What to do if a nail is ripped off. How a new nail grows after injury

It is quite simple to injure the nail plate, because the hands are most often exposed to various factors, participating in the daily life of a person.

It is especially unpleasant if a girl has damaged the nail plate - this seriously spoils the appearance and aesthetics of her hands.

In order not to face complications and quickly restore the nail, you need to know certain measures that will help in this.

Most often, damage to the nail plate occurs due to accidents and unforeseen situations. The reasons are as follows:

  • pinching fingers by the door;
  • if a heavy object falls on your hand and crushes the nail plate;
  • incorrectly conducted manicure event;
  • prolonged wearing of shoes that cause discomfort in the form of squeezing (if damaged on the toenail).

Whatever the reason, you need to take the necessary measures as soon as possible in order to restore the normal state of the nail.

Important: whatever the cause of damage to the nail plate, the photos of the consequences of which are very picturesque, it is necessary to deal with the restoration, treatment and strengthening of the nail structure, since any wound surface is an opportunity for the development of infection.

Types of damage and their manifestations

When the damage to the nail plate on the hands has occurred, it is necessary to determine the types of injury for further competent treatment. Damage is divided into several types, which are described below.


If a nail is injured when a heavy object falls on the hand, this will lead to injury. It manifests itself as follows:

  • often a hematoma forms under the nail bed on the injured finger;
  • there is a blue finger;
  • if the injury is serious, then the nail turns black;
  • there is a pronounced pain syndrome, especially immediately after injury. According to the severity of pain, it is determined how severe the injury was;
  • in some cases, the formation of edema of the entire finger or phalanx is observed;
  • the skin on the damaged area is hot and turns red;
  • if the bruise is severe, then it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
reference: it should be understood that the nail changes color to blue or black, because under it there is an accumulation of blood clots, due to the inability of blood to circulate freely at the site of injury.

After some time, the nail plate begins to fall off. This is due to the fact that the trauma disrupts the normal supply of nutrients to the nail and it becomes "lifeless".

After the nail has peeled off and fell off, a new one grows. Do not worry if the new structure is uneven or has waves on it - this is considered a normal process. Over time, the new nail will acquire an aesthetic appearance.


This type of injury often occurs when a finger is pressed into a doorway. In terms of symptoms, the phenomenon is similar to a bruise.

The damaged area of ​​the nail becomes blue or black; after some time, peeling is observed.

As for the appearance of puffiness and the presence of pain, what signs are not as pronounced as in the case of a bruise.

Break and cut

When a nail breaks, it is difficult to get rid of the discomfort. It is not worth worrying if the bummer fell on its free part, but if the bed itself is damaged, then the injury is considered serious.

She accompanied by pain and in some cases there is a bleeding. In rare cases, but still, hematoma formation occurs.

Reference: it is worth remembering that if the nail plate is damaged in this way, it will not be possible to restore the nail itself for a sufficiently long time. Therefore, for girls who love a beautiful, neat manicure, it is recommended to shorten the length of all nails on their hands.

Manicure injuries

Manicure is considered a very traumatic event, despite the fact that it makes the nails beautiful. Edged manicure is especially dangerous. If you do it yourself or get to an inexperienced master, then there is a risk of damaging the structure of the nail.

Damage can be detected by the following signs:

  • if after the hardware manicure there is an unevenness of the surface of the plate, especially it is noticeable in the area located near the cuticle;
  • if the master used sharp metal instruments during the procedure, then damage can be detected by small bruises located along or across the nail;
  • if the damage was not detected on time, then there is a possibility that it will manifest itself in the form of an inflammatory process;
  • advanced cases are characterized by the formation of purulent fluid at the site of injury;
  • there is to file the nail incorrectly, you can detect the appearance by the exfoliated plate.

First aid

Like any injury, this situation requires first aid, and it is necessary to provide it as quickly as possible. It consists in the following:

  • if there is an outflow of blood from the wound site, then it is necessary to direct efforts to stop this process;
  • in order to stop the blood, you must open the tap with cold water and place your finger under the stream for 10 minutes;
  • if possible, it is recommended to use ice by wrapping it in a cloth beforehand;
  • the use of an ice compress prevents the appearance of edema and relieves severe pain;
  • if pain is present even after applying ice, then this event must be repeated at intervals of 15 minutes for 2 hours. But it is better to focus on the cessation of pain syndrome;
  • after the blood stops, they resort to disinfecting measures. To do this, use iodine, but you should not do this if the wound is open. With the help of iodine, the area around the wound surface is treated;
  • this remedy is also suitable if edema appears on the finger. To eliminate it, make a grid using iodine;
  • You can disinfect and disinfect the damaged area with Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.


If you ignore the nail injury and do not take measures to heal, then there is a risk that the unhealthy condition will become chronic.

Even if the new nail structure begins to grow, it will not be able to acquire a normal, healthy state and will always be curved, so you need to know if the nail plate is damaged, what to do and what measures to take for treatment.

A very important measure to prevent rejection of the plate is to remove the blood clot underneath.

But, if this is not possible, then you can remove the hematoma at home. The procedure is as follows:

  • it is necessary to prepare a needle, a patch and any agent with an antiseptic and disinfecting effect. Chlorhexidine will do;
  • initially put a needle on the fire, thereby carrying out disinfection;
  • after that, the place of accumulation of blood is gently pierced and with slight pressure they contribute to its early exit to the surface;
  • after that, the plate is treated with a disinfectant and a patch is applied;
  • it is recommended to put a small amount of Levomekol ointment, Erythromycin or the like under the patch;
  • if the nail does not have a hematoma, then the whole treatment will consist in the regular application of a bandage with a wound-healing agent. Good drugs that promote rapid recovery are Solcoseryl, Panthenol, Bepanten, Levomekol.

It is necessary to change the bandage for a new one several times a day, or if the old one has become unusable, for example, it gets wet or comes off.

After the improvements are noticeable and the nail begins to take on a healthy look, the wound surface is tightened, you can start activities aimed at strengthening the nail plate.
There are several ways that you need to know in order to restore a damaged nail plate.

  • to provide adequate nutrition to the nail and enable it to recover faster, use gelatin trays. To prepare them, you will need 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin, which is diluted with a small amount of water. After swelling of the product, it is sent to a water bath and wait for complete dissolution.

It is impossible to allow the composition to boil during the preparation process - this will lead to a complete loss of all the useful properties of the bath. Upon reaching a comfortable temperature for the procedure, the nails are dipped into the composition. The duration of the event is 25-30 minutes. They must be carried out regularly, at least three times per week;

  • a product that will fill the structures of the nail with calcium and magnesium - Bischofite. Despite the fact that this drug is used to treat joints and the spine, its composition restores the nail in a short time. For the procedure, a gel is used in its pure form, with its help they make baths or compresses for the night;
  • it is worth remembering that it is impossible to use creams and oils before the procedure, and it is also necessary to degrease the surface of the nail bed. This can be done using rubbing alcohol or a kitchen detergent. This is recommended for the reason that the oily film on the nail is an obstacle to penetration deep into the structure of calcium and magnesium, which is part of the drug;
Important: using Bischofit gel to restore the structure of the nail, you need to make sure that there are no microtraumas, cracks or open wound surfaces in the areas immersed in the bath with the drug. This should be done to avoid severe pain during the procedure.
  • also a good option is to use compresses at night with Solcoseryl. The product is applied to the nails and cotton gloves are worn. If you wish, you can first use polyethylene gloves, on top of which you can put on cotton gloves for fixing.

The duration of the above procedures depends on the results, which will be individual in each case. It is better to resort to such activities as often as possible and do not stop them until the nail is fully restored.

Despite the fact that trauma to the nail plate is a very unpleasant situation, do not panic and get upset.

It is better to direct your attention and effort to prevent the appearance of complications in the form of inflammation or the formation of purulent fluid.

