Monkey as a gift - a detailed description of knitting and crocheting a toy. Crochet amigurumi monkey: diagram and detailed description Crochet monkey description

To give a child an original designer gift that he will like, sometimes you have to spend an impressive amount of money. And not always, even if you are ready to empty your budget for the required amount of money, the stores have something that will suit you and your child. Of course, you can order a wonderful handmade gift online or buy it in an expensive boutique, but a little thing that will be made with your own hands will certainly delight the recipient and retain a piece of your soul. Moreover, you will always know what your gift consists of, and you can confidently say that it does not contain harmful, low-quality or hazardous materials.

In this article you will learn about one of the options for a homemade gift - a monkey crocheted using the amigurumi technique.

This toy can be given not only to a child. An adult will also be pleased to receive it as a souvenir; you can also perfectly fit this craft into the interior of your home or use it as a keychain.

Crocheting (monkey patterns are provided below) is very simple. Of course, if this is your first time picking up a hook, you will have to practice a little.

What is amigurumi?

The term "amigurumi" appeared relatively recently. The word came to us from Japan. It is believed that Asian craftswomen used this technique for a very long time as an alternative to the European knitting method. However, the style received its world-famous name only after the release of the cartoon Hello Kitty on world television screens, when Japanese fans of the cartoon posted photographs of the first miniature copies of the characters on the Internet.

Now amigurumi animals (in this case you will crochet a monkey, the knitting pattern is very simple) have filled the whole world. There are several rules that must be followed in order for your bonded pet to be called an "amigurumi".


One of the most important differences between amigurumi is the small size of the toy; it should not exceed 12 cm. After all, it is this miniature size that makes them so cute.

Bright colors and maximum personification of even inanimate objects

In order to comply with the Japanese style, your author's creation must have a human face (mouth or nose, eyes). To further “humanize” the product, dress your pet. You can crochet, you don’t even need a pattern here. To create amigurumi, you need to choose bright colors; it is important to avoid smooth color transitions. All details of the muzzle are made in black or dark brown.

Disproportion and technique

Amigurumi toys always have a relatively large head. Knit all the elements in a circle so that there are no extra seams.

Now that you know briefly about the style in which you will crochet a monkey, the pattern described in this article will not come as a surprise to you.

So, let's proceed directly to creating our toy.

Materials and tools

Before you learn how to crochet a monkey (the diagram, as you understand, is not the only thing you need), you need to prepare the following supplies:

  • Knitting threads of different colors. For example, blue and white, white and orange yarn will go well together, although what colors your monkey will be made in depends only on your desire, taste and imagination. Since we are crocheting a monkey (pattern, description and photographs are presented below in the text), acrylic thread is best suited for you. A toy with such a composition will hold its shape better and look more natural, especially since stores now offer a large selection of children's hypoallergenic acrylic.
  • Black or dark brown thread for embroidering face details.
  • Crochet hook. Its number should be a couple of sizes smaller than the yarn you choose.
  • Cotton or padding polyester filler.
  • A needle and thread to connect all the parts of your monkey.
  • Scissors.
  • Beads or ready-made eyes (if desired, eyes can also be knitted or embroidered)

diagram, description

As mentioned earlier, in this article we will look at the Japanese technique of knitting an amigurumi monkey.

Any product is crocheted using this technique in a spiral, so that, having mastered only the initial skills in crocheting, you can easily knit yourself a cute favorite, following our advice.

The main task when knitting such a toy is to make sure that the loops fit as closely as possible to each other, without gaps or gaps. Otherwise, filler will come out of the finished monkey, giving the finished product a sloppy appearance. This is why the hook size should be slightly smaller than the size of the thread used.

When creating our monkey, we will first knit all its body parts separately, and then connect them after we fill each of them.

A little introduction for beginners

Below you will find a brief description of the simplest types of loops that you need to master before crocheting a monkey. The diagrams for beginners are clear and show step-by-step execution of one or another type of loop.

Initial loop

Place the end of the thread on the thumb of your left hand, insert the hook from left to right, grabbing the thread, and insert it into the resulting loop. Grab the thread going through your index finger and insert it into the ring that has slipped off your thumb. Tighten.

