Embroidery: novel seams. Novel kayma nodule seam

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Embroidery ribbons. The main types of stitches and nodules

When embroidered with silk ribbons, use various types of seams, some of them are used for other types of embroidery, some - only at this form. More often when working, several different types of stitches and different tapes are used.

There are several rules when embroidered with ribbons:
-Dlin stitch should always make more ribbon width, as it does not deal with the desired drawing;
-Ships can not be delayed, otherwise the drawing will not be volumetric;
- a meant when working you need to maintain free hand so that it does not twist and not confused;
- Suns, which has not turned out, can always be close on top of another stitch.
Below you get acquainted with the main types of stitches, which are used when embroidered with silk ribbons.

Stitch "Floature with attachment"
A needle with ribbon should be pulled out and stretch left and up, make a small loop. Then perform the puncture a little to the right first, holding the loop with your left hand.
This seam can be exercised horizontally and vertically. The edges are more common to them. To perform it, you can use a ribbon wide from 0.2 to 0.8 cm.
Remove the needle with a ribbon on the front side in the center of the half (Fig. 2a). Filter to secure a small attachment by throwing the tape through the loop (Fig. 2b). Then output the needle on the front side to the right and up to perform the second stitch (Fig. 2B).

Stitch "Peeling in Circle"
These stitches embroider many different flowers. Pull the needle with a ribbon on the front side and make the puncture very closely with the place of the ribbon. Stretch it on the wrong side. In the resulting loop insert a peg or pencil (Fig. 3a). Then pull the needle with a ribbon on the front side next to the first loop. The first loop is fixed by a pin, insert a peg or pencil into the second. Make a puncture on the wrong way out (Fig. 3b). In the same way, perform all the loops in a circle (Fig. 3B).
The middle can be issued by a bead or a French knot.

Stitch "Peeling with attachment"
Needle with ribbon stretch on the front side and make a puncture on the wrong side. The needle is outlined a little higher than the outlet of the tape and start it for a needle (Fig. 4a). Make a loop and fasten it with a small attachment (Fig. 4b). The loop with the attachment is ready (Fig. 4B).

The stitch "Peeling with the attachment" is an option of a tambourine and applies only when embroidered with ribbons. This seam can be placed by leaves, flower petals.

Stitch "Overwhelmed loop"
Tape with a needle to withdraw on the front side. Make a loop counterclockwise and press it with a finger of the left hand (Fig. 5a). Make a puncture needle on the wrong side a little to the left of the ribbon exit place and take a loop in the center (Fig. 5b). Tighten the tape and make a small attachment (Fig. 5B).

Stitch "Peeling with eye"
These stitches fill the base of embroidery, embroider flowers. The needle with ribbon should be displayed on the front and make a puncture on the wrong side very close with the ribbon outlet.

This seam can be made embroidery on bed and underwear, clothes. The seam is very strong and attached to the main fabric with additional stitches.

Shape and straighten with a needle (Fig. 6a). Perform some more loops along the same technology (Fig. 6b). Then insert another color tape in the needle and take it on the front side in the center of the loop. Run the "French nodule" by pressing the loop with a thumb of the left hand (Fig. 6B).

Similarly, to make eyes on other loops. On narrow tape "French nodules" can be made by threads Moulin.

Stitch "Floature with jigsag attachments"
On the front side, perform a semi-deployment. Pull the needle with a ribbon on the front side to the right and slightly lower than the first half-semi-semi-depository and make the second semi-deployment (Fig. 7a). The next loop is left to the left of the previous one. The fourth is right. Thus, to make a half-way to right, then on the left alternately (Fig. 7b).

Tambourny Sow.
This seam is used in various types of embroidery. Remove the needle with a ribbon on the front side and make a puncture on the wrong place at the ribbon exit place. Then stretch the needle with a ribbon to the stitch length on the front side inside the resulting loop (Fig. 8a). Then perform the rest of the loops in the same way as the first. There should be a chain of looping (Fig. 8b)

Sing sow
It is one of the main seams in the embroidery. A needle with a ribbon should be pulled out on the front side and make stitches (Fig. 9a). Then carefully pull out the needle with a ribbon on the wrong side, holding the tape with the other hand. Make a puncture on the front side in the middle of the stitch and then perform the second stitch in the same way as the first (Fig. 9b). The tape during the implementation of stitches should be painted and straight, and the needle needs to tilt a little. In this case, the seam will be very voluminous (Fig. 9B).

The sabling seam can be sewing the motif contours, create flooring, as the basis for other seams. In addition, they can be used to create stalks and various curls.

Direct stitch
This is one of the most common and universal stitches. It is used when embroidering petals, leaves and stalks; In addition, it is used in sewing. A needle with a ribbon needs to be pulled out on the front side. Then skip the ribbon with the needle to the wrong side, retreating the desired length and holding the left hand to the tape so that it does not confuse (Fig. 10). You need to fill the entire drawing with this stitch.

Displaced ribbon stitch
A needle with ribbon must be displayed on the front side. To the fingers of the left hand press the straightened tape to the fabric.
Recovering the desired length, you should pierce the needle tape and tissue and stretch the tape on the wrong side (Fig. 11a). At the same time, it is impossible to delay the tape too much, otherwise the stitch will turn out to be ugly (Fig. 11b).
The puncture can be shown left or right. At the same time, the stitch will change a bit (Fig. 11B).

