Acupressure for breast augmentation. How to do breast massage: to increase the bust, for the breasts after childbirth, vacuum, contraindications to the procedure

To preserve the youthfulness of the bust, it is necessary to take care of it. Massage is one of the treatment methods. Applying this procedure, you can improve blood circulation and lymph flow, cleanse pores, remove dead cells, increase skin tone, improve the work of sweat and sebaceous glands. And if you do a special massage, you can increase the size of your breasts.

Benefits of the procedure

The female breast consists of glandular tissue, which is permeated by blood and lymphatic vessels. Bust massage prevents stagnant processes, which is the prevention of various diseases. Lymph collects all the substances unnecessary for the body, which cleanses and disinfects it.

The massage improves the blood supply to the breasts, which makes them increase in volume.

The procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the chest and décolleté. The skin in these places is thin and delicate, so it quickly becomes wrinkled, flabby, and massage restores its health and elasticity. All movements look like: rubbing, stroking, vibration. Such actions help to maintain the original shape of the breast, to prevent tumor formations.

To increase the bust at home, there are several types of massage, which allows you to choose the option that suits you. To do this, consider the technique of each.

Traditional massage

The traditional view looks like this:

  1. You should start by stroking the breast in a circular motion from the nipple. Do such movements for one minute, trying not to press hard on the chest.
  2. Then comes the rubbing. Move from the nipple with a slight displacement of the skin. Rubbing all over the chest, at the end it is necessary to rub with a fist from top to bottom, supporting the bust from below. Also process the lower part. Press gently, don't hurt yourself.
  3. To perform the vibration element, put your fingers on a small area of ​​your chest and “vibrate”. Go through such movements over the entire surface. At the end of the session, stroke again.

The whole procedure of traditional massage takes no more than 10-15 minutes. You can do it up to 2-3 times a day.

Japanese massage

Shiatsu Breast Enlargement Massage is a Japanese massage for breast augmentation. The breast itself is not affected - there are certain points on the body that are responsible for the enlargement of the mammary glands. Light pressing of the thumbs on these points activates the release of female sex hormones. It must be carried out with the pads of the fingers, pressing from top to bottom. The points are located in the thyroid gland, on the shoulder girdle at the top and between the shoulder blades above the medulla oblongata. It is convenient to do it while taking a bath before going to bed, and then do stroking or massage with a shower. This acupressure for bust enlargement can increase your breasts by two sizes, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

Chinese massage

The Chinese version of the procedure is a massage that stimulates certain points, where two balls are involved. The acupressure for breast enlargement is easy to perform as the points are very easy to find. To do this, put your fingers 5 cm above the solar plexus and spread them 1 cm on both sides. These points must be stimulated by pressing and rotating balls on their surface. Do this for 30 seconds, then have a short rest and continue what you started.

You should also stimulate the points that are between the thumb and forefinger. In conclusion, you need to roll the balls with the soles of your feet - there is also a point there that affects the growth of the chest.


To increase the bust at home, hydromassage is suitable. To make an independent and painless body shaping, such procedures have been used for a long time. You can use a water jet to enlarge the breasts and give them firmness and elasticity. To do this, while taking a shower, adjust the stream so that it is with a small but tangible pressure. Direct a stream of water to the bust and walk in a circular motion over the entire surface. Most of all, you need to pay attention to the area under the chest and intercostal space - there are muscles that hold the height of the bust. The water should be warm, not hot. The whole procedure is carried out for 10 minutes, starting from the upper zone, then moving to the axillary and downward.

Vacuum massage

Vacuum massage is done using a special apparatus consisting of a bowl that wraps around the chest and a compressor that pumps air out of the bowl. By creating a vacuum in the cup in this way, blood flow to the bust is stimulated, as a result of which, after such a procedure, the breasts appear fuller. Gradually, the blood spreads throughout the body, and the breast becomes its original size. This type cannot be used constantly, it contributes to the appearance of a vascular network, which will ruin the appearance of the bust.

Taoist massage

Taoist massage is also very popular. It is used if the breasts are sagging prematurely. It is easy to do: take the mammary glands with your palms and rotate 9 times in the direction from the shoulders to the middle of the chest. Then put your hands on your nipples and, while taking a deep breath, gently press on your chest. With an exhalation, they lower it. Repeat these simple movements 9 times.