Air loop

The end of the thread with a loop lies on the thumb of the left hand and the rest of the thread hangs down, bending around the index finger of the same hand. The “bridge” of thread between the fingers should be slightly taut. You insert the hook into the loop, grab the thread from the “bridge” and pull it into the loop until a second loop is formed. Insert the hook into the newly formed loop and repeat the operation until you get a chain of the desired length.

Single crochet

Thread it through the last loop, then thread it into the previous loop and grab the thread, pulling it back through both. You now have a loop on your hook. Without removing it, insert the hook into the next loop of the previous row and repeat the action, etc.

Connecting loop

To do it, insert the hook into the last loop of the row and, without removing it, thread the hook into the first loop of the row, catch the thread, and then thread it through both loops. That's it, you can knit the next row.

We have sorted out all the nuances that we will encounter as we work, and now we are crocheting a monkey step by step.

Head and body

  • We knit 7 air loops.
  • A row of single crochets, this will be the first row. Connect all subsequent rows with a connecting loop.
  • Rows 2 and 3 are knitted, tying two single crochets onto each loop of the row in front of them.
  • Row 4: knit, alternating loops of the previous row, on one you tie 1 single crochet, on the second 2, on the third 1, on the fourth 2, etc.
  • Row 5: You work by working 2 single crochets onto each stitch of the row in front of it.

Since we are crocheting a small monkey, we will have to stuff parts of its body as we knit it, so already at this stage you can put a little filler in the crocheted part.

  • Rows 6, 7, 8 are knitted with a regular single crochet, tying 1 stitch on each loop of the row in front of them.
  • Knit rows 9-13, decreasing as much as you added in rows 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Add filler.

  • Knit rows 14, 15 with a regular single crochet, tying 1 stitch on each loop of the previous row.
  • Rows 16, 17 and 18 you put 1 single crochet in three loops of the previous row, and 2 single crochets in one.
  • Next, we knit rows with a regular single crochet until the monkey’s body reaches the size you need.
  • Adding filler, we knit the last three rows with decreases corresponding to increases in rows 16, 17, 18.

When we are crocheting a monkey step by step and have already knitted the main element - the head with the body, we should not relax, because there are still a lot of details ahead, not difficult to knit, but no less necessary for this.


  • Knit 7 chain stitches, then 6 single crochets. Connect this entire structure into a ring.
  • Row 2 is knitted by skipping two single crochets into each stitch of the row that comes earlier.
  • Rows 3, 4, 5 are knitted with a regular single crochet, 1 in each previous loop.

You need to knit two pieces of such parts, or you can knit 2 more pieces for the ears of a different color and smaller size and sew them together.
Using the same pattern, tie your eyes.

Knitting pattern for muzzle

  • Knit 4 air loops and close them to the ring.
  • Rows 2 and 3 are knitted into the loop in the middle, 2 single crochets each.
  • Rows 4 and 5 are knitted with 1 regular single crochet.

This is the only part you need.

Monkey feet

  • Row 1: knit 7 chain stitches, make 6 single crochets and tie them into a ring.
  • Rows 2, 3 and 4: work 2 single crochets into each stitch of the previous row.
  • Fill with filler.
  • Rows 5, 6 and 7: decrease as many stitches as you added in rows 2, 3 and 4.
  • Fill with filler.
  • Next, we knit rows in a regular single crochet stitch with a thread of a different color, until the leg is the length you need.

Don't forget to add filler from time to time. You will need a couple of these parts.

We continue to crochet the monkey.

Hand diagram

  • Row 1: knit 7 chain stitches, make 6 single crochets and tie them into a ring.
  • Row 2: Work 2 single crochets on each stitch in the row in front of it.
  • Rows 3 and 4 are knitted using a regular single crochet stitch.
  • Row 5: decrease stitches according to the increase in row 2.
  • We knit subsequent rows with a thread of a different color until the hand reaches the desired size.

We make 2 such parts.

Knit the tail like arms, only longer.