Extracted twisted stitch
These stitches are usually performed by stalks. A needle with ribbon to be pulled out on the front side. Ribbon twisted several times and pull out on the wrong side (Fig. 12a). Stitch straightening is impossible (Fig. 12b).

Entry straight stitch
Pull the ribbon on the front side and make a straight stitch. Then bring the needle with a ribbon to the first puncture seat and spend the needle from top to bottom under the straight stitch. The fabric does not capture. Pull the tape until it disks the stitch (Fig. 13a). Then the needle again skip the right stitch from top to bottom and pull the tape. Thus, to assign the entire stitch ribbon (Fig. 13b). A needle with a ribbon to withdraw on the wrong side and consolidate the tape. Eliminated direct stitch ready (Fig. 13B). You can also ask several stitches at once. To do this, perform a number of direct stitches. Then return to the beginning of the seam and crush every stitch with a ribbon, entering a needle from top to bottom under stitches (Fig. 13 g).

Name Zigzag
With this seam, you can perform a whole floral composition by adding stalks and leaves. It is necessary to cut off the ribbon the required length and draw on it the portno small or pencil zigzag. Thread Moulin of the same tone to perform the stitch "forward needle" on the planned line (Fig. 14a). Pull the thread and pull the tape. It turns out a corrugated tape (Fig. 14b). It is necessary to fold the short side of the tape and sew them into the ring. Then put the resulting flower to the base. The middle to arrange beads or French knots (Fig. 14B).

This seam you can perform small roses or make a beautiful framing. Thread Moulin of the same tone as the tape, you need to pave the stitch "Forward needle" in the middle of the tape along the entire length (Fig. 15a). Then collect the ribbon into the folds, pulling the thread, and sew a short side, forming a circle (Fig. 15b). Finished roses to sew to the base. In the center make a French nodule or sew a bead. Rose can be made of two tapes of different widths. To do this, the narrow tape should be imposed on a broad so that one edge coincpension (Fig. 15b).

This stitch can be performed immediately on the fabric. To do this, make a needle with a ribbon to pull on the front side in the marked place and make the mark. Then impose one edge of the tape to another and pull it on the thread. It turns out a folder.

Stitch "French nodule"
French knots are made up of the middle of the colors or fill empty space in the motive. A needle with ribbon must be pulled out on the front side.

Tighten the tape with your left hand and transfer it with a needle two or three times so that the turns do not overlap each other (Fig. 16a). Then the needle stick into the fabric very close with the place of the first puncture and stretch on the wrong side, holding the tape all the time so that the nodules are not formed (Fig. 16b). It is impossible to stretch the tape, otherwise the entire stitch will not work. Each nodule must be fixed separately (Fig. 16b).

You can also place a pestle with stamens with the French nodule. To do this, pull the needle with a ribbon on the front side, twist it. Then crush the tip of the needle with a ribbon, as when performing a French nodule, and make a puncture on the wrong one, carefully plastered the tape so that no extra nodules appear. Then return to the beginning of the pattern and repeat all actions (Fig. 17).

Colonial knot
The needle with ribbon is required to withdraw on the front side. Ribbon to straighten and press a little to the fabric.
The colonial node is a little similar to the French knot. The difference lies in the fact that the tape when it is fulfilled around the needle turns into the eight. It can be done by threads or ribbon. Too wide ribbon should not be used for this stitch, otherwise the nodules will be very massive and ugly.
Holding a needle at a slight angle to the fabric, you need to tip under the tape close to the location of its exit (Fig. 18a). Call the needle tape from the bottom and on top and slightly tighten the loop (Fig. 18b). Make a puncture needle on the wrong way as close to the place of the ribbon (Fig. 18v). Pull the ribbon from the wrong side, tightening the knot. At the same time, it must be maintained with a finger of his left hand so that it does not get confused. The colonial node is ready (Fig. 18 g).

Extracted stitches
On the front side it is required to pave one vertical stretched stitch and return through the wrong one to its beginning. Punch to make a little left and up (Fig. 19a). Run the stitch so that it ended right under the first stitch, and return through the wrong side, making the puncture a little to the right and up. Run a stitch that should end exactly under the second stitch. This is the beginning of the leaflet (Fig. 19b). The following two stitches should begin exactly under the vertical stitch in the middle. One stitch to send left up, the second - right up (Fig. 19B). Then just below to perform two more stitches to the left and right. Between them, lay one vertical stitch and two more stitches on the sides - to the left and right (Fig. 19 g). The latter make a vertical long stitch in the middle of the seam. This is a piece of paper sheet (Fig. 19d).

Show "Direct stitch with attachments"
On the front side of the needle with a ribbon to make a straight stitch in the desired direction and the required length. The tape must lie on the fabric tight and smoothly. Then return to the front side of the stitch (Fig. 20a). On top of it, attachments are attached at the same distance from each other, fixing the first stitch (Fig. 20b). At the end of the work, the tape is consolidated on withc.

The attachments on this seam can be made of a contrasting ribbon. Typically, the elongated stitch with the attachments will edit work or finish initials.

