The minimum size of the old-age pension in Belarus. Minimum pension in Belarus

The salary of the inhabitants of any country reflects the quality of life in it. The characteristics of wages show the directions of development of each state. Belarus is no less interesting in this regard, since the average salary of its specialists worries many people.

Popular professions

It is easy to guess that the level of income depends on the productivity and specialty of the employee, or rather, the popularity of the latter in the labor market. The most demanded for 2018 are:

  • management positions (sales manager, sales consultant);
  • engineering specialties;
  • programmers;
  • doctors, teachers, cooks and seamstresses.
  • But by no means all of them receive a decent high salary, since the factor of simplicity of obtaining certain professions is at work. Thus, the work of computer programmers, according to 2017 data, is paid quite high: their average salary in some cases reaches 90 thousand rubles in Russia, which is more than $ 1000. "Air" employees receive 30 thousand less rubles, and workers in the field of oil refining - 50 less. Social workers, plumbers and electricians have the lowest income.

    The average wage in Belarus since the beginning of 2017 has changed by months. So, in January it amounted to 23 thousand Russian rubles, or 332 US dollars, in February it increased by 383 rubles, and in March - by another 1500. Translated into US currency, the increase was 27.5 dollars. The lowest paid workers can be considered the workers of the Brest region, where the average salary is about 22,300 thousand in Russian currency. For comparison, in Minsk in 2018 the average salary is fixed at 30 thousand, which is quite logical for the capital of the country.

    Living wage

    Average salary includes net salary only. This is also all sorts of allowances: for harm, length of service, work at night. Cash incentives in the form of bonuses are also taken into account. Don't forget about sick leave. If you look from the other side, then deductions in the form of taxes are made from the salary. For official employees, the average salary primarily includes income tax.

    But there is also a lower limit of wages, in other words the minimum wage, regulated by the legislation of the country, which guarantees each worker that their salary will be sufficient for a monthly living. Lowering the bar by the employer threatens him with punishment. In 2018, the government of Belarus set the subsistence minimum at 5,400 Russian rubles, which is even less than $ 100.

    Budget workers

    Such noble professions as a teacher or a doctor do not lose their popularity, and it is impossible to imagine modern life without specialists in these fields. In order to maintain interest in them, the government strictly monitors the level of salaries of teachers and doctors. Agree, the more monetary incentives an employee has, the higher quality services he provides. The state conducts an incentive policy in relation to teachers and medical workers, as it is interested in attracting high-quality personnel.

    Depending on the region of residence and the level of specialty, doctors may receive different incomes, but the average salary is 23 thousand in Russian currency, or 300 US dollars. Medium-level medical personnel have half the wages. The average salary of junior medical workers is 13.5 thousand rubles, or almost 200 dollars. With regard to educators in Belarus, back in 2013, a law on increasing wages was introduced, which by 2018 increased salaries by one fourth of them.

    Pensions in Belarus

    The size of the pension in this country arouses no less interest, since people need a guarantee from the state that they will be provided with a comfortable old age for their work experience. The answer to the question "What will be the pension?" depends on the number of years of service and the average income of the worker. In 2014, the government of Belarus made changes to the procedure for calculating pension payments. So, from the beginning of 2016, after 15 years of work, a labor pension begins to accrue. In addition, there is a social pension to help citizens without work.

    Labor accruals for men begin after 25 years of employment. For women, this period is 20 years. But a prerequisite is the deduction of funds to the Pension Fund within 10 years. The retirement age in Belarus in 2018 for men is 63 years, and for women - 58. The minimum monthly pension payments are 5.5 thousand Russian rubles, or 80 dollars in US currency.

    In some industries, it is possible to retire on the basis of seniority, when workers have completed the required length of service, determined specifically for their position. A preferential pension is assigned to the following categories of citizens:

  • military personnel;
  • aviation workers;
  • certain categories of teachers and medical professionals;
  • athletes;
  • working in special (harmful or difficult) conditions.
  • The Belarusian economy today is in a weakened state, which creates negative pressure on the average earnings of citizens, thereby creating the basis for the growth of unemployment and poverty.

    Experts believe that in 2018 it is worth waiting for a trend towards growth not only in the average income of citizens, but also in their pensions. Just do not hope that the pace will be record-breaking. Most likely, the increase will be insignificant, but some areas, for example, education, were declared by the government as additional funded in 2016. This means that professions in these areas will become more highly paid and in demand.

