Applique napkin lambs pattern. Cotton wool sheep applique, templates and step-by-step master class

Application "Curly lamb" from cotton wool

Target: develop precise hand movements through the manufacture of cotton wool applique.


    Introduce cotton wool applique;

    Learn to roll cotton balls;

    Exercise children in sample analysis, planning, control while doing their work.

Equipment: sample craft,colored cardboard, lamb patterns, cotton wool, PVA glue, colored pencils.

Course of the lesson

    Organizing time

Guys, getting ready for work - let's let go of emotions, exhale and get started.

    Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Once upon a time there was a lamb. He was so white and curly that everyone called him Cloud.

The lamb loved to walk in a green meadow, listen to birdsong and look at the sky. He also dreamed of flying with the clouds to see distant lands.

The mistress of the Cloud had two children - a boy Sasha and a girl Masha. They were very fond of the lamb. Together with the dog Sharik, they grazed him in the meadow and often treated him to sweet carrots or apples.

Be-e, be-e, how delicious. Thank you, you are real friends, - the lamb always told them, devouring the treat.

One day, at the end of autumn, a hostess came to the barn where the lamb, cow and pig lived.

Can I get you a haircut? She asked Cloud. - Winter will come soon, and I need wool for warm socks and mittens for Sasha and Masha.

Be-e, - the lamb shook his head, - I do not want to give my fur. I'm afraid to freeze.

Plus, if you cut my hair, I won't look like a cloud, he thought.

Do not be afraid. You will grow a new coat. And without mittens and socks, children will not be able to leave the house in winter.

No, - obstinate Cloud. - Nah, I’ll give my fur.

The frustrated hostess left with nothing.

You did the right thing, - praised the lamb, the pig, who heard the conversation. - Never give something to another that may be useful to you.

And pleased with himself, he grunted.

And I think you should have agreed to a haircut, said the cow, to help your friends.

Don't listen to the cow, ”the piglet grunted. - Just think, friends. You will live fine without them!

This is how Sasha and Masha were left without mittens and warm socks in winter. Once, on a sunny frosty day, they could not stand it and ran out into the street. The children did not notice how they froze and caught a cold.

Over the winter, the Cloud has grown even more. He was very hot in a warm barn. Its thick long hair was matted, and the lamb no longer resembled a light gentle cloud.

I don't even know what to call you now, - the pig laughed at him. - Now you look like a gray felt boot.

Moo, no need to torture him, - the cow defended the lamb.

Once Sharik ran into the barn.

Because of your stubbornness, Sasha and Masha went for a walk in the cold without mittens and socks, - he told the lamb. - The children caught a cold and are now ill. They love you so much, and you regretted the wool for them.

Hearing these words, the lamb was upset.

Cut my hair, please, ”he asked the hostess as soon as she entered the barn.

Eh, Cloud, Cloud, and why didn't you immediately agree to help us? Okay, better late than never, ”the woman sighed and went to fetch the scissors.

Seeing a sheared lamb, the piglet began to laugh:

Oh, I can't! Oh, how funny! How thin you are. Some ribs. Now you look like some kind of bone.

Do not be upset, soon you will have new wool growing, - the cow consoled the lamb.

Soon Sharik said that the hostess knitted not only mittens and socks from Cloud's wool, but also scarves for Sasha and Masha.

The lamb was so happy that the piglet's teasers completely ceased to upset him.

Spring came, and the lamb was finally released into the street. Ashamed of his appearance, he was the last to leave the barn.

Look, our Cloud is coming! - I heard the lamb's voices of children.

Sasha and Masha ran to him as fast as they could.

Cloud looked into the puddle and saw that he was again overgrown with white fluffy wool. Suddenly, somewhere in the distance, there was a church bell ringing.

Why are the bells ringing? The lamb asked.

Today is the holiday of holidays - Easter! - the children answered in unison. We have a gift for you! - And they tied a bell on Cloud's neck with an elegant red ribbon!

Thanks! I've always dreamed of such a bell. Now I will have a holiday too! He shook his head, delighted in the cheerful ringing.

