Why you shouldn't sleep on your back during pregnancy. Why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs Is it possible for a pregnant woman to sleep on their backs

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It's no secret that pregnancy is a period of serious hormonal changes and significant stress, which are becoming more noticeable every month. Therefore, full rest and sleep at this time is necessary for the female body as never before, because without them, not only the physical, but also the emotional state of the expectant mother will suffer. It is not surprising that extremely important questions come to the fore during this period: how to sleep better during pregnancy in order to fully recover the strength spent during the day, and how can the condition of the expectant mother be alleviated by making her sleep truly healthy and deep?

How to sleep properly during pregnancy

As the fetus grows in size and the belly of the expectant mother becomes larger, finding the optimal sleeping position can take so long that there is practically no rest for the rest. In addition, the position of the body should not only facilitate falling asleep, but also be safe for the mother and her unborn baby - it is important that the uterus does not squeeze the internal organs, impairing blood flow. So how is it necessary to sleep during pregnancy so that the position is not only comfortable, but also harmless to the woman's body and the fetus itself?

First of all, it is worth remembering that you will have to give up quite quickly from resting on your stomach and back. In the first case, the baby, being under the weight of his mother's body, can get injured, especially since it is simply not possible to control his movements in a dream. And in the second, the uterus and the fetus itself, putting pressure on the vena cava, will prevent the cells from saturating with oxygen in the proper volume. In this regard, women, being in a position, and ask the question: falling asleep, is it possible to sleep on the side during pregnancy, and on which side in this case is it better to lie down?

Doctors strongly recommend that expectant mothers sleep on their left side, since lying on the right side for several hours can provoke squeezing of the kidney. The left side in this regard is considered an ideal option: not only the functioning of the kidneys improves, but also the blood supply to the placenta, as well as the work of the heart. In addition, the load on the liver and the risk of edema are reduced. Of course, if a woman has recently become pregnant, it will not be dangerous for her and the unborn baby to sleep on her right side, but already from the 12th week of pregnancy this issue will have to be treated with much more attention.

And of course, answering the question of how to sleep properly during pregnancy, it is worth mentioning the importance of a high-quality orthopedic mattress and special pillows for expectant mothers, which will help get rid of discomfort and make the night's rest really high-quality and complete.


In what position can you sleep during pregnancy, and does the choice of the optimal sleeping position depend on its duration? The answer is unequivocal - it depends, and the longer the period, the more important it is for the expectant mother to think about the safety of the child during the night's rest. Often women in a position complain: "Everyone says that sleeping on the right side during pregnancy can harm the baby, but otherwise I just cannot sleep." In fact, everything is far from being so categorical, but for each term, doctors have special recommendations that are best known and followed.

First months

What is the best way to sleep in early pregnancy? Of course, choosing the right and comfortable posture at the same time. While the fetus and abdomen, respectively, are still very small, let's say almost any option in which the expectant mother feels as comfortable as possible. In the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, up to 11-12 weeks, there will be no harm to the baby, even if his mother sleeps on her stomach every night. At this time, the uterus is still protected from pressure by the pelvic and pubic bones, and the bladder has to feel the main load on itself.

In the first trimester, you can even sleep on your stomach.

The only thing that can prevent a woman from sleeping soundly in the early stages of pregnancy is increased sensitivity and even soreness of the breast, which appears as a result of hormonal changes occurring at this moment in the body of the expectant mother. In addition, even during early pregnancy, doctors recommend gradually accustoming yourself to sleep on your side or at least in an intermediate position, placing a special pillow behind, so that in the future, the refusal to rest on the back and stomach will be painless.

Second trimester

Due to the well-being of the expectant mother and her full sleep, the 2nd trimester is rightfully considered the happiest period of pregnancy, during which the main hormonal storms have already subsided, and the problems of excess weight and back pain have not yet made themselves felt. But already now, wondering how to sleep better in the second trimester, she should first of all think about the health and safety of the unborn child, and not about her comfort. At the 15th week of pregnancy, the uterus already feels a lot of pressure on itself, and although the fetus is well protected by adipose tissue and amniotic fluid, it is not recommended to sleep on the stomach at this time.

