Soap opera: do-it-yourself exclusive. DIY leather flowers: an exclusive from an old bag Painting from a fabric in a nursery

Soap making is a fascinating, aromatic and very enjoyable activity. It gives unlimited scope for creativity, and takes very little time. Try it yourself: make an exclusive soap according to our designer's recipe!

You will need:

✩ Soap base. In stores, you can find different options, for example, based on oils or goat's milk.
✩ Dyes. When choosing a dye, consider its specifics. Food grade soaps can be made perfectly transparent, but over time they begin to "migrate" from layer to layer. Pigmented ones, on the contrary, do not move, but they strongly "cloud" the base.
✩ Flavors. They are divided into two types - natural (essential oils) and synthetic (food and cosmetic). Natural ones fade faster, and their aroma spectrum is much smaller than that of synthetic flavors. Also, keep in mind that essential oils can cause severe allergies.
✩ Base oils. Almond, sea buckthorn or a solution of vitamins E and A. This component is responsible for the beneficial properties of soap (emollient, nourishing, moisturizing, etc.).
✩ Additives. Clay, dried flowers, scrub crumbs, glitters - it all depends on the effect you want to achieve.
✩ Molds. There are special forms for soap, but you can use molds for ice and baking, or make yourself from the bottoms of plastic bottles.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the soap base into cubes the size of refined sugar pieces and melt in the microwave or water bath. In no case bring the mass to a boil, otherwise it will turn yellow and acquire an unpleasant odor.
  2. Add base oils to the melted base: for 100 g of base - 1/3 tsp. oils. The "snowflakes" contain emollient almond oil, rice bran oil, rich in antioxidants, and cotton seed oil, which has an antibacterial effect and restores skin elasticity.
  3. Add dye to the resulting mass: 1-7 drops per 100 g - it all depends on what kind of shade you want to achieve. 2-4 drops of fragrance or 5-7 drops of essential oil are also sent there.
  4. Now you can put additional components. Keep in mind that most additives are unevenly distributed in the soap mass: the poppy immediately sinks, and the dried flowers, on the contrary, float to the surface.
  5. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and pour it into the mold. If bubbles form on the surface, spray them with alcohol from a spray bottle. That's it, now we leave the soap to harden in a cool place for 2 hours. However, if you are in a hurry, you can send the mold to the refrigerator, and then the finished soap will be in your hands in just 30 minutes.
Advice: To make multi-layered soap, fill one layer first. Wait until it dries, sprinkle the surface with alcohol and only then pour the second one.

Issue price:

✩ Soap base - from 90 rubles. for 500 g
✩ Dyes - from 30 rubles. for 10 ml
✩ Flavors - from 49 rubles. for 10 ml
✩ Base oils - from 50 rubles. for 50 ml
✩ Additives: scrub - from 50 rubles. for 50 g, glitters - from 60 rubles. for 50 g
✩ Molds - from 49 rubles.

The total cost of one piece is 20–40 rubles.

Sell ​​for:

Prices for the simplest homemade soap start at 80 rubles. And the average price for a beautifully designed "designer" copy is 120–140 rubles.

Olga Grokhova became interested in soap making after the birth of her daughter. “There was nowhere to put creative energy,” she smiles. - I AM
I tried a lot: I wove mandalas, felted with wool, and stopped at soap making because it gives endless scope for creativity. "

At first, Olya was going to give soap to her friends, but her friend persuaded her to try her hand at business. This is how the MYLOMANIA shop was born ( And it went! Bright and fragrant soaps, foams and bath bombs quickly became popular, and once Olya ordered a huge batch - 1600 bars of soap! And she, despite all her doubts, did an excellent job with this job!

PHOTO: Andrey Karpenko / Burda Media.
STYLE: Ekaterina Sheinfeld

DIY leather flowers: an exclusive from an old bag

Shop shelves littered with Chinese "masterpieces" and women of fashion walking in "creepy roses" force true connoisseurs of beauty to make flowers out of leather with their own hands. It is not difficult to make such accessories, especially since it is really worth it.

And although leather is not a malleable material, you can master the art of processing it. A needlewoman is able to create such artificial flowers from a small piece of leather that even the most ordinary-looking jacket, bag or pair of shoes will bloom before our eyes.

