Ukrainian citizens who have a residence permit or refugee status can apply for a Russian pension. Receiving a pension with a residence permit in Russia The amount of pension upon receipt of a residence permit

Having a residence permit makes a citizen a legal migrant. He is entitled to social benefits and benefits. You can count on financial support in the event of a disability or loss of a breadwinner. A residence permit for pensioners grants the right to old-age payments.

The procedure and features of registration of a pension for a residence permit in Russia

Important! It should be borne in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • Careful study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome of the case. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

Pension for a residence permit is charged if the specified conditions are met. There are only 2 of them: the presence of a valid residence permit and the presence of insurance premiums. Contributions are made by the employer. The above factors will need to be documented. Don't wait until you reach retirement age. Foreigners also have the right to early retirement. It is recommended that you contact the FIU one month before the day you reach the age of eligibility. The citizen will be provided with a preliminary consultation. Additionally, the status of the personal account will be checked. Then the person must write a statement.

Note! If a citizen applies to the authorized body in advance, he will be able to receive benefits in a timely manner. For payment, you will need to prepare a package of documents. The list may differ depending on the type of pension who received a residence permit.

If a pension is assigned with a residence permit in Russia, the procedure will take at least 10 working days. If errors in filling out documents are detected, or in a situation where the reliability of the papers is in doubt, payments may be refused. The decision can be appealed. The procedure is carried out in court. Additionally, you can contact the Pension Fund Office.

Mandatory documents on the basis of which the registration of a pension for a residence permit is carried out Additional papers
1. Foreign passport. The presence of a translation into Russian, certified by a notary, is required.

2. Residence permit for pensioners.

3. Labor book. It must contain records confirming the fact of work in the Russian Federation.

4. Certificate of temporary registration. The document is provided by the migration service.

5. SNILS. We need a Russian document.

6. Certificate of the state of the retirement account. To obtain a document, you need to contact the FIU.

1. Certificate of the presence of dependents.

2. A document confirming the existence of a disability.

3. Certificate of official registration of relations or a document confirming the fact of their termination.

4. Certificate from the place of work, if the activity is carried out in hazardous production.

Features of calculating seniority

If contributions were made to the Pension Fund, the period of work in the territory of the CIS countries is also taken into account to determine the work and insurance experience. Other nuances are also taken into account. The level of pension is influenced by the size of wages, as well as working conditions.

If a citizen started working in the Russian Federation, the organization is obliged to transfer pension insurance contributions for him. The size of the payment is 22% of earnings. The funds are used to form the pension. Foreigners are entitled to both an insurance and a funded part if the activity was carried out in the period before the freeze of the second type of payment. The presence of a funded pension allows a person to independently manage funds. It has the right to send them to NPFs and receive additional income from investments. The money can be provided as a lump sum.

The procedure is identical for citizens and non-citizens of the state. The conditions for retirement are similar. A citizen is obliged to reach the established age, gain insurance experience. In 2020, the value of the indicator is 10 years. Additionally, you need to accumulate retirement points. To retire, you need to score 16.2 points. This is the minimum value of the indicator.

You can get information about the insurance experience and the number of points on the Internet. Information is provided through the official portal of the Pension Fund. Additionally, you can request a statement of the state of your personal account. The action is carried out through the website of the State Service.

Features and nuances of receiving pensions for citizens of the Russian Federation abroad

If a Russian citizen has a residence permit in another state, the person will also be entitled to a pension. Moreover, a number of European countries are ready to provide not only a residence permit, but also citizenship. You will have to pay for this. The procedure allows attracting additional investment in the economy. The most difficult thing is to get a residence permit in the following states:

  • Germany;
  • France;
  • Netherlands.

These are developed countries trying to stop the flow of migrants. Therefore, the procedure for obtaining a residence permit is complicated. In Portugal, Hungary, Spain and the Czech Republic, you can count on obtaining a residence permit for pensioners in the event of investment. Their size is 300,000- 650,000 euros. If the income allows, the Russian pensioner can also move to Europe. He will receive the right to social benefits, the opportunity to undergo medical treatment on the basis of insurance, the right to enter without a visa and other privileges.

If a person of retirement age comes to Europe and receives payments in the Russian Federation, he does not lose the right to them. You will need to complete the procedure for transferring pension abroad. To do this, you have to issue an application. It is sent to the FIU. The application will need to be submitted annually. These actions are carried out to confirm that the pensioner is alive. The appeal is made through the consulate. It is present in the country of residence. When dealing with registration, it is better to use a sample application. This minimizes the risk of errors.

