Congratulations on the Pomegranate wedding (19 years old). Pomegranate wedding (19 years old) - what a wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms Status with the 19th wedding anniversary

You have been married for nineteen years,
Congratulations on this date!
Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding
And we wish you family happiness,
Health and good luck, life without boredom.
Like the first time, hold hands!

19 years old - pomegranate wedding
This is what the people call it.
And may this fruit be sour,
Let hearts burn like seeds
Never to be counted
So that your feelings suddenly become cloying,
Let the sourness cheer them up.
And if life dictates change
That is only in order to love stronger.

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding, on your 19th anniversary. I wish you, dear ones, your future life, juicy, tasty and rich, like a ripe pomegranate. May your love be strong and durable, may happiness, peace and understanding reign in your family. I wish you health, vitality, hope and good luck.

Nineteen years old is not a joke
Everything, walk hand in hand,
Now your son has grown up - a baby,
Time flies like an arrow.

We wish you love,
Passionate, bright as a pomegranate.
Let your views from now on
They burn with happiness and warmth.

Do not regret the loss
Believe, dreams will come true
Will open the doors for you
The world of goodness and beauty.

For nineteen years you have been together
This is a solid time
Teach love, patience
You can already have a lesson.

I wish you to live happily
To cherish a tender feeling
Only together, only in pairs
Endure the hardships of fate.

Protect the world, harmony,
Let the hearth burn brightly
Let there be prosperity in the house
Understanding brings you together.

I wish a strong couple
Every year everything grows stronger
So that life is like a gift
I began to hand you happiness.

Let on the path of life
Good people meet
May cherished dreams
Come true quickly and easily.

Let before the diamond wedding
Together you will reach
And the greatest happiness
Together you will find!

19 years from your wedding date
You have been distanced by the past years.
You understand now even by looking
Each other without the slightest difficulty.
There are no petty quarrels, the union is immensely strong,
He acquired a bright color of pomegranate.
And the taste of life became juicy and tart,
The path of love has led you to this date.
Protect each other from adversity,
Warm your hearts with the fire of love.

How quickly time flew by
In care, happiness and love.
And again, spring sang in my soul,
As in those distant days.

The pomegranate wedding is yours,
And everything was like yesterday!
The cup is still full of love,
You are together - this is forever!

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding!
Let the hearts grow closer
The days last happily, and okay
Warms love without end.

All ideas always work out
Your house will be a full cup,
Tender feelings live in my soul
Morning, evening, night and day!

You have a pomegranate wedding today
And I want to congratulate you on this,
I wish that every day is new
I could add joy, happiness.

Nineteen years - lived a lot,
And let it be not a few more years,
So that there is a long joint road,
And the family would be the strongest.

Nineteen years ago
You tied your destinies
Two keep loyalty to their hearts,
Together in joy, in sorrow.

I wish with all my heart
So that you live in happiness
And big in your love,
As if in the sea, they were drowning!

Not everyone knows about the 19 year anniversary: ​​what kind of wedding it is, what it symbolizes, what gifts are customary to make for it. We will tell you in order. The celebration has a beautiful and sophisticated name: "pomegranate wedding".

Why is the anniversary called that?

This name symbolizes fertility, abundance and prosperity. Over the years of their life together, the spouses already have everything one can dream of: children, and maybe grandchildren, the house is a full cup.

Despite the long time that the husband and wife lived side by side, their love did not fade away, and the relationship continues to remain romantic and touching, as at the beginning of the joint path. If feelings have lost their ardor, a magnificent gem - red pomegranate - will help to awaken passion. This noble stone endows its owner with cheerfulness and positiveness, gives energy and a desire to open up new horizons.

The pomegranate is considered a symbol of the successful completion of a difficult business, renewal and the beginning of new achievements. That is why he was chosen as a symbol of the wedding anniversary after 19 years of marriage. By this time, a difficult path has been passed, a lot has been achieved, but there are still many joyful and, possibly, sad moments to be experienced. For so many years, the spouses have learned to respect each other, solve all problems together, and now they have every right to celebrate this significant, albeit not an anniversary, date.

  • The wedding has a second name: "krypton". Krypton is a symbol of light, an element that emits flickering everywhere and always, like a spouse who has lived together for 19 years. Their feelings are enduring and their marriage remains as pure and vibrant as krypton.
  • The third name of the wedding is "hyacinth". What is hyacinth? It is both a charming flower and a beautiful semi-precious stone, which has long been considered the talisman of travelers and guaranteed them an easy way without any difficulties. A marriage that has withstood many years of trials is as strong as a gem and as beautiful as a flower from the lily family.

The most common name for a wedding is "pomegranate", however, when you hear that someone calls it hyacinth or krypton, do not be surprised.

Husband's gift to wife

It is not hard to guess that it is customary to give something suitable for the theme of the event for the celebration dedicated to the 19th anniversary of life together.

You can give your beloved wife:

You can make a surprise for your beloved woman in the form of a gift certificate for visiting a spa, beauty salon.

Of course, no wedding anniversary, be it chintz, porcelain or pomegranate, is complete without a luxurious bouquet. For 19 years of marriage, it is customary to give red roses or hyacinths.

Gift from wife to husband

You can also give jewelry to your beloved spouse, it is great if you prepare in advance for this holiday and order paired rings or bracelets.

You can also give your husband:

And of course, no man will refuse to receive a gift of new electronics.

Anniversary gift for spouses

For a celebration dedicated to the celebration of a pomegranate wedding, it is customary for a couple to give any presents in which a pomegranate is present.

Gift options from friends:

You can think of surprises that will be remembered by the spouses for a long time and will give only positive emotions: horseback riding, a tea ceremony lesson, a joint visit to the spa.

It is not forbidden to present to the spouses any gift that, in your opinion, will be useful to them, for example, a gift certificate to their favorite store. However, following the theme of the wedding, you need to wrap it in red or burgundy gift paper.

Since another name for the wedding is "krypton", a chandelier or lamp with krypton bulbs would be a good gift. Since this item should fit into the interior of the apartment where the spouses live, it will be useful to ask them about the desired model.

Another name for the wedding is "hyacinth", so you can give hyacinth flowers both cut and in pots. Or jewelry with stones of the same name.

What do children give their parents? It can be a touching family photo album, an original song of the author's composition, a funny video greeting, a poster in the form of a family photo, ornaments made by yourself.

The list of gifts can be continued for a long time. But in order to congratulate your beloved mom and dad, it is absolutely not necessary to spend a lot of money, it is enough to prepare a surprise that will pleasantly surprise the parents!

Congratulations to 19 years of marriage - video

How is a pomegranate wedding celebrated?

How and where to celebrate the 19th anniversary is a private affair of the newlyweds. You can celebrate it together by ordering a table at your favorite restaurant and having a candlelit dinner.

The second option is to invite relatives and close friends to the celebration. The venue can be a cafe, where joint holidays are usually celebrated. The ideal solution would be to choose a place where the first wedding was celebrated.

If the weather permits, you can organize a picnic in nature with barbecue and fun contests.

Guests must be notified of the celebration in advance. This can be done using invitation cards corresponding to the color of the anniversary symbol.

it is decided to celebrate the wedding in a cafe, then the organization of the celebration must be thought out in advance. It is good if the restaurant initially has a burgundy color in the design, because it is easier to introduce additional elements than to start everything from scratch.

The design of the room should contain elements that evoke an association with garnet gems:

  • burgundy balloons;
  • the desired color of tablecloths, napkins, dishes, ribbons or chair covers;
  • candles;
  • vases with pomegranates;
  • garlands with the names of the newlyweds;
  • krypton lamps;
  • bouquets of red roses or hyacinths.

