Graduation of completeness of shoes. How to measure the fullness of the foot

The choice of footwear is an important, responsible and interesting business. Today, even shoes are sold in online stores, where there is no way to try them on. But I really want to buy a pair of beautiful shoes! In order not to be mistaken with the choice of shoes and not to be disappointed when receiving the parcel, you need to know your foot size. By the size of the foot, we usually mean the length of the foot, but the size is made up of two values ​​- the length and width of the foot. The fullness (width) of the shoe is a value that is not always indicated. The fact is that shoes made of soft materials stretch over time, and determination of leg fullness(the feet) is more important for the choice of stiff shoes.

The fullness of the shoe is the girth of the foot at its widest toe. Completeness is sometimes called "block". Many people prefer not to determine the fullness of the foot, because for most, it is standard and adheres to standard values. People with wide feet have to buy shoes a size (or two) larger than their own. The result of this selection is, at least, calluses on the legs, as a maximum, the formation of joint cones and growths.

English system completeness designated by letters - A, B, C, D, E and F. Numerical numbering fullness used in Russian, French and European systems. In Russia, numbers from 1 to 12 with an interval of 4 mm are used to indicate the completeness of men's and women's shoes, in Europe - a gradation from 1 to 8, every 5 mm.
Before you measure your size, here are some tips:
1. It is advisable to measure the leg in the evening, because. by the evening, the foot increases.
2. Measure both legs and take the larger result as the final value. It often happens that a person's legs are slightly different.
3. If you are going to wear shoes on toes, then you should put them on and measure the foot with them.

But it is difficult to determine your completeness by eye, so we will use the formula:

W = 0.25B - 0.15C - A, where

W- the completeness of your foot,
B- foot girth (mm),
WITH- foot length (mm),
A- a constant coefficient, which is 17 for men and 16 for women.

Let's say that the length of your foot is (C) 25 cm, the girth of the foot at the widest point (H) 23 cm... We make a calculation: 230x0.25 - 250x0.15 - 16 = 1.25... Thus, in the Russian system of measurements, your completeness is 4

As you have seen, it is not difficult to translate the calculation. These calculations will only take you a few minutes. But knowing your size, you can shop without worries. Thus, you save your time and money, and enjoy high-quality shoes. Happy and happy shopping!

Today, a huge number of shoes are sold for every taste, color and wallet. The choice of a new couple is not only exciting, but also a responsible process. Before purchasing in a store, we are used to trying on a new thing, but buying through an online store can cause some difficulties. In order to avoid mistakes and not be disappointed in the purchase, it is important to know the exact size. Under this parameter, we assume the length of the foot, but this is not entirely true. The size of the foot also includes such a parameter as completeness. It denotes its volume in the widest part, that is, near the bone in the forefoot.

This parameter corresponds to the girth of the leg, but more often you can hear "block" or "lift". Many buyers do not think about measuring it, since this parameter is standard for most of humanity. Owners of a rather massive foot or, conversely, narrow one, rarely think about such a characteristic and buy shoes a couple of sizes larger or smaller. It is not right. At best, this can lead to the appearance of corns, at worst - to the formation of joint bumps and growths.

How is completeness indicated?

By measuring the leg in the widest area, you can easily determine its fullness. All volumes are clearly recorded:

  • in the English system, the designation is letter: A, B, C, D, E, F. Moreover, there are 5 more smallest sizes - 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, as well as 5 increasing ones - 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F , 6F. As a rule, such designations cannot be found in a regular store, more often the production is made to order. Mass production includes basic parameters ranging from A to G / 2F. If you see “2F” or “G” on the box when you buy, don't be surprised, it's the same size. The step between the values ​​is 0.5 cm;
  • in the European system, a digital designation is adopted, the step is 0.5 cm, the size range is designated from 1 to 8. The French system is very similar, but manufacturers start their range with a slightly larger size, that is, 1 French parameter corresponds to 3 European and then in ascending order ;
  • the Russian system has a distinctive feature - separate tables have been drawn up for males and females. The step is 0.4 cm. The designation is digital, but there are 12 sizes in a row. The difference for men and women is 5 mm, so the 2nd female corresponds to the 1st male, the 3rd female corresponds to the 2nd male.