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    Minimum pension in Belarus

    Pensions paid to citizens of the Republic of Belarus are divided into several categories. Their size is determined by various factors - the total length of service, the work capacity of the pensioner, etc. Also, the legislation provides for the so-called minimum pension- payment, which is guaranteed to be able to receive a person who has worked for a certain number of years.

    How is the minimum pension calculated in the Republic of Belarus?

    It is based on the BPM (subsistence minimum budget) - a variable economic value that is calculated individually for different segments of the population. The minimum old-age pension is calculated in the amount of 25% of the maximum BPM size for the last 2 quarters.

    But for a disability pension in our republic, a different calculation mechanism is used.

    • Disabled persons of the 1st and 2nd groups receive payments in the amount of 100% of the minimum old-age pension.
    • Disabled citizens of the third group are guaranteed to receive a pension, the size of which is already 50% of the average age.
    • The pension for mothers-heroines with any degree of disability is stipulated separately. This category of citizens pays 100% of the amount of the minimum pension assigned by age.
    • An important caveat: in order to receive the minimum old-age pension, you must have a minimum work experience. He is currently 15 years old. At the same time, throughout all these years, the employee must pay the due insurance premiums to the budget of the republic. If the minimum length of service for a pension is insufficient (i.e. less than 15 years), then the employee will receive a social pension. It is also calculated based on the BPM for different categories of pensioners.

      Minimum pension in Belarus in 2016-2017

      In 2016-2017, pensions in the country were indexed several times. All types of pensions were raised, including the minimum. In particular, the size of the minimum old-age pension in January 2016 was 392 thousand non-denominated rubles. After several increases, in January 2017, this type of pension increased to 43.8 denominated rubles. The amount, frankly speaking, is small, but it is determined in full accordance with the current legislation of Belarus.

      Information on how pensions have changed in the Republic of Belarus over the past years can be found in the table below.

      Pension in Belarus in 2018 in rubles

      Recalculations of pensions in 2018

      Minimum labor pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75, social pensions, in connection with an increase in the budget of the subsistence level on average per capita.

      In accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 7 dated January 24, 2018, the budget of the subsistence minimum per capita on average in December 2017 prices per month for the period from February 1, 2018 to April 30, 2018 is set at RUB 199.32.

    • the minimum old-age pension is 49.83 rubles. (25 percent of the budget of the subsistence minimum per capita on average (Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Pension Provision");
    • additional payment to the minimum amount of pensions 132.11 rubles. (20 percent of the average salary used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner when assigning and recalculating labor pensions - 660.55 rubles. (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 976 dated December 22, 1999).
    • The minimum old-age pension, taking into account the additional payment, is 181.94 rubles.

      - labor pensions based on the average wages of workers in the republic 696.88 rubles. (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On increasing pensions" dated April 26, 2018 No. 142)

      Minimum labor pensions, allowances and increases to them, additional payments to pensioners over the age of 75 (80) years, social pensions, due to an increase in the minimum subsistence budget on average per capita.

      In accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 47 of April 24, 2018, the budget of the subsistence minimum per capita on average in March 2018 prices per month for the period from May 1, 2018 to July 31, 2018 is set at 206.58 rubles.

      The minimum old-age pension is 51.65 rubles. (25 percent of the budget of the subsistence minimum on average per capita (Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Pension Provision");

      Supplement to the minimum amount of pensions 139.38 rubles. (20 percent of the average salary used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner when assigning and recalculating labor pensions - 696.88 rubles (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 976 dated December 22, 1999).

      The minimum old-age pension, taking into account the additional payment, is 191.03 rubles.

      Minimum pension

      Minimum pension- the state-guaranteed pension payment is determined by law and differs depending on the category of recipients.

      The state pension system existing in the Republic of Belarus is clearly structured by law. All pension payments differ by category of recipients, depend on their seniority and other merits, as well as the degree of disability, the availability of other sources of income. The determination of the amount of pensions is carried out in accordance with the standards enshrined, in particular, in the Law "On Pension Provision". For each type of pension, a minimum amount is established, as a rule, representing a certain percentage of the subsistence minimum.

      It should be understood that the minimum pension is not a fundamentally new benefit, but the lower limit of the pension benefit in a particular category.

