Birthday anniversary 65 years. Short but meaningful

Let your anniversary be not the last
And the head is not painted with gray hair.
Health, happiness and success
We wish you many years to come!

We wish on this date
Health and love,
Success and prosperity,
Caring relatives
Goodness, prosperity
And loyal friends
Confidence in the future
Happy long days!

Let life become more fun!
May the smiles always shine!
Let them decorate with the day of the anniversary
Have a wonderful life of the year!
The high rank of the hero of the day -
This is an incentive to step forward!
May all plans, dreams and desires
In the jubilee year will be celebrated!

Restless years fly by
And now your Anniversary has come.
His glasses with a friendly clink
Announces a circle of guests!
May your wishes come true:
New successes and victories,
Strong health and vigor,
Good luck, happiness, long years!

Anniversary, like a medal,
And how the order is deserved,
Our life decorates
And everyone needs it very much!
On this day, you are a vessel
Let love pour into you
Let her be like wine
Overflowing the edge!
Be still the one
Who we all know you
On the anniversary - and always -
We wish you only happiness!
May everything come true
What do you wish for yourself
In great shape
You are celebrating an anniversary!

Congratulating you on your anniversary,
Striving for sublime words,
We will just say as best we can:
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"
For the nobility of your thoughts!
For your world, bright and big!
For becoming a little older,
You are getting younger in soul!
For being in life matters
You are our conscience, intelligence and honor!
And if just in terms of toast:
For being in the world!

Today for each of us
You want to shake your hand.
And congratulating on the Jubilee
Say more kind words.
You gave your labor in full
Your past years
And we wish you for this:
More sun, happiness, light,
Health, joy, goodness -
For you for many years!

So much has already been done that it is difficult to count.
Another generation is already calling by its patronymic,
And the heart is as young that you want to fly.
Distant expanses beckon, great deeds beckon,
And the stars from the clear sky, as in youth, look.
And the sun asks into the soul with caressing reflections,
And the distance attracts with riddles, like forty years ago.
So let it dream easily, let the song flow,
So fun and joyful in a large circle of friends.
And may the cherished dreams come true one and all
On the day of a joyful holiday, on a wonderful Jubilee!

65 is a great date!
It doesn't matter that the years go by
Life is beautiful and very bright
That you should never be sad.
Where to get some well-being,
This does not happen - it's a fact!
But let more be "better"
And there will be less "somehow".
We wish you to be always loved
In the circle of friends - necessary,
You can't see evil in life
And may everyday adversity
They will never frighten!

May this anniversary be
Unforgettable from days -
Full of smiles and flowers
And grateful kind words!
May the years go by in joy
So that in life were forever
Health, happiness and success,
Good luck in everyone's endeavors!

Other congratulations in verse on the anniversary of 65 years

Congratulations to the beautiful lady
At the jubilee finest hour!
You are admirable
Is always! And tomorrow and now!
You are a golden grandmother and mother,
And the hero of the day is just today!
65 is the most beautiful date
With her, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! rating: 45 ↓

You are so cheerful and so active
Lovely, cheerful and positive!
We all admire you,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
We wish you happiness and health,
A life filled with love
Peace, sun and luck,
And always in a joyful mood! 46 ↓

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
And we wish the main thing in life:
Health, happiness, joy
Live peacefully without old age!
And even though you won't leave anniversaries -
They fly with us like birds,
I wish you health
And keep a particle of warmth in your soul! 22 ↓ - Happy 65th birthday woman

Nobody you sixty five
It looks like it will not be able to give!
You are just wonderfully good
Very beautiful and fresh!
And on your anniversary I again
Happy to congratulate!
I wish I live actively
Be healthy and fun!
I wish you happiness without edges
So that everyone in the house is healthy
Happy with life to be
And I have always loved you! 30 ↓

Happy Anniversary Birthday,
65 is the number of notable victories!
You are worthy of thanks
Happy life to you!
All the compliments are yours today
You are beautiful in your age!
I can't even believe this date
You have charm and beauty in you!
Like a mother, a mistress is golden,
All you need is everything in the house,
I heartily congratulate you,
I just want to wish you health! 20 ↓