Completeness tables

In tables the fullness of the shoe corresponds not only to the girth of the leg, but also correlates with the length of the foot... After all, having the same foot length, people can have different volumes or, conversely, with a similar fullness, they can have completely different lengths. People with a standard foot can afford not to measure the volume, they feel comfortable wearing any shoes. Indicator 6 is considered normal, average. Indicators 2–5 characterize stops that are already average. 7 and above are wider than average.


How to define "your" parameter?

Determining your individual size is necessary if you feel some discomfort when wearing and walking. It is very important to take measurements in the evening, since the foot is slightly larger in the evening. The foot is measured with a tape measure at the widest part. If you plan to wear toe-toe shoes, you must wear them. Please note that it is necessary to measure each leg, because rarely anyone in nature has absolute symmetry. The maximum value must be selected.

So, if you are the owner of a 38-foot leg, and its volume at the widest point was 231 mm (23.1 cm), then you need to find the value in the table below (if it is not there, then an approximate one) and round it down. This rounding rule is mandatory, as over time, shoes will wear out and stretch. Size 7 for men and size 6 for women.

Features of completeness in children's shoes

The values ​​for children's shoes are also set out in GOST, but this table is currently very difficult for manufacturers to adhere to. The problem is information can be considered outdated due to the pronounced "early adulthood"... Young people today are clearly older than their peers who lived about 20 years ago.

Well-known manufacturers have already begun their own research in this area, but given that GOST is fixed for the execution of flexible options, fittings are used to help shoes "grow" by several values. These are all kinds of Velcro, clasps, laces and fasteners. Thanks to them, parents can easily adjust the size.

Differences in completeness in American, European, Russian and British tables

The main difference between English and American tables from European and Russian is to designate... If in English-speaking countries a letter designation is adopted, then in other cases a numerical designation is used.

Despite the seemingly significant difference, the English system is still a bit similar to the European version. The values ​​in the table are in order (as in the alphabet or ascending). Among all the tables, a particular misunderstanding among buyers is noted in relation to the American designation. In America, a symbolic designation is adopted.

For women:

  • 4A (SS - super slim) - very narrow;
  • 3A (S - slim) - narrow;
  • 2A (N -narrow) - slightly less than standard;
  • B (M medium) - standard;
  • C (W wide) - slightly more than standard;
  • D (2W double wide) - wide;
  • E (3W triple wide) - very wide.

For men, the designations are shifted by 3 positions:

  • A (SS) - very narrow;
  • B (S) - narrow;
  • C (N) - slightly less than standard;
  • D (M) - medium, standard;
  • E (W) - slightly wider than standard;
  • 2E (2W) - wide;
  • 3E (3W) - very wide.

Both the base case and the bracketed version are acceptable.

Knowing the features of shoe sizes, everyone will be able to find a suitable pair, even if they have experienced tremendous difficulties before.

Completeness is determined by measuring the foot at the most prominent points of the toe with a tape-centimeter, as in the figure below. In this case, the tape should tightly fit the foot in the indicated place.

Measurements must be taken in the evening - at this time the volume of the foot is greater than in the morning.

Then you need to compare the resulting value with the table. Now the most common English notation system, when completeness is indicated by a Latin letter.

When is it necessary to know the fullness of the foot?

Each person's foot is different. In order for the shoes to be comfortable and not to create discomfort when walking, not to rub the skin, it is necessary to choose a size that matches the parameters of the foot.

It is known that people with s often find it difficult to buy shoes of the right size. Many firms, focused on the mass consumer, produce models only in the most demanded sizes.

Often, the size of the shoe means only one indicator - the length of the foot. However, it must be borne in mind that feet of the same length can have different volumes and shapes. Therefore, when choosing a size, in some cases, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the foot - its fullness. Along with length, fullness is the second important metric for shoe fit - that is, how well the shoe fits its wearer's foot.

