We decorate the table for the holiday with napkins. Napkins for table setting for a holiday, dinner party, dinner: types and options for folding paper and linen napkins, decorations from napkins, photos

How to beautifully fold a paper napkin on a holiday table so that it can be used both for hygiene and aesthetic purposes and creates a positive mood? This dilemma can only interest a true housewife, whose home always has a cozy atmosphere even in the smallest details. To add an original look to a paper or woven napkin, you don't need to be an origami expert. You can use fairly easy circuits.

First of all, it is worth noting that serving napkins come not only from paper, but also from fabric. The second option creates splendor and adds detail. But it will not always be advisable to use them. If you plan to organize a friendly skit party, a children's party or a dinner with a close circle of relatives, then it would be optimal to use colorful original napkins, originally folded in an unusual way, and suitable for the festive theme.

When thinking about how to fold paper napkins for table settings, you should consider several criteria thanks to which you can achieve a brilliant result. These products should be folded so that those present at the table do not have to unwrap them long before they are used for their intended purpose.

Napkins must be chosen in harmony with the colors of the tablecloth, napkin holders and other attributes that are on the festive table. In addition, you should practice in advance so that you get the hang of it, and this activity does not take up much time and effort during the pre-holiday hassle.

  • How to fold fabric napkins
  • Napkin "Starfish"
  • Napkin "Shirt"
  • Napkin "Fish"
  • Napkin "Hourglass"
  • Napkin "Royal Lily"
  • Napkin "Royal Robe"
  • Napkin “Fan in a ring”
  • Napkin "Handbag"
  • Napkin "Flame"
  • Napkin "Sea urchin"
  • Napkin "Everest"
  • Napkin "Trail"
  • Napkin "Asian fan"
  • Napkin "Easter Bunny"
  • Napkin "Diagonal sachet"
  • Napkin "Gate Arch"
  • Napkin "Star fan"
  • Napkin "Table fan"
  • Napkin "Jabot"
  • Napkin "Artichoke"

How to beautifully fold paper napkins into a napkin holder

It’s impossible to even imagine table setting without napkins. Particularly common products are disposable napkins. They are characterized by practicality and are inexpensive. Of course, these products do not look as durable and formal as elegant fabric models, but they can be used. You just need to choose an original option for how to fold paper napkins for table setting.

Recently, housewives have been putting napkin holders on the table instead of vessels - because they are very convenient, practical and functional. The main thing is to place the napkins not only in an unusual and attractive way, but also so that they can be easily removed and not pulled out all at once.

How to fold fabric napkins

It is worth noting that the procedure for folding fabric napkins and serving them on a holiday table is more labor-intensive than paper ones and requires slightly longer preparation. Let's start with the fact that fabric napkins must be prepared - they must be well starched and ironed.
And to make fabric napkins look impressive in napkin holders or vessels, you can add fresh flowers to them. These products, folded in an original way, should preferably be in harmony with the tablecloth. Various simple diagrams will help you understand how to beautifully fold fabric napkins.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins on a holiday table diagrams

If the housewife does not know how to fold paper napkins for table setting, then she is quite capable of using various patterns. Originally folded products are perfect for any festive occasion.

Napkin "Starfish"

The napkin should be folded in the shape of an accordion, in six stripes, the top of which should be directed away from you. Place the top right corner inside. The same actions must be done with the two corners located below. Just place all three corners to the left. And the third part of the figure on the left needs to be bent to the right. Half of the folded part must be bent to the left. Do the same for the right side. The corners are raised from above. There you go.

Napkin "Shirt"

You need to place the napkin face down on the surface and the backside up. All four corners must be folded into the center of the napkin. The right and left sides are folded inward toward the center. Next, you need to turn the napkin and bend the top part about two centimeters. Then you need to turn the napkin over again and tilt the corners towards the middle so that they touch each other. Next, the lower parts of the product are turned away, and the “sleeves” of the product are obtained. Raise the lower part and push it under the collar of the “shirt”. All is ready.

