How to make retractable sleigh wheels yourself. Original sled with retractable wheels

Universani on the street. Video review

Below there is another video - unpacking and a detailed inspection of the sled.

Universani. Price

First, let's talk about the price of a sled. In different places, the cost of course was different. The most expensive offer on the market was 3200 rubles... Online stores offered a more reasonable price for a Sanimobile - 2800 rbl... However, we managed to find a place where, for the same 2800 rubles, we managed to buy Universani along with a mattress. If you think that this is not so necessary and you already have something to spread, I'm afraid you are a little rushed to conclusions. At first I thought so too, but when I saw the whole set assembled, I did not regret that I paid a little more.

First, let me show you what this thing looks like in the shipping version:

There are only two things - the sled itself and the handle. The design is rather bulky and heavy. However, this is even a little pleasing. The fact is that before that we had sled stroller Christy Lux... In pursuit of delicacy and lightness of design, the creators made them very wobbly and not inspiring confidence. It feels solid and solid.

After unpacking the purchase, we found that it was sled with large wheels... Remembering how much we had suffered with the rollers of the Christie luxury sled, we were glad that now it will be much easier to transport the sled on wheels.

Of course, the first thing we did was reattach the push handle. At first glance, it seems rather fragile. I was even afraid that she would bend when the child sits on the sled. But this first impression was deceiving. The handle of the sled is very strong. In order to prevent parents' hands from freezing, there is a special pad on the handle so as not to hold onto the cold metal tube with your hands.

Sanimobile Universani. Advantages and disadvantages

However, its weak point, and thus the weak point of the whole structure, is the attachment of the handle to the sled. Probably, the developers sought to simplify and speed up the installation and removal of the handle, so that even on the street it would be possible to do all this without resorting to wrenches and other tools.

Unfortunately, they clearly went overboard. The handle can be put on and off the hinges very easily. It is so easy that at some point it can be in your hands, and the sled with the child can leave by itself, for example, from a slide. One has only to pull the handle up harder and anything can happen. For example, if you are waiting for a green light at a pedestrian crossing and "in advance" have put the sled on a special notch-descent in the curb for strollers, the universal cars can move onto the roadway right under the wheels of the transport.

Even in the instructions for the sanimobile, it is written that if the universals are in the "wheel travel" position, you cannot lower them down the hill (for example, near the entrance) from the back. It is necessary to unfold the sled and walk in front of it, so that even if the handle slips out of its place, you can catch the entire structure together with the child.

In a word, you just need to keep this feature of the product in mind and know how to use it correctly. If you do not remove and put on the handle all the time, you can secure it tightly by drilling a couple of holes and screwing in the locking bolts (ask your husband, he will do it :).

However, the handle problem is perhaps the only design flaw. The rest of the Sanimobile Unversani at first glance leaves a very positive impression.

This is how they look in the sled position:

I am glad that the wheels rise high enough and will not touch the snow and become an obstacle.

In the "wheel travel" position, the universals look like this:

Again, the distance from the raised runners to the ground is sufficient, however, when driving over a high curb (if it is between the front and rear wheels, the runners can touch it and become an obstacle to movement. You will probably have to put up with this, since the entire structure is lifted even higher it is unsafe - it will become more precarious and the center of gravity will be too high, which can lead to the entire structure toppling with the child, even on a slight side slope.

How to extend and retract wheels

Probably, many who have not yet encountered such structures are very interested in the process of transferring a sanimobile from a sled to a wheeled one and vice versa. In other words, how do the wheels extend and hide? This will be shown in more detail in the video at the end of the article.

I confess, I had no illusions about the convenience and reliability of the unit that is responsible for extending the wheels. However, I had to admit that this process is not only very simple, but the landing gear mechanism seems to be a very reliable design.

In order to put the universal on the wheels, you need to press with your foot on a rather massive upright bracket at the back of the sled:

When this is done, the sled without difficulty and some special effort is put on wheels. It is important that the description indicates that if the child weighs more than 20 kilograms, then it is better to remove the child from the sled during the release of the chassis. By the way, in general, sleds are designed for children up to 36 kilograms. A characteristic click is heard, and the wheel frame locks into place. In my humble opinion, it will not be able to form spontaneously (at least, if the mechanism does not fail from careless operation).