You can achieve results with regular daily massage sessions. In this case, it is necessary to eat right and part with bad habits. Here are some guidelines to follow if you are considering breast enlargement:

  • Make sure your breasts are healthy before starting. To do this, you need to visit a mammologist and a gynecologist.
  • You cannot do a massage if you have fever, are sick and feel unwell - it will only get worse.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, massage can be done with the permission of a specialist.
  • In the decollete area, the skin is thin and delicate, you cannot squeeze, pinch, rub it strongly, otherwise you will find bruises afterwards. To avoid damaging this tender area, use oil or cream.
  • For greater effect, use special creams for bust enlargement and tightening.
  • Do not use massage if you suffer from severe heart, kidney, liver, lung and thyroid diseases.

Before you start doing bust enlargement massage at home, study the video with lessons and recommendations, which you can find a lot on the Internet. Massage to increase the bust is presented in the video.
Find the most suitable option for you, prepare the necessary materials. Perform massage regularly and the results will not be long in coming.

The Japanese know how to regain health or preserve youth and maintain an ideal figure without following strict diets and expensive cosmetics in Japan there are many types of massage for the face, for the body and there is also massage that can help increase the bust, which is very important for women with small breasts who are complex about this and who do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to breast surgery. This Japanese massage is called shiatsu and is an eye massage. This is an ancient massage that, by pressing the fingers, can stimulate certain points and bring the body into harmony. Now this type of massage has already been adopted by many professionals and is done not only in Japan but throughout the world.

In addition to beauty, this type of massage activates muscles, which removes excess water from the body, eliminates acids and relieves fatigue, and also restores and accelerates blood circulation throughout the body. In general, Japanese acupressure shiatsu promotes health, relaxation m can help in increasing the bust, how it works and what its technique is for this, we will consider below in our article and also consider the indications for whom it is possible and contraindications for whom this type of massage may not be suitable.

Shiatsu is a massage therapy technique that has evolved over the years and there are different types of this massage, namely:

    Shiatsu Meridian is a joint Japanese and Chinese massage therapy using the theory of meridians, this therapy is widely used in medical practice.

    There is also a shiatsu massage that awakens not only points but also which has a positive effect on the psychological state. This type of massage is also a joint Japanese and Chinese practice.

    There is a massage that activates and activates the points of the mind, which also gives a positive relaxation state at a religious level.

Shiatsu is both easy and difficult where you need to know all the points and this massage is performed by professionals and there is a pair massage or knowing a few secrets you can do such a massage yourself in certain places. Insomnia, stress, as well as diseases such as diseases of the respiratory system or joints, this massage as a method of therapy and without medication is perfect.

If you have a strong sensitivity or poor blood clotting or you have surgery, then this type of shiatsu massage is contraindicated.

There is an opinion that this massage will help to enlarge the breasts, consider this and the reviews. There is definitely a fact that by doing such a point massage in the upper chest area, you can quit smoking.

There are also points in the breasts that can stimulate the production of increased estrogen and affect the nerve endings of the breasts and lactation, which can help make the breasts look healthier inside and out, as well as make them more elastic and sensitive, that is, stimulate growth.

This massage will only take 10 minutes a day and points around the breasts and some on the back will help your breasts to be healthy. The main rules for performing shiatsu massage at home to increase the size of the bust:

    The massage is done with warm and clean hands, for this you need to rub your palms to disperse the blood.

    Before the breast massage, it is necessary to disperse the lymph and for this we take and press pointwise on the shoulder joints, thereby preparing the breast for massage.

    Mentally, we draw a heart on the chest and, starting from the upper points, we massage with our fingers, press and hold it strongly for five seconds, then also gradually release it in the reverse order and move on to the next point so repeat the movements five times and then take a break. such a massage can be done by the husband when breastfeeding, this type of massage will not allow the breast to decrease in size and can also prevent such a disease as mastopathy and others.

Before using, be sure to consult with a specialist.

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For centuries, women's breasts have been considered an indicator of good women's health and attractiveness. In order to enlarge their breasts, the fair sex resort to the help of plastic surgeons, use compresses, ointments and creams. In the centuries-old history of Chinese medicine, secret secrets are kept, the knowledge of which helps to influence various body processes by influencing acupuncture points. Find out in the article on how to enlarge your breasts at home using the Chinese Shiatsu massage.

Chinese Shiatsu massage: features of acupressure breast massage

The basis of acupressure for breast augmentation is the effect on acupuncture points, which are responsible for the production and circulation of estrogen, as well as for lactation and nerve conduction.