Funds are transferred to a personal account opened in Russian rubles. Previously, the procedure was carried out in foreign currency. However, then there was a serious fall in the ruble exchange rate. This entailed the abolition of this order. The pensioner has the right to transfer funds to his foreign accounts. For this, a corresponding agreement is concluded with the bank. A person can choose an organization independently.


After receiving a residence permit in Russia, a pension is presented if the employer paid contributions for the citizen, and also gained the necessary length of service and the required number of pension points. To make a payment, you need to contact the FIU. It is recommended that the action be taken one month before reaching the age of eligibility. Citizens of the Russian Federation residing in other states also retain the opportunity to receive old-age payments. Money is transferred abroad on the basis of an application. It is required to submit it annually.

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The GULAG, or the main department of correctional labor camps, is the very institution that eventually became a symbol of the most real arbitrariness of the USSR era and the institution that is hidden under the terrible abbreviation GULAG.

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The main mission of any Gulag is the very place, the main mission of which was absolute superiority and leadership over the places of both imprisonment and detention of both convicts and prisoners.

In general, the network of the same Gulag camps existing on the territory of the USSR was scattered throughout the territory of the entire country of the Soviets.

The largest gulags began to appear in Siberia, as well as in the south of Central Asia. That is, such gulags began to appear where there were rather extreme conditions for living. Security in such gulags was provided by a specialized paramilitary composition, and this composition was formed mainly from the already demobilized Red Army soldiers, as well as from the NKVD troops.

The gulag, or prison camp, consisted of more than 30,000 places for prisoners, 53 camp administrations, and 425 colonies. In addition, there were also some special commandant's offices (of which there were more than 2000) for those who were conditionally convicted, but who were obligatorily involved in labor.

How many citizens passed through the headquarters of the camps?

For several decades, politicians, historians, and also public figures have been trying to find out the most detailed number of those citizens who passed. Through the Gulags. Until the end of the 80s, the statistics of such camps were completely classified. However, after the archives were opened, it became clear how incomplete these archives and these statistics turned out to be. Moreover, the data of this statistics, depending on who publishes it, strongly contradicted each other.

If you believe the objective analyzes of the sources, in the period from 1934 to 1956, 16-28 million people passed through the Gulags. The average number of prisoners is 20 million.

How the camp system was formed - the severity of punishment

The Bolsheviks who came to power believed that under a radically new and more just system, crime itself could be completely reduced or even disappear altogether as a definition. But in the end, a complete change and subsequent destruction of the way of life habitual for citizens only provoked an increase in crime instead of its decline. The mood of citizens also changed, as a result of which a large number of very different weapons were in the hands of people.

Among other things, 1917 became the reason for the collapse of the entire state machine, and the tsarist prisons that existed and worked earlier were guarded only conditionally. The situation was described in sufficient detail by PI Stuchka, who worked as the People's Commissar of Justice of the RSFSR, who said that only those criminals who were too lazy to escape from the prison did not escape.

As a result, it became necessary to isolate both angry citizens and unwanted elements that could be dangerous for the new government. The first in this category were the former landowners, as well as the manufacturers and some representatives of the bourgeoisie. It is worth considering that the network of institutions that was called upon to reeducate the negligent members of the society of the USSR began to appear immediately after the events of 1917 passed.

Two years later, in 1919, several forced labor camps appeared on the territory of the Arkhangelsk province. These were the so-called SLON (northern special purpose camps). A few years later, the relevant authorities and government agencies decided to establish a similar zone on the territory of the Solovetsky archipelago. This is how the infamous Solovki, not only in the USSR and Russia, but all over the world, appeared. By the way, it was there that during the time of the Russian Empire prisoners were sent, so those who decided to create an ELEPHANT on the territory of the Solovetsky archipelago did not reinvent the wheel.

For what reasons did people go to camps

In general, the citizens had a lot of opportunities to get acquainted with all the features of camp life. For example, not only murderers and thieves, of whom there could have been in the labor camp, got into the Gulags. The most actively used article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, that is, a political article, as it was called.

