Why does the skin itch in winter. How to avoid severe dry skin in winter Causes dry and itchy skin in winter

1. Low humidity

In winter, cold, dry air outside and hot indoors takes all the moisture from the skin, from which it becomes dry and often begins to peel off.

How to solve the problem. Increase the humidity in your room (home or workplace) with humidifiers that replenish moisture in your skin and hair. Also wear gloves to prevent dry hands and cracks. To replenish lost moisture, moisturize your hands every time you wash your hands and do not apply before going outside (this will further dry your hands).

2. Hot shower and bath

Usually, in winter, we find another use for the bathroom - we take a shower, turn on hot (or very hot) water and warm ourselves. If you do this too, then know that by doing this you dry out the skin a lot. The same goes for taking a bath: too hot water and taking a bath for a long time negatively affects the condition of the skin.

How to solve the problem. It is strongly recommended to keep warm in any other way, and wash with warm water. Shower or bath for no more than 10 minutes, then dry and moisturize your skin while it is still damp. A moisturizer works more effectively than a lotion. If you have a tendency to dry skin, moisturize your skin twice a day during the winter.

3. Dehydration of the body

We usually drink plenty of water in the summer to cool down and fight thirst. During the winter, we do not feel thirsty, so we tend to drink less water, which leads to dehydration of the skin.

How to solve the problem. It's simple - try to drink water! If drinking 1.5 liters per day is false, drink as much as you can.

4. A large number of clothes

Yes, yes, it is the layering of clothing in winter that affects the condition of our skin. The more clothing, the more friction it provides against the skin. This is especially true for wardrobe items such as stockings and tights. Wool clothing can also irritate and dry the skin.

If your skin is prone to eczema, avoid wearing wool products directly on bare skin, as this can cause irritation and eczema.

How to solve the problem. Choose soft, breathable fabrics (like cotton) over itchy wool or polyester fabrics. Loose, tight-fitting clothing will reduce friction and also save you from problems such as excessive sweating.

5. Excessive cleansing of the skin and hair

Frequent bathing or hot showers or baths can strip your skin of its protective layer, leaving it dry and sensitive.

How to solve the problem. Do not use soaps or skin care products that contain alcohol. Instead, use mild, fragrance-free soaps and moisturizing body care products (shower gel, etc.).

When the skin becomes dry, its sebaceous glands do not produce enough protective film. This makes the skin vulnerable to adverse environmental factors. The lack of a protective film and a lack of moisture in the cells lead to dryness, flaking and rapid aging of the skin. To avoid this, you need to properly care for dry skin. And in order to fight dryness, you must first know the causes of dry skin.


  • heredity;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • dry air;
  • very frequent washing of the skin and hair (the more we wash, the less protective film remains on the skin);
  • improperly selected cleansers (for example, using soap);
  • non-compliance with the drinking regime;
  • prolonged stay in the cold in winter;
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • age-related changes.

How to care for dry skin:

  • drink up to 2 liters of water a day;
  • wash your face with water at room temperature. Avoid using hot or too cold water. It is best to wash your face with milk, cream or oil for washing;
  • do not use alcohol-based lotions that dry the skin;
  • use moisturizing masks several times a week;
  • choose the right cream (the label should say "for dry skin");
  • use a humidifier;
  • do treatments for dry skin.

Today, the most effective treatments for dry skin are:

* Peelings(mechanical, hardware, chemical) remove dead cells, renew the skin;

* Collagen masks(tighten, moisturize and tone the skin);

* Various types of facial massage(improve blood circulation, refresh complexion);

* Mesotherapy

*Biorevitalization ( the introduction of hyaluronic acid by injection, which has a moisturizing effect);

* Beauty salon treatments active nutrition and moisturizing of the skin.

In winter, most people's skin dries and flakes, and women suffer more often: their skin is thinner and more vulnerable than men, and the requirements for appearance have always been different. So, if a man's skin peels off, it is unpleasant, but for most women it is just a disaster; in addition, dryness and flaking bring noticeable discomfort to life, and worsen not only mood, but also health. When the skin dries and itches, it is difficult to talk about proper rest and restful sleep; cosmetics help temporarily, and decorative products on dry skin generally look unattractive.

Dry skin in winter: why and how to help it

First of all, remember that the skin in winter suffers not so much because of cold and temperature changes, but also because of the effects of heating devices. Indoor humidity becomes low - about 30%, and it should be increased by any means. If there are no special humidifiers, fill up water in any containers and place it near the batteries; put a damp cloth on top of the batteries, and remember to wet it several times a day.

You also need to supply moisture to your body "to the fullest", and you should not think that in winter it is irrelevant. In the summer, in the heat, we remember that the body is dehydrated, and we try to drink as much as possible. But in winter, dehydration is no less: for example, when we are in the cold, steam comes out of the mouth and nose - this is exactly what leaves precious moisture. In closed rooms, very dry and warm, moisture is lost just as quickly, although outwardly we do not notice this. This means that you need to drink even more in winter than in summer, and that is pure water.

Do not want? Try substituting clean water for coffee and tea if you can't do otherwise, and drink a glass of water whenever you feel like having a snack. True, most people - at least adults - know that we feel thirst when the body is already beginning to dehydrate, so it is better to determine for ourselves the daily water intake - 1.5-2 liters, and learn how to drink it between meals.

When washing your face in winter, do not rush to reach for a towel, but wait until the skin absorbs moisture. You should wash yourself with water not from the tap, but better with spring, mineral or at least settled boiled water. Melt water is good for you - learn how to make it right.

Folk remedies for dry skin in winter

Folk remedies, they are homemade, always come to the rescue. Most often these are masks, although lotions, creams, tonics, and other skin care products can also be used. To make masks more effective, you should apply them according to all the rules - it's not difficult.

Before applying the mask, the skin must be cleansed, and the masks themselves must be prepared only from fresh ingredients - for example, from food products that can be safely eaten without heat treatment.