After releasing the wheels, the Sanimobile looks like this:

Perhaps, so that the paint does not peel off from the foot switch and the product retains its attractive appearance for a longer time, it makes sense to pull some kind of rubber protection over this bracket or simply wrap it with blue electrical tape. Simple, but effective.

The presence of wheels saves parents from having to drag the sled on themselves (sometimes together with the child) from the apartment to the street. You can put the child in the sleigh while still at home, wrap him up properly, and only then calmly take him out into the street without stress, where it will be possible to switch to the toboggan run.

For this there is a special lever with a hole (it is not clear why it is needed):

You push them, and the entire wheel part goes into the structure. There is a click of the lock, and the sled becomes sled again. So that when retracted, the frame with wheels does not dangle, it is held in the upper position by a special spring:

Please note: almost all connections of the Sanimobile are bolted together. They must be periodically checked and tightened so that they do not loosen and get lost on the road, and your universals do not fall apart at the most crucial moment.

On the one hand, this seems like a bad move by the designers. But I personally prefer to deal with bolts and nuts than with rivets, which eventually loosen and the whole structure begins to wobble from side to side. Tightening them is not possible, unlike bolts.

I would like to say very little about the seat cover that we bought with the sled. Of course, one could completely do without it, but the cover is an excellent addition, made exactly in size and securely enough to be attached to the back of the Sanimobile.

Moreover, the case has a seat belt, unfortunately quite flimsy, but it's better than if it wasn't there at all.

In more detail, all operations with the Universani sanimobile will be shown in a video that will appear here in the near future.


Even without starting to operate the product in a snowy winter and low temperatures, one could notice that the whole structure is made quite reliably, the idea with wheels is very successful in itself, and it is implemented quite well.

Of course, it will be possible to talk more specifically about the quality of the Universities after the start of use, but our baby, it seems, also appreciated them. On the first day, we rolled it on wheels on the floor for a long time. It was evident from everything that this process gives him pleasure. We hope that it will be the same on the street.

How to make a sled for children? The instructions and the accompanying drawings will help you with this. So that you do not spend on a master class from craftsmen of folk hand-made, we will try to tell you how you can make a sled yourself. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Winter sleds you can adjust to size, make them strong and stable, which means they will be much more reliable than folding store sleds.

DIY wooden sledges: drawings

The most common material for making sleds is wood. Wooden sledges can be either entirely made of wood or contain elements woven from vines or branches.

To make the sled look smooth and comfortable, you will need blueprints. They will be the basis, and you can think of additional elements yourself.

We offer you such a drawing for making standard children's sleds with your own hands.

To decorate a vehicle made according to a drawing, you can cut out several carved elements of the back from plywood with a jigsaw. For the strength of the runners, it is recommended to make them thicker from a bar or beat them with sheet metal.

With the growing demand for replacing iron pipes for water supply and heating with plastic ones, craftsmen often began to make sledges from plastic pipes with their own hands. If your family members or friends are engaged in a similar business, or you have a few tubes left after repair, then you will not have any problems. You can make a sled from a pipe or polypropylene.

Sleds made of a profile pipe, made of PVC, made of polypropylene pipes, or made of square tubes will be equally good if made durable. The main thing is the availability of a special soldering iron and a grinder within reach for cutting off sections of the desired valley. Some home improvement stores can rent these tools.

What you need:

  • the actual plastic pipes;
  • adapters for connection;
  • metal corners to strengthen the runners;
  • a sheet of plastic for the seat (optional);
  • rope so that the sled can be pulled.

A home craftsman can weld a sled with his own hands from metal, and such a product will be much cheaper than purchased sleds. An iron welded sled from a corner or from a metal profile left after construction is a good use for what could remain in the garage in the "useful" category.

Forged decorative elements from a metal profile, metal rods remaining in the art forging workshop are best used in business. You can decorate them with thin wire snowflakes, and then the Snow Queen herself will envy such a sleigh.

You can make a sled from an old folding bed or from bed backs.

What you need:

  • corners for runners and frame;
  • seating profile;
  • bolts with nuts and washers for fastening;
  • rope, preferably not synthetic, so that the sled can be pulled.

You can add a seating board as metal gets very cold in the cold.

DIY styrofoam sled

It’s a pity to throw polystyrene foam from household appliances right away, and he moves to the balcony. So that valuable material does not have to lie uselessly for a long time, try to ride on a do-it-yourself foam sled. It's warm to ride on them in cold weather.