The menu also needs to be discussed in advance, it should include dishes that match the theme of the celebration.

Looking for congratulations on your 19 year wedding anniversary (Pomegranate wedding) from your husband, wife, or parents? Then visit us! The Fani-Hani website presents a large selection of beautiful congratulations in verse and prose for the 19th wedding anniversary. Choose exactly the congratulation that you like and send it via SMS. Or congratulate in person by writing a poem on a postcard.


Even if the date is not round, it's still a date!
And the experience of your life together is great.
Decorate this day with pomegranate flowers,
Let the pomegranate evening be fate!

The fruit is the best in the world, beautiful and bright
Has become a symbol of your happy family.
We wish you happiness and peace, guys!
Explosive like a grenade, we wish you love!


I sincerely congratulate you on your pomegranate wedding, on the 19th anniversary of family life. I wish that your feelings always remain saturated and bright, like a juicy pomegranate, I wish that the bonds of your marriage are as strong and durable as a pomegranate stone. Be truly happy, live in full prosperity and prosperity.


Nineteen is the date
Juicy pomegranate colors.
Let your hearts burn
Together they fight to the end.

To live without a doubt
In happiness, joy, patience
Until the wedding is golden
With pure kindness in my heart.


Nineteen years in a row
The gods keep your hearth!
So let it be many years
Only light awaits you ahead!

Everyone is envy, luckily for you,
Let the bad weather pass you by.
And let in the same composition
Golden wedding righteous!


You have been together for nineteen years.
Bravo! This is a long time.
Just yesterday, the bride and groom ...
Fast running time.

And today you are spouses
You are family and you are one.
Everything is known about each other
There is no dearer halves.

Laugh, sing, laugh,
Have fun for no reason
You value your happiness.
Congratulations on your anniversary!

Congratulations on the pomegranate wedding


Nineteen years together
And supposedly yesterday:
You are the bride and groom,
And there is no end to happiness.

Pomegranate wedding
Burns and burns.
Love plays in hearts
And beckons with charms.

Pomegranate happiness
Like a strong wine:
Over the years it only gets stronger
And it is more joyful!


You have been married for nineteen years,
Congratulations on this date!
Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding
And we wish you family happiness,
Health and good luck, life without boredom.
Like the first time, hold hands!


Like a garnet bracelet
That of a dark red stone
A combination of good years -
A symbol of a feeling so beautiful!

And it's not for nothing that you are together
We've already lived for 19 years,
Achievements, dreams
Happiness and joy have increased!

Happy wedding anniversary to you,
Let the house be a full cup.
And we will greet more than once
Happy new anniversary!


Family life is a train.
Rushing, making stops.
Couples ride laughing and quarreling.
Compromises, concessions, gimmicks ...

Every year, driving up to the platform,
They will weigh everything that they managed to do.
And, still clinging to the carriage,
Moving towards a new goal again.

Nineteen cars in the train!
Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding!
The children have grown up. They became adults.
And you have the right to choose the paths yourself.

The pomegranate illuminates your way.
And twinkling lights
Now they promise with their brilliance
Flare up with the fire of love!


19 years old - pomegranate wedding
This is what the people call it.
And may this fruit be sour,
Let hearts burn like seeds
Never to be counted
So that your feelings do not suddenly become boring,
Let the sourness cheer them up.
And if life dictates change
That is only in order to love stronger.

Cool congratulations on your wedding anniversary 19 years - Pomegranate wedding


Nineteen years ago
She told him so.
He was then insanely happy.
And happiness is always with him now.

Nineteen years ago
He put a ring on her,
He swore to her, she to him
And no one broke the oaths.

Let happiness pour into this house
A stream of stellar, endless,
And we will pray that
For this happiness to be eternal.


Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding, on your 19th anniversary. I wish you, dear ones, your future life, juicy, tasty and rich, like a ripe pomegranate. May your love be strong and durable, may happiness, peace and understanding reign in your family. I wish you health, vitality, hope and good luck.


19 years from your wedding date
You have been alienated by the past years.
You understand now even by looking
Each other without the slightest difficulty.
There are no petty quarrels, the union is immensely strong,
He acquired a bright color of pomegranate.
And the taste of life became juicy and tart,
The path of love has led you to this date.
Protect each other from adversity,
Warm your hearts with the fire of love.


A lot of things have happened in your life -
And I had to cry, and "neigh",
As in a pomegranate - a lot of seeds, in bulk,
And they are drawn into their mouths to hold them longer,
To get a taste of life, Pomegranate taste.
It's true! Although there is a lot on the table ...
Congratulations! You are great guys!
There are not so many such pairs on Earth.


How quickly time flew by
In care, happiness and love.
And again, spring sang in my soul,
As in those distant days.

The pomegranate wedding is yours,
And it was all like yesterday!
The cup is still full of love,
You are together - this is forever!

Touching congratulations on the 19th wedding anniversary


Red scattering of pomegranates
Our wedding sparkled:
We remember how once
You and I got married.

We met so many evenings
You and I are in the same apartment:
A worthy example for the young,
How to live in love and Peace.

And now we know well
Looking into cute eyes
That love does not fade away
Just like many years ago.


We celebrate your holiday
After all, 19 years have passed.
And again you are the bride and groom,
Greetings and wine again.

Not everyone is given through the years
To carry love and wisdom.
Through all the sorrows and hardships,
Find reliable friends.

I wish you prosperity
Patience and kindness.
So that you hold each other's hand,
To make all your dreams come true!


Nineteen years is not a short time
After all, this life is a good lesson.
Having lived to the Red Scattering of pomegranates,
Your passion will flare up as before.


Today will be brighter the day
After all, nineteen years ago,
Quite feathered youths,
You said yes to a friend.

Since then, a lot of life has flown,
There is no time to return back,
And even if I had to,
Worthy you would have passed the way!

You can be proud of yourself:
There are children, there is a house and a summer cottage,
Well, love comes first,
And there is so much happiness that it cannot be counted.


You love each other,
And this is not a secret.
And together you spouses
For 19 years already!

There is no woman with a man
Whose is such a fortunate marriage!
Happy anniversary
And in the future, so be it!


I wish a strong couple
Every year everything grows stronger
So that life is like a gift
I began to hand you happiness.

Let on the path of life
Good people meet
May cherished dreams
Come true quickly and easily.

Let for the wedding of the Diamond
Together you will reach
And great happiness
Together you will find!


Pomegranate wedding - today is your holiday!
You are bright, happy - like ripe pomegranates.
To look at you - as at a native landscape,
To come to you, as in the royal chambers.

And continue to please your eyes the same way
All those who love and appreciate you.
And if suddenly a tear flashes in you,
That is only from happiness! And the weather in the house will not change.


Significant date - 19 years of family life. I sincerely congratulate you on your pomegranate wedding. I want to wish you home warmth and comfort, a peaceful sky over your head and great luck, prosperity and respect in the family, sincere feelings and a common desire for an unfulfilled dream.


Exactly 19 years have passed, we remember
Since you vouched to each other,
Live in health, disease, in peace, in sorrow,
You have never resigned yourself to sadness, failure.

Holding on to each other, you coped together,
With everything that fate has prepared for you.
Loved sincerely, selflessly and without flattery,
In one moment, breathing every day.

We congratulate you on such a high date,
We wish you peace of mind, kindness and strength.
So that every day you with the gleam of a pomegranate,
Only brought joy and good luck.


You have been together for exactly nineteen years,
You walk with each other along the way,
You met a lot of both joys and troubles,
But you live happily together.
To share the joys is already a double joy,
And grief for two is only half a mountain,
So let your love be sweetness
More endless than any sea.


Nineteen years old is not a joke
Everything, walk hand in hand,
Now your Tiny son has grown up,
Time flies like an arrow.