Now you have finished crocheting a monkey, the assembly diagram is described below.

Putting the monkey parts together

  • First of all, you need to sew the arms to the junction of the body and the head.
  • Then we sew the legs parallel to each other to the bottom of the body along the edges.
  • Now you can sew on the tail; it is placed at the back in the middle of the lower part of the body.
  • Attach the muzzle to the bottom of the face and the eyes above the muzzle.
  • Embroider a mouth on the muzzle.
  • Attach ears to the sides of the head.

Well, now you have become the proud owner of a small handmade monkey. Now, if you have a desire, we crochet a basket monkey. You already have a monkey pattern, but how to knit a basket? Knit a small “bowl” in a circle in a contrasting color and attach the toys to the hands. You can put small jewelry there, such as earrings.

This handmade knitted monkey will undoubtedly appeal to your children. If you have never knitted toys, try knitting a monkey. A detailed description will help you get the job done.

The size of the knitted monkey is 35x12.5 cm.

For knitting you will need: 1 skein of Berroco Peruvia yarn (100% wool, 160 m/100 g) in two colors - brown and beige, 4 mm knitting needles, padding polyester for stuffing, 2 buttons for the eyes, black thread for embroidery, knitting needle .

Knitting density: 22 p. and 28 r. = 10x10 cm.

Detailed description of knitting a monkey.

Torso and head.

The piece is knitted in one piece from the bottom.

Cast on 20 stitches with brown thread (leave a long piece for stitching).

1st r. (LS): [from 1 p. in 2 persons. - behind the front and behind walls, knit 1] 10 times = 30 p.

2nd r. (IS): purl sang.

3rd row: k1, 9 times, add 1 st, k2. = 40 p.

4th row: purl loops.

5th row: 2 knits, 9 times, 1 knit, 2 knits. = 50 p.

Track. R. (LS): 6 knits, 3 times, 2 knits. together, 6 persons. = 46 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. r.: 1 knit., 7 times, 2 knit. together, 1 persons. = 38 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. r.: 3 knits., 3 times, 2 knits. together, 3 persons. = 34 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. p.: 4 knits., 6 times = 28 p.

Knit 9 rows straight, ending on a purl row.

Shaping the shoulders.

Track. R. (LS): 6 persons, 2 persons. together, 12 persons, 2 persons. together, 6 persons. = 26 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. p.: 5 knits, 1 p. remove, 2 knits. together and stretch through the removed stitch, knit 10, remove 1 stitch, knit 2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, k5. = 22 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. r.: 4 knits., 1 p. remove, 2 knits. together and stretch through the removed p., knit 8, slip 1 p., k2. together and stretch through the removed stitch, k4. = 18 p.

Knit 1 purl row and behind the back row.


Track. R. (LS): K2, [from 1 p. knit 2 knits. - behind the front and behind walls, knit 1] 8 times = 26 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. row: k2, 8 times = 34 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. r.: 4 knits., 6 times = 40 p.

Knit 17 rows straight, ending on a purl row.

Track. R. (LS): 2 knits., 7 times, 2 knits. together, 1 persons. = 32 p.

Work 1 purl row straight.

Track. p.: 1 persons., [ persons. together, 2 persons] 7 times, 2 persons. together, 1 persons. = 24 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. p.: 8 times = 16 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. p.: 8 times = 8 p.

Track. p.: 4 times = 4 p.

Cut the thread, leave a long piece. Thread the yarn through a knitting needle, pull it through the remaining stitches and pull off.

Hind legs (knit 2).

Each leg is knitted from the foot.

Using a beige thread, cast on 6 stitches (leave a long piece).

Starting with the next purl row, knit 9 rows straight, ending in the purl row.

13th r. (LS): 2 knits, 3 times, 2 knits. together, 2 persons. = 17 p.

Row 14: purl stitches.

Cut the beige thread. Attach brown thread and knit 10 rows straight, ending on a purl row.

Track. R. (LS): 3 knits, twice, 2 knits. together, 2 persons. = 12 p. **.

Knit another 11 rows straight and knit all stitches.

