Portfolio templates for a boy in kindergarten. Children's portfolio - free download templates

Children's portfolio structure 3-5 years for kindergarten. Recommendations for compilation, advice.

It's no secret that portfolio management is encouraged in kindergartens. Now it has become not only fashionable, but it is already necessary to make a children's portfolio even when children enter kindergarten!
A portfolio of a child 3, 4, 5 years old is a kind of piggy bank of your baby's success in the main areas of his development.
The criteria presented in the approximate basic general education programs "Origins" (M., 2011), "From birth to school" (M., 2010), have been revised in accordance with the federal state requirements for compulsory general education programs for preschool institutions.
Keeping a portfolio will help you establish a closer relationship with your child, spend more time together, create an atmosphere of community of interests, and you will be able to timely celebrate your baby's progress, maintain interest in various activities in the following areas:
- social and personal development,
- cognitive and speech development,
- physical development,
- artistic and aesthetic development.
You will help your child to form an instrument of self-knowledge "What I am", gain experience that will be useful to you in the future.
The portfolio will be useful for parents, tutors, teachers, and most importantly - for the kids themselves!
In the portfolio, you can attach the best drawings, photos of crafts, observations, notes about the child's vocabulary, his growing skills.

What will the portfolio be?

Children's portfolio must be colorful and bright. Ideally, it will become both a favorite "picture book" for a child, and a subject of his pride.
Explain to the kid what kind of "magic book" you are starting to collect together and why. There is no need to be afraid that the child "does not understand" or "grows cold quickly."
Will understand! From the age of 3, all kids, without exception, love bright books.
Will not get cold! The book about myself is the most interesting. She “will enthusiastically accept” all creative works, with “special attention” to amazing fantasies, and after a while “with love will remind” of “how little you were a year ago!”

Title page

A title page for a children's portfolio is almost the same as a beautiful costume for a holiday. This is a kind of face of the whole work. Taking a folder in hand and looking at the title page, educators or your friends already have their first opinion not only about the baby, but sometimes about the whole family that took part in the design of the portfolio.
Do not overload the title page of a kindergarten portfolio with information. For her, there are many interesting pages inside, where everything can be painted colorfully and meaningfully. But looking at the work, even a glimpse, the viewer should glean information about who is the owner of such a weighty, luxurious folder, how old he is and where he lives or studies. Of course, it's nice if next to these laconic information there is a photo of the owner of the children's portfolio.
Many people prefer to draw up the first sheet on a computer, although the child wants to add his own piece to the creation of this document. How can a little sun, which will be drawn with great diligence and love, spoil the title page? Let him also take part in the creative process, then the child will feel that he, like his mother, can be proud of a beautifully designed folder, because he also drew in it.

Section 1. "My World" ("Portrait")

Here you can put any information that is interesting and important for the child.

- My name (information about what the name means, why the parents chose this particular name; if the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can explain what it means), you can give the meaning of character and predispositions according to the horoscope.

- My name at baptism (if the child was baptized, then they often give him a middle name corresponding to the religion)

- My family (here you can tell the names of mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents or place a drawing of the family tree)

- My friends (photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies)

- Where do I live (tell about your hometown, about its interesting places in photos and descriptions)

- My kindergarten (tell which kindergarten and group the child goes to)

Section 2 - "My favorite activities and games."

What do we do with my mother (grandmother, in kindergarten, in a circle, etc.)

My favorite games at home and in kindergarten (you can tell about the games that the child prefers: blocks, mosaics, children's dominoes, etc.):

- My classes on the systems of early development of Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev, Nikitins, Walfdor pedagogy, etc. (you can give an example of several of my favorite activities)

- My favorite books (list the titles and authors of children's books that the child likes)

- I like to study (list the activities that the child likes: reading, drawing, sculpting, dancing, etc.)

- My walks (activities and outdoor games)

Section 2 - "My Holidays"
In this section, you can include photos from birthdays, photos of holidays in kindergarten: March 8, New Year, etc.