We wish you love,
Passionate, bright as a pomegranate.
Let your views from now on
They burn with happiness and warmth.

Do not regret the loss
Believe, dreams will come true
Will open the door for you
The world of goodness and beauty.


Still very young in the registry office,
(So ​​nineteen years ago)
You took an oath of allegiance to each other,
Kept back is a fact.

The years passed ... With a gray hairstyle,
Wrinkles lurk in the corners of the eyes
But you are all also sweet, enthusiastic
You talk without noticing us often.

I always look at you with a smile
And I rejoice in the idyll in the family.
Guys, be forever young
After all, next to you and brighter for me.


Pomegranate wedding is the happiest moment
Please accept congratulations from your friends -
Health, happiness, joy, crazy love,
We wish you only sweets and a bunch of kids!

Love has connected you, and it's not in vain,
This means that she is one life.
Do not waste your time on quarrels and misfortunes,
And fall in love again when you wake up in the morning!


You are getting closer to your fourth anniversary,
19 years You keep your family,
And may the soul only grow younger with happiness,
Carefully take care of your love!

And let the pomegranate be a symbol of the anniversary,
It will bring abundance and prosperity to the house,
And let happiness roll like an avalanche,
And a flower will bloom in the heart of love!


Congratulations on your anniversary!
You are nineteen long years
You live without knowing sadness.
We wish you love, victories!

How beautiful our youth is!
How good our maturity is!
You are just as ardent, Yuna, passionate,
And one soul for two.

So age will not be a hindrance,
We will take everything from life with interest.
Happiness and success to you!
We drink to your union today!


On this amazing day of your anniversary, we wish love to be endless and never fade away. Nineteen years of marriage is a Pomegranate wedding, may it be as happy as all the anniversaries that follow. Happy holidays and let your feelings be really strong!


It has already been 19 years since the moment when you put rings on each other and a merry wedding screamed at you bitterly. So let me wish you more smiles, joy and unlimited mutual understanding on this day. Let only good things be remembered today, and all sorrows will remain in the past and be forgotten forever.


We do not say unnecessary words,
Only those that are needed.
Happy anniversary we want
Congratulate you amicably.

And wish you health
And love of the heart.
For 325 years,
Or even eternal.

Let the heat and cold
There will be no hindrance.
What's the trouble, what's the trouble?
Not seriously, for a laugh!


Congratulations to your family on the age of romance and dreams, on a wonderful 19th birthday. On a pomegranate wedding, I want to wish you love and good, warmth and comfort, prosperity and harmony, harmony and good luck. I wish you to walk together on the pomegranate bracelet of happiness, as if in a vicious circle.


Pomegranate wedding!
We are nineteen years old!
Burgundy red
Ripe pomegranates color.

We are again a bride and groom,
And "bitter" sounds again,
We will meet the wedding with a song,
There is no reason to be sad!


Your union is the envy of the strongest of South Africa,
So let it stay that way forever.
Misfortune is overboard, well, happiness is with you,
Let there be no concept of "dispute" in the family.

Pomegranate wedding you two doves
And by the anniversary there was a sensitive one.
Live in goodness and forget swearing.
I wish you health and happiness! Love each other!


Nineteen years have passed since your wedding,
Today again the joy of the guests.
Gifts, toasts, our congratulations -
From your close friends and acquaintances!

We wish we were more tender to each other,
Moments of light and warmth.
Excluded so that there are long separations,
Let your harbor be so bright!


I haven't told you for a long time -
I fell in love even more
During the years that you are with me
She was both body and soul.

Accept from me as a gift
Now a pomegranate wreath.
Of course, this is not a diamond -
He will be next time.


Of all the stones
Total shallow
Pomegranate to me, no doubt.
And on this day,
Not too lazy to say:
One and nine are the numbers
Happy that they became
I hope you my friends
Are you tired of marriage?
Is it possible then to get tired,
When you are madly in love
And, if you wish, with everything,
Don't you forget your wife?


Nineteen years ago love was born
Strongly and firmly climbed into the soul.
So let me congratulate you
To fire happy eyes.

Your dreams, sparkling, blinded,
He gave more warmth and light,
So that love is like a tender plant,
Gave you an impression.

And past memories
Suddenly your breathing quickened.
To embrace with tender arms
You are ringing with thin bells.


Nineteen years, nineteen winters.
We always want to admire your pair.
Share your secret, give us advice:
How can we live in love for the same number of years ?!


Moments of happiness and sadness
We shared together,
And we met the New Day together,
And we had neither lies nor flattery,
But only love and attraction
That fenced us off from grief
There are only bright moments left
Fresh like a breeze by the sea.
We kept happiness, joy,
And we learned to believe in a miracle
It turns out that it was not for nothing that we had mistakes,
Now experience helps us everywhere.


For nineteen years we are with you,
We have come a long way on Earth,
Have seen and many have experienced
They gave each other a family, children!

May our path continue
May the bird be with us
Mutual feelings, patience,
Success and enjoyment of life!


Happy pomegranate wedding, my dears!
You have a wonderful family,
Although there were sometimes difficult times,
But fate sees that it is impossible to break you.

Pomegranate or hyacinth wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

Significant date - 19 years of family life! I sincerely congratulate you on your pomegranate wedding! I want to wish you home warmth and comfort, a peaceful sky over your head and great luck, prosperity and respect in the family, sincere feelings and a joint desire for an unfulfilled dream!

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding, on your 19th anniversary! I wish you, dear ones, your further life, juicy, tasty and rich, like a ripe pomegranate! May your love be strong and durable! May happiness, peace and understanding reign in the family! I wish you health, vitality, hope and good luck!

I sincerely congratulate you on your pomegranate wedding, on the 19th anniversary of family life! I wish your feelings always remain saturated and bright, like a juicy pomegranate! I wish that the bonds of your marriage are always as strong and strong! Be truly happy, live in full prosperity and prosperity!

On this amazing day of your anniversary, we wish love to be endless and never fade away! Nineteen years of marriage is the Pomegranate Wedding, let it be as happy as all the anniversaries that follow. Happy Holidays and let your feelings be really strong!

I sincerely congratulate you on your pomegranate happiness, on the 19th anniversary of your family life! With all my heart I wish you rich colors of life and inextinguishable sincere feelings, good welfare in the family and light comfort in the house, great luck on your way and pleasant gifts from life!

Congratulations to a wonderful married couple on their 19th birthday, on the young age of dreams and tenderness of feelings! On your pomegranate anniversary, I want to wish you always confidently and to the end to fight for your happiness, never leave each other without support and every day receive from fate as many pleasant gifts as there are grains in a juicy pomegranate fruit!

Congratulations on your Pomegranate wedding anniversary! We wish your family to live always in love and understanding, then you cannot avoid happiness! Be faithful and don't forget your first meetings!

It has been 19 years since the moment when you put rings on each other and a merry wedding shouted "Bitter!" So let me wish you more smiles, joy and unlimited mutual understanding on this day! May only good things be remembered today, and all sorrows will remain in the past and be forgotten forever!

Congratulations on the Pomegranate anniversary of your married life! Live merrily and amicably, have everything you need in life, keep the fire of holy love until the golden wedding!

My lovely! I am happy that we have a strong family. Thanks to you, we raised our children. I am very glad that I chose you! For all 19 years, I have never regretted it. Hope we celebrate our 50th anniversary together!

Lovely wife! For 19 years our relationship has been strengthening. Now our family is like expensive red wine. She matured and became perfect! I want us to be together until the end of our days and make each other happy!