The use of Shiatsu acupressure restores hormonal balance, improves metabolism and blood circulation. If you devote 10 minutes to the Shiatsu acupressure breast massage every day, the condition of your breasts will significantly improve.

Next, we will look at 10 main acupuncture points that are affected during acupressure for breast augmentation.

It should be borne in mind that pressing the points can be accompanied by slight pain. If the procedure is accompanied by significant pain and even cold sweat appears, this should not be ignored. Unpleasant sensations can be symptoms of serious medical conditions that require immediate treatment.

Preparation for acupressure of the chest and technique

Stage 1. Preparation of hands before the acupressure of the chest.

Acupressure massage for breast augmentation should be performed with extremely warm hands. To do this, warm up your palms by rubbing them together.

Stage 2. Warm up + Lymphatic massage for the chest

To make the acupressure of the chest more effective, before starting it, it is better to perform several exercises on the upper shoulder girdle, which help to warm up and disperse the lymph and blood.

Stage 3. Acupressure massage for breast augmentation

While pressing on the point, count 1 to 5 and hold for 2-3 seconds, then gradually release the pressure, also counting to 5. After 2-3 seconds, re-act on the acupuncture point. In total, to stimulate the breast, each point must be massaged at least 5 times.

10 acupuncture points affected by Shiatsu massage

1. Point Lu 1

This breast augmentation point is located on the lung meridian under the collarbone. By stimulating the Lu 1 point, the lymph circulation in the pectoralis major muscle is improved.

2. Point St 15

The second point is located on the stomach meridian, in a vertical line from the nipple to the clavicle, between the second and third ribs. By acting on this point, blood circulation in the breast tissues and the promotion of female hormones are improved.

3. Point St 16

This point for breast augmentation is located on the clavicular-nipple line above the nipple, between the third and fourth ribs - where the bulge of the female breast begins.

During massage for breast augmentation, it is very important to act on this point, as this helps to stimulate female hormonal secretion, improve blood circulation and lymph circulation.

4. Point Gb 22

The point is located near the armpit, on the lateral surface of the body in the 4th intercostal space. This acupuncture point can be easily identified by lifting the shoulder.

5. Point Gb 23

Such a point, which is involved in the massage for breast augmentation, is located almost at the level of the nipple, on the lateral surface of the body. Thanks to the influence on this point during the massage for breast enlargement, the circulation of blood and lymph improves, as well as the promotion of female hormones.

6. Point Sp 18

This point is located on the chest, in the 4th intercostal space. By acting on the Sp 18 point, it is possible to stimulate the mammary gland and also to improve milk secretion during lactation.

7. Point Sp 17

This point for acupressure of the chest is located in the 5th intercostal space. Massaging this area also helps relieve chest and abdominal pain.

8. Point St 18

Point St 18 is located in the 5th intercostal space, one rib below the nipple, on the same vertical line with the latter. Due to the effect on St 18 during acupressure of the breast, the mammary gland is stimulated, and the secretion of milk during lactation is improved.

9. Point Ki 23

This breast augmentation point is located in the 4th intercostal space.

10. Point Cv17

This point is located in the cavity of the sternum, at the level of the 4-intercostal space. By acting on this point during acupressure of the chest, it is possible to stimulate the production of estrogen, relieve stress and improve skin condition.

Spending 10 minutes every day with the Chinese Shiatsu massage, you can noticeably improve the condition of the breasts, as well as normalize hormonal balance, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and overall health.

Breast massage is an amazingly simple, effective practice to heal and rejuvenate this sensual part of the body. This procedure does not take much time and is performed at home. Massage improves the functioning of the body's lymphatic system, accelerates blood circulation. Due to this, a sufficient amount of phytoestrogens is supplied to the skin cells. There is a natural stimulation of the production of the hormone prolactin. These positive changes affect the increase in its size. Regular massage is a good prevention of breast cancer.

The body's lymphatic system is responsible for the elimination of toxins, toxins and the production of new cells that kill bacteria, viruses, and cancers. It helps the immune system stay normal. This fluid moves through the body in three ways: breathing, muscle contraction, and manual manipulation. Without this movement, lymph stagnation occurs, which leads to complications in the work of internal organs, weakening of immunity and intoxication of tissues.