4th Birthday

5th Birthday

6th Birthday

Section 4 - "I am growing"

This section may include headings:

"Dynamics of physical development"
This section reflects the data of anthropometric measurements. They can be designed in the form of interesting graphs, diagrams, pictures or tables. It is interesting to place here not only information about the height and weight of the child, but also the size of the palm or the outline of the foot.
Also in this section you can include photos of the child on his birthdays.

2. My palm (on this page you can circle the baby's palm on his birthday and watch every year how it has grown)

"Dynamics of general development"
(social and personal development, cognitive and speech development).

- Through the mouth of a baby (interesting words, phrases, sayings of the baby)

- I know letters

- I read at 3, 4, 5 years old (by letter, by syllable, by words)

- My favorite song

- My favorite poem

- I play musical instruments

- I dance

- The world around me

- The world inside me

"Creative development"
(includes drawings, photographs of creative works, photographs of participation in theatrical performances of a kindergarten or club that a child attends)

Drawings in different genres (watercolor, gouache, pastel, wax crayons, etc.)

Modeling (plasticine, clay, sculptural mass)



Photos of crafts (made of paper, cardboard, natural materials, etc., participation in exhibitions)

Theatrical performances (list roles, attach photos)

"My records"
Fill this section with certificates or diplomas, which are received by children in kindergarten a lot. To give the baby an incentive to try, you can also reward him at home for participating in various games or competitions with friends.

It is best to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order.

Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, holidays and events, etc.

The materials of this block allow you to build a rating of individual results, a rating of achievements, and track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 5 - "My impressions"

Information about the visit to the theater, exhibition, museum, campaign, excursion.

My travels

My discoveries

My excursions

Impressions of visiting theaters, exhibitions

Section 5 - "Reviews and wishes"

(free form)

- Educators

- Parents

- Teachers of additional education

Nothing increases a child's self-esteem as a positive assessment of his efforts by the teacher. Here you can write a review or a wish, perhaps a recommendation, both by the teacher and by the parent, both at the end of the school year and on participation in an event.


It is no secret that today teachers strongly recommend parents to start keeping a child's portfolio as early as possible. And although, at times, the creation of a kind of chronicle of the baby's development seems redundant and far-fetched, but the benefits of this document are much more than a hassle. That is why the portfolio has become almost mandatory when a child enters a preschool childcare institution, and they are requested from the age of three.

If you approach creatively, then the obligatory document will become a piggy bank of the child's successes, a chronicle of his achievements and victories in all areas of the development of the personality of a little person.

Portfolio assignment for kindergarten

Parents interested in getting closer to their child use the portfolio building process. Indeed, this gives rise to common interests, adults around the baby begin to notice his achievements more often and focus on them, which means that the family spends more time together, doing one important thing.

The portfolio reflects different facets of the baby's development:

  • social and personal;
  • cognitive speech;
  • physical;
  • artistic and aesthetic.

The joint creation of a portfolio will help the child to master such an important tool of self-knowledge as "What am I?" And what could be more important in your future life?

The usefulness of a portfolio for educators who have to communicate with a child is undeniable. But most of all the kid himself needs this document.

The portfolio is replenished with the best children's drawings and photographs of other crafts, observations of how a child grows up, what words and concepts he learns, how his skills and abilities grow.

What will the portfolio be?

Since the conversation is about a child's portfolio, there can be no talk of a boring formal approach to the document. The chronicle of the baby's growth should be fascinating and vivid, because it is not created for show or teachers, an extraordinary book will become the pride of its hero - the child himself. And it will be right if the parents start collecting this chronicle together with the child, explaining to the child why this book is being created and what will be included in it.

And do not think that a three-year-old baby will not understand the plan. Already at this age, children are not indifferent to bright pictures, and if these are his pictures, then the interest will not weaken for a long time. And after a while, a slightly older person can be amazed at how he was until recently, and compare today's and yesterday's skills.

