Labor activities in kindergarten presentation on the topic. Presentation on labor education in kindergarten "labor education" Presentation on education of preschool children through labor activities

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The work of preschoolers

The main types of child labor: self-service, household labor, labor in nature, manual labor.

Self-care is aimed at caring for oneself (washing, undressing, dressing, making the bed, preparing the workplace, etc.).

Household work is necessary in the daily life of a kindergarten, although its results in comparison with other types of their labor activity are not so noticeable. This work is aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises and area, helping adults in organizing routine processes.

Labor in nature involves the participation of children in caring for plants and animals, growing plants in a corner of nature, in a vegetable garden, in a flower garden.

Manual labor making objects from a variety of materials: cardboard, paper, wood, natural materials (cones, acorns, straw, bark, corn cobs, peach pits), waste material (reels, boxes) using fur, feathers, scraps of fabric, etc. p. - carried out in older groups of kindergarten.

Forms of organizing the work activity of preschool children: The work of preschool children in kindergarten is organized in three main forms: in the form of assignments, duty, and collective work activity.

Assignments are tasks that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, experience, as well as educational tasks. Instructions can be short-term or long-term, individual or general, simple (containing one simple specific action) or more complex, including a whole chain of sequential actions.

According to the form of organization, work assignments can be: individual, subgroup, general; by duration: short-term or long-term, permanent or one-time: by content - correspond to the types of labor.

Duty duty is a form of organizing children's work, which requires the child to perform work aimed at serving the team.

Classification of types of collective labor from the point of view - S.A. Kozlova. She offers the following classification: general labor; joint work; collective work. General labor is work that is performed by several (or all) children for a common purpose. Form of organization - associations into subgroups and individual work.

General labor is work that is performed by several (or all) children for a common purpose. Form of organization - associations into subgroups and individual work. Joint work - work in subgroups. Each subgroup has its own business, the result of the work of one child depends on the other. It is not necessary for all children to participate. Collective work can be general and joint, but with the obligatory inclusion of situations involving mutual assistance, support, and shared responsibility for the result.

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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Forms of labor organization for preschool children

This material presents an analytical report on the conduct of a seminar on the labor education of preschool children....

Assignments as a form of labor organization in the junior group.

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention another short report on my daily work on labor education. It's no secret to any of you that work is one of...

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Presentation on the topic: Labor education of students

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In a school setting, the following tasks of labor education are solved: the formation in students of a positive attitude towards work as the highest value in life, high social motives for work; the development of cognitive interest in knowledge, the need for creative work, the desire to apply knowledge in practice; the cultivation of high moral qualities, hard work, duty and responsibility, determination and enterprise, efficiency and honesty; equipping students with a variety of work skills and abilities, forming the foundations of a culture of mental and physical work.

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The content of labor education is determined by the above-mentioned tasks, as well as a number of conditions, opportunities and traditions of the school. The substantive basis of labor education consists of the following types of labor: - mental labor (is the most intense, requires great volitional efforts, patience, perseverance); - physical labor (here conditions are created for children to demonstrate moral qualities, collectivism, mutual assistance, respect for people and their results activities); Socially useful work is organized in the interests of the entire team and each child individually. It includes self-help work, summer work on the school site and other types of work.

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The success of labor education depends on its proper organization, compliance with certain pedagogical conditions: Subordination of labor to educational tasks; Combination of the social significance of labor with the personal interests of the student; Accessibility and feasibility of labor activity; Reasonable demands in the implementation of labor activity of students; Combination of collective and individual forms of labor activities. Labor education forms the foundation of creative activity and effectiveness in educational activities, in the civic and moral development of the individual and gradually leads students to the choice of profession.

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Labor is the main source of material and spiritual wealth of society, the main criterion of a person’s social prestige, his sacred duty, the foundation of personal development. Properly carried out labor education, the direct participation of schoolchildren in socially useful, productive work, is a factor in the moral and intellectual formation of the individual, his physical development. No matter how the future fate of graduates turns out, they need work skills and hardening in any field of activity.