Napkin "Fish"

The product folds diagonally and has a fold at the top. The bottom corner tilts up. The left curved corner is tilted. Do the same with the right angle. The left side must be bent towards the middle vertical line of the product. On the right you need to do similar actions. At the end, you need to turn the figurine over to the other side so that the fish is ready.

Napkin "Hourglass"

You need to fold the napkin in half with the inside out. Fold the center of the top corners. Similar actions are done with the bottom, bend them to the center. Now wrap the resulting corners towards the middle so that the vertices are connected.

Napkin "Royal Lily"

The napkin is folded diagonally. The left and right corners are combined with the top side of the triangle. Next, you need to fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis. Reject the top. The right corner is connected to the left one behind the product, placed one inside the other, and the upper corners are turned inward. At the end, you will need to place the figurine vertically so that the flower is ready.

Napkin "Royal Robe"

Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally downwards. Align the left and right corners with the vertex of the triangle. Then they will need to be bent. The top of the lower triangle slopes upward towards the middle. Next, fold in half again, moving to the top half of the napkin. Bend the bottom part back. Lock the side corners together and pull out the “mantle” points that fold over and attach behind the welt.

Napkin “Fan in a ring”

Initially, the napkin is placed face down on the surface in a straightened form. Next, you need to fold the product into an accordion shape. Fold it in half in the middle. Fill the napkin into a ring (or place it in a drinking vessel) and straighten out the “fan.”

And here is the diagram of the napkin "Column"

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Napkin "Flip-flop with a train"

Initially, the napkin is folded in half, inside out. Its two upper corners fold into the middle. Next, you need to fold the top part of the bend. Turn the napkin to face away from you and re-fold the top corners towards the middle. Turn the figure over from you and fold the folds from the bottom. Then you will need to place the folds under the square, pressing them with your fingers in the middle, and unravel the resulting “fan” on both sides.

Napkin "Handbag"

Initially, the napkin lies on the surface with the wrong side out. Then it will need to be folded in half along the vertical axis, and then in half again along the horizontal. The fold must be made at the bottom. The top two corners are folded into the center. And then you will need to bend the top layer in half. The rest of the product also slopes towards the middle. Fold the resulting corner down on the first triangle. The figurine is ready!

Napkin "Flame"

Place the napkin face down on the surface and fold it diagonally. Next, you need to bend it into an accordion shape, starting from the long side, and not from the small corner. Then you need to leave a small part not assembled into an accordion. The formed top must be used to fix the accordion, in other words, we wrap the corner so that it is on the top of the accordion. Keep your finger in the middle and fold the product in half. Carefully arrange the folds. And if you secure the resulting flame figurine with a napkin ring or some decorative object, it will become even nicer!

Napkin "Sea urchin"

You need to fold the napkin like an accordion into six stripes, with the top facing away from you. Place the top right corner inside. Do the same with the two corners below. Similarly, place all three corners on the left side. The third part of the figure on the left should be bent to the right. Fold half of the folded part to the left. Repeat the same operation on the right side. Raise the corners up.

Napkin "Everest"

Initially, the napkin is folded half horizontally. The upper corners along the diagonal axis are folded towards the center. The sides of the triangle are aligned so that the sharp corners are at the bottom. Turn the shape and bend the ends that will support it. The fold of the vertical axis is directed inward. Place the figure vertically so that it really looks like a slide.

Napkin "Trail"

You need to fold the napkin along a diagonal axis. The left and right corners of the formed triangle are aligned with its vertex. Fold the figure in half horizontally. Attach the right corner to the left behind the figure, place one inside the other. Rotate and pull the sharp corners to the right and left. Place the resulting figurine vertically.

Napkin "Asian fan"

Initially, the napkin lies inside out. About one-fourth of the top is folded over. Turn it over. About one third of the bottom is bent upward. Fold the product in half from bottom to top. Fold like an accordion to make five identical folds. By clasping the open side with your fingers, pull the pleats to opposite sides and secure them. Open the resulting fan.

