The summer color type is black in clothes. Cold summer color type: what colors and clothes are suitable, we combine and combine

The overwhelming majority of women in Europe belong to the summer color type. These beauties are naturally gifted with extraordinary femininity and aristocracy, and cold tones prevail in their appearance. On the contrary, bright and saturated colors in the appearance of such girls are absent, which very often becomes the cause of their discontent.

Despite this, there is no need to change what nature originally gave you. The main thing for girls belonging to the "summer" color type is to choose the right basic wardrobe, with the help of which it will be possible to easily create a stylish image that emphasizes the advantages of appearance and disguises minor flaws.

Subtypes of the color type "summer"

The nuances associated with the selection of wardrobe items depend on certain characteristics of the appearance of the fair sex, or rather, on which subtype she belongs to:

  • "Contrast summer"... Girls of this color type have unusually light skin of white or ivory color, as well as dark hair. As a result, large and bright eyes of blue, green or brown shade stand out very strongly on their face;
  • "cold summer" occurs more often than others. Girls with this color type have slightly pinkish skin, light brown or ash hair, often with a "mouse" tint, as well as gray, blue or light green eyes;
  • representatives of the color type "Soft summer" in the overwhelming majority of cases, they have light brown hair and brown or green eyes. All colors and shades in the appearance of such girls softly and harmoniously flow into each other, due to which there is no dissonance.

Features of the basic wardrobe for the "summer" color type

Absolutely all representatives of the "summer" color type should avoid bright, sharp and too warm shades. The list of "forbidden" colors includes the following: gold, orange, lemon yellow, scarlet, terracotta, the color of juicy grass, as well as all rich fruit shades.

Girls with the "cold summer" color type should be especially careful - their basic wardrobe should not contain any items of warm shades. Otherwise, the appearance of such a beauty will simply be lost, and all her natural advantages will become absolutely invisible to others.

In the basic wardrobe of women of fashion of the "soft summer" color type, things of such colors can be present, but they should not be too dark. "Contrasting summer" can choose similar wardrobe items, but they should not be combined with each other - in one image there can be only one thing of a warm shade.

In turn, the following items should be included in the capsule wardrobe of any representative of the "summer" color type:

  • gray or light blue jeans;
  • dark colored trousers and skirts;
  • T-shirts, tops, blouses in light pastel shades;
  • bright ;
  • cardigans and jackets in graphite, brown or gray.

As for materials, it is best to give preference here to thin and matte fabrics, which add lightness and grace to the image. In summer, flowing silk or chiffon are ideal.

Knowing the features of the "summer" color type and having the necessary basic wardrobe at your disposal, creating a stylish look will not be difficult.

All people can be conditionally divided into four color types: autumn, winter, spring and summer, which, in turn, are divided into three more subtypes. Cold summers are most common in temperate latitudes.

The portrait of a typical representative is something like this: fair-skinned, with gray, blue, gray-green or gray-blue eyes; hair from light blond to dark blond, possibly with a cold ash tint. There are no blondes and brown-eyed women in this color type. See the photo of the palette below.

Images for the color type of a cold summer look are made in soft colors without bright colors: pale shades of gray, pink, blue, turquoise, crimson, chocolate. Apricot and coral tones should be avoided in makeup and clothing.

What colors are suitable for girls with a summer color type?

Summer is a relaxed palette. A chilling coolness can be traced in the paints, leaving in a blue undertone. There is not and cannot be a hint of sharp contrasts and bright colors. It is not recommended to use pure black and white colors.

White makes you older, while black suggests very tanned skin. Instead of white, it is better to use a milky color, and instead of black, a dark gray.

Gray-brown tones and cocoa colors work well. For the cold summer color type, shades of gray-blue and gray-blue, light yellow, soft emerald and mint, pale blue are suitable.

Shades of lavender and lilac, cold dusty rose and fuchsia, raspberry and lingonberry, ripe watermelon pulp and strawberry also look very good. Photo:

What should be your makeup?

Makeup for the cool summer color type should be calm, emphasize the color of the eyes. As an alternative to the usual black mascara, you can use, for example, purple.

Brown is also good. For the eyes, it is recommended to use a gray or green pencil, black is not suitable at all. Eyeshadow should be chosen to match the color of the iris of the eye. Some variety is allowed, though.

You can also use olive, milky, dark brown, steel shade colors. Choose a lipstick based on the color of your lips.

