Words of gratitude to parents at the graduation in the garden. Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation from parents and children in prose and verse

It is in kindergarten that the child spends most of the time at the initial stages of his life path. There he receives new knowledge, skills, learns to be friends, play, communicate with peers and adults. The teaching staff of preschool institutions lays in our children the basics of self-expression and socialization, they open the door for them to the world of new knowledge. But, all beautiful things tend to end someday, so a carefree childhood also develops over time into a new difficult stage - school years. And this period is preceded by a graduation party in kindergarten. And on this solemn, a little sad day, I want to say so many pleasant words to educators, nannies and other kindergarten workers ... These are words of gratitude: in prose or in poetry - it doesn't matter, the main thing is from the heart.

This is what we are going to talk about today. We offer you several options that will help you express gratitude to educators and other kindergarten workers. After all, the parents' answer at the graduation in kindergarten always sounds quivering, exciting and a little sad.

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teachers at the graduation in prose:

Gratitude to educators - option number 1

On behalf of the parents of our group, I want to say a huge thank you to the entire teaching staff of kindergarten number ____ and its other employees. You were the first to open the doors to the world of knowledge for our children. But, besides this, you managed to put a piece of yourself into each of them. You have penetrated into children's hearts and planted love, kindness, respect, joy in them. Always remain such loving teachers, teachers. Thank you for our children!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten staff - option number 2

I express my gratitude to the head of preschool institution No. ____, the entire team and educators of our group for their selfless work and a great desire to work with children, bringing them up, nurturing and teaching. You are all high-level specialists with extensive experience. Our children went to kindergarten with pleasure, and we, parents, did not worry about them, because we left them in your reliable hands. Your professionalism, sensitivity to children and attention to parents deserves respect. Thank you very much!

Gratitude to educators - option number 3

We, the parents of the ________ group of kindergarten number ____, express our gratitude to our respected educators. You treated our children with trepidation and warmth during their growing up. It was you who taught them to be friends and respect each other. Together with you, they learned the world, the joy of creativity and independent activity. It was with you that they were able to evaluate their first opportunities and achievements. You have found an approach to each of them, taught you to overcome difficulties. Thanks to you, the little ones are ready to move to a new stage in their lives without fear. Thanks for everything you've done for us!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teachers at the graduation - option number 4

We are happy for the success of our children in kindergarten and are proud of their achievements. They have passed such a difficult path from helpless kids to future first graders. Therefore, we express our first words of gratitude to you, dear educators. Thank you for your warm words of welcome every morning, for your attention and care, for wise advice and a high level of professionalism. The atmosphere of kindness and comfort has always reigned in our group. It was in her that children learned the world, studied and developed. It was in her that you were able to form small personalities. Please accept our sincere gratitude from us, parents, and a big THANKS!

Gratitude to educators - option number 5

The month of May has come again. But we no longer move to the senior group, but forever say goodbye to kindergarten and go to school. You were the first teachers of our children. You taught them to be friends, respect each other, share and make peace with each other. Low bow and deep gratitude to you for your ability to love children and instill in them a craving for beauty. You have put your heart and soul into ensuring that the future generation will meet our expectations! May your efforts pay off handsomely! I wish you good health, love and happiness!

Words of gratitude to the staff of the kindergarten - option number 6

Dear educators, nannies and friendly staff of the kindergarten! Today is a special day for us, parents, and for you. Today our kids have their first in life. For so many years, the kindergarten has become a second home for children. And every day spent in it means a lot. After all, thanks to you, children have learned, playing, learn and learn about the world. Every day they felt loved and cared for. It was interesting for the children to study.

You had time for each child, for each you found your own approach.

Thank you, dear educators, for all these years that you have been with us, for always trying to understand us and helping in a variety of situations.

We wish you success in your future work and creative inspiration!

Gratitude to educators - option number 7

Dear educators! We express our deep gratitude for your kindness and patience. Working with children is not easy work. With your help, kids graduate from kindergarten as friendly, sociable, kind children who have basic skills for later life in school. We wish you success in your future work on educating the next generation of pupils!

