Happy birthday, congratulations to the man in your own words. Wishes to a man in your own words, just like that

Happy Birthday! Health to you, love, fulfillment of all desires! As they say - a pack of money, a new car, good luck, a summer house and happiness in the boot!

So many do not live! .. I mean: so many do not live in constant joy, happiness, prosperity ... A person who could do this deserves only one thing - congratulations!

Let many years of a happy, prosperous life await you, in which all dreams come true and are surrounded only by true friends and closest people!

Let the children and grandchildren be like you, so that looking at them you understand what a wonderful person you are! We wish you to be proud of your loved ones, and in return receive warmth and care. Happy Birthday!

For a real macho, one more year of life is just an excuse for fun and celebration, with which we congratulate you! Wish you new victories, boring conversations, good wine! Let health never fail, your beloved only pleases, and loyal friends always support!

Short birthday greetings to a man

We wish you mental vigor, success in everyday life, good health always, never lose heart!

Happy birthday, my dear man. I wish you unwavering progress towards your goal, unforgettable impressions. Always stay the same cheerful, funny and cheerful.

I wish you always strive to fulfill your cherished desires, never lose heart over trifles, be a kind and sympathetic friend, enjoy life and smile. Happy Birthday.

Happy birthday! I wish you sun, warmth, peace, fun, money, success in all your endeavors, love, prosperity, fulfillment of your most cherished desires, health and inspiration! May life give many pleasant surprises, friends always surround you, and your eyes sparkle with happiness!

Happy Birthday! What to wish for such a wonderful, glorious person like you? Of course - happiness and love! Live for a long time and please everyone with your optimism and magnetism! I wish you good luck, wealth and not to part with your dream!

I wish you, my man, to warm us with your love for a hundred years, I wish you less problems and troubles in your life. Let your young soul be filled with love, let the sparkles shine in your eyes, and let your dreams come true.

Congratulations and wish you: happiness, good luck, health, love, may all your wishes come true! Always remain the same kind, fair, charming and sympathetic man you can always rely on.

As the most decent person we know, we want to wish you perfect order in everything: in your own apartment, in an expensive car, in a fat wallet, in a peaceful family, at your favorite job and, most importantly, in a happy life. May your path be clean, bright and even, may only sincere and good people meet on it. In a word, may you always be all right. Happy birthday, our dear!

On your birthday, I would like to congratulate you and wish you from the bottom of my heart - financial well-being and achievement of goals, may work bring satisfaction and joy, may your most cherished dreams come true, may your wishes come true and your friends will not be forgotten.

To argue with you is dearer to yourself: you will not refuse your views. Today's birthday boy, I know, you won't leave - you will give the last valuable thing for the good. At least for these reasons, your holiday is so important for those who know and love you. And for you I will raise a glass - thank you, my friend, through all the birthdays you did not become different!

Congratulate a man on his birthday in your own words

I hasten to congratulate a real man on his birthday: brutal, proactive, generous and reliable. You are not just the best, you are the dream of all women without exception. It is calm, comfortable and safe next to you.

A man with a capital letter, reliable support and protection, the main person in my life - all this is about you, beloved. Happy Birthday to you. You are my life!

Today I want to congratulate my real man on his birthday and wish him: let everything be in life that is needed, what life is good: love, health, happiness, friendship and an eternally kind soul. With an open heart and love, I wish you happiness and health!

Men are no less sentimental than women, so they will definitely appreciate the beautiful birthday greetings in verse. And if reading by heart is not your strong point, try to congratulate the birthday person in an original way in your own words.

What is the most precious thing in life? Material well-being and wealth? Yes. Successful career and personal achievements? Of course. To keep your family healthy? Undoubtedly. And also - support and understanding of close people, relatives, best friends, and family. After all, only with their help we can move mountains and change the world. And our birthday boy has all this! With all my heart I wish that only the closest people who always love and wait for him would continue to surround him.

On your birthday, of course, I would like to wish a lot. Excellent health, success and career growth in work, in the soul so that there is always joy and happiness.

Expensive! Listen carefully. The Earth has made a whole number of revolutions around the Sun since Your loud voice first shook those present at Your birth. The most informed could already recognize the future admirer of Vysotsky and Okudzhava (Kobzon, Meladze, ...) by intonation. Actually, why are we talking about the Sun? And here's what. If you, dear, with the same constancy and persistence with which the Earth revolves around the Sun, sought the hand of your beloved woman, children's voices would ring in Your apartment for a long time.

I wish you on your birthday that you would be simple like the wind, inexhaustible, like the sea, and like the earth, full of memory. Be as light as the sail of a ship, be as cheerful as the songs of the waves rustling in the open. And may all the thrill of life of all times and races always live in you!

Happy Birthday! Be a healthy, strong, successful person. We wish you well-being, love, happiness, good luck, good mood. Let faithful friends always surround you, colleagues respect you at work, and relatives cherish and cherish at home.

Congratulations and from the bottom of my heart I wish you days filled with happiness, life is like a fairy tale, and next to you is a sweet and affectionate princess! I wish you more joyful days than sad ones, many good and loyal friends, and health ... so simply heroic! Let in any, even the most difficult battle, you become the winner every time!

