Congratulations for 30 years from the bottom of the heart. Cool Gift Ideas

Sincere congratulations on her birthday for 30 years to a woman, with beautiful, sincere wishes to the dear hero of the day on his round anniversary.

The best age in life is thirty
It's time for maturity
You are desirable, you are beautiful
Amazing, wise!
From your steep walk
All around are chilling
You have a lot of friends
And there are a lot of girlfriends!
May your dreams not smolder
There will be happiness and success
Happy birthday, happy anniversary,
We drink to joy, ringing laughter! Igor Zagorui

Congratulations to your daughter for 30 years from parents with love, care, the most important, most interesting parting words and wishes.

Sincere congratulations for 30 years from my aunt to my niece, with warm, sincere, heartfelt wishes, words of admiration and many others.

Happy birthday greetings to 30 years old son from parents, with interesting, sincere, beautiful wishes, parting parental words and much more.

A woman at any age wants to feel young. It used to be easy, but now the years will feel. And every day lived will be more and more clearly imprinted on it.

Congratulations on the girl's 30th birthday should be reminded that she is beautiful.

On this festive day, the day of your 30th birthday, let the flower meadows charm you not only in a dream, but also in reality, and sincere congratulations from friends will cause emotion and a happy tear. Do not be afraid to seem weak, because only the strong can show their feelings without fear.

I want to congratulate you on your birthday!
Over the years, you are more and more beautiful and sweeter,
And let the heartbeat increase
From the kind words of all devoted friends.

I wish you joy and happiness,
May every day only bring success
And warm embraces await you at home,
And let laughter replace all sorrows.

I wish life infinitely bright
And the eternal sun overhead.
So that vacation - in hot resorts,
And next - the closest and dearest.

Let the green light loom
At the crossroads of your path
Let the road be only smooth
Let there be tons of happiness ahead.

Beautiful and smart, you look great
I want to congratulate you on your anniversary personally,
May God give you health, and light, and warmth,
And so that you are sure to be happy!

Today, dear, you are only 30 years old,
And this is, without a doubt, your heyday!
Blossom as long as possible, hope and dream
Love and be loved, you do not know sorrows!

You have a big date -
Thirty years - wow!
We are happy to congratulate you
Not melting admiration.

Thirty years is a wonderful age
And the flowering of health and strength!
We wish that the beloved
I carried you in my arms.

To add more money
So that work is only high,
So that you remain beautiful
So that in life - an eternal drive!

A charming girl is celebrating her 30th birthday today. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to celebrate the new day with joy and delight, filling your heart with love and life with happiness. May all ideas and plans turn into reality, may your loved ones always be there, may luck and success always accompany you in business.

Spring has come into your life now
You have an anniversary today.
You are already both a mother and a wife,
Do not regret anything in life.

Never think about the years -
Youth is not measured by hours,
May love always knock on the temples
Be blessed by heaven.

You know neither sorrow nor tears,
Do not know trouble, bad mood.
Let hundreds of stars illuminate your life.
Beloved friend, happy birthday!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Live from full of happiness hops.
You just breathe this dope.

Let the steps lead you
High, high, high.
Many bright, wonderful moments!
May it always be easy for you.

May all the best happen soon.
Surprise everyone with your success
After all, today you are only 30,
So, there are so many miracles ahead!

30 years is a great anniversary!
The beginning of a new, mature, full life.
In fate, you have passed quite a few paths,
But there will be many more to come!

And so many unexplored roads
You still have to overcome
Therefore, I wish to be always
Confident in yourself, and let everything succeed!

I wish you sincere love
In the family there is prosperity, from family concerns.
May happiness increase every day
And you are becoming more beautiful every year!

Happy anniversary, dear!
30 years is a different page.
And we want to open it,
To step into a happy fairy tale.

Forget all the bad things that happened
So that the heart lets in good luck
So that all hopes and dreams come true.
So that you are just happy!

On your beautiful anniversary,
Gather guests as soon as possible
Invite to yourself: good luck,
Happiness with joy to boot!

A lot of positive things
Lots of laughter, perspectives,
A dozen few friends
So that everyone's life is more fun!

Be happy yourself
Make your dreams come true
Swim in the sea of ​​money
Enjoy the life of paradise!

The best anniversary ever
Congratulations faster
Accept you with a wish
Dreams come true!

Thirty years is a beautiful age
All roads are ahead
But there is experience behind me,
So go boldly on your way.