Gratitude to educators - option number 8

Our dear educators! You have become faithful mentors for the children and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for that. An educator is not just a job, but a vocation that makes a huge contribution to the development of every child. We have entrusted you with the most valuable thing in our life, and you did not let us down. We hope the little ones didn't give you too much trouble. You taught them how to be friends, work in a team, told them every day how to behave correctly. Thanks to you, we discovered talents in our children, saw sparks of enthusiasm and enthusiasm in their eyes. Thank you, we are glad that we have passed the stage of growing up of our children together with you!

Gratitude to educators - option number 9

Our dear educators! Your work is delightful and admirable. And your sensitive attitude towards children and professionalism in the upbringing of the younger generation can be envied. You have always approached the performance of your duties with creative inspiration, imagination, and even sometimes with a slight passion. For this we say thank you very much!

Gratitude to educators - option number 10

Dear educators! Today is a great holiday for all of us, but we not only want to congratulate you, but first of all - to thank you. A very important stage in life is coming to an end for our children today. And you put into their hearts something that will help them become truly good people. It seems that quite recently we brought our kids here for the first time, and now - the release ...

We say thank you! You are doing a very important and right thing. Be happy!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teachers at the graduation - option number 11

The child remembers his caregivers all his life. He remembers their gentle hands, gentle voice, care, kindness and love.

Parents with gratitude say to the educators and all those who have been with the children all these years, thank you!

You taught them, raised them, fed them, put them to bed and wiped away their tears. You were with them when we, the parents, worked and went about our business.

We appreciate your work! Thank you for everything you've done for us!

And now words of gratitude to the kindergarten teachers at the graduation in verse:

Thank you, educators,
For affection and love
For work and charm,
For many kind words.

For wiped noses,
Wiped tears
For fairy tales and walks
Classes and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today
Congratulations and sadness,
And in the fall with a portfolio
Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration
And the strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

The guys grew up out of panties,
Today they are leaving the kindergarten.
With sadness for girls and boys
Our educators are watching.

We thank you for your concern,
For attention, warmth,
Daily work with the kids.
The children are very lucky with you!

Dear educators,
You have not wasted this time in vain.
You brought up our children,
Our bunnies, cats, bears.
The guys have grown up very much,
Books will be opened soon, notebooks.
But forever will stay with them
The love that you put into your hearts!

Thank you for the warmth and kindness,
For bringing up our children,
For giving them love
What knowledge did you give them!
We wish you health and wellness,
So that you live in abundance and love,
So that you always smile
So that you never feel sad!

You got the hard work -
It needs a lot of attention
After all, everyone understands himself
Children, what education means.
While the working day dragged on -
You replaced the mother for the children.
And so today everyone wants
Thank you for everything!

The work of a teacher is not easy -
You need a whole cart of skills:
To read books to children,
Draw and play
Collect a bag of different toys
And know the plots of many fairy tales.
Digging in the sand on the street,
Run around in the tag, do not be lazy,
Feed and caress everyone
Do not even try to get tired.
All cases, of course, are innumerable.
You have a big heart.
Thank you for the days in the garden,
For your affection, kindness.
We wish you inspiration,
Creative success, patience,
Well deserved big salaries.
Thank you for the kindergarten!

You are a teacher from God!
Thank you we say to you,
You have done a lot
Good for your children.
You won their hearts,
Leaving a trace in them as a keepsake,
Wherever the guys live,
They won't forget you, no!

Soon our children
They will go to first grade
Soon everything in the world
They will learn, understand
High school graduation. Last day
They are in the kindergarten.
So let's say thank you to everyone
To your caring hands
We trusted our children
And we want to say thank you
We have never met better people.
You are kind and beautiful at heart
You were able to teach the kids
How beautiful this big world is
And how to love him.