I would like to wish you that the girls around you will always perceive you as a knight in a white Mercedes. Worst of all is indifference, so we wish you to evoke vivid emotions in people, in women as the ideal of a man, and for men as an object of envy. We wish you had fights only with luck, and only money attacked, and in both cases you could not escape from this. In other life situations, you should be the first under any circumstances.

Our dear, good, pure, our man is charming, I will give you love and respect. May all your wishes come true at the behest of the pike. I wish you to be healthy, successful and in love, even if not with me. Happiness to you!

What to wish for a person who has everything? After all, you have achieved everything you wanted: you have a great job and a loving family. You are self-sufficient, realized as a professional, and quite successful. I wish that the river of life will carry you smoothly and smoothly in the future - without minor worries and major problems! So that every day you live brings with you only positive emotions, and all worries are a joy. And also - I wish you great, immense happiness, many, many sunny days, and good luck in all your endeavors. Happy Holidays!

On this day, I want to congratulate from the bottom of my heart the most courageous, strong, wise and intelligent person with whom I had the good fortune to be familiar. I wish you the fulfillment of the most secret and most daring dreams that you keep in your heart. Reach all the goals you strive for, and happily return every day to your family, where you are loved, appreciated and understood. Let everything in your life be amazing, easy and enjoyable!

I want to wish you that all adversity will rush away, and your future would be filled with the light of joyful happiness. So that in your family, where you are, undoubtedly, the head, counsel and love reign, so that your health is stronger than steel! And we, all your relatives, promise never to upset you!

On your birthday, we wish you that you will always remain the way we know you. So that colleagues look at you with respect, women with interest, passers-by with delight, neighbors with envy, loved ones with love, and friends with devotion. And so that, looking at all this, you do not become arrogant, but be the same wonderful colleague, husband, citizen, neighbor and friend always and no matter what! Happy holiday to you, our nicest person!

We wish your life to be perfect. So that Mondays are always days off, the work always brings pleasure and ends exactly when you want it, the bosses were understanding and loyal, the wife was docile and wise, and the mother-in-law lived far abroad. I would like to wish you to be accepted as a 100-dollar bill, with delight and joy in any company, but at the same time appreciated only for your personal qualities.

On this bright, sunny day, I am happy to wish you a happy birthday. You are a wonderful person and always remain so kind and wise. I wish that there is always a place in life for a cherished dream. It's so wonderful to dream. And also let in your life there will be only good people who will respect and understand you. And let the family always support and appreciate you.

On your birthday, I want to give you, my man is golden, a candle of joy. I wish you to love, to swim on the lake of hope. To dream that fate will give us a second chance hundreds of times. I wish you to fix everything, I wish you to forgive everything. And just leave all the troubles in the past, just let go of all sins in an instant. I would like to just smile, never lose heart, learn a lot about myself. And, I hope, good!

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday! It is written to a man in his family - to plant a tree, to build a house, to give birth to an heir. I wish you to multiply all these points! To grow a whole garden, to the house - an apartment and a luxurious summer cottage, and for the first-born - a couple more brothers and sisters! Always strive for more!

Everything that I can wish you an elderly man I sincerely wish you all the best I congratulate you, be always attentive and always so positive there are not many like you in the world, always remain the soul of the company, we wish you a lot of glory and great love to you!

Happy birthday to you, man, I congratulate you all the most beautiful things in this life, always be a good faithful boy, so that time is not wasted, so that there is something in life, he is proud, and the main thing is not to get too drunk, so that tomorrow a new beautiful day will start from Do not swallow the pill head!

I wish the most wonderful man to never stop dreaming and believing in a fairy tale. Let all your dreams and the sweetest dreams turn into reality, giving you the most delightful moments of life. I wish you unlimited patience and kindness, success and luck, love and affection. I wish you to meet the most charming woman in the world and become the daddy of beautiful babies!

I don’t know what to wish for ?! Probably health and wealth! To be young and at 85 ... But now, smile more often! Keep what you love! And love what you value! Appreciate what you love and keep! Also, let there be sweetness in your heart! And in life, a fabulous joy! Happy birthday!!!

It is very important for a man to assert himself in life, to achieve well-being and prosperity. I wish you to be a reliable, strong shoulder for people close to you. Do not be discouraged if something does not work out as quickly as you would like. Everything will definitely come true! Happy birthday, be happy and hopeful!

I wish my man to be healthy and cheerful, to feel my love, and to feel the charm of life. I wish you, laughing, to be the luckiest, I wish to give my light to people in need. I wish you victories in any business, I wish I do not believe the gossip. My dear, may your heart keep our love and tenderness of the moment, may the wind bring inspiration more often, so that you love, hope, create!

Dear birthday boy! I congratulate you on this wonderful day - your birthday! You are young and ambitious, all possibilities are open to you. I sincerely wish that you always have the determination to achieve your plans! Be successful and motivated! And may you be lucky!

We have been waiting for a bright birthday holiday no less than yours, and simple, everyday words cannot express everything that I would like to say on this magical day! We congratulate you and wish you a bright life like fireworks, bright like the sun in the morning, fresh like a breeze on the Caribbean Sea and amazing, fulfilling all cherished and simple desires!

