Peach oil indications for use. Peach oil: properties and application in gynecology, cosmetology, folk medicine

Peach oil is made from fruit seeds by cold pressing. Therefore, it has another name - peach seed oil. This oil is light yellow in color, it has a pleasant aroma and many beneficial properties.

The origin of the peach is unknown, but it is believed that it comes from China. It was in China that peach seed oil was first made.

Peaches have always been appreciated not only for their delicious fruits, but also for the fact that oil can be made from its seeds, which has a lot of healing qualities. Peach essential oil has a liquid consistency and belongs to the type of non-drying oils. It is widely used and is used in cosmetology, as well as in folk and official medicine.

Description and characteristics

In cosmetology, it is used because of the content of many important groups of vitamins, trace elements, as well as other important chemical elements and acids. All these valuable substances form a powerful energy cocktail.

It is a good base for creating home cosmetics and massage creams. A unique feature of peach oil is that its components, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, dissolve and are completely absorbed.

Effect on the skin of peach oil:

This oil is one of the few that pediatricians recommend in the care of baby skin, as it is hypoallergenic.

It is used to treat and prevent diseases of the skin and hair, as well as ear diseases and diseases of the nasopharynx. It can be used to treat pregnant women, lactating women and children.

Properties and uses of peach oil

The benefits of peach oil are extremely high, as this product has many medicinal properties. It contains many vitamins and valuable nutrients. Each component in its composition has its own benefit. For example, vitamin P helps to reduce vascular fragility and permeability.


Vitamin E in this oil has antioxidant properties and vitamin A supports the integrity of skin cells. All this speaks about the anti-aging properties of the product. This property is evidenced by the presence of vitamin B15 in the composition, which is also a powerful antioxidant and has the property of significantly prolonging the life of cells.

This product contains many valuable trace elements involved in metabolic processes.

Trace elements:

All of these micronutrients supply the cells with the necessary nutrients and also help in wound healing.

In addition to vitamins, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the body.


  • Linoleic;
  • Oleic;
  • Stearic;
  • Arachidic;
  • Palmitic.

The complex action of these acids helps to accelerate the regeneration processes and improve the production of hormones necessary for the body. Due to this effect, the protective properties of the dermis are enhanced.

This oil is widely used in both official medicine and folk medicine. Most often it is used for external use. But it is also taken orally.

In case of cardiovascular diseases, this product serves as an additional reserve of vitamins and nutrients.

The use of the product is useful for diabetes mellitus, cough, kidney pathology, conjunctivitis, hypovitaminosis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.

External use of the product helps to quickly heal burns, eliminate diaper rash and inflame the skin.

The beneficial effects of this product can help slow the aging process of the entire body as a whole.



This product is used both as a stand-alone massage agent and as a base for massage mixtures. Massage with this tool can be done for children.

Peach oil is used for general massage of the body, arms and legs, as well as for anti-cellulite massage. It makes the skin elastic, nourishing and moisturizing it, and also has the ability to break down fats.

Before carrying out the procedure, the product needs to be slightly heated. This requires pouring some oil into the palm of your hand. It is recommended to apply it with light massage movements.

This product is quite effective for stretch marks. For this problem, it is applied to problem areas with your fingertips or performing a pinch massage.

Face care

This cosmetic product is extremely beneficial for the skin. It is considered hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types, including recommended for baby skin care. It is especially suitable for dry, aging, sensitive and allergic skin.

The constant use of peach oil nourishes the skin well, moisturizes, softens, tones and has a good anti-aging effect.

Its regular use within a month can tighten the skin and increase its firmness and elasticity.

This product enriches the skin with beneficial substances, helps to get rid of dryness, flaking, evens out complexion and eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin.

Quite often, peach seed oil is included in various medicinal ointments, children's cosmetics, cosmetic creams, oil balms and masks for sensitive skin, as well as makeup removers.

This product is suitable for use on the skin around the eyes. Due to its light consistency, it has a positive effect, smoothing fine wrinkles and providing nutrition to the cells of the dermis.

Thanks to its good regenerating properties, this product softens and nourishes dry areas of the lips, heals cracks and damage. It is also used to make eyelashes thick and splendid.

This product also helps to heal dry and brittle hair. Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair roots. It also promotes the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Cosmetic oil

Peach cosmetic oil, which is widely used, has the following advantages:

Peach oil for skin is a multifunctional product that is used both in medicine and in cosmetology. A large number of valuable substances in its composition make it a universal remedy. Its use helps to improve the condition of the skin, enrich the body with useful substances, as well as conduct effective massage sessions.

Natural oils have always been appreciated, and not only as cosmetics, but also as medicines. One of the most popular and affordable oils is peach, which is obtained from the pits of the fruit by the method of cold pressing, followed by filtration.

It is a liquid with an unobtrusive pleasant smell and taste.

In medicine, the use of peach oil for the nose and throat is considered very effective, as it acts very gently and effectively. How can peach oil help in the treatment of throat and nose diseases?

Indications for use: beneficial properties

The healing properties of peach seed oil were appreciated by the ancient Chinese, because it contains a lot of various biologically active substances, including:

  • vitamins A, P, D, E, C, group B;
  • pectins;
  • carotenoids;
  • minerals: Fe, I, K, Mg, Ca, P, Zn;
  • enzymes;
  • saturated and unsaturated acids, including oleic, linoleic, arachidic, palmitic, stearic, etc .;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates.
Such a rich composition leads to an extensive field of application of the drug, so the list of what peach oil can be used for is quite long. It:
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • colds;
  • pathology of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • synechiae;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchitis and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • burns, etc.