When choosing shoes, many buyers do not pay attention to completeness - very often its value corresponds to the normal one, and in this case the suppliers indicate only the length of the model. If you have peculiarities of the joints of the foot or it is too wide, or you notice that your shoes are too tight - when choosing a size, be sure to pay attention to the fullness. If the fullness of the foot exceeds the standard, then "ordinary" shoes will not only cause discomfort, but can also contribute to the appearance of abrasions, bumps and even impair blood circulation in the tissues of the foot, and, ultimately, harm health. In addition, the volume of the foot can change throughout life - with swelling of the legs, in the elderly due to age-related changes. In such cases, shoes with non-standard fullness are needed.

Choosing shoes in the store, you can walk around in them, understand whether it fits well, whether it is comfortable in it. It happens that the model turns out to be deceptively comfortable, on the very first day of wearing it begins to press, press, rub. When purchasing products without trying them on, the situation is even more complicated. You can get not the shoes of your dreams, but an instrument of torture. In order not to waste money, it is necessary to be able to determine not only the length of the product, but also such a parameter as the completeness of the shoe, a table of sizes from the manufacturer in this difficult matter will be a good help. In addition, it is important to consider the differences between domestic and foreign products.

What is

Leg fullness is determined by two methods. The first is to measure the volume of the foot along the widest part, where the bone is located near the big toe. Often this quick method is used by needlewomen at the stage of preparation for knitting house slippers. The resulting parameter can be with small errors, which, in principle, is not terrible, since the product is quietly dissolved and made anew. Having measured the leg using this method, you can safely create or purchase ready-made summer shoes that are as open as possible - slippers, sandals, slates, shoes and sandals without a backdrop, fabric sneakers, sneakers, espadrilles. In this case, even if there is a small error in the measurement of completeness, it will not become critical, so that the shoes do not have to collect dust in the box.

The second measurement method is to determine the ratio of length and width. Here you will have to resort not only to measurements, but also to use the formula. By this method, the calculations are more accurate, errors are minimized. This is a very convenient option when ordering shoes without trying them on, since manufacturers often indicate all possible parameters, focusing on them, you can choose a model that is suitable in size. The completeness of the shoe is critical when choosing closed options - heel shoes, boots, ankle boots, boots, sports sneakers made of dense materials.

The last in the shoe should not be too wide or too narrow. The latter will press on the leg, causing discomfort when walking, causing pain, the appearance of calluses. Many do not even imagine how much harm such a couple will bring to health due to the negative effect on blood circulation. Wide shoes dangling on the leg can cause falls and injury.

How to measure correctly

The fullness of the foot is measured using a tailor's tape (centimeter). To reduce the margin of error, you need to take note of the following points:

  1. It is necessary to measure the foot in the evening, since by the end of the day the legs swell a little and increase in size.
  2. The human body is asymmetrical. Feet are no exception. The right is larger than the left and vice versa. It depends on which leg is jogging and which is swinging. Therefore, you should always measure both feet and be guided by the parameters on the big one.
  3. Measurements for summer shoes are recommended for tights or socks, and for demi-season and winter - for socks. Autumn and spring boots can be tried on thin cotton products, boots with fur - on woolen ones.

Not everyone knows how to measure completeness. You need to wrap the foot under the thumb (at the widest point) with a measuring tape. To calculate the parameter using the formula, you need to know the length and width of the foot. You need to stand with your feet on a piece of paper. Draw four lines with a pencil: near the thumb, heel and two along the nose. To obtain an indicator of the fullness of the bootleg, measure the thickest part of the calf with a measuring tape.

Compliance with major labeling systems

Different countries use their own labeling systems. In Russia and Europe - digital, in the USA and Great Britain - alphabetic. In the Russian Federation, the parameters go from 1 to 12 with a step of 4 millimeters, in the countries of the European Union there is a similar system, but only with an interval of 5 mm. The Americans and the British use the graduation in the Latin alphabet A, B, C, D, F with a gap of 5 mm as well.