Title page

The very first, childish title page can be compared with the clothes that, according to the proverb, are used to meet. This is the face of an all-encompassing work that allows you to create the first impression about the child and his family, who took an active part in the creation of the book about the little hero.

However, no matter how important the title page is, you should not overload it with information. For everything that I want to tell about, there are many more pages inside the book. The most important thing is taken out on the title - who is the owner of this portfolio, what is his age and where the hero studies and lives. A photograph of the child himself will not be at all superfluous. And if the text part of the title page many parents prefer to do with the help of computer technology, then the decoration can be done together with the child, who will be pleased to contribute to the creation of the first page of his own book.

Section # 1. "My Big World"

This section is sometimes also called the "Portrait", and all the most important information for the child is placed here. You can offer, for example, the following list:

Section # 2. "My games and activities"

Section # 3. "My Holidays"

This section is entirely devoted to the holidays that have passed over the past period of time. These can be themed matinees in kindergarten or home celebrations that are directly related to the life of the child. For example, New Years, Women's Day, Christmas or birthdays, fall or Unity Day.

Section No. 4. "I am growing"

This section may include headings that give an idea of ​​the different facets of the baby's development.

Dynamics of physical development

Anthropometric data are entered here, making it possible to track changes in height, weight and other indicators. The design can be different. For clarity, you can use graphs or diagrams, it is not forbidden to attach figures and comparative tables. Children like it when one of the growth indicators becomes the contour of the palm and feet at different ages.

Photos of the baby at different ages are also attached here.

  1. Anthropometric indicators;
  2. My palm. The outline is outlined every year. It is more convenient to do this on the baby's birthday so that the growth dynamics is visible.

General development dynamics

Creative development of the child

  • Drawings in different techniques and genres;
  • Small sculpture made of plastic, dough, plasticine or clay;
  • Applique and mosaic;
  • Design results;
  • Photos of crafts from various materials;
  • Participation in productions, with the attachment of photographs and an indication of the role.

My records

In this heading, a place is given to all the achievements of the child, expressed in certificates of honor, diplomas and certificates of merit, which the child receives in a childcare institution, at exhibitions, in a club or after participating in competitions or contests. This will serve as a good incentive to achieve high results, no matter what the kid does, teach him how to make efforts and give him a reason to be proud of the results achieved.

The materials are arranged in sequential chronological order, which makes it possible for the person who picks up the book to visually track the dynamics of the baby's development and mark the child's aspirations as he grows.

Section # 5. "My notes and impressions"

Here is the place for all the impressions received by the kid after attending theatrical performances, exhibitions, hikes and film shows.

  • My travels and hikes.
  • My unforgettable discoveries.
  • My amazing excursions.
  • My impressions of performances and exhibitions.

Section # 6. "Reviews and wishes"

Here, the wishes and reviews of adults communicating with the child are recorded in free form:

  • Educators in a children's institution;
  • Parents;
  • Teachers from institutions of additional education attended by the baby.

These records should increase the baby's self-esteem, because the praise and high assessment of achievements expressed by adults will allow not only to be proud of the results already obtained, but also to strive for new heights. And the reason for the recall can be the baby's birthday, the graduation from the next group, and any event held.

Memo for maintaining a children's portfolio

The memo is intended for teachers and educators of the children's institution.

  • The sections of the portfolio can and should be filled not only by teachers, but also by the parents of the child.
  • The sections of the children's chronicle are not numbered, and they can be arranged in a free order.
  • The child's works and achievements must be dated, which will help to track the dynamics and compare what the child has created earlier with what has been created today.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use these portfolios to compare one child with another!
  • The document should be neat and creative so that the child can appreciate its importance and value.

Federal programs of preschool education ("From birth to school", "Origins") consider the individual development of the child as a priority, taking into account his intellectual, physical and emotional characteristics.

An effective component of an individual development program is a preschool portfolio for kindergarten children. This is an album about the achievements of the kid, which contains materials reflecting his success in various activities, talents, impressions.