Sow "Grid"
A needle with a ribbon should be pulled out on the front side and perform vertical stitches, filling the desired surface. Then stretch the needle with a ribbon on the wrong side and consolidate the tape (Fig. 21a). Then a needle with a ribbon stretch on the front side and perform horizontal stitches, spending it first over the vertical stitch, then under it, after again above the ribbon (Fig. 21b). Remove the needle with a ribbon to the beginning of the stitch on the front side and perform the following horizontal stitch, starting the tape under the vertical stitch, then above it and again under it (Fig. 21b). Thus, overwhelm all vertical stitches to get a braid (Fig. 21 g).

This seam is very simple. Sometimes it is called a flooring. They are often filled with embroidery background, large motifs. It can be applied when embroidering a house, baskets, fence or simply perform in some free places for a general effect.

Rose of twisted tape
A needle with a ribbon to be pulled out on the front side and, directing the tape parallel to the base, twist it into the tight spiral (Fig. 22a). Then make a loop, taking the ribbon at a distance of 3 cm from the start of the stitch. Let go of the middle of the loop, placing it parallel to the fabric. The tape will immediately twist and forms a double helix (Fig. 22b). The needle needs to make a puncture on the wrong one closely with the place of the ribbon, without releasing the resulting spiral. Ribbon gently pull out on the wrong side. The spiral twists in a rose. Muline threads of the same shade as the tape, imperceptible stitches to secure the resulting rose in the center (Fig. 22B).

Packing rose bud.
Large beads to sew on the fabric. A needle with a ribbon 0.7 cm wide stretch on the front side at a short distance from beads and cover it with a bead (Fig. 23a). Then make a ribbon stitch by making a puncture at a distance of 0.3 cm from the beads. The needle with ribbon is pulled out on the wrong side (Fig. 23b). After that, the needle with a ribbon again outlines in the place of the first ribbon exit. Collect a bead with a ribbon on the left side and finish the stitch at the end point of the first stitch (Fig. 23b). On the right side of the beads to perform the same stitch. Secure the tape on the wrong side. 0.4 cm wide ribbon repeat the last two ribbon stitches made on the sides of the beads. After that, withdraw the tape on the wrong side and consolidate it (Fig. 23 g). Green ribbon to embroider sewers with a ribbon seam on both sides of the beads. Padrill rose bud is ready (Fig. 23d).

Convex bud
Beads to sew to the tissue with a thin needle. A needle with a ribbon to withdraw on the front side at the bottom of the beads and make a ribbon stitch, covering the bead (Fig. 24a). Then through the wrong back to the start of the stitch and perform another ribbon stitch a little to the right first. Stitches must close each other slightly (Fig. 24b). Then to carry out the ribbon stitch just as the second, but on the left side. The following two stitches make a little longer than the first. Then take a cup of flower with a stitch with a seizure. Stem is cut off by a straight long stitch, a leaf - a ribbon stitch (Fig. 24V).

Node "Rococo"
The needle with ribbon stretch on the front side and take it again on the wrong side in the place of the first puncture. On the offline to make stitches (Fig. 25a). Tape to start the needle tip on left to right and perform several turns around the needle, after each turn tape a little tighten (Fig. 25b). Then pull the needle with ribbon, carefully holds the resulting knot with your left hand. The needle with ribbon pull out on the wrong one and fasten there (Fig. 25B).

Direct volume stitch
Securing the tape on the involving side, it is necessary to remove the needle and make a straight stitch without tightening the tape. Then pull the needle with a ribbon on the front side slightly above the place of the first ribbon exit (Fig. 26a). And to make some other straight stitch, covering the first (Fig. 26b). Stitch ready.

Seam "Capture"
A ribbon of one color is required to perform a ribbon stitch. Bud is ready. Tape of another color to hide in the needle and stretch on the front at the base of the bud (Fig. 27a). Then the needle to take on the wrong side, making the puncture closely with the ribbon entry. On the front side to leave a small loop. The needle with ribbon pull out on the other side of the bud (Fig. 27b). Needle with ribbon to go into the loop and tighten the resulting knot. Then make a straight vertical stitch down. The end of the tape is fixed on the wrong side. Seam "Capture" is ready (Fig. 27B).

Loeting with attachment and straight stitch
The needle with a ribbon needs to withdraw on the front and perform a loop with the attachment. Then bring the needle with a ribbon next to the start of the loop and make a straight stitch a little left and down from the loop. Through the wrong side, return the needle with a ribbon on the right side of the looping and make a second straight stitch to the Motive Center (Fig. 28a). Ribbon fasten on withdrawal. The loop with the attachment and direct stitch is ready (Fig. 28b).

This double stitch consisting of direct and loops with a attachment can also be used in the manufacture of colors. The middle of the stitch can be filled with French nodules.

The base ribbon must be pulled out on the front side at the base of the bud. Twist it and make a twisted loop. Ribbon fasten on withcase (Fig. 29a). This is the core of bud. Petals embroider lighter shade ribbon. To do this, bring a light ribbon on the front side to the right and a little at the top of the bud and make the stitch over the booton, crossing it diagonally (Fig. 29b). Having done the stitch on the involving side, remove the needle with a ribbon opposite the first petal to the left and a little at the top of the booton. Perform the second petal just like the first, covering the bud and the first petal with a diagonal stitch (Fig. 29B). Green ribbon to embroider cupboards, having completed two ribbon stitches. Each stitch begins at the base of the bud and ends at the middle, without closing the petals (Fig. 29 g). Light green threads Moulin embroider on top of the bud two straight stitch, ranging from the base and ending at the edges of the chashelistic. Another direct stitch to perform up to the middle of the bud. Bud is ready (Fig. 29d).