For pale ones, lipstick of pink cold color is well suited. It is better to minimize the amount of blush, just a couple of light touches of the cheekbones. When choosing them, give preference to cold pink shades.

As for any other color type, the foundation is selected based on the color and condition of the skin. Correctors will help to hide imperfections: green - from red rashes and acne, pink or beige - from bruises under the eyes, lavender - from excessive yellowness of the face.

How to make a wardrobe for a cold summer

When choosing clothes of a cold summer color type, it is necessary to combine colors from a dark, bright and cold light palette.

When choosing skirts, trousers, jackets and coats, you should give preference to dark colors, such as dark gray, wine, shades of coffee, cocoa, chocolate. The main thing is that the colors are in a cold range, there is no hint of warmth.

The bright palette is perfect for accessories and evening wear. It features very juicy cold colors such as raspberry, strawberry, cherry, blueberry, blackberry, lingonberry.

You can dilute such a berry mix with turquoise, frosty mint, gray-gray, muted blue.

Light colors with a cold undertone form the basis for choosing a top: blouses, T-shirts, tops, shirts, bombers. Summer skirts and trousers can also be in these colors. The palette includes such shades as muted pink, soft lemon, calm lavender and turquoise. Photo:

Ruffles, lace, floral and animal prints are not suitable for the cold summer color type. Light, flowing fabric is allowed only when choosing a summer dress or sundress.

Restraint is the second name of this subtype. If, for example, a dark gray office suit was chosen, then the top can only be complemented in cold light colors.

No bright accents are allowed. Conversely, for a cherry-colored dress, chocolate-colored shoes will work. Handbag or clutch - to match the shoes.

Celebrity Cold Summer

The most prominent representative is the Duchess Kate Middleton. Discreet, stylish, incredibly attractive. She is a standard, an example of style for the cold summer color type.

No less famous American actors Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Uma Thurman. Our compatriots are no worse than their overseas colleagues. These are Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Paulina Andreeva, Marina Alexandrova.

It's no secret that all types of appearance can be conditionally divided according to the seasons: winter, summer, autumn, spring. Right now, the days are coming when the summer color type reigns - the sunlight is getting brighter, the days are getting longer, which means that there are more and more opportunities to demonstrate all the advantages of this particular type of female appearance.

Who can we classify as "summer women"? Red hair? Not them. Brown eyes? Again, not our case. Transparent, delicate skin? This is definitely not about the summer color type. But in Russia this type of appearance is the most common, so it is very difficult to make a mistake. What is characteristic of the female appearance of the summer color type? Our tips, as always, will help you navigate correctly in matters of female beauty, correctly determine your type of appearance and successfully use all its advantages! So, do you have all these "insignia"?

Summer color type - characteristic features

What makes a summer woman different?

  • Firstly, light brown hair (note that even the name of the hair color of the same root with the word "Rus"!), It can be either light or dark, no redhead is allowed, only real light brown shades. And if the hair is an aristocratic ashy color, with a bluish cold tint - without a doubt, we have a summer color type.
  • Secondly, light skin, which can have both a delicate pinkish tint and slightly olive. Its barely noticeable transparency, which persists in a woman until her very old years, is also one of the characteristic features of the summer type of appearance.
  • But the eyes can be of a wide variety of colors - blue, and gray, and green, and even a warm nutty scale, but not brown.

What colors in clothes are suitable for a summer color type

Oddly enough, but the color scheme most suitable for a summer woman does not at all correspond to our ideas about summer. Hot, bright, neon or acidic colors are not for her. Catchy, flashy colors are excluded. If you belong to the summer color type, perhaps you yourself have noticed that piercing and overly saturated colors are absolutely not suitable for you. What colors to choose for your wardrobe in order to maintain harmony between appearance and clothing?

  • Remember what colors are found in nature in summer? You will definitely not find bright and sparkling colors. Muted, like powdered shades - this is what will suit a woman in summer. It may also sound very unexpected that for the color type summer the most suitable paints are cool, even cold. Blue, blue, gray-gray, wet asphalt, lilac - very "summer" colors in the clothes of a "summer" woman.
  • But what about the colors of the red spectrum? In the wardrobe of the summer color type there are also they, but - again - muted and dim: pinkish-smoky, pinkish-ash, pink in "pure" form, but not flashy, pinkish-brown, crimson, cherry.
  • Green shades are present only in mixed palettes, for example, muted sea wave, powdered needles, smoky emerald gray.

