Emerald (Smaragd) is a green gem. Emerald - green gemstone Young emerald name

Scientists have been trying to find out everything about the emerald for many years. Many try to recreate a natural jewel - some succeed. Interest in it is caused by the unusual properties of the mineral, which will be discussed in the article. You will learn how it appeared in nature, where it got its name from, why it is so loved by jewelers and how it differs from its brethren. A little history, facts and ambiguous data will come across you along the way and will help you understand why the stone has not lost its relevance over so many centuries.

A look into the past

For the first time, an emerald gem was found in Egypt. The deposit of an ancient mineral was located in the Arabian Desert - the watershed between the Nile and the Red Sea. According to some reports, development there was carried out in 1300 BC. NS.

In South America, this stone was first discovered in 1525-1526. Today, Colombia is the leading emerald catcher. But in the old days the mineral was little known to Europeans and was not considered as valuable as in our time. However, they were a bargaining chip for the Indian tribes of that time.

In the 16th century, the Colombian green fever began. The stones were mined in difficult conditions, since in parallel they had to wage a war with the Indians. In Russia, the mineral was discovered 200 years later, and the field began to actively develop a century later.

The hidden meanings of ancient languages

To determine why the emerald received such a name, it is necessary to turn to ancient languages. For the first time, it acquired its well-known name from the Turkish word "zumrud". Its literal interpretation is a green gem.

The Greeks used to call the emerald "smaragdos", which in the Old Slavonic language sounds like emeralds - green stones. In Sanskrit, the word was pronounced zamorod, and in Persian, zumundi. All these names are associated with the unusual color of the mineral.

Scientific and generally accepted definition

The meaning of the word emerald is interpreted as green. Scientific description of the stone: a mineral belonging to the beryl group. It is popularly known as a status adornment, a jewel of the first order. In terms of value, it is comparable to diamonds, rubies, alexandrites, sapphires.

The main thing is what an emerald looks like, because this is the main criterion for evaluating it. The highest degree of mineral value: uniform tone and clarity. True, such specimens do not come across often.

Emerald is the same beryl. The only difference between them is saturation. The former have a wide green gamut, the latter are almost colorless. Crystal is a type of mineral of the hexagonal system.

Physical indicators as quality criteria

The physical properties of the emerald stone, dispersion, hardness and density, help to assess the quality of mined minerals. Both its structure and fragility depend on them. It is resistant to acids and various reagents, but cracks easily due to natural cracks.

Refractive indices of light are low, only 1.57-1.58. Dichroism (absorption) in the emerald is weak. Dispersion is low, in the B-G interval (0.014). But density is an ambiguous indicator. It varies greatly, depending on the place where the emeralds are mined.

The table clearly shows that the popularity of Colombian minerals is not entirely justified. The densest stones are mined in southern Africa.

The hardness of minerals is determined using the Mohs scale. For an emerald, it is 7.5-8. This is only two units less than that of a diamond - the hardest stone.

Chemical nature and its influence on external signs

The chemical formula of the mineral is Be 3 Al 2 (Si 6 O 18). Its structure is proportionally divided into 14.1% beryllium oxide, 19% aluminum oxide and 66.9% silicon dioxide.

The crystal lattice has a lot to say about a mineral. For example, if you change aluminum oxide to Fe2, the stone will take on a bluish tint, and Fe3 will give it a yellow tint.

The crystallographic formula of emeralds is hexagonal. For those who did not like chemistry at school, let us explain: this is one of the strongest crystal lattices. It has the shape of a regular prism on a hexagonal base.

The chemical composition of emeralds affects the appearance. The light color of the stone is due to the presence of 0.15% chromium. But, if its ratio increases to 0.6%, dark green minerals are found in the deposits.

Smaragd is able to withstand sun exposure. Its color will change only if the stone is heated to 700-800 degrees Celsius.