May your fate, my man, carry you in his arms. I wish you on your birthday that love will protect you, so that you finally believe in coincidences. I wish that the night was not enough for love, passion, romance. I wish that the problems turned into candy wrappers at the same moment. I wish you an irresistible craving for adventure! I wish you to go around the whole world!

My dear little man, on this beautiful day, let me congratulate you on your birthday and give you a piece of my heart and soul. Let your life be filled with only the most amazing moments, wonderful memories and daring plans! I sincerely wish you a radiant star in the heavens, which will guide you only forward and only to happiness!

Happy Birthday! May your life be as long as a fast train. And in this fast train of your life there will be many restaurant cars, hotel cars, beach cars!

May you wake up this morning and a fairy tale surrounds you. The bed will be made by itself, the toothbrush will brush the teeth, the microwave will warm up the breakfast, the trousers will be ironed and they will come running to get dressed. Do you think this is a dream? No, it's just that your mother came to visit you. Happy birthday man! You are already big, but at heart you are still quite a child who requires care and attention! I wish you happiness, health and a good wife!

On your today's big holiday, I hasten to wish that, by the example of your fate, the century-old myth that happiness is just a moment will be debunked, let this moment last for your whole life, and life itself will be harmonious and indecently long - to the most respectable and record anniversaries.

I wish you happiness, my dear man, happy birthday, I congratulate my beloved, let your fatigue after robots disappear and a new breath of inspiration will bring you life as you like, but do not forget with love and care, surround me, love me, bear with me, even though I am sometimes not bearable and in anger I can be dangerous!

Someone today has become a year older and smarter. Who could it be? I think you yourself know, but I'd rather congratulate you! Let the grief pass you by, let everything go smoothly at work and at home!

I am a wonderful, good and sweet man, I wish him on his birthday so that higher powers give him love and good luck. I wish the angels solve problems for you. I wish you did not bother, but lay on the soft sofa. Let others do all your deeds, and they bring you only rewards. May all your wishes, even the most secret ones, come true tonight!

You will not forbid anyone to live beautifully and it does not matter that you are shouting to heaven a man dear happy birthday congratulations love me always even though I take all the salary I love you and you love and God may preserve us from problems health happiness I wish your birthday today is beautiful celebrating!

Once upon a time, God gave a man five years to live, and a horse, a dog, a monkey and all other animals - fifty years. The man went to the animals so that they would give a part of their life to him. And so it happened that for twenty-five years a man lives like a man, for the next twenty-five years he plows like a horse, then he lives like a dog, but for the next twenty-five years they laugh at him like a monkey. I want to wish you that you will live at least another hundred years as a person!

You are a man and you have a birthday today! Today you can relax - get drunk and forget! And on the rest of your life, we wish you firmness in everything - in character, in all organs and in currency. Be happy!

I wish you to be a successful and happy person, celebrating the achievement of your goal every day. I also wish you new opportunities, new victories, new achievements, and most importantly, take care of what is really important to you.

In the wild, the lion is the king of beasts. I wish you to be as strong and courageous as a lion. Just do not take an example from this strong beast in absolutely everything, because lions are very lazy and do not bring prey. Remember that labor made a man out of a monkey. Let adversity become trifles for you, and you will never be discouraged. Today, on your birthday, candles will be burning, and I want you to make your most cherished wish!

Happy birthday, dear man! You are like an angel in the flesh: so sweet, flexible, gentle, warm, fluffy, white. Maybe I confused you with a kitten? My dear, I wish you that you always have a wet nose, fluffy hair, increased shaggy, never fall off the tail and always have ears on the crown, eagle vision, falcon courage and swan fidelity. All the best to you, most handsome man!

Today I want to congratulate my real man on his birthday and wish him: let everything be in life that is needed, what life is good: love, health, happiness, friendship and an eternally kind soul. With an open heart and love, I wish you happiness and health!

My most beloved and only man, I wish you a happy birthday. May everything that you dream of come true. May your life be long and beautiful. I wish, my most important person, great happiness, good health, success in everything and always. Let the bird of happiness be a frequent guest in your home. Let only good and reliable friends surround you. I wish you a good mood, optimism and confidence in the future. My love is always with you, my desired one.

Today is our colleague's birthday. The whole team is happy to congratulate you on such a wonderful event. We wish you, first of all, good health, patience and endurance. May your work bring you inspiration, and may your experience and wisdom help many. All earthly blessings and happiness to you. May sadness and sadness never visit you. Be always so cheerful with a wonderful sense of humor. May life always be generous with you and long.

My beloved husband, my soul mate. I am very grateful to fate for bringing us together. You are a real man you can always rely on. I sincerely congratulate you, my dear, on the holiday. Let your life be pure and clear, like spring water. May only good people and reliable friends always meet on your way. I wish you good health, a lot of joy, family well-being and comfort. May the Lord always protect you.

The world has become much more kind, love and beauty, if there were more people like you, my beloved man. You are my dream, my ideal. You have a wonderful, simply angelic character. You are my support and hope in everything. Today is your birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on such a wonderful holiday. Let everything turn out as you want. May you always be lucky in everything. I wish you great success in everything, good health and good mood. May your cherished dream come true.

To say thank you for everything is so little. We are deeply indebted to you, our dear daddy. In all respects, you are an example of a real man. You are always the first to come to the rescue, give sensible, wise advice, and all problems, like clouds, will quickly scatter in the wind. There is no better than you, daddy, on the whole planet. Today is your holiday - your birthday. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you good health, long and happy years of life. May good luck always smile at you, may only good news pleasantly surprise you.