May a wonderful anniversary
Will bring joy soon
May the road of your life
It will be more beautiful every year!
May our life be joy
They will give you meaning and happiness!
May only luck and sweetness
Come to visit forever!
Let them not visit diseases,
Relatives care, love and honor!
And may it always amaze everyone
Your adorable outfit! 30 ↓

Do not trust the dates, this is a delusion!
Don't let the figure - 65 - be intimidated!
Better congratulations,
Which I hasten to convey to you -
So that your heart does not grow old,
In my soul so that youth bloom,
So that they want - they have,
And happy years were waiting for you! 38 ↓

You are extraordinary!
Like the joy of the world
How happy the universe is!
You are kindness and prosperity,
You are the woman who is better off!
We will celebrate your anniversary as it should,
Gifts and even awards for you,
For 65 years you have given us joy,
Trust us, we haven't forgotten it! 39 ↓

Happy sixty-fifth birthday, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Women's happiness to you, wishes of fulfillment, attention of friends and kindness! 17 ↓

A life of prosperity alone
It doesn’t happen - it’s a fact!
But let more be "better"
And there will be less "somehow".
I wish to be the most beloved
Necessary and necessary
I wish to live and not grieve,
To love this world with my soul! 40 ↓

May your health be impeccable
Fate fulfills any desires!
Relatives always surround with love
And they give care, warmth, understanding! 36 ↓

I'm happy on the anniversary, as always
Say the best words to you!
I wish you to live actively in happiness,
Be healthy and fun!
Attention of grandchildren and children,
Relatives, relatives and friends!
You are no better in the world
Live in happiness for many years! 26 ↓

My dear! Today you are celebrating your 65th birthday and I really want to wish you a good mood, let troubles and sorrows bypass your home. Do not be sad that the years are running forward so rapidly, because next to you is a wonderful family, a real support, support, a real fortress. Let everything always turn out the way you want and plan! I wish you happiness and health, positive emotions, smiles and more pleasure from life! 19 ↓

Dear hero of the day,
You are sixty-five years old!
Let the years fly stubbornly -
After all, there is more good in fate!
We want to wish, dear,
This holiday is an anniversary
Be happy dear
Among the grandchildren and children! 30 ↓

I want to say a toast here,
Like a loving guest
You are the most beautiful,
Angelic, clear!
You are a woman, you are like a rose
You bloom like a mimosa! 32 ↓

Every woman remains a lady, lady, madam and even a girl at heart - at any age! And years, like pearl beads, as you know, only paint it - with experience, wisdom, inner beauty.

All ladies believe in miracles - both girls and grandmothers - and their hearts freeze in anticipation of holidays, surprises and gifts. Women love holidays, bright celebrations, and especially the sincere attention of others, relatives and friends!

Therefore, for such a big and solid anniversary - 65 years - a woman needs to prepare not only a good gift, but also touching, sincere words. Beautiful and unusual congratulations on the 65th birthday to your grandmother, beloved mother, colleague, wife are just as important as all the other components of the holiday: guests, gifts, feast and so on.

Indeed, at sixty-five years old, a woman will no longer be amused by banal comic toasts, will not be surprised by formulaic phrases, and primitive, "hackneyed" congratulations will not delight. It will be much more pleasant for a grandmother or mother to hear simple but sincere words spoken from the bottom of her heart, and for a wife - to see that her husband has always loved her and will love her to the end!

A colleague or girlfriend wants warmth and respect, sincerity and attention. In a word, choosing the appropriate, correct birthday greetings to a woman, and even 65 years old, is a whole science. First, choose the form in which you want to congratulate the hero of the occasion on his birthday. There are options:

  • Short funny poems.
  • Wise and sincere congratulations for a woman for 65 years in poetic form.
  • Short birthday greetings to a 65-year-old woman in prose.
  • Unusual and original birthday wishes for a woman in prose or poetry.
  • Original toasts for the anniversary.
  • Beautiful and sincere congratulations on the 65th birthday to a dear woman in your own words.

How exactly to congratulate your woman on her 65th birthday - to sign a postcard, send a message or letter, make a solemn speech from memory - is up to you. The main thing is that all festive words come from the heart, not banal, that congratulations are appropriate, jokes are original and aesthetic, so that you do not say "for the sake of a tick", but really want to say and wish all this. Then this particular anniversary will be remembered by a woman as the happiest and brightest day!