My love! I remember the day of our wedding to the smallest detail! It’s hard to believe that 19 years have passed since that moment! Yes, of course, there was anything - both insults and sorrows, but all this is quickly forgotten, and only the happiest and most emotional moments remain in the memory, such as a wedding, the birth of children, joint holidays and cheerful moments of family life! May our feelings never fade, but remain the same rich pomegranate color as the symbol of the current anniversary of pomegranates!

19 years ago, succumbing to your charm, I exchanged my girlish freedom for a quiet family life, children and housekeeping. And you know what? I am absolutely happy! Happy Pomegranate anniversary, dear!

Let them say that feelings cool down after 19 years of marriage! But you and I, dear husband, know for sure that this is not so! It is not for nothing that this anniversary is usually called the Pomegranate wedding, because our love has become as strong, rich and bright as the color of this stone! .. And the relationship is as juicy and sweet as the grains of a ripe fruit - a pomegranate! I congratulate you, my dear, on our next family holiday!

Happy Hyacinth Wedding, dear! This day I do not want flowers. My main desire is to spend this day with you! I really want to spend more time with you. I hope we will be together to please each other with smiles for a long time!

My beloved man! Congratulations on our pomegranate wedding! Wish our feelings were as bright as a pomegranate! I want you to be my companion for the rest of my life!

Beloved parents! We are happy that you are celebrating your 19th wedding anniversary! We wish you many smiles, patience and love! We wish your feelings to become bright, like they used to be in your youth, and your health did not fail!

Our dear children! Today is your family's 19th birthday! This date is usually called the Pomegranate wedding, which symbolizes mature love, but still the same passionate and never fading! Carry these hottest feelings throughout your life, and do not forget about mutual respect and patience! Only a year is left before the anniversary - before Porcelain's wedding! So try not to break this fragile structure called "family"!

The 19th anniversary of living together is an important holiday! During these long years, lived together in love and harmony, you have seen a lot. There were disagreements in your family that you successfully overcome, and joys that you shared with each other. Today you are celebrating 19 years of marriage. I want to wish you to continue to overcome all the obstacles that will stand in your way and appreciate every minute spent together!

Congratulations on your Pomegranate wedding anniversary! I wish you to be a single organism all your life, until old age. You can handle it!

Oh, how wonderful is your union! Everyone will agree with me! I am absolutely not afraid that it will become dusty someday. Happy Anniversary, Pomegranate Wedding!

Happy Pomegranate wedding anniversary! May your friendly family go the long way together! May there never be grievances and tears in your house, but only joy and ringing laughter!

Let the sun smile, let the flowers laugh, let the son rejoice and let the daughter have fun. I wish you family well-being! Happy Pomegranate wedding anniversary!

Today is exactly 19 years since you got married. And we wish you many more years to live happily and richly, without knowing any troubles!

Congratulations on your Pomegranate wedding anniversary! Be happy, healthy and love each other the same way before the Platinum Wedding! May the care of your children give you longevity!

You have a solemn day today, Pomegranate wedding anniversary! Let the rings, dressed to each other with an oath of fidelity, you save for a long life, and with them your love!

Our dear! They say that the family is the unit of society, it is its own little world. Today I congratulate you on the 19th anniversary of the origin of this world. May he always be full of love and understanding! Happy Pomegranate Anniversary!

Hyacinth wedding - a decent time you spent together! Let your relationship be bright and persistent like a hyacinth. Take this flower from us as a gift, let it become a symbol of happiness and patience in your family!

A pomegranate wedding means you have a lot of patience. In these 19 years, you have proven that you can compromise and yield to each other. We wish you to live together until your golden wedding! At the same time, so that the relationship only becomes better and more sincere. Happy Holidays!

Pomegranate or hyacinth wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

Nineteen is the date

Juicy pomegranate colors!

Let your hearts burn

Together they fight to the end!

To live, without a doubt,

In happiness, joy, patience

Right up to the wedding golden

With pure kindness in my heart!

19 years in a family with love

A woman lives with a man!

Happiness sea, ocean of health

I wish you on your anniversary!

The Porcelain wedding is only a step away

After all, Pomegranate is not a trifle!

I wish you to live in paradise on earth,

Repeating: "I love you!"

You love each other,

And this is not a secret!

And together you spouses

There is no woman with a man

Whose marriage is so fortunate!

Happy anniversary

And so be it from now on!

Nineteen years, nineteen winters!

We always want to admire your pair!

How can we live in love for the same number of years ?!

Cherish, holte and love,

You give each other happiness

All 19 years in a row!

And the wedding symbol is a pomegranate!

Empty phrases are not appropriate today,

The most important thing I want to say:

How have you been together for 19 years?

I wish you to continue in the same spirit!

You have a significant date today -

You have already been married for 19 years!

There's a reason for kisses and smiles

We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary!

For nineteen years we are with you,

We have come a long earthly path,

We saw and experienced a lot

They gave each other a family, children!

May our path continue

May the bird of happiness be with us,

Mutual feelings, patience,

Success and enjoyment of life!

You have been married for nineteen years,

Congratulations on this date!

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding

And we wish you family happiness!

Health and good luck, life without boredom.

Like the first time, hold hands!

The dress is not white today

Pomegranate colors it!

Husband proposal bold

I did it a long time ago!

Pomegranate wedding

Yours lights up the dawn,

Do not forget this day

You are all nineteen years old!

Happy pomegranate wedding, my dears!

You have a wonderful family,

Although there were sometimes difficult times,

But fate sees that you cannot be broken!

And give joy to each other every day!

So that the two of you are always interested in

Love filled hearts invariably!

There will be a sea of ​​congratulations

I will join them:

You are an example for everyone, I will not hide,

Looking at you, suddenly, I'll marry!

From the Pomegranate anniversary,

This means a strong family!

You are loved is the reason

With what I congratulate you!

Nineteen years in a row

The gods keep your hearth!

So let it be many years

Only light awaits you!

Everyone is envy, you are lucky,

Let the bad weather pass you by.

And let in the same composition

Let's celebrate the golden wedding!

Even if the date is not round, it's still a date!

And the experience of your life together is great!

Decorate this day with pomegranate flowers,

Let the pomegranate evening be fate!

The fruit is the best in the world, beautiful and bright

Has become a symbol of your happy family.

We wish you happiness and peace, guys!

Explosive like a grenade, we wish you love!

We congratulate your family

Nineteen years since she was born!

Let your house be a full bowl,

And spring always reigns in it!

So that the folding life is like a song,

And the sadness together was light

So that you go through life together

Eyes to eyes, hand in hand!

You have been together for exactly nineteen years,

You walk with each other along the way,

You met a lot of both joys and troubles,

But you live happily together!

To share the joys is already a double joy,

And grief for two is only half a mountain,

So let your love be sweetness

More endless than any sea!

You're getting closer to your fourth anniversary

You have been keeping your family for 19 years,

And may the soul only grow younger with happiness,

Carefully take care of your love!

And let the pomegranate be a symbol of the anniversary,

Abundance and prosperity will bring to the house,

And let happiness roll like an avalanche,

And a flower will bloom in the heart of love!

How quickly time flew by

In care, happiness and love!

And again, spring sang in my soul,

As in those distant days!

The pomegranate wedding is yours,

And everything was like yesterday!

The cup is still full of love,

You are together - this is forever!

The pomegranate wedding is the happiest moment!

Please accept congratulations from your friends -

Health, happiness, joy, passionate love!

We wish you only sweets and a bunch of kids!

Love has united you, and it's not in vain,

This means that she is one life.

Do not waste your time on quarrels and misfortunes,

And fall in love again when you wake up in the morning!

19 years old - pomegranate wedding!

This is what the people call it.

And may this fruit be sour,

Let hearts burn like seeds

So that your feelings suddenly become cloying,

Let the sourness cheer them up.