What is he, a real man? This is a person you can rely on at any moment, whom you can trust, with whom you can just have a heart-to-heart talk. A real man is my favorite. I'm so happy next to him. Today, my coveted one, celebrates his birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on your celebration. Let your life flow calmly and confidently, like a full river. I wish you good luck in everything, good health, always excellent mood and well-being.

My grandfather is the best man in the world. He is decent, fair and wise. Today my beloved grandpa is celebrating his birthday. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you, dear, on the holiday. Always be youthful and strong, let your health do not let you down. To enjoy life in abundance and love. Let your family surround you with love. Always be an example for all of us. May your dreams come true, may the bird of happiness bring you good news. May the Lord always protect you.

Well? Congratulations! Years go by, but it's good that you still have a lot of time to do new - already grown-up and quite deliberate nonsense! I wish you a life filled with bright events, meetings and travels. Always act as your heart tells you so that in old age, as they say, there is something to remember (but it would be better not to tell your grandchildren about this). Happy birthday!

On my birthday, I wish everything to be excellent. So that if the career is successful, if the salary is decent, if the friends are loyal, if the family is strong. If cognac - then with endurance, if the car - then new, if rest - then the most active. And may the bird of luck always circle around you!

Congratulations! I raise a glass to your happiness! And then - for your health! And then - for good luck! For love! For a life filled with positive events! For the best! And may it all come true!

Taking this opportunity, I want to wish you that luck will become your faithful companion, that every minute of a long life is wonderful, that cherished desires come true as soon as possible, and dreams come true. I wish the fate of a fair wind, good weather, sunny days. May you be appreciated at work, may love and mutual understanding reign in the family, may children delight with their successes! May there always be beloved people around you, may there be peace in your soul, and happiness in your heart!

Dear friend, we congratulate you on your birthday! We wish everything to turn out well in life. Cold beer in warm company. Easy work and a hefty paycheck. Significant gains with minimal effort. Girls with stunning shapes and a rich inner world! In short, everything is for you and even more than you need!

The beloved man has a birthday. I sincerely congratulate and wish you great happiness, luck and good luck in everything. May a guiding star illuminate your path, may joy accompany you, may all your plans come true. I wish you all the very best, good health and good friends. Let your life flow like a full river, among the banks of hope, faith and love. Good mood to you, my dear, life without worries. Let all the sorrows and bad weather forget your address.

Our dear only man, you are the adornment of the entire women's team. We love, respect and protect you. Today is your birthday, let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on such a significant event. May you always be lucky in everything. May your work inspire you and your personal life solace. Good health to you, a lot of joy, good luck and all the best. May a good mood never leave you, may life be long and beautiful. Be happy.

Happy Birthday to You! Health, love, luck, fulfillment of all desires! Always remain the same cheerful, charming, kind and wonderful person!

Dear (Name)! I want to talk about you in kind and simple words. We all love you very much. Live long, happily, calmly, intelligently, beyond age. Invite us to visit more often and fascinate with your inner wealth for many years!

I wish that no wishes, no matter how big, from your enemies will never come true ... and the smallest ones from your friends come true!

So many do not live! .. I mean: so many do not live in constant joy, happiness, prosperity ... A person who could do this deserves only one thing - congratulations!

It is with great pleasure that I wish happy birthday to a person of excellent spiritual qualities, in whose big heart there was a place for so many! With a festive mood, we want to wish you a long and happy life, full of joyful moments and pleasant impressions!

Happy birthday to one of the most courageous men! After all, courage is the strength of the spirit, wisdom, generosity, clarity of thought, the ability to be friends, the ability to be support and support for loved ones. And I also want to wish you - throughout your long life, always remain the happiest person!

Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, let your health be such that you don't even remember about it! May your beloved woman be near, may prosperity and prosperity reign in the house, may all plans and dreams come true with ease! And may every year for many more, many years we still celebrate your successes and rejoice in your successes!

The most beautiful and enchanting man, today I heartily congratulate him on his birthday. I wish that gray everyday life turned into bright colorful holidays. So that your soul does not know offenses, but always only sings from a wonderful life. I wish you to always remain the same gallant and interesting man!

May your house always be a full cup, your wife - affectionate, and your children please you with their successes and inherit the best features! May life always be full of simple, but at the same time the very real happiness!

Congratulations a thousand times! I wish you to remain the Creator, the Master of your own happiness as before! I wish you to increase it, to live easily and pleasantly, every day adding new events to the baggage of good memories, because people like you deserve the best destiny!

May many years of a happy, prosperous life await you, in which all dreams come true and are surrounded only by the most real friends and closest people!

We wish you the most important thing today - be sure to be happy! Love your beautiful darling and children, live with pleasure and reap the well-deserved fruits of victory. Enjoy every unique moment of your wonderful life! And may you always have plenty of strength and opportunities to fulfill all your desires!

I wish you to meet worthy people in your life, your work will bring pleasure and quickly replenish your bank account. Never look back, always go forward and only forward! And let the troubles be left behind and aside. Happy Birthday!