Colors for a basic wardrobe for a woman summer

1. The main color is muted blue. As a base color for a summer woman, this color is just perfect! See how perfect the combinations of this color look with others that we suggest you use to create your basic wardrobe:

  • with a very beautiful dawn color, which happens only in summer - not bright and not hot;
  • with white, green and small red strokes;
  • with pale pink, mouse gray and brown;
  • with tropical wave color and pink;
  • with red, white and "boiled" denim;
  • with light blue and vanilla;
  • with lilac, chocolate and vanilla.

2. The main color is pink-lilac, grayish-pink. This color is very delicate, pastel, however, despite its tenderness, it is perfect for compiling a basic wardrobe on its basis. Use the color combinations that we offer you, and you will see how this shade favorably emphasizes all the advantages of the summer color type:

  • with lavender;
  • with dark blue and a slight addition of pink;
  • with the color of summer dawn and chocolate;
  • with flowers of milk and dark chocolate with touches of denim blue;
  • with eggshell and mocha color;
  • with the color of silver, light yellow and denim "boiled";
  • with smoky emerald, light emerald and blue-violet.

Makeup for summer color type

What colors of decorative cosmetics can be considered the most suitable for the summer color type? Without a doubt, these are the same cold shades - blue, lilac, silver for shadows, clover, mallow, soft watermelon for lips. Mascara - gray, brown, but black - for evening make-up and for those with dark blond hair.

When choosing colors for their makeup, we advise all women of the summer type to abandon unnecessary brightness and juiciness. Warm shades are acceptable, but only in combination with cold ones. The tone for the face is pink, light beige (if you need it at all, the skin of a “summer” woman is beautiful without an additional decorative layer!). Only pink shades are allowed, no peaches or apricots! However, this pink is of cold colors, in a subtle blueness.

For a summer woman, we suggest choosing makeup either in a sporty style - a little foundation, a minimum of shadows and lipstick, or in the style of French elegance - foundation powder, lip contour, lipstick color is slightly richer than usual, shadows and blush. It is extremely easy for a summer color type to do make-up - many girls and women have enough cosmetics "a little" - and it already looks elegant and aristocratic!

Decorations for the summer color type

The best jewelry that suits a woman's summer look are undoubtedly diamonds. Cold, transparent shine is what you need! Bluish opal, delicate, light aquamarine, light gray-green or blue agate will also perfectly complement the summer look. Pearl? Why not? But the shade is gray or pinkish. Gold? Wear without hesitation, but only white or cold pink, no yellow metallic sheen! Platinum? Great choice!

Silver looks very harmonious on a summer woman. Silver jewelry can be both modern, designer and avant-garde, and old, when the silver has already faded a little and looks very noble!

Summer fragrances for women

What do we imagine when we talk about summer? Flowers, sea, fruits? These fragrances are perfect for you if you are a summer color type. Freshness, citrus, floral delicate, slightly sweetish - sophisticated and refined, real summer aromas!

Hair color for summer color type

Blondes and light blond very often think that their hair color is too plain and faded, they strive to make it brighter and ... make a fatal mistake. Red, ruby, bright mahogany - absolutely not the shades of hair that would suit a summer woman.

Try adding bright blonde strands to your hairstyle and you will be amazed at how expressive and new you become! Platinum, ash, silver - thin strands will be an excellent complement to your look.

Want to add a touch of extravagance? Add a slight green tint while highlighting or coloring - and your look will be great!

Sunglasses and everyday glasses

The frame for glasses of a woman-summer has the same cold tones as the entire main range of this color type: silver, lilac, pinkish. Top - metal, bottom can be generally transparent.

Sunglasses can be bright (to the extent that brightness is generally acceptable for a summer color type) - emerald, reddish, purple. That's why it's summer to experiment!

Without exception, all women dream of belonging to the summer color type, being gentle, sophisticated, feminine. Therefore, many blondes darken their natural hair color, brunettes lighten, and those lucky ones who are given a “summer” appearance by nature, with the help of our advice, can easily shine in all the splendor of their exquisite image!

Summer color type is perhaps the most common among women living in Russia. It is characterized by matte smoky colors and lack of contrast.