Among the most famous points of the political article for which people were imprisoned in the Gulag, one can single out such as:

  1. Treason to the motherland. This point was interpreted quite broadly, so almost any person could become a traitor to the homeland under any circumstances. In some cases, it was enough to declare in public that the boss was a fool.
  2. Maintain any contacts with foreign states. This was also dangerous, because a person who talked to a citizen of another state could go to the camp without any problems.
  3. Providing assistance to the international bourgeoisie. It was difficult to determine exactly how this aid was defined and who belonged to the bourgeoisie of another country. However, very often correspondence with addressees from other countries was equated with just this very help.
  4. Espionage. It is noteworthy that at different times a suspiciously polite, out-of-place and neat person walking with a camera could be mistaken for a spy.
  5. There was also a certain category of pests, for which the item was intended, associated with causing damage to systems important to society. Systems such as communication, water supply and other systems are important to society. The pests were those citizens who were engaged in sabotage, and under the wording of sabotage, depending on the situation, the case of a delayed start of heating and other situations could be.
  6. Propaganda and agitation. Such a point was addressed to lovers of anecdotes, especially if there was at least a vague hint in the anecdotes that it had anti-Soviet content. By the way, both the one who told an anecdote with similar content and the one who reported the narrator and was a listener got to the Gulag.
  7. Counterrevolutionary sabotage, which included increased reject rates during the release of any product, technical misprints, etc.

An important point: it is worth understanding that the state itself during the years of the USSR lived surrounded by opponents, and these opponents were ideological, and all those points that were described above were not taken from the ceiling. There were a lot of traitors, accomplices, and spies in those days, there were even quite an abundance of them. Therefore, men and women in the torture camp were found in large numbers every day.

And a completely different matter is that the selectivity of the punitive system that existed at that time was very, very low, so in those days it was much easier to jail an innocent person than to filter out those citizens who fell under suspicion. What to do - harsh times have caused harsh reality.

By the way, there was also a separate item for those people who were tormented by doubts about whether it was worth reporting on a person or not. This was the so-called "Failure to report" item. This oversight was punished mildly, since such actions were punishable by a criminal term of 6 months or more, and sometimes it was a "hot tour" to northern remote resorts. Therefore, people reported on other people, because they were afraid to fall under the article about "non-reporting".

Those people who were sentenced under Article 58 were referred to as "political". After such people were released, they had no right to live closer than one hundred kilometers from big cities. This is how the wording called "101st kilometer" appeared.

Kolyma Gulags and Violence in the Camps

As noted by many researchers of the theme and history of the Gulag, it was the Kolyma camps that received their known as the most inhuman. It was difficult for people who were sentenced in these camps to simply survive in the extremely difficult conditions of an almost incessant winter. But at the same time, the prisoners worked in gold mines or in the felling of a forest, receiving a small ration for their work. It was very difficult, especially considering the fact that both the camp authorities and the guards tried to make life as difficult as possible for an ordinary prisoner. However, there were also those people who managed to return home to their family after the end of the term.

An important point: those convicts who were sent to the Kolyma could die on the way. The thing is that many thousands of such people were transported in closed prisons, and the journey lasted about 10 days.

Robert Conquest, a British specialist specializing in the history of the USSR, noted that in 1937-1941, about a million citizens died in the Kolyma camps. Among those prisoners who worked in the mines, the mortality rate and its level were equal to 30 percent of the total number of prisoners for each calendar year. There were many causes of death - and frosts down to -50, and a meager diet, and scurvy that mows many.

There were also women's camps in Kolyma, in which girls had to do work that was beyond their strength. For example, girls, along with men, were engaged in mining or felling forests. Many women, unable to withstand the daily norm, were even ready to sell their own bodies for salvation.

What did the prisoners go for

Since the convicted and serving prisoners could not physically fulfill the quota for the shift, and only shock workers received full rations, the prisoners began to deceive their superiors. In the slang of camp life, such a deception of the authorities was designated as "driving bullshit", that is, in a more understandable language, ascribing cubic meters of wood or extra centners of mountain ore.

Ann Applebaum authored a book called Gulag: A History, which was eventually published in Moscow in 2015. In Russian translation, the book was named GULag: The Web of Great Terror. " As the author notes, evasion from work for convicts in Kolyma is one of the only options for salvation.

Over the years of imprisonment, the convicts have learned how to imitate work and fake its results. For example, the convicts gave out the trees already cut down by other people from their own, for this they slightly updated the cuts. Also, those convicts who worked in the mine did not work, but only tapped a little with a pickaxe if there were no guards nearby.