When taken orally, it contributes to:

  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • improving the condition of the skin and hair;
  • strengthening immunity.
Source: website The tool is often used in otolaryngology, as it helps to quickly cope with:
  • rhinitis of various etiologies;
  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis (mainly sinusitis);
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis, etc.

Thus, the use of peach oil for the nose and throat is possible for almost any diseases of the ENT organs.

Application for the nose

Often, otolaryngologists with extensive work experience advise patients to bury oil in the nose for a runny nose with ARVI, flu or other ailments 2-3 drops up to 5 times a day, since it contributes to:

  • thinning snot;
  • separation of dried mucus from the lining of the nose;
  • moisturizing dry mucous membranes;
  • death of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • preventing the development of complications, especially sinusitis.

In order for the manipulation to bring maximum benefit, it is recommended to rinse the nose with saline or any other saline solution immediately before its implementation.

This procedure will not be superfluous in the treatment of sinusitis or chronic rhinitis. But in such cases, it should be only one of the components of therapy, but by no means the only treatment. You can increase the effectiveness of the manipulation by adding 10 ml of St. John's wort oil to 30 ml of peach oil (in its absence, you can prepare a decoction from dry plant materials).

With the release of thick green snot, indicating a bacterial infection, a mixture of essential oils (tea tree and lavender, 1 drop each) and peach (1 tsp) will help. 3 drops of the resulting composition are dripped into each nostril three times a day. You can also use a mixture of 30 ml of the product and 10 ml of propolis tincture. It is instilled in 4 drops 3 times a day.

Quite often, with various diseases, in particular, atrophic rhinitis, and simply when living in conditions of increased dry air, the mucous membranes dry out, which causes severe discomfort.

It is not difficult to cope with this with the help of natural products. To get rid of dryness in the nose, it is recommended to lubricate its inner surfaces or just for 10-15 minutes. insert oil-soaked cotton or gauze swabs three times a day.
Few people know, but with the help of peach oil, it is easy to restore vocal cords that have suffered from excessive stress at home. It is buried in the nose, with the head thrown back as far as possible so that it flows freely down the nasopharynx.

This simple procedure can replace the complex manipulation of irrigation of the vocal cords, carried out within the walls of medical institutions. Therefore, it should be adopted by everyone whose work activity is associated with the need to talk a lot, that is, call center operators, teachers, singers, sellers, pharmacists, etc.

Peach oil can help a child no less than an adult, because the use of this tool has no age restrictions. But children should bury half the number of drops.

A runny nose often provokes the development of otitis media, and the younger the baby, the more often such complications are observed.

Peach oil comes in handy in this case as well, as it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is injected into each ear, 2 drops (for bilateral lesions). Previously, the medicine is warmed up to room temperature, tightly clasping the bottle with your hand or in a water bath.

For a newborn

Since peach seed oil has a very mild effect and does not irritate the mucous membranes, it is even allowed to use it for instillation in the nose of a baby.

This procedure is carried out as a morning and evening toilet, as it helps to remove crumbs of dried mucus from the nasal mucosa that interfere with normal breathing and sleep of the baby.

Attention! You can start cleansing the nose only a couple of minutes after the oil has been instilled.

Also, nothing can prevent the use of peach oil for the treatment of rhinitis in newborns. Initially, the nasal passages are washed with saline solutions, but only by gently instilling liquid, since it is forbidden to use sprays to treat children under 1 year old! In each nostril, 1-2 drops of the medicine are injected 3-4 times a day.

In addition, the remedy is used to treat synechia (fusion of the labia) in newborn girls and eliminate diaper rash, which is so common in infants. But before you start using the oil for various purposes, you definitely need to make sure that it does not cause an allergic reaction in the crumbs.

Cosmetic oil is not suitable for medical treatment, because it can contain all kinds of fragrances and other chemicals. Therefore, for the prevention or treatment of ENT diseases, the agent should be bought at a pharmacy, especially since its price is usually lower than that of a cosmetic one.

Peach oil for throat: application

If a child or adult has a sore throat or annoying sore throat, an irritating dry cough is most likely, this is a sign of developing pharyngitis or laryngitis. But even in these cases, peach oil will be indispensable. If you lubricate your throat and sprinkle it into your mouth through any spray device available in the house (for example, an old bottle of thermal water), it will gently cover the irritated mucous membranes with a thin film and quickly eliminate sore throat.

You can also inhale this natural product twice a day. For their implementation, 5-10 drops of oil should be diluted in water and poured into the inhaler. The procedure will help moisturize the mucous membranes, soften the throat and facilitate nasal breathing.

To obtain a therapeutic effect as quickly as possible, it is necessary to combine the use of peach oil with the intake of other medicines or folk remedies.

Peach oil is great for treating throat problems in young children, including babies. If the crumb still does not know how to gargle, it is necessary to process the tonsils and necessarily the inner surfaces of the cheeks, as well as the tongue, if possible, with a bandage soaked in the product (it can be wrapped around a finger for convenience) 4 times a day.

Is it possible to drip peach oil into the nose: contraindications

No matter how natural and safe the medicine is, it can still not always be used. Therefore, it is not recommended to drip it into the nose or take it internally in the first place if there is an individual sensitivity to it.

It is very easy to check how the body treats the product. To do this, a small amount is applied to clean skin, for example, the forearm or the bend of the elbow, and the skin reaction is assessed immediately, after a few hours and the next day. If no changes are observed, it can be used for medicinal purposes. In general, peach oil allergy is extremely rare, so it is classified as a hypoallergenic product.