It is enough to cut a streamlined contour with a sharp knife and punch holes for the rope. Let it be disposable sleds, but they will cost almost nothing.

Another option for free sleds is from plastic bottles. It is enough to rewind the required number of empty containers with plastic film in four or six pieces and put them in a large plastic bag or greenhouse film. Solder the edges with an iron and ride on health.

Fit the runners made of metal corner, plastic pipes or old skis to the stroller, which is possible even without removing the wheels. It is much more convenient to ride such a sled from a stroller in winter.

Do you have old skis lying around? Don't rush to get rid of them! If they have not become unusable, it's time to make a couple of ski sledges with your own hands.

This requires quite a bit of skill and some additional materials. Making sleds from old alpine skis can save a lot.

What you need:

  • actually old skis;
  • timber or corner for fastening;
  • board or plastic sheet for seating;
  • bolts with nuts and washers;
  • rope so that the sled can be pulled.

Briefly about the creation of such a sled - a corner is stuffed onto skids of skis, a seat is attached on top, to which a rope is tied.

DIY sled for twins

In-store sled options for two, steerable, steering help preserve parenting strength. The main difference between sleds for two kids is an elongated seat and two backs. Toddlers can sit in a train if they ride down a slide, or face to face if this is a vehicle before kindergarten and for a walk.

It doesn't matter what the controlled sleds are made of, with or without a rudder - wood, metal, plastic pipes or old skis. In your own product, you will take into account the exact height and weight of the children. The quality of the mounts and materials will also not worry you.

You can use one of the drawings above.

DIY ice sleds

DIY ice sleds are easily made from anything - the main thing is that the material is slippery and does not allow moisture to pass through. As an option - linoleum ice sheets. All they need is sharp scissors or a chisel and a piece of linoleum.

The pattern for linoleum ice is small in area.

DIY Finnish sledges: drawings

The Finnie is a sled with elongated runners and a high seat. One person sits down, the second stands behind the runners and pushes off. Adults can accelerate to high speeds. Sometimes large dogs such as huskies or huskies are even harnessed to such sledges.

Before using the blueprints to create a Finnish sled with your own hands, think: perhaps you can modernize an old children's sled by adding a high back to it?

DIY cheesecake sleds

An inflatable cheesecake or bun will bring joy of slides to both children and adults. One of the easiest models to manufacture allows you to develop high speed and saves you from hypothermia. It is especially pleasing that the cheesecake sleds from the car camera have very simple patterns.

To protect the inflated camera, you need to put it in a cover made of awning fabric, thin linoleum or wide vinyl wallpaper. By the size of the base, but with a margin, it is necessary to cut out the protective material in the form of two circles. Take your time, measure several times.

The circles are sewn together along the front seam. The camera can be lowered, and then the edges can be sewn even on a sewing machine. For convenience, you can equip the cover with carabiners to which an additional seat cushion will be attached.

Greetings. I would like to tell you about our Nick Umka 3-1 wheelchair.

I thought for a long time whether they are needed at all ?! After all, we have a good stroller with shock absorbers and inflatable wheels. But after a week of snowfalls and walking in the snow with a stroller 15kg + daughter 11. I realized that I would soon become a jock)))

We decided - to be a sled! But how? I chose for a long time and settled on this model. I chose a neutral, turquoise color.

Impressions from use:

The sledges have retractable wheels, they are superb on the asphalt. I cross the roads on small rear wheels. They also go great. On skids, they roll excellently on snow and ice. You can carry it with one hand and does not bother.

Compared to our stroller, the sled is lightweight. About 8 kg. I go down the stairs right on the wheels. It turns out great. I raise the ramp by putting the sled on the rear large wheels. It is convenient to move around the store. In order to turn, I put the sled on the rear retractable wheels and turn in the desired direction.

They cost us 2990 rubles. I think the price is affordable.

There is a window, you can see what the child is doing.

The handle changes position, you can do it "facing mom" but this is more suitable for a uniform snow cover. The wheels are inconvenient to turn on, as they turn out to be behind.

Backrest adjustment, the simplest and safest one, is with a belt. You just pull up to the desired height and everything is fine.

where the baby's legs are, this part is on one side with a zipper, on the other, with Velcro on top. Very comfortably.

I put a blanket and a mattress in the sled so that the baby could sit comfortably. Because there is an iron bar under the booty. I think it's not very pleasant to sit on it ...