Leather flower on a brooch

If you are going to make a flower out of leather with your own hands, for example, in the form of a chamomile, stock up on related materials:

  • 5 stencils
  • pen
  • scissors
  • thick needle
  • glue (suitable for both "Moment" and PVA)
  • bead or button for the middle
  • strong threads
  • a pin (if you still firmly decided to make a brooch).
If an old leather jacket or a bag that has become irrelevant is used, it is advisable to wipe the material with a sponge soaked in soap

Before cutting the skin, prepare a cardboard template (it is possible that in the process of drawing your ideas about the future brooch will undergo transformation). Only after that we put the blank template on the seamy side of the leather flap and start cutting out the petals. By the way, they don't have to be round - the pointed edges look more extravagant. Those who have at their disposal skin of different shades, but the same texture, are doubly lucky: such seven-colored flowers will become real highlights of your image. Carried away, do not forget: the part cut according to the largest stencil must be made in duplicate.

Very sharp scissors are well suited for cutting flowers from leather with your own hands - this will make the process faster and easier.

After cutting out the pieces, stack them on top of each other. The process of overlaying proceeds from the largest component of the future brooch to the smallest. We fasten the workpiece with a thick thread threaded into a thick needle, carefully piercing the middle of each part. What will be the "heart" of your leather flower - bead, button or buckle - is sewn last.

Set one of the two largest pieces aside for the time being. She is destined to be the main exclusive brooch. We measure the pin and make holes in the leather base at an appropriate distance from each other. Lubricate the bottom of the flower with "Moment" (or PVA) and gently press it to the base.

This additional layer not only fixes the pin, but also perfectly holds the brooch's shape.

Flower on the rim

A graceful flower made of leather with your own hands can become a full-fledged accessory that adorns your bright head. Moreover, this dahlia, which we propose to "plant" on the bezel, is in no way inferior in beauty and grace to a diamond diadem. After all, each petal of this leather dahlia is practically a piece of jewelry.

With beads or faux pearls, you can make an elegant headband in just a few hours. For its sewing, a minimum is required:

  • Lying in the pantry leather bag
  • Pearls (artificial, but of good quality and preferably of various sizes)
  • Durable elastic band
  • Sewing machine
  • Glue (preferably hot)
  • Scissors

Have you already submitted your dahlia? The flower can be small, neat, or it can cover half the head: this is at your discretion. Cut out 15 blanks of petals of different sizes (large, medium and small) from a skin flap. At first, it can be just squares, which gradually, with the help of sharp scissors, you will turn into rounded petals.

In this case, the "rounding" should be the same - so you will have to do everything according to the template.

Before taking up the tube of glue, imagine how the petals will be placed in the future flower. Only then start attaching the largest petals to the round base.

Then the turn of the middle petals will come, and only then - the small ones.

After laying out all three layers of leather petals, make the core of the dahlia by decorating it with pearls or a bead.

Now it's time to make the headband itself. The handle of the bag is suitable for this. Having measured the circumference of the head, cut a strip, 7-8 centimeters less (this is a margin for the elastic band). You can sew the elastic with your hands, but it is still more convenient to use a sewing machine.

Attach the dahlia carefully and you can conquer those around you with your creative piece of art. A young lady whose head is adorned with such leather flowers can count on the title of the most charming, attractive and extraordinary.

Flower necklace

The necklace is another option for a decent use of leather colors.

To give the flowers the required volume, use the ready-made sepals (for this you can take apart one of your bracelets). Traditionally, we cut out several blanks for a flower of various diameters from leather. Then we glue the largest blank to the metal or plastic sepal and boldly glue smaller petals onto it.

You can use scrapbooking flowers and pearl beads to decorate the center of the flower. And also add some fabric colors to the necklace

Are all the flowers picked and well dried? Fine! It's time to collect them into an exclusive piece of jewelry. Arrange the flowers on a piece of paper in the order in which you want to see them on the finished necklace. Then take a pencil and carefully trace the resulting "clearing" along the contour, retreating from the edges by 0.5-1 cm. Thus, you will make a pattern for the base of the future necklace. In total, you will need 2 such patterns (in mirror image).

