How to make a matryoshka at home. DIY nesting dolls made of puff pastry, plasticine, fabric or paper

It's funny to see how foreigners show interest and interpret in their own way the primordially Russian attributes that have been distinguishing and distinguishing the traditions of our culture from other world ones for centuries. Therefore, when I came across this master class, it caused the warmest feelings of emotion and pride in our culture. Origami nesting dolls - sounds interesting and intriguing, let's try to make girlfriends out of paper for our wooden "compatriots".

We will create the desired shape from a white sheet, and then color our matryoshka doll.

So, let's get started!

Take a square sheet and fold it obliquely. Use a dotted line to mark the fold line. All the dotted lines laid out in the future will help to color the matryoshka correctly.

Then straighten and fold the edges towards the center.

Turn over.

Fold the corner outward.

Turn over again.

Make a transverse dashed line to cut the folded edges.

Along these lines, make cuts on both sides, as shown in the photo.

Fold the notched corners inward.

Draw two dotted lines on both sides, as shown in the photo.

Cut off the excess on them.

Turn the craft over and glue the folded corner.

Fold the top corner and glue it as well.

Turn over again.

Fold in the corners to simulate hands.

Now it remains to paint the craft and the nesting doll is ready.

By the way, this photo gave me the idea that the authors of the master class first made origami geisha, which in turn inspired them to make origami nesting dolls. Train your imagination too. Perhaps you will end up with an even more interesting character.

Developing toy for kids "Matryoshka" with their own hands from cups (from waste material).

Educational toy "Matryoshka" for kids

Matryoshka dolls are an educational toy for kids, which is easy to make with your own hands from waste material. I made this toy for my daughter when she was still little.

I have already told you how to make matryoshka dolls from different materials:

Today I will tell you how to make an educational toy "Matryoshka" for kids with your own hands, what is the use of this toy and how to play with it.

The benefits of the "Matryoshka" toy for children. How to play with matryoshka

What is the use of Matryoshka toys for babies? With the help of this toy, young children develop general mental, logical and mathematical thinking. Toddlers learn to compare figures in size, height, volume, build sequences, for example, arrange objects in a row from largest to smallest or vice versa.

The child learns to cover the smaller one with a larger figure, without making a mistake with the size, to look for where one of the nesting dolls could hide.

Help your child learn to distinguish between big and small. Ask him to give you the largest or smallest figurine. Over time, the task can be made more difficult by asking the child to give figures smaller than the largest or larger than the smallest.

You can think of a lot of such games! For example, by analogy with the fairy tale "Three Bears", you can draw plates (circles) chairs (squares) for matryoshka dolls of different sizes, pick up or make houses (cardboard boxes), etc. And then find a hostess of the appropriate size for each item.

How to make an educational toy "Matryoshka" for kids with your own hands

In order to make this toy, you will need several cups of yogurt and lids (for example, from a glue stick) of different sizes, but so that they fit easily into each other.

You will also need to print a picture with nesting dolls on a color printer, for example, this:

Or find another picture using a search engine.

When printing, the main thing is that the sizes of the pictures coincide with the height of the cups and lids. It is convenient to pick it up by pasting the desired image into the "Word" document, there is a vertical ruler, which shows the size of the picture. You can change the size by highlighting the picture and pulling any corner (shown in the picture below with a red arrow).

If you do not have a color printer, you can print a coloring with a matryoshka on a black and white printer in different sizes, for example, the following:

If there is no printer at all, you can draw the pictures yourself.

Or redraw with a simple pencil directly from the monitor, attaching a white sheet of paper to it (you cannot press on the pencil).

Enjoy your creativity! For site readers only "MORE creative ideas for children"(https: // site). Yulia Sherstyuk

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Clay and plasticine matryoshka

For work, we take a lump of clay and try to mold a nesting doll. But no matter how hard you try, the sides of the matryoshka may turn out to be uneven. To fix this, we will make a template from thick cardboard.

We put the sculpted product on a potter's wheel or sculptural machine, attach the template to the figurine and turn it along with the circle. The template will cut off the irregularities by itself, and where there is a depression, add clay or plasticine.

And one more tip: to save clay and make the toy lighter, take a regular teaspoon and remove some clay from the base. You can make a sur prize - make a small nesting doll and cover it with a large one.

If it turns out that you do not have clay or you are making a nesting doll in winter, use plasticine. And to make it more convenient to paint the resulting product, apply a little flour, talcum or starch to the clay. This must be done so that the water-based paint, which is then used to paint the matryoshka, will lay down well. Plasticine processed in this way can be painted with gouache, watercolors, tempera and even oil paints.

Papier-mache matryoshka

A large fake nesting doll can be made using the papier-mâché technique (translated from French, this means chewed paper). The essence of this technique is as follows: small pieces of loose paper (newsprint, packaging) are applied to an object (bowl, vase, etc.) in layers, smearing each layer with potato paste.

There can be from 6 to 10 layers, depending on the size and shape of the product. After the paste has dried, the resulting shape is removed. It is easier to do it from a tray or saucer, but it is not easy to do it with complex items (jug, vase). In this case, the papier-mâché is cut into 2 halves, then, removing them, the halves are glued together. The surface should have been flat, and if there are dents, they should be primed with putty or carbolate, and the protruding bumps are removed with sandpaper.

Matryoshka on a bank

A glass jar will serve as a good basis for making matryoshka dolls.

We take a glass jar of the required size (from baby food, half-liter, 3-liter bottle) and close it with a lid. We form the sides and head of the matryoshka from plasticine. Then, using the papier-mâché technique, we start making the toy.

