Halloween gifts. What to give for Halloween? DIY Halloween Decorations and Crafts DIY Halloween Gifts Easy

Halloween is not considered a holiday in our country, on the occasion of which one should present each other with expensive, serious gifts. Everything is exactly the opposite. On this holiday, Halloween, it is customary to show all sorts of signs of attention, sometimes not always pleasant, but always leaving in memory the most vivid impressions and emotions.

The news portal "site" in this article has prepared for you a few ideas of original gifts for Halloween, which you can give absolutely everyone: friends and girlfriends, beloved and beloved, family and friends, work colleagues and even ordinary passers-by as a sign of apology for a slightly shaken nervous system from your little pranks.

And we suggest giving sweets for Halloween! Only now you will have to work a little on their presentation. And we will tell you how to do it in an original and quick way in this article.

Halloween gifts

The first gift is an ominous pumpkin balloon with a sweet surprise inside.

To make such a gift, you will need a bright orange balloon, small sweets (they should easily crawl into the neck of the balloon), some green corrugated paper and a black marker.

We stuff sweets into the not yet inflated ball. Now we inflate the balloon. Armed with a black marker, draw an ominous smile on the ball. We decorate the crown of the head with a fringe made of green corrugated paper.

For more effect, you can fill a ball with confetti!

Halloween gifts

The next Halloween gift is a candy on a stick (like Chupa Chups). You will think, well, what kind of gift is this ?! But the main thing is to arrange it correctly and unusually.

Using small pieces of decorative paper or napkins, you can turn an ordinary candy on a stick into a funny ghost or a sinister pumpkin.

And if you use fluffy wire and "live eyes" for decoration, you can make creepy spiders.

DIY Halloween gifts

The next Halloween gift is a rubber glove filled with sweets.

If you arrange the glove itself appropriately after filling with sweets, then you will definitely make the right impression with your gift. Attach plastic spiders, artificial spider webs to your fingers, sprinkle with artificial blood.

DIY Halloween gift

Another Halloween gift option is a paper pumpkin filled with candy.

Bright orange and green corrugated paper will be needed for manufacturing.

Cut a neat circle out of orange paper. Put a handful of sweets in the center of it and roll it into a bag. Wrap the tip with a strip of green paper.

What to give for Halloween?

And one more unusual way to please people dear to you - present them chocolates in themed wrappers.

The news portal "site" provides you with ready-made wrapper templates that you need to download, carefully cut and place chocolate in them.

DIY Halloween gifts

Mummy cups can be used as a party invitation, table decoration or a fun handmade gift.

We need: paper or plastic cups, white cotton cloth or medical bandage, scissors, red felt or velvet, cardboard, eyes, glue.
Cut strips from the fabric. Using the glue, start gluing the strip from the bottom. First, apply the glue (most conveniently with a brush) on the glass, then, pressing the strip, glue it. In this way, wrap the entire glass. Glue the eyes. Cut a bow out of felt or cardboard and glue it for the boy mummies at the bottom, for the girl mummies at the top. Fill the cups with candy

Funny skulls who are more likely to cause a sweet smile than frighten:

We will need: oval box, white paint, black paper, glue, scissors, black templates.
The oval box should be painted white with acrylic paint, black eyes, nose and mouth should be glued to the top lid of the box, and the box should be filled with sweets.

Funny lanterns

Since ancient times, on Halloween, people, in order to scare away evil spirits, kindled bonfires, lit candles and pumpkin lanterns.

To make crafts you will need:

Empty glass jars

White and orange tissue paper

Black and white paper

Colored ribbons

Craft making process:
1. Wrap or paste over the jars with white and orange tissue paper so that the paper completely covers the jar, but does not go beyond its edges.
2. Cut out and glue the eyes, noses and mouths from black paper - here you have the faces of the "spirits".
3. Glue the white paper hands to the white "ghost".
4. Tie the necks of the cans with colored ribbons.
You can put real candles in the lanterns, but this can only be done in the presence of adults!

If your school has a tradition of exchanging sweet Halloween gifts, then here's a great idea for a pumpkin, ghost, witch hat, and Frankenstein face design gift bags. This idea can also be used to decorate themed holidays, create postcards or posters, because the essence is simple - cut out details from colored paper and glue them on a colored background.
Ideally, you will need colored paper bags in green, white, orange, and purple. But you can't find them everywhere, so this scheme will come in handy for you to create a paper bag with your own hands.

You just need to build a diagram with a pencil and a ruler on colored paper, observing the indicated dimensions, bend the part along the dotted lines and glue it into a beautiful bag. If you do not have colored paper, you can always color the white paper with paints, let the paint dry, and then cut and glue the bag. You can leave the bag without handles, or you can use a hole punch to make holes and thread thin ribbons through them. Just keep in mind that a homemade bag will not withstand a heavy gift if you carry it by the handles.