Performing gymnastics is vital to moving this fluid. During training, muscles work, breathing rate increases, and lymphatic fluid flows through all parts of the body, except for the bust. The increase in flow to the mammary glands is minimal, since their tissue does not have muscles. Self-massage of the breast in some cases is the only effective way to ensure the movement of lymph through all the cells of this zone (exercises for lifting the breast also contribute to lymphatic drainage in this area)

Why do you need a breast massage:

  • For lactation.

It helps to develop and prepare delicate skin even during the period of gestation, providing elasticity to it, preventing stretch marks. After birth, he is able to reduce pain, milk stagnation, and reduce the risk of mastitis. Massaging women's breasts significantly improves the flow and quality of breast milk during breastfeeding.

  • To improve the appearance.

The procedure is able to restore the beauty of the breasts. In combination with creams and oils, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases. Such a wellness procedure will effectively help both tighten the breasts and make the bust elastic.

With regular use, it can give excellent results, avoiding costly operations.

  • For the lymphatic system.

There are many lymph nodes in the bust and underarms, massaging them can help stimulate the system to work properly.

  • To relieve pain.

Massage can also relieve tension and pain in the chest muscles.

  • For early identification of breast cancer.

Breast massage is a way to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages. Early detection of cancer can reduce the risk of complications and help the recovery and rehabilitation process. 25% of women with breast cancer discovered it during self-massage.

Contraindications to breast massage

Massage has undoubtedly a positive effect on the general condition of the mammary glands. But it is always worth considering a number of circumstances that may be contraindicated for this procedure.


  • open wounds;
  • ulcers;
  • rash;
  • severe mastitis;
  • high body temperature;
  • contagious diseases;
  • intercostal neuralgia.

How to do breast massage correctly

In order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you should follow the correct technique for its implementation and follow a few important tips.

  • Mandatory application of oil or cream on the hands;

The skin in this area is very delicate and sensitive, so it is always worth using emollients and moisturizers. Body application is undesirable. First, it is worth rubbing the cream over the palms so that they become warm, and only after that start massaging. This will make the process more comfortable and enjoyable.

  • It is worth starting the movement from the nipples, and then smoothly move to the outside;
  • Movements should be soft, without strong pressure;
  • Use only fingertips for rubbing;
  • While massaging the bust with one hand, the other must support it in the shape of a bowl;
  • Perform movements in the direction;
  • Gently massage the halo so as not to irritate delicate skin.

The use of natural oils for massage is necessary not only for a comfortable process, it can significantly affect the health and elasticity of this delicate part of the body. Enriched with vitamins and microelements, they nourish the skin, transforming its beauty.

Useful oils for massage:

  • Olive oil- excellent for hair, body and skin. It contains vitamins and omega fatty acids;
  • Almond oil- has magical properties to increase the size of the bust. Almonds are packed with minerals and vitamins. It increases the growth of new cells with regular use;
  • Coconut oil- has a positive effect on the normalization of hormonal levels. Coconut is a good moisturizer. It is effective for stretch marks caused by pregnancy or weight gain;
  • Fenugreek oil- Another effective tool for increasing the size of the bust. The oil expands the pores on the skin and increases blood flow;
  • Clove oil- works best when mixed with ginger extracts, which has anti-inflammatory properties and is useful for treating swelling, redness;
  • Primrose oil not only increases the size of the bust, it effectively treats other problems of the female body. If the skin is too thin, then it is worth using it, mixing with other oils such as olive or almond. Evening primrose oil perfectly tightens sagging skin;
  • Soybean oil- has the ability to increase the level of estrogen in the breast;
  • Jojoba oil- the most widely used because this plant is filled with vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Jojoba will not clog pores as it is similar in composition to sebum.
    Avocado Oil - Best for soothing and moisturizing delicate skin.

Breast enlargement massage

Breast enlargement massage is the best way to give them a natural beautiful shape, restore their elasticity. Taking a bath or shower is a great time for a session.

4 amazing massage techniques for bust enlargement:

Japanese Reiki Technique

  • Take a comfortable position so that you can freely perform movements without feeling stiffness;
  • Place palms on each chest;
  • In a circular motion, begin to rub the bust inward. This means that you should rub them towards each other so that the right hand moves clockwise and the left hand moves counterclockwise;
  • Press on the glands, fixing them to induce a rush of blood;
  • In this position, continue circular movements with the palm only, without using the hand;
  • Perform within 5-7 minutes, observing daily regularity.