You have chosen the right path in life.
And there is no reason for you to leave it.
You can't forget the first teacher -
Mentor for preschool children.
You are not geologists or seekers,
You do not drive around the wilderness.
But your work is held in high esteem, you are educators,
You are the engineers of baby souls.
Sometimes funny, sometimes difficult.
Not a fun game.
Of all professions, peaceful and necessary
Preschool work with children.

You became the second mothers to our children.
And we will honestly say, without bending our hearts:
There is no better educator in the world
Than those that stand before me here.
Low bow to you, our teachers,
For all the love, patience, warmth,
For the fact that they were both soft and strict with children,
For giving them kindness.
Because they are all ready for school,
For learning to be friends here,
Because you were dreams both in joy and in sorrow,
We are ready to thank you a hundred times.

Thanks to the educators and nannies
For a gentle, attentive welcome.
For the fact that we perceived the kindergarten,
How warm and dear, cozy home!
Our kids are getting ready for school,
So quickly the time passed.
We wish you fun work,
So that you all live in happiness and love!

For us today is the first graduation
Thank you for what we can do.
We carve, sculpt and sing
And if necessary, we will be able to read everything.
It's a little pity that we are already at school
Nobody pats the head like that
He won't sleep, he won't read a fairy tale,
All this will be in the past, like the kindergarten.

Springtime brings with it warmth, the blossoming of nature and just a good mood - everything that we lack so much in the long winter. In addition, in the midst of spring, graduation parties are traditionally held in kindergartens and schools, gathering many smart and cheerful participants under one roof. Indeed, a particularly touching and sincere atmosphere always reigns at the ceremonial event in honor of the graduation of an educational institution. At such an important moment, the support of parents - the closest and dearest people - is extremely important for each graduate. Indeed, thanks largely to parental support, patience and wise advice, today's graduates have successfully passed the next stage of life, and are now ready for further victories and achievements. By tradition, the young "heroes" of the occasion say sincere words of gratitude to their parents at the prom - in verse and heartfelt lines of prose. On our pages you will find interesting ideas for preparing a thank you speech for parents from children for the graduation party in grades 4, 9 or 11. In addition, kindergarten teachers or school teachers can express their warmest congratulations to the parents of graduates - with the help of the prepared texts presented.

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the graduation in kindergarten - from educators, in poetry and prose

A graduation matinee in kindergarten is an important and responsible step for preschoolers, their first step into adulthood. Looking back, many parents of graduates fondly remember “how it all began,” and educators can hardly contain their excitement and sadness. After all, very soon there will be a farewell to beloved pupils - noticeably matured girls and boys. According to the graduation scenario, the parents express their sincere gratitude to the entire staff of the preschool institution, which has become a real "second home" for the children. In turn, the teacher of the group or the head of the kindergarten pronounces beautiful words of gratitude to the parents at the graduation in kindergarten - for their help in the improvement of the group, active participation in all events. We bring to your attention a selection of beautiful words of thanks for parents from kindergarten teachers in verse and prose, which will definitely be remembered by everyone present at the holiday.

Poems and prose with words of gratitude for parents in honor of the graduation in kindergarten

So the guys have grown up,
First graduation in life.
Group, cots -
Our dear kindergarten!

And the eyes of mom and dad
Already glistening with tears.
It's very sad to part
But we are happy for the guys.

You, parents, - patience,
And only praise for the kids.
To keep your child at school
I received only fives.

Thank you very much for that,
That I can rely on you
In a quiet time, dashing
Contact you for help!

Live quietly, richly,
In beautiful harmonious love,
You are the best mom and dad
We wish you a great life!

Dear and dear parents! All of us are now a little sad that we are releasing your children from our kindergarten. We have lived together for so many years, so many days have been together, side by side, hand in hand. But time does not stand still, it goes forward, goes along with the children. Children grow, develop, kindergarten is not enough for them, and for further growth they need to go to school. And we are sad from parting with them. But we are happy and proud that we were able to raise your children to the level of a schoolchild. We prepared them for school, and now they can show their literacy and good breeding.
We are grateful to all parents for the support that each of them provided to us, to their children, during the long period of their children’s stay in kindergarten. We are glad that you have entrusted your children to us, and we have managed to justify your trust. Thank you for your children, for your help. We very much hope that we will see you and your children more than once, when they have already become completely adult people.