If the skin is oily, it is better to choose a mask with the optimal combination of ingredients, and do it in a course of up to 1-2 months.

The masks are washed off with warm water, or "room" water, and then the cream is applied according to the skin type to consolidate the healing effect.

The most useful and simple masks are prepared from common homemade products.

So, you can take 1 tbsp. oatmeal (ground), olive oil and honey, raw yolk, mix everything thoroughly until smooth and apply on face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

A mask with fresh cucumber juice and cream nourishes and moisturizes dry skin. Juice and cream (1 tablespoon each) are thoroughly mixed with the same amount of rose water, and applied to the skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes. The drier the skin, the higher the fat content of the cream.

The moisturizing, nourishing and whitening mask includes milk, soft cottage cheese, carrot juice and olive oil - all 1 tsp each. Mix the ingredients until smooth, apply to the face. Wash off after 15 minutes. It can be applied both on the neck and on the décolleté, but then increase the proportions.

The next two masks include a little more "exotic" ingredients - coconut oil and avocado, but they can also be bought without too much trouble.

A mask of beaten egg, honey (1 tablespoon) and coconut oil (1/4 tablespoon) deeply moisturizes. First, beat the egg, add honey and butter, mix, pour into a jar, close and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, apply the mixture to cleansed skin. Hold for 15-20 minutes.

Dry skin becomes softer, softer and more elastic after masks with avocado, egg white, vegetable oil (olive, almond, corn, etc.), and natural apple cider vinegar. Ripe pulp 1/2 avocado knead, combine with whipped protein, 1 tsp. oil and 3-5 drops of vinegar - you can use a blender. The mask is applied for 20 minutes.

Modern creams for dry skin in winter

In winter, you should not choose creams with petrochemical products - paraffin, petroleum jelly or mineral oil. They can protect, but they are addictive, and the work of the sebaceous glands slows down: the skin "does not want to work" by itself, and this makes it extremely vulnerable.

But creams with vitamin E and natural vegetable oils (avocado, shea, cocoa, macadamia, etc.) will be an excellent choice.

A few examples.

The famous French manufacturer Sisley produces the Confort winter day cream, with extracts of linden, olive, shea, plum and other ingredients that stimulate the production of sebum. The skin is protected from the outside, while restoring its natural functions, and the dryness is gradually reduced. There is also a night cream Confort, with echinacea and arnica extracts, wheat proteins, for dry and especially sensitive skin. Applying both of these creams in winter, you can be calm about your skin, but quality requires a lot of investment, and "on average" it can cost 15-17 thousand rubles.

Much cheaper - sometimes less than 1,500 rubles, Vichy's product will cost - Nutrilogie deep-action cream for dry skin, based on thermal water. It is presented as a fat binder 24 hour product, but non-greasy and easily absorbed - it must be applied in the morning and at night. Contains glycerin, arginine, vitamin E, vegetable oils, helps the skin to start producing its own lipids.

If this price “does not fit into the budget”, you can pay attention to the domestic “Clean Line”, which produces inexpensive creams for winter care. For example, a lime blossom Medunitsa costs less than 100 rubles - with the help of this cream, you can also protect dry skin from frost and wind.

Have you ever wondered why we are constantly combing our skin? may be due to several reasons.

Why does the skin itch?

The skin is the largest organ in our body. The skin is constantly exposed to many external factors. Just like other organs, the skin has its own defense mechanisms that help it warn the body of a threat and defend itself against it.

That we sometimes experience it is just a signal of danger that our body sends us.

But what can threaten our skin? Many external irritants: dust, contact with hair and clothing, insects, sweat, fragments of leaves and flowers. All of this awakens skin receptors that send an alarm signal to the brain, which makes us itch. And we begin to itch ...

When we brush the skin, it seems to us that it becomes easier. But the problem is that you can aggravate your condition this way. Especially if dirt from nails or fingers gets under the skin or we press too hard on it. If itchy skin gets worse or hurts us, it could be the result of an allergic reaction. There are also psychological causes of itching: nervousness, anxiety, etc.

Itchy skin and the most common causes:

  • Lack of moisture
  • Psoriasis
  • Excessive sweating
  • Improper hygiene
  • Irritation
  • Use of harsh chemicals
  • Insect bites
  • Mites and other microorganisms
  • Stress
  • Nerves
  • Anxiety
  • Side effects of medications
  • Exposure to low temperatures

Various studies claim that there are neutrons in the brain with a special function: they send a signal when something hits our skin and could potentially harm us.

In 2007, a group of researchers at the University of Washington in the United States discovered that nerve cells exist which are associated only with controlling the sensations of itching. Research by a biologist, psychiatrist and anesthesiologist published in the journal Science.

The stimuli associated with itching are controlled by nerve fibers located just under the skin throughout the body. They send a signal to the brain through the spinal cord. Then the neurons let us know that "someone is biting" us. Thanks to these same nerve endings, we understand that we are feeling pain.

To scratch or not to scratch?

When we brush our skin, we are simply reacting to a strong irritant. This unconscious signal indicates that there is irritation on the skin. When we brush it, we are relieved. On the other hand, the itching can get worse after this.

When we brush the skin to get rid of the terrible itching sensation, we brush a wider area on, which makes it even more inflamed and the area of ​​itching increases.

When we cough or sneeze, we respond to an impulse that we cannot control. This is why it is helpful to understand what factors are causing your itchy skin and how you can neutralize their influence.

In a study at Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA, scientists performed magnetic resonance imaging to understand what happens to the brain when we itch. Participants were required to use the brush to scratch their feet for 30 seconds and rest for an additional 30 seconds.

To their surprise, the researchers found that certain areas of the brain associated with unpleasant memories and emotions “shut down” when we itch. Perhaps, it is with this that the feeling of relief and calmness is associated after scratching the skin.