From 24-26 weeks, expectant mothers have to give up resting on their backs - the fetus becomes large enough, because of which the uterus, pressing against the spine, can squeeze the inferior vena cava. Therefore, pregnant women during this period are advised to sleep on their left side, sometimes turning to their right, and listen carefully to the fetal movements - if the baby is uncomfortable, he can inform the mother about it with kicks.

Third trimester

How is it recommended to sleep in the last weeks before childbirth? This question is not an easy one, because already at 33 weeks of gestation, the size of the abdomen significantly complicates the choice of a comfortable position for rest. How can you alleviate the condition of the expectant mother if the month is already the eighth? At 8 months of pregnancy, doctors recommend sleeping exclusively on the left side to protect the liver from excessive pressure from the fetus. The same rule applies to the ninth: how to sleep at the 9th month of pregnancy, if the belly has become so big that even turning on the other side is a whole problem? Of course, spending the whole night in one position is quite difficult, but with the help of a special pillow sandwiched between the knees and a roller placed under the stomach, you can almost completely get rid of discomfort.

Thus, it will be completely comfortable to sleep.

In addition, if an incorrect position of the fetus was detected at 35 weeks of gestation, a suitable sleeping position can correct the situation: with a breech presentation, sleep is allowed exclusively on the left side, and with a transverse presentation, on where the baby's head is directed.

How to sleep when pregnant with twins

Women who are carrying two babies at once ask this question much earlier than others, because they have to experience a double load on themselves. The expectant mother, pregnant with twins, should forget about resting on her stomach and back in the first trimester, because two fetuses will exert pressure on the spine at once. This means that the answer to the question of how to sleep during a multiple pregnancy is obvious: taking into account all the standard prescriptions for this case, but taking into account the much greater load on the body and the need to take care of the safety of not one, but two babies at once.

Assistant pillow

Most doctors already in the early stages recommend purchasing a special pillow for pregnant women, which will help to cope with discomfort and pain and make the expectant mother's sleep really high-quality and deep. On the modern market, there are many different options for such products that can satisfy any request: for some it is more comfortable to sleep with support under their back, while others first of all need support for the abdomen with a special roller. In any case, deciding on such a purchase, we do not just choose a place to sleep and rest, but take care of the health of the unborn child, ensuring his safety throughout the night.

How much do pregnant women need to sleep?

You need to sleep as much as you like 😉

To fully restore the energy spent per day, an adult needs at least 7-8 hours of good sleep. And how much rest will a pregnant woman need in this case, whose body is experiencing more and more stress every day? Research in this area has shown that expectant mothers need 9-10 hours of healthy sleep to keep them energized for the next day. At the same time, constant lack of sleep, and even more so chronic insomnia, which is often found in women in position, can cause serious health problems, up to premature birth and even miscarriage.

Necessary medical observations, analyzes and examinations

Diagnosis of pregnant women is a rather difficult question, because many types of examinations may be unsafe during this period. But this does not mean that you should not seek medical advice with the problem of insomnia - an X-ray or CT scan for a woman in a position, of course, will hardly be prescribed, but it is quite possible to find out what the cause of sleep disturbances is with more gentle methods. Most often, the situation is normalized with the help of light sedatives, which have a beneficial effect on the unstable emotional state of the mother, but in extreme cases, sleeping pills that are allowed to be taken during pregnancy are prescribed.

In addition, by examining and collecting anamnesis, the expectant mother can be found to have concomitant diseases that worsen the quality of night rest, for example, high blood pressure or cramps in the calf muscles, and a blood sugar test sometimes reveals uncompensated diabetes mellitus, in which frequent urination and skin itching makes sleep superficial and intermittent.

