video of making a handbag, which, for sure, has not yet been in the arsenal of the girl you are going to surprise with:

Sweet ideas for a boy

The fact that sweets are a delicious surprise is understandable. And here are some ideas that will delight not only the stomach, but also the eyes.


This present is especially popular with teenagers. In fact, this is a gift, a postcard, and a wall newspaper at the same time. In order to create it you will need:

  • Whatman;
  • Glue;
  • Colored markers;
  • Various confectionery products.

It is best to create a poster on a large table or on the floor. Think over the sketch of the work in advance. Imagine how it will look on the poster. Write the text first on a draft, so that later you do not make mistakes.

On whatman paper, you write your congratulations and wishes, replacing some words with glued edible elements. Handwriting does not have to be calligraphic. It will be even more fun if it is similar to the Comic Sans font. One condition is that the letters must be large so that they can be seen at a distance of at least 2 meters.

And one more advice from experienced people: buy sweets in at least two copies. Because someone will eat candy during work, no, no, and even eat it.

A car

Well, what kid doesn't dream of his car, of becoming a racer and being a star of the freeway? And even if while his favorite character is Makvin from the cartoon "Cars", this does not change the essence. You can please the boy with a candy machine. It's a surprise, chocolate and a toy (almost like the Kinder surprise motto). A visual aid to bring this vision to life in this video:


Even if the boy is not a fan of weightlifting, he will like the sports memento. And, perhaps, it will push you to think about playing sports. After all, sport is movement, and movement is life. You will need cardboard, a foil sleeve, double-sided tape, satin ribbon, sheets of paper and round candy.
And to create a beautiful and tasty barbell, a step-by-step master class from this video will help you:

Crafts for girls

It is much easier to please a child than an adult, the main desire is. And on the Internet there are a dime a dozen interesting projects.

As a surprise, you can create:

Doll made of corrugated paper and candy

This gift will combine everything that the girl likes: a doll, a beautiful outfit, flowers and a delicacy. As a rule, dolls of the Barbie type from the Small classification are used. Their height ranges from 20 to 39 cm.

But you can make a souvenir with a doll with a height of 40-49cm MSD (Mini super Dollfie) or SD (Super Dollfie) with a height of 50-69cm. In this case, the consumables will need to be increased accordingly.

And the master class presented in this video will help you create this beauty:

This is a joyful and long-awaited present. You can be sure that it will bring a lot of pleasure to both a little girl and a teenager. Although what a soul to bend - even an adult.

This gift resembles the essence of a chocolate egg - a surprise awaits inside.

To create a cake you will need:

  • Cardboard and paper;
  • Chocolates and eggs;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Glue gun;
  • Bows, rhinestones;
  • Lace.

The stages of work are as follows:

  1. Cut out 2 circles from cardboard corresponding to the diameter of the future cake - this will be the base and the lid.
  2. Inside this one circle we draw a smaller circle - we will glue the side of the cake to it.
  3. Cut out a rectangle from thick A4 paper with a height equal to the desired height of the cake.
  4. Cut out small triangles on one of the long sides, approximately 1 cm - this will make it more convenient to attach the side.
  5. We glue it to the cardboard base with triangles down.
  6. We attach kinder-chocolates to the board.
  7. We wrap the chocolates with a festive satin ribbon.
  8. We decorate the cardboard cover. You can glue lace, bows of rhinestones and kinder surprise eggs to it.

The cake, in general, is ready. It remains to figure out what the "filling" will be. Inside the resulting box, you can put more chocolates, a soft toy, and so on that can fit in it.

You can use the cake box for any event: March 8th, birthday, new year, Valentine's day, etc. After all, it looks solemn.

Once again about materials for decoration and some nuances

Making homemade surprises is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. As you can see, even the materials for their production are used at hand: cardboard from shoe boxes, the remaining foam after a new purchase, scotch tape, sheets of paper that are already on our worksheet, toothpicks. And even the decor: lace, bows, ribbons can be found on already unnecessary clothes.

It may be necessary to purchase a glue gun and corrugated paper, although alternatives can be found.

