Happy Valentine's Day, dear: congratulations to the girl and wife. Happy Valentine's Day, dear: congratulations to the girl and wife Happy birthday congratulations on February 14 to the girl

Hello, my dear! I guess you've come here for some inspiring holiday ideas. That is why today we have a slightly premature, but very romantic topic - how to congratulate a girl on February 14th.

In the life of each of us, at least once in our life, there was something that still makes us close our eyes with a blissful smile and plunge into memories. So present another such event to your beloved girlfriend. And I will tell you how.

How to congratulate a girl on Valentine's Day

Candles, dinner, valentines ... To beautifully congratulate your girlfriend on Valentine's Day, you need to make very little effort. You will be convinced of this by seeing the list below.

  1. Are you with a girl at a distance? Then take advantage of all the possible ways of communication- Skype, VK, SMS, calls, etc. The more social. the networks and applications you use, the better. Each of them should become part of your congratulations. For example, in VKontakte, give the girl a set of stickers, in SMS, wish a good and wonderful morning, and already contact via Skype to tell about your warm feelings.
  2. And again, an option, if the girl is far away - remove and lay out for her personal video on YouTube... There are many ideas for the video - cutting of the most romantic moments, slideshows from your photos, etc. An interesting option can also be a cut from re-voiced fragments of films telling your love story)
  3. Bake a cake... Yes, if you are not a cook, then you have to try. Do not tackle complex recipes, let it be simpler, but tasty. Most importantly, on the top of the baked product, write everything you would like to wish for your significant other.
  4. Order for a girl banner... A big stretch, say, on the way from home to school or work. The pleasure is not cheap, but the power of the impression is very powerful. Just make up in advance at least an approximate layout of what you would like to see on the banner.
  5. Make set of memories... These are a few things that remind you of shared experiences. A little bear, a ticket, a handkerchief - anything that will allow you to remember the most beautiful events.
  6. Compose poem... As I already wrote once, this is not as difficult as it seems. You select rhymes, and to them there are already lines of the future masterpiece. Just do not copy from the Internet - it will immediately become noticeable.
  7. Prepare costume performance... Remember the girl's most beloved characters and embody one of them in your appearance. If there is someone you know who knows how to do needlework and is ready to help, then be sure to call them for help.
  8. Make calendar of memories... It has something in common with the fifth point. The difference is this: I suggest you build a large wall calendar for February, such that every day contains a small pocket for a souvenir. And every day put on a small pleasant trifle - a nut, candy, a small toy, etc.
  9. Write about your feelings on the gift... Of course, on soft slippers, for example, you won't be able to write anything. In this case, you can use the packaging - fill it with the warmest congratulations that come to your mind. If this is, say, a mini-column, then there are much less problems - you can paint it with acrylic paints or just permanent markers. Try to make it as interesting and effective as possible.
  10. Arrange picnic in the winter garden... You can arrange gatherings around the fire. Use the simplest snacks, the place will do everything for you. Prepare so that the girl does not catch a cold, and everything will be fun.
  11. Launch into the sky multiple paper lanterns... Launch them together with the girl, talking about the best qualities of your beloved with each flashlight.
  12. Paint graffiti... Of course, you shouldn't paint the girl's house. It is best to prepare a work of art in a specially designated place and then accompany your soul mate there.
  13. Give a star... The cost of this miracle is quite high. But you will definitely be the first to give it. Yes, and imagine only the surprise and joy of your girlfriend when you present her with the coveted certificate. I'll write about it a little later, don't miss it.
  14. Shower with hearts... Give her a whole bunch of them. I just recently devoted a whole post to the heart-making topic - choose what you like.
  15. Give a butterfly... This can be found in special delivery services. For example, special companies offer to order a butterfly of a rare tropical species, and a bouquet in addition to suit every taste.

Well, I hope you have found the most suitable way to congratulate your beloved. Share your impressions in the comments and please your friends with useful information in social. networks. Goodbye!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

My dear, beloved! I congratulate you on our holiday - Valentine's Day! I wish that our feelings would not cool down over time, but flared up with renewed vigor, so that the flame of love would kindle in us so that it would not be afraid of any rains and bad weather! I wish you to remain as beautiful and always be loved!