Disadvantages of a wheelchair and their solution:

1. The transparent protection against snow and wind is not secured in any way. And if the wind blows it will be like this ...

Not very pleasant for a kid. The solution is simple. I made a button for the protection and for the case, in the color of the design.

It won't hit the baby's face anymore) For strong windy weather, on the sides of the protruding parts of the protection, I will make elastic bands and tie them to the side handles, as I will add a review.

The protection itself is fastened with a zipper

2. Belts. Initially, they are attached to the bottom bar on which the child sits and run from the inside of the cover. Very uncomfortable. This does not hold the child at all. I took off the straps and attached them to the side frame. And it became just fine! This is how it looks now

Quite another matter. For a winter suit, it is the most!

Let me summarize. Taking into account the "finished" sled, I'm one hundred percent happy with them. The manufacturer should pay attention to the improvements. And do not regret a couple of buttons to secure the protection. Not everyone has a button-setting machine like mine. You can make a button with a loop, but that's not the same ... I won't take off the star. Since these problems are solved in 15 minutes.

I hope my review was helpful to you!

Winter always comes unexpectedly, even if you really expect it: one morning, waking up and looking out the window, we will see the long-awaited snow that so entices the kids to frolic! And adults are usually not averse to having fun throwing a couple of snowballs, enjoying the clean frosty air and squinting at the sparkling white, not yet touched snow cover.

It would not be wrong to say that the main attribute of winter games for children (and often adults) is sledges.

You can't do without sledges and parents who have to take their kids to kindergarten; an important aid in the household is the sled, adapted solutions for various tasks. As a rule, any sled can be bought in a retail or online store: the choice of models is huge, the price range is very wide, the range of materials and colors used is also, as they say, for every taste. But what if you are a creative person, and artisan hands miss the tools? Of course, get down to business! And the money saved, the feeling of satisfaction with the result and the pride of the child for his father, who “can do anything!”, Will be a well-deserved reward.

So, before getting down to business, you should choose the type of sled, think over their design and device, and also decide on the materials. Let's be honest, you can assemble a sled of the classic type on your own ("on your knee")
or Finnish sleds, which are distinguished by the presence in the front of the seat with a backrest and elongated runners with small anti-slip foot platforms.

Alternatively, you can consider a snow scooter with a front turning ski and a steering wheel, but this is somewhat beyond the scope of this article and, in the strict sense, is not a sled.

The design and construction of children's sleds can be very diverse - from simple ones aimed at solving strictly utilitarian problems, to carved ones, using openwork elements and parts made of bent wood, usually in a pseudo-traditional style. It will be no secret that every home craftsman chooses a design according to his capabilities and technical skills, often starting from the materials available.


Universani on the street. Video review

Below there is another video - unpacking and a detailed inspection of the sled.

Universani. Price

First, let's talk about the price of a sled. In different places, the cost of course was different. The most expensive offer on the market was 3200 rubles... Online stores offered a more reasonable price for a Sanimobile - 2800 rbl... However, we managed to find a place where, for the same 2800 rubles, we managed to buy Universani along with a mattress. If you think that this is not so necessary and you already have something to spread, I'm afraid you are a little rushed to conclusions. At first I thought so too, but when I saw the whole set assembled, I did not regret that I paid a little more.

First, let me show you what this thing looks like in the shipping version:

There are only two things - the sled itself and the handle. The design is rather bulky and heavy. However, this is even a little pleasing. The fact is that before that we had sled stroller Christy Lux... In pursuit of delicacy and lightness of design, the creators made them very wobbly and not inspiring confidence. It feels solid and solid.

After unpacking the purchase, we found that it was sled with large wheels... Remembering how much we had suffered with the rollers of the Christie luxury sled, we were glad that now it will be much easier to transport the sled on wheels.

Of course, the first thing we did was reattach the push handle. At first glance, it seems rather fragile. I was even afraid that she would bend when the child sits on the sled. But this first impression was deceiving. The handle of the sled is very strong. In order to prevent parents' hands from freezing, there is a special pad on the handle so as not to hold onto the cold metal tube with your hands.

Sanimobile Universani. Advantages and disadvantages

However, its weak point, and thus the weak point of the whole structure, is the attachment of the handle to the sled. Probably, the developers sought to simplify and speed up the installation and removal of the handle, so that even on the street it would be possible to do all this without resorting to wrenches and other tools.