The magical value and healing abilities of the amulet

Many are convinced that the emerald stone is endowed with useful, medicinal properties. The mineral is antimicrobial when placed in a container of plain water. Lithotherapists speak about these qualities. According to them, the crystal helps:

  • restore pressure;
  • eliminate headache;
  • remove breakage in the joints;
  • cope with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • recover from diseases of the urinary system.

In the sense of esotericism, emeralds are excellent talismans and amulets. He protects young people from evil inclinations. It brings inspiration to creative people, and helps a business person to achieve success.

Types of mined minerals

The mining location affects what color the emeralds get. Colombian stones have rich herbal hues, but low transparency. Trapiche minerals are interesting in blotches. They resemble flowers or snowflakes.

Zambian minerals are dark in color. Their tone fades a little into blue. Stones from Zimbabwe are small in size and the presence of yellowish inlays. These species are of high quality, despite their low weight.

Brazilian emeralds are not clouded than stones from Colombia. They have a yellow-green hue. South Africa's minerals are cloudy but not dark. Russian crystals are opaque, with a rich color. Interestingly, a nondescript-looking specimen turns out to be more valuable than a bright gem.

Truth and myths about colored minerals

Mineral shades may vary. But one thing remains unchanged: the main tone of an emerald is always green. It can have a dark malachite or light green-transparent hue. Almost everything that jewelers present as color variations is fake or synthetics.

Red emeralds can indeed be found in nature. This is a specific type of beryl - bixbit. But the mineral is so rare that all existing samples are in private collections and are not used in the jewelry industry.

There is an opinion that black emeralds are found in nature. This is a myth, but it is possible to grow a very dark colored artificial crystal.

Samples of synthetic origin

Dairy or ornamental samples grown in the laboratory are the lowest variety of synthetic stones. They do not have shine, their strength characteristics do not coincide with the original, and their price is not higher than the cost of a simple rhinestone.

Sometimes, jewelers replace the emerald with beryl, tinted in a green tone. It is a semi-precious stone with similar characteristics. But its external qualities are not as attractive as those of the original.

Royal insignia in green frame

The green emerald is a royal decoration, using which the crowned persons emphasized their status. One of these samples was seen in 1937 at the coronation of Edward VIII. The stone was central to the imperial crown.

The royal jewelry of the British Crown deserves special attention. The emerald brooch, presented to Princess Alexandra for her wedding in 1863, is a true masterpiece of jewelry. 36 emeralds of the highest quality were used in the decoration.

Royal emeralds are large, rich colored stones weighing more than two carats. Sometimes their surface is veined and cracked, but this only adds to their uniqueness. This texture is due to the natural conditions of formation and distinguishes it from synthetic samples.

Price policy

Let's talk about the system that jewelers adhere to when establishing the cost of emeralds. Valuation takes place in US dollars per one carat (mass unit) and is set on stones without a cut. You have to pay extra for the work of a jeweler.

The price range for crystals depends on their quality. Here are some approximate data on their cost:

  • low quality breed - $ 350-375;
  • medium quality stones - $ 650-2700;
  • high quality samples - 2300-5500 dollars;
  • rare specimens - $ 5000-8500.

A characteristic sign of quality is the saturation of the tone. The brighter the mineral, the higher its cost. The price increases with the weight of the minerals. For a sample of excellent quality in 8-15 carats, you will have to pay $ 7500-12000. Details on prices in the article "How much are emeralds"

It has long been very popular in many countries. So, in Ancient Egypt it was believed that the stone is a symbol of the goddess Isis. This goddess, in honor of her greatest disposition, presented emerald branches to mothers who tirelessly prayed for their children. Since then, the stone has been highly valued in Egypt by the fair sex. The emerald was also popular in Russia. Here he was called the stone of wisdom, hope and composure.

Description of the stone - a transparent mineral that most often has a green tint. It is he who is of the greatest value in jewelry.

For a long time, people believed that the emerald stone has medicinal and magical properties. It was used as a talisman and therapeutic agent. Properties and meanings have been studied by esotericists, stone specialists and astrologers. If you use the mineral as an amulet, then you need to know who the emerald stone is suitable for from the point of view of astrology.