Dangers and complications

How can you not sleep during pregnancy? This question worries expectant mothers for a reason, because many of the poses that seem quite comfortable can affect both their condition and the development of the fetus. So, sleeping on the right side significantly increases the pressure on the liver, and lying on the stomach is generally dangerous for the baby's life. In addition, an incorrectly chosen resting position is fraught with a violation of the blood supply to the placenta, the appearance of aching back pain, edema, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, dizziness, general weakness, nausea and even vomiting. And, therefore, taking care of the quality of sleep for a pregnant woman and her loved ones should be no less important than following the diet and walking in the fresh air. And then she herself will feel great, and her baby will fully grow and develop.

What position should a pregnant woman take for a restful sleep? Obstetricians are encouraged to get used to the position on the side. This article explains why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs.

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Sleep features of pregnant women

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman does not care how to spend a night's rest. She can fall asleep in your favorite position.

However, doctors advise changing your habits and getting used to sleeping on your side. While the abdomen is small, the embryo is protected from external influences by the amniotic membrane, and the uterus does not significantly squeeze the organs and blood vessels.

Therefore, there is no need to change the usual posture during this period of gestation.

A woman preparing to become a mother can still lie on her back or on her side without consequences. The prone position is also allowed, but up to 80–85 days.

The uterus is enlarged, this position leads to its squeezing. In the first third of gestation, the breasts begin to swell, which is accompanied by soreness of the nipples, so sleep problems appear on the growing belly, the pregnant woman is shifted to her back.

However, after a three-month period, the uterus grows rapidly. When a pregnant woman is with her belly up for a long time, the uterus presses on the spinal cord, begins to squeeze large vessels. Therefore, when a pregnant woman lies for a long time, it is necessary to change position more often. Prolonged supine position causes compression of blood vessels and congestion leading to disease.

When should a woman rebuild her nightlife? Obstetricians recommend starting from the initial trimester, although the need for this arises in the second. There is a squeezing of the vessels supplying blood to the heart. The woman may feel dizzy and even faint.

How to sleep late? In the last third, sleeping on your back during pregnancy causes squeezing the portal vein massive uterus. The expectant mother suffocates in a dream, the embryo experiences the same sensations. The situation is corrected by turning on the side.

How to sleep more comfortably

During gestation, the nuances that the woman did not take into account before become decisive. The state of health depends on the duration of sleep and position. A comfortable position should be considered when it is comfortable for the pregnant woman and the embryo. If he does not have enough blood supply, then the mother will become ill. Short-term hypoxia sets in, which is corrected by a change in body position. Doctors from the twenty-eighth week forbid pregnant women to lie on their backs.

While the abdomen is small, the uterus is protected from external influences by the bone of the pelvis. Can you lie on your back during pregnancy during the initial weeks?

Of course it is allowed. While the belly is small the uterus is protected from external influences the bone of the small pelvis.

With an increase in the size of the abdomen, a woman will not be able to lie on it, so she will have to choose a lateral or dorsal position.

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy becomes uncomfortable - lumbar pains appear, blood pressure rises. Fatigue falls on the woman as a result of chronic lack of sleep.

If signs of discomfort appear, the posture must be changed. Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Because the uncomfortable position will force her to wake up and change her position.

Can you lie on your back during pregnancy? Obstetricians recommend that expectant mothers should not stay in such a position for a long time during daytime rest and night sleep. The pregnant woman will be awakened or forced to involuntarily change position by discomfort or low back pain. The woman tosses and turns and looks for a comfortable position on her side.

Which side should you lie on? Most gynecologists consider the left side to be safe and comfortable... For convenience, it is recommended to put one leg on top of the other, placing an additional pillow between them. Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Because this position causes discomfort in the embryo in the womb. He moves, does not let the mother fall asleep, and she is forced to accept a position in which the unborn child will cease to bother her. In addition, the following points must be considered:

  • the work of the digestive tract is disrupted;
  • pressure decreases, which is accompanied by nausea and dizziness;
  • there is a threat of varicose veins on the legs, thrombophlebitis is not excluded.