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Often, when embroidered French nodules, embroidery arises difficulties:

  • the nodule is pulled out completely on the wrong one;
  • the nodule is tied on the working thread earlier than the thread goes to the wrong one;
  • the nodules are obtained different in size and shape.
To avoid all these errors, follow the recommendations below.

Step 1

First of all, consider the technique of performing this stitch. Use the needle with an acute end to work. Thread should be on the front side. Wrap twice needle, as shown in the photo above. If you want to change the size of the nodules, then for this it follows the amount of merchants around the needle: once - small nodules, three times - large. More than three revolutions should not be done, as such nodules are losing the form.

Step 2.

Enter the needle next to the place where the thread on the face of the work. In no case, do not enter the needle at the same place where the thread is - in this case, your nodule will go to the wrong one with the thread.

Step 3.

Extraright carefully thread on the wrong way. At the same time, the end of the thread end the end in the stretched position. It is necessary to hold the thread to those pr until there remain a couple of centimeters. Then let it go and carefully reach the wrong one.

Step 4.

So you have to get smooth and beautiful French nodules.

1. Do not wipe the thread for more than three times around the needle.Such a French nodule loses shape, it blooms, has an inaccurated look. If you need a large nodule, try to take a thread of several additions and at the same time make classic two turns.

2. Leave the distance between the start of the stitch and the place where you insert the needle into the fabric.Otherwise, your nodule will take off.

3. The thread on the wrong way stretch slowly and neatly. If you do it quickly, the threads can form nodules that are seriously unraveling.

4. Keep the working thread until the last moment. It will not only save the thread from confusion, but also makes the nodules a properly clear form.

5. Use the needle with a sharp tip. Such a needle easily passes through the filament of the base, which allows you to enter it in any convenient place. While embroidery needles with a blunt end can only be between the bases of the foundation.

French knots or "flurays", or "French" (so they are affectionately called embroiderers) - this is one of the techniques embroidery with threads Moulin or satin ribbons.

Thanks to the French knot, embroidery looks more expressive, acquires volume.

And there was a method of embroidery by French nodules, no matter how surprisingly, not in France, but in China. French craftsmen borrowed this technique from the Chinese after they saw it on goods imported by merchants from China. But the embroidery technique received its name as a result of great popularity from the French needlewomen who actively used it to decorate the clothes of representatives of the Royal Dynasties and the courtestrian nobility.

Depending on factors such as the amount of threads or the width of the tape, as well as the tension of the thread and the number of revolutions around the needle, the French nodules are obtained from different sizes. The more cordial, the larger the nodule will turn out.

French nodules in 1, 2, 4 and 6 casings

In the embroidery, most often the French nodules are used to give the volume of colors. Depending on the size of the nodule, the flower is also obtained by different sizes: large French nodes can become large rose bud or chamomile flower core in the foreground. And small nodules are ideal for the image of small inflorescences (for example, lilacs) or colors in the second plan.

In addition to colors, French nodules are often used to create the effect of perspective in large patterns - volumetric clouds or sea, trees, etc.

They embroidered the eyes and nose of animals, dresses and hairstyles geish and princesses are decorated.

Very often with the help of French nodules imitate snow.

Amazed the imagination of work, where the French nodules act as independent stitches, which are completely embroidered paintings!

How to make a french knot

First of all, fasten the fabric in the chambers. It should be stretched, and you have to be free both hands.

Capping the thread on the wrong way, we take the needle on the front side in the place where the French nodule is supposed to be done (point 1).

We make one or more merits and bring the needle to the wrong one at point 2, as close as possible to point 1.

Gently, slowly, we take the thread on the wrong one. The nodule is ready!

Look also video about how to make a French knot:

    Helped three basic rules for the execution of nodules:
  • Never hurry, pulling the thread. Thread should not be twisted!
  • Finger left hand (if you are right) be sure to hold the thread to the very end.
  • The closer to the fabric to start forming the nodules, the more even it will turn out in the end!
  • Little tricks

    If you want to get a larger knot, then you should not increase the number of thread turns around the needle. It is better to choose a thread thread.

    Perform French nodules is better than an acute needle and at the completed work, which is pre-folded and revealed.

    If French nodules are used in the work, then it is better to make it a double or even triple passecut. Then the glass will not put on embroidery and the nodules will remain volumetric and beautiful!

    Threads and fabric

    The view of the French nodule depends largely on the threads used. Mercerized cotton threads, such as Muline, give the effect of small colored beads on the surface of the fabric. A completely different appearance of the nodules made by woolen threads.

    In principle, the nodules can be embroidered on any fabric (KANVA AIDA or uniform interweaving fabric), but remember that on loose tissues with frequent holes (11 caunt from the AIDA) nodule or part of it can be stretched on the wrong side.

    Schemes for embroidery by French nodules

    As already mentioned, only a few French nodules are found in most embroidery schemes. But if you decide to try to embroider a whole picture in this technique, then the following options are possible:

    French nodules can be easily embroidered according to the embroidery scheme with beads. Just replace each biserink knot.

    Consider the embroidery scheme with a cross. To begin with, you can try to replace the elements that depict flowers.

    For embroidery by French knots, you can take the circuit of the contour embroidery. As already mentioned, just replace each cross knot.