Dear mums and dads! Today your children and you have a real holiday. Today you and your children have taken a step forward, you have become an adult. On behalf of the entire working team of the kindergarten, we want to thank you for entrusting us with raising your children. Thank you for helping us and our kindergarten all these years. Thank you for always coming to the rescue, responding to our requests. We sincerely hope that you can continue to be exemplary parents for your children. And they will grow up to be exemplary children for their parents.

Dear moms and dads,
We want to say thank you
For healthy, happy kids,
What did you manage to bring up!
They are older today
We'll take them to first grade
But let us leave them in our souls -
They have become dear to us!

Words of gratitude to parents from children - graduates of the 4th grade

The end of the school year is approaching and very soon the 4th grade pupils will "officially" become the fifth graders. Of course, for many such an important step is not easy to take, because in elementary school children are accustomed to their teacher, a place at a desk, a certain daily routine. However, thanks to parental support, fourth-graders will adequately cope with any obstacles on the way to success and new knowledge. So, words of gratitude to parents at the graduation party from children invariably touch the most delicate strings of the soul, causing a touching excitement in the audience. We have selected a few simple examples of words of gratitude in verse - every 4th grade graduate can easily learn any work in order to please beloved parents on such a joyful and bright day.

How to express in words gratitude to parents from children at the graduation in grade 4

Thank parents
For understanding
For being condescending
They did it to me.

Today is a bright holiday
Today is graduation!
I wish you happiness
Smiles, kind words!

From the first grade they took me by the hand
From dancing, to dancing, pushed to science,
They always helped, taught the lessons ...
We have not forgotten all this, dear ones!
Low, heartfelt, sincere bow
To our parents from graduates!

We want to say thank you to parents
we are on this bright holiday - graduation.
Thank you for being with us
and helped us with all their hearts.

Thank you, relatives for the science,
for your help and support to us.
After all, you are the most dear to us,
we love everything very much and appreciate you.

Dear mothers, dear fathers!

The first stage of the school has been lived.

Year, second and third,

And behind him is the fourth -

Ended up successfully

Our praise!

You helped us,

They wrote in the portfolio,

Tasks until dark

With us you decide.

How great we studied in the fourth grade
To the sounds of a loud bell!
This sincere happiness was wonderful -
Read Yesenin, learn English words ...

But we are growing and strive for something new,
And time is quick to urge us on.
Today we want parents to be proud
That we are moving into the fifth grade!

And this is your precious merit.
We meet together today graduation!
They always supported me when it was tight.
Thank you, family, for your love!

Heartfelt words of gratitude to parents at the 9th grade graduation - in prose from the teacher

For many girls and boys, ninth grade will be the final year of schooling - ahead of going to college or starting work. Today it has become extremely popular to widely and on a grand scale celebrate the graduation party in the 9th grade, inviting teachers, parents and friends of the "heroes" of the occasion as guests. With special warmth and gratitude, the parents of the alumni turn to the teachers present at the holiday, saying "thank you" for their professionalism, emotional sensitivity and boundless patience. In response, the teachers express heartfelt words of gratitude to the parents of their beloved pupils, who have become the real pride of their native school. As a rule, such a speech in prose on behalf of the entire team is made by the class teacher or other subject teacher. Of course, not everyone has the gift of improvisation to make such a speech "on the fly" - in this case, we recommend choosing one or more of the words of gratitude in prose presented below.

Texts with words of gratitude in prose for parents of 9th grade graduates

Dear Alumni Parents! Let me, on behalf of our entire school, all our teachers and staff, express my gratitude to you for your children. For being able to educate them as they are. For helping them in their studies, in life and giving them the necessary and correct advice. It is you who will always be both parents and teachers for your children.

Because looking at you, your child wants to be even better, to make you proud of him. Continue to help your children further, and in the future they will help you. Thank you for the excellent pupils!