And if life dictates change

That is only in order to love harder!

Your union is the envy of the strongest of couples,

So let it stay that way forever!

Misfortunes - overboard, well, and happiness - with you,

Let there be no concept of "dispute" in the family.

Pomegranate wedding you two doves

And there is a little bit left before the anniversary.

Live in goodness and forget swearing.

I wish you health and happiness! Love each other!

We wish you all the best,

Live in happiness, in love and in peace,

In a solid house, or in your own apartment.

Let the house be a full bowl

Let the laughter of children and grandchildren ring in him

Keep the holy law of love,

We wish you to live until your golden wedding!

Pomegranate wedding - today is your holiday!

You are bright, happy - like ripe pomegranates.

Look at you - like a native landscape,

To come to you is like to the royal chambers.

And continue to please your eyes the same way

All those who love and appreciate you.

And if a tear suddenly flashes in you,

That is only from happiness! And the weather in the house will not change!

Nineteen years have passed since your wedding!

Today is the joy of the guests again!

Gifts, toasts, our congratulations -

From your close friends and acquaintances!

We wish we were more tender to each other,

Moments of light and warmth!

Excluded so that there are long separations,

Let your harbor be so bright!

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding!

We sincerely wish you a fabulous life,

In all success, joy, warmth,

To be lucky in everything, always!

Live in harmony and love,

Raise children in joy,

May life be full of happiness

For this today we will drink to the bottom!

Living in harmony is an art!

Your sincere feelings

As if woven from threads

Romantic events!

For each other - an addition,

Reflection of gentle thoughts!

Is it because, to your honor,

Have you been together for nineteen years ?!

You have lived together for more than one year,

There was a lot of joy, a lot of worries,

You have been walking along the family path for 19 years,

Love each other like the first time, it's not a secret.

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding!

We wish you family sunny weather

Let fate reward you in full

Complement each other and always make you happy!

19 years from your wedding date

You have been distanced by the time and the year

You understand now even by looking

Each other without the slightest difficulty!

There are no petty quarrels, the union is immensely strong,

He acquired a bright color of pomegranate.

And the taste of life became juicy and tart,

The path of love has led you to this date.

Protect each other from adversity,

Warm your hearts with the fire of love!

Heartfelt congratulations,

On your wedding day, friends,

We wish you burning in love,

19 years, how do you live,

We wish you all the best, good luck, good,

In all success, family warmth!

You carried love through all the years

You have overcome grief and sorrow,

I wish that tomorrow and always

You were as happy as you were at the beginning!

I wish that the candle of love always

Burned, warming you with itself.

So that you have your own star

And it was called love!

19 years since you lived together in a fairy tale,

Today again in the status of the bride and groom,

"Bitterly!" - we shout to you with pleasure,

We sincerely wish you happiness.

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding,

Let cherished dreams come true

Let every day turn into a holiday

May the bird be a frequent guest!

You look at your family,

How not to smile!

Flew like a moment

Nice nineteen!

I wish you always

Live in love, patience!

So that the soul does not torment

Never doubt!

Scarlet pomegranate in consonance,

Let it fill your days!

May your ship with prosperity,

Floats forward through life and dreams!

The girl is ringing Fun,

Let him give laughter and beauty!

And let the flower blizzard

Will whirl you in a dream and in reality!

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding fly to you,

It seems to me that you are destined for each other!

What a great and unearthly happiness it is,

Live next to a sincere, loving and devoted soul!

You have walked side by side in this life a lot,

But you still have that great love in your hearts,

Which gently warmed you in the evenings,

Which guarded your happiness again and again!

For 19 years you have been walking beside

You always support each other in everything!

Let love be a joy, a reward for you,

For many, many years!

And the cherished dream comes true

And let the hearts, warming with love,

They knock in unison

And they always sing the same melody!

Congratulations on your anniversary,

I wish you love and success!

You have been together for 19 years,

Your house is full of happiness and laughter!

Prettier like wine

May your love over the years!

I wish you health, happiness,

There is no more beautiful pair in the world!

Now 19 years have passed,

But at heart you are forever young.

I wish you understanding

And even though our life is fleeting,

Let there be happy moments in life

Will be in full - always!

I wish you prosperity,

And never be sad!

Shines with burgundy pomegranates,

Today is the anniversary of your bonds!

I sincerely congratulate you,

So beautiful and radiant is your union!

I wish you understanding, care,

Love is as pure and great!

Let everything go well at work,

And the soul is overshadowed by sweet peace!

Today you receive compliments and flowers,

Today you are the culprits of the occasion!

The pomegranate wedding is on your doorstep

We wish you a vital, wide road!

May the family weather be always warm

Let the family always live in abundance,

We wish you good luck to the most real,

And great human happiness!

Nineteen years is not a short time

This is a good lesson in life!

Having lived up to the red scattering of pomegranates,

Your passion will flare up as it once did!

After all, you were able to save your love,

And also a strong family!

So that you can fully enjoy it!

You have a pomegranate wedding today!

So the sincere light of your eyes pleases

Trust, feelings, kindness, positive,

And you love, having opened souls to each other!

May your family live happily

Let hearts burn with love

Mutual understanding reigns in the house,

Joy, harmony and creativity!

At a noisy holiday table,

Today we are all gathered!

Let the house be a full cup

Let the thread be strong.

Pomegranate wedding - 19 years old!

You are the best couple, it's not a secret

We always take an example from you,

Peace to you, good luck, happiness and good!

Flew very fast

Nineteen glorious years!

Your senses have grown stronger

There is no better pair of yours!

Alliances are made

They say in heaven

Let the pomegranate wedding

Will give you miracles!

We know what you keep

The secret of happiness and love!

Together you live in harmony

Nineteen whole years!

We are with a pomegranate wedding

Congratulations to you amicably,

On your pomegranate wedding day,

I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

May only happiness and joy fill

Your home, because you are so good!

I wish you to live like in a fairy tale,

No problem, only in abundance, love!

Let the heart be filled with tenderness

And the warmth will immediately become inside!

19 years old today

Performed by the family!

I wish you, as before

Be on horseback together!

May love help you

Life's storms all go

And the leading star will be

You are on the path of life!

The pomegranate wedding is knocking at the gate

For 19 years, many roads have been covered,

You divide your joy and sorrow in half,

Today all congratulations to you!

Open the door wider to happiness,

May it be fun for you from wine,

To be called the best couple in the world

All the best, prosperity to you, warmth!

Like the shine of a pomegranate in a radiant light,

Does not leave indifferent eyes

So is love, holding hearts forever,

Sometimes stronger than a diamond!

So let the wine sparkle in the glasses,

Will give the senses strength, aroma,

Soul with soul will forever become related,

And your union will be rich in happiness!

Here's a pomegranate wedding

Knocking on your door today!

19 wonderful years

The feeling swirls you ardently!

I wish you prosperity

Multiplication of love

Only with patience and affection

Together you will go your way!

You have been together for 19 years,

And in the eyes there is still the same spring light!

Your hearts are filled with happiness

As if the years had not touched them.

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding,

We sincerely wish you consent, love!

Let the family fire burn brighter

Live long without resentment and quarrels!

Put on gold rings

You are 19 years ago,

You are still young in soul,

There are sparks of enthusiasm in the eyes.

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding day,

Let life give you inspiration!

Let the house be a full cup

Let wealth and comfort settle in it!

I congratulate you on the pomegranate wedding,

I wish you well and success!

After all, for children, you are a wonderful example,

Let life be full of happiness and laughter!

I wish you that your love,

It did not fade away after a hundred years!

Always be healthy, beautiful,

And may the Lord God protect you from troubles!