There are never too many words for a holiday ...

If the anniversary date is approaching for a loved one - for your mother, grandmother, sister, wife - you do not need to spare words for her, and especially attention! Do not limit yourself to short phrases, say everything that is pouring from your soul, and let your birthday greetings be the best gift for your mother, grandma or wife for 65 years.

1. A dear person should say a lot on his holiday. Choose a beautiful poetic congratulation on this solid anniversary to dear mother at 65 years old! After all, a woman, whatever her age, loves poetry, feels and understands her beautiful ornate language, and your mother will certainly appreciate this approach.

2. But if you do not want to congratulate the birthday girl in verse, then for you there are many beautiful congratulations on the 65th birthday for your mother in prose. These magnificent holiday statements will give the birthday girl a great mood, warm her heart on her 65th birthday and leave great emotions for a long time!

3. What is better to choose a congratulation on the 65th birthday for a dear grandmother? Of course, the hero of the occasion will be glad to any attention from her beloved grandchildren, and it is better if you say everything in your own words, in prose. That way she will see how much you love her and appreciate that you found the right words yourself!

4. If the anniversary of your beloved woman is coming, 65 years of your precious wife - you need to prepare properly! A poem is the best gift for women, because it is infinitely pleasant to hear poems from the lips of a loving husband. It is not only touching and romantic, but also very valuable!

Short but meaningful

If you are going to celebrate the birthday of a colleague, boss, girlfriend, friend, sister - it is not necessary to prepare a long speech, boring the birthday girl with a stream of words. Congratulations on a 65th birthday to a woman can be laconic, but capacious, full of meaning. After all, it is enough to say the main thing!

1. You can make a small surprise for the 65th birthday - send an SMS message to the birthday girl! Let her personal anniversary begin with a good mood, send her a message in the morning, write nice words, a beautiful little verse, and please the hero of the day with your attention!

2. What is a celebration without toasts? At the festive table, you can say something interesting and original instead of banal, repetitive phrases. A woman will certainly like an unusual and appropriate toast on the 65th anniversary, will be remembered and will cheer up!

3. Handing over a gift or raising a glass to the birthday girl's health, you can surprise her with a beautiful little poem. Say it as a souvenir - congratulations love it when it is spoken as if from yourself, it is much better than reading from sight!

The main thing is attention, remember? This is true! After all, even the most expensive gift will not bring enough joy if its delivery is accompanied by cold, empty or banal phrases. So prepare really beautiful and sincere words, congratulate on the anniversary so that 65 years for mom, wife or grandmother will become a real holiday! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,

Congratulations on your anniversary!
I wish you many more years.
And I wish you health
Heaven, peace to you without troubles.

Joy, love and faith,
Heart full of warmth
Light and goodness without measure!
Let everyone argue cases.

On a magical, unusual day
We got together as soon as possible.
We celebrate a personal holiday -
65th anniversary.

Let all adversity pass
Past your way.
Oh, what are your years?
Your life is all ahead of you.

May everyone give joy in the same way
Children, grandson, a home in abundance.
Happy birthday, congratulations ...
We will come for 100 years!

Let me congratulate you on your anniversary! Today you turn sixty-five, and you are just as cheerful, optimistic, energetic, full of new ideas and dreams. So let your life force never run out. We wish you good health, happiness, long life and good mood. May you always be surrounded by kind and sincere people, and relatives and friends appreciate and care.

Everyone is on the rise today -
There is an excellent reason.
Congratulate you on your anniversary
Everyone wishes personally.

Wish you health, happiness,
Enchanting victories.
It's not been lived in vain
Bright sixty-five years!

You should not hide your age,
You're so beautiful at 65:
You have a figure wherever,
You are just an angel, yes, yes, yes!

You look only 40 years old.
And this is true, not nonsense!
You are so amazing
That there is no doubt at all!

65 - is this age?
You are just starting to live.
Happy Birthday! I wish you cheerfulness
Maintain strength of mind and health.

May the holiday be eternal in my soul -
Always joyful, light, always easy,
Various impressions for you -
Retire early.