Napkin “Flower of the East” in video

Napkin "Easter Bunny"

First you need to fold the napkin diagonally upward. Roll the triangle into a tube, starting from the bottom. Wrap the product in the middle. Lift both ends up like ears. From the center of the napkin, build a ring into which you need to insert an egg. Tie the “ears” with a ribbon above the ring. By the way, there is a detailed one.

Napkin "Diagonal sachet"

Initially, you need to fold the napkin in half, inside out, and then in half again. Next, you will need to bend the upper right corner towards the central part by approximately five centimeters. Then, along with the curved corner, the top layer will need to be bent along the diagonal axis. And now on the second layer of the product, the upper right corner needs to be wrapped inward, also about five centimeters. Next, the left edge of the figure is folded underneath. The same actions are carried out with the right edge. Next, once the sachet is ready, all that remains is to put a knife and fork into it.

Napkin "Gate Arch"

Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally. The two side corners are aligned with the top of the triangle. Fold this figure horizontally, pulling the bottom corner down. The side corners lean forward. So the “arch” has taken shape.

Napkin "Star fan"

Initially, the napkin is on the wrong side facing out. The top and bottom edges fold towards the middle. The lower part is folded upward, holding the fold tightly. Form the napkin like an accordion (at least four and no more than six). Hold the upper part of the figure with your fingers and pull the lower folds forward. Place the "fan".

Napkin "Horizontal sachet"

Initially, the napkin is folded into two, facing inward (folded down). Fold one third of the top layer down, creating a crease in the middle. Turn the opposite side towards you. Fold the sides so that they touch the middle. Fold it again. And after the sachet is ready, you can put forks and knives in it.

Napkin "Table fan"

Initially, the napkin is folded half outward (up). Three quarters of its length are gathered in the form of an accordion, bending the first fold down. Fold this product in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left side, and the unfolded part is on the right. Next, you need to take the napkin in your hand so that the open ends of the folds rise up. Fold part of the product along a diagonal axis to make a kind of stand. Next, you will need to tuck the resulting stand between the folds and place the figurine on the table.

The “Slanted Pocket” napkin is presented in the video

Originally folded napkins add additional charm to the table setting. You can decorate your everyday or formal table with them to create a cozy and festive atmosphere of the feast.

2. Align the left and right corners of the triangle with its vertex.

3. Fold the figure in half relative to the horizontal axis.

4. Connect the right corner with the left corner at the back of the napkin and place one inside the other.

5. Rotate the figure. Pull the sharp corners facing upward to the right and left respectively.

Place the napkin vertically.

1. Fold the napkin diagonally.

3. Fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis.

4. Bend down the top triangle.

3. Megafon

1. Fold the napkin in half.

2. Refold the napkin in the same direction.

3. Fold both sides of the narrow rectangle down symmetrically.

4. Turn the figure with its front side away from you and twist the ends into “balls”

5. Connect the “bags” to each other.

4. "Southern Cross"

1. Place the napkin with the wrong side up.

2. Fold all corners one by one towards the center.

3. Turn the napkin over.

5. Turn the napkin over.

6. And once again bend each corner towards the center.

7. Pull out the top right corner.

8. Then all other corners.

Lightly smooth the napkin.

5. "Junk"

1. Fold the napkin in half (fold on the right).

2. Fold the rectangle in half again.

3. Bend the bottom half diagonally upward.

4. Bend the left corner forward. Bend the right corner forward in the same way.

5. Fold both protruding corners back.

6. Fold the napkin along the longitudinal axis back.

7. Holding the folded corners with your hand, pull out the edges of the “sail” napkin one by one.

6. "Handbag"

1. Fold the napkin in half vertically (fold on the right).

2. And fold in half again from bottom to top.

3. Fold two layers of the upper left corner towards the center.

4. Fold the upper right corner towards the center.

5. Bend the resulting triangle down along the line just below the middle.

6. Fold the upper right and left corners towards the middle.

7. Bend the resulting triangle down onto the first triangle.

7. "Artichoke"

1. Place the napkin with the wrong side up. Fold all four corners towards the center.

2. Fold all corners to the center again.

3. Turn the napkin over.

4. Fold all corners towards the center again.

5. Pull out the tip of the napkin that is inside the quadrangle.

6. Pull out the remaining ends.

7. Pull the remaining four corners out from under the folded figure

8. "Sea Urchin"

1. Fold the napkin like an accordion into six strips, the top of which should be directed away from you.

2. Place the upper right corner inward.

3. Do the same with the two corners below it.

4. Lay all three corners on the left side in a similar manner.

5. Bend the third part of the figure on the left to the right.

6. Bend half of the folded part back to the left.

7. Repeat the same operations (steps 5 and 6) on the right side.

Raise the top corners.