In accordance with the new standards of education, the portfolio of a kindergarten student is an important element in the assessment system. The Personal Achievements Folder will be asked to bring when enrolling in the school. Based on the materials presented, the teacher will make a preliminary opinion about the new student, build a trajectory for his subsequent development and prepare the psychological basis for learning in the children's team.

The purpose, objectives and principles of creating a preschool portfolio for kindergarten children

Portfolios may vary in format and content. An indispensable condition is the maximum

reveal the individual qualities and potential of the child, demonstrate his strengths, trace the dynamics and record the achievements.

When working on the achievements folder, it is useful to use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Define a goal.
  2. Choose the type of portfolio.
  3. Determine the time period for collecting information.
  4. Develop a structure - the number and topics of headings.

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Filling out a portfolio for a kindergarten is a fascinating creative process that brings together all co-authors: a child, parents, teachers.

When forming a portfolio album, it is necessary to outline its main functions:

  • diagnostics is a reflection of intellectual and physical growth;
  • goal-setting - the goal and subject of training;
  • motivation - rewarding the achieved results;
  • meaningfulness - a set of work performed;
  • social education - the formation and development of relations between adults and children in the process of joint activities;
  • development is a reflection of the continuity and progress of learning.

When choosing a sample portfolio for a kindergarten, first of all, you should define its objectives. Perhaps it will be an album demonstrating the child's success in a specific direction - in music, sports, choreography, drawing. Or - information that reflects general development over a selected period of time, for example, from birth to entering school. The portfolio can be thematic: "We are a sports family", "Vacation at the sea" and other topics.

Having determined the direction of the future report on achievements, they begin to form and decorate it. It is convenient to use to fill out an example or a ready-made portfolio for a kindergarten as a template.

Download kindergarten portfolio to fill out
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The work on the creation of the album of achievements is carried out according to the principles:

  • voluntariness - parents and children themselves decide which materials should be used;
  • compulsory participation of the child - in the selection of materials and design;
  • inadmissibility of a competitive moment - only an emphasis on the individuality of the child;
  • systematic - updates and additions to content.

There are no strict requirements and standards for the design of a preschool portfolio, the main thing is that the main character - the child himself - likes it.

Children enthusiastically participate in the creation of their first "business card" - they choose illustrations and paste them. Parents should help the baby, but not do everything for him. The task of adults is to properly organize the process, recommend the best materials, invite the child to answer questions corresponding to the headings (“My hobbies”, “My family”, “I can”). The answers must certainly be written down by the parents on the pages of the portfolio in legible text or in block letters - having learned to read and write, the kid will be able to read his comments himself.

Teachers and psychologists of the preschool educational institution are directly involved in creating a portfolio of their pupils - they advise parents, provide materials of their professional observations and work performed by children in creative classes in the garden.

  • systematic interaction with parents;
  • rubrics are not numbered - they are arranged in no particular order;
  • pages are colorfully decorated;
  • all results and events are dated in order to track their subsequent dynamics;
  • the principles of self-esteem are explained to children;
  • the portfolio is not used to compare children with each other;
  • public viewing of the folder is allowed only with the consent of the child - the author of the portfolio.

Technology "Portfolio", in fact, is a form of educational activity that provides for constant interaction between the main participants in the educational process - preschoolers, educators, parents.

Content and main sections of the children's portfolio in the preschool educational institution

The portfolio of the pupil of the preschool educational institution has a certain structure - it consists of thematic headings. The number and content of the headings-pages may differ in different childcare institutions, in groups and among individual pupils. Adults and Young Contributors offer exclusive sections and designs based on a child's individual experiences or important events.

Authors-methodologists offer various variations of design and themes for a portfolio for a kindergarten, the content of headings. Some give priority to the observations of parents and their role in creating the achievement folder. Others emphasize the importance of professional diagnostics, which makes it possible to objectively track the dynamics of the development of preschool educational institutions - the results of monitoring the physical and educational level, the formation of social and labor skills, with reflection in the diagnostic calculations placed on the thematic pages of the portfolio.