Beloved dear girl,
Imagine, I could not think
That I will love so sincerely and tenderly
But then one day I met you.

I dream to be with you day and night
Hold it tenderly in your arms
To admire your beauty
To meet long dawns together.

Happy Valentine's Day, congratulations
Let your eyes sparkle happily
Love, kindness, warmth and light,
Let the heavens keep us.

To the beloved girl in the world
I'll whisper "love you"
And passionately, tenderly congratulations
Happy Valentine's Day to you!

I wish you the same
Beautiful, smart and dear,
I wish you to be as bright
And radiant, groovy.

So that your soul does not know tears
Heart, so as not to yearn
So that our feelings flare up
And so that we only fall in love more strongly!

Happy Valentine's Day, dear!
You are so beautiful
That snowflakes cannot be compared
Impossible not to fall in love

Happy Valentine's Day, my beauty, my love, my dream. There is no longer such a girl in the entire Universe, and I am extremely glad that fate brought us together, that our feelings are strong and sincere, that our love is capable of anything.

I want to congratulate you, darling,
And leave your kiss on your cheek.
You are so young, beautiful and tender
And for me you only need you.

May Valentine's Day give you happiness
Will drive away problems and bad weather.
So that life is filled with warmth
Hope, joy, love and kindness.

My beautiful valentine
Let the flowers all grow for you
I wish you only happiness
And in the eyes of a mischievous fire.

Happy love day, my clear ray!
My light, the light in the window.
Life has become more beautiful, better
When you met me.

My house is filled with spring,
Tenderness, warmth,
When you are next to me
If you and I are alone!

I feel comfortable and magical
You just have to enter.
I am immensely grateful -
I met you on the way.

My beloved, beautiful
Thank you for being together.
You are like the clear sun to me
I am always honest with you.

I wish you this holiday
All loving hearts
So that we are like children,
Loved now, here.

I feel good when I am with you,
I'm attracted to you so much.
Day and night I'm all yours
Your look intoxicates me.

My beloved, my most beautiful flower! Every day you make me better, stronger and I love you more and more. Accept wishes, on this Valentine's Day holiday, to remain as beautiful, sweet, gentle, funny, unpredictable and the best in the world!

Valentine's Day, which we celebrate on February 14th, why is it so important? Is Valentine's Day something special for us? Of course. Love is a force that makes us move forward, become better. Love can make us stronger, or it can destroy us altogether. Love is the meaning of life for every person on this earth.

That is why we are celebrating this day. On February 14, we praise this great feeling, give tenderness to our beloved people, without whom this life has no meaning. This holiday is very important for girls.

After all, they are very sensual creatures. They love when men show their sympathy, when they show affection, when they talk about love. Flowers, chocolates, and other gifts are one way to show a girl how dear she is to you. That is why on Valentine's Day it is customary to give each other gifts and make various, pleasant surprises.

How to make this particular Valentine's Day the best and happiest. How to make your girlfriend feel special? What words need to be said? What is the best gift to give? What gesture should you make to express all the love and tenderness that you have for her?

Romantic date.

Of course, this long-awaited day should be celebrated, and it is you who should take care of the preparation of the date. There are a huge number of options for how to prepare a romantic date. It doesn't have to be just a walk in the park or a hike at McDonald's. It must be something special.

If your girlfriend has long dreamed of visiting some institution, finally fulfill her wish and take her there. If she loves sushi, take her to a sushi bar, if she loves sweets, take her to some pastry shop. Perhaps she loves Italian food? Then take her to a beautiful Italian restaurant.

If you want to get more creative with your date preparation, this is welcome. You can have a romantic dinner at home, but prepare the food yourself. You may need to take a couple of lessons from your mom to do this, but trust me, it's worth it. Your beloved will not be able to resist the French pasta or meat you cook with your own hands. Your soul mate will be very pleased that you, a person who has never come closer than a meter to the stove, have prepared a gorgeous dinner for her.

In addition to the festive table, you will also have decorations. The apartment should be made a romantic place. Light candles, place them all over the room. Get her favorite flowers and place them in a vase. Put on quiet, romantic music. And wait for the long-awaited guest.