Birthday boy, Happy Jam Day! Live for today without knowing the troubles of tomorrow! Dream so that everything will come true! Live recklessly, not regretting what happened, and may everything be fine with you - at work, in your family and in your soul!

Friend, Happy Advent to this world! I wish you with all my heart to become a bird of an even higher flight, both in a high spiritual and in a simple material sense!

Our dear man is in his prime! You have realized all your dreams and achieved incredible heights, while managing to keep your head on your shoulders, simplicity and a sense of tact. How can you not be happy about this? From the bottom of my heart - Happy Birthday!

You are an excellent master of your life! You charge from your energy like from an outlet. You perfectly combine masculine beauty, strength of character and an incredible sense of humor. You know how to highlight the main thing in a person and in life! You are a great example for the younger generation! So let everything in your life turn out in the most wonderful way!

Our dear handsome man! For a real man to be happy, he needs vigorous horses under the hood, bank accounts, a beautiful and loving wife, loyal friends and a job that brings pleasure! May all this always be with you! Happy Birthday!

I congratulate you on Jam Day! I wish you something that is never superfluous: health, big bonuses, love of loved ones, good luck, as well as new positive impressions from life! Stay the same cool and interesting person! Happy Birthday!

Happy Egoist Day, dear friend! May you have all the best, light, passionate, gentle, beautiful, kind and happy! Be true to yourself - and let the world bend under you! Congratulations!

Happy Birthday! Health to you, love, fulfillment of all desires! As they say - a pack of money, a new car, good luck, a summer house and happiness in the boot!

With all my heart - happiness, fulfillment of desires! Let life, like a mosaic, be made up of joy, unforgettable events, and every new day brings good luck and good mood! Always keep a joyful attitude in your soul and warm our hearts with your presence!

I wish you to be a successful and happy person! Take care of what is really important to you and strive for new goals!

Well? Congratulations! Years go by, but it's good that you still have a lot of time to do new, already grown-up and quite deliberate nonsense! So you have a life filled with the brightest events! Always act as your heart tells you to, so that later there will be something to remember!

On my birthday, I wish everything to be perfect! Let the bird of luck always circle around you! So that if the career is successful, if the salary is decent, if the friends are loyal, if the family is strong, if the cognac is then with endurance!

Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart! You can hardly meet real men anymore, so you are our rarest, rarest specimen. I wish on my way to conquer all career climbs, all women's hearts and life peaks

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you long and good health, happiness, love and be loved. Health to you and your loved ones, prosperity and prosperity in the family, so that you have everything you want. All the brightest, kindest and most positive to you.

Happy birthday to you, I wish you great, strong health and prosperity in the family, health to you and your family, to always be kind and in a good mood, in life there are more pleasant moments and bright people and everything to you yourself.

I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you good, love and great health, because if there is health, then everything will be, I wish you creative success and more enjoyable in life.

I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you success, and remain a sunny and positive person. May you have more light, dark, I wish you material prosperity and all the best.

I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you a big, big heart, strong and robust health, life without drastic changes and stability for you and your family, career growth and prosperity.

What is the most precious thing in life? Material well-being and wealth? Yes. Successful career and personal achievements? Of course. To keep your family healthy? Undoubtedly. And also - support and understanding of close people, relatives, best friends, and family. After all, only with their help we can move mountains and change the world. And our birthday boy has all this! With all my heart I wish that only the closest people who always love and wait for him would continue to surround him.

On your birthday, I want to wish you to be simple like the wind, inexhaustible, like the sea, and like the earth, saturated with memory. Be as light as the sail of a ship, be as cheerful as the songs of the waves rustling in the open. And may all the thrill of life of all times and races always live in you!

Happy Birthday! Be a healthy, strong, successful person. We wish you well-being, love, happiness, good luck, good mood. Let faithful friends always surround you, colleagues respect you at work, and relatives cherish and cherish at home.

Congratulations and from the bottom of my heart I wish you days filled with happiness, life is like a fairy tale, and next to you is a sweet and affectionate princess! I wish you more joyful days than sad ones, many good and loyal friends, and health ... so simply heroic! Let in any, even the most difficult battle, you become the winner every time!

Happy birthday! I am sending you my sincere congratulations and wishes today. Simple, masculine, real happiness. So that there is a house where they love and wait, an interesting and profitable job, a loyal friend by your side and an ineradicable faith in your own strength

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! I wish new interesting ideas and projects to constantly excite and charge with excitement. And may you always have an abundance of strength and energy for their implementation.

They say that the days of the knights are long over. Anyone who thinks so is simply not familiar with you. I wish you a happy birthday, valiant knight, and I wish you to always remain the standard of courage, bravery and strength.

Happy Birthday. I wish you laughter and fun. Let Homeric laughter and a radiant smile always be your faithful companions. After all, laughter prolongs life, improves well-being and increases the level of the hormone of happiness in the blood.

Birthday is a holiday at any age. For a man, this is a special day that not only adds another year of life, but makes him more mature and wise.

Therefore, on this holiday, we sincerely wish you not only good health and happiness, but also worldly wisdom, success in all your endeavors. Let creativity and enthusiasm drive your career and wealth.

A light character and a sense of humor attract many good people to you, who will become loyal and devoted friends. Let comfort and love reign in the house, and peace and serenity in the soul. The energy of youth fills the path to the brim and does not dry out over the years!

