Can pregnant women use lipstick? What cosmetics should not be used during pregnancy

A few decades ago, there was a strong opinion in society that when carrying a child, any type of cosmetics should be abandoned.

Not only decorative products were prohibited, but also care products - creams, lotions, tonics and masks. It was considered dangerous to cut and dye hair, as it could affect the health of the unborn child.

Today, young mothers want to look as well-groomed and good as before during pregnancy and after childbirth. But due to changes in hormonal levels and metabolic processes in the body, not every cosmetics will suit such a woman. Some have allergic reactions and dermatitis during this period, even to the means used before.

Therefore, choose natural cosmetics, it is she who is 100% safe. For example, mineral-based products containing only natural and safe ingredients.

During the period of bearing a child, you need to be careful not only about what you put on your face, but also make changes to the usual list of cosmetic procedures.

  • chemical peeling;
  • massage with heated stones;
  • hot wraps;
  • procedures with essential oils;
  • lifting;
  • photo and electrolysis.

Is it possible to paint during pregnancy and what kind of cosmetics to use

The woman's skin during this period has some peculiarities, her condition can change. For example, your skin tended to be oily before pregnancy, but now it has become dry. Such a change requires a change in the entire cosmetic line.

Not only the face needs care, but also the body. Most of all, any pregnant woman worries about the appearance of stretch marks on her stomach. They appear due to a lack of moisture.

Decorative cosmetics, products for the face and body of a pregnant woman must meet the following requirements:

  • Quality brand... Do not buy products from unknown manufacturers, choose cosmetics in specialized stores and pharmacies. Cream or shadows bought on the market or in the transition can not only cause allergies, but lead to serious diseases, since quite often these are fakes made from dangerous components.
  • Natural composition and hypoallergenicity... Even the products of proven brands contain petroleum products and chemical dyes. During pregnancy, a woman's skin becomes much more sensitive, and allergies may appear even to conventional products. Therefore, give preference to brands that produce natural cosmetics. These products use natural ingredients, minerals and are free from fillers, chemical and synthetic ingredients. The range of products is quite wide: powders, eye shadows, foundations, bronzers, care products. Mineral-based cosmetics will not only not harm the skin, but will also take care of it, and will also hide wrinkles.
  • No smell. During pregnancy, many women experience a heightened sense of smell. Therefore, many do not tolerate pungent odors. Look for products that are virtually odorless, such as mineral-based powders and eyeshadows. Such products do not contain cosmetic fragrances that irritate a woman.

The main criteria for cosmetics during pregnancy should be safety, quality and natural composition. Then your skin will look fresh and beautiful.

Decorative cosmetics during pregnancy: what to use and what not

Is it possible to apply makeup during pregnancy and paint, we have already found out. you can not deny yourself grooming and beauty.

Let's decide on a set of necessary decorative cosmetics.

Here is a list of the tools you need:

  • Makeup base. It will help you moisturize your skin, even out its tone and prepare it for makeup. Remember to choose natural cosmetics, such as an all-purpose base with banana powder, that enhances your complexion, makes your complexion look healthy and moisturizes at the same time.
  • Concealer. This remedy will help hide imperfections - small pimples, inflammation, and age spots that often appear during pregnancy. Choose it according to your skin type: normal, oily or dry. In the Dream Minerals line of cosmetics, there is a concealer designed for the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • Corrector. It is designed to mask imperfections such as pigmented and red spots, bruises under the eyes. It is applied pointwise to problem areas of the face. The tool is presented in five colors, each of which is responsible for masking a certain flaw. If you have acne and red spots - take a green, yellowish complexion - purple, bruises under the eyes - red.
  • Shadows. If they are of poor quality, they can cause allergies, itching and swelling. The skin of the eyelids is very delicate, so many people have a natural question: is it possible to paint eyes during pregnancy. You can paint, but you need to choose cosmetics for the eyes as carefully as for other parts of the face. A surrogate product will not fit well on the eyelid, crumble, and beautiful makeup will not work. Mineral eyeshadow has a light texture, is safe, fits well and lasts a long time. They are great for sensitive skin. Shadows can also be used to color the eyebrows, then you don't need a pencil.

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up cosmetics, but on the contrary, an opportunity to look stunning, despite all the changes. The main thing is to choose the right means.

Pregnant makeup: creating a sensual look

During pregnancy, a woman's skin becomes pale and often takes on a greenish tint. This is due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels due to the active intake of nutrients from the mother's body by the fetus. Therefore, if you want to look fresh and beautiful, follow our advice.