Important! When the pregnant woman is resting on her back, the massive uterus compresses the blood vessels, which causes hypoxia of the embryo and maternal organs. There is a threat of fainting, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

What matters is the procedure for getting up and laying down. Initially considered correct smoothly raise the torso from a lying position on its side, lower your legs out of bed, get up slowly. In this case, there will be no concussion of the uterus, it will not contract, and the blood pressure will remain normal.

Most obstetricians believe that sleeping on the left side is considered comfortable and safe for the unborn child and his mother.

This will allow avoid the pressure of the heavy uterus on the liver and the right kidney.

Otherwise, the ureters are pinched, urine stagnation develops. A situation is created that favors the onset of pyelonephritis.

The pregnant woman bends her left arm at the elbow, and places her right hand over the abdomen. This position allows you to reduce the load on the spinal cord and organs.

It is most practical to lie on your left side., bending the one-sided arm at the elbow, and the right over the abdomen. Sleeping on your back during pregnancy will not last long. Unpleasant sensations will force a woman to change position. A few more tips:

  • Do not put your hands under your head - they will become numb.
  • The legs should be bent, placing the knees obliquely from the body.

The adopted position will make it more comfortable pillow designed for pregnant women... It is customary to put it under the knees. The sizes of the accessory purchased at the orthopedic pharmacy are selected arbitrarily. The pillow is placed under the belly or back to give the body a comfortable position. The device helps to reduce leg swelling that occurs in sleeping people.

Place a pillow or rolled towel under the raised feet. It is necessary to choose the appropriate elasticity of the bed, as well as its density.

How to sleep for a future mom in the last stages of pregnancy? Feather beds, beds with metal nets are excluded. The mattress is chosen to be elastic, well supporting the body.

High pillows are replaced with orthopedic ones. This allows you to relax the cervical vertebrae, which prevents the occurrence.

A thinner pillow is slipped under the stomach, thicker and larger between the legs. The left one needs to be extended, the right one - bend at the knee. In this case, the swollen limbs bother the pregnant woman less, the load on the lower back and pelvis is reduced.

Important! To improve the regulation of body position during night rest, special headboards for pregnant women are used. When there is no desire or opportunity to purchase all the options, they stop at the universal one. Such a pillow supports the stomach, allows the back to rest, and can be useful when feeding an unborn child.

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In everyday life, few women think about what posture to take and how to perform this or that action. But our health largely depends on the position of the body. Pregnant women should be especially careful when choosing a comfortable position. The location of the body in space determines not only the well-being of the expectant mother during this difficult period, but also indirectly affects the growth and development of the fetus throughout pregnancy.

Sitting position during pregnancy

Experts say that long-term preservation of a sitting position will not benefit a pregnant woman and her baby. In a sitting position, only one muscle group is constantly working, while others are in a relaxed state. That is why sedentary work is not recommended for pregnant women, in which it is required to maintain a stationary position for a long time.

Negative effects of prolonged sedentary work:

  • the activity of the back muscles decreases;
  • increased pressure on the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region;
  • the blood supply to the pelvic organs and lower extremities is disrupted;
  • the blood flow through the placenta to the fetus slows down;
  • the risk of developing edema of the lower extremities increases.
  • Prolonged preservation of a sitting position provokes an exacerbation of osteochondrosis and the development of an intervertebral hernia. Over time, pains appear in the lumbar region, discomfort in the lower extremities. Due to impaired blood flow, changes in blood pressure, headaches, and dizziness are possible. All this significantly worsens the condition of the expectant mother and interferes with the normal course of pregnancy.