Front legs (knit 2).


Using a beige thread, pick up 6 stitches and leave a long piece.

1st r. (LS): [from 1 p. knit 2 knits. - behind the front and behind walls] 5 times, 1 person. = 11 p.

2nd r. (IS): purl stitches.

3rd row: k1, 10 times = 21 sts.

4th row: purl loops.

5th row: k1, 10 times = 31 p.

Starting with the next purl row, knit 5 rows straight. Close the stitches with knit stitches, leaving a long piece for sewing the nose to the head.

Ears (knit 2).

Using a beige thread, cast on 3 loops.

1st r. (IS): [from 1 p. knit 2 persons. - behind the front and behind walls] 2 times, 1 person. = 5 p.

2nd r. (LS): 4 times, 1 person. = 9 p.

3rd row: knit stitches to the end of the row (knit yarn overs crossed).

4th row: 4 times, 1 person. = 13 p.

5th row: repeat 3rd row.

6th row: facial loops.

Knit 2 more rows with knit stitches and loosely bind off all stitches with knit stitches. Leave a long piece for sewing the ear to the head.


Using beige thread, cast on 3 loops (leave a long piece for sewing to the body). Knit the tail in garter stitch (knit stitches in each row) slightly longer than the legs. In the last row, remove 1 stitch, k2. together and pull through the slipped loop, cut the thread and finish.


Assemble all the parts according to the instructions (see photo).

Note! The rules of the Domosedka club prohibit the posting of site materials on third-party resources in their entirety. Only an announcement (short description), photo and direct link to the source are allowed. For personal use, you can print any page from your browser.

The material was prepared and retold from English by Domosedka.


Those who are interested in astronomy, and simply lovers of knitted toys, are offered a symbol of the coming year - a crocheted monkey. This craft is made using the technique amigurumi , essentially a small crocheted toy. The monkey is created according to the scheme, and even beginners will not have any difficulty in making this one for themselves using the presented master class charming girl


With a light thread, 2 airs and 6 columns without yarn overs . Next, to increase the circle, increments are made from the 2nd row, where 6 loops are added. In the 3rd row there are 4, in the 4th there are already 6 increases, also in the 5th and 6th tiers.

The breast module is sewn to the body with light threads.


The coffee thread forms the center, similar to the first two modules, of 2 air .P. and 6 columns without yarn overs . Increases in the 2nd row of 6 loops, in the 3rd row of 4 stitches, then the 4th row. adds 6, in the 5th there are already 8 increases. The subsequent 6th, 7th and 8th, 6 increases each. There are only 2 additions in the 9th row, and 8 in the 10th row.

And in the 24th tier, 15 loops are immediately decreased, in the 25th - 10, after which the volume of the head is filled with filler. The decrease continues in the 26th row - 9 stitches, and in the 27th - final row - 6 decreases . The thread is secured and cut.


The muzzle module is made of 2 identical parts with a light thread, which are superimposed on each other with an offset. Set also of 2 air loops and 6 sc . Add 6 loops in the 2nd row, 4 in the 3rd row. in the 4th, 5th and 6th tiers - 6 additions each. In the 7th row there is an increase of 4 loops. 8th row final knitted without changes.

Eyes are attached to one of the details, then the muzzle is sewn to the head, for greater expressiveness facial expressions are embroidered: eyebrows, mouth, nostrils.


Two parts of the ears are made in a dark shade. The set also consists of 2 air . loops and 6 columns without yarn overs . Further, according to the increase scheme - in the 2nd row - 6, in the 3rd - 4, in the 4th - 2 additions. There are 6 increments in the final 5th. The thread does not break, it is for sewing to the head.

Light details, also in the amount of 2 pieces, are initially collected from 2 air stitches and 6 sc . Then in the 2nd row 6 are added, and in the 3rd - 4 loops.

Now the head and body of the toy are connected in the MK.


Continuing the master class, the sole of the legs is made of light thread, a set of 2 air . loops and 6 columns without yarn over . In the 2nd and 3rd rows 6 loops are added, in the 4th row 4 are added. In the 5th row, knitted without changes, you get 22 loops. Next, the top of the foot and the entire leg are knitted with a dark thread.

