Kind poems to a man. Compliments to a guy, a man in verses

Gentle, touching words, each of which is filled with love and respect for the dearest men in our life. Such poetic lines allowed poetesses to transfer feelings from the heart to paper. And now every woman can find for herself such poems about him that will express everything that is boiling in her soul. Excitement or anxiety, serenity or fierceness of passions - every man has his own verse.

Poems about my beloved ...

The most sensual and romantic poems are dedicated to beloved ones. In the eyes of a woman in love, such men turn into an ideal, inspire, make them not just live on, but conquer new heights, constantly proving that she is the only one ... love, and then, deeper and stronger rhymes, comparisons appeared - in the name of adult love, which will survive for decades, becoming deeper and stronger.

The lines are important and dear about a friend close to me and dear ...

True friends of a man are rare and deeply respectful. Simple, loyal and reliable, they deserve to become heroes of quatrains and sing. Familiar from school or institute, they come next to us, ready to help at the first call, causing bewilderment among friends and jealousy among friends. The best friendship that can be a solid platform for true, deep love.

My son, my soul, my most important man in life ...

There is no man more important in life than the one in which your blood flows, whose eyes are like your mother, and whose smile is like your father. A dear, beloved son - this is the man for whom it is worth living, who always needs our love and care, our advice and approval. This little man will never betray us, except that one day he will bring his bride, hoping that we will like her. Reading poems about him, about his blood, hot, bitterly salty tears roll over his eyes and a warm wave of love and happiness rolls over the body.

Poetry a little about brother ...

The little brother is the first opportunity to show your maternal instinct, caring for him, driving away evil dogs, helping to take the first steps. Or a senior is a reliable protector from evil bullies, an assistant and best friend. Our brothers often replace our parents, tear us away from adulthood, trying to protect our vulnerable hearts from cruel realities. As you want to say important words to them, for which there is not enough time or there is no suitable reason, it is so important to say about your strong and grateful sisterly love. And for this, beautiful, soulful poetry is the best suited.

I'll tell you about my beloved daddy ...

No wonder we are looking for companions in life similar to our fathers - strong, courageous, reliable and touchingly vulnerable. Only dad always remains the best in memory. The strongest, deepest and most devoted lines are poems about him, about the first real man in the life of every girl. It is to such dads that the first children's poems are dedicated.

My golden grandfather, good ...

How not to say a lot of affectionate words about grandfather, about a funny, but still lively old man who repaired our toys, created magic things from improvised materials, always brought a present from a bunny, gently patted the top of his head, affectionately distorting our names. These grandfathers are worthy of our strongest poetic lines, our most sincere confessions and gratitude - it is about them that we often forget as we grow up.

The most sincere and melodic in a huge amount for every taste and for every mood and occasion.

I want to make you
The happiest man on this earth!
I want to enjoy you every minute
And I want to give all my:
Tenderness, warmth, care and affection ...
I love you!

You are the most wonderful man
Whom I met!
And there is only this reason
Say, not melting anything!
I love you, I just don't know
How did this happen to me!
You kiss me, hug me ...
How sweet, oh my dear!

Every day and every moment I thank fate
For you, for looking into your eyes,
For the smile of tender lips and a sea of ​​tender words,
For your love.
Wherever you are now, even at the end of the earth,
My dreams and thoughts are all about you,
I will give everything in the world, I will go through both fear and pain,
Just to be with you.
I will always love you
You are my ocean, my star
My faithful angel, my destiny,
I love you.

I see a real man in you
You are incomparable and you are so alone
For this, I will find more than one reason,
And for your love I will give at least the whole world!

After all, I'm calm and carefree with you,
There is a fire in my soul next to you,
So may this happiness last forever
Hold my palm in your hand!

Fall in love once and for all
I used to think it was impossible
Well, now I understand - in love,
It's not difficult to be happy with such a man!

I didn't wait and didn't wonder
When I met you by chance.
Didn't know that you would become my destiny
And I will live only by you!
Our destinies have intertwined into one knot,
A shiver ran through my skin like a current.
I didn't think that this happens
That love and hope for everything inspires!

I have a precious feeling inside me
For the best man on earth
Loving you is a great art
But believe me, I can do it

And I'm ready to share sunsets
Meet the sunrises and be with you at noon
Sometimes people are not rich at all
You need to feel your wealth with your soul,

And I want to confess I'm rich
Rich in the fact that I love you
Every second the feeling is needed,
I breathe you, I live by you alone!

I thank fate for
That you are here in the white world,
You know, I don’t have anyone
More expensive, closer to the whole world,

You are the best of men!
No one dares to doubt
There are a hundred reasons for our meeting ...
And the same amount, so as not to meet ...

As long as You are, I SHOULD live
You are kind, honest and ... beloved,
And the heart will not calm down,
When you just walk by.

Your fate is a complete surprise
Full of accidents and miracles
As before, strive for the best ...
I will pray for you.

And so that my world does not fade,
Please take care of yourself
You are my beloved person ...
I will feel bad without you.