Therapeutic measures will eliminate wounds and injuries in a short time, and strengthening procedures will help make your nails better.

I managed to rip out a nail on my big toe, completely, I'm afraid to go to the hospital, what can I do at home on my own?

The main thing is calm !! The nail will grow a new one, do not worry. Now the main thing is that the infection does not get. If there is a wound, you can take a streptocide, crush a pill and sprinkle it on the wound, if you removed only the nail, without blood, then it is better not to do anything, bandage it carefully with a bandage and just wait for a new marigold.

Try to wear open shoes and let your toe breathe. If you don't want to use a bandage (ugly), use a breathable adhesive (antibacterial).

It is imperative that you seek medical help as soon as possible so that your wound is treated professionally and a bandage is applied.

And as an ambulance, it is advisable to immediately treat the wound with some kind of disinfectant: chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide (although I read that it is undesirable to fill a large wound with it - bubbles can enter the bloodstream and cause blockage of blood vessels. I do not know if this is true or not).

As a last resort, if there is nothing, then treat the wound with iodine, or brilliant green, tincture of calendula, at least just with alcohol.

The nail usually fully grows in six months to a year, layering.

It is better to consult a surgeon in this case.

There, the wound will be treated professionally.

In general, the wound is treated with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, in the old fashioned way - and iodine (but it is very painful), dressing is done.

Now it is customary to apply sterile atraumatic dressings.

They removed my nail 1 time completely and cut out a large hole 1 time. After removing the nail completely, it is better to go to the hospital - there the wound will be cleaned of contamination. Next, the easiest way is to apply and change dressings with levomekol (ointment). It contains an antibiotic and a wound healing agent. Moreover, it also relieves pain and does not stick to the wound.

If you are too lazy to go to the hospital, then it is enough to buy dressings (sterile napkins, levomekol, bandage) at the nearest pharmacy and wait for your finger to become inflamed. If there is a current pain, this can lead to consequences, including the loss of a finger, and not just a nail. I’ll have to go to the hospital anyway, get a few tetanus shots, and clean the wound.

The nail grows in about six months. But it grows very crooked. We'll have to go to the hospital to have a small operation for alignment, but this is when the edges of the ingrown nail fester.

In case of nail injuries, treatment begins directly with the treatment of the wound and the assessment of the severity of the damage.

The first step is to remove all jewelry from the injured arm or leg. A tight bandage of clean cloth should be applied to stop bleeding. After the bleeding has stopped, the bandage is removed and the wound is examined.

Home treatment will be sufficient if only a subungual hematoma (bruise) has formed, occupying no more than 50% of the nail surface, if the finger itself is not damaged or deformed and there are no tears and torn sections of the nail. Minor scratches on the nail plate are not dangerous.

The injured limb should be raised and held above the level of the heart. This will help reduce blood flow to the nail.

The victim should take an over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug if they are not allergic.

All wounds and cuts should be washed with clean water and soap, then apply an antibiotic ointment under a bandage on the damaged area.

In the presence of tears and torn sections of the nail, large hematoma (more than 50% of the nail) or deformity of the finger, seek medical attention:

  • In no case should you pull on the nail and try to tear it off the base. The amputated (cut off) part of the finger should be wrapped in dry sterile gauze or a clean towel and placed in a plastic bag. Place the bag in a plastic container and cover it with ice or bags of cold water. Take the container with you to the emergency room.
  • Wrap the affected limb with a clean cloth.
  • Establish when the tetanus shot was given.
  • Therapeutic treatment

    First aid includes the same steps as home treatment, but the technique of treatment may be different depending on the severity of the injury. In order for the doctor to examine the wound, it is washed. If the tetanus shot was more than five years old, it is repeated.

    If surgery is indicated, the finger is pre-anesthetized by injecting an anesthetic into its base. Due to this, the finger completely loses its sensitivity and the patient does not feel the actions performed by the surgeon.

    A tourniquet may be placed on the finger to stop bleeding during surgery. Stopping bleeding is necessary so that the doctor can clearly see the surface of the wound.

    Antibiotics are given if the injury is accompanied by a bone fracture or laceration, such as from an animal bite.

    Subungual hematoma

    At the decision of the doctor, the nail can be opened to evacuate blood. This will relieve the pressure and sore throbbing sensation in the finger. A hole is made in the nail using a heated metal needle or a special device.

    The doctor may decide to remove the nail to examine the nail bed for damage. These measures are most often taken with a large area of ​​hematoma and bone fracture.

    When cutting the nail, remove at least one part of it. The nail bed and the skin around it are sutured. After that, the nail (or the plate replacing it) is glued with special glue or sewn on. In this position, the finger is left for two to three weeks.

    Amputation of the fingertip

    Most often, the cut tissue from the fingertip cannot be engrafted. If a significant portion of the toe is amputated and retained, experienced surgeons may try to engraft it, but the chances of a successful operation are slim.

    In some cases, part of the nail can go under the skin without damaging the nail bed. However, most often the nail bed is damaged, which leads to the need for surgery.

    If the finger can still remain upright after a bone fracture, the doctor will focus on treating other injuries first. After that, he puts a splint on the broken finger to fix the bone.

    If the broken bone takes an unnatural position, the finger is held in a straight position during other operations, pulling it back. If there is a dissection, the patient is given antibiotics.

    Dreamed nails indicate what social status the dreamer occupies in reality. If in a dream you see a cracked or broken nail on your hand, then this is a sign that you are balancing on the verge between moral decline and an increase in authority. Dream books will help you find out in more detail why marigolds dream, but only if you remember all the details of the dream.

    According to Miller's dream book, a dream of a smooth and healthy nail means an uncomplicated, but low-paid job. And if in a dream you see at least one cracked or broken marigold, then you should prepare for a difficult, both physically and mentally, work.

    Interested in what dreaming about putting dirty nails in order? Such dreams mean noble deeds for which you will not be personally rewarded. Had a dream about calloused hands with rotten nail plates? Shame awaits you, the interpreter grieves.

    Fingers as a symbol of labor "without measure"

    The interpretation of sleep offered by Pastor Loff's dream book, in which you see fingernails, will not be very pleasing. This is a signal that in the near future you will not know rest, as you will be overwhelmed with work.

    However, one more point should be taken into account here: the nails on the hand were pleasing with beauty - you will get good dividends from the work; and if you dreamed that all the nails on your hand were sick or torn off, then you should not wait for profit, the dream book broadcasts.

    "Plates" of the legs - a sign of parting

    Why are toenails dreaming, Tsvetkov's dream book will explain. If you dreamed that your thumbnail fell off your foot, then this predicts a quick deliverance from a relationship that has lost its urgency and need. But, if your nail fell off your little toe, then be careful in expressions, you can quarrel with friends.

    A nail cut off from a toe promises disappointment and resentment against a loved one - it will not meet your expectations.

    Unhealthy plate as an indicator of real health

    Did you see a nail that is rotten or cracked? This prophesies a disease either of the dreamer himself, or of one of the family members, upsets the dream book of Nostradamus.

    In a dream, did you decide to cut off a nail that is practically tearful? There is no need to plan any extreme entertainment, it may end badly. But if the almost peeled nail moved away from the body by itself, and you did not have to cut it off, then this is a sign that you should not worry, the disease will pass without complications.

    Had a dream that you are tearing off an ingrown nail or a nail with a fungus? You will be able to get rid of an annoying colleague or acquaintance.

    Accident: Both Joy and Sadness

    What is the dream of a dream in which you tore off your nail, the Lunar Dream Book will tell you. Do you see that the nail torn off from the finger falls off on its own? You do not have to make an effort to get rid of the bad influence. The person who negatively influences you will leave your life on his own.

    I saw in a dream that you tore off a bent claw, then this warns you that you should not be arrogant, otherwise you will regret it. Breaking a nail to blood in a dream is a symbol of problems with relatives.