Also, do not resort to using this remedy for diseases of the nervous system, especially those associated with increased excitability, since it stimulates the central nervous system.

Where to buy peach nasal oil and which one to choose?

For medicinal purposes, it is better to purchase the product at the pharmacy, fortunately, now it is not difficult. After all, this drug is produced by many different pharmaceutical companies. Its cost depends on the name of the manufacturer and the volume of the bottle (25, 30 or 50 ml), but this usually does not affect the quality of the product. Thus, you can buy peach oil for both 25 rubles and 200.

Nevertheless, it is better to choose peach essential oil for inhalations. And in order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is additionally worth purchasing and adding to the solution tea tree, pine, eucalyptus, cedar or other oil that has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

A huge advantage of peach oil is its ability to be used during pregnancy. Ladies in a position often face colds and cosmetic problems due to a decrease in immunity and physiological changes characteristic of this crucial period. Therefore, peach oil can be a real salvation for them.

It can be used both to treat the above-described ENT diseases, and to prevent the formation or combat existing stretch marks on the abdomen, chest and other parts of the body. In addition, applying the product mixed with water or your favorite cream on the face will help the skin to acquire a healthy, rested look, which is usually difficult for pregnant women, even observing the daily routine.

Tampons, which are impregnated with various oils, are often used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Their advantage is that the directly affected area is exposed. Side effects on the body, which are typical when using injections or tablets, are excluded in this case. You can buy ready-made tampons or make your own.

How oil tampons differ from ordinary ones

The purpose of regular tampons is to absorb as much menstrual fluid as possible. Oil tampons have minimal absorbent properties, their task is to bring the maximum of nutrients to the affected organ.

When to use swabs with oils

Oil swabs can be used in the following cases:

  • at the initial stage of gynecological diseases;
  • in the treatment of chronic diseases;
  • as an aid in rehabilitation after surgery;
  • as a prophylaxis of infectious diseases, inflammations.

Remember that prior consultation with a physician is strongly recommended when using any medication. Healing tampons are not a universal panacea for gynecological problems, but only a means of additional therapy.

  • with individual intolerance to medicinal components;
  • during pregnancy;
  • immediately after childbirth;
  • during menstruation;
  • after operations on the genitals;
  • in the presence of any serious illness.
  1. Purchase a sterile bandage at the pharmacy. Pre-moisten gauze with alcohol.
  2. Wash your hands, rub the scissors with rubbing alcohol. It is advisable to use disposable gloves.
  3. Cut a strip about 20 cm long, fold it in half.
  4. The cotton wool rolls into a ball about 3 cm in diameter, place it between the layers of gauze or bandage.
  5. Pull the bandage at the base and tie it with a thread so that you get a round ball or cylinder. The tails of the bandage should remain in the form of a bow. You can take the most ordinary thread, just treat it with alcohol. Leave the end of the thread, pulling on which you can then remove the hygiene product.
  6. Saturate the swab with medication.

It is better to soak a tampon with oil just before the procedure. If this is not possible, ready-made tampons should be placed in a plastic bag. They can be applied for several days as needed. It is recommended to attach a sanitary napkin to the linen before use.

Thrush (candidiasis)

Thrush is one of the most common infections. Caused by the yeast-like fungi Sandida. The woman has anxiety, itching and discharge. In the case of thrush, tampons can be used to create an alkaline environment in the vagina.

Examples of such tools:

  • Tampons that are soaked in tea tree oil. 5-7 drops are mixed with a soda solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). It is enough to apply them for 4-5 hours within 7 days.
  • Swabs dipped in sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn is a unique product. It can help with almost all gynecological problems. Possesses powerful anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic properties. 3-4 drops of oil must be mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sunflower. Then dip a tampon into the mixture and place inside for 3-4 hours. Repeat within 7 days. Additionally, to enhance immunity, you can take 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil inside.
  • Also, according to the above scheme, you can prepare a mixture of vegetable oil with rose oil, sandalwood, cypress, thyme, sage. Use these tampons 3-4 hours daily for a week and a half. Before use, rose oil should be slightly warmed up using a water bath.
  • Essential oils. Mix 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil with 1 tsp. olive or corn. The tampon is injected for 3-4 hours daily for 7-10 days.
  • Calendula oil. Calendula oil and sunflower oil are combined in equal parts. Tampons should be injected for 3-4 hours for 8-10 days.
  • Fir and cocoa oils are mixed in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture must be boiled in an earthenware dish, cooled to about 35 degrees. Repeat for 3-5 days.

Cervical erosion

With erosion, there is a change in the epithelium in a certain area of ​​the cervix. In this case, the woman experiences discomfort during sex, and the affected area is an open gateway for infection. In critical cases, the formation of a malignant tumor is possible. Erosion is treated mainly by cauterization. During treatment, it is necessary to exclude sex life.

At the initial stage of the disease, the following tampons can be used:

  • Products with propolis. 10-12 g of propolis and 180-200 g of high-quality butter are thoroughly mixed and melted. The swab is moistened with the mixture and placed inside. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Keep the mixture in a cool place. Warm up before use.
  • Tampons with sea buckthorn oil reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and promote tissue regeneration. The tampon is inserted for 12-18 hours. Before this, the cervix is ​​cleared of mucus. Before using the next tampon, it is necessary to rinse with warm water. The treatment lasts one and a half to two weeks.
  • Swab with eucalyptus oil. It remains for 8-10 hours, the course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  • Sunflower oil and powdered rose hips should be boiled in a water bath for 2 hours. Stir from time to time, then strain. The tampons are left overnight for two weeks.
  • Aloe leaves are kept in the refrigerator for a week, then the juice is squeezed out. Mix with the same amount of honey and a few drops of castor oil. The tampon is inserted for 6-8 hours. For greater effect, douching with a solution of calendula is performed. 10-12 procedures are required.
These tumors are considered benign, but they are very dangerous for a woman's health, since they are characterized by prolonged and heavy bleeding and they can degenerate into a malignant form. In an advanced case, an operation is required.