The color of the stone is most often green. Minerals from Colombia are of particular value in jewelry. It is there that transparent stones of a grassy green color are mined. In addition, there is a deposit of emeralds in Colombia, which are called Trapiche. If we talk about what such a mineral looks like, then it is a stone, from the center of which six rays come out. Such a pattern increases the external attractiveness of the mineral, therefore, its value also increases.

In addition, emeralds from Zambia are in demand among jewelers. They are especially transparent. Moreover, they are renowned for their purest color. There are also stones with a bluish tint. In addition, minerals with a yellowish tint are mined in Zambia.

The magical properties of Emerald

The magical properties of emerald have become known to people for a very long time. It is believed that this mineral keeps girls innocent and helps them grow into real women: loyal wives and caring mothers. The mineral protects them from doing wrong, protects them from temptation and awakens femininity. This is the main meaning of the emerald stone.

The magical properties of the emerald stone are also manifested in the fact that the mineral gives protection to a woman while carrying a baby. It helps her to easily endure all the difficulties during pregnancy. In addition, it protects against premature birth. A woman is advised to keep the stone with her and during the actual birth itself. It eases her suffering and helps to give birth to a healthy baby.

Emerald helps a woman find harmony with nature. Thanks to this, she realizes her true destiny, namely, that her main task is marriage and procreation. In addition, the emerald helps a woman to find a connection with the family. He gives her the opportunity to gain the wisdom of her ancestors, as well as make the right decision in a given situation. Thanks to this, she will know exactly how to act so that it is good for her family.

Emerald can be used as talismans not only for women, but also for men. The stone helps to get rid of bad habits, as well as bad character traits. In addition, the stone enhances the positive traits of a person's character.

The mineral bestows good luck, and also protects against bad deeds. Thanks to this stone, a person becomes kinder and more responsive.

The emerald stone provides the wearer with protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft. To do this, you do not need to carry it on yourself, but should be kept in a special place. The stone protects the family hearth. He keeps him from troubles, misfortunes, misunderstandings between spouses and the fading of feelings.

The stone is of particular importance for people close to magic. He helps esotericists to establish a connection with the other world. Thanks to the mineral, a magician, sorcerer or shaman will be able to communicate with the spirits and decipher the messages that they send him.

The healing properties of the stone

The gemstone emerald is widely used by stone specialists. They recommend wearing the mineral for people suffering from drops in blood pressure. Emerald normalizes it. In addition, the stone relieves headaches. Emerald earrings are recommended for people suffering from persistent migraines.

The mineral has a positive effect on the condition of the joints. The properties of the emerald stone make it possible to use it for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.

The mineral improves the condition and activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Emerald heals ulcers, gastritis and colitis.

The characteristic of the stone allows it to be used for the treatment of ailments of the bladder. The stone relieves pain and inflammation in this organ, and also fights directly with the pathology itself.

If we talk about what property the mineral has for women's health, then the emerald relieves pain during critical days, and also normalizes the menstrual cycle. The stone relieves the fair sex of PMS. Thanks to the mineral, women will no longer suffer from mood swings these days. In addition, emerald normalizes hormone levels.

The mineral has antibacterial properties. Therefore, it can be used to purify water from harmful microorganisms. To do this, you need to put the emerald in water and leave it to infuse overnight. The resulting liquid can be ingested or used for washing with problematic epidermis.

The stone has a positive effect on the psyche of the owner. It normalizes the unstable emotional background. Thanks to the stone, a person ceases to experience a sense of unreasonable anxiety, and also he will no longer be bothered by mood swings.

Who is emerald suitable for zodiac sign

Astrologers say that according to the horoscope, this mineral is not suitable for all signs of the zodiac.