Why does the skin itch more in winter?

Many people suffer from severe itching during the winter. This is due to the fact that the skin dries a lot under the influence of low temperatures, snow and wind. It is felt most strongly on the hands and face, which are most often exposed to the cold. We also use hot water more often in winter. Temperature contrast dries the skin, and soaps and detergents can cause dermatitis.

Another reason is that we put on more clothes in winter, so the skin does not breathe. Wool and coarse, dense fabrics can also cause itching.

And in order not to scratch or injure the skin once again, apply cold compresses to those places where itching is most strongly felt. You can also soak a cloth in chamomile infusion or make a green clay mask. Do not forget about the benefits for the skin.

In winter, the epidermis is susceptible to aggressive effects due to unfavorable weather. Frost, wind, sun, sudden changes in temperature have the most negative effect on the condition of the skin. It begins to dry out, crack, peel off, itch badly, and an unpleasant itching appears. It is in cold weather that you should especially carefully look after it in order to prevent moisture loss.

Why does dryness appear

Many people know the problem of drying out the skin in winter.

The epidermis is covered with a layer of a protective hydrolipidic film that protects it from external negative factors. The film, thanks to the sebum and moisture contained in it, does not allow bacteria to penetrate inside. Normal skin remains firm and smooth for a long time. With improper and untimely care, the epidermis loses moisture, bursts, and begins to itch. Infections can enter through the cracks, which leads to the development of an inflammatory process. Why does the skin dry in winter?

  • Congenital feature. Genetically, a person may have a predisposition to excessively dry skin type.
  • Hormonal disorders may be the cause. Endocrine problems can also cause dry skin.
  • Improper facial and body care.
  • Washing with too cold or, conversely, too hot water.
  • Prolonged stay in a room with excessive heating.
  • The skin dries up from a lack of vitamins, with inadequate nutrition.
  • Surplus of cosmetic procedures that harm the condition of the skin.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases that cause the skin to dry and crack.

Skin can dry out for many reasons, one of which is improper care.

How to properly care for dry skin in winter

First of all, you should identify the reason why the skin dries and itches in winter. It is better to contact a dermatologist and cosmetologist, who will select individual treatment and advise remedies. They will help get rid of dryness and bring the face and body back to normal.

Important! It is especially important to consult a doctor in time if dry skin in winter was caused by diseases of the internal organs, the immune system, a malfunction in the hormonal system, the presence of fungal infections.

Timely care is necessary for everyone to start immediately, as soon as temperature jumps appear, it gets colder, the heating turns on, the diet changes. The basic rules of care are as follows:

What to do if the face is chapped, ways to restore the skin

In the autumn-winter period, it is worth choosing more oily skin care creams.
  1. It is necessary to adhere to a strict sequence: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. You should not skip any of these procedures, otherwise the condition can only worsen.
  2. Thermal water-based cleaning cosmetics should be chosen. Avoid products that contain alcohol, it dries up the epidermis even more.
  3. In winter, do not wash dry skin with cleaning foams and mousses in the morning. They wash off the protective hydrolipid layer, which causes dryness, peeling, and cracking of the skin.
  4. Refrain from taking a hot bath in favor of a contrast shower during the autumn-winter period.
  5. Do not use hard towels, do not rub your face and body. After showering, gently pat dry with a soft towel to remove excess moisture.
  6. Do not be lazy every time after taking a shower, apply a nourishing cream to the body, especially if the skin on the body is very dry.
  7. Apply moisturizers in the evening. Before going outside, this should not be done, since moisturizing components in the cold will bring even more harm.
  8. Nutrition is the main part of the care of the epidermis in winter. Choose creams and serums that are high in vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients.
  9. In winter, face and body creams should be chosen more oily, with a dense texture and content of valuable oils.
  10. Regularly scrub your heels, elbows, and knees with a scrub or fruit exfoliator to get rid of a layer of rough skin on your body.

How to get rid of itching on the body

Severe drying out of the skin can provoke severe itching and discomfort. What to do in order to save yourself from this trouble?

With severe dryness, there may be severe itching on the body.
  • When going out into the cold, protect your exposed skin as much as possible. Lubricate your face and hands with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly. Dress as warmly as possible to prevent hypothermia. Wear tights and warm socks on your feet, choose underwear from natural fabrics, do not forget about a winter hat and a scarf. Instead of gloves, it is best to wear mittens, they will help keep your hands warm at all times.
  • Take vitamin D in the winter, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of drops.
  • Monitor the humidity in the apartment, do not allow the room to dry out. Purchase a humidifier that will help maintain the necessary humidity in the apartment during the heating period. The drier the air, the greater the likelihood of problems with the epidermis.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature. If possible, do not go outside at temperatures below 20 degrees, so as not to provoke frostbite and the occurrence of various inflammatory diseases.
  • Itching can be provoked by the sun's rays, which in the cold are usually very aggressive on the epidermis. Use cosmetics containing UV protection.
  • Refuse to visit the solarium at least in the autumn-winter period.
  • Choose a soap based on natural ingredients.

Reasons for sensitive skin

If all of the above methods did not help to avoid itching and flaking, and especially if the skin cracks, be sure to consult a cosmetologist to prescribe treatment. Of course, there is a possibility that itching can go away on its own, but there is also a possibility that it will provoke the development of more serious diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to start proper care of the affected skin on time.

If you cannot cope with the problem of dry skin on your own, then you should seek the advice of a cosmetologist

Taking care of dry skin at home

Folk remedies can significantly help restore the condition of the epidermis, as well as prevent flaking and redness in winter. Usually, masks are used at home, which are prepared immediately before use using only natural ingredients. In winter, you can do masks not twice a week, as is customary, but more often, especially if the air in the room is dry. The masks are washed off with water at room temperature, preferably boiled, and then a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

On a note!It is better to use masks regularly, and do it in a course of several months in order to achieve the desired result.
Avocado mask

Avocado mask... It takes half a ripe avocado to extract the pulp from. Mash it with a blender, add beaten egg white, a teaspoon of olive or flaxseed oil and a few drops of apple cider vinegar. Thoroughly grind the mixture and apply on face, and after 15 minutes rinse with warm water.