      Thus, the minimum labor pension is assigned in cases where the volume of insurance payments during the period of employment does not allow the pension to be calculated above the minimum specified by law. The same applies to the calculation of a disability or loss of breadwinner retirement pension.

      The starting point for calculating pension minimums is the size of the budget of the subsistence minimum and the minimum old-age pension, which, in turn, is also calculated from the amount of the subsistence minimum.

      For labor pensions, the minimum value is 25% of the maximum per capita budget of the subsistence minimum for the two past quarters (Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Pension Provision").

      The amount of the minimum disability pension is determined depending on the group:

      • For the first and second groups 100%, for the third - 50% of the minimum old-age pension. (for mothers of heroines - 100% for any group of disabilities)
      • The minimum size of the survivor's labor pension is 100% of the minimum old-age pension. The same pensions for orphans are doubled (in the absence of a monthly insurance payment in connection with the death of a parent).
      • The minimum seniority pension is equal to the minimum old-age pension.
      • The minimum retirement pensions assigned to them are subject to an additional payment of 20% of the average salary in the country.

        The allowances for caring for disabled people are applied to the minimum pensions on a general basis.

        The increase in the size of the minimum pensions is regulated by the state in connection with the increase in the subsistence minimum budget. To illustrate the dynamics of the growth of minimum pensions in 2014-2018, one can consider the relevant statistical data for the city of Minsk.

        Old age pension in Belarus

        Old age pensions- These are regular cash payments from the Social Security Fund, assigned to citizens who have reached the retirement age specified by law, subject to the availability of work experience, the minimum amount of which is also determined by law. The size of the retirement age pension depends on the amount of past earnings.

        The following distinctive features of the old-age pension in the Republic of Belarus should be highlighted:

        • she is appointed upon reaching the age specified by the law:
        • assigned to persons with a sufficiently long experience of socially useful activity;
        • the old-age pension is assigned for life, regardless of the state of ability to work.
        • Thus, an old-age pension is not only a compensation for the expected decrease in the ability to work, but - a well-deserved rest.

          The right of citizens to pension provision, including old age, is guaranteed by Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Pension Provision". At the same time, Article 5 of this Law specifies that the right to a labor pension is granted to citizens, from whose income during the period of labor activity deductions for state social insurance were made for at least 5 years.

          Persons of retirement age who do not have the right to a labor pension are assigned a social pension on conditions determined by law. Such a norm is contained in Articles 5 and 72 of the Law "On Pension Provision".

          The source of payment of retirement pensions is the Social Security Fund. Social pensions are paid directly from the republican budget.

          From January 1, 2017, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 11, 2016 No. 137 "On improving pension provision", the generally established retirement age will be increased annually by 6 months until the age of men reaches 63 years old, and women reach 58 years old.

          We would like to remind that earlier, according to Article 11 of this Law, the following persons had the right to receive old-age pensions on a general basis:

          • men who have reached 60 years of age with a work experience of at least 25 years;
          • women, respectively - 55 years old, with at least 20 years of experience.
          • The appointment of an old-age labor pension is preceded by the process of calculating its size based on the total length of work experience and special moments of its calculation; calculating the amount of earnings, to determine the size of the pension.

            The issues of calculating pensions as a percentage of previous earnings are regulated by Article 56 of the Law. The procedure for collecting and verifying information on earnings and other payments included in the calculation is, respectively, in Articles 57 and 58. The procedure for recording information on seniority and the nuances of its calculation are defined in Articles 51-54 of the Law.

            According to the opinions of citizens who have already passed the procedure for calculating and assigning a pension, this process is quite well established, the application of legislative norms has been explained and worked out. The most common problem is errors when employers submit information to the FSZN, especially in the Soviet and early post-Soviet years, and receive information about work experience and earnings from other states of the former USSR.

            To concretize the existing situation in the described area, one can consider the statistics of the Minsk City Executive Committee for 2016-2018, in Belarusian rubles:

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    “How does the individual coefficient of earnings of a future pensioner in relation to the coefficient of 1.3 affect the size of his pension? It turns out that the lower the individual coefficient, the more profitable? Mikhail Kupriyanov, Gomel ".

