Adhesive non-woven fabric for fabric. Adhesive duplicating materials in the sewing business - how, where and why are they used? Non-woven

In specialized sewing shops, a variety of interlining materials are available for sale - these are various types of interfacing that are suitable for certain fabrics. In order to maintain the shape of individual parts of the product, stabilize the seams and, as a result, get a decent result, it is necessary to choose the cushioning material correctly.

In Burda magazines, the instructions for each model indicate which one suits the recommended fabric:

Thin, well-draped fabrics (silk, viscose) for blouses and dresses: a soft, thin liner is suitable, for example, non-woven H 180.

Thick cotton fabrics (madapolam, twill) for blouses, dresses and light jackets: a shape-holding but soft lining, for example, non-woven H 200, is suitable.

Very dense woolen and cotton fabrics (flannel, velor, denim) for trousers, jackets and coats: non-woven G405 or non-woven H 410 are suitable. Non-woven G 405 is softer, and non-woven H 410 has additional longitudinal stabilizing threads that help to maintain the shape of the product.

Thick, boil-resistant fabrics (linen): suitable non-woven F 220 boil-resistant white.

Certain types of non-woven fabric: application

Non-woven G 785

Soft, lightweight bi-elastic adhesive woven liner. It is used to duplicate collars and seams, as well as the shelves of jackets and coats from light fabrics. Cut out the parts from the spacer with the same direction of the common thread as the parts from the main fabric, and with allowances for the seams. Press the details of the cut from the gasket to the details of the cut from the main fabric from the wrong side, dry, with a weakly heated iron. First, to avoid skewing the fabric, put the iron on 1-2 areas for a short time, and then run the iron over the entire area of ​​the part for approx. 8 seconds (position 1-2). After pressing the gasket, leave the part unfolded for approx. 20-30 minutes to cool.

Non-woven formband

Bias binding made of thin adhesive non-woven liner, 12 mm wide. A chain seam at a distance of 4 mm from the edge of the inlay stabilizes its shape. The non-woven formband is ideal for fixing the shape of the neckline and for working with cut details cut at a 45 degree angle. The binding is very soft, it perfectly fixes the shape, without depriving the fabric of elasticity. Non-woven formband is available in white and graphite color and is sold by the meter or in bobbins in specialized sewing stores.

This material, despite its apparent softness, is surprisingly stable. It does not stretch, therefore, products duplicated with non-woven fabric are resistant to deformation and shrinkage.

Types of non-woven fabric

Manufacturers offer various types of interlining:

Glue- with a continuous adhesive surface for sealing small parts, and with a dotted surface for large ones.

Nekleeva- hard non-woven fabric, which is used to duplicate details of raincoat fabrics and the like, as well as when applying.

Threaded- the material is stitched longitudinally. This increases its strength and drapeability. Used for gluing small parts and their cuts.

Lightweight tear-off- used for embroidery, patchwork and applique work to stabilize the base fabric. When work on the product is completed, the non-adhesive interlining is simply torn off by hand.

Gluewater soluble removed by soaking the finished product for a few seconds in water.

Ways of gluing non-woven

Novice needlewomen are faced with the fact that when gluing the non-woven fabric, the canvas begins to deform, waves appear on it, or the cushioning material does not stick at all. Following simple rules will help to avoid such problems.

1. Select the type of seal according to the type of fabric. For lightweight, lightweight, viscose, woolen, cotton lightweight and lavsan, non-woven with markings H-180, H-200, C-405 is suitable. Wide range of applications for stitched non-woven fabric (H-410) - from light to heavy fabrics. The densest stabilizer - E-420 - is glued to velor, lacquered and artificial leather.

2. The temperature on the iron is set depending on the type of fabric and non-woven fabric. 130-150 ° C for light and heavy fabrics, and 60-85 ° C for leather and dense non-woven fabric. It is recommended to first try on a small patch to select the optimal gluing temperature.

3. Ironing preferably through a cloth. Wet the iron only for gluing the stitching non-woven fabric. Sometimes the instructions advise you to wet the thread seal itself. Some people use a damp cloth for wool, linen and cotton.

4. When ironing the non-woven fabric to the fabric, do not iron it with an iron, but evenly rearrange it over the entire surface. Flizelin Н-180, Н-200 and С-405 are pressed for 8 seconds, for stitching - 10-12 seconds, and for leather - from 8-19 seconds. The thicker the cushioning material, the longer the ironing time and the pressure exerted on the iron.

After gluing the non-woven fabric, the fabric should be left to cool completely and only then continue to work on the product.

Flizelin is a non-woven cushioning material used in sewing clothes to reinforce cut details. It allows you to increase the strength and wear resistance of the product, to avoid deformation of parts, and helps to implement complex design solutions. Non-woven fabric is indispensable neither in the production of heavy outerwear, nor in the sewing of thin summer models.

Description of non-woven fabric

Non-woven can also be colored

Non-woven fabric is based on artificial cellulose fibers, so it is often compared to paper. To increase the durability of the material, many manufacturers add to the composition.

Most often, the lining fabric has a white or milky shade, but it can also be dyed in other, even bright, colors. The tone is selected in combination with the color of the fabric to be duplicated.