    Sedentary work is a risk factor for the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities and small pelvis. The likelihood of developing such complications increases in the second half of pregnancy. The resulting stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs leads to the appearance of hemorrhoids, spider veins and dilated veins in the legs. The risk of developing thrombosis in pathologically altered veins is significantly increased.

    Serious problems occur in the second half of pregnancy after 24 weeks. With prolonged sitting in a sitting position, the pressure of the growing uterus on the pelvic organs and the spine increases. Blood flow in the pelvic cavity is impaired, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus deteriorates. Constant sedentary work in the third trimester is a risk factor for the development of placental insufficiency and other complications of pregnancy.

    Pose selection

    Comfortable Sitting Positions for Pregnant Women:

    • Option number 1... Sitting on a chair, rest your back on the support. Make sure that your back is tight against the back of the chair. The neck and shoulders at this moment should be on the same axis with the spine. The feet should be level with the support on the toes and heels.
    • Option number 2... Sit on the seat without touching the back of the seat. Sit down so that your buttocks are completely resting on the seat. Relax: there should be no tension in the legs and buttocks.
    • Option number 3... Sit cross-legged (Turkish). Sit down so that the weight of your body is on your sit bones. Watch your posture: the back should be straight, the head and neck should be on the same axis with the spine. The pose is suitable for sitting on the floor, couch, or other wide, flat surface.

    The proposed postures are considered the most physiological. They do not interfere with the normal blood flow in the pelvic organs, contribute to an even distribution of the load on the muscles and ligaments, help maintain posture and fully relax. These positions do not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development.

    Important aspects

    When choosing a comfortable sitting position, you need to consider the following points:

    1. In a sitting position on a chair, the legs should fully reach the floor, rest against the surface with the toe and heel. You should not cross your legs, bend them under you, or throw one leg over the other.
    2. The seat for the expectant mother should be moderately hard, not sagging under her weight.
    3. For convenience, you can put a roller or pillow under the lumbar region. Special pillows for pregnant women will come to the aid of the expectant mother, designed to relieve stress from the spine.
    4. In the Turkish position, you should carefully monitor your well-being and sensation in your legs. Unaccustomed to this position, the legs become numb, there are unpleasant sensations in the form of crawling creeps, numbness.
    5. From time to time, you should change your posture, get up, walk around the room.
    6. Convenient hand placement is a guarantee of comfort. Keep your arms relaxed. In a sitting position on a chair, your hands can be folded in front of you on your knees, put on a table or armrests.

    What not to do

    • cross your legs;
    • cross your legs;
    • sit with support only on the socks;
    • slouch;
    • arch your back back;
    • focus on the right or left side;
    • for a long time to be in a pose in Turkish (sitting on the buttocks with crossed legs);
    • sit with your legs bent under you;
    • squat.

    Security measures

    Pregnant women are not recommended to be stationary for a long time. Every 30-45 minutes you need to take a break: get up, change your posture. After 30 weeks, a break will be required every 15-20 minutes or as needed.

    When changing a pose, you should do simple gymnastics:

    • Walk barefoot on the floor.
    • Squeeze and unclench your toes quickly.
    • Try to grab a small object off the floor with your toes.
    • Make a few slow circular motions with your feet.
    • Roll from heel to toe and vice versa until the tension in your feet subsides.

    It will not be superfluous to warm up for other muscle groups.

    Expectant mothers often ask themselves the question: how to sleep properly during pregnancy? Indeed, the upcoming motherhood makes its own adjustments to the physiology of the female body: the hormonal background changes, the growing uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, mood fluctuates, depression and increased anxiety are possible. All this can negatively affect the quality and duration of a woman's sleep, while a full night's rest is one of the basic conditions for bearing a strong baby and maintaining the health of the mother.

    Each of us has a favorite position that we involuntarily assume when we go to bed. But are all sleep positions during pregnancy safe? Consider the possible impact of each of them in terms of trimester.