The foremen were also engaged in deception, who attributed increased work standards in the reports of their subordinates. However, in order to be on such a list, the prisoner had to grease both the foreman and the rationing officer who accepts the work done at the end of the shift.

One of the former prisoners noted that one kind foreman almost every time prescribed him 60 percent of his norm, and he himself worked out much less. Another person recalled that the foreman was able to get from his direct superiors to reduce the rate, than he was able to save the lives of workers who were dying like flies. At the same time, the foremen had to both give and take bribes, otherwise they could not live.

Is being a jerk or a snitch the norm for men in the camps?

The person who was on the very threshold of survival was usually ready to commit almost any criminal act, and all this in order not to die from frost, hunger and daily labor. In such a situation, a large number of prisoners became informers and unofficial employees of the camp authorities. In exchange, they received a weaker regime, one more ration, or some other indulgence.

And even if it is simply impossible to find out the exact number and lists of such informers, it is only known that many of the camp security officers from the operative units were actively recruiting a variety of conscientious prisoners. Such people were very often referred to as people who embarked on the path of correction.

The informers often received economic and administrative positions that allowed such prisoners not to work at all with all other prisoners in the mines, logging and in the mines. All those convicts who belonged to this class were called "idiots" in the jargon of camp life.


Despite the harsh conditions, she still had her own hospital. In it, people received some additional products like fresh onions for the sake of getting rid of diseases. Also in the hospital there were sheets and warmth, for the sake of which people deliberately mutilated themselves.

There have been cases when people deliberately chopped off their fingers with an ax in order to be deprived of the opportunity to work. People also hoped to receive amnesty due to disability, however, if it was deliberate self-harm and it was possible to prove it, the person ended up receiving another term.

Anne Applebaum noted that people chopped off a hand or a whole foot, and also burned out their eyeballs with acid. Someone wrapped one of the feet with a wet rag in order to return at the end of the day with grade III frostbite. People did the same with their fingers.

There were doctors who helped convicts and prisoners to induce symptoms of various diseases, and some doctors also introduced various infections into the wounds of prisoners. But, on the other hand, there were those medical workers who tried, on the contrary, to expose simulators in all available ways. And there were also such specialized and experienced psychiatrists who were able to see any situation of a person if he tried to be crazy.

Find friends and fellow countrymen - how women lived in the Gulag

In any camp, it is quite difficult for a person to survive if he is alone. Therefore, almost every second convict, immediately after arriving in one of the camps, began his life in a new place, looking for fellow countrymen. And, if fellow countrymen were there, they actively helped each other. Similar comradely unofficial relations were created by Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, as well as citizens of other nations. Citizens of such associations tried to share parcels with each other, warned of danger and tried to help in other ways.

Many of those prisoners who served their sentences in Kolyma or in other camps were able to realize the importance and value of friendly relations and friendship between close people and fellow countrymen exactly at the place of serving their sentences.

In some cases, a person's liking for another person was one of the reasons for getting an easier job. And those convicts who became "idiots" usually bothered both in front of the guards and in front of the authorities in order to attach their friend or fellow countryman to a similar position. Of course, these are far from frequent cases, but they were.


The memory of the Gulag cannot be called bright, but such a memory is extremely important in order to be able to more adequately comprehend the past for the sake of the future. Lessons from history, as a bitter medicine, teach us how to prevent such incidents from happening again.

The Gulag and everything connected with it is the most real and almost the only big black spot in the history of the USSR and Russia. After all, all other significant events relate to victories, conquests, achievements and discoveries. Fortunately, today on the territory of Russia there are no prerequisites for something to appear in the country that is comparable in scale to the Soviet Gulag.


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Not so long ago, a new offer for investors appeared on the spaces of the Russian-speaking Internet. B2B Jewelry offers to invest money in jewelry and at the same time get real income. How true is this, is it possible to lose your hard earned money by investing there and how to avoid deception, below in the article.

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Description of the project

B2B Jewelry offers a rather unusual way to make money. This company claims real opportunities to get up to 182% cashback on the purchase of gold and silver issued by this chain of jewelry stores. The outlets of the enterprise operate in more than 20 cities of Ukraine. These are real stores with assortment, all possible certificates and an online store.