    And if you dreamed that your nail, broken to the base, is falling off, then this is a signal that relatives will not be able to help you in difficult times, Vanga's dream book upsets.

    Problems with false nails, or have patience

    Did you dream that you built up an artificial claw, but it broke off? Don't expect good luck. The modern dream book will not please those who dreamed of a broken overhead manicure.

    If you dreamed that you were cutting off a broken, extended marigold, then this promises you long hours of self-digging and self-flagellation. But, trimming an uneven claw is a sign of a possible change in job or interests.

    This is, as the Spring Dream Book explains, why there is a dream in which one of ten extended claws has broken. If you saw in a dream that he fell off on the right hand, then you will defend your innocence in front of someone, but if the nail plate of the left hand falls off, you will be mistaken in something.

    Polish your claws in a dream: From protest to gossip

    Wanting to find out why trimming your nails is dreaming, the Wanderer's dream book will explain. Do you see in a dream that your nail turned out to be double due to the fact that you cut it while doing a manicure? There is no need to start anything new - it will not work.

    Did you see in a dream that your nail polish peeled off? This prophesies to you the discovery of the hard-hitting truth about you. In a dream, a freshly painted nail breaks - hear gossip about yourself. And if a nail with a peeled varnish breaks, then you will gossip yourself.

    Accidentally breaking a nail during pruning is a symbol of the uselessness of actions, but to break a manicure that you don't like is a sign of protest against what is being forced upon you.

    Problematic "nail" palette

  • the fallen claw was red - expect a quarrel with your beloved;
  • the fallen off plate was purple - to part with illusions;
  • pulling out a blue nail - dreams are not destined to come true;
  • breaking pink claws in a dream - you should not trust strangers;
  • a green nail fell out - to health problems;
  • black nibbled plate - promises sadness and resentment;
  • white claws are cracking - do not make spontaneous decisions;
  • you see that the varnish is coming off the nail - wait for the secret to be revealed;
  • rip off the gel polish yourself - to correct mistakes on your own.
  • tore off the nail in half what to do

    The child tore off his toenail. He stumbled on the joint unsuccessfully, half came off, the rest was alive, but it begins to dry out a little. How so, damn it. At night, the built-up one came off with mine, I almost didn’t beat off half of it. I tore off the nail with the door to reveal the branch 3. The nail itself grows from below, so there is no need to pick anything. cover if it interferes and do not touch. True, because I had nothing to do, by the end of everything, I tore off an almost lagging record, having paid for it with pain. girls, hooked a nail and it turned out that his back side jerked. I tore off the meat a little, I can’t cut it off because it’s very strong. Solving played volleyball and the ball hit right in the nail and broke it very sore, but the nail is in place. what to do. What if the nail comes off? The condition of our nails can tell a lot, because they are the first messengers of various abnormalities in the body. However, they often need help themselves. I do not know what to do, it hurts to tear off, because even touching is impossible. Tell me what to do, please. Hello, tell me please, I have torn off two nails on my hand, there is no nail plate, what to process? Nail breakage: what to do? Long nails and beautiful manicure are the standard of female beauty. Broken nail: what to do. Further actions with a broken nail depend on how it broke: slightly cracked or came off completely. View Full Version: client tore off the nail plate in half. My 7-year-old daughter has a nail on her hand. Yesterday the old nail fell off along with the blood caked under it. Hello, can you tell me what to do? I hit my thumb hard a year ago. What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to carefully remove it with a cotton swab, gauze or bandage. Due to the blow, the nail came off completely (it was kept only at the very base and then, barely). On the advice, he tore it off completely.

    two days have passed All girls, and not only girls, know what a broken nail is. If we are talking about a long beautiful manicure, then often, most people prefer to simply cut the rest of the plates to a similar one. Gel nails are extended on top of the nail. The nail comes off somewhere in half. What to do: remove the gel from the nail and remove your nail or leave it as it is (wrapped it with a plaster so as not to dangle). What to do with a torn off nail - Torn off a nail - Surgery - free consultation with a doctor.

    It so happened that I tore my nail from my finger. Extension nails, of course. If you pull it hard, the nail can be torn off. But is it worth doing this? Can the nail take root or not? Be patient a little, let a new nail come from below and "throw away" this nail plate. The pain is terrible. What to do?) Girls! Tore off a nail from a finger, almost completely. The pain is terrible. What to do? PS: don’t ask how, I don’t know myself, they were furious with Valera and now the nail is torn off by half - Nail injury - what are the consequences? What to do? When examined, the torn off nail was under the cuticle and from the dry skin of the "smile" of the cuticle still somewhere 3 mm (they were under the skin) has a clear square shape. 0 publications. Published: 5 June 2013. I pulled out my toenail almost completely - help, who had this? do not ask how - Monday was a particularly lucky day for me the result - the nail is almost completely torn off What to do if the nail has come off on the big toe? How to correct a cosmetic defect and maintain a healthy appearance of the nail for a long time? Onycholysis is a rather unpleasant situation in which the nail comes off the nail bed. What to do. Posted by MamaKatrin on August 7, 2016 - 19:12. Help who knows. My daughter, 1.5 years old, tore off a nail. I pulled out all straight. And the visible part and the one under the skin. Back on Saturday. We were in the village, just arrived. And my client was also with an injury, she said that she tore off a hangnail and there began to putrefaction, went to the doctor, they helped her there, but the nail now grows only, as it were, half of the nail bed. I tried to build up like all French fingers. What to do if pulled out a toenail? The main thing is calm.If there is a wound, you can take a streptocide, crush a pill and sprinkle it on the wound, if you removed only a nail, without blood, then it is better not to do anything, bandage it carefully with a bandage and just wait for a new marigold. What to do if a toenail falls off: This process is most often painless, but if you accidentally hook a half-bent nail, severe pain with bleeding occurs. The problem with the appearance of nails always causes a huge amount of inconvenience. The situation when a nail fell off is perceived by many as a real tragedy. This is not only a loss of aesthetic beauty, but also pain. A finger accidentally hit or pinched, the nail turned black, what to do and how to soothe severe, bursting pain? Do not deliberately pull off the nail, this will further injure the finger and will not at all speed up the process of its renewal. tore off a nail, what to do ?, help, what to do? misfortune accidentally caught a nail on my toenail and tore it off (at the root) three days ago, and now I can't stand on my foot, my toe is swollen and hurts, the nail began to grow in there, what to do. By the way, the nail hit hard, it turned black, a week passed with it, and then it half fell off. Tear off a burr - take urgent action! What to do with a bruised nail, if the nail is peeling off? Nails are peeling at the base: urgent action needed What to do if your toenail turns black? How long does a nail grow back after removal? ingrown toenails bruise on the knees how to get rid of a bruise under the eye in one day the toenail does not grow what to do so as not to Do not worry. Marigold itself. peel off and a new one will grow. There is no need to tear off anything. There will be temporarily a finger without a nail, but the guys took me to the school first-aid post, they treated my wound, cut off the nail completely. There was no fracture, nothing was done. While I was waiting for the results, my finger healed thanks to the Levomikol ointment. If you are faced with the problem of nail detachment, you need to urgently take action.