Feng Shui

  • Make light circular motions on each chest;
  • Alternately pat the bust;
  • With both hands, pinch the glands from the outside to the inside;
  • Take the chest in the palm of one hand, and with the other perform stroking movements upward;
  • Squeeze each gland tightly for a few seconds.

Stroking technique

  • Fix the bust in one hand, and lightly hit it with the other;
  • Perform stroking movements from the nipple up;
  • Then change the movements in the direction from the nipple to the outside.

Shiatsu Technique:

Also performed for the chest area.

The sequence of execution is as follows:

  • Find a point under the bust along the nipple line;
  • Press for a few seconds and then massage gently;
  • Press on the point located between the breasts;
  • Draw a line up and down this point;
  • Find a point slightly higher from the nipple by 2 cm, from it perform circular movements, increasing the amplitude.

The next video is a professional breast massage technique.

Vacuum massage

For a safe effect, you will need to carry it out in a cosmetic or medical office using a special bra. But there is an opportunity to purchase a device for home use. The result can be obtained in a fairly short time, but you should use the vacuum massager with caution, avoiding long wearing.

All methods require dedication and patience. Otherwise, they will not yield quick results such as medical options. However, they are effective, although they take time and attention, the results are positive, lasting in the long term without any side effects.

Breast massage after childbirth

During pregnancy, the flow of hormones circulates throughout the body, causing emotional and physical changes. Hormonal changes in the body can cause breast swelling, discomfort, tingling, painful sensitivity.

These symptoms are due to increased milk production and usually occur during the first few weeks of breastfeeding. The initial product, colostrum, becomes milk, causing the cells in the mammary glands to expand. Milk stagnation leads to serious complications. The correct breast massage technique during this period helps to clear the milk ducts. Once this occurs, milk begins to flow freely, emptying the breast and generating more flow for the next feed.

This procedure during lactation requires special care so as not to damage. It is forbidden to use strong pressing and tapping, otherwise milk ducts can be transmitted and stagnation of lymphatic fluid or milk will occur.
Breast massage is an excellent prevention of mastitis and lactostasis.

Sessions after childbirth will help relieve stress, activate the correct functioning of the hormonal system. Performing it regularly can help a mother cope with postpartum depression. The procedure relieves tension and stress well. Allows you to quickly recover after a difficult natural childbirth or cesarean section.

Execution technique:

  • Perform soft, smooth spiral movements of both breasts for 1-2 minutes;
  • Supporting the left side with your right palm, massage the mammary glands with gentle movements from top to bottom. Repeat with the right side. Run 5-7 times;
  • Gently grab the area around the nipple with your fingers, massage the bust along the lines down;
  • Perform gentle pinching movements from the nipple to the center of the breast.

Massage to enlarge the bust is an affordable and effective method for improving the appearance of the skin. The benefits include stimulating blood flow, increasing muscle tone and skin elasticity.

Benefits and benefits of massage

Breast massage for women is a procedure that allows you to maintain a beautiful bust and elastic skin for a long time. Regular massage movements improve the outflow of fluid from the lymphatic system, increase skin elasticity.

The main advantages of the procedure include:

  • vasodilation and improved blood flow in the mammary gland;
  • increased skin tone;
  • strengthening the pectoral muscles;
  • prevention of breast pathologies.

List of contraindications

Massage for breast growth, regardless of the chosen technique, has a number of contraindications.

  • mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • violations of the skin;
  • the presence of large or convex moles and other formations on the skin;
  • oncological diseases of the breast.

Time limits for a special massage include:

  • infectious and colds;
  • increased body temperature;
  • feeling unwell;
  • fatigue.

How to enlarge breasts with massage: common techniques

And to give it a beautiful shape, various massage techniques allow. Most of them are aimed at working with the skin and muscle tissues. Only Qi, Shiatsu and acupressure massage differ. They consist in influencing the active points of the female body. It is also effective to use massagers or vacuum units in cosmetic clinics.

Depending on the technique, self-massage can be performed independently or with the help of a partner. According to experts, massage with a partner is more productive. It not only leads to an increase in muscle tone, but also stimulates the production of female sex hormones, which leads to an increase in the bust at home.


Hydromassage breast augmentation is one of the simplest and most affordable methods. It is possible to perform the procedure at any time of the day when taking a bath.