Usually, representatives of the summer color type have light brown hair of a gray (ash) shade with a slight blur effect. Gray shades also prevail in the color of the eyes of a Summer woman: gray-blue, gray-blue, gray, nutty, while the proteins almost do not contrast with the iris.

The skin color of a Summer woman can be very light, with a bluish tint, and dark (delicate nut color), with gray-brown freckles and a cold pink blush.

Thanks to this color scheme, an aristocratic, mysterious and sophisticated image of a Summer woman is created.

The Summer color type is divided into three subspecies:

  • cold summer;
  • bright Summer;
  • soft Summer.

Cold (real) Summer

Cold Summer is a classic representative of the summer color type, it is no coincidence that it is also called the true (real) Summer. Its priority characteristic is a cool shade of hair, eyes and skin.

This summer color type is characterized as soft, cold, calm, muted, feminine, sophisticated.

The main rule for this summer subtype is to exclude warm colors and choose muted shades with a blue undertone.

The most successful colors for a cold summer are:

  • Navy blue;
  • Gray;
  • all shades of blue;
  • soft pink;
  • berry shades;
  • soft fuchsia;
  • cocoa color.

The least successful colors for a cold summer:

  • golden brown;
  • yellow-green;
  • yellow;
  • Orange;
  • peach;
  • bronze.

Bright summer

The light summer color type is a mixture of two color types - Summer and Spring.

The dominant characteristics of this summer subtype are light skin tones (pink-beige, porcelain with light gray-brown freckles and pink blush), eyes (light blue, green-blue, cold gray) and hair (ash blonde, light blond with a grayish undertone) ...

This summer subtype is best suited for the neutral colors of the spring palette.

The most successful colors for a light Summer are:

  • light gray;
  • powdery pink;
  • lactic;
  • sky blue;
  • light lavender;
  • Navy blue.

The least successful colors for a light Summer:

  • black;
  • saturated dark colors;
  • too bright colors;
  • screaming red.

If you really want to add brightness to the image, you can use bright contrasting details.

Mild Summer

Mild summer is a mixture of two color types - Summer and Autumn. It combines warm and cold shades, and the dominant characteristics are soft skin tones (pink, pinkish beige, light olive), hair (medium blond and smoky brown) and eyes (gray-blue, hazel, blurry green). This summer color type is characterized as soft, velvety, natural, feminine.

The most important rule for women of this summer subtype is to use soft and muted tones and avoid flashy shades.

The most successful colors for a mild Summer are:

  • light gray;
  • purple;
  • crimson;
  • lactic;
  • light blue;
  • deep shade of pink.

The least successful colors for a mild Summer:

  • pink electrician;
  • blue electrician;
  • bright orange;
  • coral;
  • black.

Summer wardrobe

As you can see, the color scheme of the summer color type does not correspond to our ideas about summer. Catchy, bright, neon, flashy colors are not suitable for a woman of Summer. Her face is more muted, soft, gentle tones. The same goes for the style of clothing. When replenishing her wardrobe, a woman of a summer color type should avoid screaming trendy models. It is better to pay attention to delicate feminine outfits of a romantic style, made of thin, soft, flowing and delicate fabrics: chiffon, lace, moire, gauze, Chinese crepe, veil, silk, satin, silky cambric, silk velvet, jersey.

Will look good on women of summer color type and romantic models made of fine wool, cashmere, flannel, flax, poplin, tweed. But their drawing and texture must necessarily emphasize the femininity and gracefulness of the Summer woman's appearance. Small patterns, blurry prints, lace inserts, draperies will help in this.

Old jewelry made of silver, jewelry made of platinum and white gold using white and pink pearls, precious and semi-precious stones of cold shades (sapphire, aquamarine, sky lapis lazuli, green emerald) will perfectly complement the sophisticated image of a woman of summer color type.

Makeup for the color type Summer

Without makeup, the face of a Summer woman with her smoky delicate shades of eyes, skin and hair and low contrast between them looks rather dull and faded. However, this is the same refined and aristocratic diamond, which, when properly cut, i.e. skillful make-up, can really dazzle with their beauty. It is only important to choose the right color shades for it.

Foundation, powder and blush for the Summer color type

Summer Woman belongs to the cold color type, which means that for the foundation and powder it is better to use cold tones with a grayish undertone, avoiding warm brown and golden shades. It is not recommended for women of summer color type to use self-tanning, which can give the skin an unhealthy yellow tint. To mask local problems on the skin (redness, acne, nearby capillaries), it is recommended to use a light green corrector.