May love warm you
And hope won't go away
And there will be a lot of health
Your beauty blooms!

A short

You are two times fifteen,
You are elegant and sweet.
On your anniversary, we wish
Love, success and kindness.

You are thirty years old today
For women, time is flourishing.
And you are beautiful as always
Maybe better than it was.

Be sweeter and more beautiful every day
And let life be brighter, sweeter.
Be happy always, always!
Once again: "Happy birthday to you!"

Happy Birthday,
Glorious holiday - thirty years.
And I present congratulations
And a bouquet of beautiful words.
Happiness in the house comes
And love always blooms
And it will not diminish health,
Every next year.

Let the congratulations sound
After all, "Thirty" is the best of dates!
In the prime of strength and talent,
The soul strives to create!
Brilliant ideas, victories,
Friends of reliable, bright years!
May love give happiness light
The dream will come true!

30 years is not a date,
This is the very peak of fate
Be rich for joy
And do not know the chains of trouble
Be beautiful and happy
What is assigned will come.
30 years old - a living wonder
A new path and a new takeoff.

Congratulations to you today
Happy third anniversary
How many winters and springs have swept away
You are invariable to your goals!
The same dimple in a smile
The same joyful mood in life!
We wish the next thirty
To be such an optimist!

30 is the best birthday,
Life is a bright spring!
All desires and aspirations
Let them incarnate in full!
Every moment will be beautiful
And, like in a fairy tale, again and again
Warm the heart of happiness
Tenderness of loved ones and love!

Happy 30th birthday to you
I want to congratulate!
Let the years go forward -
You can do everything!
Good health - let
It won't let you down!
Let happiness flow over the edge
And it brings joy!

A unique, bright holiday:
Today - exactly 30 years!
Moments of light and beautiful
Aspirations and great victories!
Good luck, happiness, inspiration!
May the days be successful
Well-being, luck!
Let only joy wait ahead!

On your anniversary
We wish you happiness, joy, success,
A lot of love and a lot of laughter,
Good luck, health, a lot of strength,
So that the cheerfulness of the heart amuses,
So that you do not know sadness at all
And so that I don't forget my friends!
Be who you are:
For friends - a good friend
At home - a loving spouse
And a caring father
And in bed - well done!

Congratulations, friend!
30 years - like a minute:
Stay beautiful
Unusual and passionate.

May love inspire
And let your eyes shine
Happiness will be boundless
Delightful, gentle!

Happy 30th birthday to you!
Wonderful age, congratulations!
Remember to love yourself
And I wish you happiness.

There is still so much to come
Events of new, round dates.
Expect only joy from life
And do not look back with sadness.

Congratulations, my friend,
Today, happy anniversary.
At 30 you are your own mistress
You act bolder.

I wish to blossom
To become prettier only,
I wish you a man -
Certainly with a sense.

Exhausting passions
And bright emotions
Fur coats, gold, diamonds
Receive a gift.

What date is 30 years old?
Everyone sighs languidly.
You are wonderful - no doubt about it.
I know for sure.

You, friend, be happy
And cherish your luck.
Be beautiful and loved.
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

30 years only a third of the way
Life road.
Smite with the bloom of beauty
And drive the anxiety away.

You, friend, 30 means
That your life dawn has come
I sincerely wish you good luck
And many happy years to live

May luck smile at you
Let your dreams come true
May the sun constantly shine in life
Giving you magic flowers!

Sincere congratulations on the anniversary of 30 years to a friend

By the age of 30
More skill has become:
I have always been with a twinkle
Businesslike and brave.

And today is my birthday
Accept congratulations
From colleagues, friends
On your serious anniversary!

Your age is so beautiful
The look is mysterious and clear
You are divine, luxurious
It is not possible to look at it! ..

You are like an angel, dear, gentle,
Like a snow-white snowdrop,
You all shine, flutter,
You give us warmth and happiness!

Be a beautiful princess
Be a lady - kind,
Moderately - proud, unique,
And always phenomenal!

At 18 (really, really!)
We lacked intelligence.
At 20, my husband was not enough,
You remember yourself.

At 25 - the wrong salary
At 27 - the wrong flowers ...
And today - look
Finally you are ripe!

Everything is fine with you, smoothly,
May it always be so.
After all, "thirtieth" is the time
Full of life and work!

Without a girlfriend, my life
I can not imagine!
I'll pour in a glass for you,
I drink in one gulp

To be 30 years old
You are always beautiful!
To do good deeds
Made you happy!