    Tatiana Kulesh, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Gomel Region:

    The size of old-age labor pensions depends on the duration of the total length of service and the salary from which compulsory insurance contributions were paid to the budget of the state off-budget social protection fund.

    The use of precisely these parameters makes it possible to calculate the pension of a specific employee, taking into account his personal contribution to the financing of the pension system during his past labor activity.

    Presidential Decree No. 570 of December 8, 2014 "On improving pension provision" provides for a set of measures aimed at increasing the level of pensions of citizens who have reached the generally established retirement age, calculated with a long work experience.

    So, since January 1, 2015, pensions have been increased for people who have reached the generally established retirement age, calculated with a long work experience with low earnings. The increase was made by increasing the minimum cost of each full year of work experience over 35 years for men and 30 years for women, and for people with maximum work experience (45 years for men and 40 years for women) - over 25 and 20 years, respectively.

    The cost of 36 years of service for men and 31 years of service for women and subsequent years of service was at least 0.7% of the average salary of employees used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner.

    In nominal terms, based on the average wage of employees, used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner since November 2017 (Bn660.55), the price of one year of service over 35/30 years is at least Bn4.62.

    Your total work experience is 44 years 3 months 16 days, your individual earnings ratio is 2.35052. Based on these parameters, the adjusted actual earnings (according to the rules of section 56 of the Law.) Applied to calculate your pension is Bn541.68.

    Since one year of your work experience (1% of your earnings) is Bn5.42 (Bn541.68 x 1%), which is higher than the established minimum (Bn4.62), the pension for work experience over 25 years (including for work experience over 35 years old) increases by 1% of your earnings.

    Since January 1, 2016, pensions have been additionally increased for men who have reached the generally established retirement age with work experience over 40 years, and for women over 35 years.

    This happened due to the higher cost of each full year of experience over 40 years up to 45 years inclusive for men and over 35 years up to 40 years inclusively for women: for each full year, pensions additionally increase from 0.1 to 0.5% of average monthly earnings, but not less than 0.7 of the average wage of workers in the country, used to adjust the actual earnings.

    For example, your pension is Bn 481.02, including the age supplement Bn 49.83 and the nursing supplement Bn 24.91.

    In addition, we inform that the maximum old-age pension exceeds the minimum labor pension by more than 3 times (in February 2018, old-age pensions were distributed from Bn 181.94 (minimum with 25 years of service for men / 20 years for women) to Bn 548.27 (with an experience of 45/40 years and an ICZ of 5.0 and above).

    It follows from the foregoing that the greater the individual earnings ratio and the longer the length of service, the correspondingly higher the size of the pension.

    Are you flooded by neighbors? Calculated in the store? Unreasonably fined? Do you find it difficult to solve everyday problems in the sphere of housing and communal services, trade, transport? Do not find a common language with the district administration, traffic police, bank or travel agency?

    Your questions and complaints.

    Many people, whose age is close to retirement, are interested in the question of what kind of pension is established in Belarus today, how it is calculated and what is new in this area. Let's try to understand the problem and give an exhaustive answer to these questions.

    Pension in Belarus

    All issues related to pension provision in Belarus are regulated by the Law No. 1596-XII, adopted back in 1992, as well as by some additional laws and by-laws.

    According to the legislation, there are two types of pension accruals:

    • social;
    • labor.

    To obtain each of them, a number of necessary conditions are put forward. In addition, at least once a year (or more often), in accordance with the Decree of the President, retirement benefits are recalculated. A prerequisite for receiving payments is the payment of insurance premiums, which are withheld from each able-bodied citizen for a certain period and are transferred to the state social security fund.

    Labor retirement benefit is charged to all citizens of the country upon reaching a certain age. It is formed on the basis of the applicant's work experience and the number of insurance contributions made by him during the period of labor activity. Those citizens who, for one reason or another, have not been able to gain experience and are unable to work, are entitled to a social pension.

    An increase in pensions in Belarus is also possible through insurance of additional pension payments, which is carried out on a voluntary basis. Such services are provided by the country's insurance companies. It is not only the citizen himself who can take care of the formation of the additional part of the pension, but also the organization in which he works.

    Types of pension provision

    As in other countries, the size of the pension in Belarus directly depends on what kind of payment you are applying for, how old you are and how your relationship with the social insurance fund developed.

    There are such options for pension payments:

    According to the age.