Blush woman-Letu is best suited for cold pink and grayish-beige shades, but it is better not to use blush of terracotta, brick, coral and peach flowers.

Eyeshadows, mascaras and eyeliners of the Summer color type

The main principle when choosing the color of pencils and eyeliner for a Summer woman is to refuse too dark shades. Better to use an anthracite or dark gray eyeliner rather than black. By the way, it is better for a woman of a summer color type not to use eyeliners, but to use eyeliner. they create a lighter and softer line that accentuates the eyes without weighing the eyes down.

The most successful pencil colors for the summer color type:

  • Gray;
  • blue;
  • gray brown;
  • black and gray;
  • lilac;
  • purple.

Naturally, the color of the eyeliner should be in harmony with the color of the eyebrow pencil.

The color of mascara for women of the summer color type is recommended:

  • black;
  • Gray;
  • purple.
  • turquoise;
  • bright blue;
  • emerald green.

As for the color of the shadows, the eyes of the Summer woman look most expressively surrounded by delicate pastel shades:

  • gray;
  • silver;
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • blue;
  • smoky blue;
  • brown-gray;
  • silver beige;
  • blue and white;
  • gray-purple;
  • gray-green;
  • lime color.
  • marsh green;
  • copper;
  • red-violet;
  • poisonous and neon shades.

Lipstick for summer color type

The most suitable lipstick color for a summer color type:

  • pale pink with mother-of-pearl;
  • deep pink matte;
  • smoky purple;
  • delicate cherry;
  • wine;
  • peach;
  • lilac;
  • berry.

Least suitable lipstick color for a summer color type:

  • coral;
  • Brown;
  • Orange;
  • bright red.

How to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of your appearance? How do some who seem to be not particularly fashion conscious, women manage to look more attractive than ladies in perfectly fitting clothes from expensive brands and thorough makeup? The answer to these questions is pretty simple: it's not the style, it's the color. That is why it is so important to correctly determine the color type of appearance and the correspondingly selected image that suits you. However, before choosing your style, make sure that you are the woman of the summer.

Summer natural colors

Professional stylists use dozens of different pieces of fabric to find out the color type of a particular model. At home, this option, of course, is difficult - it is quite enough to acquire several paper samples of shades of warm and cold colors. How do I use them? Apply to your face and see if this color suits you - if a palette of ash pink, muted blue, or other cool colors suits you, then you are a woman of summer. If your natural shade of hair has a sparkle of "gold", red pigment, then you belong to the warm type (autumn, spring).

Stages of determining the color type of appearance

But, when determining your color type of appearance, remember that you may not be objective enough about your reflection in the mirror. Therefore, it makes sense to invite a couple of reputable friends to the bride. Well, if there are none, when trying on colors, pay attention to how the most problematic areas look at the same time: the nasolabial fold, the area around the eyes and small, typical for women like summer, redness on the skin. For example, a poorly chosen hair tone can make the face contour heavier and accentuate not-so-large traces of fatigue.

Important nuances

What else is important to consider, if you want to accurately determine your type of season:

  1. We carefully wash off cosmetics.
  2. If the hair color is not native, we hide it under a white kerchief.
  3. Turn off artificial lighting.
  4. We are located in front of the window so that direct sunlight does not fall on the face.


Color type, not a sentence - this is a hint for the selection of favorable color shades that will emphasize your natural beauty in the portrait area (near the face). It can be blouses, dress tops, tops, scarves, necklaces, earrings, glasses. This is especially true with age, at the first signs of aging. The uniqueness of the subtype palette is that all colors are combined with each other and you can safely combine them. All your favorite colors NOT from your palette can be used in skirts, trousers, shoes, subject to a combination of colors.

If you find your appearance (skin tone, hair color, eye color) similar from the presented photos of stars or representatives of subtypes, we recommend that you save the shade palette to your smartphone so that you can experiment when shopping, trying on new colors from the palette. It will also help when choosing cosmetics for makeup and coloring.
And remember that there is no clear framework, because we dye our hair, change tonal means, sunbathe, we use certain styles of clothing, which in themselves dictate the color. Each appearance is individual. Experiment, but accentuate your beauty!

Summer shades palette

So, we figured out how to determine the color type of a woman in summer. Now it's time to choose your look.
However, this is not all, because the summer color type assumes 3 more subtypes, due to the combination of hair, skin and eye color. When choosing your individual style, such nuances must be taken into account.