Numerical marking

According to the Russian numerical system of marking, it is customary to designate the normal completeness of shoes by an indicator of 6, the same rules apply to euro products. Odds from 2 to 5 determine the middle leg. Girls with wide and full feet have parameters from 7 to 10.

Among the representatives of the stronger sex, the indicators differ only by one. For example, female 7 corresponds to male parameter 8. There is a special table of sizes that allows you to avoid lengthy calculations. It's easy to use. You can also resort to using online calculators, which can be found on the official pages of some manufacturers.

The most accurate calculations of completeness are carried out according to the formula P = 0.25 x B - 0.15 x C - A, where P is the desired value, B is the girth of the foot, C is its length, A is the coefficient depending on the gender (standard 16 - for guys and 17 for girls). For example, the girth of a man's foot is 23 centimeters, the length is 26 cm. The data are converted into millimeters - 230 mm and 260 mm. Then: P = 0.25 x 230 - 0.15 x 250 - 16. The resulting result is 4. This is an indicator of the completeness of shoes by Russian standards.

Letter designation

In England and the United States, the designations for the completeness of shoes A, B, C, D, E and F have been introduced in increments of every 5 millimeters. An often considered parameter is expressed in two and three letters (AAA, AA, BB, FFF) in combination with numbers. Different symbols are used in the American table for men's and women's shoes. The parameters of the fullness of the feet of guys are indicated as follows:

  • 3A (AAA) or SS and 2A (AA) or N is very narrow.
  • A - narrow.
  • B or M - slightly narrower than normal.
  • C or W is a little narrower than the standard.
  • D is normal.
  • E - wide.
  • 2E-4E or 2W-4W is very wide.

Women's indicators are based on the fact that a lady's leg is more accurate than a man's. The designations in the shoe completeness table are as follows:

  • 4A (AAAA) - very thin.
  • 3A (AAA) or S - thin.
  • 2A (AA) or N - narrow.
  • B or M is normal.
  • C is slightly wider than normal.
  • D - wide.
  • E is very wide.

Among female models, products with the completeness of H (2A), B or M. are in the greatest demand.

Many parents are interested in how to determine the fullness of a child's foot. Previously, there was a special state standard, but it is outdated due to the general acceleration. Now manufacturers are trying to make children's shoes more versatile by using fasteners and Velcro in models. With their help, you can adjust the product for individual parameters. The American system uses the following characters: Narrow (N) - narrow, Medium (M) - medium, Wide (W) - wide, X-Wide (XW) - very wide, XX-Wide (XXW) - extra wide.

How to read values ​​on a box

The average Russian resident usually buys shoes in low-price stores or on the market. Such products most often have only one parameter - size. When choosing luxury models from well-known brands, you can see additional numeric or letter designations on the shoes themselves and on the box.

As mentioned above, Russian manufacturers apply numbers from 1 to 12. This is completeness in 4 mm increments. Most likely, when you visit the store, you will not have the necessary table at hand. In order not to go through mountains of boxes in an attempt to find the very same pair, you can focus on the indicator 6 - this is considered the standard. If the leg is narrow, then you need to look for a suitable model with an indicator from 1 to 5, but if you need shoes with increased fullness, then you should choose products with parameters from 7 to 12. The Russian designation 6 corresponds to the American C (as the norm for the fullness of the foot).

Lack of information on completeness

If no numbers are indicated on the shoe or on the box other than the size, then the product is considered to be designed for standard leg fullness. Sometimes there may be a marking of the ratio of the girth of the foot and its length. In such a case, you should carry a centimeter tape with you, quickly make the necessary measurements on the spot and calculate the fullness of the foot using the formula: P = 0.25 x B - 0.15 x C - A (the values ​​of the formula are described above).