Emerald compatibility with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

If we talk about who the emerald is suitable for according to the zodiac sign, then these are, first of all, Gemini. The mineral gives them wisdom and helps them stay cool in any situation. Emerald will calm the representatives of this zodiac sign, relieve excessive emotionality and aggression. It will strengthen Gemini's memory and focus. In addition, the emerald will relieve them of mental anguish and feelings of unreasonable anxiety. This will make them more fun and sociable, which will have a positive effect on their relationships with others.

The Cancer zodiac sign is unlikely to find a more suitable mineral as a talisman than emerald. The stone gives him peace and helps to find peace of mind. Emerald "extinguishes" Cancer's hot temper and relieves him of aggression. Thanks to this, he can find friends and allies who will support him in any endeavor. Emerald gives Cancers self-confidence, improves their mood and makes them sociable and welcoming.

The mineral is also suitable for Taurus. Emerald will help the representatives of this zodiac sign quickly achieve their goals. The mineral will bring more bright colors and emotions into their lives. In addition, the emerald will contribute to the development of Taurus' intuition, strengthen their memory and help focus on doing a certain thing.

It should also be said which zodiac sign is not recommended to use this mineral as an amulet. Emerald is contraindicated for Scorpions. They are encouraged to seek the help of stones that are more suitable for them.

The rest of the zodiac signs can wear jewelry with an emerald, but they will not feel the special influence of the mineral.

Emerald is one of the most beautiful and expensive gemstones. If you believe in its magical powers, then it can change the owner's life for the better.

A transparent variety of green beryl, sometimes with blue shades, is called emerald. Dark green specimens are more expensive. In Greece, the mineral was called "the stone of radiance". In Russia, the gem was considered a stone of composure, wisdom and hope.

What color is the emerald

Natural emeralds are usually green in color.

The stones, the deposits of which are located in Colombia, are especially valued: they have a bright grassy green hue. In the same country, such a variety of emeralds as Trapiche is mined. Its distinctive feature is that six rays of amazing beauty radiate from the center of the mineral.

The Zambian emerald is especially transparent. These gems are known for their purest green shade (they are much darker than the Colombian ones), but they can also have a bluish tint.

Also in Zimbabwe, one of the most common stones is an emerald with a yellow tint. This combination of green and yellow is highly prized in the jewelry industry.

Main deposits

The richest and most sparkling mines with green gems are located in Colombia. That is why it is called the land of emeralds. Emeralds from Colombia are rightfully considered the kings of all emeralds: the gems mined here are distinguished by their quality, rich green color and a minimum number of defects and inclusions.

Ural emeralds

The discovery of these emeralds took place in the 19th century.

Ural emeralds are famous for their rich green color, which is caused by the high content of iron and chromium. This, without a doubt, will distinguish these gems from a number of others.

Uralskaya Samotsvetnaya Company offers products from non-refined emeralds. The stones do not have any additional processing other than cutting. Gems have the appearance that nature gave them.

Emeralds grown by hydrothermal and solution-melt method.

This type of emerald is grown in a special laboratory. Such stones in their qualities - including jewelry - do not differ from natural emeralds that have grown in the thickness of the earth's crust.

Artificial emerald is grown from emerald powder dissolved in water using high temperature. Therefore, it is called hydrothermal. A solution of water, crushed emeralds and special chemicals enters the cold zone, where the emerald is deposited on a special substrate - a seed.

The result will be a mineral with the desired properties. Interestingly, the growth process of a gem can be controlled. For this, it is necessary to select the required position and size of the seed. On average, growing a hydrothermal emerald takes about a month.

The ability to create fake emeralds makes them more accessible to gem connoisseurs. At the same time, as already mentioned, emeralds grown in this way are not inferior in quality to the real ones.

How much is an emerald

The price of a stone is made up of the following characteristics:

The magical properties of the emerald stone

The healing properties of the mineral

For Gemini, the gem will become a source of composure and wisdom, because it is these qualities that the representatives of this sign lack for making the right decision. Emerald will soften and reduce the nervousness, restlessness and irritability that are characteristic of Gemini. In parallel, the stone will strengthen the memory, which will be very useful, given the sociability of this sign and its inherent loquacity. The emerald will save Gemini from emotional distress - the representatives of this sign will cease to suffer themselves, as well as torment others with their lamentation. Jewelry with this mineral will be useful for Gemini suffering from loneliness, who hide this fact under the guise of confidence and sociability, and for those who, for some reason, have limited communication with people.