The B2B Jewelry company itself operates in a fairly large network. This is a real confirmation of client investment. Anyone can come here and make a purchase.

In order to become a member of the program, you need to buy any gold or silver product in an offline or online outlet. Profit is accrued in the form of bonuses.

How to become an investor

Investment conditions are simple and affordable for the average person. The scheme of work is as follows. Gold or silver items or a certificate are purchased first. Subsequently, bonuses are paid to the card or wallet. The frequency with which they will be obtained is up to the investor. The interest rate depends on this and, accordingly, the amount of payments.

You can choose to make a profit once a week, or once a year. The minimum amount must be $ 50. Refunds, that is, the first payment stretches from a week to 14 days, depending on which day of the week the purchase was made. You can buy jewelry made of gold or silver, as well as a gift certificate. Now a little more about the one and the other variety.

How to profit from your jewelry purchase

You can use the online store, and you can also make a purchase at a stationary outlet. If there is this network in your city, you can choose something from the assortment presented there.

The most interesting thing is that you will receive bonuses for the product in your pocket. According to the company, it is not a problem to receive passive income in this case. The product can be made of 585 gold and 925 sterling silver. Payment is made in UAH or USD. Either cards of Ukrainian banks or transfers via payment systems are accepted. The amount in one check must not be less than UAH 1000.

By investing money in an online or offline outlet, everyone can become a participant in the project and receive cashback. During the year, clients expect 52 payments on Fridays. During this time, 104% of the original purchase price can be returned. That is, with a deposit of 1000 hryvnia, the annual yield will be 1040 hryvnia. But, if you buy a product, for example, for 243,000, you can return not only the invested amount, but almost 2 times more. After all, the buyer will receive almost UAH 38,000 monthly with a weekly yield of 3.5 percent.

Recall that the jewelry remains in the hands of the owner, and the first bonus is credited within 8 days. But, depending on the date of purchase, the payment may take 14 days. The company's website has a detailed description of the accrual of bonuses and answers to almost all customer questions and even to those why the company needs it.

How to invest in certificates

You can purchase not only jewelry, but also a gift certificate. It is bought through the site and it will be ideal for those who do not have access to stationary stores. The client will make a profit in any case. The minimum investment is also $ 50, as with gold and silver items. But, the size of the investment has nothing to do with the interest rate. The client receives 416 percent per year, that is, 8% per week of the amount invested. This is what the silver certificate is about. For gold, the yield is slightly lower and amounts to 260 per cent per annum with 5 percent payout per week.

Each certificate can be exchanged for a piece of jewelry equivalent to the invested amount, but only if the profit ceases to accrue. That is, in a year.

The nuances of investing in a project

B2B Jewelry on its official website offers step-by-step instructions on how to make an investment. First you need to register in the store. To do this, indicate the phone number to which an SMS with a code will be sent. The registration field is clicked on the site. The phone fits into the international format. You also need to indicate the last name, first name, patronymic and password. That is, all empty fields are filled. If someone invited you to this program, you can dial his referral number. After the phone number is indicated, a code is sent to it. It should be entered as a confirmation of registration. And after that, a personal account appears.

The investment itself takes place using the "store" tab. She is in the same personal account. For residents of Ukraine, two tabs are available, that is, the purchase of a certificate and a product. For a citizen of another country, only one, the first option is open. In order to become a member of the program, you must select in a special field the frequency of payments, material (silver or gold) and the amount, and then click on the "buy" button. In order to pay for the purchase, you need to specify the wallet number. The delivery address is left blank. In the profile for payments, you also need to indicate the wallet number. All donations are made automatically.

Residents of Ukraine can fill in the field with the address. If they choose to invest in jewelry, they will be able to pick up their purchase at the nearest store, and the certificate will be sent to the post office. In case of payment in hryvnia, you can make a transaction from a bank card. Dollars are withdrawn only from the electronic wallet.

B2B Jewelry invites its investors to boil the purchased certificates afterwards. In other words, a person can exchange a certificate of the corresponding amount for a product in the chain's stores. But, as soon as he does this, the accrual of bonuses immediately stops. That is, it is best to wait until the end of the payment period, and then make a purchase.

Plus there is another function that allows you to increase passive earnings. This is an affiliate program. Such a pyramid, which starts from the rank of a beginner and ends with a gold director. Every registered user can step on the first step, while the last one will only be reached by the one whose team buys $ 40 million worth of products. In this case, a person receives 19% of bonuses for each new client. There are 23 ranks in total. And the percentage of payments increases depending on the level occupied.