  • Skin preparation. Wash with water using foam or gel, wipe your face with toner and apply cream. Wait until it is absorbed to start makeup.
  • The foundation. Use a mineral base for your makeup. Apply it to your face with a special thick-bristled brush. Don't forget about the neck and décolleté area.
  • Disguise flaws. If there is no inflammation on the skin, then you can do without a concealer and corrector. But if you have pimples, inflammation or circles under the eyes, use a corrector. Apply it to problem areas.
  • Eye makeup. Use mineral eyeshadows in two or three shades. Apply white, beige or milky colors under the eyebrows, and darker ones on the eyelid. For blue-eyed women, brown shades are suitable, blue and coffee shades are recommended for green-eyed women, chocolate shades for brown-eyed women. To make your eyes shine, highlight the outer corner of the eye with a darker shade.
  • Powder. Apply a light veil powder over makeup base and concealer. It will make your make-up lasting and give your face a natural fresh complexion.
  • Blush. Along the line of the cheekbones, draw a thick blush brush from the chin to the ear.

Let's sum up: is it possible to wear makeup during pregnancy, and what kind of makeup to apply

In order to look attractive during pregnancy and at the same time not worry about the health of the unborn baby, choose high-quality cosmetics with a natural composition. Mineral-based products - shadows, powders, correctors, concealers and others are completely natural ingredients and contain vitamins and antioxidants.

Strengthen your knowledge and create a unique image by watching our video.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a special time in the life of every woman. And you need to take care of yourself like a crystal vase - a classic once rightly noted. It is not forbidden to work, play sports, use cosmetics and visit beauty salons, but some restrictions are still worth considering.

How to care for your face and body while waiting for your baby? And what components of cosmetics and salon procedures are contraindicated?

During pregnancy, the level of estrogen in a woman's body rises, the risk of skin rashes, the appearance of pigmentation, stretch marks and fat deposits increases. Pregnant women often complain of irritation and dryness of the skin of the face, increased sensitivity to cosmetics and the occurrence of allergic reactions.

A woman can use the same remedy for years, but with the appearance of two strips on the test, she can feel rejection to it or notice an allergic reaction. But this is not so bad! Cosmetics and procedures that can harm an unborn baby deserve a separate conversation.

And although to date there is no serious research on which means are safe and which are not, experts advise against using a number of components.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists(The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, RCOG) urges women not to take risks when it comes to exposure to certain chemicals during pregnancy. In 2013, recommendations were issued that recognized the risk of negative effects of cosmetics on the fetus. Although this risk is small, it should not be ignored.

Dr. Michelle Bellingham

While we wait for evidence and proof that cosmetics can harm the fetus (it can take decades), every woman can make her own lifestyle changes by reducing the amount of chemicals used.

Experts adhere to a different point of view Associations of manufacturers of perfumery and cosmetic products(English The Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association, CTPA).

Chris Flower, MD, CTPA Director

All cosmetic products are tested for safety before they enter the market. They are evaluated by qualified professionals who understand that cosmetics can be used by women who are pregnant and by those who do not yet know about it. If cosmetics are not safe during pregnancy, they will not be released. It's that simple!

Thus, each woman will have to decide for herself whether the changes in cosmetic care are justified or whether it is possible to leave everything as it is. What should be considered when making your choice?

The popular opinion that all components of cosmetics can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, enter the blood of a pregnant woman and poison her body is nothing more than a myth. Most of the active substances in cosmetics work exclusively in the stratum corneum of the skin. And as you know from the course of school biology, there are no capillaries in it, and therefore no connection with the woman's circulatory system. In other words, cosmetics cannot affect the development of a child.

It's another matter if the skin of the fair sex has wounds, damage, inflammation and acne. Theoretically, the penetration of dangerous components into a woman's body becomes possible.

What cosmetics shouldn't you trust?

Retinoids: Vitamin A, Retinol, Retinol Esters

Albert Sassoon, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Manhattan, believes that this group of substances should be avoided at all costs. While vitamin A is an essential component for the normal development of the fetus, its high concentration can cause "Serious birth defects and renal failure in the fetus."

All retinoids have a low molecular weight, which means that they easily overcome the skin barrier and affect the living cells of the body.

Whitening agents: arbutin, hydroquinone, kojic acid

Whitening creams containing aggressive substances such as kojic acid, arbutin and hydroquinone are best avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding, even if a woman suffers from hyperpigmentation.

They disrupt the natural process of melanin production, which is dangerous during pregnancy. In addition, a substance such as hydroquinone is prohibited in the EU countries due to the risk of melanocyte apoptosis and the appearance of persistent pigmentation, ochronosis. During pregnancy, the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome increases several times.

Essential oils

Due to their low molecular weight, they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, influencing the processes occurring in the body. Thus, it is believed that ketone-containing esters are neurotoxic and can cause abortion. These include essential oils of rosemary, verbena and sage.