    The reason for this defect may be associated with infectious (fungal) diseases. What to do if your toenail falls off. This process is most often painless, but if you accidentally hook a half-bent nail, severe pain with bleeding occurs. For about a year now, a crack has formed on my nail, starting from the hole of the nail (I don't remember which master needs to take his hands off - after that I didn't go for a manicure for a long time), but there is a problem. She made gel on the nails until the problem nail growth. So what's now? Alena All user posts in the community. Yesterday I hit the door with my foot and a nail came off on my big toe. More precisely, it didn’t come off completely, but it still seems to be kept inside under the skin. It hurts, twitches. I treated it with miramistin and smeared it with a torn nail, what should I do? Dashusik Prikhodko Expert (405), closed 3 years ago. 3 days have passed, the nail did not hurt (only if it touched it), but now it began to come off (it keeps on one side (on the right), otherwise torn off, there is no infection and pus (yet. ) I don't know what to do, that a crack on a nail or a broken nail is a real reason to panic for any woman, especially if the trouble happened not at home, but somewhere at a party or at a social event. The question arises of what to do if the nail is cracked. the nail along with the root and even tore off part of the pad. The nail came off half, covered it with a plaster, did not touch it, after a while I noticed that the nail had completely moved away from what to do? Is it possible to heal the finger at home? That under the nail there is a black spot such as a bruise. As a rule, it grew together with the nail and was cut off. Only half of the nail blackened, peeled off and under it the soft tissues began to harden over time. Yesterday I hit the wall with my hand and an enlarged the nail came off in half with my own, what can I do? I tied it with a plaster so that it would not dangle, I don’t want to take it off like that, the holidays are on the nose Who had something like that, what did they do? How did it heal? June 12, 2014 at 20:13. Question: how did your nail break? Somewhere in the center of the nail plate that you cut off so much? Helpful advice for the hostess. Low progesterone levels - what to do? Planning a pregnancy. Anima anima 1189365406 wrote in the topic How to restore a deeply cut nail? Such a sad story - she chopped a salad too zealously and chopped it off with a fingernail. If there is a wound, you can take a streptocide, crush a pill and sprinkle it on the wound, if you removed only the nail, without blood, then it is better not to do anything, bandage it carefully with a bandage and just wait for a new marigold. What to do? Cut out a nail for myself. ”Well, I waited when no one was at home, so that they would not interfere, took a cone knife and cut it out along with the root, I thought the piper would not have a nail now, but I didn’t hurt so much. Yesterday I hit my extended nail and it came off right along with mine. The blood and pain are incredible. I bought an anesthetic ointment and stuck everything with an adhesive plaster - it was not enough for the spirit to tear off the artificial nail to the end. What to do with it now? What to do if you ripped off an extended nail on your hand along with your own (or with a part of your own nail plate)? In this case, in no case should you tear it off with your hands further, since here you risk pulling it out with meat. Apparently, only half of the nail falls off, and the second one holds. But you won't take the "live" part of the meat. the very foundation and then, barely). On the advice, he tore it off completely. two days have passed You are doing everything right. If the wound discharge is transparent, yellowish in color, this is normal. What to do then with the bare skin (with a plaster or something to constantly walk?) worry, it just so happened that I tore my nail from my finger. The nails are extended, of course. Will the nail grow again? What should I do in this situation? I was lucky yesterday to break a fingernail to meat for the first time in my life. He cracked in the very middle of the nail plate and hung on the tip. We urgently had to clarify what to do in such situations. If it helps someone Sometimes the nail may come off completely, and in other cases it may come off partially, so that part of it stays in place. Change the dressing even if it gets wet or dirty. This should be done for 7-10 days, until the nail bed is thickened (soft To the question: "What to do if the nail has come off the skin after the impact and continues to hurt badly? Do not tear off the broken / damaged part of the nail. Wait for the nail to grow back.)

    Toenail tears from trauma. Will the new one be ugly ?.

    Over the summer, my daughter has deformed as a result of injuries and are going to peel off as many as 3 nails. Do you think the new ones will be ugly? And what to do to make your fingers heal faster?

    No, normal nails will grow, only the growing ones need to be fiddled with and taken care of. In my childhood, too, my nail peeled off from a bruise, grew as it was :)

    in my childhood, the thumbnail on my hand also tears, I helped him, so to speak, by putting it in the gate. nothing else has grown. slightly different in shape and size from the other, but sooo strong. even on the leg last summer, the same big nail fell off, grew exactly the same. it is quite possible that it depends on how the nail fell.

    Last October I nailed myself with a door, pulled out a fingernail, tin! Grew up new, I thought it would be a freak. Because overgrown, but not quite beautiful, the white part was larger. But now it has begun to grow. And we are already indistinguishable. Even better)

    do not worry! not the fact that he will be ugly.

    everything is curled with trauma. if the muscle tissue is deformed, then it is possible.

    if not, then the nail will be the same. the main thing is not to do anything with it. take care of your fingers, and gradually grow the nail plate.

    It will be normal, only he will need to be completely sorry. Those. it will be normal in a couple of months.

    a beautiful nail fell off on my leg and grew

    When I was 16, I froze my toes. Both thumbnails peeled off. Grew up ugly. Uneven and yellow in color. You always have to paint with dark varnish.

    I got off on my leg, grew the same, do not worry!

    I grew up the same

    but I think it all depends on the impact / injury. so everyone has it differently

    the nail will be normal. My son had an infection, the nail became so terrible, deformed, rotted out, and grew even as it should be

    the main thing is that the nail bed is not deformed, and so really, a couple of months everything will be ok, at least I hope. at the beginning of summer I managed to plant a skid-knot under the nail (under the base), the surgeon removed, and the nail began to grow with a hole ! now this hole (full nail size, horrorss (((((moves up ((((horror, I'll go to the sea with an ugly finger (

    Thanks to all who responded

    I just damaged the nail bed, pinched it by the car door, nothing, the old tears, the new normal has grown

    I pinched my finger in the door many years ago, the nail was damaged, but did not come off. But he became kind of creepy, so it would be better if he got off

    I had a nail injury a couple of months ago, it grows even, although I was also worried. It is only darkened by the fact that the old one is half gone (.

    No weight will be fine. Two years ago I pinched it in a minibus, on my ring finger. At first there was a dark blue-black spot, then he climbed for six months, walked with a plaster, then I got down, a new nail is even, only a little thin. I painted my nails with smart enamel and applied iodine to the nail a couple of times a week at night, and viral aevit. As a result, in addition to this nail, it also strengthened the old ones. So do not worry, it will be even better;))))

    If the nail is bruised and the nail bed is not damaged, normal will grow. If damaged - a curve. If frostbitten, it will grow rough and yellowish.

    Nothing of the kind, I damaged the nail bed and I was told in the injury that the new one would be crooked, but no! grew up and very cute)

    At first it grows uneven, but over time it smoothes out, last year my nails fell off on my toes, not for the first time, I always knock off something, and nothing, already normal

    I had a "trauma" of nails this fall. (I never walked in heels. I was in the club for 4 or 5 hours. I walked on my feet all night, I don’t know if this is an injury?). I could hardly walk towards the end. in the morning I saw that my fingers were turning blue (there was swelling, mazol =) on the same day my friend had the same situation (only he stuck his finger on the door.

    he pierced with a needle, blood came out (exudate). I did that too.

    2 months have passed today tore off her nails from her fingers. I think I need to somehow process it.

    What do you mean. you can't do that. the fact that the blood was released and everything worked out, you were lucky. In general, you need to go to the emergency room to the surgeon on duty so that he will deal with your nail, and then process it. to do further than to treat or can send to someone else! and never self-medicate with self-opening of cavities, this can lead to infection, which can lead to sad consequences, which will then be treated even longer. Our medicine is imperfect somewhere, but do not ignore doctors! And be healthy.

    I have grown 2 nails in place of one ((2 fused, one thin, the other thick ((((This is terrible

    Depends on how serious the injury was. To my dad in his youth, a cart that weighs more than a ton hit his big toe. And he has a nail, despite the fact that they tried to remove it, so that a new one grows - deformed and terrible yellow 🙁 And my fingernail was also pinched by devre in childhood - to black. But then a normal one grew up with a small hollow. You can still feel it by touch - but you can hardly see it.

    My nail is peeling .. ((

    I do not know what to do..*

    I finally have such a situation that the nail is half broken and the upper part will soon disappear and the lower one is intact. this is kapets how scary

    50 kg of metal fell on my big toe, I ran like an athlete in a marathon. I broke off the extreme phalanx and the skin around my claw came off and the nail on it measures off as it moves in a jelly! should it be cut? or fall off yourself. help tell.