After the bases are cut directly from the leather, glue them together with a "Moment" or hot gun. You can also glue the ends of the fishing line inside, on which the beads were previously put on. So they will hold on tightly and will not run away anywhere.

After the base is thoroughly dry, you can start gluing the flowers. "Plant" them in the order in which you originally planned. Large flowers first, and small flowers in between.

Let the glue dry and go decorate the world with this new flower necklace!

How do you like this peony made of leather? The assembly principle is similar to those listed above: we cut out the blanks of the petals, then collect them into one flower and attach them to the rim. But here, before assembling, the petals were held above the candle, due to which they bend inward.

And to add volume, you can fry leather petals in a pan! We watch the video master class:

For inspiration, a few more beautiful leather colors.

Today we will prove to you that making the most interesting handicrafts for the house with your own hands is much easier than it seems to inexperienced hand-made lovers. To comprehend its basics, you will need a minimum of available tools, skills and time. At the same time, you will receive original products that you will not find anywhere else, except for your own interior.

  • Fabric handicrafts for home

The most pleasant thing about DIY handicrafts for home and summer cottages is that all the necessary tools and materials can be found at hand. There is no need to spend money on ready-made expensive products to add a touch of home comfort, warmth and soulfulness to the interior, if you can make them yourself!

How to learn how to make rugs yourself

Floor rugs that have been undeservedly forgotten a few years ago are returning to the interior proscenium. They will find a place in children's rooms, hallways, bathrooms, next to the bed in the bedroom or in front of the sofa in the living room. Small round or rectangular rugs with an interesting texture (shaggy, fluffy, with long elongated loops, and so on) are especially popular. Let's look at two simple master classes, having mastered which, you can do this beautiful handicraft for the house with your own hands.

How to crochet a floor rug: a master class for lovers of knitting

You will need the following:

  • thick crochet hook (number 10 will do);
  • thick yarn (you can use yarn of different colors, then the finished product will turn out brighter and more original);
  • scissors.

Advice! Instead of yarn in its traditional sense, you can use old jerseys - T-shirts, long sleeves, T-shirts. You will not only find use for old clothes, but also get a soft and pleasant to the touch yarn, which is a pleasure to work with.

There are also many interesting rug ideas that can be woven, knitted, or crocheted.

"Grandma's" rugs are very popular in modern homes

Crochet fluffy grass rug

It will come in handy for you:

  • five skeins of yarn in different shades of green;
  • very thick hook # 14;
  • scissors.

Advice! Be careful with the choice of thread. If you use acrylic or any other synthetic yarn, the finished product can be slippery and electrifying. If you use woolen threads, the chances are high that the rug will "pinch" your bare feet. The ideal option is a half-woolen yarn.

In such a simple way, you can create an original rug for your home. Take a closer look, maybe there are materials in your apartment that are suitable for creating a real masterpiece?

Fabric handicrafts for home

The fabric decor is very popular. It helps to bring a touch of home comfort, warmth and soulfulness to the interior. Fabric decor looks especially good in rooms decorated in almost all styles. We invite you to get acquainted with very simple methods of making original fabric paintings.

How to make eco-paintings from fabric and natural materials with your own hands?

Prepare the following:

  • burlap or other natural textiles with a bright, pronounced rough texture;
  • any natural materials (for example, coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, star anise stars, dried flowers, natural moss, and so on);
  • decorative elements (ribbons, wooden or bone buttons, lace);
  • frame;
  • cardboard for the base;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil.

Idea! Such paintings fit perfectly into styles such as country, eco, bungalow. They look best in kitchen decoration.

And you can also create a huge variety of interesting gizmos from fabric.

Painting from fabric to the nursery

We offer to decorate your kid's room with a very interesting handicraft for the home - a picture made of foam-based fabric.

What do you need for this?

  • colored shreds;
  • foam base;
  • a picture to be transferred to the base;
  • pencil;
  • copy paper;
  • glue;
  • nail scissors;
  • any flat sharp object for punching the pattern (for example, a patchwork spatula is suitable for this purpose);
  • ripper.

Advice! The spreader (like the spatula) can be replaced with other fittings that are suitable in shape and thickness and are available at hand. For example, it might be a dull butter knife.

