Thin eyebrows: sophisticated beauty. How to fix eyebrows? Tips from a professional How to make beautiful eyebrows if they are thin

For a long time, every self-respecting beauty should have been able to gracefully raise an eyebrow, expressing with this movement a whole range of feelings - from surprise to disdain. Many worthy epithets have been invented for women's eyebrows: sable, written, lancet, velvet eyebrows. The story is like that - no special art is required. But what to do for those who have extremely modest eyebrows - rare, thin, which not only is impossible to tell a story, but in general it is difficult to notice them on the face? First, do not despair, because over the centuries, beauties have accumulated a fair amount of all sorts of ways to make rare and thin eyebrows sable. And secondly, modern cosmetics make it possible to grow eyebrows quite effectively or make them noticeable on the face.

Too sparse eyebrows: what is the reason?

First, let's figure out the reasons why rare eyebrows happen. One of them, unfortunately, is genetic, when rare eyebrows are explained by an innate feature of the body. Sparse eyebrows can be the result of improper care of them, when eyebrow hairs are regularly plucked in the same place. The reason for the significant thinning of the eyebrows can be their frequent chemical coloring. The most common causes of rare eyebrows are a general weakening of the body due to stress or vitamin deficiency, as well as tick-borne lesions, vascular problems, skin diseases, taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

If your eyebrows have begun to thin day by day, you should consult a dermatologist who will prescribe tests and help determine the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Thin eyebrows are also most often explained by genetic reasons or by improper plucking of hairs, when the hair follicles of the eyebrows are damaged.

If the eyebrows are sparse or too thin, you should not resort to drastic measures, shaving them off altogether and drawing new, brighter ones with a pencil. Such painting will rather turn the face into a funny mask than add beauty. For those with thin or sparse eyebrows, there are quite a few ways to make your eyebrows look beautiful.

How to grow eyebrows: folk methods

Regular massage with a special eyebrow brush or even an ordinary toothbrush will help stimulate the growth of hairs on the eyebrows. Eyebrows should be brushed twice a day with hair growth and against hair growth. It will be faster to grow eyebrows if you drop a little burdock or castor oil on the brush while combing them.

To grow eyebrows, use masks with peach or almond oil: soak two cotton pads in slightly warmed oil and apply compresses on the eyebrows for 15 minutes.

You can restore the functions of hair follicles and grow eyebrows by applying a compress of 1 tsp at night. linseed or olive oil, 10 drops of castor and camphor oil. The mixture is applied with a cotton swab on the upper eyelids, the entire brow area and the eyebrows themselves.

You can also grow eyebrows by rubbing lanolin cream into the skin, to which is added a teaspoon of castor oil, 30 drops of vitamin A solution and 15 drops of vitamin E.

The inclusion in the daily diet of foods rich in iron, vitamins A, E, group B will help to strengthen the body's strength necessary to grow eyebrows. Eat more apples, citrus fruits, legumes, include liver, meat, sea fish in the daily menu.

How to improve sparse eyebrows: cosmetics

Sparse eyebrows can be corrected with cosmetics. For this, a dark eyeliner is quite suitable, only its shade needs to be chosen a couple of tones lighter than the hair. It is not necessary to draw a single eyebrow line with a pencil, it is better to draw individual strokes so that rare eyebrows look thicker. After drawing, you can add a little powder with a brush to make the eyebrows look more natural.

A good effect is obtained if you tint the sparse eyebrows with shadows of a smoky gray or brown shade.

Thin eyebrows are also well corrected with thin strokes applied in the right places with a dark pencil.

Rare eyebrows: which salon procedures will solve the problem

You can correct rare and thin eyebrows with the help of tattooing. The salon technician will apply and fix subtle strokes of paint between the hairs, which will fill in the gaps and create the illusion of thick eyebrows. At the same time, the eyebrows will acquire the perfect shape and will look quite natural.

Rare eyebrows today are proposed to increase. The fact is that there is a fluff on the skin in the eyebrow area, which is not visible to the naked eye, but it is quite possible to attach artificial hairs to it. They are made from soft latex and completely mimic real eyebrow hairs. Before the procedure, the master cleans and degreases the skin along the eyebrow line, and then attaches synthetic fibers to the vellus hairs with a special glue. As a result, the eyebrows look luxurious and completely natural.