To summarize

In order to understand the B2B Jewelry investment program, it is necessary to make a short summary. The jewelry company makes and sells products from gold and silver. There are about 20 representative offices in Ukraine. They are offline jewelry stores. At the moment, the company plans to expand not only to Ukraine, but also to other countries. Since the end of 2019, one of the factories has already been opened in Kazakhstan, in the city of Alma-Ata. The main parent company is a jewelry factory called "Sharm", which has been operating in the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine since the end of the last century. The project itself started at the end of 2018.

More recently, customers have begun to offer not only to purchase jewelry, but also to return the entire amount spent on the purchase. At the same time, the gold or silver remains with the client, and for the year he receives payments to his card, equivalent to 104 to 186 percent of the purchase. The founder of the company says that the company is developing quite dynamically. She copes with competitors in the industry, she is not afraid of economic cataclysms, crises. Even despite the difficult situation in Ukraine, payments will be made regularly. But, in order to protect itself and the project, the company is attracting more and more partners. Every investor who purchases products, as well as foreign firms, becomes such. All this allows you to quickly adapt to the conditions of the modern market.

The project resembles a pyramid, since it has an MLM component at the heart of its functioning. This is one of the foundations of a successful marketing plan. In other words, goods are sold by independent distributors, sales agents, whole networks of people who want to receive passive income and earn money. The business plan includes not only the sale of products, but also the attraction of partners working under practically the same conditions. The profit of each investor consists in receiving commissions for the sale of products, as well as additional bonuses. The latter depend on the volume of sales made by the attracted clients. As you can see, on the one hand, you can see a financial pyramid, and on the other, the company operates as a cashback service. Only payments exceed the amount spent. Investments are of two types:

  1. In gold or silver;
  2. The certificates.

You can buy products of test 585 in gold and 925 in silver. There is a huge range of products from which everyone can find what they like. Rings, earrings, bracelets - all of the highest quality. The cost of the products themselves is average on the market. That is, if you go to jewelry stores, you can find both cheaper and more expensive. But, from cooperation with B2B Jewelry, customers can receive a good cashback. Payments are made weekly and fully cover the money spent for the year. Investments from 1000 hryvnia or 50 dollars are accepted. According to the terms of the program, the larger the purchase, the more significant the profit will become. Passive income is also earned by certificates. After a year, they can be exchanged for a piece of jewelry or donated.

The company is promoting its marketing plan primarily through YouTube. Therefore, there are not too many reviews of such investments on the Internet. This promotion strategy was chosen due to the fact that YouTube has a huge number of potential contributors. The videos are provided by company representatives and users who have already invested in jewelry. Basically, the video shows the stationary salons of the company with counters and assortments. If you analyze all the existing videos, it is worth noting that there is often a hype in stores.

You can also become an investor through the company's website. It is designed intuitively, intelligently, bright, attractive. You can view the resource in Russian, English and Ukrainian. There is also a link to pages on Facebook, Instagram. There are quite a few subscribers to them. If you have any questions, you can ask their managers via Facebook. Answers come in a maximum of an hour. The addresses of shops and salons are indicated by city together with telephone numbers. Payments through the site are accepted either from a hryvnia card or from a payment system in dollars. If the purchase takes place in a store, you can give cash. Investors receive their money every Friday, and payments are made fully automatically. This happens without the participation of the human factor. that is, everything is calculated automatically depending on the amount invested, referral status, and, in fact, the interest rate.

Many are afraid to invest in this company, because they cannot understand the principle and meaning of the company's work. Our compatriots have already been deceived by this type of company so many times that it is not known how it will end this time. Therefore, many people search for "B2B jewelry to cheat investors" and find nothing. Nevertheless, it is up to the clients to decide whether to invest their capital here or not. After all, checking the company so far does not show anything bad, but it has not been working for too long. And everyone, and even more, knows how the residents of the post-Soviet space are deceived with investing money.

A selection of B2B Jewelry reviews

At the moment, if you go through the reviews about investing in the B2B Jewelry project, you can find mostly positive ones. The project started around the middle of last year, that is, quite recently. Therefore, the developers are now trying to actively promote it, attract as many investors as possible.