Today, a wide range of footwear is on sale that meets any customer's needs. Choosing a new pair is not only fun, but also quite difficult process. When we buy shoes in a store, we are used to trying them on, but buying through a seller's website on the Web can make it difficult for anyone. Often, to make it easier for buyers to make a choice, Internet portals indicate exact size criteria. However, in the usual sense, size refers to the length of the foot. Very rarely, such an indicator as its completeness is taken into account. He determines its volume in the broadest part, that is, in the area of ​​the bone.

For most, the fullness of the legs is average, so many do not even have an idea about this parameter. Owners of large, wide or, conversely, narrow legs often experience some difficulties when buying shoes, not attaching much importance to the completeness of the shoe. In everyday life, the term is replaced by similar ones in meaning - "block" or "rise". Owners of non-standard feet tend to make the wrong choice of shoes, preferring models that are several sizes larger or smaller. Because of this, calluses often occur, and in the worst case, pathological changes in the joints occur.

Footwear manufacturers predominantly produce footwear based on average values. If completeness is not spelled out on the package, then rest assured that the box contains a pair with an average completeness. Several systems of notation of completeness are accepted in the world:

  • the English system assumes the letter designation: A, B, C, D, E, F. In addition to the standard ones, 10 additional ones are allocated, namely 5 for narrow legs - 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, as well as 5 for large ones - 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F, 6F. These parameters are very rare in mass sales. They are mainly made to order. The step between the values ​​is 0.5 cm;
  • the European system implies a digital designation, with a step of 0.5 cm. The size range goes from 1 to 8;
  • The Russian system for measuring the fullness of shoes is the only one that assumes separate parameters for male and female feet. This rule is spelled out in GOST 3927-88. The step between the parameters is less and is 0.4 cm. There are 12 sizes in a row.

In the tables, the parameters correspond to a specific foot length. If we rely on the Russian system, then the value 6 is the average size, mainly used by manufacturers as a standard. Values ​​from 1 to 5 are suitable for narrow feet, while shoes with values ​​from 7 and above are designed for owners of massive legs.

Leg fullness for a woman

To measure the fullness of a woman's leg, it is necessary to measure with a centimeter tape in the sock area, in its widest part. The next step is to compare the obtained data on the volume of the foot with the length of the foot or its size. If the data differ when measuring the legs, it is recommended to opt for a larger value.

The foot fullness in the Russian system is calculated using the following formula:

W = 0.25 * B - 0.15 * C - A, where:

W - fullness of the foot;

B - the volume of the foot, which is measured by a tailor's centimeter strictly in millimeters;

C is the length of the foot, which is also measured in millimeters;

A is a constant value of 17 for women.

If you are planning to purchase a pair of American production, then you should take into account the symbolic system, which also has gender differences. For the fair sex, the following values ​​are accepted:

  • 4A (SS - super slim) - very narrow;
  • 3A (S - slim) - narrow;
  • 2A (N -narrow) - slightly already normal;
  • B (M medium) - medium, normal;
  • C (W wide) - slightly wider than normal;
  • D (2W double wide) - wide;
  • E (3W triple wide) is quite wide.

The step is 5 mm, where B corresponds to 6 Russian completeness.

Leg fullness for a man

Measurements of a man's foot are made according to the same principle as for a woman's. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the difference in completeness for males and females is 5 mm, that is, the 2nd female size is equal to the 1st male, the 3rd female - the 2nd male, and so on.

To measure completeness according to the Russian system, the same formula is used as for women.

W = 0.25 * B - 0.15 * C - A

The only difference lies in the coefficient A, which is 16 for men.

In the American system, the following meanings are accepted for men:

  • A (SS) - rather narrow;
  • B (S) - narrow;
  • C (N) - slightly already normal;
  • D (M) - normal;
  • E (W) - slightly more than normal;
  • 2E (2W) - wide;
  • 3E (3W) is quite wide.

In order to greatly simplify the choice, tables have been created by which you can determine the completeness, based on the length of the foot and its girth. All measurements are made strictly in millimeters.

A table has also been created to determine the correspondence between Russian and European measurement systems.