Versions are widely used in which the sections are filled in progressively - according to each new success of the preschooler.

The following kindergarten portfolio pages are suggested:

  1. "Let's get acquainted" - a photo and personal data of the child, the name of the group, a story on behalf of the child about what he loves.
  2. "How I Grow" is an artistically designed page with anthropometric data.
  3. "Stories about a Child" - interesting stories told by parents.
  4. "My Dreams" - statements of the child on the proposed topics.
  5. “I can” are examples of the kid's creativity.
  6. "My successes" - awards, prizes.

You can use a sample portfolio for a kindergarten, interesting primarily for parents. The folder is filled at home and in the garden, can be used as a bright mini-presentation at events. The author has included the following headings in the content of the album:

  • with short stories about the family;
  • photo reports about the baby's household duties;
  • reports on educational excursions and walks.

In other variations, sections with information are included in the ready-made portfolio for kindergarten:

  • from parents - information and achievements in the bosom of the family;
  • from teachers - professional observations of educators;
  • from the child - stories about himself, creative work, awards.

There are interesting versions in which attention is paid to the social aspects of the child's development - the portfolio includes stories from classmates and educators about the baby, an assessment of his participation in social and educational activities, the results of self-assessment tests, and a parent survey. And necessarily - thanks for success in studies and creativity, for positive actions, for attentiveness and kindness to others.

Designing a preschooler's portfolio

A portfolio is created in the form of a folder, album, filing cabinet or electronic document. Its design should be attractive, first of all, for the youngest author. Pages should be designed so that a preschooler who has not yet learned to read can understand what they are talking about. Therefore, it is imperative to use bright, understandable illustrations.

Download Kindergarten Portfolio Pages
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The cover page for the kindergarten portfolio forms the first impression of the child and his family. It is not recommended to overload this page with information - only personal information and its photo are indicated.

Kindergarten portfolio templates

Download portfolio template for kindergarten teacher
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Portfolio format:

  • electronic - the most interesting option for pupils of senior and preparatory groups;
  • coloring - an understandable form for the little ones, they themselves paint the pages, glue the images;
  • printed portfolio - in the form of ready-made printed folders that are filled with personal content.

In any of the formats, choosing the right theme for a kindergarten portfolio - a style of decoration - is important. He should captivate the child. It can be fragments from Disney cartoons, the theme of favorite toys or animals, plots of popular electronic games or natural landscapes - what the child likes the most.

Download a sample kindergarten portfolio
Download archive.rar

Evaluation and presentation of a portfolio for kindergarten

The presentation of a personal portfolio can be timed to coincide with a child's birthday or a holiday for kindergarten graduates. Children will be happy to demonstrate their own successes to their friends, teachers and parents.

Portfolio assessment in kindergarten is optional, as it is not included in the preschool curriculum. But many teachers believe that assessment, nevertheless, should be carried out in the concept of fulfilling the set goals and objectives, as part of the analysis of pedagogical activity. With the obligatory fulfillment of the condition - the results should be available exclusively to teachers.

How good it is when a child has a favorite cartoon. And if this cartoon is also good, then the happiness is even greater. Currently, the cartoon about Be-be-bears is very popular, and children watch it with pleasure. And if you like it, then let them watch. And at the same time, they admire the new portfolio for kindergarten in the style of be-be-bears, which we have made especially for your children. Bright and beautiful, such a portfolio can definitely take an honorable place in the kindergarten competition.

Do you want to give your child a book where the main character will be him, his life and Peppa Pig? Then give him such a portfolio for kindergarten. Bright, beautiful, unique and simply the best. With such a portfolio, your child will immediately feel like a cartoon character.
The portfolio includes 22 pages. Each template was made individually and none are alike.
For example, on the page - my family, there are drawings of the whole family of Peppa pig. And on the template - my friends, all the friends of the pig are drawn. Also in the portfolio there are tables, for example, a table of the child's growth by years.
Watch the video below to see all the sample templates for this portfolio.
Format: JPEG
Pages: 22