In the 6th tier, 1 chain stitch is performed and 2 loops are added in a circle. 7th circle knitted no increases. In the 8th row, 6 loops are decreased, in the 9th there are only 2. The foot is filled with padding, then we knit the length of the leg - 10-22 rows without changing the number of loops.

The description of the second leg is not given in the master class, since it is made similarly to the first, and then both of them are attached to the body.


Handle modules are made with the main color of yarn, 2 are also typed air p. and 6 sc . Next is the 2nd row with increases of 6 loops, 3rd row. – 2 increments, 4th – 4th. The height of the arm is gained from the 5th to the 20th rows, which knitted without changes.

The handles are filled with stuffing, the holes are sewn up and attached to the body.


The tail module is not stuffed, and in the given MK it is the easiest to manufacture.

2 air stitches are typed, and 6 columns without yarn over knit into the second loop from the hook. Subsequent tiers 2-25 are performed without increments and decreases . The thread remains for sewing to the monkey's body.

Greetings, dear friends and guests of the blog “We Create - Don’t Be Lazy.” Today on the agenda is another knitted monkey. I named her Monya, although the toy looks more like Alpha, remember that series about an alien? Unlike, we will knit this monkey both with knitting needles and crochet. In addition, using this toy as an example, we will consider one of the types of thread fastening of parts.

This is, so to speak, a soft mount (remember, it was hard)

This thread fastening is stronger than. Our monkey can be tortured as much as you like, and nothing will fall off of her, and this is, perhaps, her main advantage.

Toys of this kind are called chatterboxes... Because their arms and legs dangle freely...

The introductory part is over - let's get down to business!

Knitted monkey - materials:

  • Yarn “Grass” – 50g. (dark beige color)
  • Yarn “Blues” - 50g. (beige color to match the grass, but lighter or darker as you like)
  • Hook No. 2
  • Knitting needles No. 2
  • Sintepon
  • Bobbin thread to match the color of the yarn (optional)
  • Eyes or beads or buttons (also optional... you can just embroider)

How to crochet a monkey using fluffy yarn

First we knit all the parts from a smooth thread. Let's start with the most difficult... Not so much difficult as dreary)))...

Knitted monkey - fingers and palms

For fingers - crochet with blues yarn in a slip stitch 8 sc. Next, in a spiral, we knit 10 rows with single crochets. You need to knit 16 such parts (the monkey has 4 limbs - 4 fingers for each).
Next... we stuff each finger, but without fanaticism, so that you can easily connect the edges. Flatten it)))
We connect the edge of the first finger with a sc (we knit 4 stitches all the way through - see photo), without stopping we attach the second “flattened” finger to it, also with 4 sc all the way through, and then the third.
Let's start knitting palms

We connected three fingers with one “braid” of 12 sc (4+4+4 when we sewed the fingers together). Now we will knit with single crochets in a circle using the loops of this chain, and we will make the stitches in one part of the chain, as if we were knitting a sole for a bootie. There is no need to make any additions. There will be 24 columns in total.

We knit 5 rows. At the beginning of the 6th row we place the fourth finger and knit it with a sc, piercing three surfaces with a hook at once (two from the finger and one from the palm). We knit 5 more rows in the round. We stuff the part (without fanaticism) and flatten it, connecting the edges of the RLS and knitting them through (see photo) You get a palm with fingers. If you did everything correctly, then when shaking your fingers will dangle)))
Knit the second palm in exactly the same way, but in the third and fourth there is a slight difference - the fourth finger is not knitted at the beginning of the 6th row, but a little further away. That is, first knit 8 sc, and then knit the fourth finger - you will get palms in a mirror image.