At the initial stage, it is possible to use such means:

  • Taken in equal proportions and thoroughly mixed oils of St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, honey, burdock root juice. The swab is soaked in the mixture and left overnight. The duration of the course will be determined by the doctor. You can also use products with sea buckthorn oil heated in a water bath. Both St. John's wort and linseed oil are suitable.
  • A mixture of tar, honey and butter is prepared in equal proportions. The tampon is left overnight. The next night, insert a tampon, which is moistened with camphor oil. Alternate throughout the month. Then take a break for a month. Then the course can be repeated.
  • Mix comfrey root powder with cocoa butter in a ratio of 1: 4. Use within 3-4 weeks.
  • For 10 days, put tampons soaked in fish oil overnight.

Endometritis and endometriosis

Both of these pathologies cause changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus and are the cause of pain, heavy menstruation, including purulent discharge, negatively affect reproductive function. Contributes to the development of cancerous tumors. Oil swabs can reduce inflammation, eliminate infection, and restore normal mucosal function.
  • Sea buckthorn oil swabs are injected at night for 2 weeks. Before use, it is useful to douche with a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort.
  • Calendula flowers and eucalyptus leaves are crushed, filled with olive oil and infused for 3 weeks. Leave the tampon overnight for 10-14 days.
  • 20-25 g of cocoa butter is melted in a water bath, mixed with two drops of propolis tincture. One drop of lavender, fir, juniper, tea tree oil is added. The tampon is left overnight. It takes a month to be treated.

Inflammation of the appendages, as well as inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (colpitis)

The disease often occurs due to untreated infections, as well as as a result of abortion or neglect of hygiene. May be the cause of infertility.

You can use the following tools:

  • Dissolve 50 g of beeswax in 100 g of warm olive oil. Enter at night for two weeks.
  • Add to 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil 5-7 drops of eucalyptus. Duration of use is 2-3 weeks.
  • At 1 st. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil is added 5-6 drops of tea tree oil. Apply for 2-3 weeks. The tampon is soaked in black cumin oil, injected for 8-10 hours. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.


Cervicitis is an inflammation that affects the cervix. It is dangerous that other organs can be damaged: the ovaries, uterus and bladder.

At the initial stage of the disease, the following recipes can help:

  • 1 tsp pour chamomile flowers into a saucepan, add 5-6 tablespoons of melted butter. Simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. The tampon is put on for 10 hours, it is necessary to be treated for 2 weeks.
  • Sea buckthorn oil will also help with this disease. To enhance the effect, you can add honey, an oil solution of vitamin E, aloe juice to it. Put tampons on for 10-12 hours for two weeks.
  • Chamomile, clover, calendula, flax seeds, plantain leaves and horsetail are taken in equal proportions. 4 tbsp. l. the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water. Cook in a water bath until the volume is halved. Then add 50 ml of melted butter and 50 g of glycerin. The tampon is put on for 8 hours. The duration of the course is one and a half to two weeks.

Genital cysts

  • Mixes up 1 tsp. honey, aloe juice and fish oil. The tampon is inserted at night for 7-10 days.
  • A swab soaked in sea buckthorn oil is left overnight. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.


Polyps are tissue overgrowth on the lining of the uterus. They are considered benign, but degeneration into malignant tumors is possible.

If the disease is at an early stage, the following recipes are recommended:

  • The tampons are soaked in sage or sea buckthorn oil. Put tampons on for 10-12 hours for two weeks.
  • Dissolve 2 g of mummy in 100 ml of warm water, add 1 g of stone oil. The tampon is inserted at night. The duration of treatment is one and a half to two weeks.


With the onset of natural age-related changes, vaginal dryness is characteristic. You can use the following remedies:

  • A swab dipped in an oil solution of vitamin E. It is enough to put it on for 10-15 minutes. You can add olive oil to the mixture.
  • You can use sea buckthorn oil swabs in the same way.
Remember that oil treatment in gynecology is only an additional optional therapy. Priority should be given to the instructions of the gynecologist and treatment with traditional methods.

Inside the juicy fruit with a velvety skin, there is a large bone with an intricate pattern. Peach oil is obtained from its kernel, which is used in medicine and cosmetology. It has a delicate aroma, slightly viscous, yellowish tint.

Peach oil has a delicate effect on the body, so it is used to treat even newborn babies. The first production of a useful product was organized in China, a little later in India, and then the technology of cold pressing and filtration of seed oil reached the Mediterranean countries.

The beauties considered it necessary to use peach oil to maintain youthful skin and silkiness of hair. Even 200 years ago, it was an exclusive product, and it was sold in small jugs, however, despite its high cost, the product was in demand.

Peach oil has attracted interest for many centuries primarily due to its unique composition.

It is a real treasure:

  • vitamins (A, B, C, E, K);
  • fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, linoleic, etc.);
  • macro- and microelements (potassium, iodine, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc.);
  • carotenoids;
  • antioxidants.

Useful properties of oil

The product produces a rejuvenating effect, smoothing wrinkles and restoring skin tone and elasticity. It also improves complexion. Thanks to these properties, peach oil has been used in cosmetology for thousands of years.