One of the most original and insanely romantic dating options is the rooftop date. You need to get the keys in advance. Of course, you should consider that it is winter outside. Therefore, if the temperature outside is -20, this option will not work for you. But if the winter is warm this year, and it's not very cold outside, you can still arrange a wonderful date on the roof. To do this, prepare in advance a table and two chairs. Prepare two blankets to cover your lady if she gets cold.

Instead of cold champagne, you should offer the girl warm cocoa. You can treat whatever you want. Serve hot first, followed by some delicious cakes or chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. Turn on romantic music on your phone, present flowers. After eating, invite the girl to dance, and when you are cold, go downstairs and continue the evening in the apartment.

A more comfortable and no less romantic date can be arranged in a rented house. All you need is to rent a small, beautiful house with a fireplace, somewhere near the forest. Decorate the house itself with garlands. Place candles inside, set a chic table with champagne, fruit and her favorite dishes. Light the fireplace. When you bring her there, she will just be delighted with what she saw. You will have dinner in a pleasant company of each other, near a warm fireplace, and huge flakes of snow will fall outside the window.

Then, if you want, you can go outside and make a snowman, play snowballs or just lie in the snow. Outside the city, the stars are usually very visible. Where is it more romantic? When you freeze, go back inside. You can warm up by the fireplace and sip hot cocoa. This night will be remembered for her whole life.

A great date for Valentine's Day would be a date abroad. Perhaps she has long dreamed of going somewhere? Give her such a gift. Fly to the city of love - Paris. Or take a trip to beautiful Lviv. Give her the aroma of wonderful coffee and the taste of the finest chocolate that can be found in the famous Lviv chocolate maker. New experiences are one of the best and most desirable gifts for any girl.

Valentine's Day Gift

Not a single man has repeatedly wondered what to give his beloved for Valentine's Day. Flowers and candies are understandable. But how to really surprise your beloved? What gift would she really like?

Many men, in an impulse to give something necessary, very often make the same mistakes. Dear men, remember, women do not expect pans, pots and juicers from you at all. Women love completely different gifts. Women love jewelry, perfume, and, after all, shoes. But what if you are not good at choosing shoes and perfume? What if you don't have enough funds to buy an expensive piece of jewelry? There are tons of other original, romantic gifts.

Approach the problem from an extraordinary perspective. Remember what your woman loves? Perhaps she is crazy about art? Who is her favorite artist? Give her a painting by Aivazovsky, for example. This gift will show how attentive you are to her. You know her favorite artist, you took the trouble to find her favorite painting, and you yourself will hang it on the wall with your own hands. This is the act of a real man.

You can make a romantic surprise without spending a penny. Make a movie about her. Shoot her while she can't see. Take her smile off. Film how she tells you something, how she cries, how she is surprised. Film how she reads, how she eats and how she does things around the house. Capture all the important moments of your life together. For example, how you go shopping together, how you bake a pie together.

Then, edit all these small videos into one film, add affectionate words about how you value her, how you cannot imagine life without her. In the end, you can say a couple of words for your beloved, congratulations and a declaration of love on camera. Burn the movie to disk and present it to her. Rest assured, she will cry more than once while reviewing it. She will appreciate such a gesture. She will understand how dear you are and recognize how dear you are to her.

Remember that one of the most cherished, most desired gifts is a marriage proposal. If you are already ripe, if you realized that she is the one, do it on Valentine's Day. It will not only be Valentine's Day, it will be yours. This day will be one of the happiest in her life. So, if you are already ready to take such a decisive step, make an offer on a holiday, and then it will be remembered, and February 14 will be a special day for both of you.

When winter is already pretty tired, one of the most romantic and warm holidays awaits us at the finish line of winter - February 14 - Valentine's Day. All lovers and long-time lovers and loved ones are waiting for him with great impatience.

Congratulations on February 14 for a girl is one of the primary elements of this holiday. Ladies at any age simply adore warm and gentle words, and the day comes when they are especially relevant.

Friends, below we offer you a small collection of congratulations for February 14 for girls. Choose the one that is most suitable for your lady of the heart, and it does not matter if your relationship has just begun, you have known each other for several years, or you have been legally married a long time ago and a silver or even golden wedding is about to come.