Ears for a knitted monkey

A knitted monkey cannot be without ears)))
I tried to draw a diagram, but it didn’t work out, so I’m writing it down:
4 VP + 1 VP lifting. then we knit in a circle in a spiral using single crochets

1st row - 4 sc (in each loop of the chain along the column), + 1 sc in the last loop (turn), 4 sc

2nd row - 2 sbn (increase) in the lifting loop of the bottom row, 4 sbn, 2 sbn (increase), 4 sbn

3rd row - increase. increase, 4 sc, increase, increase, 4 sc

4th row - 4 increases in a row (2 sc in each loop), 4 sc, 4 increases in a row, 4 sc. should make 24 loops

5-8 rows without increases (24 loops)

Row 9 - 2 together (decrease), decrease, 8 sc, decrease, decrease, 8 loops = 20 loops

10 row - 20 sc

Knit two parts, fold the edges (no need to stuff), connect the edges with single crochets (like palms. In the middle, when joining, make two decreases (optional) 5th and 6th. 7th and 8th knitted together.

Monkey face

We first knit the muzzle by analogy with the ears
8 VP + 1 VP lifting. then we knit in a circle in a spiral using single crochets

1st row - 8 sc (in each loop of the chain along the column), + 1 sc in the last loop (turn), 8 sc

2nd row - 2 sbn (increase) in the lifting loop of the bottom row, 8 sbn, 2 sbn (increase), 8 sbn

3rd row - increase. increase, 8 sc, increase, increase, 8 sc

4th row - 4 increases in a row (2 sc in each loop), 8 sc, 4 increases in a row, 8 sc.

Row 5 - *1 sbn. increase* -2 times. *increase, 1 sc* -2 times. 8 sbn, * 1 sbn. increase* -2 times. *increase, *-2 times. 8 sc, = 40 loops. On these forty loops we knit 4 rows without increases or decreases...

11 - at the end of the row, knit two loops together

12 - at the end of the row, knit two loops together

Row 13-14 we tie the entire piece in a circle. Moreover, in the 13th row, at the junction of the muzzle and nose, there is an increase on both sides of the part.

We knit the furry part of the toy...

Main pattern:
garter stitch (knit rows - knit stitches, purl rows - knit stitches)

Front paws (two identical parts)
Cast on 30 stitches using grass thread. Knit with facial loops, decreasing in every 4th row 5 times, 1 loop at the beginning and end of the row. Next, knit 25 rows on 20 loops with a straight fabric. Then close all the loops
Hind legs (two identical parts)
Cast on 30 stitches using grass thread. Knit with facial loops, decreasing in every 4th row 5 times, 1 loop at the beginning and end of the row. Next, knit 6 rows on 20 loops with a straight fabric. Then close all the loops.

Cast on 20 stitches using grass thread.
1-2 r. - person.p.
3-13 r. - in each odd row we add 4 loops evenly (4-14 without increases) = 44 sts.
15-24 r. - no extras
25 - 31 r. - in each odd row we add 3 loops evenly (26-32 without increases) = 56 sts.
33-40 rub. - straight fabric without additions
41-48 r. - in each row we evenly decrease 7 loops
We fold the part, sew it together and stuff it with padding polyester (without fanaticism)

Back of the head (occiput)

Cast on 10 stitches using grass thread.
1 rub. - person.p. =10
2 r. - kr., increase, * persons, increase *, persons. =19
3rd row and further all odd rows - no increases
Row 4 - cr., *increase, k2*, knit = 28
Row 6 - cr., *increase, k3*, knit = 37
Row 8 - cr., *increase, k4*, k = 46
Row 9 - exactly...
attach it to the knitted smooth muzzle and see if the part is long enough around the circumference of the face (it should be enough))) the grass is much thicker... if not, then add more loops in the 11th row
10 -20 row without increases

Assembling arms and legs

Handles and legs are assembled in the same way. We look at the photos and collect... (just don’t forget about the left and right)))
Because If hairy parts have identical left and right sides, then it will be easier for us...

We place our palms on the hair part and pierce both parts with a hook and immediately connect them with single crochets.

Then we turn away the palm with the half of the hairy part that is not covered and, piercing three surfaces with a hook, we immediately connect everything together with a sc, returning to the beginning of the connection. Then, in the same way as RLS, we connect the side parts of the arm or leg and turn the part inside out.

You can also do this with a needle and thread (whichever is more convenient for you).