And if you go to stores where handmade products are presented, you can find anything there, down to the smallest details.

  1. If you want to make a surprise with your own hands, but you are new to this business, start making a souvenir well in advance.
  2. Pick an idea. Watch master classes and step-by-step instructions.
  3. Purchase and prepare everything you need for work. The manufacturing process may take longer than you think. This is especially true of small design nuances: bending the edges of confectionery products, attaching a wire, etc. It takes time to train and adjust.

This is where I end. I know that you will succeed. Please your loved ones and rejoice yourself. Do not forget to leave your comments, share little tricks. If you liked the article, do not be greedy and recommend it to your friends in social. network to read it. See you soon!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

12/25/2017 4 824 0 Anya

Gifts and surprises

Delicious gifts can truly be considered universal, because everyone will be delighted with them - from children to work colleagues and chef. The confectionery industry is trying to provide the widest selection of finished products. But do-it-yourself sweet gifts for the New Year are still considered original and memorable. You can show your pastry skills at home, using your imagination and introducing creative ideas.


New Year's wrapping for gift sweets

You do not need to waste time and effort, but simply purchase a ready-made packing box, but they are all so similar to each other that the person being gifted will not receive much joy. Another thing is a beautiful self-design. It is a pleasure to unwrap gifts like this.

Idea number 1.Christmas boot or mitten.

Such packaging is the most recognizable and is suitable for the New Year theme. Here you can put sweets and chocolates for children or other sweets, depending on the preferences of the addressee. If it is not possible to sew such a package yourself, replace it with an ordinary red mitten (try to get a larger size), on which you simply sew New Year's symbols - a small snowman, snowflakes, or you can simply adapt a shiny rain.

Option number 2. Santa Claus sleigh

This is essentially the most joyful and original gift for little sweet tooth. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to make it:

1) Prepare all the necessary ingredients: colored lollipops and chocolates (from large to small), glue, tape;

2) Place the candies parallel to each other at a distance corresponding to the width of the largest candy, drip a little glue on them and put the sweetness;

3) Collect the subsequent "pyramid" of sweets using a drop of glue to keep the structure in shape;

4) Tie everything up with a festive ribbon.

Idea number 3. Surprise in Christmas balls

This gift option is suitable for any age. Such a toy can decorate a Christmas tree, and at the end of the holidays it can be happily used for its intended purpose.


How to do it?

1) Take the balls and remove the caps, then wash them until completely transparent and dry;

2) All components must be covered in layers: cocoa, powder, chocolate chips, marshmallow (pre-grind);

3) Replace the plug.

The finished gift can be presented to friends or relatives.

Advice! Warn about how sweet the present should be used: pour all the contents into a cup and add warmed milk.

Idea number 4. A wreath of sweets.

Christmas wreaths come not only from natural materials and festive paraphernalia. The candy design may well become an original gift.

To do this, you will need:

  • wire;
  • candies;
  • stapler;
  • tape (rain and other materials for decoration).


1) Weave a frame from a wire in the form of a circle;

2) Wrap it with candies (connect with a stapler for candy wrappers);

3) Sweets should go in a spiral, wrapping the wire;

4) Decorate with a ribbon bow or other prepared materials.

Idea number 5. Figurines on a skewer

Prepare and lay out in front of you:

  • gummies on any topic (animals, birds, fruits, etc.);
  • 10 - 15 skewers;
  • ribbon for decoration (other materials of your choice can also be used for this);
  • packages (you can buy them or make them yourself);
  • scissors.

It is quite simple to implement such an idea: pierce the gummy candies with a skewer and string them one by one, without finishing about 3-4 cm.

The topmost candy should cover the sharp end of the skewer.

When all the candies are strung, put the bag on top and tie the bottom with a beautiful ribbon.

Cooking for the New Year

On pre-holiday and public holidays, you can find all kinds of culinary masterpieces everywhere. If you do not just want to buy them, then cooking them yourself will only cause words of approval and encouragement.

Option number 1. Amber apples.