When massaged, the oil not only tightens the skin, but also breaks down fat deposits and improves blood circulation. This is especially important for noticeable cellulite. It smoothes scar tissue and relieves burns and eczema.

When taken internally, peach oil improves metabolism and is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. It is used as a mild diuretic, laxative and choleretic agent.

Peach oil in cosmetology

You can apply undiluted peach oil to your skin and hair, or add a few drops to face and body creams, shampoos, and balms. The properties of cosmetic products will then significantly improve. They will better moisturize and nourish the epidermis.

Peach oil masks are suitable for all skin types, but they are especially indicated for dryness and flaking. They protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and eliminate the effects of strong sunburn - age spots.

The mask for both pigmentation and dry skin should be kept on the skin for no more than 20 minutes. Depending on the condition of the epidermis, they can be used 1-2 times a week. If the skin only needs prophylaxis in bad weather conditions, once every 2 weeks will be enough.

The pigmentation mask is prepared as follows.

  1. Brew calendula leaves in a small amount of water and leave for 12-15 hours.
  2. Mix 12 drops of peach oil with 15 g of yellow clay and 12 g of cocoa powder.
  3. Add calendula tincture to the mixture so that it is thick and fits well on the face.

The skin moisturizing mask is prepared as follows.

  1. Chop 25 g of dry kelp algae, pour into a bowl and cover with distilled water so that it barely covers them.
  2. After 25 min. add an ampoule of retinol and 18 drops of peach oil to the algae.
  3. Apply the mask to cleansed skin with a soft brush.

For body massage

The main goal of non-medical massage is to reduce body volume and cellulite, tighten the skin and make it more elastic. If peach oil is part of a massage product, the desired result is achieved more successfully and in a short time.

In addition, the oil acts on allergic dermatitis and eczema, improving the condition of the skin. In ancient Rome, it was mainly used as a cure for skin diseases.

Hand and nail masks

Peach oil is an excellent substitute for hand cream. It is instantly absorbed into the skin and gives it a light peachy scent, but this is not its only advantage. The oil heals the affected skin, wounds and cuts.

The following mask will help you quickly cleanse your skin if it is too dry or irritated.

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. peach butter with 1 tbsp. honey.
  2. Grind the mixture with egg yolk.
  3. Apply the mask to your hands, put on special gloves on top.
  4. After 30 min. wash off the mask with warm water and apply a greasy cream to your hands.

After rubbing peach oil into them, nails become smooth and strong. The delicate skin around the nail bed - the cuticle - also requires care. If you apply a mixture made from 1 tablespoon to it before going to bed. peach oil and a couple of drops of vitamins A, E and ylang-ylang essential oil, after a week your hands will look more well-groomed.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

You can increase the volume of eyelashes and eyebrows and accelerate hair growth by applying a mask of 1 tsp. peach and 1 tsp. castor oil. With a cotton pad, the mixture is needed for 20 minutes. apply to eyebrows and eyelashes, then rinse with warm water.

The roots of the eyelashes and eyebrows will strengthen and they will fall out less often. In addition, the hairs will be compacted along the entire length, due to which the eyelashes will look thicker without mascara.

For hair

In summer, hair is dry from the sun, and on vacation - from sea water. Frost also negatively affects them if long strands peep out from under the cap. Peach oil will restore smoothness to damaged hair if you apply it all over your hair one hour before you wash your hair.

It will be possible to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect if you wrap them with film. A small amount of oil can be rubbed into the scalp to improve scalp health and strengthen the hair roots.

For lips

The thin skin of the lips is primarily affected by temperature changes and strong winds. Regular lubrication of peach oil or lip cream with the addition of a few drops of the product will help to avoid chapping and flaking. It will instantly moisturize the skin and restore its structure.

No need to cover your lips with peach oil before going outside in the cold. It is more correct to apply it in the evening after washing off the makeup or before going to bed.

Peach Oil Treatment

Peach oil not only helps to become more beautiful and fresher, but also heals many diseases. It harmonizes the metabolism in the body, stimulates the process of hematopoiesis, relieves inflammation and mobilizes the protective functions of the body.


The oil is a part of many medicines. Essential oils should not be taken internally, they are only suitable for cosmetic procedures. For the pharmaceutical industry, peach oil is produced differently. It is cleaned much more thoroughly.

The tool is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of many diseases. For example, regular intake of peach oil improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the development of heart disease. The oil should be taken one hour before meals, warmed in a water bath to room temperature. The standard daily dosage is 1 tablespoon.

For throat diseases

Peach oil can help relieve sore throat, sore throat, and dry coughs. They lubricate the inflamed larynx or instill it in the nose so that it goes down to the throat, disinfecting the nasal sinuses. At the initial stage of the disease, the procedure is carried out 5 times a day.

If there is a chronic course of the disease, peach oil should be applied daily, 2 times a day until the condition improves.

The tool provides gentle care, so it is recommended even for babies to use it for colds. They are instilled with one drop in each nostril once a day. The daily allowance for adults is 8-10 drops.

Peach oil successfully fights inflammation of the mucous membrane, moisturizing it, and inhibits the growth of bacteria. In addition, it relieves nasal congestion and normalizes breathing.

Before instilling oil, rinse it with saline for maximum effect. For the treatment of colds, you should not buy cosmetic oil, but a special medicinal one.

In gynecology

Peach oil relieves inflammation and prevents the formation of tumors. In gynecology, it is used to treat endometriosis, fibroids and ovarian cysts.

For mild infections, peach oil is often more effective than medications. It not only relieves inflammation, but heals and repairs tissue. It is used in the form of tampons or added to a douching solution.

By stopping the development of infection, a woman will retain the ability to conceive and bear a child.