Depending on the application, the paper interlayer can be very thin and completely weightless for light fabrics and dense, like cardboard, for reinforcing parts made of heavy fabrics. Thanks to the non-woven fabric, those parts of clothing that are usually easily deformed during washing and wear out quickly during use, become more durable and tough, do not stretch and do not spoil the appearance.

Non-woven fabric is produced in rolls 100 meters long and 30 to 150 centimeters wide.

Application area

The iron is rearranged from place to place

The scope of application of nonwoven cushioning material is truly enormous. When purchasing clothes or other textiles, the buyer sometimes does not even know about the presence of this fabric in the product. She is duplicated by all kinds of pads, edges, seams in jackets and coats; collars, belts, cuffs, pocket flaps for dresses, shirts and trousers.

Non-woven fabric is indispensable in the manufacture of soft toys and all kinds of accessories. In needlework, a special type of interlining fabric is used, which has a convenient marking and will easily dissolve and disappear after the first wash.

In addition to the textile industry, interlining is widely used in construction and the production of finishing materials. In addition, the water-soluble cushioning tissue is used in medicine as a dressing material.

Varieties of non-woven fabric

During the production process, the fibers from which the nonwoven liner is made are impregnated with a special adhesive or not. Depending on this, non-woven fabric is divided into two categories: adhesive and non-adhesive.

  • Kleeva. Non-woven fabric made of cellulose fibers with a layer of adhesive applied. The adhesive composition can completely cover the surface of the fabric or be located in separate dots. If it is necessary to give rigidity to the part, use a material with a solid coating. In the case when the fabric must remain light and at the same time maintain its shape, a pad with a dotted adhesive is used. The adhesive strip is permanently ironed on to the base fabric.
  • Non-sticky. Untreated interlining fabric. Non-adhesive interlining is divided into tear-off and water-soluble. A feature of both types is the ability to remove the main fabric from the surface, therefore, needlewomen like to use such a pad for creative work.

For example, when embroidering with a water-soluble non-woven fabric, the threads lay down more tightly and evenly, the fabric does not wrinkle, and the result is an attractive and neat work. You don't have to remove the gasket, as it will spontaneously dissolve in warm water within 3-5 minutes. If you used a tear-off type of fabric, then it can be carefully separated from the base without spoiling the work.

In addition, the interlining fabric can be sewn with threads parallel to the edge of the fabric. This gives the material additional strength, and the non-woven is called thread-stitched.

In the case when it is necessary to process only the edge of the product, a non-woven edge is used, which is a tape 1-4 cm wide, cut from a regular canvas. The hem is very convenient for processing the lower edges of skirts and trousers. For greater strength and elasticity, it is sometimes stitched with a thread or reinforced with a soutache cord. This creates a thread-stitched non-woven edge.

Advantages and disadvantages

Flizelin, like all other materials, has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main thing for which the consumer fell in love with him is availability and low price. One meter of this material costs from 20 to 40 rubles.

Among the shortcomings, the following points should be highlighted:

  • fragility - if the non-woven fabric has a low density, then it tears like paper, while the high density fabric makes the part of the product too stiff;
  • deformation - the gasket easily wrinkles and breaks at the folds;
  • low wear resistance - if the lining layer is not covered with material, it may collapse during operation.

Choice of fabric

Non-woven fabric of different colors

Depending on the fabric from which the product will be made, the type of non-woven pad is also selected. Usually, an experienced craftsman keeps several types of this material in stock. To determine the best option, it is enough to apply strips cut from the cushioning fabric of different types on a small flap of the main fabric, iron it and compare the results. More suitable would be the non-woven fabric that is absolutely invisible from the front side and adheres best to the fabric.

For novice craftswomen in any magazine with patterns, it is indicated which type of pad to use.

  • H 180 - soft and thin pad, suitable for light fabrics:,.
  • The H 200 is both soft and shapely spacer for.
  • G405, H 410 - duplicate trousers from heavy cotton and woolen fabrics. The H 410 has additional threads to better keep its shape.
  • F 220 - for boil-resistant fabrics, eg.

In addition, you should carefully consider the markings indicating the care requirements for products with this type of cushion layer.

  • RA - only dry cleaning is possible.
  • PET - normal hand and machine wash.
  • PES - gentle wash at water temperatures up to 40 ° C.

How to glue non-woven

There are several simple rules that must be followed when working with cushioning material. Often ignorance and lack of skills in gluing interfacing leads to the fact that the surface of the processed part begins to wrinkle and bend, and the gasket quickly peels off. The following tips will help you avoid these troubles.