Happy birthday! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in the soul and, most importantly, health - it is never superfluous. So that you are always glad of what you already have, but at the same time you never stop setting big life goals for yourself. Let the feeling of love always warm you in your bosom, and your beloved will be a reliable support in life. Look at the world with a fresh look, develop, enjoy life, be happy, healthy and loved!

Happy Birthday to You! Health, luck, love, happiness and fulfillment of all, all desires! Always remain the same cheerful, kind and charming person.

Happy Birthday! May all dreams come true and your goals be achieved, success accompanies your entire life path. Let health never fail, and many smiles of children, loved ones and relatives daily warms your world and makes you move forward!

I congratulate you on your birthday! May your health be heroic, income stable, home comfortable, friends faithful, work interesting, may you always be surrounded by love and luck in everything! Stay in any situation as you are - courageous, reliable, self-confident!

I wish you from a loving heart: let people come to your house only with good intentions, let them bring only good news, let the table be rich, the wine strong, and the hugs hot!

I wish you only the most wonderful, kind and glorious days of your life. May everything you have will be incredible, amazing and wonderful. Let your life itself seethe and be in full swing. Let it be filled with a special meaning and purpose. I wish you health and longevity! Passionate, fabulous, unforgettable love and happiness!

Happy birthday, old man! With all my heart I wish you an endless variety of life, deep mutual feelings, reaching impressive heights, endless travels and a large cozy home! Let everything in life turn out and work out! Congratulations!

To congratulate a man on his birthday beautifully, you need not so much, enough sincerity and desire. And, with a creative approach, from ordinary words you can add up such a wish that will be remembered better than expensive gifts.

There is nothing better than simple and understandable words coming from the heart. Congratulations, composed in your own words, will definitely be appreciated:

  • The more stars a cognac has, the stronger it is, the more a man is, the better it is. With 50 years of endurance, you!
  • I wish you to be loved for your merits, respected for your actions, forgiven for your shortcomings.
  • Let your hands get tired of holding the phone on your name day, listening to wishes. May so many friends come to your anniversary that your legs get tired, get up endlessly to greet them.
  • I wish you as much health as there is money in your account, and as much money as there are stars in the sky!
  • Let your life become beautiful and carefree, like the cover of a glossy magazine, as if by magic!

There are many ways how to congratulate a man on his birthday beautifully. Congratulations will turn out to be especially memorable and pleasant for the birthday person, if his interests are taken into account.

You can prepare several gifts, not necessarily large, the main thing is that they are useful and necessary things for him.

To pack beautifully, attach a small valentine card with congratulations to each gift. And while the guy is still asleep, lay them out in places where he can stumble upon them. For example, in the bathroom, in the laundry drawer, next to his computer, at the head of the bed, etc.

Those craftsmen who know how to knit can give him a hand-knitted thing. Even ordinary socks or gloves will be pleasant to the birthday man, because they were made especially for him by the hands of his beloved.

Not only girls "love with their ears", but also men. You can arrange a minute of fame for him, beautifully congratulate a man on his birthday with the help of the media. Post a photo with congratulations in the newspaper or on social networks.

You can record a birthday song, if you know how to sing, and send the recording to the birthday person's e-mail.

For your boyfriend, you can prepare not only a beautiful congratulation, but also a useful gift

If the ex-boyfriend has become just a friend, then you should definitely congratulate him on his birthday. At the same time, you can beautifully congratulate a guy on his birthday through social networks or by sending him a message on a mobile phone.

The text of the congratulation should be positive, correct, without a hint of the previous relationship. Congratulations can be like this:

  • Former friend, happy holiday to you! You are special and you deserve to be happy. I wish that you always have a person with you who will understand and support you. Good luck to you!
  • A former man, and now a good old acquaintance. So you have become a year wiser, more mature and, I hope, happier. I want you to be all right, so that you achieve all your goals, so that you find the one that will brighten up your life. Take care!

Happy birthday to your beloved man

For a beloved man, you should choose the most beautiful and affectionate words.

“My invaluable, beloved, affectionate and gentle person! I congratulate you on my favorite holiday - the day you were born! I want to wish that your health never fails. So that all your undertakings are only successful, and, I will fill your life with happiness and love! "

You can design a beautiful poster with these words:

I AM happy woman because I have you!

T You are my joy, my boundless happiness, you are the best that was and is in my life.

E If you weren't there, my life was devoid of meaning and bright colors.

B Always fish the way you are!

I AM I want to see you smile, sleep, eat every day. I am interested in everything that happens in your life.

L jubilee, my dear, happy anniversary to you! I want to wish you:

NS carry ardor,

B ogatyr health,

L ease in solving any problems,

NS a moristic and positive attitude towards life!

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Happy birthday to a man colleague

For a congratulatory speech to a colleague, it is worth choosing words that emphasize his dignity as an employee, or humorous congratulations that will help defuse the situation:

  • Dear birthday boy(colleague, colleague, roommate). On behalf of our entire team, let me congratulate you on the anniversary and wish you the achievement of all goals. So that everything will contribute to your fruitful work: files were opened, stationery was at hand, lunch was on schedule.
  • We wish you to live on this significant day for you without scolding and unpleasant surprises. We hope you will be with us for a long time!
  • Dear colleague. On your birthday, we wanted to wish you a lot. So that you go to work, like on a holiday, so that the bonuses are monthly in the amount of your salary. The bosses appreciated, the clients respected, and the team was a second family!
  • Dear colleague! Today is not a red day of the calendar, but much better, it's your birthday! Our company is incredibly lucky that such a valuable person as you came to work for us. You are the soul of our team, a hardworking and positive person. We wish you always good weather at home and success in our field!