9. Everest

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in half horizontally (fold on top).

2. Fold the top corners diagonally towards the middle.

3. Align the sides of the triangle so that their sharp corners are at the bottom.

4a. Turn the figure over and bend the ends, which will become a support for it.

4b. Bend along the vertical axis with the folds inward.

5. Place the napkin vertically.

10. "Asian Fan"

1. Initially, the napkin lies with the wrong side down. Fold approximately 1/4 of the top down.

2. Turn the napkin over. Fold approximately 1/3 of the bottom up.

3. Fold the napkin in half from bottom to top.

4. Fold the resulting figure into an accordion shape so that there are five even folds.

5. Holding the open side in your hand, pull out the deep folds in the upper part in opposite directions and fix them.

6. Open the fan.

11. “Gate Arch”

2. Align the two side corners with the vertex of the triangle.

3. Fold the figure along the horizontal axis, tucking the bottom corner down.

4. Bend the side corners forward.

5. Now the “gate arch” has taken its shape.

12. “Horizontal sachet”

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in half with the front side inward (fold at the bottom).

2. Fold a third of the top layer down to create a center fold.

3. Turn the opposite side towards you. Fold the sides over so they meet in the center.

Fold it the same way again.

13. “Fan in a Ring”

1. Initially, the napkin, flattened, lies face down.

2. Fold the napkin like an accordion (2a).

3. Bend it in half in the middle.

14. “Table Fan”

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in half with the front side out (fold on top). Gather three quarters of its length into an accordion, folding the first fold down.

2. Fold the resulting shape in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left side, and not the folded part on the right.

3. Take the napkin in your hand so that the open ends of the folds are facing up.

4. Fold the unfolded part of the napkin diagonally to form a “stand”, as shown in the photo.

After this, tuck the “stand” between the folds and place the napkin on the table.

15. "Jabot"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in half (fold at the bottom).

2. Fold the napkin in half again (the open corners are at the top right).

3. Bend the top corner down diagonally and fold it like an accordion in the direction of the diagonal fold.

4. Accordion fold in the direction of the fold the next corner at the top right.

5. Fold the bottom corner under the napkin.

The right and left corners are also folded under the napkin.

16. “Diagonal sachet”

2. Fold the corner of the first layer of fabric back 2 inches (5 cm) and repeat.

3. Fold the second layer of napkin, tucking the corner under the diagonal roller to form a second roll that is 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide.

4. Fold the napkin at the top and bottom and place it on the table, orienting it vertically so that the folds remain diagonal.

17. “Fan Star”

1. Initially, the napkin lies with the wrong side out.

2. Fold the top and bottom edges of the napkin towards the center.

3. Bend the bottom half upward, holding the fold tightly.

4. Fold the napkin like an accordion (from 4 to 6 folds)

5. Holding the upper part of the figure, pull the lower deep-lying folds forward.

6. Place a fan.

18. “Bread Basket”

1. Initially, the napkin lies with the wrong side up. Fold the right corner towards the center.

4. Turn the napkin over.

19. “Device cover”

1. Initially, the napkin lies with the wrong side up. Fold the upper left corner to the center.

2. Fold the napkin in half from left to right.

3. Fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis. Fold the bottom part under the top.

4. Fold the top corner towards the center.

5. Bend the side corners back.

20. "Calla"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally with the front side out (fold at the bottom).

2. Complete the upper corner, forming a “bundle”

3. Turn out about 1/3 of the “bag”.

4. Straighten the resulting figure and give the napkin a vertical position

21. "Column"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally.