You have already eaten more than one pound of salt,

Together we achieved our goal

They call you an ideal couple for a reason,

You are a friendly and strong family!

Happy to congratulate you on the pomegranate wedding,

Let life be a joy for you!

Let all dreams come true

And luck smiles sweetly!

I wish a strong couple

Every year everything grows stronger!

So that life is like a gift

Began to hand you happiness!

Let on the path of life

Good people meet

May cherished dreams

Come true quickly and easily!

Let before the diamond wedding

Together you will reach

And the greatest happiness

Together you will find!

Your senses, like a pomegranate, attract attention,

Friends, acquaintances only delight and admiration cause!

We sincerely congratulate you on your pomegranate wedding!

We wish you this solemn day!

This fruit caresses the eye

The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour,

Let the relationship be like this fruit,

They are fresh, new and the color is bright!

We are glad to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

Happy 19th birthday of the family!

We sincerely want to wish you good luck, happiness,

Live in abundance, never lose heart!

Congratulations on the pomegranate wedding,

We wish to achieve everything conceived!

Live in love, always in agreement,

Let a bright star illuminate your path!

19 years! With this date

Friends are in a hurry to congratulate you!

We are all glad for you, of course

And we wish you now:

Good days, kindness and light!

And on this holiday, you two

We give bright roses bouquets

As a sign of admiration and love!

A pomegranate wedding is a special celebration

The time for the beautiful holiday has come!

We sincerely congratulate you with all our hearts,

We wish you to be always on top!

May love always inspire you

And hearts are pounding!

Do not let the obstacles scare you,

Happiness may be endless!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

Already nineteen you have lived in peace and in love!

Today, let the doubts of the ice all melt,

After all, only for each other you were born!

May adversity and troubles leave you forever,

So that you live in love, care for a hundred years!

And let feelings rush in a wave of fresh today,

We wish you unexplored and sweet victories!

You have been together for nineteen years!

Bravo! This is a long time.

Just yesterday, the groom and the bride ...

Time passed quickly!

And today you are spouses

You are family and you are one!

Everything is known about each other

There is no dearer halves!

Laugh, sing, laugh,

Have fun for no reason!

You value your happiness!

Congratulations on your anniversary!

You and a pomegranate wedding

Congratulations today!

To make the feelings bright and sweet

How we wish the pomegranate!

Your love has passed the test,

The house is cozy, a friendly family and children are growing up,

May mutual worries and dreams unite

Warmth is supported, feelings are strengthened!

We are glad to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

You are celebrating a pomegranate wedding!

Let life flow like a full river

Let you be lucky in everything, always!

God bless you, as they say,

There is no way to go astray,

Always be happy in everything

All the best to you, peace and kindness!

Nineteen years together - congratulations heartily,

And I want your unearthly happiness to last forever!

So that your passion is, and love is stronger than steel,

So that you do not know the quarrels and betrayals.

We will celebrate the pomegranate wedding with you,

And we wish you only get younger over the years,

Wealth, wisdom, kindness and great patience,

You are the most beautiful couple - no doubt about it!

Pomegranate wedding!

We are nineteen years old!

Burgundy reddish

Ripe pomegranates color.

We are again a bride and groom,

And "bitter" sounds again,

We will meet the wedding with a song,

There is no reason to be sad!

Congratulations on your anniversary!

You are nineteen long years

You live without knowing sorrows.

We wish you love, victories!

How beautiful our youth is!

How good our maturity is!

You are just as ardent, young, passionate,

And one soul for two!

Let age be not a hindrance

We take everything from life with interest.

Happiness and success to you!

We drink for your union today!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

19 years you have been at peace and in love,

Let the doubts of the ice melt now,

You were born for each other!

May all adversity leave forever

Live in love, in care for a hundred years!

Let feelings rush again with renewed vigor,

I wish you unexplored victories!

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding,

And from my heart I sincerely want to wish at this hour,

Another hundred years, maybe even more,

It is still joyful for you to walk by the hand in life!

You walk the road of happiness with a confident gait,

After all, you still have a rather long way ahead,

And despite all the losses and finds,

You remain a strong and happy family!

Nineteen years old is not a joke

Everything, walk hand in hand,

Now your son has grown up - a baby,

Time flies like an arrow!

We wish you love,

Passionate, bright as a pomegranate!

Let your views from now on

They burn with happiness and warmth!

Do not regret the loss

Believe me, dreams will come true!

Will open the doors for you

The world of goodness and beauty!

19 years ago you got exactly married!

I congratulate you on your anniversary!

Hearts are still happy to sparkle,

So that only tears of joy from your eyes!

First steel today in relationships,

You have a hyacinth anniversary now!

Let love grow stronger without a doubt

A diamond turns into a beautiful one!

Love is a striped phenomenon:

Warmth and closeness impeccable

Creepy quarrels replace

And disagreements in families are eternal!

But your pair is not trivial:

Problems do not interfere with feelings!

And happy anniversary of the hyacinth

Everyone congratulates you today!

Congratulations on your nineteenth wedding anniversary,

I wish you happiness, joy and good luck!

Never so that your children are not sick,

Well, you only got younger over the years!

So that your husband, (wife's name), dear

Warmed you both in body and soul.

Years fly and rush like dreams

But is it worth grieving about the past?

A decade together is just a moment!

Congratulations to you heartily,

May your happiness last forever!

Love is stronger than strong steel

So that the problems do not know you.

We celebrate the pomegranate wedding with you,

So that you do not change over the years.

Love, health and patience,

So that there is no doubt of happiness!

The Lord gave you patience,

Nineteen years together -

This is beyond all praise!

The house is full of happiness!

On a holiday I want to wish

Happiness and goodness!

Never lose heart

So that there is love!

Love is valuable not romantic

Going to a nearby restaurant,

Not a general tour abroad

Along the European shores!

Not a diamond ring

Not a white dress on a bride,

And the fact that the common house is strong,

And you have been together for nineteen years!

From the moment of your bright wedding

It's been 19 years!

And the best wedding present

The marriage has become, stronger than what, no!

Let love always warm you

Over the years, getting stronger!

Happy wedding anniversary

We hasten to congratulate you soon!

Just the name "pomegranate" at the wedding,

And there are nineteen years left behind,

Mutual love, joys, and expectations,

After all, there is nothing more important than a family in the world!

And even if the wedding is not golden today,

She thunders music to the whole world!

And we wish you to live in love, not knowing parting,

No quarrels, suffering, sorrows and troubles!

Happy hyacinth wedding, my friend,

I sincerely congratulate you!

You are 19 years old husband, spouse,

A little less parent, of course!

I wish you happiness, success!

May everything work out!

I wish you health, smiles

And always children's laughter!

19 years have passed - this is the date!

I was a witness of the holiday

Like a bride to a groom once love

Together with my heart I gave it to my hands!

Dear young ones, you live

In its nest, as amicable as always!

And love each other so "pomegranate"

So that the feeling does not fade through the years!

You are a wonderful wife of 19 years,

Your family is wonderful, I will not hide it!

I wish you were in love

And to love with true love!

Girlfriend, I want to wish you

So that a lot of happiness awaits in life,

I want to congratulate you and say -

Let a lot of miracles await you in fate!

My friend dear

I wish you good luck

Great happiness with all my soul,

May success come with you!

May your friendly family

Will become a stronghold for you!

You and your husband are nineteen years old,

There is simply no happier couple!

Today is a bright date in your family -

She is unusual, the color of a pomegranate!

May the wedding symbol give comfort

The confidence that they are always waiting at home!

May children, friends, always please you,

And let love not cool down after years!

Live 19 years in peace and happiness

It's not difficult when there is no disagreement in marriage!

You've been married for nineteen years

You are happy, no doubt about it!