    As a general rule, such a pension can be claimed by men and women whose age exceeds 60 and 55 years, respectively, who have worked for the benefit of the state for at least 25 (20) years. In some cases, exceptions are possible. Before the deadline, those whose working conditions were found to be harmful or difficult go on a well-deserved rest. The relief also applies to workers in transport, agricultural, textile and some other areas of activity.

    According to the length of service.

    This list includes some employees in the medical field, education, sports or creative activity. Also, the length of service can be used when calculating pensions for citizens employed in aviation or flight test units.


    To assign this type of pension at the time of the onset of disability, you must also have a minimum experience:

    • 1 year - for persons under 23 years old;
    • 2 years - those who are over 23, but less than 26 years old;
    • 3 years - from 26 to 31 and so on.

    An old-age pension is also offered for people who have been disabled since childhood. The length of service for them is set equal to that of healthy citizens (25 and 20 years), but the age from which one can apply for payment is reduced by 5 years - 55 and 50 years for men and women, respectively.

    For special services.

    The procedure for calculating such payments, as well as all issues related to the receipt of such a pension, are regulated by the Council of Ministers.

    Loss of the breadwinner.

    This type of payments is due to disabled citizens who are dependent, if they are recognized as having lost the breadwinner or the latter is missing.

    Retirement age

    This is a very important and controversial issue for those who are entitled to a pension in Belarus. The age for retirement today is 55 for women and 60 for the stronger sex.
    But starting next year, it will steadily rise. Every year this figure will increase by 6 months and by 2022 it will reach 58 years for women and 63 years for the male part of the country's population.

    Of course, this reform is not to the liking of many, but it is due to good reasons. The fact is that today the growing number of pensioners has led to a high burden on the country's budget. Quite a large part of the working-age population is increasingly leaving to work abroad and, accordingly, does not pay taxes inside the country. All these factors lead to a decrease in GDP per capita and a recession in the country's economy.

    Retirement experience

    In 2016, the retirement pension in Belarus will be accrued to those who, upon reaching the appropriate age, have a work experience of at least 15 years and 6 months. But from 2017 this indicator will also grow steadily for 6 months annually. By 2025, the minimum length of service for receiving pension payments in Belarus will reach 20 years. If all of the above is systematized a little, then it will look like this:

    Year Age (men), years Age (women), years Minimum work experience, years
    2017 60,5 55,5 16
    2018 61 56 16,5
    2019 61,5 56,5 17
    2020 62 57 17,5
    2021 62,5 57,5 18
    2022 63 58 18,5
    2023 63 58 19
    2024 63 58 19,5
    2025 63 58 20

    If it was not possible to earn the required work experience, then payments will be made in the presence of at least 10 years of work. Such a pension will be calculated taking into account the actual hours worked. Moreover, it cannot be less than half of the minimum old-age pension.

    Calculation of pension and its size

    The minimum pension in Belarus is really small. Its size is a quarter of the cost of living, taken for the two previous quarters.

    The minimum pension payment for disabled people of the first and second groups is 100% of the smallest pension payment by age, and for disabled people of the third group, this figure is reduced by 50%. Heroine mothers also receive 100% of the minimum wage by age. The same applies to seniority retirees.

    The old-age pension is defined as 55% of the average monthly earnings, adjusted for Article 56. The calculation is carried out in accordance with the established norms, as a percentage of the actual salary, which was accrued before applying for a retirement benefit.

    Those 10% that do not exceed 130% of the average state wage are taken into account in full, and each subsequent 10% is multiplied, respectively, by a coefficient from 0.9 to 0.1 (taken from 90 to 10%). Salary from 130-400% is taken into account at the rate of 10%. The amount that will be obtained as a result of the calculations is considered earnings for calculating the pension payment.

    Thus, the following factors influence the amount of the pension benefit:

    • experience;
    • the amount of earnings;
    • years of work in excess of experience;
    • sphere of work.

    The change (recalculation) of the calculated indicators can be made in the following cases:

    • change in the living wage;
    • an increase in the average salary by 15 percent or more;
    • gaining the necessary experience for citizens who did not have it;
    • change in the type of retirement benefit.

    A little about points

    As you already understood, the pension in Belarus is calculated according to a rather complicated scheme, one of the components of which is the personal pension coefficient. A certain number of points is awarded for each fully worked year. By the time you retire, you need to recruit at least three dozen. However, this scheme can be fully implemented only by 2025.