People note that all payments are made with normal stability and frequency, in full. Once a week, on Fridays, the jewelry firm makes the promised payments. At first glance, the project resembles a pyramid, and in essence it is. But, from the standard, familiar to us schemes, it differs in a rather real component. It can be touched, seen, reviled. This is a piece of jewelry that has been purchased. By the way, there are also a number of shops. Any customer can enter them. But, any conclusions drawn ahead of time will be controversial. Therefore, it is not yet clear where the project will lead.

Cheating or not

In fact, so far no component of deception has been seen. If we were talking about any abstract concepts, for example, a house under construction, an incomprehensible apartment, life insurance, one might suspect something. Our compatriots have long ago learned to look for a background in every such proposal. That is why, not finding it, there are two ways out: to think that the developers have thought of everything well and will subsequently cheat or make investments. The project has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages worth noting:

  1. Availability of items made of gold or silver;
  2. Weekly payments allowing you to get back even more of the purchase price;
  3. Decent cashback;
  4. The ability to organize passive income using your network, practically doing nothing.

The disadvantages are still seen as follows:

  1. Limited target audience for one country;
  2. Opportunity for foreign investors to receive only the accrual of interest on certificates;
  3. Just a few payment options;
  4. Two currencies, one of which is accepted exclusively electronically.

Again, we return to the fact that there are still weekly payments, but the reviews of people who have invested more than 10,000 or even 1,000 hryvnias, who have chosen to accrue the amount once a year at the end of the term, cannot yet be seen, since the project has not been working so much yet. It will be seen later whether investors will be deceived in the end. But, we can already say that people who become participants in the program by investing in a piece of jewelry, and not a certificate, will not be the losers. They have purchased gold or silver on their hands. Yes, they may not return their money in full. Therefore, the investment will become not an investment with their subsequent return, but a regular purchase. That is, if something happens, it will not work, but it will not be so offensive. As for the certificates, which can be cashed only at the end of their validity period, this is another question. After all, the component itself that can be touched is available, but whether it will be possible to use it later is still unknown.

If you want to take a risk, you can try to invest in this project. But, we would recommend giving preference to investments by purchasing jewelry over certificates.

But just in case, nevertheless, study the relevant articles of the Civil and Criminal Laws, which indicate what to do if you cheated. And also, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer on how you can get your money back.

Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact:

Call 8-800-777-32-16.

Free legal hotline.

Many citizens want to save on utility bills. But in order to do this, it is necessary to connect alternative energy sources that will help save money once you invest. Therefore, all people have a question, what non-traditional energy sources are there? What are the possibilities of alternative energy? How to make money on alternative energy sources?

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Alternative and unconventional energy sources are different. The classification of alternative energy sources is given in the textbooks of specialized institutions. In order to save on utility bills, it is enough to know the elementary methods listed below.

Energy of electromagnetic solar radiation

It can be used to generate electricity and heat. Direct conversion of solar radiation into electricity is carried out both by direct conversion due to the phenomenon of the internal photovoltaic effect on photovoltaic panels, and indirectly, using thermodynamic methods (high pressure steam production). Thermal energy is obtained by absorbing solar energy. this energy and further heating of the surface. and refrigerant, both by means of special collectors and by the method of "solar architecture".

The complex of means for converting solar energy is a solar power plant.

Kinetic Wind Energy

It serves for conversion into mechanical, thermal, and, in most cases, into electricity. Elementary windmills are used to obtain mechanical energy from the kinetic energy of air masses. However, for the subsequent transformation of the obtained mechanical energy, it is necessary to use a wind generator.

A wind turbine converts the mechanical energy of the rotor rotation into electrical energy. It is possible to store the electricity generated by the batteries and use it only when needed. Such an installation will be called a wind turbine. The combination of several wind turbines will be called a wind farm.


Hydroelectricity is solar energy converted into potential energy stored in a dam or reservoir in natural and artificial reservoirs. Hydroelectricity can be converted into mechanical or electrical energy using hydraulic turbines. These facilities are called hydroelectric power plants (HPPs).

Tidal energy

There are two ways to convert tidal energy into electricity in tidal power plants:

  1. The first method, according to the principle of energy conversion, is similar to the conversion of energy into hydroelectricity by rotating a turbine associated with an electric generator;
  2. The second method uses the energy of water movement; This method is based on the difference in water level during high and low tides.