I want to wish you

Girlfriend, do not lose happiness,

Always be positive

For many more years

I want to wish you good luck

Spouse to honor and respect!

Thank you for being an example.

How long and happily married we all live!

For nineteen years we have not lost our faith

That it is possible to love so recklessly!

We, friends, with all our hearts now wish you

Do not lose and do not waste love!

We congratulate you on the Pomegranate wedding,

And let the holiday come to your home again and again! ..

Friends, we wish you smiles and happiness

Pomegranate's wedding date has come!

Husband, take care of your wife from misfortunes,

So that she does not leave you!

Well, and we will give instructions to the wife:

Delicious food and be friendly!

Will endure a marriage for a hundred years, no doubt

If you take care of each other even a little!

For you, my dear,

I am developing a career

So that you don't need anything

To stay happy!

For nineteen years you are by my side

Happiness is no longer needed

I will always love

And give you flowers!

To my beloved wife today

I want to tell you a lot

I wish the mercies of the Lord,

And I want to say about love.

We are nineteen years old, dear,

We live with dignity and happiness!

I wish you health

And may the Lord protect our house!

My beloved wife, my dear,

I congratulate you on your wedding with Pomegranate!

I've been living with you in paradise for nineteen years

And I know for sure that you are not more beautiful!

My wife, you are 19 years old

You say that there is no better husband in the world!

I'm ready to kiss your hands,

And chant for your patience!

We will always be together with you

And not a hindrance to the joy of the year,

I want to wish you health

Happy to be and only prosper!

For me, your eyes are brighter than the stars,

Your lips are sweeter than honey!

I'm glad to live a long marriage

And I'm not a bit tired! ..

19 years together

Walked with you, wife!

For me, there is no doubt

That as before I need you!

I dedicate poems to my wife,

We have been living with you for 19 years!

And I congratulate you, dear,

There is probably no happier family.

You always be the same beautiful

Let your eyes burn with joy

Cheerful, amazing and cute

Dear, stay forever!

I haven't told you for a long time -

I fell in love even more

During the years that you are with me

She was both body and soul.

Accept from me as a gift

Now a pomegranate wreath!

Of course, this is not a diamond -

He will be next time!

I am scattered in congratulations

Before you, my wife!

I bathe in joyful moments

I will open to you, without hiding:

Didn't expect that soul to soul

All 19 years with you

We will live! I want to be a husband

Anyone in trouble and joy!

You are 19 years with me,

For happiness - only you are needed!

My husband is the reward of my fate,

Dreams come true!

I love and respect you

I want to wish you health

Still, darling, I wish

Love and respect me!

I am proud of you, my faithful husband,

You are my only and first!

We've been married for nineteen years

This date tastes like pomegranate!

I won't wear a veil today

I won't go to the crown in a white dress!

And along with this, a replacement

I'll find a wedding ring -

These will be bunches of pomegranates!

Nineteen years of happiness

I am glad to live, husband, in legal marriage!

Together we will meet the dawn again! ..

For a long time I wanted to confess to you

Fate has given me a surprise

In my life, the main one is

You are my glorious knight!

You are more beautiful than all earthly beauties!

There is a sharp turn in my life!

I love you to the point of insanity !!!

You always cheer me up!

We meet the pomegranate wedding together,

Enough of the hassle and commotion in the house today!

With you, beloved spouse, our union is so strong,

We will not break our family ties forever!

Flowers, gifts, dances, poetry and a delicious cake ...

The pomegranate wedding is our holiday, the highest grade!

Proven over the years: mutual love

It does not fade in hearts, blood rages with passion!

I hope my dear husband

I did not regret that you are with me

And now nineteen years

I am not happier in the world!

Thank you for the love

For warming blood with passion,

You are my only one -

You are the best of men!

I congratulate you, my beloved husband,

Happy anniversary of marriage!

19th year among friends and girlfriends,

Here are parents, children, a dog ...

We made a nest so that the birthplace

He kept us warm in any weather!

I love you so that every step is with you

Only became more confident year after year!

Pomegranate color is saturated,

There are no halftones in it!

We will find in our hearts

Many tender words

After all, the feelings have not cooled down! ..

Love is our guide

Amid everyday dust!

Let the spring spout

The soul is crystal clear!

Spouse, faithful to you

I am always, even in my thoughts!

Still in love!

Pomegranate wedding -

Let it not be an anniversary

I'm in a wedding dress!

Kiss me soon!

Moments of happiness and sadness

We shared with you,

And we met a new day together,

And we had neither lies nor flattery,

But only love and attraction

That protected us from grief

There are only bright moments left

Fresh like a breeze by the sea.

We kept happiness, joy,

And we learned to believe in a miracle

It turns out that it was not for nothing that we had mistakes,

Now experience helps us everywhere!

On your nineteenth anniversary

We want to wish you, children, warmth!

And there are more smiles, even without a reason! ..

May family dreams come true!

Do not forget about your old people,

Send your grandchildren to visit more often!

We love you, our dear ones, know

And we will always love you dearly!

Let the kindness keep you warm

Dear and loving hearts!

Mom and Dad congratulate you

With the fact that once under the aisle

You decided, son and daughter,

Go saying yes to each other!

And it's too early to put an end here for us,

The family is yours - forever!

And on the anniversary in the color of pomegranate

We want you children to wish

To live sweeter than chocolate

And do not know troubles and sorrows!

Cake, postcards, sms,

There is no rest for the young! ..

The husband is in love with his princess

Even though he became a little gray!

And the wife, like a queen,

A pomegranate bracelet is waiting!

Nobody looked "to the left"

As many as 19 years!

The whole family is together today

"Bitterly" we will shout and pour!

At least give us a bow,

After all, we drink for you, relatives!

All nineteen years between you

What words cannot express!

Let your feelings only grow stronger

After all, living in marriage for a long time is an art!

Pomegranate as a symbol of the anniversary

It dissolves all wrinkles

And gives youth to his wife,

So that my husband was completely satisfied!

And he will give a pomegranate to her husband that strength,

For the wife to ask for "more"!

That's the way for the wedding Golden

You will lay a simple path!

A lot of things have happened in your life -

And I had to cry, and "neigh",

Like in a pomegranate - a lot of seeds, in bulk,

And in their mouths they are drawn to hold them longer,

To feel the taste of life, the taste of pomegranate.

It's true! Although there is a lot on the table ...

Congratulations! You are great guys!

There are not so many such pairs on Earth!

We will sing in karaoke

Under the accordion il under the button accordion!

Young people are in shock today

Every guest is drunk today!

And what is there to be surprised?

The wedding is 19 years old!

Start kissing

Husband and wife - here's advice!

Family is no joke!

May there be happiness without limit

Let there be passion and respect

Let your patience not leave you!

Let the mother-in-law and the father-in-law love,

Let there be money pruha

Let the dress remain white

To your Pomegranate wedding!

To you, dear young ones,

I wish you this anniversary

Forget all the past grievances!

And give the floor soon to the poet:

I managed to draw two lines -

Let for the Pomegranate wedding

They will be able to withstand all the kidneys ...

That's what I would like to wish everyone!

Your wedding anniversary is just around the corner,

Well, today is also a holiday date!

Husband, do not regret compliments for your wife,

After all, your senses are the color of a ripe pomegranate!

Friends are all here, so it's time to start:

We will all raise a glass for the newlyweds!

We wish you have fun during the day, do not get bored,

And at night, let the groans be sweet in the bedroom!

19 years you have been together

Like a precise mechanism.

May it always be healthy

You are a family organism.

I wish to live in patience

Understanding, love!

Only together, only near

Find harmony for you!

Long years to you a bright life,

Let the comfort be in the house!