Dear Parents! We would like to express our sincere gratitude from the entire team of our school. You and I are one whole, because you worked at home, and we - at work at school. Together with you, we did everything to make our children ready for adulthood. And oddly enough it sounds from the mouth of a teacher, but grades are not the main thing in life. The main thing is that over all these years, together with you, we have raised and educated real people whom you want to be proud of. I am sure that very soon we will feel pride when learning about the achievements of our graduates - your daughters and sons!

For children, parents will always come first. And rightly so, because parents are educators, teachers, and teachers for life. And today I want to say words of gratitude from our school to all parents who helped not only their children during the years of study, but also our school. I am sincerely sorry that your children are finishing their studies, because it was a pleasure to work with such students. I want to wish you to follow the same path in the future, not to turn off it and constantly help your children. And let this graduation party be a big step forward towards an adult and independent life, where everyone will have success, a brilliant career and a friendly family.

On this beautiful summer day, our friendly school team is in a hurry to congratulate all parents and their children on their graduation. Dear you ours, we will sorely miss your perky laughter, funny jokes and exemplary behavior. We want to say to parents: "Thank you for your children!"

May all wishes and congratulations in honor of today's graduation be for you, dear parents. You raised your children properly and maybe someday they will thank you for it. And we, the staff of the school, want to wish you and your beloved children all the best.

Words of gratitude from grade 11 alumni to parents - poetry and prose

Each parent is pleased and at the same time exciting to realize that the child has grown up and will soon go into a new independent life. Thus, words of gratitude to parents from grade 11 graduates always evoke the most vivid emotions, often causing tears in their eyes - from joy for the future of children and sadness from an imminent separation. In gratitude for parental support and participation, graduates devote beautiful poems and songs, heartfelt speeches in prose to mothers and fathers. Having chosen several options for words of thanks, you can recite them at the graduation party, giving your beloved parents a bright and memorable holiday.

Variants of words of gratitude in verse and prose to parents of 11th grade graduates

Thank you parents for your patience
Anxious heartbeat to tears,
For days and nights and great love,
For a restless soul, dear!

May joy pour into your hearts today,
And everything in the world just works out,
Believe me, we love you very, very much,
Both graduate sons and daughters!

May kindness be with us all the time -
Not schoolchildren, but graduates,
Students, workers, anyone
We are always with you - dear, dear!

On our farewell evening with school, at the same time happy and sad moments of graduation, we want to say “many thanks” to our wonderful and dear parents. You gave us life, happy childhood, confident support and sincere love, you have always believed in us and were proud of us. Thank you dear ones for being. May God grant you good health, patience, peace, understanding and happiness.

We stepped into life. And this important step
Like a journey across an unknown planet
And behind the back is the parental hearth.

We are, look, the best in the world
Yesterday's girls, boys.
Parents, be proud! Your children
Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

Today our friendly class is heartily
"Thank you" wants to say to all parents,
After all, you have always raised us,
Taught to look for the positive in everything!

We won't let you down, we promise
Let's go to universities and achieve all the heights!
We will become your pride, we know
That we will always be number one!

We will say thank you to parents today,
We love you very much, you are our support,
All our successes are only your merit,
It's time for all of us to say goodbye to school soon,
Let's quickly join hands
You are at our prom, be next to us,
Good luck awaits us all, just don't cry,
And happiness will come, it is not far off!

Sincere words of gratitude to parents of the graduation party of grades 4, 9 and 11 are best prepared in advance - poems and prose from our selection are ideal to express gratitude from children and school teachers. Little kindergarten graduates and educators will find here great options for grateful words for parents on a holiday graduation day. Thank you, dear parents!

Our dear educators, we want to say thank you very much for your faithful and hard work, for the kindness of hearts and sensitivity of the soul, for understanding and an individual approach to each child, for fun children's leisure and good upbringing, for interesting hobbies and wonderful games. May you bring up more than one generation, may your hearts never tire of wonderful work and caring for children.