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Development of consciousness. Views and beliefs on issues of hard work are carried out primarily in the process of training. The educational material contains many examples and facts. Allowing us to reveal the beneficial effects of work on a person, his feelings and moral formation.

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In the structure of hard work as a personal quality, perhaps the most important thing is labor skills. In biology and wholesale lessons, children study the scientific foundations of gardening and plant growing. In practical classes, these foundations are practically confirmed.

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By growing various crops on the school plot, caring for them, and harvesting crops, children gain initial knowledge about professions that they can use in adult life. Participation in productive work develops students’ aptitudes and needs for work. They learn the meaning of environmental concepts and categories.

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Our task is to teach children to love the earth, to work, to create, and not to destroy, to form a personality who can overcome difficulties and achieve results on the way to the goal, to teach children to value life and bring joy to people, this is the basis of morality, preparing them for independent life. Solve, whenever possible, the problem of labor education and vocational training of pupils. So that graduates are ready for an independent life, for running their own household, which means they don’t have to think about how to earn money through honest work to support themselves and their family. This means that our children, in difficult times of a market economy, will always find a job they like in rural areas, because we mainly educate children from the villages of the region and after graduation they return to their home. There will also be more workers in rural areas.

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Methods of labor education in preschool educational institutions.

The presentation was made for showing to educators at MADO No. 200.

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First junior group.

Self-service. We form initial self-service skills; it is important to teach children to eat, wash, dress and undress independently. Household work. Children develop the prerequisites that ensure the emergence of work activity. Although the capabilities of children of this age are limited, they need to be involved in feasible work together with them, and given instructions that they can carry out.

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Labor in nature. Labor education is carried out mainly in the process of familiarizing children with accessible phenomena occurring in nature. The teacher systematically imparts knowledge to children and develops the necessary skills. By explaining and showing the material, methods of action, reveals ways to solve assigned tasks (how to do it), directs children’s activities to achieve results, using demonstrations of actions. The teacher must make the proposed content visual, and the requirements presented to them accessible and understandable.

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Organization of labor activities.

Errands. Joint visual and effective activities with the teacher.

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Second junior group.

Self-service. It is very important that children follow hygiene rules intelligently. It is necessary to form the habit of sitting at the table only with clean hands; children must eat independently and carefully and hold a spoon correctly, dress and undress in a certain sequence. The teacher must monitor daily how the children follow his instructions. If a child has forgotten something, the teacher must repeat the sequence of actions with all the children before holding the routine moment.

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Household work. At this age, the systematic introduction of children to household work begins. Children must master such actions and operations of household activities as: setting the table for lunch, breakfast or afternoon tea, preparing materials for classes, maintaining order in the room and area. The teacher introduces children to work more systematically than in the first junior group. But all this also happens with the help of visually effective methods of organizing work activity.

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Labor in nature. A child of this age is taught to carry out the simplest instructions from adults: with the help of a teacher, water indoor plants, wipe large leaves of flowers, sow seeds, and harvest crops. You can’t just give children a task to do something; the teacher must remember the sequence of work so that the children understand the task that they have to complete. Step-by-step instruction is used, children perform individual techniques as directed by the teacher.

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Middle group.

Self-service. In the middle group, in addition to consolidating previously learned skills, work is being done to develop more complex self-care skills. Children are given the task of providing mutual assistance when getting dressed, tying a scarf, teaching how to tie shoes, helping the baby get dressed, etc.)

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Household work. In the middle group, the content of household labor becomes more complicated mainly due to an increase in the number of processes of this labor. So, at the beginning, under the supervision of a teacher, and by the end of the year, children independently maintain order in the group and in the area, take part in cleaning (wipe shelves, wash toys, etc.). In this age group, children master the integral processes of household labor (washing doll clothes, washing toys, setting the table). This requires children to know specific techniques and operations, and to be able to use them in the right sequence.