The ideal option is to consult with your doctor before use.

Oil for children and pregnant women

Peach oil eliminates allergies and has few contraindications, therefore it is suitable for young children and women who are expecting a baby. At the same time, in a delicate position, the woman's body undergoes a significant restructuring, therefore, intolerance to drugs that have not previously caused side effects is possible.

If the reaction to peach oil is negative, you should not use it throughout your pregnancy.

It is best to consult a pediatrician regarding the use of peach oil for treating children.

Contraindications and side effects

If a person is allergic to peaches, it is very likely that seed oil as a medical or cosmetic product will not work for him either. You can check this by dropping oil on the skin of your hand just above the palm of your hand.

The absence of redness or itching indicates that there is no acute reaction to it. Still, use peach oil preparations with caution. Allergies can develop over time.

In children, peach oil can cause mild nervousness due to the presence of a large number of nutrients in it. Their excess in the body translates into excessive mobility and excitability of the child.

Even such a harmless remedy as peach oil should be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

Where to buy

Peach and other oils are widely available in phyto-pharmacies and online stores. In the store, customers are provided with a detailed description of the medicinal properties of the product and recommendations for its use.

After reading the instructions, it will be easier to opt for the necessary tool. It should be remembered that any natural preparations can cause individual intolerance. In this case, stop using the oil immediately.

How to store

The oil is usually sold in small, dark glass bottles. Reputable manufacturers sell it undiluted and label it “100% Natural”.

Sometimes there are unscrupulous sellers who add sunflower or palm oil to peach oil. In this case, its effect on the body is weaker.

On the Internet, on the websites of a particular seller, you can find customer reviews. In them, they share information about the quality of goods. Having familiarized yourself with them before ordering, you will be able to get a solid product.

Store the oil bottle in a cool, dark place. Direct sunlight destroys its beneficial properties, despite the dark glass of the package. After opening the bottle, its contents should be used within 1.5 years.


It is pleasant to take care of yourself with the help of a cosmetic oil with an exquisite aroma. Once you have felt its beneficial effect, it is impossible to forget about such a remedy. It makes the skin firm and smooth, removes wrinkles and smoothes minor scars from burns and surgery.

Peach oil for the face is an indispensable remedy for preserving youth and freshness. In China, where the process of its production was invented, girls from their youth moisturized their skin with it. Since ancient times, in the Celestial Empire, there have been three mandatory requirements for the appearance of the bride: luxurious hair, a slender figure, and porcelain skin. Peach oil helped fulfill all the conditions for a future marriage.

In the modern world, ecology in megalopolises makes us constantly look for new drugs to care for the body and cleanse it of toxins. Peach oil is a powerful antioxidant and at the same time a natural remedy.

In addition, it successfully fights against allergies and aggressive effects on the skin of the hands and face of the environment. Whether it's air pollution or harsh climates, peach oil will soften negative effects and preserve health and beauty.

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Peach oil is a product that is extracted from the seeds of the fruit of the same name. This precious natural gift was used in ancient China. In ancient manuscripts, researchers have found many descriptions of how peach seed oil was used in the past. They used it to lubricate their hands during a therapeutic massage, used it internally for various diseases as an analgesic, and also used it for skin care. Today, peach oil is a very popular cosmetic product that is considered a budget replacement for expensive creams.

General characteristics of peach oil

The native land of the peach is considered to be Northern and Central China. This fruit is mentioned in recipes from the Middle Kingdom, dating back to before the beginning of our era. Even then, in terms of value, it was equated with apricot and chestnut, which were considered vital products. The peach gained fame not only for its excellent aroma and taste, but also for the healing properties of the oil obtained from its seeds.

From China, the peach tree was brought to Central Asia, then appeared in the Caucasus, and later in Italy and Greece. Nowadays, this fruit grows wherever the climate allows it to bear fruit. In the south of the Russian lands, peaches began to be grown only in the 16th century.

Peach oil is a natural product that preserves youth and health for many years.

The oil is obtained from the seeds of the fruit by cold pressing. For this, the kernels are crushed on a specially designed press, then the isolated product is purified from the remnants of raw materials. The result is a liquid, transparent yellow oil. When applied to the skin, it is completely absorbed. It tastes a little bitter. The aroma of the product is weak, reminiscent of the smell of the fruit itself.

There are food and cosmetic varieties of peach oil. The first is thoroughly cleaned, which significantly improves its quality. No special filtration is used in the production of cosmetic oils. As a rule, low quality fruits are used for it, as well as cake, peeling them using chemicals. The scope of the product is unusually wide. Cosmetologists recommend replacing them with almond oil if you are allergic to nuts.

It's important to know. Peach oil, labeled as cosmetic, is prohibited from consumption.

The biological composition and use of the product

Peach oil contains many substances vital for humans. In addition to vitamins (A, D, E, C, B), it contains a complex complex of organic acids and enzymes, phospholipids, tocopherols, protein, sugar and pectins. The composition of the product is rich in iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine and zinc. In addition, this natural elixir contains valuable acids: stearic, oleic, palmitic, palmitoleic, arachidonic, linolenic, linoleic. These substances support, restore and rejuvenate the human body. Peach seed oil has antioxidant properties and is therefore an excellent remedy for premature aging. The unique qualities of this product remove all age restrictions for its therapeutic use. The hypoallergenic nature of the oil allows it to be used even by people with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

Peach oil contains many substances necessary for the human body.