Darling, dear, beloved….
You are the best man on the Earth!
You are even better than the best.
And I am the happiest.
Tell me we're a beautiful couple?
The best and the happiest.
We can also change "roles":
I will make you the happiest
and you are me - the best.
I love you so much,
what is even difficult to say about it,
because there are no suitable words.
Feel my love
with all your best heart.

My darling, you are for me
the best, the nicest, the smartest, the most talented,
the kindest, the most beautiful, the strongest, the most tender,
the most sensitive, the sexiest!
For me, you are the most beloved, dearest, most desired,
the most important person in the world !!! I love you so much!
You and I have been through so much ... there were moments when I thought that we
let's part ... it's unbearable to even think that this could happen.
You have become the meaning of life for me, I breathe you, you fill my life
happiness and joy! I have already said that for me does not exist
other men, and I will not tire of telling you that you are the only one!
I also want to be the only one for you ...
Without you, I don't need this life ... because my life is YOU!

Even though you are not an angel far away,
Yet God has not deprived you.
Beautiful body, sensitive soul,
I gave you, my dear, generously.
You are unique and magnificent
In the eyes, as in the abyss, I am drowning in yours.
For the fact that there are no more such in the world,
I adore and love you.

If they ask you to describe
What can I say about you?
A beautiful body and a pure soul.
Strong, reliable and very dear.
Laughter is always heard near you.
You managed to find out what success is.
You are my Apollo, you are my God and savior,
Although I will not hide the fact that he is still a tempter.

You are just a perfect husband
You are a loving father.
For a mother, a wonderful son,
And for colleagues - a creator.
Reliable, best friend
Who will not betray.
You are like a precious treasure.
Priceless like a diamond.

Even if your body is not Apollo,
Yes, and there is not a million on the card,
You don't build villas on the seashore,
I still love you madly.
For tenderness, for your words,
They make your head spin uncontrollably,
For being the only one so dear
With a crystal clear, angelic soul.

That you are the best is a fact, you cannot argue with that.
With your strong will, you will break anyone.
You will charm, conquer with sweet speeches,
You will boldly look into the soul with blue eyes.
You see the goal and go to it without leaving the path.
Removing all obstacles quickly, without hesitation.
Moderately you are cunning and daring, no - you will not fail.
And therefore from life, you can take everything in full.

You are the best man in the world.
You are modest, cheerful, very sweet.
I will thank God for you,
That he gave me such happiness.

My morning begins with you
And I always spend the evening with you
And no one else is needed in the world,
I love you with all my heart.

You are the best of the best, you are so handsome
So amazing, kind and sweet
And you always stand behind me as a wall,
My ideal, beloved man!

I love my man
I love with all my heart, very much.
And I will give everything in the world
Only for you, and I will not betray.

Be sure: faithful to you,
And I know: you need me.
I want to always be only with you
After all, you were presented to me by fate!

With you my soul woke up
It was as if I came to life with you,
Luck smiled at me
I met you.

I met and fell in love
You can be seen as my destiny
With you the past is forgotten
The best in the world for me!

My man, my desired one
I love you very much
And with you every day
It's like I'm in paradise!

I often remember the time
When I saw you.
I was looking for a reason to be with you
To make you fall in love with me.

And now with you together
They are deeply in love with each other.
We went through all the obstacles of life
And we became inseparable.

I love you, you are my man
I appreciate your love so much!
And I learned happiness with you
And your sweet love!

Where fate has pushed
Where we found each other
Where the soul came to life
Where you extended your hand to me.

Where it is cozy with you
In our little world where you are near
Where we fall asleep together in an embrace
I don't need more.

You have become more important to me
I became happy with you
And it's harder for me every time without you
My man, my favorite!

I know I can't do it anymore without you
I am in your chains, in your captivity,
I love you, I adore you
And I haven't lived without you for a long time.

You are my man, you are my support
My soul has already chosen you
I never get lonely with you
I feel good with you, it is always warm!

With you I smile, not cry
I'm not afraid to be happy with you
How much dear you mean
How I love to kiss you!

Oh, if I could now
Become a gentle breeze breath ...
I would have woven all my tenderness
With quiet expectation prayer.

I would touch you for a moment
I dare not touch my hand,
My tongue grows numb in my mouth ...
But believe me, I'm happy with happiness.

For what I can dream
Only about you in the heat and cold.
I will always wait for you
After all, for me you are the most necessary!

How good it is to dream together
Look at the stars in the evenings
Walk with you around the city
Without watching the clock.

It's nice to listen to the silence
To meet your eyes again
And feel your hand
And just be with you.

When you are near, no words are needed.
You will read everything in my eyes
About how dear and necessary to me,
All my great love.

The heart beats with you more often.
But this is happiness, not fear.
So kiss me love
And read everything in my eyes!

You are my spring in the hot desert,
A hotbed of warmth in the middle of winter
Life immediately became a bright sun,
When we suddenly met.

I love you infinitely
I believe in you as I believe in myself.
And I say categorically:
"You are the best in my destiny!"

I love all your pluses in you
I love flaws insanely!
Let it always be in our union
The moments of happiness will be sweet!

My soul is calm with you
After all, you are the support, you are the wall,
I involuntarily hide behind her,
I'm not alone with you, dear!