For such a dessert you will need:

  • 4 medium apples;
  • slightly less than a glass of sugar;
  • butter (50 g);
  • lemon juice (1 tsp);
  • water.

Prepare as follows:

1) Combine sugar, butter, lemon juice and water in a saucepan;

2) Put on fire and cook until thick and brownish-golden;

3) String washed, dried apples on skewers (or long toothpicks);

4) Dip the apples in the caramel, spoon on all sides and on top so that the syrup covers the entire fruit;

5) When the caramel is almost solid, sprinkle everything with coconut or chocolate chips and place on a greased plate.

New Year's option:

Option number 2.Herringbone dessert

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • 6-8 tsp condensed milk;
  • 2 tsp gelatin;
  • 50 ml. water;
  • kiwi;
  • up to 20 pcs. pomegranate seeds;
  • vanillin (on the tip of a tsp).

Follow these steps:

1) Pour gelatin into the water and leave for 20 minutes;

2) Beat the cottage cheese with a blender so that not one lump is left, add vanillin and condensed milk, beat again;

3) Dissolve the gelatin over low heat, and then add to the whipped ingredients;

4) Pour the resulting mixture into a silicone mold in the form of a Christmas tree and refrigerate;

5) After an hour and a half, remove the mold from the refrigerator. Transfer the blank to a flat dish, lay out the kiwi slices, and garnish with pomegranate seeds.

Option number 3.Gingerbread christmas

Prepare the following:

  • egg;
  • 55-65 gr. butter;
  • baking powder (half tsp);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • 200 gr. flour;
  • on the tip of a tsp. ground ginger and the same amount of cinnamon;
  • 1 small bag of granulated sugar.


1) Chill the butter and sift the flour, put everything in one bowl;

2) Add cinnamon, ginger, baking powder;

3) Put honey and granulated sugar here;

4) Beat in an egg (last);

5) Mix all the ingredients with a blender, the mass should be very thick;

6) Quickly crumple the dough with your hands and roll out on parchment to a thickness of 3-4 mm .;

7) Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes;

8) Take out the dough and cut out any New Year's shapes from it - Christmas trees, deer, snowflakes, bunnies, snowmen, etc .;

9) Spread the parchment with cookies on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 15 minutes;

10) Remove and cool on a wire rack;

11) Decorate the sweet dessert with powdered sugar, icing, grated chocolate, etc.

Chocolate Christmas candies

To get started on your chocolate figurines, take:

  • chocolate (whatever you prefer);
  • parchment paper;
  • forms.


1. Break the tile into several pieces and soften (in a microwave oven, in a water bath or just on a battery);

2. Pour soft chocolate into molds and tap lightly on a flat surface, ensuring homogeneity of the mass and release of air;

3. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours until completely frozen.

Advice! To make the figurines shine a little, like a gloss, after freezing, heat them again to 30 ° C.

What kind of chocolate is etiquette supposed to give?

A chocolate gift will be considered a present with a theme and taste if you know what kind of chocolate the addressee prefers. You can ask relatives and friends, as if by the way, but in order to find out what the boss likes, you will have to try very hard.

If you are unlucky enough to find yourself in the dark about your preferences, there are generally accepted rules.

For kids

All types of chocolate and candy products are suitable, taking into account their naturalness.

For women

It is considered successful to present delicate milk or white chocolate, it is possible with jam or other fillings. The bitter version of the sweetness is suitable in rare cases, but chocolate masterpieces in glaze and other powders will be a success.

For men

Usually, pure chocolate is not presented to men. Such a tasty addition (bitter version) can be paired with the main present.

Fun, good mood and sweets are integral components of the New Year. Appreciate every minute and please yourself and those around you with delicacies in various variations and designs.

Today you will not surprise anyone with sweets from the store. Can you make a sweet gift with your own hands?

A gift can be made from ready-made sweets, or you can bake it yourself.

The most important thing is to include ingenuity and imagination, and everything will definitely work out! We bring you several sweet gift ideas for any occasion.