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Labor in nature. In the middle group, children carry out labor tasks independently, take care of plants in a corner of nature, water, loosen the soil, wipe large dense leaves, sow seeds, and grow vegetables and flowers together with adults. Now not only an adult, but also his peer can become an example for a child.

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Senior - preparatory group.

Self-service. The teacher still teaches children to do self-care work. But now he helps them to correctly approach the implementation of a complex task, shows them how to complete it easier and better, without turning this process into petty care. The teacher tries to teach children to check themselves. One of the forms of organizing self-care for older preschoolers is now teaching younger children.

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Household work. At the age of 5–7 years, children master household work as a type of work in general. There is a further increase in the volume of labor; the distribution of 2 and 3 dishes is added to the table setting. Children already know how to clean a group room, so they are included in the daily process of cleaning the room. The requirements for independence and quality of performed actions are increasing. Children are taught the skills of planning their own and general work, the ability to come to an agreement, study the sequence of work, distribute responsibilities, select and rationally use equipment.

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Labor in nature. Older preschoolers must be taught to work in all seasons. In the fall, the harvest is harvested, the leaves are raked, and the beds are dug. In winter, they feed the birds and take part in clearing the paths of snow. In the spring, they dig up and loosen the soil, make beds and plant seeds. In the summer, they take care of the plants, watering, loosening and weeding. Children must learn how to properly use work equipment: shovel, scoop, watering can, rake. It is important to form the habit of working on your own initiative, and not just at the suggestion of the teacher, to do the work diligently, to take care of materials and objects of labor.

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Assignments are the simplest form of organizing the work activities of preschool children. In the practice of educational work with children, individual assignments are especially common, less often collective ones, to small subgroups of 2-3 people. Since it is much easier to teach one or two children than a whole group, and monitoring the actions of everyone is more convenient.

“Work becomes a great educator when it enters the lives of pupils, gives the joy of friendship and camaraderie, develops inquisitiveness and curiosity, gives birth to new beauty in the world around them, awakens the first civic feeling - the feeling of a creator of material wealth, without which human life is impossible.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

3. Poverty, narrowness and unsystematic knowledge of children about the work of adults. Relevance of the problem of labor education of preschool children: 1. Decrease in interest in work. 4. Low level of development of labor activity by the end of preschool age. 2. Lack of desire among older preschoolers to participate in everyday work activities. 5. In the practice of family and public education, an authoritarian model of work management is widespread, which is expressed in the following: Forced inclusion of a child in work, Excessive regulation of the child’s actions, Threat of punishment for a bad attitude to work, Punishment by labor for bad behavior, Dissatisfaction with the child’s inability.

Structure of the labor process Purpose, Subject Tools Labor Result motive (material) of labor actions labor labor labor (tools) The central connection of the concept of labor is the connection of transformation, the creation of a product of labor to satisfy people's needs.

Peculiarities of child labor A child does not create socially significant material values. The work of children is educational in nature. The proximity of work to play. Children's labor skills and abilities are not professional; they help the child become independent and independent. Situational, optional nature of work. Having all the structural components of the activity, the child’s work is in its infancy, so guidance from an adult is necessary.

Nurturing a child’s personality in the process of individual and collective work activity: nurturing the right attitude towards one’s own work; nurturing personal qualities (hard work, independence, perseverance, responsibility); nurturing positive relationships between children in the process of work. Objectives of labor education 3

Means of labor education S.A. Kozlova, A.Sh. Shakhmanova V.I. Loginova, M.V. Krulecht 1. Own work activity. 2. Familiarization with the work of adults. 3. Artistic media (works of fiction, music, fine art). 1. Formation of systematic knowledge about the work of adults. 2. Training in holistic work processes. 3. Independent work activity of children.