How to choose and store peach oil

The product is rarely counterfeited, because the raw materials are in sufficient quantities and the release of the finished product is considerable. But unscrupulous manufacturers can dilute the original drug with inexpensive oils, such as sunflower or palm oils. The packaging or bottle with a pure product must be labeled “100% oleum persicorum”, “100% peach kernel oil” or “100% natural”. The ideal container is a dark glass bottle closed with a tight lid. Store the product in a cool, protected from light and moisture place. After the first opening, the product must be used within 18 months.

Peach oil without special inscriptions confirming the naturalness of the product may be diluted

Precautions and contraindications for the use of the product

Peach oil is not recommended if you are allergic to the fruit. The agent should be used with caution during pregnancy, lactation or in the presence of nervous diseases. It is contraindicated for people with increased nervous excitability, as it can cause nervousness. When using this product for children, it is especially important to consult a pediatrician.

Talk to your pediatrician before using peach oil for your baby.

The use of peach oil does not imply any special preparation, but you still need to know some features:

  • It is better to warm up the product a little before use. You can just hold it in your hands or place the bottle in a container with hot water.
  • The oil is absorbed for a long time, so the procedure requires free time.

Medical Uses of Peach Oil

The use of peach oil is encouraged in both traditional and official medicine. Most often, this remedy is used externally (for example, as an oil base in the preparation of aromatic mixtures for massage and medicinal preparations). Occasionally, it is prescribed as a laxative and antitoxic drug for oral administration.

For colds and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Colds and viral infections are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as dryness, pain, sore throat. Even if these manifestations of the disease do not last long, they cause great inconvenience. The use of peach oil will help to remove them:

  • With acute respiratory infections. At the first sign of a runny nose, one drop of the product should be instilled into the nose twice a day. This will soften the accumulated mucus and prevent swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • In case of damage to the vocal cords. Inhalation will help with this composition: 10 drops of peach oil, diluted in a glass of boiling water. Often, the remedy is prescribed for spraying the vocal cords for those whose professions are directly related to the voice (singers, teachers, orators). Oil inhalations should not be used by people working in dusty air. In this case, it is better to bury the agent in the nose, with the head thrown back strongly, so that it simply flows down the nasopharynx, lubricating the irritated ligaments.
  • With laryngitis. Almost immediately after starting treatment with peach oil, the patient feels relief. The remedy is used in a course of up to 10 days together with a suitable diet.
  • Pharyngitis. When this disease occurs, steam inhalation is strictly contraindicated. It is only allowed to lubricate the throat. It is necessary to dilute 5 drops of peach oil in 200 ml of warm boiled water and rinse the throat with the solution 4-5 times a day until the condition relieves. If you don't like rinsing, you can put the product in your nose. Through the nasal sinuses, it gets to the inflamed area and in a few procedures completely heals it.

Lubricating the throat with peach oil will help relieve pain and inflammation with pharyngitis.

From sinusitis

For sinusitis, peach oil is used as an adjuvant along with medication. Various formulations will be effective in dealing with this problem. To prepare one of them, you need to combine 30 ml of peach oil with 10 ml of St. John's wort oil. If the latter is not there, you can replace it with a strong decoction of the plant. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water and stand on a steam bath for 5-10 minutes. After cooking, the liquid must be cooled and thoroughly filtered. The mixture should be instilled into the nose 3 times a day, with the head thrown back strongly in the supine position.

Peach oil softens mucus and promotes its excretion from the body, which significantly speeds up recovery.

St. John's wort is known as a powerful natural antibiotic and agent for fighting disease-causing microbes.

From stomatitis

Stomatitis is a common disease, especially in young children of preschool age. Sometimes adults also suffer from it. On the mucous membrane of the mouth, small sores of a round or oval shape, white or grayish, appear on the inside of the cheeks and lips, palate, tongue, tonsils. In this case, it is necessary to lubricate the wounds with peach oil several times a day until they disappear completely.

For the digestive system

Daily use of 1 tbsp. l. peach oil half an hour before meals stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. It is useful for constipation and for producing choleretic and diuretic effects.

For the circulatory system

Peach oil, when taken internally, helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, eliminates edema, and stabilizes the myocardium. In addition, it neutralizes bad cholesterol, effectively removes toxins and toxins from the body. The therapeutic effect is achieved with a daily 3-time use of this remedy (1 teaspoon is enough after a meal).

With diseases of the genitourinary system

Peach oil for diseases of the genitourinary system is used as a laxative, antiemetic, diuretic or choleretic agent. It should be remembered that it is advisable to agree on its dosage and duration of use with the attending physician. Due to its hypoallergenic properties, this oil is often used by professionals for prostate massage.

With anemia

Peach oil increases the iron content in the blood, increases the level of hemoglobin, stimulates the formation, development and maturation of blood cells. Regular use of the product as a seasoning for main courses helps to get rid of anemia and supports the body during spring beriberi. It is enough to consume one teaspoon of the product daily after each meal. It is advisable to agree on the duration of admission with your attending physician.

Peach oil has disinfecting and healing properties

For light burns and diaper rash

For mild burns, compresses are effective. To use one of them, you must:

  1. Combine peach and almond oils in a 1: 1 ratio (the latter can be easily replaced with wheat germ oil or sea buckthorn oil).
  2. Add lavender ether (10-15 drops per 1 tablespoon of the base mixture).
  3. Apply the composition to a cloth and gently apply to the affected area.
  4. Change the compress once every 2-3 hours.

Compress based on peach oil with lavender ester helps relieve pain, heal wounds quickly and prevent scarring

If you get a sunburn, apply a napkin soaked in peach oil to the desired area of ​​the body for 15 minutes. This will relieve heat and inflammation and allow the skin to heal faster.