    Practical part

In our lesson, we will make the hero of a fairy tale - a lamb from an unusual material - cotton wool. See what kind of lamb you get at the end of the lesson.(Demonstration of the finished craft)

Let's remember the rules for working with glue:

1. Handle the adhesive with care. The glue is poisonous!

2. Apply glue to the surface of the product with a brush only.

3. Do not let the glue get on your fingers, face, especially eyes.

4. If glue gets in your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.

5. After finishing work, be sure to wash your hands and wrist.

6. Use a napkin when handling glue.

Wash your hand before starting work with cotton wool.

1. Using paper glue, glue the lamb template onto a sheet of cardboard.

2. Roll cotton balls of different sizes

3. Glue the cotton wool to the cardboard, dropping it into the right place with PVA glue. Do not press hard on the cotton wool - it will stop being fluffy.

4. Color in the lamb with colored pencils or felt-tip pens. Decorate with applications in the form of grass, sun, clouds.


What wonderful Clouds we got. Remember what the Lamb from the fairy tale overcame?


Thus, he helped the children stay warm in winter. It's a pity that he realized his mistake after they got sick. But still, he's done well. Just like all of you!

Victoria Bezruchko

Here is such a sheep turned out:

First, it was necessary to draw the sheep itself and cut it out.

When all the parts are glued, you can proceed to the curls for the sheep. Each curl needs to be rolled out of cotton wool separately and stick.

For the lesson, I drew a lamb, a sun with rays, clouds and trees for each child. Since my children are adults (preparatory group, they cut out all the parts appliques yourself.

It took a couple of hours to get ready, but it was worth it. Now applications hang in our group and are pleasing to the eye.

Thank you very much for your attention, I hope it will be useful to someone in the future!

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Application from cotton wool "Sheep". Master class with step by step photos

Purpose: this master class is intended for joint activities of educators, teachers of additional education and children of middle, senior preschool and primary school age.
Target: applique making.
- develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, creative activity;
- to educate artistic taste, accuracy, perseverance.
- arouse interest in the process of making crafts.
Teacher: Belenko Tatiana Evgenievna
Target: foster imagination, creativity, emotional responsiveness.
Cotton applique Is a great way to make a voluminous greeting card or a soft picture. For applications, you can use not only cotton wool, but also cotton pads, which sometimes greatly facilitates the work with the application. For example, the smallest ones will definitely like making the simplest applications - a snowman, a caterpillar, flowers from circles.
Vata helps to develop motor skills and tactile sensations in a child.
In addition, cotton wool can be dyed.
Safety precautions when working with glue
1. Handle the adhesive with care. The glue is poisonous!
2. Apply glue to the surface of the product with a brush only.
3. Do not let the glue get on your fingers, face, especially eyes.
4. If glue gets in your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
5. After finishing work, be sure to wash your hands and wrist.
6. Use a napkin when handling glue.
We are poor sheep
sl. Libin M., music. Kelmi K., m / f "Dog in Boots"
We are poor lambs
Nobody grazes us.
We melt like candles
Well, who will save us ?!
Save the poor sheep. Me-me
Meadow flowers
Peaceful herds
And the birds of the field
They scurry back and forth.
You will not find more beautiful places.

-Office paper
-PVA glue
-brown gouache

1. Draw a lamb on cardboard.

2. Then invite the baby to dress the lamb in a fur coat. Show how to tear the cotton wool and glue them to the lamb. (it is worth breaking the cotton wool into small pieces, brush the sheep with a brush and glue the cotton wool).

3. Here is a lamb dressed in wonderful warmth and a white "fur coat".

4. We make a necklace for a lamb from napkins. For this we need a pink napkin. We tear the napkin into small pieces. Now we make balls from napkins - you can just roll it, or you can twist it, as it suits you.
5. As a result, you should get approximately the same balls as shown in the photo.

6. Apply glue with a brush to the necklace. We spread with pink paper lumps.

7. In the same way we make cheeks and a flower for our sheep from napkins.

8. We paint the sheep's hooves with brown gouache.

9. Draw small flowers on office paper and cut them out.

10. We glue the flowers.

11. We make the middle of the flowers from napkins. (We tear the napkin into pieces, make small balls from the pieces).

12. Draw the sun.

13. We take a yellow napkin. Tear it into pieces, roll the balls.

7. Apply glue to the sun. We glue the balls, press them with our fingers so that the balls stick well.

Our sheep is ready!