    Various nuances

    Who will not be affected by an increase in seniority? As always, this increase does not apply to those applying for a disability pension, mothers with many children, those with disabilities from childhood and their caregivers. For all these categories, it will still be sufficient to work at least 5 years.

    How is seniority considered? Only the time when deductions to the social insurance fund were actually made from the employee's salary are taken into account. For example, the army, training or decree will not be taken into account.

    If there is no seniority, for such citizens the pension in Belarus can only be social. It is equal to half the cost of living. At the same time, men will be able to receive even such a small allowance only from the age of 65, and women upon reaching the age of 60.

    Foreigners will pay too. From this year, compulsory social insurance applies to foreigners and stateless persons living and working in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

    Differences between the pension systems of Russia and Belarus

    In fact, there are not many differences in the pension systems of the two countries. In both Russia and Belarus, a pension is charged upon reaching a certain age, provided that a person has the required amount of contributions to the social insurance fund. Also, in both countries, disabled people, disabled persons and citizens who do not have sufficient work experience are entitled to receive a small allowance.

    By and large, the main differences are that the pension in Belarus depends mainly on the length of service and the amount of insurance premiums. In Russia, the defining indicator is pension capital. In addition, it can be noted that in Belarus the procedure for calculating pension payments for citizens working in difficult conditions is made according to a slightly different scheme.

    Pensions paid to citizens of the Republic of Belarus are divided into several categories. Their size is determined by various factors - the total length of service, the work capacity of the pensioner, etc. Also, the legislation provides for the so-called minimum pension- payment, which is guaranteed to be able to receive a person who has worked for a certain number of years.

    How is the minimum pension calculated in the Republic of Belarus?

    It is based on the BPM (subsistence minimum budget) - a variable economic value that is calculated individually for different segments of the population. The minimum old-age pension is calculated in the amount of 25% of the maximum BPM size for the last 2 quarters.

    But for a disability pension in our republic, a different calculation mechanism is used.

    • Disabled persons of the 1st and 2nd groups receive payments in the amount of 100% of the minimum old-age pension.
    • Disabled citizens of the third group are guaranteed to receive a pension, the size of which is already 50% of the average age.
    • The pension for mothers-heroines with any degree of disability is stipulated separately. This category of citizens pays 100% of the amount of the minimum pension assigned by age.

    An important caveat: in order to receive the minimum old-age pension, you must have a minimum work experience. He is currently 15 years old. At the same time, throughout all these years, the employee must pay the due insurance premiums to the budget of the republic. If the minimum length of service for a pension is insufficient (i.e. less than 15 years), then the employee will receive a social pension. It is also calculated based on the BPM for different categories of pensioners.

    Minimum pension in Belarus in 2016-2017

    In 2016-2017, pensions in the country were indexed several times. All types of pensions were raised, including the minimum. In particular, the size of the minimum old-age pension in January 2016 was 392 thousand non-denominated rubles. After several increases, in January 2017, this type of pension increased to 43.8 denominated rubles. The amount, frankly speaking, is small, but it is determined in full accordance with the current legislation of Belarus.

    In 2018, the minimum pension was increased 4 times.

    Information on how pensions have changed in the Republic of Belarus over the past years can be found in the table below.

    Change in the minimum pension from 2015 to 2019

    Labor pension Incl. 25% of the living wage budget Incl. with additional payment for work experience of 20 years for women 25 for men (in the amount of 20% of the average wage)
    Feb-Apr 2019 53,55 216,03
    nov. 2018 - Jan. 2019 53,55 216,03
    Aug-Oct 2018 53,42 207,43
    May-Jul. 2018 51,65 191,03
    Feb-Apr 2018 49,83 181,94
    nov. 2017-Jan. 2018 49,45 181,56
    Aug - Oct 2017 49,39 174,61
    May - July 2017 45,96 171,18
    Feb - Apr 2017 45,03 170,25
    Dec 2016 - Jan. 2017 43,88 169,10
    Aug - Nov 2016 43,88 162,57
    July 2016 * 42,49 161,18
    May-June 2016 424 860 1 611 800
    march-apr. 2016 410 000 1 596 940
    Feb 2016 397 830 1 584 770
    Sep 2015 - Jan. 2016 392 280 1 579 220
    Aug 2015 392 283 1 517 350

    What will be the minimum pension in 2019?