As for creams, give preference to those products that contain valuable oils of avocado, macadamia, shea butter, cocoa and others, as well as vitamin E. It is not necessary that skin care products are expensive world brands in winter. Domestic cosmetics also represent a line of specialized skin care in winter.

So that you are not worried about dry skin and itching, you need to carefully monitor your diet. Include in the diet foods rich in vitamin B (whole grain bread, dairy products, liver, carrots), vitamin C (citrus fruits, sauerkraut, currants, kiwi), vitamins A and E (meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils).

It is in winter that our skin needs more thorough care. Do not forget to eat right, give up bad habits, if possible, visit a beautician and follow all his advice.

Itching is an unpleasant symptom associated with irritation of nerve endings. It causes a wild desire to scratch the problem area. Some people notice that their legs itch a lot below the knees. What can this talk about? Is this symptom dangerous? What to do if it appears and how to get rid of itching. We will discuss all these issues now.

  • hypothermia;
  • irritation of the skin with a fleecy cloth;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • the use of ointments and creams for the feet that provoke itching;
  • recently performed hair removal;
  • dry skin due to old age;
  • Tan.

Pathological causes include:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Infections.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Chemical irritation of the skin.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Fungal skin lesions.
  • Diabetic complications.
  • Insect bites.

If you notice that other parts of the body itch too, this indicates that the itching is generalized in nature. In this case, there are many more reasons, and they are very diverse. For example, it can be jaundice, diabetes mellitus, taking medications, renal failure, systemic damage to the connective tissue. The cause of generalized itching needs to be clarified with a doctor, since it will be very difficult to determine or even suspect it at home.

Legs itch below the knees in winter

In the cold season, feet can itch for various reasons. Among them:

  • allergy to the material from which your winter clothing is made;
  • cold dermatitis;
  • allergy to cold (occurs without an allergen, against the background of the release of histamine due to hypothermia);
  • exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases.

To determine if a skin reaction is a response to hypothermia, do a test. Apply an ice cube to a confined area of ​​skin on one leg. Look for morphological elements, skin redness or itching in these places.

Legs itch below the knees in men

Take a close look at your legs. Especially if you are a man with abundant vegetation on the lower limbs. Carpet fleas can be hiding in your hair. They are very common in multi-storey buildings, as they easily migrate from apartment to apartment.

These fleas jump on your feet and suck blood. Then, in these places, inflammatory foci are formed, which itch and redden. Combing them can lead to infection.

To detect fleas, you need:

  • carefully examine the legs;
  • lower your bare feet into a basin of water - the fleas will unhook and float to the surface;
  • walk for a day or two with pants tucked into socks so that fleas have nowhere to cling to, and check if the itching goes away.

Legs itching below the knees in women

Another common cause of itchy legs below the knees is varicose veins. More often this disease is observed in women. It often manifests itself during pregnancy or after childbirth.

Itching can appear at different times:

  • before the appearance of visually observed dilated veins;
  • immediately after vasodilation;
  • a few years after the onset of varicose veins, at the stage of trophic complications.

In the most unfavorable case, itching below the knees with varicose veins indicates trophic disorders. The skin of the legs is swollen and poorly supplied with blood. At first, this leads to hair loss, then to thickening of the skin, and then to the occurrence of trophic ulcers.

To determine varicose veins as the cause of itching, at the initial stage of the disease, when there are no dilated veins yet, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • rapid fatigue of the legs;
  • swelling of the legs at the end of the day, independently passing by the morning;
  • the presence of spider veins on any parts of the legs (not necessarily below the knees);
  • pain in the legs;
  • night cramps of the calf muscles.

If signs of varicose veins appear, you need to be observed and treated by a phlebologist - take medications, wear compression hosiery, and, if necessary, have an operation.

Legs itch below the knees during pregnancy

During pregnancy, itching below the knees can be a sign of incipient varicose veins. At the same time, a symptom does not necessarily indicate the development of any disease. During pregnancy, itching can have physiological causes, and be due to:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • stretching of the skin against the background of puffiness and weight gain;
  • increased sweating.

In any case, in order to prevent varicose veins, it is better to wear compression hosiery during pregnancy. Especially if cases of this disease have occurred in your family, or you are already observing the first signs of a pathological process.

What ointment treatment is required?

If your legs itch very badly below the knees, and you scratch them to such an extent that wounds form on your skin, you should definitely see a doctor. A visit to the doctor is also necessary if there are other alarming symptoms (dilated blood vessels, itching of the skin in other places, pain syndrome, severe redness and the appearance of a rash).

Depending on the reason why the legs itch below the knees, ointments can be used to eliminate this symptom:

  • troxevasin- if itching is provoked by chronic venous insufficiency;
  • antihistamine ointments(Fenistil gel) - for allergies, insect bites, mechanical irritation (fleecy clothes, hair removal) or the appearance of itching of unknown etiology;
  • hydrocortisone ointment- in the case of dermatological diseases (it is undesirable to use if they were not previously prescribed by a doctor);
  • clotrimazole- if there are signs of fungal infection (redness and peeling of the skin, unpleasant odor);
  • antibiotic ointments(gentamicin, tetracycline, erythromycin) - if the disease is caused by bacterial flora (used under medical supervision).

If you are sure that the itching is not caused by the disease, you can treat yourself at home. In most cases, any antihistamine ointment will work to relieve symptoms. If something worries you, it is better to see a doctor to find out the cause of the itching, because it may indicate a dangerous disease.