Unfortunately, they clearly went overboard. The handle can be put on and off the hinges very easily. It is so easy that at some point it can be in your hands, and the sled with the child can leave by itself, for example, from a slide. One has only to pull the handle up harder and anything can happen. For example, if you are waiting for a green light at a pedestrian crossing and "in advance" have put the sled on a special notch-descent in the curb for strollers, the universal cars can move onto the roadway right under the wheels of the transport.

Even in the instructions for the sanimobile, it is written that if the universals are in the "wheel travel" position, you cannot lower them down the hill (for example, near the entrance) from the back. It is necessary to unfold the sled and walk in front of it, so that even if the handle slips out of its place, you can catch the entire structure together with the child.

In a word, you just need to keep this feature of the product in mind and know how to use it correctly. If you do not remove and put on the handle all the time, you can secure it tightly by drilling a couple of holes and screwing in the locking bolts (ask your husband, he will do it :).

However, the handle problem is perhaps the only design flaw. The rest of the Sanimobile Unversani at first glance leaves a very positive impression.

This is how they look in the sled position:

I am glad that the wheels rise high enough and will not touch the snow and become an obstacle.

In the "wheel travel" position, the universals look like this:

Again, the distance from the raised runners to the ground is sufficient, however, when driving over a high curb (if it is between the front and rear wheels, the runners can touch it and become an obstacle to movement. You will probably have to put up with this, since the entire structure is lifted even higher it is unsafe - it will become more precarious and the center of gravity will be too high, which can lead to the entire structure toppling with the child, even on a slight side slope.

How to extend and retract wheels

Probably, many who have not yet encountered such structures are very interested in the process of transferring a sanimobile from a sled to a wheeled one and vice versa. In other words, how do the wheels extend and hide? This will be shown in more detail in the video at the end of the article.

I confess, I had no illusions about the convenience and reliability of the unit that is responsible for extending the wheels. However, I had to admit that this process is not only very simple, but the landing gear mechanism seems to be a very reliable design.

In order to put the universal on the wheels, you need to press with your foot on a rather massive upright bracket at the back of the sled:

When this is done, the sled without difficulty and some special effort is put on wheels. It is important that the description indicates that if the child weighs more than 20 kilograms, then it is better to remove the child from the sled during the release of the chassis. By the way, in general, sleds are designed for children up to 36 kilograms. A characteristic click is heard, and the wheel frame locks into place. In my humble opinion, it will not be able to form spontaneously (at least, if the mechanism does not fail from careless operation).

After releasing the wheels, the Sanimobile looks like this:

Perhaps, so that the paint does not peel off from the foot switch and the product retains its attractive appearance for a longer time, it makes sense to pull some kind of rubber protection over this bracket or simply wrap it with blue electrical tape. Simple, but effective.

The presence of wheels saves parents from having to drag the sled on themselves (sometimes together with the child) from the apartment to the street. You can put the child in the sleigh while still at home, wrap him up properly, and only then calmly take him out into the street without stress, where it will be possible to switch to the toboggan run.

For this there is a special lever with a hole (it is not clear why it is needed):

You push them, and the entire wheel part goes into the structure. There is a click of the lock, and the sled becomes sled again. So that when retracted, the frame with wheels does not dangle, it is held in the upper position by a special spring:

Please note: almost all connections of the Sanimobile are bolted together. They must be periodically checked and tightened so that they do not loosen and get lost on the road, and your universals do not fall apart at the most crucial moment.

On the one hand, this seems like a bad move by the designers. But I personally prefer to deal with bolts and nuts than with rivets, which eventually loosen and the whole structure begins to wobble from side to side. Tightening them is not possible, unlike bolts.

I would like to say very little about the seat cover that we bought with the sled. Of course, one could completely do without it, but the cover is an excellent addition, made exactly in size and securely enough to be attached to the back of the Sanimobile.

Moreover, the case has a seat belt, unfortunately quite flimsy, but it's better than if it wasn't there at all.

In more detail, all operations with the Universani sanimobile will be shown in a video that will appear here in the near future.


Even without starting to operate the product in a snowy winter and low temperatures, one could notice that the whole structure is made quite reliably, the idea with wheels is very successful in itself, and it is implemented quite well.