    And finally, there is a small number of schemes created specifically for embroidery by French nodules. For example, this is:

    French knot in embroidery with diagrams and photos

    Seam French nodule for a long time is used in embroidery. Despite the name, the first method of its execution appeared in China, but the nodule fell in love with French craftsmen, so that women learned to fulfill him on their own. French nodule I. now enjoys popular among embroiderers. To learn the embroidery French knot, you will read step-by-step instructions for beginners. In addition, you will learn how to make a French knot in embroidery threads and ribbons on canvas, as well as when embroidery a cross.

    Features of french embroidery

    How to make a French nodule

    Ideas for embroidery with the French knot

    Make a fluffy lamb with your own hands. This simple embroidery scheme by the French nodule is perfect for beginners. It turns out even more interesting if the face of the sheep is made with a cross, and the fur of animals is a French nodule.

    Improve yourself with juicy red berries of ripe cherry. With this scheme you are two accounts learn how to create equally smooth nodules.

    The scheme of the french embroidery by nodules for beginners will help you learn and consolidate the skills of creating French loops.

    A monophonic bird will be an excellent start to develop your hobbies. You can choose any color you like. The highlight of the monochrome scheme will become-susceptible to beaded.

    Bouquet of flowers - What can be more beautiful? This simple embroidery is perfectly suitable for novice craftsmen, will allow you to reveal your potential and work out the method of performing stitches.

    The dandelion in the rays of the Sun, which sits down the horizon, be sure to enjoy the fans of embroidery by the French knot. You can combine several types of stitches, making the background with an embroidery cross, and the bud is a French nodule. Then the flower stands out against the sky. This and any other cross-embroidery circuit can be complemented with nodules to give the volume parts.

    Remember the rose from the tale story Antoine de Saint-Exupery, which the little prince adored so? Rose is a symbol of female start and beauty filled with meaning. Such embroidery will become an excellent gift for a close man. Make a bud or bright embroidery accents by French nodules so that the picture turns out to be volumetric. The rose embroidery looks amazing if you perform such work with the help of ribbons.

    Cheerful cats

    Such an interesting embroidery will greatly decorate your kitchen or becomes an original gift for an expensive person. Merry and reckless animals will raise your mood. Perform cups with an embroidery cross, and make the cats with French nodules, so they will turn out fluffy and volumetric, definitely real.

    For the embroidery with experience, such a scheme will certainly have to do. Imagine how beautiful will look like a lilac embroidered by bulk French nodules. Such a picture will greatly decorate the room, give the interior of freshness and spring mood.

    An excellent writing gift to friends or relatives will be such an embroidery made by their own hands. For example, the volumetric nodules can be distinguished the hairstyles of pairs and flowers at the feet, as well as a dress. Embroidery will be volumetric and unusual.

    Video with master class lessons such an embroidery for beginners

    French knot ribbons

    To embroider beautiful work, optionally use the threads. From this video you will learn how to create an embroidery tapes on the French nodule technique. To do this, you will need only the initial skills of possession of the embroidery techniques by French nodules. Embroidery from the ribbons can be performed on -keepers, and you can create entire pictures.

    Master class to fasten the thread in the embroidery of French knots

    From the video, you will learn as many as seven ways to fix the thread when performing a French knot in embroidery. They differ in both the level of difficulty and methods of execution, but all the techniques equally reliably hold the thread in the canvas.

    The combination of stitches

    From the video you will learn how to make the French knot in the embroidery of the cross. Such a picture looks unusually and original due to convex volumetric beads, which allocate individual fragments of work. This and other schemes of the New Year embroidery are made by the cross, and the French nodules are added from above.

    Just and beautiful. French nodes

    The French nodule is simple and at the same time one of the most spectacular techniques in embroidery. Let's see how this item is performed and which beauty can be created with it with your own hands.

    First, let's start with history. The French nodule is not from France, as it could be assumed. With its appearance, the embroidery reception is obliged to Chinese craftsmen. He was named the French nodule because he received great popularity to the French who had inspired once unusual embroidery on goods imported from China for the Royal Court.

    So, what are the French knot embroidered today and how do it?

    Most often, French nodules can be found as separate elements in embroidery with ribbons and embroidery smooth. And if in the embroidery ribbons is one of the main techniques, then in embroidery, the French nodule got spread with the appearance of fashion on applied embroidery in the form of a variety of brooches, as well as paintings decorated in the hoop.

    With the help of the French node, the volume of some embroidery elements is given. Most often, the colors are created by means of it. However, in fact, the French knot can be embraced almost anything, it is worth only to show fantasy, or use our "prompts" - the clients that we picked up specifically for you. We hope they will serve as an additional source of inspiration.

    Thanks to the French knot, embroidery looks more expressively, acquires volume and depth.

    How is the French nodule? At first, the thread is fixed on the outbreak of the fabric and remove on the front side. On the needle tightly pushing the turns of the thread. Then, holding them with your fingers, the needle is removed on the wrong side of the fabric and the thread is tightened. Notice, the needle sticks to the cloth near the place where she came out at the beginning.

    The French nodule is performed by threads of Moulin or satin ribbons. It can be done both small and more - it all depends on the thickness of the threads and the width of the ribbon, which are used in the work, tensioning thread, as well as the number of turns on the needle. It is possible to embroider the French nodule, in principle, on any fabric (aid or union), however, it should be remembered that on loose tissues with frequent weaves (for example, the canva of the AID 11 caution) nodule or part of it can be stretched on the wrong side.