Other esters act on the body like phytoestrogens, affecting the hormonal background of a woman. These are essential oils of geranium and sacred vitex.

Some oils can provoke uterine tone during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. So, it is better not to use peppermint ether and cosmetics with it in the composition during this period.

Chemical peels are not recommended during pregnancy. Medium and deep peels are especially dangerous, but even superficial treatments can be harmful.

Popular components of salon peels - salicylic and glycolic acids have a teratogenic effect, that is, they can lead to fetal abnormalities. Other types are less dangerous, for example, pyruvic acid, since it has a higher molecular weight. And still others are completely harmless - like lactic acid. But in any case, the need to use chemical peels and the possible consequences of their implementation must be agreed with a gynecologist and cosmetologist.


Control organizations in many countries of the world are strongly opposed to the content of formaldehyde releases in cosmetics. Formaldehyde is prohibited from inclusion in cosmetics and perfumery in Sweden and Japan. In the USA, as well as in the EU countries, they are allowed, but only in those products that do not remain on the skin. In Russia, the use of this group is not legally regulated.

Meanwhile, these are toxic substances that, in high concentration, cause severe skin irritation, can contribute to the development of bronchial asthma, irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and eyes. Whether formaldehydes are carcinogenic is one of the hottest debates in the scientific community. But the fact that they are not safe is a fact.

Pharmacy products, organic cosmetics, as well as special series for expectant mothers will be the optimal choice for the fair sex during the period of bearing a child. The latter undergo stricter quality control, which means there are fewer risks of meeting prohibited components in their composition.

Before buying cosmetics, be sure to make sure that the product is hypoallergenic, because the sensitivity of the skin increases while the baby is waiting. And don't forget to check the ingredients list - just in case!

Be healthy and beautiful!

Pregnancy- this is a period in a woman's life that requires her responsibility and special attention to her health and lifestyle.

This has already been said more than once, but this is exactly the moment that needs to be reminded as often as possible.

During pregnancy, every woman becomes incredibly attractive, a rare passer-by, meeting her on the street, will not smile, because expectant mother "glows" with happiness, neither extra pounds, nor split ends, nor brittle nails spoil it.

Nevertheless, beauty issues are always of concern to pregnant women, each of them dreams of maintaining their attractiveness during pregnancy.

Can pregnant women use cosmetics? And how to do this without harming the baby? This is what our article will be about.

The agony of choice

During pregnancy women often have problems due to changes in hormonal levels. Stretch marks appear, nails become brittle, begin, the sebaceous glands work more actively, so the skin quickly becomes oily.

All of these factors indicate that a woman needs to choose cosmetics that would effectively deal with all these problems.

Many women are of the opinion that the use of any cosmetic products during pregnancy can harm the unborn child... Immediately I would like to note the mythological origin of this judgment.

The fact is that any cream or lotion penetrates only to the level of the dermis, and this is absolutely not dangerous for the developing organism.

I must say that even doctors do not advise women to refuse from the use of cosmetics during pregnancy.

At first, if the skin is used to additional nutrition and daily care, then why deprive it of this?

And secondly, a well-groomed woman, seeing her reflection in the mirror, will always smile once again, and the positive attitude and peace of mind of the mother are incredibly important for the future baby.

The main thing is to choose the right cosmetics, because many of them may contain harmful substances, unnatural dyes and fragrances.

Best Buy natural cosmetics for pregnant women, which is produced on the basis of natural ingredients, and also undergoes special clinical testing.

It is these cosmetics that are considered safe and recommended for use by health professionals.

The most popular among women are cosmetics for pregnant women from such well-known companies as Mustela, Mom Comfort and Our Mom.

Products of the listed manufacturers specially designed for the skin care of expectant mothers and effectively combats the most common problems of women that arise during pregnancy.

What are stretch marks and how can they be prevented?

If you can still somehow fight with oily skin, brittle nails and thinning hair with the help of vitamin complexes and proper nutrition, then, as a rule, they leave a "mark" on a woman's body for the rest of her life.

That is why very it is important to prevent the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy, since getting rid of them will be almost impossible.

Stretch marks are most often formed on the belly, hips, chest and buttocks of a pregnant woman. Their occurrence is primarily associated with a malfunction of the hormonal background, as well as with the characteristics of the skin of every woman.

In some, the skin is quite elastic, it is able to stretch and recover without visible changes, while in others it looks like a sheet of paper and “breaks” when stretched. This is how they are formed striae(stretch marks).

How can we prevent their occurrence? There are no special secrets here. The main thing, take care of your skin from the first day of pregnancy, cleanse, moisturize and nourish it.