    I have crumpled or frostbitten myself, I don’t know, well, the nail turned white, and in the evenings it hurts a little, what is it? It will take a long time to slide off? Is there anything terrible here, or it’s all by itself.

    People, I generally pushed the stool under me to sit down. She took hold of the lid. thought to move the stool. it turned out that the lid came off and I only moved it. Naturally flopped down with her weight. The pain is hellish. Blood has gone. I didn't even immediately understand what had happened. When I looked: the nail on the ring finger was broken in half. Bandaged, themselves, processed everything. but! When I began to change the bandage. there was no nail under it AT ALL !! A bandage with caked blood stuck to the meat !! I barely soaked it. Now the finger is just bandaged!

    Who knows what to process - help!

    treat with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine solution, you can tie levomekol at night - it heals

    Good people, I just have a damaged nail bed (((, thanks to myself I poked with nail scissors. 2 years I have been walking with a nail cracked in half, a crack is wide, some kind of ribbed one and begins at the base. The surgeon removed the nail, one fig, how was it and grew up again - more precisely, it grew on the sides, but in the center it did not grow! Tell me, who can, please, what to do ?!

    I have the same problem. Only I have been walking with such a nail for 7 years. At school, the cat scratched and damaged the nail bed. Now, an uneven nail grows on the sides, and in the middle it is separated by skin. Also, once the surgeon removed, no result.

    I came home, my little dog tapped my thumb for joy, and only after a while, when a drunk surgeon was removing an old yellow nail, I realized how much the dog loves me! The nail grows slowly, as ordered to file and cut, strong and ugly, and now the second hand is the same.

    my thumbnail tears just without injuries and does not grow, that is, the skin is soft, there has been no nail for about 4 months. What to do? Will a normal nail grow?

    two days ago I pressed down my thumb on my right hand in the car. moreover, it was also an enlarged one. taken to the hospital. tied up and that's it. the second day I sit roaring. also the weekend. hospitals do not work (((hurts terribly.

    cut off my toenails and noticed that the nail had fallen behind the skin, I cut it out, at the very end.

    from what it could happen.? prompt.

    How long does the nail grow? I fell a little over a month ago, and is not growing

    The door snapped on my leg. The nail from the thumb turned black \. Then tears. Right now, instead of a nail, some kind of tubercle. I regularly cut it off. It seems \. It grows up


    Yesterday I slammed my thumb on my hand with the machine door, so that the accreted acrylic in the box cracked. As the terrible pain subsided, I hurried to find out from the experienced what awaits me now. at all in general in different ways. then we will believe in the best. can what you need to anoint?

    I had a hangnail, I tugged at it, my finger began to pluck (it did not go through for a long time), then my nipple at the root began to break (probably rotted) and now I have no nail near the cuticle at all, but further on! what to do? will a new one grow? and how long. Tell me please!!

    I had a hangnail, I tugged at it, my finger began to pluck (it did not go through for a long time), later my nipple at the root began to break (probably rotted) and now I have no nail near the cuticle at all, but there is further! what to do? will a new one grow? and how long. PEOPLE, PROMOTE PLEASE !!

    On the index finger of the right hand, at different times, the nail peeled off three times. Now is the third. So the experience is great. I did not go to the surgeon. After a bruise, the nail swelled and was torn off, I cut it off gradually and went with a plaster. An interesting moment after the second time, the shape of the nail became wider and more convex. And he began to bend down more strongly. I thought it would get even worse now and began to grind ugly bulges at the base of the nail with an Electric grinding file (there are such sets). The nail began to take on a beautiful original shape, as before the first injury. In addition, I constantly massage the base of the nail and cuticle with cosmetic oil. So, I think you can avoid changing the original form. Good luck to all!

    My fingernail is slipping! Aaaaa. I can't do without a nail (((((better hand than a nail, help.

    And when I got out of the minibus, the door was closed together with my fingers and in order not to run after the minibus I had to rip my fingers out of the door, the sight of course is terrible, and the pain is wild! At first it was impossible to understand where the meat was, where the nails were, and where the cuticles had disappeared. there was some kind of mess (((It has been exactly a month that the nails do not think neither to climb nor grow, I do not know what to do (((

    My daughter's thumbnail was removed, but before that she hit him and for about a year and a half she walked with a blue, then a yellow nail (((now four months have passed, but the new nail is not going to grow (who knows, he does will increase.

    after building up tears, the nail is halfway

    I don’t know I’m afraid that it will be ugly or with a fungus,

    but I concluded that it is better not to build up or stick nails

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    Nastya's toenail came off! On your thumb!

    It can go to the surgeon to look and appoint something, miramistin is good, but it will only disinfect.

    Wait until it grows back ..

    Child tore off his toenail

    yes, it grows, my friend's fingernails fell off for a completely incomprehensible reason, after he came off, a new one began to grow

    It will be, but not soon, as they bit my finger through the floor of the nail, it peeled off, healed for a very long time and the nail grew back.

    Yes, some kind of kick-ass. = ((((About an ingrown toenail! Help!

    our eldest son has the same trouble, only in March he lay in the "republic" for 10 days and here again ((((((((and does not want to go to the hospital, again he says 2 weeks just lying on the government bed (( ((they only cut off a piece for the first time and didn’t give any recommendations except not to wear tight shoes ... and now it is necessary to sign up only on Wednesdays and it is not known how long ahead ((((((

    try it yourself. take a thread, lubricate the cream and gently under the nail, as much as you like. when it grows, trim it neatly, straight, so that it does not grow in. I suffered for a long time until I read about this method, mmm everything is fine now

    The nail bifurcates

    I personally have this on both little toes. All is well, it does not interfere with life)))) If you are very worried, go to the pediatrician.

    It often happens for my son, while I give vitamins and cut my hair on time, all the rules, and a little later I will cut my vitamins or propylaea for a long time, then every 2 weeks so

    In our family, everyone has it like that) just cut your hair more often and that's it, it doesn't create problems in life)

    Do your relatives have that? can be hereditary

    The child tore off a nail

    they removed my nail at the age of 16! I crushed it in the machine door (There was tin of course ... the nail was removed, processed and smeared with levomekol for another week, just every day ... it grew in half a year completely

    Of course it will grow, maybe it will just grow deformed, irregular in shape and will take time until it becomes normal



    Chlorhexidine swab and bandage! will grow a new marigold!

    Save. The nail almost tore off.

    the pharmacy sells such a piece of paper in a package, I don't remember the name, it is soaked in something, it relieves very well ... well, take painkillers inside, for example ... and, of course, you can only sympathize - it will be sick for a long time (((

    it may grow, or it may have to be torn off. I shattered my toenail so-so with a frame. The piece fell off. I thought it would grow. nothing happened. The main thing is to pre-disinfect. And of course I would go to the doctor to have a look.

    oh-yo, last year, too, the nail hit on his leg turned blue, then she ran after her daughters and she accidentally kicked her toenail and vomited it by the roots ... aaaaaa hurt for a long time, grew back)))

    Damn, I also tore it at the root yesterday, now the PPC just hurts, I whined all night

    Better to see a specialist, my aunt had a similar situation (sorry, then the nail rotted and the finger was threatened with removal), it started with flowers ... They will put a clamp on the nail plate for mine, or maybe something else. Recover!

    ingrown toenail !!

    has grown in three days? Maybe they just damaged the skin itself, it happens. But so that it grows so quickly. I cut out what else to do when there is no way to get to the doctor))

    in childhood it was like this, doctors advised to apply a solution of chlorophyllipt (a moistened bandage) and soar a finger in a weak solution of potassium permanganate

    until Wednesday will have to be patient. You can process it with brilliant green. In general, on the day of the city, doctors must work in an intensive mode.

    Mine, too, managed to pinch, it also fell off, I neatly cut it off, 1.5 weeks have passed, the new one has almost grown

    Cover with biogel. The nail will be protected from further "breakages", strengthened and grow back instantly.