  1. On all sides of the foam blank, retreat 1.5-2.5 cm for the future frame. Press the resulting rectangle with a spatula.
  2. Transfer the selected picture with copy paper to the foam base.

The original lamps, which are described in the article, are easy to make even for a woman. They will give individuality to the home interior and territory, effectively decorate the site, create a romantic atmosphere, quiet comfort. We offer several options for creating unique lamps, lanterns from scrap materials.

Types of country lamps

All lamps, no matter how they look, perform the same functions. These are spot lighting, a guide to the directions of movement, the design of the territory and the design of the house. There are many varieties:

Wall lamps are located at the gates, the entrance to the house, the gazebo, and the gate.
Ground luminaires are installed on the ground. Designed for illumination of recreation areas, flower beds, paths, shrubs.
Floor lamps are placed anywhere, at different heights. Represents one or more lanterns on a stand driven into the ground.
Ceiling / suspended are mounted on trees, verandas, gazebos, indoors.

Hanging jar chandelier

It is difficult to overestimate the decorativeness of such a lamp. It is also important that it provides enough light and does not depend on electricity. Consider the principle underlying, and every master can decorate and complement.

For work, prepare glass jars with a wide neck, preferably of a non-standard shape, in which jams, caviar, marinades are usually sold. It is advisable to choose the same size: 3-5 pieces. You will also need materials for mounting and assembly.

The main task is to make a case where the banks will be placed. You can weave a stand from rods, metal wire, use wooden blocks. Perhaps you can find the bottom of an old basket or an iron bag from the supermarket.

If you have decided on the case, you need to think over the fasteners. You will need hooks and chains for hanging. The farm probably has old chains. They need to be divided into 3-4 equal segments. Purchased hooks, dog leash carabiners or bent wire are suitable for fixing.

The main requirement is stable placement with a border around the circle. The lighting will be provided by candles installed in jars. Using your creativity, you can decorate the surface of the cans with acrylic paints. The frame can be filled with any reflective material, tinsel. If you want to do without a stand frame, make a mount for hanging on the neck.

When placed in places where there is electricity, candles can be replaced with LED or conventional lamps that fit inside the cans. Such a "chandelier" is hung low, often at eye level. Any place can be chosen: under a canopy, in a gazebo, on a terrace, in a house, on a tree branch, on a porch.

Tin can lighting

The diffused light for your resting place is made quickly from iron cans. Each family uses canned food, so it is not difficult to assemble a collection of tin containers. Anything will do: tall, wide, most often narrow ones from olives or beer are used.

The preparation of the lamp is quite simple. We release the selected jar from the top cover. We make holes in the side surface along the entire circumference. Such a technique will serve as a design and give an opportunity to shine, i.e. to penetrate the rays from the candle through the iron walls.

Holes can be made randomly / randomly or create a drawing, pattern. For work, take a nail, an awl. The drill will significantly speed up the process, in this case the holes will be even, and by varying the set of drills, it is possible to get different diameters. If your design involves drawing, first sketch with a pencil or marker.

Ready-made options can be used outdoors and indoors: hang, set, group, arrange in several sizes. To turn it on, just put a candle inside and light it.

Lighting from plastic bottles, cups

Lightweight and malleable material, in the form of a plastic container, is actively used to create lighting fixtures. Diode garlands and ribbons are used as a light source.

Plastic containers are different, so there will be many options for organizing the backlight. For example, if you want to make one spectacular lamp-lamp, then take a bottle, the capacity will depend on your idea (1-; 1.5-; 2 liters). Some people prefer more grandiose shades and use 4-6 liter plastic cans.

The manufacturing process consists of filling the container with LED strip. The wire for connecting to the network can be brought out in a place convenient for you: from above, from the side, through the bottom. To do this, make a hole and pull the prepared tape through it.

If you want to make a garland, take plastic cups. Through the holes cut out on the bottom, fasten them to the diode garland. Cups can be taken of the same tone or colored, when placed, arrange according to shades. Along the edges, you can draw a drawing with a colored marker or make curly cuts. As a result, you get interesting highlights, nice lights. When placing, it is important not to forget about reliable fastening, high-quality insulation, wiring and other safety measures.

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