There is still gunpowder in the flasks,
Strength to stay at the helm
Not enough in the hands of a tit -
I wish you to catch a crane too.

At 65 I wish you happiness
Less bad weather.
May your dreams come true
Peace, happiness, kindness.

Year after year flies by
It disappears moment by moment.
Let the family surround.
I wish you love.

Happy 65th anniversary
Today I want to congratulate you.
Live without getting old, without getting sick,
And so that there was a huge supply of forces.

And let love and tenderness go next,
Confidence, fearlessness, peace.
I wish you freshness for a long time,
And - a peaceful sky above your head.

Beautiful anniversary -
Sixty-five years!
Let the days be clear
Let the light come!

I congratulate you
Happy holiday
I wish you joy
Happiness from the heart!

May there be health
Strong as a diamond!
I am with great love

Six and five - what's the date?
It's almost youth!
Look guys
The birthday boy is ahead!

Open the doors soon
You are the hero of the occasion!
We want to entrust you
Precious words!

We have collected over the years
Bit by bit, this treasure:
Everything that has been learned about you
We return back.

You are the soul of our company
You're a wonderful person,
Good-natured and courageous (good-natured and courageous),
You are extending our century!

Talk to you -
Fifteen years off my shoulders,
That is why the crowd
We flocked to your light!

Live up to two hundred and young (young)
Stay loving life!
And now we'll have a drink together
For your day and for you!

Sixty-five is a solid date.
Hidden in her wisdom is a deep trace.
Let the seventh decade go
There are still many happy years ahead!

We could wish for a lot
Yes, after all, there is everything: a family and loving children.
We wish, perhaps, not to know despondency,
And don't have holes in your health and budget!

Women are reluctant to talk about their age, but when it comes to the anniversary and congratulations, things are a little different. Happy birthday greetings for a 65-year-old woman are always pleasant. On this day, she will be glad to hear a lot of compliments addressed to her. After all, at 65 you can be a colleague or even a boss, a beloved wife and a caring mother and, of course, the best grandmother in the world. Depending on this, it is worth choosing the congratulation format. Beautiful poems and sincere words uttered impromptu, scenes played out by grandchildren and even great-grandchildren according to a scenario invented in advance, funny congratulations - everything is appropriate! There should be no room in the anniversary just for boredom.

Sincere congratulations on the 65th anniversary of the woman

For the 65th best woman in the world.

Grandchildren congratulate, children congratulate.

As a friend, I also congratulate

I wish you good health

Happiness and success, all earthly blessings

You, I know for sure, deserve them.

A beautiful woman

Today is the anniversary

And for guests, of course,

The door is open to the whole.

I am in a hurry and I congratulate

And say a compliment

I don't believe it, dear

What are you 65!

Charisma, charm

And sparks in my eyes

Well, and also a smile

All the time on the lips.

I want to wish you

The most beautiful moments

And listen to compliments

Not only on your birthday.

Health and success,

Attention friends

Meet the same composition

And the hundredth anniversary!

Four to fifteen and so on a little more

Quite modest in general, if you look at it that way.

What are our years, we are young at heart,

And the difficulties, hardships are all behind us.

And there is only happiness and joyful days ahead

They are painted with care and attention.

I wish you all the best on this beautiful day,

Of course, health, because it is not more important

And the understanding of loved ones, because this is also important,

My grandchildren and children and I live our lives twice.

What is an anniversary?

Congratulations from friends

And you're 65

I just want to wish.

Peace, happiness and success

Yes grandchildren of cheerful laughter.

Cheerfulness, health too,

After all, it is rather difficult without them.

To live in abundance up to a hundred years,

To marry your great-grandchildren,

To be surrounded by attention

Free in your choice.

In general, so that all the blessings in the world

From now on you had.

Funny congratulations on the 65th anniversary of the woman

Sixty-five is not an age for a woman

In addition, you will be accused of deception.

You are elegant and graceful,

That won't even give you sixty.

A fifty-kopeck piece is just right. 15 more

Someone has attributed to you in the documents,

So that you can enjoy life,

See the world, taking grandchildren with you.

And, however, grandchildren can also postcards

Send from each cruise,

And go on a journey with your beloved,

So that there was someone to be jealous of you.