    First trimester

    If the pregnancy is proceeding normally and there are no special medical recommendations, then in the first 12 weeks you can not give up the usual resting positions. The position on the stomach is not forbidden either. The fetus is still too small and sufficiently protected by the bones of the pelvis and the pubic articulation from compression. The only inconvenience that makes many women abandon their favorite position on their stomach is painful sensations in the chest, which swells and becomes extremely sensitive already at an early stage of pregnancy.

    Second trimester

    The question of how to sleep better for pregnant women is actualized at this stage. After the 12th week, intensive growth of the fetus is noted, and from about the 18th week, the uterus extends beyond the pubic and pelvic bones. Despite the cushioning function of the mother's amniotic fluid and abdominal fat, the prone position can cause unwanted pressure on the fetus.

    The optimal resting position during pregnancy is considered to be on the left side. In this position, the enlarging uterus does not put pressure on the liver, the pressure on the kidneys and bladder is also minimal. However, it is difficult to stay in one position all night, so it is permissible to roll over from one side to the other.

    Third trimester

    The last three months of pregnancy are accompanied by increased fetal growth, in this regard, staying on the stomach becomes not only dangerous, but also impossible. It will be more difficult for those who are used to sleeping on their backs. In this position, the uterus, already having a significant weight, exerts pressure on the spine and intestines, and also squeezes the inferior vena cava. This disrupts the flow of blood from the lower body to the heart. As a result, a woman may note:

    • restless behavior of the child in the womb;
    • symptoms of hypotension (dizziness, weakness, flashing of flies before the eyes);
    • pain and stiffness in the lower back and lower part of the spinal column;
    • indigestion (feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, nausea, heartburn, problems with stools);
    • signs of varicose veins of the lower extremities (discomfort, pastiness, edema);
    • development of hemorrhoids.

    Venous congestion in the mother's body is no less dangerous for the fetus, which does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. Violation of trophism and hypoxia can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences. It is for these reasons that it is important to choose the right sleep positions during pregnancy.

    A person changes his body position during sleep, and this is impossible to control. At the same time, there are some tricks that do not allow a sleeping woman to roll over on her back: someone, laying on their left side, places behind themselves any object that prevents the roll over on their back, someone sews a tennis ball into the bottom of a pajama jacket.

    The correct sleeping position in the third trimester is on the left side. In this case, the right knee can be pulled to the stomach by placing a pillow under it, and the left leg can be extended. In this position, the load on the pelvis is minimal, and the woman has the opportunity to fully rest. From time to time you can turn to the right, but it is better to fall asleep on the left side. At the final stage of pregnancy, the child is able to send jerks to the mother about his unhappiness, which helps the woman to orient herself in time and change her posture.

    Sleep positions for complicated pregnancy

    In some cases, the question arises in what positions you can sleep during pregnancy, if it is accompanied by any deviations. The main ones are: atypical placement of the child in the uterus and significant dysfunctions of the mother's body.

    If a woman during pregnancy is worried about excruciating heartburn, breathing problems or complications from the cardiovascular system, then it is advisable to ensure an elevated position of the upper body. To do this, if possible, you need to raise the top edge of the bed or put a large pillow under your back. With edema of the legs, it is desirable that they are on a slight elevation. The position on the left side with the right knee pulled up to the abdomen also helps to prevent swelling of the lower extremities.

    Sleeping area and special bedding for pregnant women

    Paying attention to the position in which it is better for a pregnant woman to sleep, do not forget about the resting place itself. The bed should be large enough so that the woman can easily assume various positions. The mattress should have a flat surface and not be too hard. Choosing a special orthopedic (or anatomical) mattress for a pregnant woman, you should give preference to models without springs or with independent springs. They provide an even distribution of the woman's weight and effectively relieve the load on the spine. Properties such as hypoallergenicity, ventilation, strength are also important.

    There are also special pillows for pregnant women, with which it is easier for a woman to take a comfortable position while lying down. Products are available in various sizes, configurations and compositions. For information on how to sleep on a pregnancy pillow, which models and fillings to choose, please contact our sales consultants.