Leg fullness for a child

The foot of a small child is like plasticine. A correctly selected pair of shoes will carry the basis for the further development of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Back in 1988, GOST was adopted. It spelled out a rule for creating footwear, including for children, in which completeness was also prescribed, as for adults. Their difference was in the age group:

  • booties were 1 fullness, that is, universal, with a foot length of about 100 mm;
  • for toddlers, fullness from 1 to 3 is taken, while 2 is considered average with an average girth of 130 mm (size range from 20 to 23);
  • footwear for small children has 5 values ​​of fullness (from 1 to 5), while 155 mm - 3 fullness (average). Sizes from 23.5 to 26 are accepted; preschool - also has 5 values ​​of completeness, 185 - an average value, that is, 3 for sizes from 27 to 31;
  • for schoolchildren (for both girls and boys), 8 values ​​are accepted (from 1 to 8). Average - 225 for girls (4 fullness) and 230 for boys (5 fullness). Size range from 31 to 36. It is from school shoes that the fullness of shoes begins to differ by gender;
  • 8 parameters of completeness are accepted for adolescents. For boys - 260-265 (4-5 values) are considered average, and for girls - 230-235. Sizes from 35 to 41.

The difference between adjacent values ​​is 5 mm. According to GOST 3927-88, 8 sizes of completeness are produced in mass production (from 1 to 8, the subsequent ones are made to order). However, the data, today, are recognized as hopelessly outdated. The old standards were developed on the basis of children who grew up in those days, and today, as manufacturers note, children grow up earlier. Manufacturers are adjusting to today's youth and have begun to produce footwear that can be adjusted to fit. This function is ensured by the presence of velcro or laces.

In order to choose the right shoes and not make a mistake, the child must be placed on the floor, where a sheet of paper lies, and the feet of both legs must be circled. When placed on the surface, the leg increases slightly when comparing the foot in suspension. Based on this layout, you can navigate when choosing a model. The stencil must be tried on to the insole, but not to the sole. Some manufacturers put a decorative allowance in the sole, which can be misleading. Leg length is measured from the middle of the heel to the middle of the big toe. If the length of the legs is different, then the larger size must be taken into account. If the pair you are buying is to be worn on a sock, then measurements must be taken in socks.

Unfortunately, children very often cannot tell about the discomfort, therefore, when buying, it is necessary to rely mainly on the measurements taken. The fact is that a fat layer remains on the children's foot, which reduces sensitivity, and therefore the baby simply does not feel how the sandals or boots are pressing, deforming the foot. You can invite your baby to try to walk. If you notice lameness, the shoes are small, if the child drags the legs, they are large.

Self-respecting manufacturers are currently conducting various studies and mass measurements of children's feet in order to accurately recreate a comfortable last.

It is very important for children to choose shoes with blunt toes. Shoes with a pointed toe can disrupt blood circulation, as well as the growth of toes, which in the future can lead to flat feet.

When choosing shoes, stick your toe in the space between the heel and the heel. If your finger is too tight, you need to choose a larger size, and if there is still free space, choose a smaller size. A well-chosen size will allow the leg to be in normal tone, without unnecessary stress.

The same procedure must be followed with completeness. Try to stick your toes on both sides of the leg.

Important! Do not give in to the beliefs of sellers and representatives of the older generation about the necessary completeness of shoes if you feel that the shoe is too tight for the baby. The first category seeks to sell a product without thinking about the health of your child. Old people often rely on their feelings - they need more foot support for comfort than children.


Patterns of shoes for each company may differ despite the standard established by GOST. Having found a seemingly ideal size from one manufacturer, you should not rely on just one pair. The same size for another company may differ slightly.

Knowing the individual characteristics of the foot, everyone will be able to make the right choice and find a suitable pair, even if they have experienced tremendous difficulties before.

When it comes to children's shoes, the shoe industry today provides an opportunity for each parent to find the optimal pair for their child. The only problem is that the size chart of one company can differ greatly from the size chart of the second manufacturer. When choosing in an online store, one cannot ignore and find out the given size tables.

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