May your sacred union

Storms do not take life!

Like a garnet bracelet

That of a dark red stone

A combination of good years -

A symbol of a feeling so beautiful!

And it's not for nothing that you are together

We've already lived for 19 years

Achievements, dreams

Happiness and joy have increased!

Happy wedding anniversary to you,

Let the house be a full cup.

And we will congratulate you more than once

Happy new anniversary!

Happy pomegranate wedding, friends, happy anniversary!

May there be peace and quiet in your family,

A man feels like a man

And a woman is, first of all, a woman.

Do not let any problems break you,

It will be enough everywhere and in everything

Love manifests itself simply without measure,

And you will succeed when you two!

We celebrate your holiday again

After all, 19 years have passed!

And again you are the bride and groom,

And again congratulations and wine.

Not everyone is given through the years

To carry love and wisdom.

Through all the sorrows and hardships,

Find reliable friends.

I wish you prosperity

Patience and kindness!

So that you hold each other's hand,

So that you make all your dreams come true!

On this day, it is customary for you to give a pomegranate,

Whether it is a fruit, or a precious stone,

Your senses are like a titanium rope

Only they only get stronger over the years.

On your special day like this today,

I want to wish you tolerance and blessings,

For 19 years you have lived with a soul,

I wish you grief, I do not know.

May everything be harmonious in bonds,

And let the bad go away from you,

I sincerely wish you now

Live together for 101 years!

Already exactly 19 years have passed, we remember

Since you vouched to each other,

Live in health, disease, in peace, in sorrow,

You have never resigned yourself to sadness, failure.

Holding on to each other, you coped together,

With everything that fate has prepared for you.

Loved sincerely, selflessly and without flattery,

In one moment, breathing every day.

We congratulate you on such a high date,

We wish you peace, kindness and strength!

So that every day you with a gleam of a pomegranate,

Only brought joy and good luck!

Today will be brighter the day

After all, nineteen years ago,

Quite feathered youths,

You said "Yes" to a friend!

Since then, a lot of life has flown,

The time cannot be returned,

And if, even if it were necessary,

Worthy you, would go the way!

You can be proud of yourself:

There are children, there is a house and a summer cottage,

Well, love comes first

And there is so much happiness that you can't count it!

Nineteen years ago

She told him yes!

He was then insanely happy

And happiness is always with him now!

Nineteen years ago

He put a ring on her,

He swore to her, she to him

And no one broke the oaths!

Let happiness pour into this house

A stream of stellar, endless,

And we will pray that

So that this happiness is eternal!

Pomegranate wedding

Let it give you warmth

With each other you, of course,

Well, very lucky!

Caring spouse

And a faithful good husband,

The family lives well

No grief and no cold.

You have been together for a long time -

Nineteen years already!

Appreciate your feelings

They are not stronger in the world!

We do not say unnecessary words,

Only those - what you need.

Happy anniversary we want

Congratulate you in unison!

And wish you health

And heartfelt love!

For 325 years,

Or even eternal!

Let the heat and cold

There will be no hindrance.

What's the trouble, what's the trouble?

Not seriously, for a laugh!

Pomegranate wedding!

With this date

We hasten to congratulate you with all our hearts!

May your life

The same will be sweet

And happiness will be common and great!


You deserve them in full.

How much patience does a wife have -

Drink so much wine!

How much does a husband bring home -

Raise so many toasts!

How many years have we lived -

Live that much longer!

Still very young in the registry office,

(That way nineteen years ago)

You took an oath of allegiance to each other,

That they have kept is a fact!

The years have passed ... With a gray hairstyle,

Wrinkles lurk in the corners of the eyes

But you are all also sweet, delighted

Chatting without noticing us often.

I always look at you with a smile

And I rejoice in the idyll in the family.

Guys, be forever young

After all, next to you and brighter for me!

Scarlet scattering of pomegranates

Our wedding sparkled!

We remember how once

You and I got married.

We met so many evenings

You and I are in the same apartment:

A worthy example for the young,

How to live in love and peace!

And now we know perfectly well

Looking into cute eyes

That love does not fade away

Just like many years ago!

Nineteen years together

And as if yesterday:

You are the bride and groom,

And there is no end to happiness!

Pomegranate wedding

Glows and burns.

Love plays in hearts

And beckons with charms.

Pomegranate happiness

Like a strong wine:

Over the years it only gets stronger

And it is more joyful!

Family life is a train.

Rushing, making stops.

Couples ride laughing and quarreling.

Compromises, concessions, gimmicks ...

Every year, driving up to the platform,

They will weigh everything that they managed to do.

And, still clinging to the carriage,

Moving towards a new goal again.

Nineteen cars in the train!

Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding!

The children have grown up. They became adults.

And you have the right to choose the paths yourself.

The pomegranate illuminates your way.

And twinkling lights

Now they promise with their brilliance

Flare up with the fire of love!

Records 1 - 10 from 10

Nineteen is the date
Juicy pomegranate colors.
Let your hearts burn
Together they fight to the end.

To live, without a doubt,
In happiness, joy, patience
Right up to the wedding golden
With pure kindness in my heart.

You have been married for nineteen years,
Congratulations on this date!
Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding
And we wish you family happiness,
Health and good luck, life without boredom.
Like the first time, hold hands!

19 years old - pomegranate wedding
This is what the people call it.
And may this fruit be sour,
Let hearts burn like seeds
Never to be counted
So that your feelings suddenly become cloying,
Let the sourness cheer them up.
And if life dictates change
That is only in order to love stronger.

Nineteen years in a row
The gods keep your hearth!
So let it be many years
Only light awaits you ahead!

Everyone is envy, you are lucky,
Let the bad weather pass you by.
And let in the same composition
Let's celebrate the golden wedding!

Nineteen years old is not a joke
Everything, walk hand in hand,
Now your son has grown up - a baby,
Time flies like an arrow.

We wish you love,
Passionate, bright as a pomegranate.
Let your views from now on
They burn with happiness and warmth.

Do not regret the loss
Believe, dreams will come true
Will open the doors for you
The world of goodness and beauty.

Family life is a train.
Rushing, making stops.
Couples ride laughing and quarreling.
Compromises, concessions, gimmicks ...

Every year, driving up to the platform,
They will weigh everything that they managed to do.
And, still clinging to the carriage,
Moving towards a new goal again.

Nineteen cars in the train!
Congratulations on your pomegranate wedding!
The children have grown up. They became adults.
And you have the right to choose the paths yourself.

The pomegranate illuminates your way.
And twinkling lights
Now they promise with their brilliance
Flare up with the fire of love!

Nineteen years together
And as if yesterday:
You are the bride and groom,
And there is no end to happiness.

Pomegranate wedding
Glows and burns.
Love plays in hearts
And beckons with charms.

Pomegranate happiness
Like a strong wine:
Over the years it only gets stronger
And it is more joyful!

Even if the date is not round, it's still a date!
And the experience of your life together is great.
Decorate this day with pomegranate flowers,
Let the pomegranate evening be fate!

The fruit is the best in the world, beautiful and bright
Has become a symbol of your happy family.
We wish you happiness and peace, guys!
Explosive like a grenade, we wish you love!

For nineteen years we are with you,
We have come a long earthly path,
We saw and experienced a lot
They gave each other a family, children!

May our path continue
May the bird of happiness be with us,
Mutual feelings, patience,
Success and enjoyment of life!

You have been together for nineteen years.
Bravo! This is a long time.
Just yesterday, the groom and the bride ...
Time passed quickly.

And today you are spouses
You are family and you are one.
Everything is known about each other
There is no dearer halves.

Laugh, sing, laugh,
Have fun for no reason
You value your happiness.
Congratulations on your anniversary!

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