    How to get good sleep during pregnancy

    The problem with falling asleep is caused not only by physical changes in the body of a pregnant woman, but also by many other factors that can and should be corrected. In this regard, it is necessary:

    • Establish a daily routine: go to bed and wake up at the same time, in the afternoon, exclude activities that cause physical and mental fatigue, serious negotiations, watching disturbing films and television programs. Do not forget about regular walks in the fresh air and gymnastics for pregnant women.
    • Exclude from the diet foods that increase the excitability of the nervous system or complicate digestion (coffee, strong tea, energy drinks, abundant fatty and spicy foods). The last meal and drink should be no later than 1.5 hours before the rest.
    • Take care of the microclimate of the room (cleanliness, optimal air humidity, ventilation).
    • Do not resort to sleeping pills - such appointments are made by the doctor in exceptional cases. Warm baths with aromatic oils, a glass of milk with honey, a decoction of mint and lemon balm have a noticeable sedative effect.
    • If your insomnia is caused by fears of an upcoming birth, attending antenatal courses is a constructive step. Experts will step by step analyze the situations of concern with the future woman in labor. Having concrete ideas about the subject and a clear plan of action in certain circumstances will help to overcome fear and gain confidence.

    With the onset of pregnancy, cardinal changes take place in a woman's life. From the second trimester to the expectant motheryou need to be careful about the position in which she rests or sleeps. This is due to the fact that the size of the uterus increases, and the pelvic region can no longer fully protect the fetus from external influences.

    How does sleeping position affect the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman?

    Already from the 15th week, the uterus is located between the pubic bone and the navel, so doctors do not allow sleeping on the stomach or on the back. This position leads to hypertonicity of the uterus, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. At the beginning of pregnancy, lying on your back is allowed, since there is no particular harm to the baby. From the end of the 19th week, it is required to change the habit and choose a different position for rest, as the risk of disruption of the functionality of internal systems increases.

    Pregnancy affects the work of all organs, there is swelling, constipation, flatulence, back pain. Symptoms are manifested due to increased pressure on the digestive tract and bladder, and the load on the spine also increases.

    Lack of oxygen negatively affects the health of the baby. His body does not receive enough nutrients, which means that the child cannot develop normally and gain weight. After birth, the baby has problems with appetite, due to damage to the central nervous system, he can become irritable, sleep is disturbed.

    Why should pregnant women not sleep on their backs?

    From the beginning of the second semester, a restructuring begins in the body, so the position during sleep and rest plays an important role. Major changes:

    • the fetus at 20 weeks increases in size, therefore it puts pressure on all organs that are in close proximity to it;
    • the uterus increases, its size becomes palpable;
    • the synthesis of progesterone increases, which leads to the depletion of bone tissue;
    • the pelvic bones lose their elasticity.

    When the pregnant woman walks or stands, there is no discomfort. Inconvenience arises if a woman lies on her back. Then the fetus presses on the spinal region, which leads to pain. In this position, the vena cava is compressed, the blood cannot circulate normally in the vessels. The consequence of this can be fainting, even thrombus formation.

    Those who cannot give up the habit of resting on their backs experience constant bouts of heartburn and nausea, and pain in the lumbar spine is also manifested. In addition, the bladder is compressed, which causes incontinence at any time of the day. If a woman has a curvature of the spine, it is not recommended to lie on her back. This will aggravate the situation and lead to negative consequences.

    How to sleep better during pregnancy?

    It is best to lie on your side, while rolling over to one side or the other. To reduce the stress on the spine, a pillow is placed between the lower limbs. Sleep then becomes calmer and more comfortable, since blood circulates normally in soft tissues, oxygen starvation is not created. You can rest on both sides, but preference should be given to the left side. This method prevents squeezing of the liver.