    About how to embroider French nodules, you can learn from our video.

    As we have already mentioned, only individual elements in embroidery embroidered are usually embroidered. However, there are exceptions.

    French nodule in embroidery - schemes for beginners. How to make a french knot in embroidery with video

    Among the fans of the needlework embroidery by the French nodule uses special love. Products made in this technique are surprised by depth and painting: lilac flowers are like alive, and light soaring clouds in the picture resemble the summer. Clothing, decorated by such a technique, exclusive and distinctive. Learn this craft is very simple.

    Where the embroidery is used by the French knot

    Things decorated with uniquely expressive needlework, attract attention to their unusualness. The French nodule in the embroidery gives it a special charm, pleases the eyes with the feelings of completeness of color and volume. With it, there are models of clothing, which can be seen on the podiums of the world, but also homework decorate their outfits. The original is the original gift where the name of the jubilee is embroidered. Master Create unique things:

    Creating colors on the canvas

    The use of a French nodule in the embroidery of colors is of particular importance. Works are characterized by a feeling of volume, please the eyes with the paints, cause delight and admiration. Often, nodules are used for final strokes when decorating the finished product, so it is recommended to work on a wigner and stroking basic embroidery. Using this technique for the image of the colors, you can do:

    • stamens;
    • roses buds;
    • cores;
    • small flowers, such as lilac or forget-me-not.

    Bulk embroidery by threads of the finished picture

    Pictures using a French nodule in embroidery are particularly attractive. Work is very original, the work performed entirely in this way: they have their own highlight and attractiveness. To embroider a big picture, you need to use ready-made schemes. Very modern, works with contour drawing. Often, the technique is used only to underline moments in the plot. It can be:

    • leaves of trees;
    • decorations in clothing depicted people;
    • volumetric parts in pictures with animals.

    French embroidery using ribbons

    Very smarter looks with products embroidered by French nodules using ribbons. The width of them is selected depending on the author's idea: the smaller the element, the tape is already taken. Patterns are obtained by very voluminous, attracting attention, and products become unique, unique. This work is performed very quickly. Ribbons decorate:

    • stitched clothes;
    • knitten things;
    • decor items;
    • pillows;
    • bracelets;
    • necklace on the neck.

    The technology is similar to work with threads, but has little differences. The simplest French knots are embroidered with a ribbon 5 mm wide by such technology:

    • stretch the fabric on the chamber;
    • fasten the belt from the inside;
    • stretch on the front side;
    • put on the fabric, orienting it to the embroidery;
    • over horizontally have a needle;
    • wrap it with ribbon in the direction from ourselves, making one free turnover, without tensioning;
    • put the needle into the fabric at a distance of 2 mm from the initial entrance.

    How is the seam of the French nodule

    Even beginners will be able to master the bulk embroidery. To make excellent work, you need to work out the technique of performing one element. How to make a French knot in embroidery? It is necessary to prepare fabric, threads, chamber, needle. The node should be formed like this:

    • pull the material on the chap;
    • thread fix from the wrong side;
    • needle from bottom to pull upstairs;
    • thread take into the left hand;
    • needle to bring close to the material;
    • thread crush around it by winding three turns;
    • needle to buy inside out, next to the point, from where it was.
    • apply when embroidering the hoop;
    • monitor the thread not twisted;
    • hold it to the end of the element;
    • when forming a nodule, save the needle close to the fabric;
    • making a thread should always be carried out in one direction;
    • do not hurry in work;
    • for volumetric elements, it does not increase the number of turns - use thicker threads;
    • stitches are uniformly;
    • needle to take out very close to the place of input;
    • it should be very acute.

    Threads for embroidery

    Only from your ideas depends the choice of threads for the French embroidery by nodules. So that the image looks volumetric, in the foreground uses darker tones than behind. The greater the number of colors will be used, the more interesting the result. Picking up the threads, consider:

    • small, small elements, similar to the beads, are obtained if they are embroidered Moulin;
    • for larger size, a wool yarn is suitable;
    • volumetric flowers are embroidered with ribbons;
    • convenient thread length for work - 30 cm - big will be confused, and a short one will often have to replace.

    What fabric is suitable for embroidery by the French knot

    Special shooting should be given to the choice of fabric:

    • If you want to embroider a picture or flower, choose a dense canva.
    • When using loose fabric, the nodule can be pulled out on the wrong side, porting work.
    • You can embroider with a nodular way ready-made products from any dense matter.
    • Because when using tapes, more voluminous elements are obtained, work is allowed on a knitted canvase. French knot in this case, you can decorate even knitted things.

    Volume Embroidery - Schemes

    It is very rare to find schemes that are intended exclusively for embroidery by the French nodule. Needlewomen found output:

    • use the components of the embroidery cross, beads - in them, the conventions of beads and stitches are replaced by nodules;
    • adapt to working with ribbons sketches intended for the technique of smooth;
    • we have been transferred to the cloth you liked pictures, then, instead of paints, paint them with colored nodules or embroidered along the contour.
    • find the use of their talents - they themselves draw the plots of future works.