Sweet gifts for children for the New Year

To make a sweet sleigh, we need 2 sweet cane-shaped lollipops, chocolates and bars, a piece of satin ribbon, glue or tape.

We take the lollipops, which will function as runners in the sleigh, and place a wide KitKat-type chocolate bar or a large chocolate bar on them.

A sweet gift for a little sweet tooth is ready!

A sweet gift from marmalade in the form of a barbecue can be made for a boy. Such a sweet gift can be given not only to a child, but also to a guy.

For such a gift, you need to prepare skewers, marmalade figurines, bags for packaging, glue.

We put on gummies on a skewer, alternating in colors, we pierce the extreme gummies not completely, so as not to pierce the package.

We wrap the resulting kebab in a transparent bag and tie it with a beautiful ribbon.

Chocolate card

As a gift to your loved one, you can prepare a creative sweet gift in the form of a chocolate card.

To do this, you just need to provide the masters with a photo of the recipient of the gift, indicate his name, write a few warm words. An individual sweet gift is ready! You can attach a beautiful congratulation to the gift.

Car as a gift

A man can make a sweet gift with his own hands in the form of a chocolate car! For such a gift, you need to prepare chocolates, styrofoam, double-sided tape, paper and felt-tip pens.

We make the frame of our car from polystyrene. We cut out the wheels from the cardboard and glue them with white paper, and attach the sweets on top. We attach the wheels to the car, then cover the entire body with sweets.

Decorate places for glass with foil. We glue the eyes to the car on the windshield.To ensure the safety of the gift, it is necessary to pack it in transparent mica and secure it with a beautiful ribbon.

Such a sweet gift can be presented to a husband for his birthday if he dreams of a new car and makes his dream come true!

Delicious camera

You can give your beloved guy for his birthday an original sweet gift in the form of a camera. This will require a can of instant coffee, small rectangular chocolates, a satin ribbon or strap, scissors, thick cardboard, glue.

From the cardboard we cut out the base for the camera, which we glue with chocolates on both sides and form the camera. On the front part we glue the coffee can, which will replace the photo lens. And the final touch, we fix the strap or ribbon with bars on top. A sweet gift is ready!

Sweet flower bed as a gift

A sweet gift in the form of a flower bed can be presented to a friend or mother who loves growing flowers.

For such an original gift, you need to prepare a beautiful flower pot, a set of sweets, a piece of styrofoam, glue, tape and skewers.

We glue different sweets with tape or glue to the skewers. Together with sweets, you can glue small notes with wishes.

We cut out the foam of the required shape and place it in a pot. Then, in random order, we plant sweet flowers in our flower bed.

Cover the pot with artificial grass or green velvet.

For sweets, you can make original sweet baskets with your own hands... To do this, we need the required number of balloons, chocolate, a tray or baking sheet, and a needle.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath. At this time, we inflate balloons of the same size as our baskets are planned to be. Lubricate part of the ball with vegetable oil.

Pour one spoonful of melted chocolate mass onto a baking sheet, this will serve as a stand for our basket, then a part of the ball greased with butter is dipped in chocolate and set on a stand.

We give the chocolate mass time to harden, pierce the ball with a needle or pin. We have great baskets or cups for sweets. You can fill such a stand with any delicious dessert or small sweets.


You can make a delicious and beautiful sweet gift called "Rafaello" with your own hands. Everything is very simple and easy! For their manufacture, we do not need any kitchen appliances and complex manipulations.

To prepare rafaello, we need:

  • butter - 1 pack;
  • condensed milk 1 can;
  • nuts;
  • coconut flakes;
  • nuts.

Using a mixer or manually mix the butter and condensed milk. Add coconut flakes to the resulting mass until the sweet mass thickens.

For a complete furore, we need a beautiful packaging made with our own hands.

Christmas balls as a gift to friends and family

This requires cocoa powder, transparent Christmas balls, preferably plastic, confectionery sprinkles, chocolate chips, preferably white, candy. The first step is to prepare the Christmas balls. To do this, remove from the balls the upper part with fasteners for the Christmas tree, wash and dry.