There are quite a few ways to correct rare eyebrows, the main thing is to believe in yourself, and then the eyebrows will surely acquire a neat, well-groomed appearance, emphasizing the expressiveness of the eyes and the beauty of the face.

The shape of the eyebrows depending on the type of face and the individual characteristics of the physiology. Various types of eyebrows.

The shape of the eyebrows can be different. Depending on the correct eyebrow shaping method, your makeup can either be perfect or ruin your appearance.

How to shape your eyebrows at home?

To create a beautiful and correct eyebrow shape at home, you need to find three key points that will form the beginning of the eyebrow, its end and the highest point of the arch. Of course, you can make any shape of the eyebrows, but you need to take into account your style, general image and character so that the eyebrows look appropriate.

The ideal option is in accordance with the natural data and physiology of the face. To do this, use the three key point search methods. Take a ruler, place it on the side of the nose and connect a straight line to the beginning of the eyebrow at the bridge of the nose. This is the first point.

Find the second point using a straight line that should be drawn from the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye. Where the straight line will further intersect with the eyebrow, there will be a second key point.

The highest point of the eyebrow is found using a straight line that must be drawn from the wing of the nose and the outer edge of the cornea of ​​the eye. Extend the line to the eyebrow and remember this point. Now you can draw the eyebrow so that its beginning and end do not go beyond the found points, and make a bend at the third point.

Beautiful perfect eyebrow shape. Photo

To get a beautiful and perfect eyebrow shape, you need to work them out well in your makeup. If you decide to pluck some eyebrow hairs, do it exclusively along the lower edge of the eyebrow. Removing the top will be very noticeable and not aesthetically pleasing.

Eyebrows will look beautiful if their shape is chosen correctly, depending on the type of face. An example of the ideal eyebrow shape depending on physiology, see the photo.

Eyebrows by shape and type of face

  • The beautiful and ideal shape of the eyebrows depends on many parameters. It is necessary to take into account the construction of the superciliary arches and the shape of the face. Broken eyebrows with a high rise are well suited for a round face. The kink itself should not be too sharp.
  • For an oval face shape, straight horizontal eyebrows are well suited. A triangular face shape is less common, but slightly raised eyebrows of medium length should be selected for it. It is better not to do straight eyebrows with this face shape.
  • If the face is heart-shaped, the eyebrows should be short and thick. Girls with such a face are strongly discouraged from making their eyebrows long, this will sharpen the chin even more and make the whole face look ugly
  • With a sufficiently elongated face, the eyebrows become straight and thick. The end of the shape can be made in the form of a curving ponytail. This will help to round your face and soften excessive elongation. The shape of the eyebrows should be straight, and the tail should not drop too much
  • Well-groomed and slightly rounded eyebrows are suitable for a square face shape. If the eyes are set very far apart, the distance between the eyebrows should be reduced.

Fashionable eyebrow shape

Every year the fashion for the shape of the eyebrows changes. However, perfect eyebrows were always considered as such when they were well-groomed. Thick eyebrows as close as possible to their natural shape are considered popular this year. The time of thin threads has passed, now such eyebrows are considered bad manners.

Use a drop of castor oil to tame unruly eyebrows. Comb your eyebrows daily, this will give them a well-groomed and beautiful shape. Special warming masks or constant use of cream can add thickness to the eyebrows.

Eyebrow shaping

After finding the control points for the eyebrows, you can visually visualize the line and shape that they form. For visual understanding, you can even draw a thin line. Now you should start correcting the shape of the eyebrows. All hairs that are outside of our shape need to be removed.

If your skin is very sensitive, follow the procedure after a hot shower. This will soften the hair. You can buy a benzocaine-based external pain reliever from your pharmacy.

How to pluck eyebrows?

Pull the skin with one hand, take a hair at the very base with tweezers and pull it sharply in the direction of growth. Always remove only one hair at a time and watch carefully which ones should be removed and which ones should be retained.

You should not start correcting before the start of women's days. Be sure to use alcoholic lotion and emollient cream after the procedure. It is best to pluck eyebrows in the evening, at which time the painful sensations will be minimal.