Itching in the lower legs is considered very common. In women, in most cases, it occurs for several reasons: improper foot care during shaving, allergies to tights (stockings), various care products, citrus fruits, as well as a large amount of sugar. But itching can also signal serious illness.

Chronic illnesses

In very rare cases, itching in the lower legs can indicate chronic diseases that spread throughout the body:

  1. Psoriasis.
  2. Scabies.
  3. Liver failure.
  4. Fungal diseases.
  5. Renal failure
  6. The development of helminthic diseases.
  7. Pathology of the hematopoietic function.
  8. Neurodermatitis.
  9. Diseases of the oncological form.

The feeling that the legs or some part of them itch regularly can develop against the background of a psychosomatic disorder - due to depression or obsessions.

What does the symptomatology say?

  • Severe itching that spreads from the knee to the foot... The reason for the development of this form of itching from the knee to the foot can be almost any of the above pathology. It is possible to reduce the range of suspected diseases in the body if you closely monitor the accompanying symptoms and factors that affect exacerbations in the body of a healthy person. You should carefully analyze the most common diseases, which are characterized by the presence of itching, localized in the intervals from the knee to the foot.
  • Psoriasis- such a chronic disease at an early stage is characterized by redness and itching in the ankle area. If the development of such pathologies is not prevented, peeling will begin to develop and the disease can spread to a large area. It will not be very difficult to diagnose psoriasis at home, as a rule, the affected area of ​​the skin will begin to peel off and itch very quickly after eating fatty foods, sweets, and alcohol-containing products, due to nervous experiences and general lack of sleep.
  • Skin discoloration, itching and flaking... Dermatitis is a disease of the skin, which is described by constant allergic reactions from the body to things familiar to it or food products. Dermatitis in most cases has a congenital form, and is also localized to a greater extent in the upper and lower extremities, in some cases on the neck. Some factors are capable of provoking such an exacerbation of dermatitis, for example, household chemicals, sweet and fatty food products, contact of allergy sufferers with animals and some other factors.
  • Development of white and red spots, itching and pain, allergies... On the legs, allergic reactions develop infrequently. Food allergy rashes tend to spread to the face, arms, and neck. An allergic rash is common on the legs, which can develop when in contact with synthetic clothing or in the case when there are residues from the powder on it. Also, allergies can develop to leg shaving products.
  • Change in skin tone to pale, unpleasant odors from decay, fluid coming out of the wound... Fungi. Fungal infections cannot develop on their own. The reason for their growth and spread is considered to be damage to the skin (bite, small wound) where spores can easily penetrate, and an inflammatory process also occurs. The reason for this phenomenon can be non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the use of public showers, a weak immune system and other features.

Itching during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman may feel that literally the entire surface of her body itches.

This problem in most cases can develop at the end of the second trimester and occurs in conjunction with the gain of mass and stretching of the loose skin. A slight sensation of tightness and dryness that occurs in conjunction with itching can be considered absolutely normal... But severe itching in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe legs, which is accompanied by severe pain, swelling and discoloration, can indicate such disorders as diabetes mellitus in pregnant women, varicose veins, renal or liver failure.

In some cases, there is a sharp increase in the sensitivity of the lower extremities to stimuli from the external environment, this can occur due to changes in hormonal levels, in most cases during pregnancy (with an excess of female hormones in the body). A rare neuropsychiatric disorder that worries a large number of women during pregnancy and is accompanied by severe scratching of the legs in the lower leg area is considered restless legs syndrome(RLS).

The main symptoms of the disease: itching in the legs at night, diseases in the legs, heaviness, insomnia, severe anxiety. In most cases, the symptoms of restless legs syndrome develop immediately after the baby is born, sometimes you can notice the development of the disease during the entire lactation process. The trigger that triggers the development of the disease is considered to be special hormones, hypovitaminosis, iron deficiency, together with a predisposition to nerves, unjustified mobility, as well as severe stress.

Swelling in the lower extremities during pregnancy, together with severe itching, are considered factors of lymph congestion and the possible development of varicose veins. Puffiness can also develop painful sensations in the work of the kidneys, which will occur due to severe stress on the excretory system of the body.

During the development of liver failure, itching occurs together with rashes, small papules of a red tint, or changes in skin tone.


Therapy of skin diseases consists mainly of complex treatment. Unfortunately, today you cannot find a universal remedy that can be taken during itching in the legs without leaving a trace of the disease. It is possible to cure the symptoms of itching and allergies if based on the general picture of the patient's history. Without knowing exactly why the pathology has occurred, it will be very difficult to prescribe a normal treatment procedure. Skin diseases of various nature and etiology include the use of various medications and medications. It is not necessary to use anti-allergy pills during the development of psoriasis, and vice versa.

The use of medications should occur under the supervision of a treating specialist, since prolonged and uncontrolled use of certain types of drugs (corticosteroids, antibiotics) can develop a completely opposite reaction in the body and spread itching and rash.

The main ways to catch a disease, which is described by acute itching in the leg area:

The main factor during the process of treating allergic reaction types will be the elimination of the allergen. It is false to distinguish several types of allergies at once, which can actively develop on the legs:

  1. Hives- looks like a complex formation of small itchy pimples. May occur during natural contact with an allergic pathogen.
  2. Food allergy- develops in the body when the allergen gets inside together with food products or in another way. It develops as a rash.
  3. Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. It has a complex etiology (for example, a long-term effect on the body of an allergen), develops during poisoning with heavy metals, household chemicals and other components.
  4. Development of allergy to cold- this happens extremely rarely, mainly affects the feet, as well as the toes.

If people are prone to developing allergies, then it is worth conducting special tests that will be aimed at determining the product to which the main reaction of the body will occur. In addition to exclusive contact with an allergen, the following methods can be used:

  1. Drug treatment, local value (gels, as well as ointments).
  2. Compliance with a specific diet.
  3. The use of drugs to prevent allergies inside.