    Beginner needlewomen are better to start with simple schemes of small size and a limited number of colors. So you will work out techniques, quickly get the result that will inspire you for new creations. Try to embroider a brew in the scheme. In the conventional notation, small points are performed in red, and large - black. A more complex flower embroidery, which uses several threads of different tones. The scheme is made in the color scheme. You only need to find the appropriate threads and embroider on the canvas. Learn more about how to embroidery with beads.

    Video: What is an embroidery knot

    French knots in embroidery: Proper execution technique nodule

    Flushing or French - such an interesting name has yet these nodules. In this embroidery method, not only threads are used, but also satin ribbons, very beautiful such embroidery looks at clothes, she will come chic. Also, when embroidered in this way, work looks very volume. In this master class, we will look at this embroidery technique.

    Description of the French knot in embroidery

    The volume of novels depends on the number of threads, the size of the tape, tension and on the number of thread revolutions.

    This technique is used to give the work and bulge. If you apply this method in embroidery colors, you can give them different sizes, for example, they look great in large colors of dahlias or a middle of the Redbecia. Smaller nodules are used to embroide various inflorescences, such as hyacinth, or in embroidery.

    Well suited for items that are embroidered in the second plan. The nodules in creating paintings are very surrounding, if you leave the volumetric clouds or clouds, the sea, in the embroidery of the eyes and the spouts from the beasts. If people are depicted in the pictures, it looks very original if you leave dresses or hairstyles. Beautifully looks like embroidery, if you apply this technique with separate stitches.


    Fix canvas into the frame and stretch. With such an embroidery, it is desirable that the hands are free to consolidate and hold the nodules. Fix the thread on the front side. And we guide the needle on the face to the place where the nodule needs to be done (place 1). We make turns according to the scheme and we guide the needle on the wrong side (place 2), as close as possible to place 1. Next, we take the thread on the wrong one.

    Nuances when embroidering

    1. It is necessary to stretch a thread or ribbon very carefully and not rush.
    2. You can not allow the thread twisted, you need to watch it to be smooth and direct
    3. Your fingers need to hold the string to the very edge. If closer to the canvas start making knots, as a result it will be smooth and neat.
    4. The needle thickness should be equal to the thickness of the thread, if you embroider the nodules into one thread with a thick needle, it will look inactively.
    5. Charching the needle thread better closer.
    6. So that the nodule looked more accurately, you can do one turn, instead of drawn in the scheme, but the thread needs to pick up the thread.
    7. Do not pull the thread at the turn of the needle, it will make it difficult for the needle to the opposite direction, which will lead to an untidy nodule.
    8. At the end of the output, the nodule on the opposite direction, press the nodule. Thanks to such actions, it will fall smoothly on the fabric and will be more neat.
    9. If the nodes are sticking or shaking, when fixes, you need to pull them on one one.
    10. French nodules are more convenient to perform at the end of work, after embroidery all the seams.

    Small tricks

    - When embroidering small nodules, it is better to take threads of the Muline type, they will create a bulge and the desired effect.

    - Canvas better take a dense and uniform weaving, with large holes the stitches can stretch on the inside.

    Embroidery ribbons

    We bring the ribbon with a needle on the face, slowly tighten, slipping the needle under it and retreating the needle input location. We start the ribbon under the needle and make one turn around it to the right, we bring the needle next to the first eyelet insertion, we move the ribbon to the end of the needle and pull the knot. You do not need to do it very tight and dense, through it we will need to rotate the needle, then send it to the opposite direction from the front, again pull up the tape and make a little tight nodule, without tightening the tape.

    In embroidery with ribbons with the help of nodules you can perform middle fragments of the flower, only the turns need to be left left, and the next time can be punished not next to the first place, but at the end, and we will get a leg.

    In the ribbon embroidery, the size of the nodules depends on the size of the tape and the number of tape revolutions around the needle.

    Compliance with simple skills will help make such a nodule more accurate and will not allow him to freeze, there will not be fluffyness and sticking in different directions, which will give work a more refined view.

    You can give a picture a more spectacular look, if you do not eat several nodules, but take the embroidery circuit for bead paintings and perform nodules instead of beads. You can schema where the flowers are depicted under the cross-stitch, to embroider a nodule way - it will be very original.

    It looks very unusual if the contour scheme is embroidered in the technique of nodules. To create a perspective, it is better to take a sharp needle on the finished embroidery finished embroidery.

    The finished pictures are best framed by a multilayer clip, so that the glass is not very cuddled to work, and the picture will look more voltage.

    The article is written on the materials of the sites: nacrestike.ru, www.joxin.club, blog.mirkrestikom.ru, sovets.net, Webdiana.ru.

    Nature seams, which will be discussed below, embroider a wide intricate kaima. Usually, borders are formed, but sometimes these nodule seams are expanding narrow pattern fragments. The seams themselves are very simple in execution, but sufficient practice is required to learn how to make them smooth.

    Working on the tissue of uniform weave, count the fibers of the fabric so that the ranks were smooth, and the loop stitches are the same. On the fabric of uneven weave with a special felt-tip pen for the fabric, mark the parallel lines. Pearl nodule seam forms a wide openwork border with nodules on the surface. It is performed across the tissue and can be used when embroidering straight and slightly curved lines.

    "Lestenka" is performed from top to bottom and forms a straight dense border with nodules. To enhance the decorative effect, you can have a contrasting thread in the crossbar. Looped seam with nodules - a variety of simple regulatory seam. This seam can be performed in a circle with the location of the vertical stitches inside the circle or out. Also, seam can be performed by rows to fill the motive. For a curb, open 2 rows of looped with nodules with tightly adjacent to each other with looping edges and with vertical stitches diverging on both sides. You can make vertical stitches gradually changing or identical length.