Diamond - description and properties of the stone Chrysoberyl - a stone of harmony and good luck Demantoid - green garnet stone

Emerald is the most beautiful gemstone, one of the most valuable and expensive in the world. Like many other precious stones, emerald has not spared mystical mysteries, it has its own magical and healing properties, not only jewelry, but also amulets are made from it. However, not everyone knows how different these beautiful stones are. When asked "what does an emerald look like", the first thing that comes to mind is green. The stone is deep green, iridescent, sparkling, wonderful. This is what the imagination draws.

The green emerald is indeed the most abundant in nature. It is classified as a first-order gem and is placed on top of a pedestal next to stones such as diamond, ruby ​​and sapphire. But the varieties of emeralds vary so much in colors and shades that we cannot even imagine. Therefore, let's try to answer the question “what does an emerald stone look like” as fully as possible.

The types of emeralds vary according to their shades and where they are mined. The main criterion for a quality stone is its color and transparency. The best option is a transparent stone that has an evenly distributed saturated color. If an emerald weighs more than five carats and is free from defects, it is more valuable than a diamond.

Emeralds come in various shades - they can have both yellow-green and blue-green, it can be either light, nondescript emeralds, or dense green, dark, richly colored.

A green pebble with gray hair, of course, is very beautiful in appearance. Sometimes it is called romantically - green ice. The Greeks, in ancient times, compared the stone with shine, but today there is a great demand for it. Emerald is as popular as ruby ​​or sapphire.

The magical properties of the stone were spoken of in antiquity. Emerald to this day attracts the eyes of many jewelers and collectors, and earlier it was the favorite stone of Cleopatra and the pharaohs in the tomb, simply strewn with emeralds.

Emerald - what is it

Emerald is considered a precious green stone, while it does not lose its brightness and color under artificial lighting. Much more expensive than a pure diamond. They knew about the power of the stone for a long time and made legends.

Although this is a rather difficult test for wearers when wearing it. Not every zodiac sign is suitable for a stone. Exceptionally strong-willed people, in particular twins, to strengthen the spirit, courage, betrayal of strength in men, and to women as the keeper of the family hearth from evil eyes and targeting damage.

Emerald perfectly heals its owner, relieves fatigue, eliminates insomnia, headache, discharges emotions and soothes.

What is the meaning of the stone

Emerald has a close relationship with religion. It is even written about him in the Bible, when the lost stone from the crown of Satan was turned into a cup and then presented to Solomon by the Queen of Sheba herself. It was from this cup that Jesus Christ drank at the evening.

That is why many priests prefer this stone, symbolize it with vitality, harmony, spring purity. The stone means hope and faith in generosity, support of the spirit and peace of mind, harmony of the soul with the body.

But liveliness, hypocrisy, infidelity of spouses and scams and even addictions are stopped immediately. Emerald is able to overcome all the bad qualities of its owner, direct human energy in the right direction.

This is the patron saint of the family hearth, comfort in the house, a talisman for mutual feelings between loving people. Also for fishermen who constantly take the emerald with them to the sea to pacify strong hurricanes and sea elements.

Deposits of stone

Even in ancient times, large deposits were found in Egypt. Today Colombia, Norway, Africa, Australia, Pakistan, Russia have high-quality mining of emeralds.

Who is the emerald suitable for?

Among female names, a pebble will suit Julia, Anastasia, Eugenia, Zinaida. From male names - Gennady, Yuri, Semyon, Peter.

As a profession, emerald is an excellent helper and patron of seafarers and travelers, as well as an amulet for women to protect the family hearth, or for young girls and guys, so that they do not show dishonor towards each other and do not allow debauchery.