Allergy medications should include pills and ointments. Depending on the type of reactions, you can prescribe a special course of treatment with antihistamines or special hormones.

  1. Psoriasis. Such a disease can be called chronic, and therapeutic measures are aimed at combating general symptoms. The process of treating psoriasis consists in the use of local emollients, which will be produced on the basis of wax, the use of antihistamines inside, adherence to a certain diet, avoidance of stressful situations and severe overexertion.
  2. Dermatitis on the skin.

The spread of the disease that occurs in a different FIDE (contact, inflammatory, other lichen). Treatment of dermatitis occurs for a long time, and also depends directly on the indicators of its etiology. During infectious dermatitis, it is worth using a number of antifungal and antibacterial agents in combination with analgesics. In general, if the origin of itching is not associated with an infectious disease and disruption in the functioning of internal organs, then you can get rid of it very quickly and simply without using medication for this.

If the foot itches a lot, as well as the area between two fingers, then you can use the following treatment method: add a few tablespoons of soda and salt to very hot water, and then steam your feet in it for 5-10 minutes. After that, you should smear the allergenic area with salicylic ointment, and also wear warm socks. This technique can be used during severe corns and suspicion of developing foot fungus.

If your legs itch all the time in the lower leg area, then you can use hot baths with sea salt and other strong chamomile herbs. It is worth quickly getting rid of the development of food allergies with the help of decoctions (green tea, chamomile with honey, plain milk and kefir). If you are prone to food allergies, then it would be better to skip coffee and black tea. Ice cubes from frozen broth of mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, and also parsley well remove signs of combing.

The process of wound healing can be accelerated by rubbing the affected area with tincture of calendula or celandine (milk can be used).

Why feet itch in winter

A large number of women are faced with scratching the area below the knees in winter. The first reason can be called drying of the skin surface, especially in the place of the knees and lower legs. To prevent it, you should use a special moisturizing oil or cream for the body surface during the shower.

The next reason that can become an irritant is the use of nylon tights, since at this time a real allergic reaction to synthetics develops. If you wear jeans or trousers in the winter, then the allergy can develop to the dye composition in the fabrics.

If the itching is accompanied by redness and acute pain, then we can safely talk about the development of an allergy to cold. To avoid this kind of scratching of the feet of chemicals, you need to dress as warmly as possible, try to wear clothes only from natural fabrics. The skin can easily harden, during the development of allergic reactions to cold, experts advise taking a contrast shower.

  • 1 Is itching a symptom of a chronic illness?
  • 2 Symptoms and related illnesses
    • 2.1 Skin discoloration (large pink spots), a feeling of tight skin, itching, peeling, periodic appearance of papules
    • 2.2 The appearance of small white or red pimples (papules), pain, itching
    • 2.3 Discoloration of the skin (pale), foul rotting odor, large quantities of skin dying, fluid may ooze from the affected area
  • 3 Why can legs itch during pregnancy?
  • 4 How and how to treat itchy legs below the knees
  • 5 What to do if your feet itch badly in winter?
  • 6 What to do if the thighs itch on the inside?
    • 6.1 Recommended reading

Itching in the lower extremities is common and may indicate a serious medical condition. In most cases, the legs below the knees in women itch for several simple reasons: improper care when shaving, an allergic reaction to tights (stockings), an allergic reaction to care products, an allergy to citrus fruits or sugar, but there are also more serious problems.

Is itching a symptom of a chronic illness?

Less often, itching below the knees can indicate chronic diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • pathology of the functions of hematopoiesis;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • scabies;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • fungal infections;
  • liver failure.

The feeling that the legs are constantly itching or some part of them may occur against the background of psychosomatic disorders caused by depressive conditions, obsessions.

Symptoms and related illnesses

Severe itching from knee to foot. Itching from the knee to the foot can be caused by any of the above pathologies. It is possible to narrow the circle of suspicion of a certain disease by knowing the accompanying symptoms and factors influencing its exacerbation. Consider the most common diseases characterized by itching, localized from the knee to the foot.

Psoriasis is an early chronic disease characterized by redness and itching in the ankle area. If the development of pathology is not prevented, peeling begins and the disease can spread over a wide area. It is not difficult to diagnose psoriasis at home, as a rule, the affected area of ​​the skin begins to peel off and itch more intensively after eating fatty foods, sweets, alcohol and as a result of nervous experiences and lack of sleep.

Skin discoloration (large pink spots), tight skin sensation, itching, flaking, periodic appearance of papules

Dermatitis is a skin disease characterized by persistent allergic reactions to familiar foods or things. Dermatitis is often congenital and is localized to a greater extent in the lower or upper extremities, sometimes the neck. Such factors as contact with household chemicals, sweet or fatty foods, contact with animals and much more can provoke an exacerbation of dermatitis.

The appearance of small white or red pimples (papules), pain, itching

Allergy. On the legs, allergic reactions do not appear often. Food allergy rashes most commonly affect the face, neck, and hands. On the legs, an allergic rash can appear if it comes into contact with clothes made of synthetic materials or if there is a residue of powder on it. You may also be allergic to leg shaving products.

Skin discoloration (pale), foul rotting odor, large quantities of skin dying, fluid may ooze from the affected area

Fungi. Fungal infections do not develop on their own. The reason for the growth of the infection zone is damage to the skin (small wound, bite) where the spores fall, and the inflammatory process begins. The reason for this may be lack of adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, the use of public showers, a weak immune system, and much more.

Why can legs itch during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman may feel that her entire body is itching.

This problem mainly appears at the end of the second trimester and is associated with active mass gain and skin stretching. A slight feeling of tightness and dryness accompanied by intermittent itching is considered normal. But intense itching in the legs, accompanied by pain, swelling and discoloration, may indicate disorders such as pregnancy diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, renal or liver failure.