We will not stuff our arms or legs... After all, we want to make a chatterbox toy)))

Therefore, we also sew the edge of the arm, but on the right side of the part, and sew the limbs to the body at this very edge.

We sew “tightly” on both sides of the seam, i.e. go around the entire edge of the arm (or leg) with the needle so that the parts hold tightly.

Shake the workpiece - the arms and legs should dangle)) remember, our knitted monkey is a chatterbox toy?)))


We sew the occipital part of the furry part of the head (the loops that were picked up and the bevels with increases) and to the opposite side along the circumference we sew a crocheted muzzle. There will be an unstitched hole left (two edges of the fabric opposite each other, where there were no increases), so we do the stuffing through it.
This detail can be stuffed “from the heart”))), but again without fanaticism))) and sewn to the body
All that remains is to sew on the ears in the same way as the arms and legs and “draw” the face. I think you can handle this yourself! turns out to be the cutest creature -

knitted monkey from different types of yarn

P.S. In my opinion, such a monkey can be given to anyone))) Be it for a holiday, or just because))) I have already privatized it)))

I give you this description :) Tying a monkey is not at all difficult! Let such a knitted monkey become a good toy friend for your children)))

Well, our dear needlewomen, are we starting to prepare for the New Year?)) Time will fly by unnoticed as usual, but there is still so much to do! Preparing New Year's souvenirs with the symbols of the coming year is already a real tradition! For those who are not yet in the know, the symbol of 2016 is the Fire Monkey, so this huge article from “Cross” will be devoted to creating monkeys with your own hands using a wide variety of needlework techniques!

This time I decided to deviate a little from the usual presentation of the material, namely a detailed description of the manufacturing process of each monkey. I have prepared for you a kind Guide to master classes, posted online. Believe me, there are very, very many of them!!! But there are already many times fewer good, interesting and high-quality ones. Having gone through literally everything, I personally chose, in my opinion, the most worthy, the best of the best!!! I present them to your attention)

In addition, here you will find links to purchase master classes, as well as ready-made handmade monkeys! This information is also very relevant on the eve of the New Year!

So, let's start with simple ones and gradually move on to more complex and interesting master classes on monkeys.

Monkeys made of paper and on paper

Drawing postcards with children

Children should definitely be involved in preparing New Year’s souvenirs - let them make at least simple crafts with monkeys with their own hands, for example, postcards. They will probably like the process, because during the work they will literally have to fumble around in the paint with their hands and feet)

To make a card with a monkey hanging on a vine, all you need is a sheet of paper and watercolors. Help your child paint 4 fingers and a palm with brown paint, and then let him leave his handprint on the paper! The monkey's head and tail can also be painted with paints.

Or you can cut them out of colored paper:

These simple elements can be used to create a cute monkey face)

Option three

If you don’t have time to sew a monkey with arms and legs, then sew only the head, it will be perfect as a keychain.

Option four

Such a monkey can be cut out of thick felt by gluing all the parts together. It will be faster, and it will look just as decent.

Option five

But you can sew such a monkey toy with your own hands if you purchase the pattern from its author (tilda4kids).

Coffee monkeys

Do you already understand where I'm going with this? Of course, this means that you can make coffee monkeys in the same way, which will fill the house with a wonderful aroma, and everyone who gets it will be in a great mood!

These are the naughty coffee monkeys you can buy

Monkey pillows

Another good idea is to sew a pillow in the shape of a monkey. There are many options here, as they say, choose to your taste. Here are some ideas for inspiration!


Svetlana Zabelina offers to buy a master class on knitted potholders “Baby Monkeys”.

Hot stand

The hot stand is also in the shape of a monkey's face) Description of knitting.


An oven mitt can be used simply as a kitchen decoration or for its intended purpose. It fits like this.

Amigurumi toys are always in great demand. Therefore, choose a master class, knit, and then give your handmade monkeys to your beloved friends and family.

You can see what this monkey looks like “live” in the video from Marusya Prokopenko:

Option six

Button&Company shares a master class on knitting such funny monkeys)

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