The stone is suitable for creative people for the embodiment of their ideas and inspiration, or for business people for luck. But the hypocrites, bigots will only get themselves diseases.

A precious stone in the form of a gift will bring a person luck, bright thoughts and goodness. Helps children and spouses to achieve family well-being.

Emerald properties

  1. Physical. Emerald is hydrothermal. It was formed at an early stage from granite. Along with ruby ​​and sapphire, it is closely related to granite pegmatites and quartz apogranite, phlogopite, biotite greisens.
  2. The magical properties of emerald are able to charge the owner with powerful positive energy, promises to come true for all prophetic dreams. This is one of the favorite stones of magicians, capable of positively affecting the fourth heart chakra when a pebble is lowered into a vessel for a short time with red wine in order to enhance magical properties for vision of the future, fortune-telling and divination. For yogis, stone is an excellent biostimulant.
  3. The healing properties of the stone have long been described by sages. Emerald is in demand in the treatment of eye diseases, heart and skin diseases, pain and colic in the heart, as well as diabetes, burns, lowering blood pressure. The stone helps to relax and calm, eliminate insomnia and eye problems. The emerald must be applied to the eyes every day and kept for 20 minutes. So, the owner will be protected from contagious infectious diseases, fears and insomnia.

What signs of the zodiac are suitable

Emerald - amulet or jewelry for protection, self-preservation, also among travelers attracting wealth, success, strength in the family and loyalty of spouses.

According to the horoscope, a pebble is suitable for scales, lions, aquarius. Cancers, Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo can wear esoterically. This is an excellent talisman against the impact of bad and negative habits, bringing thinking and optimism to its owner, joy in life, finding meaning for all your victories and failures.

The Gemini carriers of such a stone begin to better navigate the most confusing and difficult situations in life, to solve their problems much easier.

Sagittarius carry a stone for self-affirmation, protection from anxiety, anxiety and temporary setbacks.

Taurus women the stone will bring brightness, luck, emotionality to life.

Cancer, Taurus and Sagittarius- calmness and serenity due to their excessive vulnerability, inability to often control their emotions.

Aquarius is an emerald:

  • teach you to be restrained;
  • value well-being in the family;
  • will bring peace, love, support to the house;
  • drive away all bad people and enemies;
  • help to avoid stress and temper tantrums.

For carriers of pregnant women, women in labor and children, the emerald will become a talisman against the evil eye, protection of family relations, a talisman of loyalty and love in the family. In addition, it is just an excellent beautiful decoration, if you still pick up a stone for a person, taking into account his zodiac sign, individual qualities.

The value of the stone for the owner will increase significantly and it will certainly bring invaluable benefits and support, eliminate anxiety, nervousness and irritability, and strengthen memory.

Many Gemini are not talkative, do not like to communicate with people, and because of their taciturnity, they often do not have friends. They are shown to wear this stone.

But emotional and sensitive cancers, constantly hiding their feelings and emotions, should wear a stone for calming, the ability to keep control over themselves. Wearing an emerald for crayfish is the best medicine and bringing fun, joy, positiveness into life, in particular, getting rid of melancholy.

What signs of the zodiac are not suitable

The only sign of the zodiac is Scorpio, wearing an emerald which is categorically contraindicated.

Types and colors of stone

Emerald is not widespread on earth. This is a unique in composition and quite rare stone. It is found in Colombia, Brazil and Egypt in limited quantities.

It is mined in the USA, France and India. On the shelves in our country, high-quality copies are rarely found. Finding a good pebble takes a lot of time and effort.

Many types of such a stone are known in color, shape, texture, depending on the country being mined. For example, Colombia is considered rich in emeralds, where high quality emeralds are mined, with a stunning rich color, with deviations and deformations in the cut, which speaks of its naturalness.

Today, the Ural Gems company in our country is engaged in the production of emeralds as an analogue of the real one with a thick rich green color, which indicates the content of chromium and iron in the composition. This color scheme once again emphasizes the uniqueness of the stone when mined in our Russian deposits.