Now you will need colored paper from which you will need to cut:
- Two circles and a curved "caterpillar" for the ghost's face;
- Three triangles and a mouth for a pumpkin;
- Black hat, white strip and buckle in the form of a rectangle with a hole in the center for the witch hat;
- Black hairstyle, curved mouth, white, purple and black mugs for Frankenstein face.
And all you need to do is glue the parts onto the bag. To make the gift look prettier, you can "fill" colored paper with silence (tissue wrapping paper) into it, as is done in all the packages in the pictures.

Take this idea into your arsenal, because with the help of such applications you can make gift bags for any occasion.

Day when they celebrate Halloween- October 31. It originates from the Celtic tribes and their Samhain festival. The 31st October, which marked the end of the year and the harvest period, was also the day of commemoration of deceased relatives. It was believed that the line between the world of spirits and living people on this day is erased, and the dead freely roam the earth. To protect themselves from ghosts, people dressed in animal skins, gathered around fires in groups and made sacrifices. For the spirits, special treats were prepared, which were left at the doorstep of the house. After the sacrifices, each of those present took a piece of the common fire and carried it to his house in order to light the lights in the rooms and thereby protect themselves from ghosts for another year.

The spread of Christianity made its own adjustments to Samhain. The evening before All Saints Day became known as Halloween, paganism merged with the official religion, which resulted in a modern holiday.

Halloween is celebrated in many different ways. Someone, remembering the traditions of distant ancestors, modestly remembers the dead. Someone throws noisy parties in order to scare away evil spirits and just have a fun evening with friends. In the latter case, so that the memory of the holiday remains for a long time, you can prepare thematic gifts. The portal has collected the best gift ideas for its visitors.

TOP-20 gifts for friends for Halloween

# Scary mask.

This gift will be just in place. It is also convenient in that each of the friends can be presented with something of their own, without fear of repetition.

It is best to give such a gift to close friends: firstly, it is very difficult to make a mistake with the size of the suit, and secondly, the suit can be chosen "with character."

# Eerie lamp.

Nightlights and candlesticks are an indispensable attribute of any Halloween, and for participants in the future, it can also become a great reminder of a fun evening.

# Nightmare picture.

This gift will definitely remind you of the evening on the eve of All Saints Day. An image of the attributes of the holiday on canvas, or maybe a picture drawn from a photo of the past Halloween celebration - in any case, this is a great gift.

# Vintage jewelry box.

This gift is more suitable for girls who love everything unusual and sometimes even creepy. It is good if such a gift is in the form of a pumpkin or a small crypt with a personal guard in the form of a skeleton.

# Strange piggy bank.

If the choice of a Halloween gift for girls stopped at caskets, then, in contrast to them, men can be presented with a frightening-looking piggy bank. This will certainly protect the treasure from evil spirits.

Nowadays, T-shirts with luminous patterns are at the peak of popularity, and when, no matter how in Halloween, let your imagination run wild and create a fashionable and frightening piece of clothing?

# Halloween costume jewelry.

A small ring or ring, pendant or bracelet with skulls, pumpkins, black cats, spiders and other creepy figures will perfectly convey the mood of the holiday.

# Original molds for ice.

Those who like to organize parties, arrange them and pay attention even to such insignificant things as ice cubes in a cocktail, little ghosts or vampire fangs in cocktails.

# Thematic circle.

At the very beginning, many will call this gift trivial, but a drop of imagination will help make a delightful gift out of it. Whether it's a Halloween-themed print or a spooky glass, there's a huge selection.

# Name plate.

In addition to a mug or as a standalone gift, this plate will be a great Halloween reminder, especially if you mark it on the gift itself.

# Strange puzzle.

A good gift that will allow you to have fun in the evenings and test how much patience a person has.

# Stylish umbrella.

Halloween is an autumn holiday, and an umbrella will come in handy more than ever. A fun coloring or a creepy handle can make it a themed gift too.

# Keychain in the style of "Halloween".

A thing that will remind you of the holiday and will allow you not to lose your keys, or maybe just decorate your backpack.

# Witch dolls.

A wonderful and funny gift for girls and from girls. The material embodiment of the most terrible forces of nature will be a wonderful decoration for any interior.

# Soft pads.

Jack's lantern is often called the symbol of Halloween. But a real pumpkin in the house will not last long, but its soft copy will serve for a very long time both as a decoration and directly as a pillow.

# Beautiful cover.

In the age of technology, it is difficult when choosing a gift not to think about what to give for Halloween for a smartphone. The Halloween-themed leather case will be appreciated by everyone. The gift will be both beautiful and useful.

# Bloody curtains and towels.

A white canvas with bloody prints will scare anyone. And at the same time it will amuse and serve for the benefit of anyone.

# A funny pen.

If the addressee of the gift is a child at heart, then he will appreciate such a gift. Atmospheric and rewarding and sometimes just fun.

# Pumpkin with sweets or themed sweets.

This gift is short-lived, but it will bring a lot of pleasure and support the tradition of presenting "evil spirits" with all sorts of treats.

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