Dear and respected our educator! I would like to sincerely thank you for the warmth, kindness and care that you envelop our children with. Thank you very much for the faith and development of each child, as well as for the love, tenderness and individual approach. I would like all your pupils to respond to you with love, sincerity, care and respect. We wish you health, happiness, peace and good!

Thank you, our dear educators, thank you for your kind hearts and your warm smiles, thank you for your endless efforts and good holidays, thank you for your constant care and joy of every day. We wish you to always remain such wonderful, cheerful people, we wish you to be able to have fun like children and feel happiness every moment.

Dear and dear educators, thank you very much for your invaluable work and care, for your understanding, kindness and your love, for excellent upbringing, exciting activities and positive emotions. I wish you happiness, dear ones, prosperity, respect and great success.

Thank you very much, dear educators, thank you for your patience and sincere understanding, for the kindness of your hearts and special attention for each child, thank you for the fun games with the children and beautiful fairy tales for all the children. Always be full of strength and wonderful ideas, we wish you happiness and all-round success in life.

Our dear educators, thank you for our happy, funny, kind, bright, exciting, sonorous, memorable, joyful kindergarten everyday life. We come to the garden with pleasure and have a wonderful time here, together with you we explore the world and discover a lot of new and interesting things. Thank you all for your efforts, for your understanding and for your kindness.

Thank you very much to our wonderful educators who spare no effort and effort, who fill every day with rays of joy and fun, which give children the warmth of their hearts and the light of smiles. Thank you for your work and kindness, be in good health and sincerely happy in life.

We are so grateful to our educators, people who have become second mothers for our children. Thank you for investing in our kids a huge amount of warmth, a piece of your soul and your quivering motherly care. Let prosperity always reign in your families. Low bow and many thanks!

Dear, beloved, patient, kind, lovely educators, we express our deep gratitude for your work, for your care. Thank you for your understanding at any moment, for your help and your efforts. You are doing a great job, helping parents raise and educate their children. Thank you very much. We wish you good health and happiness, strength and good luck.

Thanks to our dear and respected educators for their patience and incredible work, for sincere love for our children and a kind attitude, for exciting leisure and fun walks, for interesting hobbies and excellent upbringing. Be happy, dear, respected and successful.

It is very important in moments when you are overwhelmed with emotions, when gratitude to someone is glimmering in your soul to find suitable words. The first step in a child's life is a festive matinee dedicated to the end of kindergarten. On this day, “thank you” is heard by the graduates and their parents, as well as by all those who accompanied and helped their child during the preschool age.

In this article, the most appropriate words have been selected so that your graduation party becomes one of the most memorable events in the life of both the child and the parents, so that it is filled with smiles, touching moments and tears of gratitude.

Words of gratitude to the parents of the kindergarten at the graduation in kindergarten in poetry and prose

Mom and Dad are two of the most important people for a child, not only during preschool age, but throughout life.

And even despite the fact that children at such a young age still cannot fully appreciate all the care of the closest people in his life, the kindergarten workers learn wonderful poems for parents with children.

Words of gratitude for parents are also heard from the working collective of the kindergarten: educators, nannies, teachers who have worked with their children for a long time.

These words are best pronounced in prose, for example:

“Dear parents! So the long-awaited and exciting moment has come - your child's first graduation in life. There are still many pages ahead that you will write with your children throughout your life. And today we would like to invite you to look back a little. It would seem that just recently you brought your baby to the walls of our kindergarten. Not from the first days parting with you for the whole day has become an achievable task for the child, there were tears, and experiences, and not a desire to go to kindergarten. But the more pleasant and long-awaited for you was the moment when you took your baby from the walls of our garden. And now the moment has come when semolina for breakfast and the quiet hour are in the past. I would like to thank you, dear parents, for the children, for your patience and discretion. We will be glad to see you visiting! All the best to you! "

“Dear our parents! I would like to say thank you for bringing your wonderful children to the walls of our kindergarten. Parting is always a sad but inevitable moment. Your children need to keep going, there are textbooks, calls, exercise books and grades ahead. But we would very much like to ask you not to forget about your kindergarten in this cycle of events! I wish you success, health, excellent studies! "

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teachers

On this important day, words of gratitude are heard not only from children and educators, parents or representatives of the parent committee always express their gratitude to the employee of the preschool.