2. Bend the base up, then back about 2-3 cm.

3. Starting from the left, roll the napkin into a tube. Place the remaining edge into the bottom folded edge of the napkin.

22. "Royal Lily"

1. Initially, the napkin lies face down.

2. Bend all its corners one by one towards the center.

3. Turn the napkin over.

4. Fold the corners towards the center again.

5. Holding the corners in the center, pull out the corners from below so that they form “petals.”

23. "Royal Robe"

Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally with a downward angle.

2. Align the left and right corners with the vertex of the triangle.

3. Bend them up.

4. Fold the top of the top of the two bottom triangles up to the middle.

5. Fold in half again and again, going over the top half of the napkin. Bend the lower part (the remaining triangle) back. Fasten the side corners to each other and pull out the points.

6. Bend the points of the “royal mantle” down and secure them behind the welt.

24. "Hourglass"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in half along the vertical axis (fold on the left)

2. Fold the upper left and right corners down.

3. Bend the left and right bottom corners up.

4. Bend the top triangle down and the bottom triangle up.

25. "Flame"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally.

2. Fold the resulting triangle like an accordion, leaving a small triangle on top.

3. Secure the accordion with the top.

4. Now fold the shape in half.

5. The resulting figure can be secured with a ring or decorative elements.

26. "Shirt"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally.

2. Fold up a small strip of fabric at the base of the triangle and turn the napkin over so the right side is facing away from you.

3. Fold the right corner down to the left, and the left corner down to the right.

4. Straighten the corners strictly symmetrically and bend the bottom edge back.

The “shirt” can be decorated with a bow or candy cut out of fabric (paper).

27. "Fish"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the top).

2. Bend the bottom corner up.

3. Bend the left protruding corner down.

4. Fold the right corner in the same way.

5. Fold the left side towards the middle vertical line of the figure. Fold the right side in the same way.

6. Turn the shape over. You can decorate it with a small shell.

28. “Sachet corners”

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in four with the front side facing out (open corners in the upper right part)

2. Fold the first layer of napkin fabric diagonally so that the corner is at the bottom left point.

3. Fold the second layer of fabric so that its corner touches the central fold. Fold the first corner from below so that it touches the corner at the central fold.

4. Fold the bottom right and top left corners back.

5. Place the napkin on the table in the direction of the cutlery away from you.

29. “Slipper with a train”

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in half with the wrong side inward. Fold both upper corners of the napkin towards the middle.

2. Bend the resulting top down.

3. Turn the napkin over with the front side facing away from you and fold the top corners toward the middle again.

4. Turn the napkin over again away from you and fold the folds from the bottom edge.

5. Place the folds under the square, holding it in the center with your fingers, and fan it out on both sides.

30. "Tiara and Lily"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the bottom)

2. Align the two side corners with the top.

3. Fold the napkin so that the bottom corner is 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the top.

4. Bend the top corner down to the fold.

5a. Fold the sides back and insert one into the other to form a circle at the base.

5 B. Place the napkin straight.

6. Lily style

We perform operations 1-5 (see above).

To fold the napkin in the lily style, fold the top two corners down.

31. "Tiered corners"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in four.

2. Fold the first layer of napkin fabric diagonally so that the corner is at the left point. Fold the second layer back so that the second corner is 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the first.

3. Repeat the above with the third and fourth layers of fabric so that all corners are 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart.

4. Fold the sides down and place the napkin on the table.

32. “The Frog Princess”

Initially, the napkin lies face down.

1. Fold the top quarter of the napkin down and the bottom quarter up.

2. Turn the napkin away from you and fold it in half along the horizontal axis towards you.

3. Bend the upper right corner down.

4. Place the next corner inside.

5. Fold the last right corner back under the figure.

6. Do the same with the left corners.

7. Fold the figure in the middle.

8. Place it on the folded corners.

Instead of eyes, stick circles of confetti.