The Ural Semantic Company subjects the minerals using high-tech equipment to primary processing, then supplies them to the markets in pure form without any additional processing, which preserves all the inherent natural beauty and high characteristics of the stone. If you need to buy such a stone, it is recommended to contact the Ural semi-precious company.

Amulets and talismans with emerald

If a person with a pure soul and thoughts, then a stone in the form of an amulet or talisman will bring good luck and good luck in business.

If a person is constantly drawn to somehow change, for example, a spouse, then the stone will quickly suppress such a fact.

Emerald is able to withstand heavy blows of fate, absorbs the manifestation of aggression towards its owner, eliminates negativity and psychological problems, helps to become more balanced and get rid of stress. Negative energy passes, the biofield is purified and charged with positive energy.

The stone affects the family hearth, the birth of children. Talismans are suitable for people endowed with intuition and superpowers when communicating with other worlds.

Due to their sensitivity, many magicians prefer to use the stone in their work. For ordinary people, emerald will help eliminate existing vices, calm nerves, reveal conspiracies and deceptions when worn for more than 3 months.

What are the prices for stone

Emerald is difficult to acquire, because it is not easy to find it. To become an owner, you must first look for such a gem, since the cost depends on many factors.

Appraisers are advised to pay attention to the color scheme of the emerald, because when buying, customers want to get a rich, bright green pebble, they also pay attention to transparency and purity. The value with such parameters will be much higher.

The heavier the emerald, the more expensive it is. The degree and quality of processing affects the price. Untreated stone after initial cleaning is several times cheaper, but deeply processed stone will not be cheap. So, the price on the market for 2.73 carats in rubles will cost an average of 25,000.


Emerald is a rather rare natural stone and, of course, today the production of synthetic limiting emeralds is widely developed in our country through hydrothermal treatment.

This is done by many manufacturers with ruby ​​and sapphire to make artificial gems with a high content of iron oxide, brown tubular components, from which rings and coupons of domestic production are made as budget options that imitate more expensive models.

The presence of microcracks and other minor internal defects on the stone speaks of its purity, transparency and deep green color. Although when buying a stone should not have overly visible flaws. It is best to consult the experts first.

Emerald is durable, but still inferior to diamond and ruby, occupies an intermediate position between artificial and natural education and is not of particular value as a piece of jewelry.

But after hydrothermal treatment by building up a layer of emerald, the stone becomes more natural and confusion occurs, since it becomes similar in color to natural minerals.

Even in ancient times, there were many legends around this stone containing crystals. and outwardly similar to chrysolite, which is called the evening emerald. Chrysolite turns yellow in daylight, and becomes deep greenish under artificial light.

Emerald is also similar to chrysoberyl, tsavorite, verdelite, chrome diopside, so it is rather difficult for an uninformed person to distinguish it from fakes and other imitating stones.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Emerald counterfeits are not uncommon. Today, the stone is of great value to humans, so there are many who want to forge. The emerald in the photo is similar to dyed beryl, which does not represent any jewelry value at all.

You need to buy such a talisman only in proven salons, where everything is in order with the documentation provided for by law, otherwise you can only throw money down the drain, and a lot of it.

Special care of the stone is not required. It is enough to wipe the dust off with a dry cloth from time to time. A real stone should not darken even when immersed in water, exposure to the sun for a long period.

This green stone is constantly accompanied by risks and difficulties in buying. Ideally, the distribution of saturated colors along the edges should be uniform. If there are minor inclusions and splinters, then they are unique, due to the presence of various chemicals in the composition of the emerald: chromium, iron, sodium, on which the color palette of this mineral directly depends.

In fact, it is more valuable than a diamond. Cracks in the stone are acceptable, which indicates its fragility.

Today nanotechnology has made it possible to obtain synthetic emeralds, which are difficult to distinguish from natural stones and can only be done by professionals, connoisseurs and esotericists.

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