Eyebrow shape for round face

A round face is characterized by a soft chin line, while the upper and lower parts of the face are approximately equal in size. The height of the face contour is the same as the width, slight deviations are possible. For such a face, the shape of the eyebrows is selected, which will create a visual semblance of an oval face shape.

The shape of the eyebrows should be with a clearly visible bend line, with a drooping tail. Such eyebrows focus on the verticality of the shapes. It is categorically contraindicated to make a rounded shape of the eyebrows, this will once again emphasize the circle of the face.

Care should be taken with straight eyebrows, which are devoid of any bend. This form will not suit everyone. It is important to take into account not only the round shape of the face, but also other anatomical features.

Eyebrow shape for a square face

The square shape of the face is characterized by a wide chin, the dimensions of which are equal to the width of the forehead and cheekbones. At the same time, facial features are very expressive and sharp. In such a face, angles are clearly expressed, which create sharpness.

  • The eyebrows should be wide enough. At the same time, try to well express the base of the eyebrow and make pointed ends. The bend of the eyebrow is made as close as possible to the central part of the eye, a slight shift towards the ear is allowed
  • For a square face, eyebrows with a high bend line are also suitable, try to make a break line with a high rise. This can draw attention away from the angular shapes.
  • You can experiment with the shape of the eyebrows, since the square shape of the face accepts any eyebrow well, except for unnecessarily thin threads. What you shouldn't do is pluck your eyebrows diligently. Also, avoid straight eyebrows, straight lines emphasize the massiveness of the face.

Eyebrow shape for oval face photo

An oval face has always been considered an ideal shape that does not require additional correction. Try to emphasize the naturalness of the forms as much as possible. Take a closer look, perhaps you are given such physiological features that do not require any changes or additions at all.

Almost all eyebrow shapes are suitable for an oval face. This is where your preference is. There is no need to hide or highlight something with the help of eyebrows. You can use a soft kink, try straight brows, or make a small oval shape.

Eyebrow shape for a triangular face

The triangular shape of the face is characterized by a wider lower part and a narrowing of the head at the top. This face shape creates a massive chin and a pronounced jaw area. The shape of the eyebrows should visually expand the upper space and divert attention from the bottom. Use a wide brow shape.

Another variant of the triangular face shape is possible, when the chin is narrowed, and the forehead has a large and pronounced shape. Slightly raised eyebrows with a gentle curve work well here. Avoid straight shapes, sharp bends, and large kinks.

Eyebrow shape stencil

There are now popular patterns that mimic the shape of the eyebrows of celebrities. You can choose a good image for yourself. If you are afraid to take risks on your own, seek help from a beauty salon.

Before using a stencil, you should carefully study its data to make sure that such eyebrows are suitable for your face. If necessary, the stencil can be made at home. This way you can always make the perfect eyebrow shape that suits you.

Any transparent thin plastic is suitable for creating a stencil. Prepare a long line, attach it to your face and form the desired shape, then use a clerical knife to cut out the required stencil.

Eyebrow shape according to the shape of the nose

  • The shape of the eyebrows can greatly distract attention from facial imperfections. At the same time, they will seem imperceptible or insignificant. If you want to hide a long nose, make your eyebrows long enough with a nice curve.
  • Try to keep them at a good distance from each other, but without the frills that spoil the natural environment. This will draw the eyes of the other person to the top of your face.
  • If you need to hide a large nose, make your eyebrows stretched. Don't make them short under any circumstances. Straight lines should also be avoided. A beautiful and expressive bend will attract attention

Eyebrow shape options

There are several popular eyebrow shapes that are used to add expression to the face. You can modify any shape by adding bending or lengthening the tip, but the original shapes always have their own basis:

  • straight brow shape
  • curved eyebrow
  • arch eyebrow shape
  • eyebrow shape with a house

Straight brow shape

The straight shape of the eyebrows is made with a barely noticeable bend of the tail. These brows look good when they are naturally thick. They well emphasize facial features and give them rigor.

Curved brow shape

The curved shape attracts attention well. Considered to be quite playful and cheeky. Curved eyebrows should be accentuated with general makeup. The smooth bending of the eyebrows is natural, such eyebrows are as beautiful and interesting as possible.

House eyebrow shape

Such eyebrows are usually preferred by girls with a round face. The shape lengthens the face a little, eliminating roundness and bringing it closer to the cherished oval. Care should be taken when creating such eyebrows in order to avoid the image of the eternally sad actor.