Sometimes the increased sensitivity of the lower extremities to external stimuli can be associated with a rearrangement of hormonal levels, most often during pregnancy with a girl (due to excess female hormones). Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder that worries women during pregnancy and is accompanied by severe scratching of the legs in the lower leg area.

Symptoms: itchy legs at night, sore legs, heaviness, insomnia, restlessness. In most cases, the symptoms of RLS disappear immediately after the baby is born, in rare cases, the course of the disease can be observed during the lactation period. The trigger that triggers the development of the syndrome are hormones, hypovitaminosis, iron deficiency, combined with a predisposition to nervous breakdowns, unjustified anxiety, stress.

Swelling of the lower extremities during pregnancy, combined with severe itching, is a sign of lymph congestion and the possible development of varicose veins. Puffiness can also provoke malfunctioning of the kidneys caused by a heavy load on the excretion system.

In liver failure, itching is observed in combination with rashes, small red papules, or discoloration of the skin.

How and how to treat itchy legs below the knees

Therapy of skin diseases is an integrated approach. Unfortunately, today there is no universal remedy that could be taken with itchy legs and there would be no trace of the disease. Itching can be cured based on the general picture of the patient's history. Not knowing what exactly became the root cause of the pathology, it is not possible to prescribe adequate therapy. Skin diseases of various etiologies require the use of various medications. Do not use allergy pills for psoriasis and vice versa.

The use of medications should be monitored by the attending physician, since prolonged and uncontrolled use of certain groups of drugs (corticosteroids, antibiotics) can lead to a back reaction and the spread of rash and itching.

The main methods of treatment for diseases characterized by acute itching in the legs:

The fundamental direction in the treatment of allergic reactions is the elimination of the allergen. There are several types of allergies manifested on the legs:

  1. Urticaria is the formation of small, itchy bumps. Appears through direct contact with an allergen;
  2. Food allergy - appears when an allergen enters the body with food or in another way. It manifests itself in the form of a rash;
  3. Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. It has a complex etiology (for example, with prolonged exposure to an allergen), it is observed in case of poisoning with heavy metals, household chemicals and others.
  4. Allergy to cold is a rare phenomenon, affecting mainly the feet and toes.

For people with a tendency to develop allergies, special tests are done to determine the product to which a negative reaction may develop. In addition to excluding contact with the allergen, the following therapeutic measures are applied:

  • local drug treatment (ointments, gels);
  • taking medications for allergies inside;
  • diet.

Allergy medications include ointments and pills. Depending on the type of reaction, a course of antihistamines or hormonal drugs is prescribed.

  1. Psoriasis. The disease is chronic, and therapies are directed at controlling the symptoms. Treatment of psoriasis consists in the use of local wax-based emollients, oral antihistamines, adherence to a special diet, avoidance of stress and overexertion.
  2. Dermatitis. A common disease that exists in various forms (contact, inflammatory, lichen, etc.) Treatment of dermatitis is long and depends on its etiology. With dermatitis of an infectious origin, a number of antifungal and antibacterial drugs are used in combination with analgesics. In general, if itching is not associated with infection and a violation of the internal functions of the body, you can get rid of it without resorting to drug treatment.

If the foot itches and the area between the toes, you can use the following method: add a few tablespoons of soda and salt to very hot water and steam your feet in it, for 5-10 minutes. After that, you need to smear the itchy areas with salicylic ointment and put on warm socks. This method can be used for calluses and suspected foot fungus.

With constant brushing of the legs in the lower leg area, hot baths with sea salt and a strong decoction of chamomile will help. Drinking plenty of fluids (green tea, chamomile with honey, warm milk, kefir) will help you get rid of food allergies faster. If you are prone to food allergies, it is better to refuse coffee and black tea. Ice cubes from frozen broths of mint, parsley, St. John's wort, chamomile remove well the signs of combing.

Rubbing with calendula tincture or celandine (you can use milk) will help speed up the healing of combed wounds.

What to do if your feet itch badly in winter?

Many women suffer from the problem of combing their feet in winter for obvious reasons, the first of which is dry skin, especially in the knee and lower leg areas. To avoid this phenomenon, you need to use moisturizing oils or body creams after taking a shower. The next reason that can cause severe itching is wearing nylon tights, in this case, a typical allergic reaction to synthetics appears. If you wear trousers or jeans in winter, you may be allergic to the dye composition of the fabric.

In the case when the itching is accompanied by redness and severe pain, then we can safely talk about an allergy to cold. To avoid combing your feet in winter, dress warmly and try to choose clothes made from natural materials. The skin tends to harden, in case of allergy to cold, it is useful to take a contrast shower.

If the itching is accompanied by a rash and spreads from the legs to other areas of the skin, this may be a manifestation of hypovitaminosis. To avoid the lack of vitamins in winter, you can eat more kiwi, sauerkraut, beets and carrots. It is these products that contain the maximum amount of substances necessary for the body during the cold season.

What to do if the thighs itch on the inside?

The inner surface of the thigh can itch for all of the above reasons. In obese people, extra weight and constant friction of the thighs against each other can be added to these reasons. If there is such a problem, it is recommended to wear special underwear, since scratching marks in such areas heal very slowly and there is a risk of infection.

With severe itching with the appearance of erosion, blood should be donated for glucose tolerance. Since these are the main symptoms of diabetes. If your thighs itch, you should not use moisturizers, the safest preparations for relieving discomfort are salicylic ointment, calendula tincture, baths with sea salt.

Itching below the knees not only causes discomfort, makes you restrain yourself from scratching in crowded places, does not allow you to wear your favorite clothes in summer, but also indicates a possible ongoing illness of the internal organs. Therefore, when the legs itch below the knees, the causes of this condition must be established without fail. In this article, we will look at the factors that trigger the onset of this symptom, as well as how to treat itching.

If the legs itch below the knees, then the reasons may be "superficial", not indicative of the need for concern, which are easy to eliminate on their own, or requiring competent examination and timely treatment. It is much easier to deal with itching caused by external factors.