    The last time pensions in Belarus were raised on November 1, 2018. As of January 1, 2019, the average old-age pension in the country is 216.03 rubles, the minimum old-age pension is 53 rubles 55 kopecks.

    How will the size of pension payments change further? It depends on the following factors:

    • the size of the living wage budget, its indexation;
    • inflation rate;
    • the general state of the economy of Belarus.

    But according to the experience of past years, we can say that pensions in Belarus are usually increased at least 2 times a year. This usually happens in March-April and October-November. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that in 2019 the government will find opportunities to re-index pensions, including the minimum, under this scenario.

    After the launch of the pension reform in Ukraine, neighboring countries began to think about the need to learn from the experience. The Russian government also announced an increase in the retirement age and the size of pensions. Each country carries out reforms in its own way, and pensioners are left to consider who will receive more payments.

    Ukraine - European pensions

    The slogan is good, but in reality the picture with the payments to the old people is not rosy. Ukrainians can apply for a pension based on age, in connection with disability or loss of a breadwinner; there is an additional category of pensions related to the peculiarities of work or profession.

    Since January of this year, Ukraine has launched new rules for issuing benefits to citizens who are on a well-deserved rest or continue to work. Recall that for Ukrainians, not only the age threshold is increasing, but also the number of work experience.

    In the Pension Fund of Ukraine there are tariff scales with age restrictions, features of calculating the length of service, terrifying formulas that are not so easy for an ordinary working person to understand. Everything for the people.

    The average pension of a citizen of Ukraine in 2018 is 2,480 hryvnia, which corresponds to $ 94.3 (at the official rate on the day the article was written). This does not mean that all pensioners receive such an amount, since the minimum pension at the beginning of the year was 1,452 hryvnia or $ 55.21. So it turns out that someone's pension cannot be called a social benefit, but deputies and judges receive a pension in the amount of 16,000 hryvnia ($ 600, this is where Europe is felt in the wallet).

    Pension payments are heterogeneous by region, in the Kiev region the average pension varies around $ 100, and in Rivne or Ternopil it barely exceeds $ 56.

    And what about the neighbor?

    Russia itself is not happy with the pension reform: strikes, consideration of bills, criticism of trade unions, but where to get to when money is sorely lacking.

    Starting from 2019, the retirement age is planned to be increased, and it is not far from the revision of the length of service. Gradually, Russia will also reach the age of 65 for men and 63 for women, but so far the same parameters remain: 60 and 55.

    In the Russian Federation there is an old-age pension (insurance), a social pension (for people without seniority), a disability pension, a military pension, and by profession. In addition, due to the large territory in Russia, there is also a guide for the regions.

    According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in 2018, the average pension across the country increased to 14,100 rubles ($ 222.85), and the minimum, that is, social benefits, does not exceed $ 140.

    Moscow pensioners live the richest, on 17,500 rubles ($ 276.59), the old people of Ryazan, Saratov, and Bryansk regions modestly "survive" on an allowance of 8,000 rubles ($ 126).

    What's the little brother?

    In Belarus, since 2017, the government was forced to start a pension reform, the age at which citizens can go on a well-deserved rest is gradually increasing, so men must work up to 63 years, and women up to 58 years.

    Pensions in Belarus are different: assigned (according to the profession, early), by age, social, by disability, in case of loss of a breadwinner. Official statistics say that the average pension for citizens of all categories is 340 Belarusian rubles or $ 171. Dry numbers are far from reality, as the situation with pensions in Ukraine and Russia shows.

    Belarusian old people receive old age pensions differently, the "richest" can be called Minsk dwellers, whose pension is 338 Belarusian rubles or 169.87 dollars, residents of other regions receive a little less: from 310 Belarusian rubles (160 dollars). Social payments in the country are also not homogeneous: from $ 87.75 to $ 109.26. As you can see, the picture of territorial differentiation of pensions in Belarus is not very different.

    All three East Slavic countries are far from European tariffs, where the average pension reaches $ 2800 (Denmark). But do not lose hope, perhaps in the near future we will get out of crises, disputes, squabbles and live in retirement, traveling, but for now, our pensioners should hope for the July increase in pension payments.

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