Such a beautiful sweet gift can be presented to friends or family for the New Year, so that such an unusual ball can become a decoration for their New Year tree.

And then such a gift can become a delicious addition to dinner or breakfast. To do this, you just need to open the lid of the toy and pour the contents into a cup of hot milk or water.

Ice cream set

Children can get an ice cream set as a sweet gift. This will require packaging for sweet gifts, chocolate syrup,
various types of confectionery sprinkles, wafer cones, wrapping paper, small glass jar, ribbon and a piece of cloth.

Put the confectionery dressing in several plastic bags. Pour the chocolate syrup into a jar, close the lid and tie it on top with a piece of cloth, which we fix with a ribbon. Next, place all the ingredients neatly in a gift box. Decorate with a bow or ribbon.

Delicious rainbow is a sweet gift in a jar with your own hands.

To do this, we need a glass jar, multi-colored pills, chocolate medals, candy, ribbon.

Sort the dragee by color. At the bottom of the jar we place chocolate medals in a golden wrapper, then pour dragees according to the colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet.

The end will be a layer of marshmallow, which you need to press a little before closing the can to compact the pills to prevent mixing.

Decorate the jar with a cloth and tie it with a ribbon, to which we attach a greeting card.

Kinder Surprise

You can give your beloved girl a sweet gift in the form of a Kinder surprise, and put a beautiful pendant, earrings or bracelet inside.

Delicious bouquet

For a birthday girl, you can give an unusual gift in the form of a bouquet of sweets. You can make such a sweet gift for a girl with your own hands.

This requires candy, a small stuffed toy, wrapping paper, tape, wooden sticks, or plastic straws. A master class on making sweet bouquets can be found on the Internet.

Sweet first aid kit for raising the mood

A person who is in a bad mood can be presented with a sweet first aid kit. It is very easy to make it. We take a beautiful box, you can make a tin one.

And pour it to the top with different candies. We glue the inscription “cure for depression” or something like that, tie it with a beautiful ribbon and give it to the “patient”.

Such a gift will be a great way to heal your bad mood!

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For many people, New Year's holidays are primarily gifts. Some run around the shops in search of lucrative offers for souvenirs and useful little things, while others make gifts for friends on their own. In the latter case, you can choose something truly individual for everyone. Beautifully designed jars filled with homemade sweets can become a pleasant surprise for guests. Here are 30 ideas for making your friends happy.

Choose those sweets that you yourself like, or those that are usually prepared for the New Year and fill small jars with them. Decorative containers from the store for the interior will be most beautiful, but you can do with the usual ones. If you're not afraid of experimenting, and you are sure that your friends will appreciate the original idea, you can fill the jar with unusual delicacies, for example, spring rolls or even soup! Complete the gift with a recipe so that guests can repeat it if the treat turns out to be particularly successful.

1. Mix for making soup

Fill the jar with the mixture you can use to make a hot soup quickly. Such a gift will be original and very colorful. When assembling the jar, use the instant cereals and cereals available to you that do not require cooking. This can be instant pasta, oatmeal, lentils and peas that do not require cooking, dried garlic, parsley. Don't forget to add dry chicken or vegetable broth (it is better to choose one with a low content of salt), dried vegetables such as celery or carrots. Be sure to try making your own soup in a cup of hot water before filling the mixture into gift jars. Decorate the jar with brightly colored ribbon and include a sticker with a recipe or just a name.

2. DIY caramel apple

A caramelized apple is a traditional delicacy, including for the Christmas holidays. Why not present a set for making your favorite dessert as a gift? Pour M & Ms chocolates at the bottom of the jar. Better to choose those that are nut-free. If you plan to make several of these apples, you can sort the sweets by color, and each friend can choose his favorite. But the mix will look more joyful.

Top with toffee, each of which will be individually packaged. If you can't find any, you can break the large toffee into pieces and wrap them in plastic wrap.

Close the jar and top the structure with the most beautiful apple you can find. Secure the apple with string.