Of course, it will be possible to talk more specifically about the quality of the Universities after the start of use, but our baby, it seems, also appreciated them. On the first day, we rolled it on wheels on the floor for a long time. It was evident from everything that this process gives him pleasure. We hope that it will be the same on the street.

tags: wheels, sleds

Now on sale there are many options for sled strollers - both with two wheels and with four, but you can get by with a home option. It may not look as elegant as a factory product, but it is made by hand!

Alteration, or rather finishing work, is not difficult and there is no point in describing the whole process - everything can be seen in the photo. It is only necessary to select the appropriate wheels and fasteners, and determine the place of attachment of the wheels to the runners.

General form:

Wheel assembly:

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Take the old casters and remove the wheels from them. Or remove the wheels from the old scooter

Castor or scooter wheels are ideal for sleds

It remains only to fasten them, adjust and the sled with wheels are ready

If, however, there are no rollers or a scooter, then go and buy ordinary small wheels

Sold in children's and hardware stores

If you want to do it yourself then do the following:

You can take steel hoops, wrap with rubber and you get homemade wheels.

You just have to attach them to the sled - and you can safely ride the child along the slides.

Wheeled sleds are very practical as they become easy to transport.

In this case, the wheels are attached to the rear of the runners by the joint of the runners, but so that they do not touch the ground when the sled is in its usual position. At the same time, if you slightly raise the front part of the sled, then the wheels should easily touch the ground and scroll.

Now there are small wheels on sale that can be attached to the sled even without drilling the runners themselves. You just need to put the wheels on each of the runners and tighten them tightly with a spinner (see the pictorial figures below).

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With the onset of winter, parents of young children tend to get sleds. They are much more comfortable for a child than in a stroller, especially if the baby is already one and a half to two years old. At this time, he no longer wants to sit quietly in a wheelchair, he wants to be as close as possible to the knowledge of the world around him. And then a logical question arises in front of mom and dad: "What to choose, which model to prefer?" Today, the variety of children's accessories is widespread. After all, I want to buy a really worthwhile thing that will serve for several years. Sometimes parents study the offered assortment very carefully and only then make a purchase decision.

A sled with retractable wheels is a convenient and original invention. Today, many parents choose them. They have clear advantages over other products, and they are much more convenient to use. Perhaps outwardly sleds on 4 retractable wheels do not look quite familiar, but the child feels comfortable. But, you see, this is the most important thing.

Product features

Sleds with retractable wheels are designed in such a way that mums do not worry about the state of weather conditions. It is known that in late winter and early spring, when the snow begins to melt, the use of ordinary runners becomes extremely irrational. They start scratching on the asphalt, thus creating unpleasant sounds. And the child's impressions of a walk can be ruined.

A wheelchair with retractable wheels is equipped with additional elements that make the process of movement convenient and as comfortable as possible. This thing has a long push handle, and the mother does not have to bend to roll the baby. Let nothing distract you and the little man from the walk. After all, the world around is fraught with so many interesting and significant things!

The convenience of use

Sleds with retractable wheels are quite light, so it will not be difficult for a modern woman to pull them out of the apartment onto the street. Considering the fact that a small child often has to be held in his arms, then this is a weighty argument in favor of their choice. Sleds require minimal maintenance; you don't need to devote a lot of time and effort to it. Mom can significantly save her own energy costs. The modern rhythm of life requires a person to be immersed in the business sphere, so there is very little time left for everything else, including the family.

This, of course, is extremely sad, but there is nothing to be done: you have to adapt to the existing conditions. The convenience of using a sled on wheels is undeniable: you don't need to choose snowy days for walking. The product itself does not require special treatment. There is no need to worry about the sleds and somehow unnecessarily take care of them. After a walk, it is enough to rinse them with tap water or wipe them with a damp cloth.


This product can serve both as a sled and act as a stroller. This combination can significantly save money. It is known that small children get tired quickly from one year to another. If your baby falls asleep in the sled, nothing bad will happen: he will be warm, comfortable and calm there. And mom will be able to enjoy the walk without unnecessary worries. By the way, the winning point is that modern designs are made in such a way that a woman rolls both a stroller and a sled in front of her. This position is dictated by the principle of security. Mom should always control her child, be able to make sure that he is there.

A stroller sled with retractable wheels allows a woman to have time to do all the work and walk with her baby without unnecessary difficulties. And at the same time do not use anyone's help.