When congratulating a male colleague, try to choose words that emphasize his dignity.

Happy birthday to the boss man

For a man's boss, it is worth choosing sincere words, because flattery can only offend a person on such an important day:

  • Dear chef, on behalf of our entire friendly team, let me congratulate you on your anniversary. We truly respect you for the wise and fair leadership of our company. From the bottom of our hearts we wish you success in your work and lucrative contracts. And may the company you run be still one of the best!
  • You are the best director, anyone will tell you!

    You are talented, successful, we stand behind you as a mountain.

    We wish you success, happiness, profitable contracts,

    And, of course, we want our chef to be healthy.

The boss's congratulation should be sincere, without flattery.

Happy birthday to a familiar man

Good old friend, congratulations on this festive occasion! Let only loving people always surround you. So that the salary grows exponentially, and children's laughter always rang in the house. To breathe easily, to please every moment that happens in your life. Be happy!

Wonderful person, my good friend. I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday. May all your desires be high and the possibilities limitless. Do not look back at the past, live in the present, be positive, and then you will be fine!

Dear friend, accept congratulations on your holiday. I wish you to remain the way you are, namely: a wonderful, sincere, wonderful, sympathetic person. I wish you had everything in abundance: money, energy, happiness and good luck!

Happy birthday to a young man

Happy birthday for a young energetic man:

  • I wish you a bright, eventful life, conquest of new peaks, exciting adventures. May everything that you dream about happen in your destiny, and the one with which you will live a long and happy life!
  • We want to congratulate a very interesting and young man beautifully and solemnly on his birthday! This is an important event in your life, which happens only once a year. Conduct it so that in old age it will not be excruciatingly painful for a mediocre birthday! Happy birthday, friend!
  • What to wish a young man full of strength and energy? We wish you health in order to be able to live a decent life. Perseverance to achieve everything yourself. Faithfulness to create a wonderful family.

Happy birthday to a man beautifully and shortly

  • Happy birthday, we drink to your health!
  • Appreciate! We love! Respect! Happy jam day!
  • We wish you happiness, good luck, health, on your birthday today we are walking!
  • Health for 200 years, happiness for 1000!
  • What do we wish you on the day of jam? Have fun, have fun and have fun again!
  • May all cherished dreams come true: socks without holes and delicious borscht!

Happy birthday to a man in prose

We wish that all surprises in life were only pleasant, tears only from happiness, and a headache only because of the excess of money.

May today you will be presented with such gifts that you dreamed of, and such wishes will be said that will come true.

I wish that everything that happens in your life was five plus! The family is friendly, friends are reliable, the job is well-paid, the car is prestigious, health is heroic!

Happy birthday to a man in verse

Let love be only real

Prosperity goes upward.

Friends support may always be

Health never fails you!

I wish you an idyll and peace in the family,

With my wife - harmony in everything.

Always be the leader in work, business!

Ah, we will sing praises to you

Let the fast troika carry you through life,

This is health, luck, love!

Build a house where happiness lives,

So that wealth was in him to the brim.

You can beautifully congratulate a man on his birthday by presenting him with an unusual gift

We wish you a birthday

Understanding at home, success in business.

We wish there was always a mood

Everything came true, that was in dreams!

I wish you to be always happy, young,

Successful and full of energy

To be stingy with boastful words,

Try to be first in everything.

Happy birthday to a man is cool

Birthday is the time when tears of affection are interspersed with cheerful and perky laughter. The birthday boy will definitely like humorous congratulations:

  • Live at least a hundred years, earn at least a hundred thousand dollars!
  • Be beautiful like Delon,

    Be strong like Schwarzenegger

    Cool like Jackie Chan

    Rich like Bill Gates!

  • I want you to have a lot of congratulations on your birthday, preferably in gifts, and best of all in money. And no matter in what currency, the main thing is that there should be more zeros!
  • It's nice to be pretty, but it's better to be pretty. It's nice to be able to take a taxi every day, but it's better to have your own car. How good it is to receive a salary of 100,000 rubles, but better in euros. So we wish you only the best.

Congratulate a man on his birthday in an original way

The original cake will be a wonderful gift for a man's birthday

I wish that everything is Super in your life! Health - Wow, car - Wow. Things to do at work - Cool! Salary - Well, wow! And so that everyone envies how cool you live!

Dear birthday boy, today is a unique day when you came to this world. And let the fanfare do not thunder today, the fireworks in honor of you do not start, the main thing is that you are dear to us. Thank you for being there!

I would like to congratulate a good person on a good holiday! And wish you a good mood, good friends and good gifts!

What to wish a wonderful man for his name day? First of all, peace of mind, healthy optimism, faithful companion and always clean socks!

I wish you to be happy with everything: salary, family life, simple men's joys and reflection in the mirror.