If the legs itch from the foot to the knees, this may be a signal of an ongoing illness. There are a lot of reasons, and the disease can be determined by the characteristic symptoms.


Vascular pathology

Varicose veins are more common in middle-aged and older people. From the knees to the ankle, veins and nodules are visible, there is swelling and fatigue of the legs. With light pressure, pain is felt, the skin on the legs itches. Symptoms worsen after long walking, physical fatigue.


It manifests itself in a rash of small red pimples or redness at the site of contact with the allergen. The skin on the legs rarely reacts to food. Allergies can be caused by residual detergents on clothes, synthetic materials.


It manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction to habitual food products, caring cosmetics. The leg itches below the knee on the front of the lower leg. Pink spots appear, skin tightness is felt. Exacerbation of stress, lack of sleep, the use of sweets, spicy food, alcohol.

At an early stage, peeling and itching are noticeable in the ankle area. Then papules and plaques appear, having a convex shape, joints hurt. Itching intensifies with nervous experiences, the use of alcohol and fatty foods.

Strong redness appears on the legs, bubbles, which then burst, giving way to suppuration. The legs itch badly below the knees, itching bothers during sleep and rest. The temperature rises in the affected area.


It manifests itself as a small red rash as after a nettle burn. It causes severe itching and burning. Possible as an allergic reaction to certain foods, cosmetics, medicines.

Itching in the legs below the knee and throughout the body is caused by a microscopic mite, which is transmitted by contact with a sick person. You want to scratch itchy areas more after taking a shower, bath, while sleeping. Most often, outbreaks of the disease are observed in the second half of the calendar year.

Helminthic invasions

Everyone is at risk, many people get sick, but do not even know about it. Symptoms are itchy feet, fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not always possible to determine the presence of worms, because it is necessary to pass tests at least 10 times in order to make a diagnosis with confidence.

Neurological disorders (neuropathy, osteochondrosis, multiple sclerosis, tumors)

There is muscle wasting, sleep disturbance, limbs itch, fatigue quickly comes, and joints ache.

Kidney and liver pathology

With renal failure, the legs swell, itching is felt. This is due to a decrease in excretory capacity and the release of salt through the skin.

In case of liver diseases, in addition to itching of the legs, dryness and bitterness are felt in the mouth, spider veins appear throughout the body.

Blood diseases (polycythemia, lymphoma)

With a high activity of the bone marrow, an increase in erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets occurs. As a result, blood flow, supply of cells with oxygen and essential elements is disrupted. This is expressed by itching of the legs from knees to feet, pain in the calf muscles.

Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism)

There is dry skin, a feeling of crawling, long healing of wounds of a different nature. There may be severe itching and pain. Due to the thinning and dryness of the skin, it is easy to injure it.

Psychosomatic disorders (depression, anorexia)

Itching and heaviness in the limbs, fever, headaches, fever, nausea.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS)

Feels itching, desire to move legs at rest. A neurological disease is more often diagnosed in women, but also occurs in men. Lack of calcium and magnesium may be the cause. Pregnant women are a special risk group.

Mild periodic itching all over the body at this time is a normal phenomenon associated with stretching of the skin and hormonal changes. But if the itching becomes severe, it may indicate restless legs syndrome, diabetes mellitus, or varicose veins.

Fungal infections

Most often, the fungus affects the feet, but can spread to the shins and calves. The skin becomes pale in the affected areas, an unpleasant putrid odor appears. Large areas can be affected if left untreated. The fungus gets on the skin with a wound, mechanical damage, using the same hygiene items with a sick person.

Sometimes the pathology is seasonal, and the legs below the knees itch only in winter. To understand what to do, it is necessary to identify from what it comes.

Various causes can cause itching of the legs below the knees, treatment and recovery completely depend on the correct and timely diagnosis. It is only necessary to entrust the appointment of a course of therapy to the attending physician.

The course of treatment (medicines, dosage, duration of admission)

Dry skin

To get rid of the disease, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Plain or mineral tea without gases, green or white tea without sugar will do. For taking a shower, you need to choose moisturizing cosmetics (milk, gel). In case of increased dryness, nourish the skin with natural oils.

To eliminate discomfort before sunbathing, you need to apply sunscreen, and then smear the skin with after-sun lotion. With proper care, the epidermis will be protected from ultraviolet rays, which dry and burn it, and it will also be well moisturized. Also, the treatment of the affected area with drugs: Panthenol, Bepanten 3 times a day.

Insect bites

Treat the wounds with boric alcohol, brilliant green, furacilin solution, menthol ointment 2 times a day until the itching subsides and the swelling subsides. Alcohol tincture, Menovazin or Menovazan cream help well. They need to be applied 2-3 times a day until the problem is eliminated.


To block the release of histamine, Ketotifen is prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day. It is also recommended to treat the lesion site with antihistamines. Antihistamine tablets Cetrin, Fenistil gel help well.

Skin diseases

The correct course can only be prescribed by the attending physician after a complete examination. For psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, Skin-Cap aerosol is used. For complex diseases, hormonal drugs can be prescribed: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone. You cannot take them for more than 10 days.

Psychosomatic disorders

To eliminate itching, you need to correctly determine the cause. With disorders of this nature, only a psychotherapist can make the correct diagnosis. Self-medication can cause the problem to worsen.

In the complex, sedatives, physiotherapy, electrosleep are prescribed.

The doctor prescribes Essentiale 3 times a day for a month, Lipoic acid in the same course.


Clotrimazole cream is applied to the affected skin with a thin layer 2-3 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks.

In addition to taking medications, simple rules help to eliminate symptoms and reduce itching:

In addition to the main treatment, you can make home remedies according to folk recipes.

It is important to first establish why the legs itch below the knees, and then decide how to cure the ailment. You cannot prescribe drugs on your own.

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