And you, beloved, be sure
That I am yours, with you forever,
Just be forever faithful to me
My closest person!

I felt happiness with you
I discovered the abilities in myself,
You gave me sincerity
Gave inspiration, a sea of ​​strength!

I wish, darling, good ways,
Implementation of the desired ideas,
May our love help to live
Strive for happiness, be better, create!

You are my God, you are my gentle man,
I want to be with you as before
I never want to let go
Without you, I cry out of sadness.
Apollo you, Hercules you are mine,
I enjoy your beauty
I am proud of your strength forever
For me, you are a dear person.

I don't need any other happiness,
In addition to happiness to be with you.
You don't need a reason for happiness
If you have a beloved man.

And when I'm next to you
Sadness and grief recede
As if you became a wall for them,
Covering me with my back.

You are the embodiment of my dreams
I want to fall asleep on your hand,
I admire courage, participation,
And I enjoy our common happiness!

Let the rainbow of feelings shine forever
And the path illuminates us brightly
May there be eternal summer in our hearts
And together we will take care of all this!

I love you for your courage and strength,
For tenderness, understanding, kindness.
Sometimes it seems to me that she embodied
Destiny is your cherished dream.

And you don't need to dream of anything else,
After all, you are near, you are here with me.
I love you, my soul is joy.
It's so good that you are in the world!

You and I, like from Bulgakov's novel,
You are thoughtful, and I have tulips in my hand ...
May our feelings last forever
And only kind people meet.

I am in love, and I don’t know why.
I read you like a book with inspiration,
It's not scary or painful with you,
It's easy, warm, calm with you.

I like your heart
So kind, big.
I believe that it is complete
To me with ardent love.

I love your soul
She is bright and noble.
And I understand what is in you
I am in love irrevocably.

I like your strength
Your mind, your laughter, your arms.
And our life with you alone
I can only call it grace!

You made all my dreams come true
Only by its appearance.
And filled my life with happiness
And we are endlessly loved by me.

You have passion and reliability
There is kindness and strength,
Patience and caution
Great courage and honor.

And therefore, next to you
I forget about everything.
Women dream of a home
You are that house for me.

I sing with you like a bird
And I'm flying into the sky happy
Feeling beautiful and new
I'm ready for anything for you!

Reveal the best edges,
Open the door of your soul
Let's enjoy our feelings
Immerse yourself in this earthly Paradise!

I want to tell you, darling,
That I feel so good when you're around.
With you, neither storms are terrible, nor winter.
Your love is my reward.

I am our every date
In my heart I celebrate as a holiday.
And if suddenly I don't see you,
My day is getting sad.

My heart needs you all the time
After all, it misses without you.
Miss the embrace of the hand
And lips yearn for kisses ...

I'm a girl and you are a man
So fate has guessed for us.
Tell me what the hell is this
I suddenly fell in love with you!

I'm only in my twenties
You are an adult, experienced man,
Tell your heart what to do?
How to overcome my torpor?

I know that the husband is a stranger
But there is no urine to stop loving.
I see you in every dream
So someone wants to see in the sky.

The one who showed you to me
With your blessed hand,
Who knew in advance of course
That I will become your captive.

Not just everything in my soul:
I suffer, I suffer, I dream;
But in order to love other people's husbands,
I would not wish on the enemy either!

We seek, we meet, we find, we lose,
Having - we do not appreciate ... meeting - we throw ...
Attempt and torture. Came together, scattered ...
They did not have time to live and parted again.

But where is love, so that forever and without an edge? ..
Or maybe this one, or maybe another? ..
Faces, bodies and smiles change
But the search only multiplies the errors.

Falling in love, affection, passion - whatever,
We play with ourselves and others freely,
When love is not difficult to guess, -
When it's no longer possible without each other ...

Now I am calm and understand

You gave me the whole world, my beloved,
Now I am calm and understand
What does it mean to be "behind a stone wall"
And how happy it is with a loved one.

I will surround you with tenderness, care,
And you, I believe, will answer me the same,
And I will say hundreds of words about love,
You shine like the sun in my life!

I love the tenderness of your hands
And the feeling of those beautiful lips
I love brown eyes
I want to be with them forever.

I love you, I miss you
And turn sadness into a smile
I love a unique look,
Life is unbearable to me without you.

And I will wait as long as you want
I want to scream out of love.
I want you to know - my dear,
I want to be next to you

And I'm drowning in gentle embraces,
All because I love you!

If you are by my side
The world around is beautiful!
You are not only my beloved
You are my closest friend!

Let me tell you that I
Warmed by the warmth of your soul,
And a star of love, grief,
Life illuminates with wondrous light!

I love you and I miss you
I don’t notice any other guys.
I only need you, beloved
With you - I will be happy!

You are my beloved man
The most expensive in the world.
Isn't that the reason
To be always, always with you?

Days and nights without you
Dragging on for so long
I miss you very much
I'm so lonely.

Come to me in the night
Come in at least in the morning
You are like a prince to me
Whom I love!

And if you can't visit
So remember me!
The one that wants to invite
You to me, my friend.

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