    Fill with medical glue

    broken nail in half

    damn ... tore out almost the entire fingernail ... what to do now ??

    The same sadness happened to me today, I thought I would die of pain

    The nail comes off after the blow! How to be?

    I pulled it off when it didn't hurt anymore. The new one will grow. And the Old will no longer grow back))))

    The child tore off a nail on his hand ..

    poor thing, go to the surgeon, I was small, they pinched my finger, 2 times the nail came off, it hurts to horror!

    How long does a child's nail grow? (((

    from a month to six months ... depends on the growth rate of your daughter's nails.

    You are probably more scared of your daughter .. I would not be able to sit in the corridor while the child is being manipulated ...

    And that, now every day in the emergency room for dressing.

    do you often cut marigolds? mine grows very quickly ... Maybe yours quickly. And to go for dressings, until the wound heals ... a week, maybe two ... half a year, this is up to the initial state and if it grows very slowly ..

    a child of 2 months eats meat - do not tear it off!

    I just faint. several times on my leg tore off a nail to the middle (I love this business in the summer), I perfectly understand ... brrrrr ... it will not grow, of course, but a new one will come out.

    The extended nail broke with my own, what should I do?

    if it really hurts, then wait a couple of days for at least a little to heal

    smear your finger with levomekol and bandage, I've always done that.


    I won't say what to do with the nail, but in my childhood I also had this. I pinch my thumb by the door. The fingernail was all tears, but a new one grew back. And now nothing is even noticeable. Although my mother was afraid that there would be some kind of curve

    Yes, I understand you. This is very painful

    the nail broke diagonally (((

    It is definitely necessary to lubricate with ointment, such as some disinfecting Levomikol and wrap it tightly with a bandage or plaster.

    After a couple of days everything will die out there and it will be easier to remove the nail in theory: but my mother had this, I still had to go to the surgeon and still removed something there (so if you work with them, then of course let them anesthetize you Yes, they will process everything and everything will be done, and then with bandages to walk for a week ... Well, a new one will gradually grow back.

    Glue with a plaster. and it is better to put a healing ointment there so that the infection does not enter.

    What to do if the nails on the big toes are cracking and can such a phenomenon be prevented?

    If a nail on the big toe is cracked, then this problem is often associated with soreness and discomfort, since the nail plate grows for a long time. That is why it is better to prevent its appearance and eliminate all factors that provoke the appearance of cracks.

    Every day, a person's legs are exposed to significant loads associated with active movement. However, not only the foot, its joints, muscles and skin, but also the nails suffer from this. It should be noted that “under the blow” mainly the nails of the thumbs and, less often, others are found. A cracked toenail is a painful and long-term problem that should be addressed as soon as it occurs.

    Why should you pay attention to the condition of your nails?

    Nail plates, both on the hands and on the feet, can tell a lot about the state of health of their owner. This method has long been used in medicine in China. The advantage of this diagnostic method is that it helps to identify most ailments in the early stages, sometimes 2-3 years before their obvious manifestations. A good specialist is very capable of determining when the first disturbances began in the body.

    So, if the nail changes its color, begins to turn white, turn yellow or turn black, then this indicates a malfunction in the body that lasts no more than a month. When the shape, structure, relief of the nail plate changes (longitudinal or transverse cracks, stripes appear), this indicates a serious chronic ailment. A healthy marigold should be smooth and pink, have a matte texture and a well-defined crescent moon. The appearance on such nails of any blotches, stripes, and even more so cracks, should seriously disturb a person.

    What symptoms should you look out for?

    Often, cracks in the nails of the hands and feet are accompanied by symptoms such as the unaesthetic appearance of platinum and its detachment. If we are talking about vitamin deficiency or a lack of water in the body, then this is manifested by the dullness of the marigolds and their fragility. When a nail cracks due to its defeat by a fungus, then, as a rule, the following symptoms are noted:

  • darkening and even blackening of the nail;
  • an abundance of cracks on the surface of the plate.
  • The causes of brittle nails and the appearance of cracks on them.

    It should be emphasized that purely exfoliating nails will crack. If we consider the structure of the nail plate, then it consists of keratin, whose layers are stacked on top of each other. However, when certain external factors act on them, for example, mechanical, a gap forms between these layers, which serves as the basis for the appearance of cracks on the toes. If something gets into such a gap, it expands, thereby forming a cavity. It is at this stage, as a rule, that the nail cracks.

    There are not so few reasons for the formation of cracks in the toes. Here is some of them:

  • the presence of bad habits;
  • highly chlorinated water;
  • ignoring the rules of foot care;
  • prolonged stay of the feet in moisture;
  • painting the plate with low quality varnish;
  • hormonal changes caused by pregnancy;
  • pathology provoked by the development of fungi;
  • the use of low-quality hygiene products (soaps, gels);
  • erroneous and traumatic use of pedicure and manicure accessories;
  • a cracked nail can cause mechanical trauma to the plate caused by bruising, wearing tight shoes;
  • unbalanced diet, due to which there is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • violations of the drinking regime, as a result of which the elasticity of the tissues is lost, and the nails become brittle;
  • hypodynamia, due to which the nutrition of the limbs worsens, due to poor functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Thus, knowing the reason why the cracked nail appeared, as well as the symptoms, you can understand what should be done next.

    Treatment options for the problem

    Treatment of both longitudinal and transverse cracks on the thumbnail ideally begins with a visit to a doctor (dermatologist, mycologist) in order to exclude the option of a fungal disease. If the ailment is still found, then you can be sure of the appointment of competent therapy. It should be noted that self-treatment of a fungus disease can be not only ineffective, but even dangerous, since the fungus without treatment will only progress, causing pain and suffering to a person. Moreover, these diseases are contagious and can spread among the patient's family. So when at least a slight symptomatology of the fungus is noted (whitening of the nail or if the foot itches), then an urgent need to visit a specialist.

    In addition to visiting a doctor, you need to improve your own diet, enrich it with fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts and other products, which will help provide the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. It is also important to remember to maintain water balance. How much water a person needs is a question that still causes controversy among specialists. However, problems of the skin, nails and hair are often associated with disturbances in the water-salt balance. So if you have problems with your nails, you need to drink more water.

    Effective treatment is also impossible without taking vitamin complexes, since they contribute to the normalization of the immune system. And this is especially important when the body has to fight the destructive action of the fungus. If we consider drugs that include the treatment of an ailment and its manifestations, then the following drugs are often used:

    Actovegin and Solcoseryl are used for especially severe cases and deep cracks. Nevertheless, it will be useful to recall that these drugs are prescribed purely by a doctor and all treatment should be carried out under his close supervision. If the toenails are not affected by the fungus, then you can use such a proven folk remedy as olive oil combined with lemon juice. In general, oils are especially effective for eliminating dry nails. In addition to olive oil, sea buckthorn oil and tea tree oil are used, which are rubbed into the nail plate for a few seconds or make lotions from them.

    When nail problems are caused by poor quality cosmetic and hygiene products, they should be replaced with better products. If the crack is caused by mechanical damage, then the only way to help your own nail is to go to a beauty salon so that specialists can help "patch" the crack. As a rule, for this purpose, gluing of the crack with silk, coating with acrylic, gel or biogel is used. Then you need to help the cracked plate grow back as soon as possible. Regular baths with sea salt are a great way to do this.

    Prevention of cracked nails

    Everyone knows the truth: prevention is always better than cure. The same is true when it comes to cracked nails. What should be done to avoid such a problem?

  1. Don't skimp on hygiene products. It is recommended to buy quality gels, soaps, creams and makeup.
  2. In order to protect yourself from fungal diseases, you must strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and, if necessary, use antiseptic sprays and gels.
  3. It is important to choose comfortable shoes that will not squeeze your toes and will not provoke peeling or cracking of the nail.
  4. You need to monitor your own diet. It must be balanced.
  5. Pedicure should be done with a purely sterile instrument, with minimal trauma to the nail plates. It is optimal if a person brings his own instrument to the salon or trusts himself only to trusted masters.