When diaper rash appears, compresses from natural fabrics soaked in aroma mixture are applied to the affected areas. The composition of one of them:

  • 1 tablespoon warm peach oil
  • 1-2 drops of grapefruit, chamomile and lemon esters.

Chamomile ester is effective for diaper rash

In gynecology

Of particular importance is the use of peach oil for gynecological diseases. It effectively eliminates inflammation, accelerates the repair of damaged tissues, soothes pain and prevents the formation of tumors. The agent is applied to special tampons used to treat erosion and endometriosis. To prevent serious problems, girls in infancy are wiped with a cotton swab soaked in oil. It's simple and completely painless.

Pregnant women can rub the product into their thighs, buttocks, abdomen and breasts to prevent stretch marks.

Before using the product, be sure to consult your doctor.

Peach oil is safe to use for skin care during pregnancy

Use of a baby care product

If you are more attracted to natural products or for some reason high-quality baby cosmetics are not available, pay attention to peach oil. It is completely harmless to the child. The tool is able to moisturize delicate skin, prevent or remove the irritation that has already appeared from the use of diapers. This is a great replacement for purchased baby cream. Before using the oil, it is advisable to warm it in the palms of your hands, and then lubricate all the folds of the baby's skin well.

Peach oil is an excellent natural remedy for baby's delicate skin

The use of peach oil for cosmetic purposes

Peach oil is used by fans of natural cosmetics for a variety of purposes. It protects the epidermis from the irritating effects of the external environment, nourishes it, moisturizes and regenerates. The result of using the product is especially noticeable when caring for sensitive and irritated skin. Masks with the addition of peach oil have a real anti-aging effect.

Table: how to use the product for face and body skin, hair

PurposeBenefitMode of application
For faceThe oil prevents cell dehydration, smoothes small wrinkles and perfectly maintains the elasticity and firmness of any type of skin, removes tightness, dryness and, with systematic use, brightens the epidermis.
  • For dry skin types. Mix the homemade cottage cheese with peach oil, apply on the face in an even layer, avoiding the eye area, rinse off after half an hour. Do it twice a week.
  • For oily skin. Mash 5 medium strawberries, mix with 1 tbsp. peach oil and 10 drops of vodka. Apply to the skin without touching the eye area. Wash off with warm water after a quarter of an hour. Apply at bedtime for 5 days.
  • For peeling. Mix the bran (1 tbsp), peach oil (1 tbsp), honey (1 tsp). Apply to face while massaging. Wash off with warm water. Use no more than 1 time per week.
For hands and nailsNails become stronger, stop flaking and break. The skin of the hands becomes healthy and well-groomed.With a fragrant mixture of 15 ml of peach oil and 4-5 drops of lemon ether, gently massage the nails and the skin around them. Repeat the procedure every evening for a month.
For lipsThe product is good for lubricating chapped or dry lips, and also use it as protection when going out into severe frost or wind.
  • In its purest form. Lubricate lips with peach oil morning and evening, gently smoothing the skin.
  • Diluted. Prepare a one-to-one mixture of peach and wheat germ oils. Apply the composition to the lips and massage gently with a soft bristled toothbrush for 3-5 minutes. Do not rinse. Oil that has not been absorbed can be removed with a paper towel.
For acneIt is used as part of complex therapy along with other more aggressive components. Helps with inflammation and accelerates skin healing.Use a 2-step mask:
  1. Dilute 2 tbsp. cosmetic clay in one teaspoon of warm water, add 4 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the mixture to the face in an even layer, avoiding the eye area. Wash off after 20 minutes with warm water. Blot with a napkin.
  2. Apply peach oil evenly over your face. After 10 minutes, remove the rest of the product with a paper towel. Repeat 2 times a week before bedtime for a month.
Make-up removerHelps to achieve 2 goals at once: get rid of makeup and moisturize the skin.Apply a sufficient amount of peach oil to a cotton pad, carefully remove eye and face makeup.
For eyelashes and eyebrowsEyebrows and eyelashes become thicker and healthier, acquire a rich color. The tool eliminates severe fragility and loss of eyelashes.Brush eyebrows with 1-2 drops of peach oil. To lubricate the eyelashes, you can use a well-washed mascara brush or a cotton swab. The procedure is carried out in the evening (2 hours before bedtime).
For beardImproves hair structure, heals the roots, helps soften the skin and reduce itching with a growing beard, reduces irritation.Rub the oil into the face along the beard line, gently massaging for 10-15 minutes. Can be used daily (2-3 hours before bedtime). Any oil that has not been absorbed should be removed with a paper towel. Wash yourself with cool water in the morning.
For hairGives the curls health, strength and the same shine.
  • For normal hair. Add a few drops of peach oil to your favorite shampoo and wash your hair as usual.
  • For dry hair. Mix one tablespoon of olive and peach oils, add the contents of 3-4 capsules of the Aevit preparation. Spread the mixture through the hair, closer to the roots. For best effect, wrap with a towel. After 1 hour, wash off with regular shampoo. Repeat the procedure at least twice a week.
  • To enhance hair growth. Mix 2 tablespoons each of peach and olive oils and a teaspoon of Dimexidum solution (available at the pharmacy). Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots while massaging. Wrap your head with plastic wrap and then a towel. Keep it on for 40 minutes, and then wash your hair with regular shampoo 2 times to better wash off the remnants of the oil mixture.
For legsHelps heal cracked heels. Moisturizes, softens the skin and also speeds up healing. Eliminates corns and helps to reduce sweating of the feet.Wrap your legs with a bandage soaked in peach oil with the addition of chopped aloe leaves. Apply as needed.

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