How beautiful my love!

I am the happiest in the world.

What happiness - I have you

It's good with you even on a rainy day.

Your love keeps me warm.

I want mine to warm you

Your love keeps me safe

Mine, to take care of us is not tired.

And on Valentine's Day I want to wish -

May our love be eternal.

How we love together will know

No one will forget this feeling!

The whole secret of any congratulatory words, including congratulations on February 14 for girls, is in their genuine sincerity. All women actually feel the real emotions with which you give them.

For Valentine's Day

I fell into the arms of an angel,

And he gave warmth to his beloved,

And he gave her heart into her hands ...

There is nothing sweeter in the world

Her smiles, lovely eyes,

Always stay that way, fairy

Covered in a blanket of tender phrases

Naturally, for your beloved or just a good friend, you should not be limited only with words. Even words need a pretty wrapper, especially for Valentine's Day - that is, of course.

How good it is that you are in this world!

I am not afraid of storms or snows.

My beloved, (beloved name),

I want to be with you always!

Aerobatics in congratulations is self-composing poetry - it's worth a try! Or we choose from the selection of our post, we are sure that here you will find everything you need.

Darling, Happy Valentine's Day!

May love always be with us.

I ask you to be happy

I will warm my heart with words.

I'll do more with deeds,

I'll get a star from heaven.

I will scout out a lot

And I will push progress.

Oh, something I talk a lot

And I say a lot of things.

I only know for sure

That I love you so much!

Do it yourself or buy a ready-made (empty!) And hand-write your congratulations on February 14 for a girl. You need to write with your own hand, so the value of congratulations will increase many times over.

Thanks to Saint Valentine,

That he revealed his secret to us.

Love gave us strength

Cupid captivated in his nets!

I was captured by your love

I go to the hut in which there is paradise,

Congratulate you on this day.

Any gift - choose!

I need you, my heart,

As a hunter needs a gun.

I need you my star

Like the desert needs water.

I need you, my joy,

As the needs of the ships of the sea.

How the homeless needs shelter

I need you, my love.

There are many wishes in the world

You can't count them all.

I just congratulate you

I love the way it is.

Be beautiful all the time.

Many men do not have a good imagination, so they have to think hard about how to congratulate their beloved girl on February 14th. You can think of a lot of things, so only a young man without inspiration and creativity will get off with a small bouquet of banal roses.

Original congratulations on February 14

Still, there is nowhere without flowers, but they should be given at least a little unusual. For example, you can give a chocolate bar to a little one and ask her to present it to your beloved woman with words like "He loves you very much." If your soul mate loves children, she will definitely be delighted!

For those with a good sense of humor, you can prepare original or funny valentines with funny congratulations. Buying them in a store is not at all necessary, even undesirable. The coldest woman will be incredibly touched by a gift from a man made with her own hands.

A trip to the past can be a very nice and unusual gift. Tie her up, put her in the car and take her to the place of your acquaintance. Remember together how it was, laugh and move on. You can think of a lot of points on your route. The place where you kissed for the first time, where was your first date, where you met the dawn ... The ideal end of such a day would be a marriage proposal in a new and most beautiful place for you!

Cooking her favorite dish will seem pretty cute to many ladies, even if the result is far from ideal. You can present it along with reading a poem of your own composition or at least one found on the Internet. If they call her from unknown numbers and tell her about your touching attitude towards her when she eats what has happened, there will be no limit to her happiness. Such a gift for a girl on Valentine's Day is a fairy tale!

If you live together

It may seem to some that congratulating the girl you live with on Valentine's Day is much more difficult. Nothing like this! Try to wake up earlier than her and write congratulations on the mirror or window, then bring your beloved breakfast or at least a cup of coffee to bed. Wake her up with a kiss, take her in your arms and twirl, showing your joy that you have her!

Then you can send her an e-mail or a message on the social network, which will talk about how your emotions were when you first met and what they are now. You can fill the evening with magic by giving your beloved a beautiful box or jar filled with 365 love confession notes. It may even become a tradition so that from February 14 to February 14, your half can get a new message from you with words of love from the jar every day.

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