    The maternity store sells special pillows. You can use them starting from 2 months. They are designed in such a way that they allow the expectant mother to take a comfortable position, which promotes good rest. Also, the kit often includes instructions on how many weeks of pregnancy you cannot sleep on your stomach and back.

    In the early stages

    Due to the restructuring of the body, a pregnant woman appears drowsy in the early stages. This condition is not a deviation from the norm, but is considered a sign of the development of the child inside the womb. The production of hormones changes, and the woman needs more strength and energy, so she wants to rest. You do not need to deny yourself such a desire, since sleep has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the pregnant woman and the baby.

    In the first trimester, there are no strict restrictions on resting postures. You can sleep on your stomach or on your back, since the uterus has not yet greatly increased in size and has not gone beyond the pelvic bones. It turns out that there are no obstacles to the motor system, and it is impossible to harm the fetus. The baby is completely protected by the amniotic fluid, but you should prepare for the fact that in a few weeks you will have to change your habits.

    If for some reason it is forbidden to sleep on your stomach and on your back, you need to lie down on your right or left side, while it is possible to use special devices. In order for the sleep to be full and not to feel discomfort, some recommendations must be followed:

    • the left limb should be on a pillow;
    • put a roller under the lower back;
    • a pillow is placed under the stomach.

    An orthopedic mattress helps to improve the quality of sleep and wake up rested. It takes the shape of the body, and the woman does not experience a strong load on the lumbar part. In the event that, after an ultrasound scan, it turned out that the baby in the womb is in a transverse position, you need to lie on your side on the side where the head is located. In this way, you can return the fetus to the desired position. In one night, the expectant mother should change her position about 3 times. This is due to the fact that in one position the limbs are numb.

    At a later date

    Why is it strictly forbidden to sleep on your back for long periods of time? The uterus enlarges and extends beyond the pelvis. This means that the child is no longer protected and may be harmed from the outside. Incorrect posture of the mother leads to squeezing of a large vessel, which causes impaired blood circulation. Then the baby does not receive nutrients and oxygen, which are necessary for normal intrauterine development.

    You can sleep only on the left and right sides, and in order to be comfortable, you need to use special pillows (for more details, see the article: types of pillows for pregnant women: shapes, sizes and other features). They come in different sizes and shapes, but their structure helps to cope with the discomfort that occurs when the belly begins to grow.

    During pregnancy, a woman should fully rest, since strength and energy are spent twice as much. The mother's condition affects the baby, so you need to carefully monitor your health. So that there is no discomfort in the stomach, it is worth refusing to eat in the late hours. You need to eat 2-3 hours before going to bed - during this time all the substances in the body will have time to digest and there will be no feeling of heaviness. To sleep better, it is recommended to drink warm milk with the addition of one teaspoon of honey.

    During pregnancy, a woman is assigned special physical exercises. You need to do gymnastics only during the daytime. Before going to bed, you should not overload the body - the increased tone will not let you fall asleep. It is better to turn on a soothing melody, and refuse a TV or smartphone. They can negatively affect the psyche, which will cause sleep problems.

    The rest room must be ventilated, it is good when a pregnant woman walks in the evening. Fresh air helps to relax and calm down, and sleep will be more sound. You only need to take a shower under warm water. The clothes in which the expectant mother sleeps should be made of natural fabrics, not hinder movement.

    During pregnancy, a woman becomes more sensitive, therefore she perceives the usual actions of others especially sharply. Against this background, stress or emotional experience arises. In such a situation, it is required to consult a psychologist, since the mental state is reflected in the baby.

    The choice of a posture while carrying a baby plays an important role. The condition of the baby depends on whether the mother has slept, so sleep should be comfortable, and the posture should be comfortable. It is worth remembering that in the second trimester it is not allowed to sleep on the stomach and on the back, as this will negatively affect the development of the fetus. It is necessary to sleep on the right and left side, and if the position seems uncomfortable, special pillows are used.

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