I wish this scenario

Became a beautiful reality for you,

So that life spins you in the rhythm of the waltz.

For this I raise my glass.

What's sixty-five already?

But they may not give it.

You look well, just class,

You can down the aisle now.

Happy anniversary,

I wish you many years.

Live in love and respect

No hardships and no worries.

When you're sixty five

No need to get up at six in the morning

And get ready for work

To plow there for someone.

Museums can be visited,

To be in the theater every day,

Another cruise ...

I envy, this is life!

Good health to you

And not one, but two pensions,

And if not enough, even five!

Better yet: hit the jackpot,

Buy yourself a house by the sea

To meet guests all the time in it.

We will come to you, believe me

We are also on the hundredth anniversary.

Happy birthday greetings to 65 years old woman in verse from family and friends

Know your every wrinkle

We are all ready to kiss

Today is a holiday in our family

You are now sixty-five.

For everyone, you are a ray of light

The first teacher, guide,

You are the best we know that

And we appreciate all of you, believe me.

We wish you happiness and health,

Comfort, joy, warmth,

So that in a hundred as vigorous

And you were energetic.

For sixty-five,

Hurry up to meet guests

Accept compliments

Treat with pies.

We congratulate you all

We wish you long peaceful years

And excellent health.

Your loved ones, with love.

Granny, dear, dear

Here are congratulations for you

We wish you good health,

Madly loving you all.

And as beloved grandchildren

We also want to say something else

We appreciate you, we respect you

And we will not let you be bored even a day.

Your enthusiasm, energy

And that's all at sixty-five!

Another replenishment

You must educate for us.

Beautiful and sincere congratulations to a 65-year-old woman in prose

Our dear, dear and beloved hero of the day. Today you are sixty-five, but it seems that yesterday you heard the lullaby you sung for the first time. The one that you sang first to your children, and then to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You gathered all of us today at this hospitable table. Know that each of us is grateful to you for all the best in life. With all our hearts we wish you good health, a cloudless sky over your head and boundless happiness. Happy birthday, our dear!

Sixty-five can be summed up, but you can also build boards for the future. A devoted and understanding friend, a loving mother and the best grandmother in the world - all this is you. What can I wish for a woman who is wise by experience and who has overcome all difficulties and hardships on her life path? First of all, health, and with it new victories, smooth roads, wise decisions and peaceful cloudless days!

At sixty-five, life has just begun! I would very much like to wish that all the bad things were already behind us, forever in the past, and ahead was a simple female happiness, diverse and so necessary!

Congratulations to a colleague on the 65th anniversary

The table is bursting with treats

Today toasts in your honor,

65th birthday,

Let's note with you here.

We all love and respect you,

And we appreciate your experience and work.

People like you are not forgotten,

People always come for help.

You are missing at work

But you are happy in the family,

Now you bake pies

And take your grandchildren everywhere.

We wish you health

Enough for all undertakings,

And a long life surrounded

Beloved grandchildren and children.

65th birthday,

For us, your beloved director,

Someone's grandmother and mother,

We wish you health

And optimism for years

Your charisma is known to everyone,

And you have countless kind words

Thank you all we will say together

For the fact that you are!

Short SMS congratulations on the 65th anniversary of the woman

You are already sixty-five

We hasten to congratulate you all

Wish health and happiness,

Always a trump suit in everything.

Congratulations on your anniversary,

We miss you very much

Know your sixty five

Let's celebrate it cool.

In the evening we will come to you

And we will bring gifts.

Only 13 times 5

We all want to hug you tightly

We wish you health and wellness

And congratulations on the anniversary.

Happy birthday, happy anniversary!

Open the door quickly

We will not let you get bored

We will congratulate you together.

6 and 5 are two numbers next to each other ...

Is it true that they are standing right?

Or someone confused

Picked up and joked so cool?

Congratulations on a 65th birthday to a woman can be not only sincere, but also comic and funny. The only thing that should not find a place on this day is boredom and indifference. Don't forget to congratulate those around you. Know that at sixty-five a woman is very pleased to hear gentle and warm words addressed to her. Whatever format for congratulations you choose, a postcard or SMS, a phone call or a visit, be sure that your attention will be an invaluable gift for the birthday girl.

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