To make the made paper product well behind the shape, grease it with oil or petroleum jelly.

Pull a newspaper into small pieces and, having welded the glue erased, start glueing the matryoshka. We advise you to alternate the newspaper layer with a layer such as gray wrapping paper. After making 2-3 layers, let the work dry, then glue again. Cut the finished work into 2 halves with a sharp knife. Lubricate the edges of the cut with PVA glue, connect with thread. You can tie them up with a thread. Glue the junction again. Sand the product with fine emery paper, paint your matryoshka with water-based paint and paint. To protect the work from exposure to water, cover the painting with varnish.

Balloon matryoshka

A large matryoshka can be made using a balloon.

Place it on the base (roll a strip of cardboard into a ring), it will be more stable.

See pictures.

The school set a task - to make it to the fair matryoshka from scrap materials... The task is not easy. In our family, no one knits, no one is engaged in woodcarving. In general, there are no talented and creative individuals among the household. We sat down and thought together what materials we can use for the craft.

We found for work:

  • roll-on deodorant bottle
  • printout from the Internet with a picture of nesting dolls
  • paints
  • two pieces of fabric of different color
  • landscape paper
  • PVA glue
  • Super glue
  • colored paper
  • white napkin.

At first, we decided to shape the bottle of deodorant into a matryoshka doll. For this, the bottle was conditionally divided into three parts: head, body, legs. They tore the draft A4 paper into small pieces and began to stick them on the plastic around the doll's shoulders. We diluted PVA glue with water. The leaves were completely soaked and softly adhered where we need them. There were no problems with the expansion of the trunk. After the end of the work, the craft was set aside for a day, giving the paper time to dry completely.

A circle made of colored cardboard was glued to the bottom of the bottle. The diameter of the circle is 0.5 cm wider than the diameter of the bottom of the bottle. Then, like plasticine, they rolled up wet paper into a tube and, having smeared it with glue, laid it on the protruding part of the cardboard base of the craft.

It's time to get the cotton cloth out of the chest. For the dress, we have chosen a white section with a small flower. We measured the length and width we needed by attaching the matryoshka to the fabric. To prevent the fabric from puffing on convex places, grooves were cut along the edges of the cut rectangle. Densely smeared the bottle with undiluted PVA glue and wrapped it with a cotton rag. Again, they put the craft in a secluded corner to dry completely.

It took a long time to paint the face of the matryoshka, but nothing good came of it. The child offered to print a coloring book from the Internet. We followed his advice and cut out the finished face. The doll's cheeks and lips were painted after the paper was glued to the surface of the bottle.

A matryoshka scarf was cut out of red plain cotton. Of course, at first, we planned to use lace and floral prints when creating the headdress. However, they soon abandoned this idea, they were afraid that the final image of the matryoshka would ripple in their eyes.

They put a scarf on their head, gave the edges of the headdress the desired shape, and the result was fixed with superglue. We consulted with the child, decided that the craft was ready. However, then they changed their mind and made their hands out of napkins and colored paper.

White sleeves are rectangles rolled into a tube. We select their length according to the size of the bottle. We cut out mittens and a single flower on the matryoshka scarf from colored paper. The purpose of the flower is to hide traces of superglue that have appeared on the red fabric.

Now craft "Matryoshka" from scrap materials definitely ready. We hope that the jury will like the result.

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Nowadays, hand-made things and toys are gaining great popularity. And what better keepsake or souvenir than ours national toy Matryoshka... This bright charming girl with a snub nose is known all over the world as a symbol of Russia, and you can buy it in almost any souvenir shop in our country.

Initially, Matryoshka was carved from wood, decorated with bright colors and giving each individual individuality. But nowadays, sewn soft Matryoshka dolls are gaining popularity. In addition, you can do it yourself from paper or papier-mâché.

Such a bright toy can become a worthy decoration any interior and will bring new colors and originality of Russian culture into it.

The technology of making nesting dolls from scrap materials is not too complicated, even for beginners or children. Matryoshka dolls are wonderfully made from improvised material - a plastic bottle, paper, or cardboard, remnants of scraps. Textile nesting dolls are easy to sew and decorate, so a master class will come in handy, for example, for a school or kindergarten class. And a New Year's nesting doll on a Christmas tree, made with your own hands with the children, will delight you for more than one year.

Textile Matryoshka: do it yourself

So how to make a Matryoshka from fabric with your own hands? For such sewing, it is enough to have time, scraps of fabric and imagination. The more varied the patterns on the patches used for sewing, the more interesting and original our Matryoshka will turn out.

Operating procedure.

You can decorate Matryoshka to your liking by sewing on or gluing beautiful ribbons and beads, drawing large eyes, a nose and a mouth on her face with multi-colored acrylic paints or pencils.

In addition, you can sew several toys of different sizes and, after sewing a pocket on the largest Matryoshka, put them there. This is family of toys hand-made, will look very original as a gift.

There are many ways and tips on the Internet - how to make a Matryoshka out of fabric and you can choose the one that suits you.

Gallery: DIY souvenir Matryoshka (25 photos)

We make Matryoshka ourselves

In addition to a sewn toy, it can be made from papier-mâché, plasticine or paper.

You can purchase a blank for painting Matryoshka in a specialized store for needlework and creativity. This toy also can be painted and decorated on one's own. Usually acrylic paints are used for painting - they are more resistant and do not fade. In addition, to preserve the color of the product, the toy can be covered with a transparent varnish on top.

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