Self-service is work aimed at servicing oneself (washing, dressing, undressing, etc.) Social significance: - frees others from servicing oneself; - the child masters all components of work activity and independence. Contents of labor education and types of work

Household work is work cleaning premises, participation in organizing everyday processes and social activities, etc. The peculiarity of household labor is its social orientation, i.e. meeting the needs of other children and adults. Contents of labor education and types of work

Work in nature Caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables, landscaping, etc. Significance: has a beneficial effect not only on the development of labor skills, but also on the education of moral feelings, laying the foundations of environmental education. Features: - the result of this type of labor can be a material product (harvest). This brings child labor closer to adult labor; - most often this type of work has a delayed result; - labor in nature is always connected with living objects, therefore it forms a careful, responsible, cautious attitude towards the environment; - provides an opportunity to simultaneously develop cognitive interests. Contents of labor education and types of work

Manual and artistic labor Aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of humans. Contents - making crafts from natural materials, paper, cardboard, fabric, wood. Artistic work in a preschool institution is presented in two directions: - making crafts, - decorating the group’s premises for the holidays with your products, designing exhibitions, etc. Contents of labor education and types of work

An assignment is a request addressed to a child by an adult to perform some work action. 1 By form of organization: - individual - subgroup - general By duration: - short-term - long-term By content (corresponding to types of work): - self-service - household - labor in nature - manual labor

Common work This form of labor organization when children work simultaneously, each performing a separate task that is part of a common task. 1 Goal 2 Result Joint work This form of labor organization when one child qualitatively performs his one stage of work, repeating any operation many times, and passes the result of his work to the next child, who continues the work further. Goal Result

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution of the Kuybyshevsky district - combined type kindergarten “Fairy Tale”

Performed : Anibroeva Olga Nikolaevna,

teacher of preschool educational institution "Skazka"

Work becomes a great educator when it enters into the spiritual life of our students, gives the joy of friendship and camaraderie, develops inquisitiveness and curiosity, gives rise to the exciting joy of overcoming difficulties, reveals more and more new beauty in the world around us, awakens the first civic feeling - the feeling of a creator of material wealth , without which human life is impossible.

V.A. Sukhamlinsky

Labor education - this is “the joint activity of the teacher and pupils, aimed at developing in them general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude towards work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession”

Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy

The goal of labor education is to develop a positive attitude towards work.

Formation of prerequisites for work activity

Nurturing a child's personality

Fostering a positive attitude towards work in adults

  • Forming interest in the work of adults.
  • Fostering respect for the working person and caring attitude towards the results of his work.
  • Fostering a desire to provide all possible assistance.
  • Formation
  • Nurturing personal qualities (independence, responsibility)
  • Fostering diligence (willingness to engage in work)
  • Nurturing positive relationships between children (friendship, etc.)

labor skills.

  • Formation of activity components.
  • Formation of social motives for work.

Episodic (short-term)



For dining and classes

Around the dining room, classes, nature corner



Forms of organizing children's work in kindergarten

Instructions (individual and joint)


Duties (individual and joint)

Star. age

Star. age

Orders - This is a request from an adult addressed to a child to perform some kind of labor action.

Duty involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the entire group.

Teamwork - this is an organization of work in which children, along with work tasks, also solve moral problems.

The methodological basis and source of information for our work on the formation of moral and labor qualities of a child, through familiarization with the work of adults, were:

Program for raising and teaching children in kindergarten”, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva;

“Moral and labor education of a preschool child” by L.V. Kutsakova.

To interact with parents, the kindergarten uses a variety of forms:

  • consultations
  • folders - moves
  • parent meetings
  • photoshoot
  • hometasks
  • entertainment
  • "Open Day"
  • Crafts exhibitions.
  • Reminders.

In the future, I have outlined the following prospects for myself:

  • continue work on developing the moral and labor qualities of pupils, through familiarizing them with the work of adults;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere for the manifestation of the personality of each child and for its development, to more clearly reveal the inclinations, skills, aspirations and activities of each child;
  • familiarizing children with the labor of the Russian people in the old days (blacksmith, plowman, weaver, needlewoman, etc.)

“A person needs free labor in itself for the development and maintenance of human dignity”

Publications on the topic