It is beautifully possible to congratulate a man on his birthday; this does not require large material costs. The effect of warm unconventional words is incomparable even with the most luxurious gift.

How to wish a happy birthday to a man beautifully:

Best birthday greetings for men:

Happy birthday! The most important thing, in my opinion, is to be happy. Everyone has their own happiness, so let everything in your life be that will provide you with endless happiness. Smile every day, not for the sake of a tick, but because everything around is going as it should, that everything around is the way you want it. May all the most cherished dreams come true, and if they do not come true - always find the strength to realize them yourself!

Happy birthday! I wish you not to lose heart in life, but to enjoy every new day. May God give health, strength, prosperity, happiness, comfort and peace. Good luck in all your endeavors. Support from family and friends.

Happy Birthday to You! Health, luck, love, happiness and fulfillment of all, all desires! Always remain the same cheerful, kind, charming and the most wonderful person!

Not hiding my sympathy and special disposition, I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday! Having passed the hardening of life, today you are an example of valor, courage and reliability. May what you plan openly be achieved, may everything that your heart secretly dreams come true. And let dedication, vitality and longevity become the key to all your success.

Happy birthday, real man. I wish that friendship in life is true, love is inextinguishable, happiness is indestructible, luck is undoubted, prosperity is stable, work is a pleasure, and prosperity is more than high.

Congratulations on the anniversary to the man in your own words

Happy birthday to a magnificent man, a man of his word and deed. I wish you high potential and wide opportunities in life, excellent mood and good health, courageous deeds and only successful starts, unhindered and easy achievement of goals, true love and great luck on the way.

Happy birthday to a courageous, handsome and strong man! I wish you to gain wisdom and get younger over the years, but not grow old! I wish you the best health, sporting success, successful fishing, wonderful rest and successful working days! Mutual love, faithful and faithful! Heartfelt warmth from others, high marks from the authorities and a huge salary with bonuses!
Female admiring glances and unkillable optimism!

With all my heart I want to wish that you have the strength to cope with all the difficulties and failures. You are a real man that many women dream of, as you have a real grasp for life. May your path to happiness be easy, and true love will be your companion. With all my heart I want to wish you bright moments, pleasant meetings, good mood and true friends. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to the most real man, conqueror of women's hearts! Let your life be filled with new emotions and bright victories, and the most beautiful women will be surrounded by. Let every day be profitable and not only material, so that the cars change every month. Live beautifully, without denying yourself anything. Catch your luck in strong hands, and it will support you in any difficult endeavors. Stay open, honest and positive person! Happy birthday! ©

Happy birthday to an unusual man with golden hands and a heart of gold! Have a metallic disposition and at the same time a good heart, reliable, capable of defending and whitewashing. Be a wise judge and a gracious protector at all times. Let your comrades constantly find help, comfort and support from you.

Congratulations on the day when another date is celebrated from the moment you breathed air for the first time on your full lungs. Let there always be so much goodness and light in you to be a guiding star for everyone and illuminate the way to the good, the good, the endless for others. Be full of vital energy that will fill you with good luck and love.

Today is an excellent holiday. We celebrate the day of your birth. Time passed imperceptibly, and a little adorable boy reincarnated into a real man. We wish you to always remain as such: brave, daring, self-sufficient and constantly devoted to your own goal!

Not everyone gets the chance to meet a real man. But I was lucky - I met you! Today, on your birthday, I want to wish you only devoted comrades, sincere emotions, smooth roads and cloudless happiness! Let adversity and envious eyes never touch you!

What is courage? In strength, fortitude, generosity, wisdom, friendliness and affability, light character and the ability to truly love loved ones! Today we congratulate the most courageous man on his birthday and wish him the happiest happiness for all his many years and for every day!

You are a man capable of much! Energetic, purposeful and always achieving what you strive for. Let your birthday give you a lot of positive emotions, bright wishes for good, prosperity, prosperity. May any wish come true, and there will be those nearby whose support makes you even stronger!

Congratulate a man on his anniversary in your own words

I will give you, dear man, unlimited happiness, I will give you love in my heart. I will probably give you a naive dream that will make you unique, so that it will take you to heaven. I wish you, loving, that you would be like a lighthouse, that you always give your hand to those in need of your support. Never be discouraged, do not be upset over trifles. Let only close people surround you on your birthday!

The most beautiful and enchanting man, today I heartily congratulate him on his birthday. I wish that gray everyday life turned into bright colorful holidays. So that your soul does not know offenses, but always sings only from a wonderful life. I wish you always to remain the same gallant and interesting man who is now!

On your birthday, I would like to wish you happiness in absolutely everything! Let everything for whatever you undertake, one way or another bring you success. I wish you to always remain the same beautiful and bright man as you are now. On your holiday, I wish you fortune to accompany all the moments of your life and help in your plans. Appreciate what you have and achieve more! Happy birthday!

For a man like you, no regrets about any congratulations! Let each new day be similar to the previous one in only one way - it will be just as successful! Joy, good luck, inspiration! Let everything that you dream of soon be embodied in your life!

Happy birthday. With all my heart I wish you endurance and willpower, good health and support of loved ones, self-confidence and prosperity in the house. I wish you to always remain a brave and courageous man who can handle everything, who is not afraid of any obstacles, who always gets all the best in life.

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