Arched eyebrow shape

Arched eyebrows smooth out prominent unevenness. Well suited for emphasizing the expressiveness of the eyes. Such eyebrows are usually made long enough, the bend is always smooth without broken lines.

Bushy eyebrow shape

Thick eyebrows can be of any shape, most often a straight or broken shape is used. Thick arch eyebrows can sometimes ruin the face with their massiveness. When building thick eyebrows, other physiological features of the face should be taken into account.

Light eyebrow shape

Very light eyebrows should be tinted, otherwise the face will lose its attractiveness. Sometimes it seems that the eyebrows are completely absent. Ideal when the eyebrows are one tone darker than the natural hair color. Such eyebrows can be given any shape depending on the physiology. Initially, light eyebrows should be thick and curved.

Short eyebrow shape

Short eyebrows are made either straight or arched. The shape of the face and the overall dimensions of individual parts of the body should be taken into account. A large break should be avoided for short eyebrows. This makes the face comedic.

Natural eyebrow shape

The natural shape of the eyebrows is not always ideal. In most cases, a small correction is needed, but it should be really minimal. Today, fashion trends are more drawn to natural beauty and rich thick eyebrows.

Eyebrow shape with pencil

With the help of a pencil, you can always give your eyebrows the perfect shape. Choose a good professional pencil that will lay down in a thin layer and follow the texture of your hair. Pay close attention to the color of the pencil. As a result, the eyebrows should be slightly darker than the hair color, but slightly lighter than the eyelashes.

  • If you choose a pencil color that does not differ from the natural color of the eyebrows, the adjustments made will be almost invisible.
  • Start dyeing eyebrows from the bridge of the nose, gradually looking at the shape of the eyebrow. The movement should be short, as if you are drawing the missing hairs that create the necessary shape of the eyebrows
  • For the correct position of the eyebrow, comb the existing hairs in the desired direction. This will show you where to use the pencil.
  • In areas where hairs are very rare, blend your eyebrows. This will make them thick and beautiful.

Eyebrow shape with shadows

To correct eyebrows with shadows, use a comb-brush or a brush with a beveled tip. When using shadows to give the desired shape to the eyebrows, the entire surface of the eyebrows should be painted, and the unnecessary areas should be plucked out.

Before starting the procedure, you should comb your eyebrows along their growth line, collect some shadows and apply an even layer to the surface. Then blend them in smooth movements between the eyebrow hairs. You can use both loose eyeshadow and cream options.

How to correct the shape of the eyebrows?

The shape of the eyebrows can be corrected by caring for them. If the fixes are small, you can use cosmetics. If the correction is going to be significant, use an eyebrow growth product. Serum with peptides, vitamins and herbal extracts works well.

In this case, it is necessary to constantly massage, comb your eyebrows, and apply various oils. Regular makeup can add volume to the brows and correct the original shape.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows for tattooing?

Eyebrow tattooing is not a procedure that restores natural data. This is a correction method that helps to darken very light eyebrows, to give expressiveness to the face if the eyebrows are very sparse. In some cases, eyebrow tattooing is done after some illness, as a result of which the eyebrows fell out altogether.

When deciding on the procedure, you should select the most natural eyebrow shape that you used before. Consider the features of the face and the requirements of the changing fashion.

Video: How to create perfect eyebrows?

Video: How to shape eyebrows using a Master Shape pencil?

But really. What are we talking about, but we talk about eyebrows all the time, and from thin eyebrows, we shy away from the plague. And if they grow like that? Or, which also happens, they no longer grow.

while I was looking for pictures, I found not quite on the topic))

The first thing I would like to say is that not all thin eyebrows are unambiguously evil.
are quite decent

eyebrows and eyebrows. Meet a friend with such eyebrows, do not even pay attention.

this is because besides the width, good eyebrows
- correctly proportioned
- volumetric
- well-groomed

And if it so happened that they do not grow or do not grow any more, let it be.
But! it is worth working out them all. AS?

be sure to move away from roundness, from any unnatural bends.

Unnatural for thin eyebrows - when they are of the same width along the entire length

This is the eyebrow thread. The thread is thin and thin along the entire length.