  • Despite the non-woven origin of the liner, the fabric should be cut along the edge like a regular fabric.
  • Before work, it is necessary to check the strength, exposure time and temperature of the iron, at which the gluing will take place in the best way. Moreover, the temperature of the iron should be oriented towards the most sensitive of the fabrics involved in the connection. That is, duplicating silk, you need to set the temperature regulator to "silk". In the case when it is necessary to reinforce the woolen part with non-woven linen, set the average temperature, otherwise the gasket may deform.
  • To avoid damage to the main fabric and the surface of the iron, an iron should be used - an additional layer of cotton material of a neutral color, for example, a cut. Bonding of non-woven fabric is carried out exclusively in dry mode!
  • In the process of work, the iron should be evenly rearranged from one point to another, holding it in one place for 8-10 seconds, and not driving it over the surface of the material. Otherwise, the adhesive layer may stretch and bubbles and distortions appear on the surface of the main fabric.
  • After gluing the non-woven fabric, before continuing to work, you must wait for the part to completely cool down. This will prevent premature peeling of the gasket and deformation of the element.

Low cost, ease of use and excellent quality of products make non-woven fabric an indispensable tool for sewing clothes and making home textiles.

Adhesive fabric has an important role in tailoring. This is another layer of fabric that is attached from the inside out and retains the shape of the collar, belt, sides, strengthens pockets, a loop, and a fastener.

The gasket is used even in the simplest models to strengthen the neckline, seams and bottom.

There are woven and non-woven pads.

Woven spacers have a shared thread, so they must be cut in the same direction as the base material. The nonwoven pad can be cut in any direction.

Also, gaskets are adhesive and non-adhesive.
Non-glued ones are not convenient to sew, they must first be pinned with pins with the fabric, then stitched. Therefore, we will not work with this species.

Adhesive fabric has on one side a special rough coating that melts under the iron.

It is necessary in the work to put an iron between the iron and the gasket - a thin cotton fabric so as not to damage the coating of the iron.

How to choose adhesive tissue?

Today in stores there is a large selection of glue non-woven and .

I prefer to use. It is more durable, it has a pronounced lobar thread, although it is a little more expensive, but its advantages justify it.

And you can identify the best option for yourself empirically))

How to glue with dublerin?

The only way to see what the padded fabric will look like is to buy and test: glue a small piece of padding onto a small piece of fabric.

How glue the dublerin onto the fabric? We put the rough side on the wrong side of the fabric , we make sure that the share threads coincide.

We iron the part with an iron through the cotton fabric. Let cool for 20 minutes. The glue from the pad must firmly transfer to the fabric so that the edges cannot be separated.

The main rule: the glue pad should not be denser than the fabric, it can be tougher, but not denser.

Watch a very good video on how to properly cut and glue dublein and non-woven parts to fabric:

Non-woven- This is a non-woven material on an adhesive basis designed to strengthen the details of the patterns of garments to give them rigidity. Non-woven fabric is made from cellulose fiber. In some types of interfacing, synthetic polyester fiber is added. Flizelin can be ordinary with or without an adhesive base, and sometimes it is removable, that is, soluble in water. Soluble interlining is convenient for embroidery and appliqué work.

Flizelin as dublerin is used to strengthen sections of clothing. For example, it is glued on the shoulder seams to avoid stretching the fabric, used to strengthen fasteners, straps. If it is a jacket or jacket, they are glued with non-woven or double-linen. To maintain the shape of individual sections of the product, the collar and cuffs are glued. Yokes, belts, pocket flaps are glued.

Non-woven fabric, as previously described, is made of non-woven fiber, which resists moisture and gives minimal shrinkage. Thanks to this, the non-woven fabric does not pull together the garment after washing, which prevents deformation of the garment. Due to the fact that non-woven fabric does not shrink and does not shrink, they began to use it in wallpaper. Such wallpapers are called non-woven wallpapers and differ from ordinary wallpapers in density, wear resistance and retain their rigid shape, which makes it possible to make the surface of such wallpapers with detergents. Non-woven material is also used in medicine as a bio-soluble dressing material.

Disadvantages of non-woven fabric

But the non-woven material used in the garment still has disadvantages.

When gluing the non-woven to the patterns of the parts, the glued parts are ultimately connected by machine stitching and the non-woven remains in the product at all. The disadvantage is that over time it peels off under the influence of washing, and also loses its integrity (wears out), since it has a thin non-woven fabric. Considering these disadvantages, I use non-woven fabric in garments where there is a lining fabric, that is, so that the non-woven fabric is between the fabrics of the garment and does not wear out.

Types of non-woven fabric, how to glue non-woven fabric

Non-woven fabric is glued to the fabric using a hot iron with steam.

Non-woven fabric is produced under various brands and has different characteristics. Below is a table of non-woven fabrics suitable for different fabrics. Materials are glued at different temperatures and different time regimes.

Brand Surface density,
g / m²
Bonding temperature,
° C
Bonding time,
What fabrics it is used with
H-180 33 60 0,35 130-150 8 Light to lightweight silk, wool, viscose
H-200 45 60 0,32 130-150 8 Light cotton, viscose, lavsan
(with stabilizing threads)
56 60 0,4 130-150
(with moisture)
10-12 Light to heavy
C-405 27 90 0,4 130-150 8 Silk and viscose
(for skin)
50 90 0,6 60-85 8-19 Velor, patent and artificial leather

Gurovich K. A. Fundamentals of materials science of sewing production. - 1st ed. Textbook for NGOs. - M .: Academy, 2013 .-- S. 164-165. - 208 p.

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