Don't forget to complement the gift with a bamboo sushi stick or a kebab skewer. Print out the instructions for preparing the treat and glue it to the bottom of the jar. Instead, you can attach the instruction to a stick or email it to a friend.

In fact, everything is very simple! Caramel should be warmed up in a water bath or in the microwave right in a jar.

After dipping the apple in caramel, roll it in candies poured onto the lid.

Now your friend can make his favorite treat. And exactly when he wants to.

Together with sweetness, original entertainment is presented as a gift.

3. Chocolate cookies in a pot

You will also need to prepare this gift yourself. Fill the jar with all the loose ingredients that make up your favorite cookies. Add some confectionery chocolate on top for melting. Place a list of missing items, such as milk and eggs, on the jar, and write baking instructions. A gift for those who like to stand at the stove for a while.

For chocolate chip cookies you will need:

  • 160 grams of butter
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 cups flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • Half teaspoon baking powder
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • 200 grams of dark chocolate
  • Pinch of vanillin

Combine flour, sugar, butter, eggs, baking soda, and baking powder. Knead a thick dough. Add a little more flour if necessary.

Break the dark chocolate into small pieces and add to the dough.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the balls of dough on top of it.

Flatten the cookies and place in the oven. It's ready in 20-30 minutes!

4. Chocolate peppermint cookies

For lovers of more original delicacies, you can recommend a recipe with the addition of peppermint. Do not forget to reflect the specificity of the recipe on the sticker.

5. Option with sweet mint

Bake cookies using the same recipe and attach to a jar of groceries. Interest in the gift will be fueled after your friend tries what should be the end result.

6. Creamy cake in a jar

7. Muffin with spices

To make a muffin mix, you need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • One and a half tablespoons of cinnamon
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Pinch of nutmeg
  • Pinch of ground cloves
  • Pinch of ginger

Combine all ingredients in a dry bowl and pour into a bag. Place the bag in a tall glass jar and close it.

Match a set of colorful muffin and muffin tins and print the jar label in the same color scheme.

Attach the muffin tins to the jar with twine or woolen thread.

Now your friend can bake delicious muffins.

8. Homemade sugar nuts

If there are those among your friends who hate cooking, it is best not to give them cooking kits. Just bake the cookies and fill the jar with them. Cookies should be small, such as pecans.

9. Caramel Cinnamon Popcorn

Cinnamon adds a Christmas flavor to just about any treat. Why not add it when making popcorn too? Fill a jar 2/3 full of sugar and add the popcorn kernels, which need to be slightly salted. Tie a bright lace with the recipe around the lid and attach a small bag to it, in which there will be cinnamon mixed with sugar.

10. Tomato soup

The already familiar recipe for dry soup can be made even more original by adding dried tomatoes to the jar. Friends will remember you with gratitude, tasting the gift on cold evenings. To prevent the tomatoes from picking up moisture, place all the products in a bag, and only then in a jar.

11. Brownie in a jar

Make this delicious German dessert and serve it to your friends à la carte.

To make a brownie you will need:

  • 120 grams of chocolate (at least 60%)
  • Pack of butter
  • A quarter cup of freshly brewed coffee
  • 2 teaspoons of instant coffee
  • A teaspoon of vanillin
  • A glass of sugar
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • 3 eggs

For glaze:

  • 3 yolks
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • A glass of sugar
  • Half a packet of melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanillin

For decoration:

  • Coconut flakes
  • Chopped nuts

Combine all the ingredients to make a firm dough. Form a thin crust on baking sheets and bake for 10-15 minutes at 250 degrees. To prevent the crust from burning, cover the baking sheet with a layer of foil. Take out the cake and cool it down a little. Then cut the round pieces to fit the jar.

Place the cakes in jars, saturating each layer with the icing. Garnish the top with coconut and nut sprinkles.

It remains only to close the jars and refrigerate.

12. Potato pancakes

This idea will appeal to everyone who decides to really surprise their friends. Give them a jar of potato pancake dough! Great option for the morning after a good party. All that remains is to add eggs and a little oil to the dough. After all, no one likes to peel potatoes himself!