SUMMER subtypes: representatives, bows, makeup, palette

Summer includes the following subtypes:

Light type (Light Summer)

Light type (Light Summer) corresponds to the owners of light blond hair, pink skin and blue eyes.

Celebrity subtype Light Summer

The representatives of the Light Summer include: Reese Witherspoon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Naomi Watts, Cate Blanchett, Rosie Huntington.

A girl of a summer color type can create her own individual image by trying on a silk or cambric sarafan with a length of maxi gradient color. The main thing is that the palette of watercolor stains is cold shades. Sandals and jewelry will serve as style-forming elements. For example, an elegant handbag and a thin chain with a cute pendant will make an elegant look, while a casual hippie style will be supported by a backpack and jewelry made of beads, wood or matte stones.

Clothing options for the light summer subtype

A fashionable wardrobe of a woman of appearance, summer often includes ripped jeans and a daring one. In this case, it is better to replace the black leather of the latter with a shabby brown "antique", while an alternative to the shining rivets will be a delicate shimmering, as it were, of green old buckles.

Palette Light Summer

The more natural you look, the more fashionable your look will be. So women with the color type "summer" will not have to emphasize their soft charm. Nevertheless, if you feel uncomfortable without makeup at all, give preference to lipstick and blush of all shades of pink. More saturated berry colors will also be appropriate.

Makeup for subtype Light Summer

Natural type (True Summer)

Natural color or contrasting SUMMER (True Summer) implies a soft combination of basic indicators. For example, grayish blue eyes, dark blond hair, olive or beige skin.

Celebrity Natural subtype

Celebrity color type natural or contrast summer (True / Cool Summer):, Olivia Wilde, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Emily Blunt.

When choosing shoes and bags, consider not only the color and style, but also the material. The best option would be products made of thin matte leather or suede in soothing shades: wet asphalt, gray-blue, brown, muted green and similar cold shades of cold color that fit into the main wardrobe.

Color matching in clothes for Natural Summer

The overwhelming majority of fashion designers recommend to ladies of the summer type of appearance a romantic style that is not the first year. And indeed - pastel shades, floral patterns, flying fabrics and feminine frills perfectly emphasize the soft charm of a summer girl.

The combination of shades in clothes of the cool summer subtype

Color palette Natural / Pure summer (True Summer)

Depending on the time of day, you can use either traditional black or trendy lilac mascara. But the eyeliner is better to use gray, brown, olive green or purple. Choose your eyeshadow accordingly, although, as mentioned above, such a thorough makeup will only be appropriate at a party.

Suitable tank top for cool summer

Soft Summer

Soft summer woman type (Soft Summer) corresponds to the owners of light blond hair with an ashy tint, ivory skin and blue eyes.

Celebrity subtype Soft Summer

Stars of the Soft Summer subtype: Jennifer Aniston, Keri Russell, Miley Cyrus, Sarah Jessica Parker, Natalia Vodianova.

Representatives of the subtype Soft Summer

Composing her wardrobe, a summer woman can choose any style. It is important to remember that clothes for the summer color type should not be too bright. Otherwise, you risk "getting lost" in your own outfit.

Clothing color for subtype Soft summer

The delicate palette defines not only the wardrobe, but also the important details accompanying it. So, give up too dark toning, otherwise the soft shine of your hair and skin will fade into the background, and black glasses will dominate on your face.

Palette of shades Soft summer (Soft Summer)

If during your vacation your skin has become darker and your hair color is lighter, do not be afraid to try on bright colors in your clothes, but do not forget about a sense of proportion in your makeup.

Makeup for the Soft Summer subtype

The summer color type is best suited for materials that do not drown out soft, even intelligent, charm:

  1. Matt silk.
  2. Cotton.
  3. Knitwear.
  4. Jeans.
  5. Cashmere.
  6. Wool crepe.
  7. Tweed.

Too heavy or shiny fabrics in a woman's wardrobe for the summer are inappropriate - with them, the grace and grace inherent in this particular type is lost. Choose a print accordingly: an excellent choice would be a dim Paisley pattern, exquisite patterns of Venetian glass, watercolor fantasy stains, a variety of ethnic patterns in light colors and a dull check. It is permissible to emphasize your business image with a suit or a sheath dress in a thin, dull strip.

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