    Portnovsky looping seam is another option of a simple regulatory seam. It forms a durable hard edge, thanks to which it is widely changed when processing injustified tissue sections. It can also be used as a very strong fill seam: for the best result, refill the fabric into the hoop to minimize its deformation.

    Starting seam and filament

    1. On the front of the work, leave the free end of the thread of 10 cm long. Fit the thread 2-3 stitches of the seam "Forward needles".
    2. Follow the stitches and secure the end of the thread, withdrawing the needle on the wrong side and skipping the end of the thread under several stitches.
    Return to the beginning of the seam, break the stitches "forward needle" and output the end of the thread on the wrong side. Stretch the end of the thread under several initial stitches.

    Pearl nodelian seam

    1. It is performed on the right left. On the right side, make a short vertical stitch and output the needle on the front side of the point 1, located slightly below. Swipe the needle under stitch and work thread and via it at point 2. Pull the thread, tightening the loop into the nodule. Display the needle from point 3.
    2. Make a loop over and under the stitch and via the needle into the fabric at the point 4. Pull the thread, tightening the loop into the nodule. Continue to work in this way.


    1. Display the needle on the front side of the point 1 and across it into point 2, making the first crossbar of the "Lanenka". From point 3, print the needle on the front side and via it at the point 4. Display the needle from point 5.
    2. Spend the needle tip under the left end of the first crossbar and output it over the working thread, without piercing the fabric. Carefully pull the thread, making a small knot from the left edge of the crossbar.
    Z. not enhancing the needle in the canvas, make "those one more nodule from the right edge of the crossbar, having skipped the needle to the right left under the right nodule and thus making the 2nd crossbar.
    4. Pull the thread and enter the needle to the point 6. Display the needle on the front side of the point 7. Repeat the 3rd stage from the left side of the fabric, making the knot on the 2nd crossbar. Repeat, alternating steps 3-4 to complete the border.

    Pelting seam with nodules

    1. Performed from left to right. Display the needle on the front side of the point 1, fold the working thread into the loop and hold it on the upper line. Enter the needle through the loop to point 2 and describe it on the front side of the point 3 on top of the working thread.
    2. Tighten the thread, making the knot. Start the next stitch from performing another loop on the upper line. Holding a loop in place, enter the needle through it to point 4 and print on top of the working thread from point 5. Continue to perform seams as well.

    Portnovsky looping seam

    The work is performed from left to right as well as the positive seam. Slide the needle to the top line and output it exactly under the pumping point, thread under the needle. Observe the tip of the needle working thread, tighten the loop, then pull the needle by completing the stitch. Stitches impose tightly one to the other, then the nodules will lie next to each other, forming a rigidly trimmed edge.

    Most often nodular seams Used as a decorative addition in a wide variety of embroidery. So, performing work with simple seams or stroke, individual elements (for example, colors, stamens, leaves, stalks, or tree trunks) are embroidered with different nodule seams. There is I. nodular smoothin which the entire pattern is sewn with simple nodules with infusion of tones. Known and embroidery, called Rococo. This elegant embroidery used to decorate linen, blouses, nasal scarves and the creation of miniature paintings is performed by various nodular seams.

    All nodular seams can be divided into three groups: ordinary simple nodules; nodule seams found in embroidery of different nations; The nodules used to decorate the simplest seams. In addition, nodule seams can be found in the performed needle lace.

    Nettle Schvs. So much that we are simply impossible to consider everything on the pages of our site. We invite you to get acquainted with those of them that are used most often.

    To the first group nettle Schvs. First of all, there are a simple nodule, often called French (Fig. 1), and the sole "Rococo", or a flavor (Fig. 2). This can also include pearl (Fig. 3) and double (Fig. 4), coral (Fig. 5) and spiral (Fig. 6) nodules.

    As an example nettle Schvs.Related to the second group can be brought by Portuguese (Fig. 7), Armenian (Fig. 8), Chinese (Fig. 9) and Spanish (Fig. 10). All these nodules are often referred to as ornamental, they are used to perform geometric patterns and strict ornaments, framing patterns and as a finishing braid.

    The third group of seams is a variety of simple seams, complemented by nodules. Many of them have already been seen when meeting the simplest seams. For example, a simple stitch with a nodule at the end for embroidery of flower stamens, looped with a nodule, etc. We present you some more similar seams. For example, a straight cross with a nodule (Fig. 11) will make it possible to more tightly fill the embroidery cloth. You can decorate a simple tambour knot (Fig. 12) and zigzag seams (Fig. 13). More complex finishing nodule seams, such as diamond-shaped (Fig.14), are also known.

    Simple nodules can be used in the counting seams, replacing it with a cross. The size of the nodule can be varied from a very small, performed in 1 thread, in one turn in a thin tissue (batistu or marquiset), to a very large, sewn, for example, a wool gamar in 3 or 4 turns around the clutch or knitwear.
    As an illustration, three works are shown above, in which the same pattern proposed for an embroidery of the cross, but made by beads, small (monastic) cross on the canwe of aid of different density threads of Moulin in 6 and 2 additions and nodules in 1 thread on batiste .

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