Recently, the problem of cracked thumbnails has become especially relevant, and it affects not only adults, but also children. However, proper care of the nail plates, prevention of their damage and timely referral to specialists at the first alarming symptoms will help, if not to protect from the problem, then to reduce its manifestations to a minimum.

You will need

  • - a bowl of water;
  • - baking soda;
  • - liquid soap;
  • - keratolytic collodion varnish;
  • - keratolytic plaster;
  • - manicure files, nippers, scissors.


If you want a sore nail using foot baths, add a few tablespoons of baking soda and liquid soap or shower gel to a basin. The water temperature should be as high as you can tolerate. Dip your feet into the basin for half an hour. Dry your feet and remove the softened nail plate with nail files and nippers. If it was not possible to remove the entire affected part from time to time, repeat the procedure.

For using keratolytic collodion varnish with a manicure file, grind off the top layer of the nail and apply several layers of varnish on the nail plate. Do not let water get on the nail, otherwise the varnish will be washed off from it and there will be no effect. The next day, remove the softened part of the nail with a file and reapply the nail polish. Repeat these manipulations until the nail is completely removed.

If you decide to remove a sore nail using keratolytic patches, then scrape off the top layer of the nail with a file, cover the skin around the nail plate with ordinary adhesive plaster for protection. Apply a thick layer of plaster on the nail and cover with adhesive plaster. After 2-3 days, depending on the thickness of the nail plate, remove the plaster, use nail scissors and nippers to remove part of the affected nail. Repeat the procedure until the nail is completely removed.

For hardware removal of the affected nail, contact the cosmetology office, dermatologist or podiatrist. Using an apparatus with rotating cutters, the specialist will remove the nail plate layer by layer. In one visit, the diseased nail is removed completely.

If you want to surgically remove the diseased nail, see a surgeon. He will remove the entire affected nail plate under local anesthesia using special instruments.


  • tore off a nail what to do

It happens that on the big toe, the nail grows with a sharp edge into the flesh of the toe and causes quite severe pain, mainly when walking. Folk remedies help get rid of this ailment. You can resort to the advice of the great physician of antiquity Avicenna, who lived around 980-1037.


At the beginning of the disease - the appearance, when the pain and inflammation are still insignificant, a simple one can help you: firstly, wearing comfortable shoes, in which the front part is quite wide, which will significantly reduce the pressure on the sore toe, and secondly, walking barefoot or in shoes open when your fingers are free. You should also abandon a short nail, which only enhances its ingrowth and deformation. A short-cut nail should be filed at the corners, leaving no sharp edges that irritate the skin. To relieve pain and reduce inflammation and swelling, you can use daily baths with warm salty water to soften the nail and soften the skin around it.
You can even out an ingrown nail with a mixture of lime and arsenic, from such a lotion the nail becomes quite soft and it can be easily trimmed using a scalpel or a sharp knife, giving it the desired shape. A good emollient is cypress gum, which is applied to the nail plate like a bandage. Flaxseed or lamb fat is also used, which is tied to a nail plate for several days.

If the nail cannot be leveled or cured, then you have to remove it. For this, it is originally the root of the nail so that a large amount of blood flows out. Next, crushed garlic is tied to the nail plate for a whole day, which must be changed at least twice during the day. After these procedures, the diseased nail should fall off.

Also, olive oil is considered a good tool for removing the nail, to which sulfur, pounded with lard, is added, this mixture is applied as a bandage on a sore nail. Buttercup or a mixture of mistletoe with oak, as well as with arsenic and Spanish flies, are also strong means of removing the nail. Vinegar must be added to this mixture and regularly applied to the nail plate for several days. But a bandage of arsenic and vinegar with the addition of yellow sulfur and the resin of the turpentine tree must be worn constantly, changing about once a week.

Related article

Surgical removal of the nail plate is often the only way to allow the body to heal from fungus or inflammation around the cuticle due to nail ingrowth. In some cases, it is possible to remove part of the nail at home, but you need to proceed with extreme caution.


There are many medical indications for removal. Severe bruises of soft tissues with the appearance of suppuration, ingrowth into soft tissues, fungal lesions, trauma to the nail plate - these are the most common needs to remove the nail plate. Removal is not the most rosy event, which always causes a lot of unpleasant associations, but, as a rule, it is the only way to completely eliminate the problem. For example, if the nail plate is damaged or deformed, as a rule, only the surgeon can relieve a person from the pain associated with this phenomenon. In the case of a weakly pronounced ingrowth of the nail plate into the finger, it is also possible to independently remove a part of the nail using traditional medicine.

As a rule, in the surgical method of nail removal, a low-traumatic method is used. This method involves the preliminary application of a special plaster containing keralottic substances, which in a short period of time can completely dissolve the nail plate. As a rule, the patch is applied one day before the procedure for removing the nail plate. The second stage of nail removal is performed under local anesthesia. At this stage, the surgeon needs to remove the remaining parts of the nail that have grown into the soft tissue. In addition, a thorough cleansing of the nail bed and cuticle is carried out. During surgical removal, soft tissues can be damaged, therefore, in the future, it is necessary to apply disinfecting ointments and monitor the condition of the damaged area in order to prevent infection. In addition, you need to follow all hygiene rules to prevent the problem from reoccurring.

At the initial stages of ingrowth of the nail plate into the cuticle, it is possible to do without surgical intervention. In this case, you can use some folk remedies to soften the nail and then remove the nail plate using regular nail clippers or forceps. First of all, you need to place the finger with the affected nail for 15 minutes in a bath with furacilin in order to disinfect the inflamed cuticle. Next, the fingernail should be placed in hot water with fir oil. A warm bath will help soften the nail and relieve pain. Next, you need to remove the ingrown part of the nail in parts, starting from its extreme part.


When removing part of the nail at home, you need to proceed with extreme caution. After removing part of the nail, dirt and dead skin cells from the cuticle area, apply any healing ointment with an antimicrobial effect

Helpful advice

At home, you can only remove the part of the nail that has not yet grown deeply into the skin. After removing the nail, it is necessary to provide proper care of the affected area in order to prevent the problem from reoccurring.

A torn toenail is a painful experience that can make doing simple tasks painful and difficult. In today's article, I will tell you how to alleviate this condition, and whether an injured nail can be healed.

A torn nail is most often not a life-threatening condition. However, it is quite painful and aesthetically unpleasant, so it is not surprising why many people are interested in ways to repair a damaged nail.

Causes of a torn nail

Since our fingernails and toenails often come into contact with otherworldly objects, they are prone to damage. Anyone who works with their hands, plays, runs or walks is at risk of nail damage. That is, in general, everything! 🙂 Long fingernails only increase your chance of injury, as they are easiest to pull away from the nail bed. And in the case of toenails, it is easy to rip off the nail by hooking the toe of sports shoes with it. Nails may also be more prone to this type of injury if you have psoriasis, or if you use strong chemicals to remove nail polish, or if you take certain medications while undergoing chemotherapy.

Signs of a torn nail

Symptoms that you have ripped off or slightly torn a nail are very obvious on a simple examination. After a traumatic event, part of the nail, or even the entire nail, is no longer attached to the nail bed. Most often this is accompanied by slight bleeding and moderate pain (although whoever I am trying to fool, the pain is not at all moderate, because for any girl losing a nail is akin to a disaster) 🙂

How to handle a torn nail

As I noted above, more often than not, a torn nail leads to a little bleeding, and, thus, can cause panic in our girls. 🙂 Therefore, first you need to calm down and focus on the correct treatment of the nail, especially if it is only partially torn.