Sled "Timka" with retractable wheels

This is one of the most common patterns. They cost about three thousand rubles. It is very convenient for a child to be in them: sledges create a feeling of comfort, they are perfectly washed in warm water using ordinary soap. The presence of wheels will allow the mother to easily enter the shops with her child, and for this she does not need to take out the baby and take him in her arms! The sled is perfectly adjustable in any position. In addition, you can adjust the pusher handle in such a direction when the baby is facing the mother, and in the opposite direction.

Baby age

Usually, they begin to acquire sleds at a time when the baby is a year and a half. Much depends on what age is in the winter. Of course, none of the caring parents will dare to put a child on a sled at six or eight months, but at eleven or twelve it is quite reasonable and expedient. At this moment, the baby has a need to learn about the world around him, and it is necessary to provide him with such an amazing opportunity. You will see with what enthusiasm he will ask for subsequent walks.

Sleds with retractable wheels. Reviews

Loving mothers always worry about whether their baby is getting enough. I would like not only to provide him with the necessary things, but also to do something special for the crumbs. Reviews of this product are usually positive. Parents note the incomparable ease of use of such sleds, their compactness during storage. Among other things, they are quite light, which allows a young mother to cope independently with their ascent and descent up the stairs.

Thus, a sled with retractable wheels is a great invention that brings tangible benefits to those who value every minute and save their time.

    In stores, you can now find anything, including wheels that are perfect for sleds. They can be ordered online or viewed in shops in the city. On the sled, you will need to make holes with a drill so that the wheels do not touch the ground and do not interfere with the sled sliding. Wheels are needed in order to cross the road where there is no ice and snow.

    Wheeled sleds are very practical as they become easy to transport.

    In this case, the wheels are attached to the rear of the runners by the joint of the runners, but so that they do not touch the ground when the sled is in its usual position. At the same time, if you slightly raise the front part of the sled, then the wheels should easily touch the ground and scroll.

    Now there are small wheels on sale that can be attached to the sled even without drilling the runners themselves. You just need to put the wheels on each of the runners and tighten them tightly with a spinner (see the pictorial figures below).

    We also bought at first a sled with a handle, but without wheels (since the wheels were simply not available in the store at the time). We rode for half a month and realized that there were still not enough wheels. My husband went to Children's World and bought a pair of sled wheels (for $ 100) separately and screwed them onto the bolts, making a couple of holes with a drill.

    A sled with wheels is an original invention.

    Since you won't be able to travel much with sled runners in those places where there is no longer snow, for example, on asphalt. It is also convenient to move around the room with such a sled. For example, in a store and other public places. Now a considerable number of wheels have appeared on sale, which you yourself can attach to the sled.

    Making the sled wheels yourself is very difficult. It is easier to buy special wheels from the store and attach them to the sled. Also for the sled, you can take some old wheels that are probably lying around at home and attach them to the sled.

    Stroller wheels are easy to make. In any hardware store, you can buy small casters with special attachments to runners. They are twisted with pliers, in fact they hold tightly, without disturbing the painting of the runners, which subsequently will not lead to corrosion.

    And never ride a sled like that! Be careful!

    Sled wheels are needed when you enter a room with them, for example, to a store. This is where problems arise. Wheels are much more convenient.

    These sleds (with wheels) are very expensive. But you can do it yourself. The main thing you need to have is skillful hands.

    This video shows how to attach wheels to a sled. Wheels were used there

    75 / 25-45 with a needle bearing, you will also need a D12 rod and a D14x18 pipe. Electrical tape was used for winding.

    The store sells special wheels for sleds. It is very difficult to do it yourself, since you need to weld them. But ready-made, you can twist yourself with pliers.

    And nothing will break and you won't have to suffer for a long time.

    If you attach wheels to the sled, then their permeability will significantly improve, for example, when moving from a snow-covered area onto asphalt without snow or when visiting a store.

    In such cases, it is not necessary to disturb the child, it will be enough just to tilt the sled until the wheels contact the hard surface.

    Now on sale there are many options for sled-strollers with both two wheels and four, but you can get by with a home option. It may not look as elegant as a factory product, but it is made by hand!

    Alteration, or rather finishing work, is not difficult and it makes no sense to describe the whole process, everything can be seen in the photo. It is only necessary to select the appropriate wheels and fasteners, and determine the place of attachment of the wheels to the runners.

    General form:

    Wheel assembly:

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