And cherished dreams
So that they come true too!
Always be healthy
You can do everything in the world!

You, friend, cannot be compared with others -
There is no anger and double bottom in you!
You can handle any problems
Dear, you were born for happiness!

May your wishes come true
And let your soul rejoice!
Health, happiness, do not know the suffering
To you, my dear friend!

And 30 years, believe me, is just the beginning
For new ideals and victories!
I wish you had enough of everything
And to live in the world for many years!

What is 30 years old?
These are different skills -
Cook like lunch
And jams and pickles,
How to dress, how to accept,
How to calm down a boy's footfall,
What to give, what to give, what to take -
In a word, mind and subtle experience.
Do not interfere with beauty
Of a real city dweller
No saucepan on the stove
Not the absence of a maid!

The thirtieth man flew unexpectedly
Hit him lightly on the temples.
Don't be sad, because life is wonderful!
Trust dear friends!

What age if everything is right?
And send the crisis to FIG!
Loving, beloved with you,
And do not lose faith in strength!

We wish you to celebrate the anniversary
Not only a festive table.
And also come up with contests,
Participate in them later.

Girlfriend, would you think that at thirty
All the best is left behind
But is the jubilee a border
What can fence off miracles?
You are nothing, and age is not a hindrance,
To believe in happiness, magic, dreams,
I wish you bright impressions, laughter,
After all, joy is certainly where you are!

How much you were afraid of this date
Rather, you tried to hide your age,
And you once said the phrase:
“We are young, while life is wonderful”!

So I'll tell you, my dear little man,
Look around at the white light -
Life is beautiful on this wonderful evening,
You are 30 years old today!

Even though the years fly by quickly
And nothing can stop them
Congratulations on your 30th birthday
And we wish to live up to 100 years.
And on this day, let us wish:
From life - strength and vigor,
From relatives - affection and tenderness,
From people - peace and fidelity,
From friends - disinterested generosity.

Sincerely congratulate a friend on her 30th birthday

You are also gaining strength
Captivating many with beauty.
Your image is affectionate and sweet
Filled with a bright dream.
I wish to be loved further
Blossom even more magnificently.
Not knowing sorrow and falsehood,
Follow the right path!
Let the years run in succession
And they speed up the run in a hurry.
I know it will always be young
Responsive, kind soul.

Thirty knocked today -
Congratulations to everyone around.
A gentle brow frowning,
You are suddenly thinking.

The date is "round", no doubt.
Just what is she hiding?
Anticipating an answer
Is the soul silent?

People say it's -
Our best years.
Youth is slowly leaving
Leaves forever.

You, friend, knowing this,
Fortunately, turn your soul.
Rejoice, love, but remember -
Appreciate every day now.

Anniversary is a special holiday,
He is the brightest and most joyful,
We wish you a happy birthday
A solemn ringing under the glasses!

We wish to pluck a star from the sky,
Survive all the blows of fate.
Thirty years is the beginning of achievements,
Thirty years is still ahead!

Happy 30th birthday, girlfriend, you
Happy anniversary! Happy birthday!
Let go of your bad thoughts
Today we will be happy and sad.
You are so good at your age
Everything is in you, both beauty and soul.
We will hum today to
Leave this day in my memory.
You are sweet as a delicate rose
Let there be no tears on your face
Let men all over the planet
Dreaming of your portrait.

Eh, friend, 30 years old -
I would have your worries.
Cake, buns and a bouquet,
Festive notes.
Let your husband go for the night
Let it nibble on the herbs.
Let's sit down, quietly sad,
Let's drink for the seed
And the soul will jump to heaven,
Well it's birthday!
You are good at 30
Just a sight for sore eyes.

For every young lady, thirty years is a real milestone, a date that in many ways changes her life, and, of course, for the better! After all, a 30-year-old person is an adult, independent and free, he does not depend on anyone and can create his own destiny!

On this wonderful anniversary, the birthday girl becomes a woman, a lady, a real mistress of her own life. And for relatives, colleagues and friends, this is a reason to find unusual birthday greetings, 30 years, on this most important anniversary, when the hero of the occasion is waiting not just for the usual formulaic phrases, but for something special.

There are a lot of options on how to originally congratulate a friend, girlfriend, wife, sister, daughter. We have collected the most beautiful, touching, solemn and funny congratulations on the anniversary of 30 years - you just have to choose the right one! First, decide in what way you want to surprise the birthday girl. There are tons of options:

  • Send a cool SMS with an anniversary to a woman.
  • Sign the card with nice words.
  • Make a solemn speech.
  • Prepare an interesting toast.
  • Pick up prose or poetry.