Important! It doesn't really matter whether the words are pronounced in prose or in poetic form, the most important thing is that they are spoken from a pure heart.

Advice: Printed thank you notes are a great alternative for a keepsake. You just need to indicate the full name of the staff, the desired year of issue, add words of gratitude and send a letter to the press. Rest assured, the staff will appreciate this gift, frame it and hang it on the wall in memory of your graduation.

Glory to the kindergarten gratitude

Not only educators have made a huge contribution to the formation of the personality and development of your child. Every day a huge number of people worked with your baby: castellans, kitchen workers, music directors, speech therapists, psychologists, nurses, kindergarten managers - they all deserve special thanks. After all, each of them with warmth and trepidation prepared the kindergarten for admission, cooked delicious meals, met the children, treated them if necessary, instilled in them a love of beauty.

Basically, the entire working team of the institution is at the graduation party, and they would be pleased if their contribution to the work of the kindergarten would be appreciated by kind and grateful statements in their direction.

Words of gratitude to children

Of course, we shouldn't forget about the main heroes of the occasion - the graduates. Both educators and parents can congratulate fidgets.

What is the first thing to consider when choosing words of thanks and congratulations? Even though they are already grown up, the children are sitting in front of you, but the children will not learn long thanksgiving speeches to the proper extent, most likely the crumbs will simply get tired and stop grasping the essence that the speaker wants to convey to them. So one of the most important characteristics for the selection of speech should be its brevity.

Important! If during your congratulations you plan to mark one of the kids separately, then it is worth saying a few pleasant words about each child in the group.

Advice: The little ones will be pleased to receive their first document, so prepare a graduate diploma for each of them in advance and solemnly present them during your congratulations.

In modern conditions associated with the introduction of new federal educational standards, educational institutions successfully carry out the pedagogical process in close connection with the family, actively involve mothers and fathers in the life of a kindergarten or school. Parents today are not just consumers of educational services, but equal partners of the educational process. To encourage those who are actively interested in the life of a children's educational institution, the administration of kindergartens and schools uses such a form as a letter of thanks to parents.

It is compiled by the administration (director, deputy director), class teacher or educator on behalf of the educational institution. The text contains an expression of gratitude to parents for raising children or for the help provided to the school (kindergarten).

What is the reason for compiling a letter of thanks to parents?

The educational institution independently decides when and to whom to send this business document. Most often, a letter of thanks is drawn up in the following cases:

What is the purpose of a thank you letter?

As a tool of business etiquette, it is drawn up with the aim of expressing gratitude for the assistance provided, the assignments or requests fulfilled, for the successful cooperation or achievement of the set goals. When the administration of an educational institution wishes to express its gratitude, the text of a letter of thanks to the parents is drawn up.

Such a document has no legal force, despite its business purpose. It is known that not only educational institutions can write letters of thanks. Individual departments or authorities use them as part of the reward system. In this case, they perform the role of a certificate of honor or a diploma awarded for certain merits.

Features of writing business letters

A letter of thanks to parents is a type of business letter. It can be written in free form, but must necessarily contain elements of business style.

  • If there is a letterhead of the institution, then the letter is drawn up on it.
  • At the beginning of the text, a traditional header is drawn up, where the addressee is placed, to whose address the gratitude is sent, it can be a specific person, a group of people or an enterprise.
  • The text of the letter begins with an address that can be personalized, for example: "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!" or standard, for example, "Dear customer!"
  • The text of the letter may contain standard wording, for example, "We express our sincere gratitude for ..." and "We hope to continue successful cooperation and increase the achieved indicators."
  • The information about the person expressing gratitude (surname, name, patronymic and position held), as well as his signature, must be indicated.

What to write about in a thank you letter?