33. “Royal bun”

1. Initially, the napkin lies with the wrong side up.

2. Fold all other corners towards the center.

3. Turn the napkin over and fold all the corners towards the center again.

4. Turn the napkin over. Fold all corners toward the center again.

5. Bend the four corners inward from the center.

6. Fold all corners to the center again and turn the napkin over.

7. Straighten the bent corners.

34. “Hat with a lapel”

1. Initially, the napkin is folded with the wrong side inward (fold on the left).

2. Fold the napkin in half again to form a square (fold at the bottom).

3. Fold the lower left corner, leaving 2-3 cm to the top.

4. Bend the side corners inward and secure them to each other.

5. Place the napkin vertically to form a “hat” with a folding collar; bend one of the upper peaks down.

35. "Bishop's Hat"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in half (fold at the bottom, i.e. towards you).

2. Fold the top left and bottom right corners diagonally towards the middle. Flip the napkin so that the top right corner is at the bottom left.

3. Fold the figure in half along the horizontal axis, freeing the left triangles.

4. Fold the right side of the figure to the left and place it under the left triangle.

5. Finally, turn the napkin over and place the left side under the right triangle. Secure the corners.

36. "Tent"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded horizontally in half (fold at the top).

2. Fold the napkin into a triangle (align the lower left corner with the lower right corner).

3. Move the right corner of the resulting triangle to the left.

4. Repeat steps 2, after which move the lower right corner to the left.

5. Bend the right half of the triangle to the left and place the napkin so that the edges do not wrinkle.

37. “Twisted tent”

2. Align the lower left corner of the napkin with its lower right part to form an isosceles triangle on top.

3. Move the right corner to the right.

4. Repeat step 2, move the lower right corner to the left.

5. Bend the right half of the triangle to the left.

6. Roll the napkin from left to right.

7. Place the napkin in a vertical position without unfolding it completely.

38. “Tent for two”

1. Initially, the napkin is folded in half (fold at the top).

2. Fold the upper left corner towards the middle diagonally.

3. Fold the upper right corner diagonally towards the middle.

4. Fold the napkin in half.

Place the napkin in a vertical position

39. “Tent for Three”

1. Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the bottom).

2. Align the left corner with the right, folding the napkin in half.

3. Align the top corner with the bottom right corner, folding the napkin again.

4. Give the figure a vertical position.

40. "Cardinal's Hat"

1. Initially, the napkin is folded vertically in half (fold on the left). At the top and bottom, make two narrow folds down and up.

2. Fold the top corners towards the middle so that the lapel is visible.

3. Bend the bottom part up, turn the corners towards the middle.

4. Turn the bottom part up. Bend the side peaks back and secure them to each other.

The basis of a festive table setting has always been beautifully folded napkins near the cutlery for each guest.

You can fold napkins in different ways; there are methods that are suitable for both fabric and paper napkins, and there are also unique patterns suitable for certain types of napkins.

We have collected the most beautiful, original and unique ideas on how to fold napkins for modern housewives in one article. Here you will find simple ways and diagrams of how to fold a napkin, video tutorials and a lot of fascinating photos of beautifully folded napkins.

A beautifully folded napkin is another way to surprise your guests and present your versatile skills. Therefore, any housewife should know how to beautifully fold napkins for table setting, especially since doing it is quite simple.

Don’t be lazy, take a couple of minutes to beautifully fold the napkins on the table, it will take a minimum of time and what an effect you will get. will immediately transform and become more festive. It might seem like a small thing, but the guests will appreciate it, believe me.

How to fold fabric napkins - the best ideas and methods

Recently, more and more housewives are choosing fabric napkins when setting the table. The simplest and most popular way to fold fabric napkins is to use special rings. By the way, you can make them yourself. Even a simple ribbon tied around a rolled napkin can serve as a substitute for a ring.

A similar method is often used in wedding settings, selecting napkin rings according to the theme and color scheme of the celebration, decorating the napkin rings with original decor and flowers.

In general, folding napkins according to the theme of the celebration is mega fashionable today. If it's a romantic dinner or Valentine's Day, beautifully folded napkins in the shape of a heart will be appropriate.