Have you already seen our new portfolio for kindergarten kids? Take a look. After all, it is in the style of the cartoon paw patrol! A bright and high-quality portfolio will help you and your child. Our portfolio consists of 36 pages. Each template is individually designed and does not repeat itself twice! You can view all sample pages in the video presentation below. Believe me, your child will be happy to get such a portfolio for himself, and brag about it in front of his friends.
Pages: 36
Format: JPEG + PNG

Most boys love cars, and they love car racing. That is why we have made a new portfolio for the student in racing style. We call this portfolio racing. It is in black and white, in the color of the finish flag. Each page is decorated with bright, beautiful and fast races. In total, the portfolio includes 24 pages. For more details, see them all in the video below.
Format: JPEG and PNG
Pages: 24

Every day we receive letters in the mail with a request to make a portfolio for a kindergarten in Kazakh. And finally we have made such a portfolio. And they did not just do it, but made it in the style of an interesting and informative cartoon - city heroes. The portfolio turned out to be bright and beautiful. Each child will be happy to fill it in and follow it. You can view all the sheets and portfolio samples from the video below.

Only, only the children returned to kindergartens after the summer vacation, and they, or rather their parents, were immediately given the task to make a portfolio for the kindergarten. Most parents do not know how to make such a portfolio, so they use the Internet, and we are happy to help them. We have invented and developed a new portfolio for kindergarten called City Heroes. And it is called so because it is entirely devoted to the cartoon of the same name. Such a portfolio for the kindergarten will appeal to your children, because on its pages there are cars, a boat and an airplane. And also the crow, which always gets into unpleasant situations, and thereby helps all children to learn what can and cannot be done.
Each portfolio page is a new story framed in vibrant, rich colors. You can see all examples and page templates below. We made pictures for you and after viewing them, you will definitely decide what kind of portfolio your child will have.
Pages: 40 pieces
Size: A4
print quality: 300 dpi

What do you associate summer with? Of course, there are many words for association, but one of the first is bees! After all, it is the bees that we constantly see on the street, which fly in search of pollen in order to "make" honey, which we will eat in cold winter. In the meantime, winter is far away, we have made a portfolio for a kindergarten with bees. The portfolio includes 44 pages, and this is enough for the portfolio to tell everything about you, your family and friends, and a lot more about what and about whom. A sample of all pages can be found below. There are also all the templates that you have to design.
Format: PNG + JPEG
A4 sheets size
Print quality 300 dpi

You've probably already seen a lot of princess portfolios on our website. But since we receive letters with a request to develop new and new portfolio options all with the same princesses, we did not postpone the matter indefinitely and fulfilled your request. Today we are glad to offer you and your children this kind of portfolio for a kindergarten for a girl. For you, a ready-made fabulous book of 34 pages. Magical landscapes, beautiful princesses, original style and font for decoration - this will be a great gift for your little princess. If you are still in doubt about the beauty of a portfolio. then see below the sample pages and templates that we made so that you can clearly see how it looks.
Format: PNG + JPEG
300 dpi quality
Pages 34

Elena Krivonosova

In our kindergarten, we decided to start work on design of the child's portfolio from an early age group, involving parents in the work. At the beginning of the year, the teacher Yanina I.I. held a parent meeting. The teacher showed the finished sample child's portfolio graduate and in order to interest parents in stages she explained the essence of the work.

Very important in portfolio design is that after graduating from kindergarten, child receives a book-story about himself. And if in older preschool age more information comes from the teacher, then at an early age an invaluable service to yourself and your to kid provide the parents themselves by providing information, formalizing it helping the teacher with pictures from his personal archive, stories about child.

At a meeting of the early age group, it was decided to carry out such work throughout the year. This work made teachers and parents very friendly. A common interest united them into one team. By the end of the year, we got the following result. portfolio where you can trace the dynamics of mental and physical development baby in the first junior group. It was decided to continue the work in subsequent groups.

We provide you with a sample of one of portfolio... See, join, comment, send your ideas, who has experience in such work.

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