13. Gingerbread Cookie

The gingerbread men have already become a real symbol of Christmas. Fill the jar with layers of dry dough ingredients, decorate the lid with a beautiful bright cloth, and tie the recipe with a string. Don't forget to add a cutter shape to the gift. Or you can attach a ready-made cookie.

14. Fruit granola

Granola is a healthy and tasty treat that combines biscuit and cereal elements. Combine different types of cereals, nuts and dried fruits in a jar. Dried cherries, cranberries and candied fruits are best. Granola should not only be healthy, but also tasty. Therefore, there should be a lot of fruit! If you can get some maple syrup, be sure to season the flakes with it. A little cinnamon will add a festive touch to the dish.

15. Birthday cake

Such a dish will be very appropriate for congratulating friends at the office. Thanks to the interesting design, each colleague will receive not just a treat, but a real gift. Simply place your favorite cake into the jars and complete each serving with an individual wooden or plastic fork. You can take into account individual preferences and add certain fillers to different jars. Write congratulations or the names of your colleagues on the forks.

16. Jar with snacks

Sometimes it is not the gift that is precious, but the attention. What if you remembered some of your friends at the very last moment? Or do you simply prefer to always have a few “spare” gifts on hand for unexpected guests? Fill the jar with any sweet snacks or a combination. Could it be chocolate pads or creamy cinnamon stripes? Choose according to your taste. Do not forget to attach a small greeting card to each jar.

17. And again brownie

For those who did not have enough ready-made cakes, present the mixture for cooking. Or maybe it will be a set of both?

18. Cookies with M & Ms

You can add colorful ingredients to your familiar cookie jar recipe. Place a layer of candy and a layer of dry cereal between the dough products. The gift will not only be delicious, but also very beautiful. If you want to emphasize the Christmas mood, put only red and green candies in the jar.

19. Pumpkin cupcakes

Pumpkin dough is suitable for well-soaked muffins and cupcakes. Bake these directly in jars and present to your friends. This treat can be eaten on site or taken home. Cover the baked goods with a sugar and water frosting.

20. Cake with marshmallows

If you want your canned cake to look even more spectacular, place some marshmallows, marshmallows, or toasted marshmallows on top. Dessert will remind you of summer evenings spent around the fire. Marshmallow goes very well with whipped cream.

21. Jug with sweets

Children are put under the Christmas tree candies in beautiful New Year's boxes. Many adults would also like this, but who will admit it! A jar of candy can be an alternative. Fill this with the most delicious and beautiful sweets, decorate with ribbons and cards with wishes.

22. Strawberry with cream

In the middle of winter, there is hardly anything more surprising than fresh berries. Place them between puffed cakes and whipped cream. Your friends will appreciate the unexpected hello from summer.

23. A treat for the deer

You can improve the idea of ​​the snacks in a jar and give them to friends as a gift for reindeer! Do not forget to hint that those who fail to meet the deer have the right to eat the treat themselves.

24. Another apple in caramel

An option for those who do not like long preparations. Pour the caramel into a jar and present to your friends along with a small basket of apples.

25. Cookies for Santa Claus

Write on the baking jar that the dish is for the most anticipated guest. And making cookies will turn into a game for your friends that will remind them of the pleasant moments from childhood.

26. Add confectionery chocolate

The most delicious pastries come out with them. Choose according to your taste - dark, milk or white chocolate. Maybe peanut butter?

27. Muesli mixture

Each of us promises to start leading a healthy lifestyle from the New Year. Back up these promises from your friends with a useful gift. You can fill jars with the ready-made mixture or make your own from your favorite grains, nuts and dried fruits. decorate the jar with burlap or other natural materials.

28. Vegetarian soup

Surely among your friends there are those who have permanently or temporarily given up the use of animal protein. Prepare a dry soup for them, replacing the chicken broth with salt and natural spices. The soup should be based on instant dried legumes.

29. Cookies with white chocolate

The combination of white chocolate with dried cranberries resembles rowan berries in the snow. A great option for a New Year's gift! ,

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