For a men's holiday or a man's birthday, napkins can be folded into a shirt. At New Year's table setting, beautiful Christmas tree napkins will support the festive mood.

Beautifully folded fabric napkins in the shape of a bunny and a rose look original and unusual, ideal for a festive dinner setting.

For simple ways to fold fabric napkins, watch the video, where you can clearly learn how to beautifully fold napkins on the table.

For more photos and diagrams of how to fold napkins, see the photo selection below. In the meantime, we will talk about the features of paper napkins and serving methods.

Beautifully folded paper napkins - ideas for holiday serving

Napkins should also match a beautifully decorated table. If the choice fell on paper napkins, we offer several interesting and beautiful ways to fold them.

Fan-folded napkins are one of the most popular ways to fold paper napkins, but you have to admit, it’s a little boring. I want something new, unusual and creative.

In order to beautifully fold a paper napkin, it is not necessary to learn the origami technique. Beautiful swans, lilies, voluminous stars from paper napkins are made very simply. Want to learn? See diagrams on how to fold napkins and try it right now.

How to beautifully fold napkins into a napkin holder or glass - original ways

It is not necessary to set the festive table for every meal. But napkins should always be on the table. Therefore, the napkin holder will not be superfluous. Even if it’s a simple breakfast, a tea party or a get-together with girlfriends.

In a regular napkin holder, napkins are often folded with the corners in the shape of a fan. Fortunately, today you can find more interesting napkin stands, for example, in the form of a girl in which the napkins serve as a skirt.

If you don’t have a napkin holder, you can put the napkins in a deep salad bowl or vase, after twisting them into separate tubes. Plain paper napkins reminiscent of a rose flower are perfect for this.

In this case, it is better to decorate the composition with green branches, as can be seen in the photo. A similar composition of napkins is ideal for a buffet table.

Napkins are not only placed on a plate or near it; a folded napkin in a glass looks very beautiful. Here's a great option on how to fold a napkin into a glass in the shape of a rose with a step-by-step diagram.

Beautifully folded napkins in the photo - interesting ideas for holiday serving

Sometimes, to transform ordinary napkins, it is enough to carefully fold them in half and put a small decorative element on top. It can be bouquets with notes indicating the names of guests or the reason for the celebration.

However, a small flower or even an ordinary branch can easily become such a decoration.

Photo: Instagram ekaterina_voronova58

There are plenty of alternatives: keychains, brooches, hand-made accessories - all this will help in decorating the table.

If decoration is required for a specific occasion, such as a wedding or anniversary, you can make custom napkins with the initials of the heroes of the occasion. Decorated in this way, they do not need additional decor - they can simply be neatly placed on plates or placed under cutlery.

2 Tie in a knot

Napkins tied in a knot will look unusual: it seems like nothing out of the ordinary, but such a technique will identify the owners as people with a creative approach. Add here, and the table decoration can be considered almost complete.

3 Use napkin rings

Using a special accessory, you can decorate napkins in different ways. For example, just roll them up into a tube and stick them into a ring.

Another option is to arrange the ends of the napkin in a bow.

Another good way is to place the ring closer to one edge and fan out the other.

In fact, there are quite a lot of options (as well as rings, which in themselves are a spectacular decoration). You can even make a themed design, for example, in the form of a bunny for Easter, as in the photo. Very simple and very cute.

4 Bandage with ribbon or rope

An alternative to a ring would be a beautiful ribbon. Fold white napkins into tubes and tie them with ribbons of a contrasting color - it will turn out beautiful, bright, but not excessive. Napkins decorated in this way can be placed on a plate or even placed.

Ordinary rope can also replace the tape. Look how original she decorated the napkins along with the autumn leaves. Great option.

5 Fold casually

Speaking of rustic decor. You can create a relaxed and stylish atmosphere at the table by simply casually folding your napkins. “Coarse” textile options, such as linen, are perfect for this.

This decor refers us to the French dining aesthetics, and to, and even to the Scandinavian, beloved by many. They are all on trend.