The skin of a pregnant woman becomes more sensitive, therefore it is important to find those cosmetics that will help achieve the desired result.

Conventional cosmetics in such situations are not a panacea. You should select funds from special series for pregnant women.

Their composition contains natural ingredients and vitamins that increase the elasticity of the skin. These are creams, lotions, oils, emulsions, etc. Having selected all the products in accordance with your needs you may never know what stretch marks are!

How long have you been revising the cosmetics you are used to using? With the onset of pregnancy, you will have to do this without fail. Indeed, in a bright jar of lotion or cream, substances that are potentially dangerous to your baby can hide. Our expert Viktoria Klishko will tell you about which ingredients of cosmetics pose the greatest danger "in an interesting position".

Victoria Klishko

cosmetologist, specialist in hardware techniques of the clinic of aesthetic medicine "Premium Aesthetics"

The most important principle of skin care during pregnancy is no experimentation. The skin becomes quite sensitive during this period. So wait until you switch to a new line or brand. And if you do decide to change, test the new product on the most sensitive areas of the skin (forearm or neck area) and track your reaction.

And now directly about the content - read the label carefully. If you find one of the following in the list of ingredients, set aside the cosmetic until your baby is born.

Vitamin A (retinol)

And also its derivatives - retinoids, which in the list of ingredients can be indicated as retinol palmitate, retinaldehyde, adapalene. All these substances have a teratogenic effect, that is, they can provoke fetal abnormalities. Most often, vitamin A and its derivatives can be found in anti-aging cosmetics. Their concentrations may be different, but doctors are adamant in their opinion: even in small quantities, retinol and retinoids can be dangerous for the unborn baby. An exception may be cosmetics that use retinol from plant extracts. In this case, the packaging will necessarily indicate: "Approved for use during pregnancy."

This substance belongs to beta-hydroxy acids, therefore in the list of ingredients it can be referred to as BHA. It can be found in toners, cleansers, and creams. Often, salicylic acid products are prescribed for people with problem skin, in particular with various forms of acne and seborrhea. The opinions of doctors about whether it is possible to use products with salicylic acid or not differ. But at the moment it is reliably known that this substance, like vitamin A, can provoke defects in the development of the fetus.

Of course, you can find an alternative and use products with other acids during pregnancy, in particular with alpha hydroxy acids. These include glycolic and pyruvic (their molecules are small, they can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin) or milk and almond (large molecules, work on the surface). With the help of products based on these acids, you can do chemical peels even during pregnancy. But it is important to remember that the concentration of active substances in them should be in the range from 5 to 15%.

These substances are hidden in cosmetics under very long and difficult to pronounce names: imidazolidinyl urea, DMDM ​​hydantoin, sodium hydroxymethyl glycyanate. They can be found in shampoos and hair balms, foams and shower gels, face and body lotions, moisturizers, mascaras, and nail polishes. Formaldehydes are added to all of the above agents as a preservative - they are so active that they can kill almost all known bacteria and fungi. They are introduced into cosmetics not in pure form, but in the form of some derivatives, of which formaldehyde molecules are gradually released over time and pass into shampoo or cream. I must say that these substances themselves are very toxic and have a carcinogenic effect; it is no coincidence that the maximum permissible concentration of formaldehydes in cosmetics cannot exceed 0.1%. Moreover, if the manufacturer uses a small amount of these preservatives (no more than 0.05%), he has the right not to indicate them in the list of ingredients at all ...

For reference: the use of formaldehydes for the production of cosmetics is completely prohibited in Japan and Sweden, in the USA they can only be found in products washed off the skin (shampoos, hair balms, shower gels). In our country, alas, the use of formaldehyde in cosmetics has not yet been regulated.

Among these substances there are those that can harm an unborn baby. Why? Essential oils are powerful volatile organic compounds made up of over 200 compounds. They quickly penetrate into the bloodstream and have therapeutic properties, that is, they act not locally, but on the entire body as a whole - even if we are talking about a small amount of essential oil in the cream! This is why esters can affect the fetus. It is important to remember this when choosing cosmetics with essential oils. Essential oils containing ketones - sage, rosemary, dill, verbena oils are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy. They are neurotoxic and can cause miscarriage. There are oils that can affect the hormonal system of the woman herself. These include essential oils of sage, geranium, sacred vitex.

While waiting for the baby, it is better to use brightening cosmetics with other active ingredients, for example, with glycosylated hydroquinone, better known as arbutin. Creams with herbal ingredients, which have a lightening effect, can also be included in your daily care. As a rule, each cosmetic company develops its own whitening complex. And be sure to use SPF protection when going outside. For the autumn-winter period, creams with an SPF value of 30 are enough.

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