Today we have done some applique work with the kids again and we are sending them to the competition. Vasyukova Taisiya(3 years 2 months). She glued them with great pleasure and had a lot of fun.

Application "Koza-Dereza"

Materials and tools:

- colored cardboard;
- white cardboard;
- colored paper (black);
- scissors;
- PVA glue and glue stick;
- a small piece of yarn;
- a simple pencil;
- cotton wool.

Operating procedure.

We cut out a goat from white cardboard (we just drew and cut out, or you can print from the Internet).

Since my daughter is still small, she had to help with this work.

We glue the goat template to a sheet of green cardboard. My daughter used a glue stick. The excess glue was wiped off with a paper towel.

Two small pieces of yarn were dipped in PVA glue and glued in place of the horns.

We glued 2 black circles of paper - we got eyes. With the help of small pieces of white paper "sparkles" were added, the eyes turned out to be more lively and cheerful.

With a simple pencil, we drew a mouth and a nose for our goat.

We smeared the body of the goat with PVA glue. My daughter began to separate small strands of cotton wool and stick them on the goat.

This is how Koza-Dereza turned out.

Application "Sheep"

Sister Dasha and her mother, of course, helped Tase in making this applique.

Materials and tools:

- colored cardboard;
- black cardboard;
- black and white paper;
- scissors;
- PVA glue and glue stick;
- a small piece of yarn;
- a simple pencil;
- filler.

Operating procedure.

We cut out a lamb from black cardboard (we just drew and cut out, or you can print from the Internet).

We glue the lamb template to the green cardboard. My daughter used a glue stick. The excess glue was wiped off with a paper towel.

We smeared the body and head of the lamb with PVA glue.

And my daughter began to glue the filler balls to our sheep, this work seemed very funny to her :)

Two small pieces of yarn were dipped in PVA glue and on the table (spreading an oilcloth) they made two little sheep from the yarn - horns. Glued them to the head.

Then they glued 2 white circles of paper and 2 black circles - we got eyes.

A tick-nose was cut out of white paper and glued.

Our "Sheep" is ready!

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten № 55 "Grasshopper".

Summary of the application lesson in the senior group on the topic: "The symbol of the year is a lamb."

Held by: educator

O. V. Khvatkova



Summary of the lesson on the application "Symbol of the year - a lamb".

Target: Creating the image of a lamb from cotton balls.


  1. To acquaint with the new technique of image from cotton wool. Learn to glue cotton balls.
  2. To develop artistic perception, thinking, fine motor skills of hands.
  3. To cultivate accuracy, perseverance, evoke an emotional response, arouse the desire to create an image.

Handout:Sheets of white paper with a picture of a lamb's outline for each child, white cotton wool, PVA glue, glue sockets, hand napkins.

Demo material:pedagogical sketches depicting lambs.

Course of the lesson:

Educator : Listen to the poem and guess who it says.

Among slender birches there is a green edge.

Graze in the thick grass

curls, curls.

They have steep horns and velvet ears.

Butting among themselves

curls - curls.

(lambs, sheep)

Right. Why do you think the lambs and lambs in the poem - the riddle were called curls - curls? (children's answers). Of course, they have curly coats. See how funny they are (illustrative demonstration).

Another lamb came to visit you with me. Look how unusual his fur coat is, how fluffy it is. What do you think it can be made of? (children's answers) That's right, such a fur coat can be made of cotton wool. Do you want me to teach you how to make the same mischievous lambs? (children's answers) Well, let's try. (I distribute blanks)

Children, look what our lambs are missing? (they don't have a fur coat) That's right. Let's dress them in a nice, fluffy, warm coat. See how I do it. To do this, I take cotton wool, tear off a small piece from it, crush it, then roll the ball, dip it with one side in the glue and carefully, along the contour, begin to glue it. When you have glued the entire contour, start gluing the balls inside. To make the fur coat fluffy, the balls must be glued tightly to each other.

Now our lambs will not freeze, they have very warm fur coats.

Outcome: Guys, let's see what we got. Bring me your work, we will all admire them together. You did a great job today. Do you think your lambs are warm? Is their coat good? Fluffy? Well done, you tried very hard, you got very beautiful lambs. Do you like them? Then keep them as a souvenir. Thank you for your creativity.

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