And if it so happens that the eyebrows have to be finished, then let it be finishing in a form that is more or less close to natural.
And natural, in turn, is wider at the base and tapers towards the end of the eyebrow

By the way, modern eyebrows can be without a noticeable narrowing, but! such eyebrows rest on a point, but begin from some of their width. That is, in fact, they also taper, but very smoothly, due to the bends of the shape.

Therefore. If we are to draw, then draw the maximum possible natural shape. That is, the base is wider and smoothly tapering (I slightly corrected the right eyebrows in the photo with improvised means in order to take them away from the threads)

Rainbow eyebrows are also bad for their uniform thinness. And its roundness.

remembering modern and outdated proportions.
it used to be fashionable to put the edge as a house, divide it in half

modern proportions move the "peak" / top point further from the center and suggest that the tip of the eyebrow (the part of the eyebrow after the break) will be 1/3 or 1/4 of the entire brow.

from 1/4 have not been drawn yet. But this is also good and modern.

So, let's take another look at the rainbow eyebrows

bend in the middle of the eyebrow, round base. therefore these are outdated rainbows, not a modern trend.
plus there is no natural narrowing. The eyebrows are uniform in width.

If they began to correct. The eyebrows are painted in full color. Could have done something like this

1 (unsigned) - expanded base
2 - the base is widened, the tip is narrowed and shortened
3 - the base is widened, the tip is narrowed, the upper point is shifted from the center of the eyebrow

The surest way to get eyebrow thread is to take a pencil

the eyebrow grows wider. But they took a pencil and drew a thin thread.

If you have thin eyebrows, even if they are sparse, even with bald patches, even if they are thin and light. Let it be subtle, light, sparse, receding and asymmetrical - use an eyebrow shadow / powder and a beveled brush!
eyebrow makeup in practice of just such eyebrows

especially take an eyebrow shadow and a brush if light. Light is generally good, you can draw as you want)
if the eyebrow hairs are dark, short (sparse) - also take shadows and a brush. Paint over the bald patches, and your eyebrow hairs will give volume.

The most difficult case is when the eyebrow hairs are dark and long.
Maya has it
with a pencil it turns out roughly. And the shadows are sprinkled.
the width cannot be corrected in any way. It remains to work on the shape, that is, to be a little wise with the proportions - one, and to achieve a natural narrowing of the eyebrow - two. That is, this is the case when they are thin and that's it. And you won't draw anything wider here. Then only the modern form.

Yes, by the way, let's imagine such a case when a long time ago they put an eyebrow in a house. Rounded. And the eyebrows don't grow anymore.

We can immediately lengthen the base a little to the bridge of the nose

we can immediately expand the base a little

shorten the tip

Tattoo tips, of course, you can shorten the figs. But in general, it's okay if it doesn't shorten. After all, we decided from the very beginning that even if this is so, then in the end we are all adults)

lengthening the base line and shortening the tip changes exactly the proportion of the bend of the eyebrow, when we cannot shift the top point in any way. That is, if it is painted there with a persistent pigment. If not growing. If not growing and painting is rough.

Actually, Lyudmila Prokofievna of those times and modern look like this side by side

Nuuu ... I will NOT say that I fit into the 21st century. I would rather say that the woman has become modern, but stylized. Any clothes and hairstyle are possible. And the eyebrows are quite modern.

charity banner (not screwed ... but I wanted so much ... (((

First, stop getting upset, tears will definitely not help the cause. In order for your eyebrows to regain their beautiful shape, become even, thick and expressive, you need to love them as they are. And it's better to do it right now. Remember: a positive attitude is your ally in the struggle for beauty. Smile at your reflection in the mirror and tune in to work, and we will tell you what to do.

Forget about zoom

It may seem to you that those around you are only doing that they are carefully peering into your eyebrows, noticing the slightest flaws with their eyes, but this is not so. How can they see short hairs that appear in the place of mistakenly removed, if you see them only on closer inspection? Stop analyzing your eyebrows with a zoom, otherwise you may simply not be able to resist and grab the tweezers again, thereby delaying the "rehabilitation" process.

Surround your eyebrows with care

Well-groomed eyebrows, albeit imperfectly shaped, look much better than "creative mess" and "wild vegetation." If you are not a follower of the current trend of the most natural eyebrows, when the width of the eyebrows from the base to the extreme point of the arch is the same, take tweezers in your hands. Remove only those hairs that do not affect the shape of the arc. Work the space under and above the eyebrows.