So what can you do in this case:

  • Trim or file off all sharp edges of the torn nail (if it is partially torn off). This should be done in order to prevent the ripped nail from interacting with your clothes, for example, because this can lead to the worst tear.
  • If the injury to the nail causes damage to the nail bed, you can cover the injured nail with sterile, breathable adhesive tape. This will protect the damaged nail bed from dirt and bacteria.
  • If the area around the nail is also damaged due to the breakdown, it is recommended to apply an antibiotic ointment to minimize the possibility of infection. Rinse the wound and apply a thin layer of ointment, then cover with adhesive tape.

  • If a torn nail is bleeding, soak your finger in cold water to stop the bleeding.
  • If you have injured your nail bed, make sure you use clean manicure tools to clean the injured area. This way you reduce the risk of wound infection. Also, replace the band-aid regularly, especially if it comes in contact with water, as it is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

If you completely ripped off the nail, then all efforts must be directed to caring for the damaged nail bed in order to prevent infection and ensure healthy growth of the new nail.

Torn off nail Will NOT grow back... If, as a result of the injury, the nail has already come off the nail bed, then by no means can you make it grow back. Moreover, you should not try to glue it, even for aesthetic purposes, because this can negatively affect further recovery, as well as cause an allergic reaction.

A torn nail that has not completely separated from the nail bed will also not return to its original state in the injured area. Your new nail will always grow back from the cuticle, but it is very important to take care of the damaged area under the nail, since the nail bed is especially vulnerable there.

How long does it take for the nail to grow back

Fingernails grow at a rate of about 4 mm per month. Toenails grow more slowly, by about half. It turns out that the nails can fully recover within three to six months. BUT! If the nail plate or matrix has been damaged, such nails grow more slowly in comparison with healthy ones, and it will take another three months for the nail to grow back completely.

Complications of a torn nail

If the nail matrix is ​​damaged, the growing nail plate will contain a defect. Minor damage will result in minor defects. And more significant defects can lead to permanent deformation of the nail. Damage and scarring of the nail bed can cause white spots to appear on the growing nail.

When to seek help from a doctor

If there are any signs of infection, swelling, pus, or worsening of pain that you notice a few days after the injury, then visiting your doctor is a must.

Take care of yourself and your nails, and let the problem of a torn nail pass you by! 🙂

The problem with the appearance of nails always causes a huge amount of inconvenience. The situation when a nail fell off is perceived by many as a real tragedy. This is not only a loss of aesthetic beauty, but also pain. People who have received such an injury feel uncomfortable on the beaches and cannot go to the pool. Why nails fall off, and what are the ways to fix the problem - these are interesting questions, and the answers to them are given below.

Many people want to know what to do if a toenail comes off. In medicine, detachment is called onycholysis. Most often, it is caused by a fungus of the nail plate. You can get infected with fungal bacteria in any public place. These include saunas, clinics and swimming pools. A lesion appears primarily in people with weak immunity.

In addition to fungal pathologies, the toenail can leave for the following reasons:

  • due to injury;
  • as a result of wearing tight, uncomfortable or someone else's shoes;
  • due to taking hormones or antibiotics;
  • due to skin disease: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.

When a microfungus occurs in the body, a person may not suspect for a long time that he is developing an ailment, since the harmful microorganism does not spread immediately, but gradually. People with strong immunity are able to cope with a nuisance on their own without resorting to treatment.

If a person has reduced immunity, he suffers from cardiovascular diseases or chronic diseases during an exacerbation, the fungus begins to actively infect his body.

Symptoms of onycholysis

The disease goes through several stages, and if it is detected at the very beginning, there is a great chance to save the plate.

At the first stage, the fungus affects the skin of the foot. The patient begins to feel dryness, itching, peeling. Bubbles may appear on the feet and fill with liquid. After this, deformation of the tissues of the nail plate begins, it becomes very hard, but at the same time brittle. Voids appear under the nails. The nail plate begins to flake, turns yellow, and sometimes white spots may appear. As a result, the nail falls off completely.

To avoid such consequences, at the first sign it is necessary to contact a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests, and if a fungus is found, you need to undergo a course of treatment.

Most patients are embarrassed to see a doctor, trying to disguise the problem. This is especially true for girls who apply a layer of varnish on the damaged nail. Thus, you can only aggravate the situation, bring the infection even deeper.

Treatment after injury

The effectiveness in achieving results in treatment depends primarily on the correct diagnosis. A detached nail after an injury is best treated. For this, the damaged part is carefully removed or cut off. Then observe the finger until a new nail grows back. You can stick an adhesive plaster on the peeling plate to prevent infection.

In case of severe mechanical damage, it will not be possible to save the nail. But there will be no serious consequences either. In order for the nail plate to come off quickly and painlessly at home, you can use specialized ointments, for example: Nogtivit. The drug is applied to the plate and accelerates the process of its peeling and falling off.

Before applying the ointment to the nails, the feet should be steamed by making medicinal baths. To do this, you can use sea salt, chamomile, calendula. The ointment must be lubricated directly on the nail itself, without touching the skin around it. After applying the product, the finger should be bandaged or applied with a plaster. You need to remove the bandage after five days. As a rule, it departs immediately along with the nail plate.

Many beauty salons are engaged in removing nails after an injury. They have specialized devices for this. The procedure allows you to painlessly get rid of the peeling nail in one session.

Laser plate removal is a good alternative. The only disadvantage of this procedure is that it cannot be used during pregnancy.

Treatment for fungal infection

If the toenail leaves due to a fungal disease, then only a dermatologist can prescribe a competent treatment. It will be necessary to undergo an examination, pass a series of tests to identify the cause of the onset of the disease.

To get rid of the fungus, antimycotic drugs are prescribed. Before using them, it is recommended to remove the affected nail completely. This will allow the product to be applied directly to the nail bed, which will speed up the healing process.

In addition to ointments, special varnishes can be used to treat nail detachment, which help to preserve the appearance of the plate. It is applied to the affected area once every few days, penetrates deep into the plate and kills the fungus.

The course of treatment is quite long and lasts from six months to 12 months. Over the entire period, the nails are completely restored.

If the nail has been cut off, then varnishes are not applied. In this case, it is possible to use only ointments that are applied directly to the site of the lesion.

Despite the fact that the course of treatment for fungal diseases is quite long, it helps to restore a healthy look to the nails and prevents further detachment. In order to avoid the re-development of the fungus, after a course of ointments, it is recommended to use special varnishes for six months.

Treatment in the presence of a disease

What to do if the nail peels off, but there are no symptoms of fungal infection - the question is quite common. If a person does not dry the skin on his feet, there is no itching and irritation, it can be assumed that onycholysis was the result of various diseases or vitamin deficiency. In this case, only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. After the examination, the specialist will prescribe drugs that will restore the nail plate and prevent further development of the disease.

If there is a lack of trace elements in the body, then the patient is prescribed a course of multivitamins. Take vitamins for at least six months.

The nail plates can also turn yellow and peel off due to hormonal imbalance in the body. The reason for this may be: diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease and metabolic disorders in the body. An endocrinologist is involved in the treatment of such ailments.

Traditional methods of treatment

A great effect in the treatment of nail peeling can be achieved if alternative methods are used in combination with drugs.

When the nail is peeling, it is worth doing daily baths with salt, potassium permanganate and soda.

Method of preparation of the bath: add a few grains of potassium permanganate and a tablespoon of sea salt to warm water. The feet should be in it for at least half an hour. After that, they must be thoroughly dried and applied to the affected surface with heliomycin ointment.

A mixture of garlic and oil has a good effect. Five cloves of garlic are mixed with butter. The resulting gruel is rubbed into the exfoliated nail.

When the nail plate departs, baths of herbs and oak bark help well. To prepare it, you must mix 1 tbsp. l. celandine, lilac flowers, calendula and 3 tbsp. l. oak bark. Pour the mixture with two glasses of boiling water and leave for 2 hours.

If a nail starts to fall off, don't worry. Timely access to a doctor and proper treatment will help you quickly get rid of the problem.

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