If the purpose of the educational institution is to express gratitude to the parents for the upbringing, the wording of the letter may be a standard expression of gratitude for the upbringing, or it can contain a detailed description of the results of the family upbringing. In the second case, all the successes, achievements, positive traits and any other merits of the child can be included in the text of the letter of thanks. Parents will be pleased to know that their child is a worthy member of society and that their parental work is appreciated.

If the purpose of the letter is to express gratitude for some specific assistance provided to an educational institution, then the reason must be indicated in the text. For example, "Thank you sincerely for helping us repair the classroom."

How to reward the parents of graduates?

In many kindergartens there is a tradition, following which, when children leave kindergarten, a letter of gratitude is handed to parents. It can be drawn up by the group educators, or by the administration, the content may be something like the following:

Dear _____ and _____!

You have chosen our kindergarten as a playground for the development of your kids. We are glad that we were lucky enough to bring up such wonderful children! Our entire friendly team expresses gratitude to you for the help that you have provided to us all this time: in replenishing the play area and the subject-spatial developmental environment in the group, together we strived to ensure that our children were good and comfortable in kindergarten. We sincerely express our gratitude for your understanding. We are confident that you will always be wonderful parents for your children in the future. And they will certainly delight you with their successes and achievements! Thank you for being with us!

Dear Parents!

On behalf of the entire teaching staff of the school, we express our gratitude for the upbringing of your son (daughter). May the children continue to delight with their achievements, they will be worthy successors of your family traditions. We wish you family happiness, mutual understanding, patience and success in your upbringing!

Template or creativity?

Each kindergarten may have its own corporate sample of a letter of thanks to parents. However, sometimes you want to move away from any template. Teachers sometimes show creativity and ingenuity, wanting to make a pleasant surprise: they come up with an unusual design, use non-standard materials and even compose a letter of thanks to parents in verse, because despite the business occasion, the content can be warm and touching.

We want to say "thank you"!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For being in the life of kids

It will become warmer and brighter.

We need your help so much

She is like a ray of sunshine

May your path shine with good

And your deeds are the sacred essence.

Thank you many, many times

To parents from all of us:

From teachers and kids,

From all the girls and boys!

Oral thank you letter to kindergarten parents

Dear moms, dads,

We appeal to you,

You came to visit today

To our lovely kids.

Where can I find more paintable words,

To say "thank you" to you?

All the problems of our group

Helping to decide.

All merit I am in conversation

I don't want to embellish

But any of our troubles

Next to you on the shoulder.

If there is a holiday, you will come

To share it with us.

What is broken - you will find

Time to mend.

Repaired the group,

Here without you - well, nowhere!

To create comfort for the kids

You do not regret the work.

If only a teacher

Competition offered to children,

Our talented parent

Already done something.

Do not regret for the kids

The kindness of their hearts

Golden moms, dads

Everyone is just great!

Children grow up quickly

but on the path of life

Im always with your support

It will be more joyful to grow.

We often contacted you:

In summer and in the middle of winter,

Knowing that at any time

we can rely.

I confess in this place,

Raising children is not easy.

But on the other hand, we are together

They managed to survive everything.

Let the sun shine

let the sky turn blue.

To the best moms, to the best dads

I bow to the educators.

Poetic gratitude of the teacher to the parents at the end of the school year

The school year has passed

The clock ticked by

Let's sum it up,

Vacation is on the nose.

We lived brightly, not boring,

And this verse will tell

How difficult it would be for children

Without their parents.

Academic performance is in order.

They know everything no matter what they ask.

It was not in vain that they sat with lessons,

sparing no effort.

Active life - excellent

If a competition is held,

Each parent was able to personally

Show all talents.

Labor will surely be rewarded to you

Every hour of the minute.

Your contributions to education

Children will grow up, they will understand.

Your help is a joy to the school,

Let's move everything together!

And accept in gratitude

our teacher bow

From worries and from lessons,

You have a rest during the summer,

And thank you very much,

In September we are on our way again!

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