Of course, congratulating a friend or colleague on her 30th birthday will differ from the words spoken for a beloved wife from a husband or for a daughter - from mom and dad. Congratulations on your friend's 30th birthday can be funny, with humor, but for your beloved "half" you need to find romantic and sincere phrases in prose or poetry. An individual approach will help you find the perfect words that will be the best gift for your anniversary!

Briefly - about the main thing!

Why long phrases and a pile of words, if the most important thing can be said in just a few lines?

1. We used to send postcards and telegrams, today everything is much simpler - you can send an SMS and please the birthday girl even early in the morning so that she reads your words first on this wonderful day!

These can be original wishes for your sister for 30 years, beautiful congratulations to your daughter, romantic SMS to your wife, beautiful words to your best friend in prose or poetry. An SMS message in the morning will create a festive mood and cause a surge of pleasant emotions!

2. All women love poetry and deeply feel it with all their soul! So dear friend for 30 years, sister, colleague can and should give poems on her birthday!

Such an original poetic congratulation on the 30th birthday of a girl or woman can be written on a postcard, pronounced as a keepsake during the presentation of a gift as a toast. It will be a wonderful surprise, which will be appreciated by both the hero of the day and the guests!

3. If you want to originally sign an employee a postcard with the anniversary of 30 years, the woman with whom you work together should choose modest but beautiful words so as not to cross the border of personal space, not to be familiar, but also not to speak with stereotyped, hackneyed phrases. In your speech or a happy birthday card for a woman, you can use beautiful poetic wishes, it will be original, tasteful and very appropriate.

4. Don't forget about an interesting toast! This is a wonderful way to congratulate both sister and colleague for 30 years, it can be a cool comic toast happy birthday to a friend, in a word - any birthday girl will like it!

More than just words!

Close people for their life together said a lot to each other, and the more difficult it is to find an original, appropriate congratulation to your girlfriend, wife for 30 years, daughter. But it’s the loved ones who want to say some special words so that they come from the very heart, prepare unusual, memorable congratulations!

30 years is already the age when a woman deeply understands the meaning of the spoken words and attaches special importance to them. So for your daughter or beloved wife for 30 years, choose the most heartfelt words so that they sound sincere and heartfelt!

1. An excellent version of birthday greetings for a beloved girl for 30 years is poems. What can be more pleasant than hearing beautiful, tender verses from a loved one or a husband?

2. If your beloved is not a fan of poetry, it does not matter. You can pick up a very beautiful congratulation for the 30th anniversary of your wife, girlfriend or beloved woman in prose, it will be no worse than poetry! The main thing is to say the words from the bottom of my heart, with love and sincere joy.

3. What should be the solemn speech on the 30th birthday to a friend? Original, sincere, touching and very soulful. Memorize the text by heart, add something of your own and give these wonderful words happy birthday to your best friend, so that she meets 30 years in a great mood!

4. Do you want to pick up a sincere congratulation to your sister on her 30th birthday - no problem! This is the dearest, closest person to whom a lot needs to be said on this important day. Solemn, sincere poems on the occasion of the 30th birthday for dear sister - this is what you need!

5. If her beloved daughter has a birthday, 30 years old, a woman wants to tell her daughter something especially important, maternal. The birthday girl is already an adult, but for her mother she is still a baby.

Touching congratulations on her daughter's 30th birthday in prose from her parents will create a unique atmosphere and high spirits at the holiday, cause a sea of ​​delight in the birthday girl and will certainly touch her to the core. Show your daughter how you love her!

6. For the celebration of 30 years, any girl will love congratulations in beautiful, wise verses. If you do not want to be limited to short SMS messages or laconic inscriptions on a postcard, then prepare your girlfriend, wife or sister for 30 years a beautiful congratulation in the form of a large, solemn holiday poem. These beautiful lines caress the female ear, they will surely touch the heart of the birthday girl and will be remembered by her for a long time!

They say that words are not the main thing, but when it comes to the anniversary, here it is sincere words that play a huge role! Congratulations to a girl on her 30th birthday can be fun or solemn, mentally or with humor, there are enough options! Choose such a birthday greetings to a 30-year-old girl that is perfect for her, words that will penetrate the very heart, and may your wishes for the birthday girl come true! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,

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