Afraid of ruining your appearance? Schedule a visit to a trusted master! By the way, today it is fashionable to do eyebrow correction with a thread. Advanced beauties claim that it is not as painful as removing hairs with tweezers, and the result lasts longer.


Moisturize your skin

If the hairs grow in a different direction, causing the association with a tuft of straw, moisturize the eyebrow skin with a creamy highlighter or concealer. These products and an ordinary eyebrow brush (comb) will smooth out the hairs that have gotten out of the "general fun", giving your natural adornment a beautiful strict shape. And this is exactly what is needed at the moment.

Fill the voids

If your eyebrows are uneven and have gaps, fill them in with an eyebrow pencil. Draw subtle strokes in the sparse areas with a pencil shade that matches your natural brow color. To achieve the most natural result, comb your eyebrows with a special brush. She blends paint, erasing all the boundaries between natural beauty and painted. Fix the result with clear brow gel.

Add volume

Thin, like threads, eyebrows, but with long hairs, can be visually made more fluffy and thick by working them with eyebrow wax. After this stage of work, comb the hairs straight up and enjoy an excellent result. By the way, eyebrow wax is the best remedy if you need to mask voids in the arch caused by scars.

Do your makeup

For owners of thin eyebrow hairs, beauty experts advise using eyebrow shadows in makeup. Please note that eye shadow and eyebrow shadow are two completely different products. It's all about color: eyeshadows often have a cold undertone, which, after working out the arches of the eyebrows, can give off blue. But the eyebrow shadows in the palette and on the skin are always identical without any additional, in this case unnecessary, notes.

The powdery texture of the eyebrow shadow will allow you to find the missing fluffiness and volume. Just apply the shadow on the base to the middle of the arc, and draw the corner and tip with a pencil. The result of your efforts will be impressive if you tint the inner corner of the eyebrow with a light shade of a pencil, and the tip with a darker tone. For long-lasting and long-lasting makeup, it is best to apply to pre-waxed skin.

Buy an eyebrow growth product

Today's beauty market is replete with all kinds of eyebrow growth products. What tool will you get? In this matter, we advise you to trust Anastasia Saura - the icon of the beauty industry, the founder of the Anastasia Beverly Hills brand. World eyebrow trends are born in the salon of this beautiful Romanian woman, and then ascend to the red carpets and Haute Couture catwalks.

Anastasia advise her clients to use serum with peptides, vitamins and plant extracts for eyebrow growth. It stimulates hair growth, so the waiting time for filling the eyebrow will be shorter.

Practice massage

Regular eyebrow massage stimulates the bulbs and promotes hair growth. In the morning and evening, pinch your eyebrows for a couple of minutes, grabbing the hairs with your index and thumb. To make the procedure pleasant and doubly effective, use oils. The list of favorites of beauty experts includes wheat germ oil, argan oil, burdock oil and cinnamon oil. But if you wish, you can choose any, the main thing is that you like the aroma.

You need a pencil in the right, perfect shade. If you don’t tint your eyebrows in life, choose a pencil that exactly matches the natural color of your eyebrows.

If you tint your eyebrows, choose a color according to your hair color. If your hair is blond, light blond or red, the shade of the pencil can be 1-2 tones darker than the roots of your hair, if you are a brunette, then choose a pencil exactly in the tone of the hair roots.

Even with the darkest hair color, you shouldn't choose a black pencil color., it is able to make you visually older.

Now prepare the eyebrow shadow and a beveled brush. We recommend that you always have at least two shades in your cosmetic bag: one that will match the natural color of your hair, the other slightly darker. With a lighter pencil, tint the eyebrow from its beginning to the point of inflection (the highest point, a break in which the eyebrow changes its direction).

Use a dark shade to highlight the ponytail of the eyebrow... Also, underline the bottom line along the entire length of the eyebrow with a dark shade, with this you will outline the shape and make the eyebrows neat. Brush eyebrows with a special brush (as for mascara) to remove excess shadows.

Now it's time to use a well-sharpened pencil. They need to draw individual hairs in those places where you overdo it with plucking. Draw short strokes that mimic the hairs of the eyebrows.

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