6 Fold into an envelope

If your soul requires something more festive and orderly, then you can make a kind of envelope from a textile napkin. Place a menu or note inside. It is also allowed to put devices there. You can finish the composition with a stylish bouquet.

Photo: Instagram missmelissfloraldesign

7 Fold in a corner

Notice how impressive these napkins look when folded corner to corner. The idea is on the surface, but everything is decided by the details: a flower as an accent, dishes to match, the color of the tablecloth - everything together works for the composition.

Photo: Instagram styledbeautifuleventsbahamas

However, if you bought beautiful napkins, it will be enough to fold them into a corner and call it a day.

8 Create a multi-layer composition

The dining room is no exception. Nothing prevents you from decorating your guest’s place with not one, but a pair of napkins folded across. This way you will create a visually more complex and festive composition from virtually nothing.

9 Place in glasses

A non-trivial option is to fold several napkins into cones and place them in a glass next to the plate - you get a kind of bouquet.

Paper napkins are best for this. The main thing is that they match the color of the dishes or the accent color of the table decoration - then everything will look harmonious.

Sometimes you really want to surprise the guests of your home with something, be it a delicious meal, a beautifully decorated table, or intricately folded paper napkins. We very often celebrate holidays at home, gathering family and friends around one large table. Beautifully folded paper napkins can be one of those charming details that make up a memorable holiday. A few simple movements - and the faceless square will turn into a completely new figure.

How to fold paper napkins for a holiday table?

There are many ways to fold napkins. Some of them are only suitable for reusable decorative fabric napkins, but we will pay more attention to disposable paper napkins.

For these purposes, paper napkins from larger packages are best suited, since on sale you can find very small square napkins that will not look good when folded. So, in this article we will look at four interesting ways to fold paper napkins.

1. Mithra

Method number 1. Mithra. You can fold napkins this way very quickly if you fill your hand. These napkins will look great on your table.

1. First you need to unfold the napkin to get a square. 2. Then fold it into a triangle. 3. We connect the lower corners of the triangle to its vertex, as in figure number 3. 4. Then we bend the upper corners down and carefully iron the fold. 5. Now bend the upper corner towards the center of the napkin, as in figure number 5. 6. Once again fold the just bent part of the napkin in half. 7. For the third time, bend the napkin to get a triangle. 8. Turn the napkin over. 9. Connect the corners of the napkin together. 10. Bend the corner. 11. Bend the second corner.

2. Petals

An incredibly effective way to fold napkins is to make petals out of them. It is especially beautiful to fold milky napkins in this way. It is very important here to carefully iron each fold and avoid mistakes, otherwise the napkins will look untidy.

1. Unfold the napkin, placing its corner towards you. 2. Fold the bottom corner towards the center of the napkin. 3. Bend it down so that it looks like in Figure 4. Now bend the corner up. 5. Down again. 6. Up again. 7. Now we need to fold the napkin like an accordion, carefully ironing each fold. 8. When the napkin is completely folded, you need to take it by the center and twist it. 9. We straighten our petals.

3. Flower

One of the easiest and fastest ways to fold a napkin beautifully is to roll it in the shape of a flower. This method will not take much of your time, but will definitely please your guests.

1. Let's expand the square. 2. Fold the first corner towards the center of the napkin. 3. Fold all remaining corners towards the center of the napkin. 4. Let's turn our square over. 5. Fold the corner back toward the center of the napkin. 6. Fold the remaining corners towards the center. 7. Gently pry a corner from the back of the napkin and gently pull it towards you to form a petal. 8. Decorate all the petals and place the finished napkin on a plate.

4. Pocket

A napkin in the form of a pocket is a great way to effectively set a table (read about the rules of table setting). Small napkins are not suitable for such purposes, since cutlery simply will not fit in them.

1. Take a folded napkin from the package. 2. Fold in half. 3. Fold the corner towards the center of the napkin. 4. Bend the bent part in half. 5. Bend it again. 6. Following the example of the first one, we bend another corner. 7. Roll it up again. 8. Turn the napkin over. 9. We bend on both sides to the center. 10. Turn over. 11. Place the cutlery on the plate and place it in the resulting pocket.

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