There are two main techniques for performing hydromassage:

  1. With a comfortable temperature. The main requirement in this technique is the use of a stream of water at a comfortable temperature. Excessive heat will relax your chest muscles. The skin is stretched. For the appearance of the effect of tightening the pectoral muscles, the procedure should be carried out with massaging movements along a circular path. Direction - from the nipple to the periphery. Duration - at least 10 minutes for each mammary gland.
  2. Cold and hot shower. Good lifting results in the use of water of different temperatures. Hydromassage starts with warm water. Then the stream of water is replaced with a cool one. It is important that the duration of the effect of a warm stream is greater than that of a cold one. The massage should be finished with a cold stream of water.

It should be noted that the breast does not increase from hydromassage. There is an improvement in the condition of the skin, an increase in muscle tone.

Classical technique

The classical or traditional technique belongs to the category of hygienic or corrective massages. It is suitable for a girl or woman of any age.

The classical technique is performed in several stages:

  1. Application of the cream. Before the procedure, a cream with an oily texture or oil is applied to the skin. It helps prevent stretch marks.
  2. Vertical stroking. Movements are performed vertically, from the bottom point up. They start from the nipple area and work their way up to the shoulders. The nipples themselves are not used.
  3. Circular stroking. For massage I use 3 fingers: ring, middle and index. The circle is clockwise.
  4. Sawing motion. The technique is performed with fingers, moving from the nipples to the outer edge.
  5. Light stroking. At the end, massage the breast with light, stroking movements.

The duration of each stage is 2-3 minutes. Massages allow you to minimize stretch marks and tighten the skin in the décolleté area.

Shiatsu Technique

Shiatsu massage for breast enlargement is aimed at increasing the production of sex hormones. The technique consists in working out the active points with the thumb.

Shiatsu massage is carried out in several stages:

  1. The first to be worked out are 8 points located on the thyroid gland, near the jugular fossa. Each point is pressed with the thumb at least 5 times. One exposure lasts about 3 seconds.
  2. The second point is located on the back at the junction of the bones of the skull and the first vertebra. It is exposed to at least 5 seconds.
  3. The third pair is located slightly above the collarbones. Each point is worked through for 5 seconds.
  4. The last series of points of location above the shoulder blades on each side. There are only 8 of them.

Acupressure massage for breast enlargement can have not only a positive effect, but also harm your health. The negative impact on the body is associated with improper study or inaccurate determination of the location of active zones. For this reason, before performing the technique on your own, you should watch a video that shows the location of active points.

Chi Technique

The Qi technique, like Shiatsu, is aimed at a point-by-point study of individual zones. It leads to the production of female hormones. Therefore, if we consider the question of whether it is possible to enlarge the breast with this method, then experts say positively. The effectiveness of the procedure and the result obtained directly depend on the regularity of massage sessions.

For the procedure, you should warm up your hands. To do this, they are actively rubbed together, mentally saturating them with positive energy. After that, the fingers are spread. The palms are applied to the chest. We massage each gland with rotational movements inward. The number of circles is a multiple of 36.

Breast augmentation massage will be useful if a number of rules are followed when performing the technique. The main one is associated with massaging movements. They are light, superficial, without pressure.

Experts identify a number of general rules:

  • Direction of movement. The massage is carried out from the nipples to the armpits or clavicular region.
  • Time of the procedure. It is recommended that you do the exercises every day in the evening.
  • Consultation with a specialist. Before performing a breast lift massage, you should consult a specialist. The presence of breast diseases is a direct contraindication to the procedure.
  • Duration of the course. Breast elasticity can be achieved by following the technique for at least 10-14 days. After that, a break is required. Further, a repetition of the course is allowed.

In addition to the general rules by which self-massage is performed, experts note that a number of useful tips can increase its effectiveness:

  • Combination with physical activity. To obtain the desired result, it is not enough just to massage the breasts. Self-massage should be combined with a set of exercises, as well as a contrast shower. Three components make breasts firm, toned and beautiful.
  • Correct diet. With a lack of weight, a weight gain of 1-2 kilograms can increase the bust. The main task is the correct distribution of body fat. This rule also applies when dieting. A restriction in nutrition and a reduction in body volume can lead to a decrease in the size of the mammary glands.

  • The use of cosmetic products. Cosmetic products for the breast will increase the elasticity of the skin, make it smoother, silky and attractive.

Using a special massager or the above techniques to increase the bust, you can achieve significant results. The breast will not only become taut and beautiful, but also increase in size.

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