Wave energy is used to generate mechanical and electrical energy. The transformation takes place at special wave power plants, the principle of which is based on the effect of waves on the following devices: floats, pendulums, blades. The movement of these devices generates mechanical energy, which is then converted into electricity using an electric generator.

It can be used for its intended purpose or for the production of electricity. Energy conversion takes place at geothermal stations - GeoTPP.

Sources of geothermal energy can have high and low potential. High potential sources include hydrothermal resources (thermal waters). They are used for space heating.

Low-potential energy sources, in turn, are natural (atmospheric air, groundwater, the soil itself) and artificial (ventilation air of the premises, exhaust air, water or heat). These sources are used for air conditioning, heating and hot water supply.


Bioenergy is produced from various types of biological raw materials obtained after processing organic waste. From solid (wood shavings, pellets, wood, straw), liquid (bioethanol, biomethanol, biodiesel) and gaseous (biogas, biohydrogen) types of biological fuel thermochemical (pyrolysis, combustion), physicochemical (bioconversion) or biochemical (anaerobic fermentation) conversion methods. for biomass) receive thermal or electrical energy. The advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy sources must be considered individually. However, we highlight some general advantages and disadvantages that are common to all sources.

Benefits of using alternative energy sources

  1. Renewability
  2. Environmental aspect.
  3. Widely used, available.
  4. Low energy production costs for the foreseeable future.

Disadvantages of using alternative energy sources

  1. Inconsistency, dependence on weather conditions and time of day.
  2. Low efficiency (excluding water sources).
  3. High costs.

Using a solar collector

How many ordinary people know what a solar collector is? But such a device has been used by industrial enterprises and household organizations for a long time in everyday life. Unlike a solar battery, which produces electricity directly, a collector is part of a whole system that converts solar energy into thermal energy and heats the heat carrier material. This material can be water or non-freezing liquid.

Due to the work under pressure and forced circulation of the heating medium, solar collectors differ in their functional use from conventional solar water heaters. The collector itself and the water tank are located separately from each other, having a positive effect on the usability of the system, as well as reducing heat energy losses. Due to the fact that the devices use chemically purified water or antifreeze, it is not recommended to use them in systems that require draining the coolant in winter.

Direct heating of water in devices can also clog the channels of the absorber panel and accelerate internal corrosion processes. Indirect heating systems provide heat supply to the storage tank through a special intermediate heat exchanger. Heat is accumulated in the storage tank. This is due to the fact that the supply of hot water to the consumer must be carried out around the clock, despite the fact that the useful heat is supplied to the collector mainly in the daytime.

There are two options for using solar equipment:

  1. For heating water
  2. For heating water and space heating

In the first case, the functioning of the entire system is based on the estimated consumption of hot water supply per person.

Thus, it acts as the main source of energy, and the storage tank allows the entire system to operate smoothly during external weather disasters and at night. Such a model of the device can operate autonomously for no more than 2 days, and in the further absence of sunlight, an additional source of energy will be required. Despite the possible difficulties, the results of using such a system are obvious. It can reduce annual energy costs by up to 80%. If the solar collector is used only in the summer, this compensation can reach 100%.

If it is necessary not only to heat water, but also to provide heating of existing premises, the configuration will be different. With this option, the technical characteristics of the collector depend on the heat losses of the house, including the cost per person for hot water supply. The storage tank in such systems acts as the main source of energy. Tank sizes can range from 800 to 1.5 thousand liters. The device operates in a single connection with the boiler, providing autonomous operation for up to 30 hours. In the off-season and winter periods, such a system can significantly reduce the time of using the boiler. At the same time, the consumer does not feel discomfort from the lack of hot water supply, since sunlight still allows the necessary heating of the heat carrier material to be produced.

The tank can consist of 1 or 2 copper spiral heat exchangers. Depending on the connection diagram to the heating system, the configurations of the heat accumulators also differ. In turn, the heat accumulator consists of two tanks: external and internal made of stainless steel. In addition, each model assumes the presence of an additional source of energy in case of unforeseen situations. Electric heaters are usually used as such a source.

Depending on the type of collector and the place of its future territorial location, the modification of the internal components of the system, in particular the heat exchanger tubes, also depends. Heat pipes (from the English. "Heat pipe") are used in vacuum collectors and serve for the heat transfer process. The principle of operation of such a tube boils down to the fact that the liquid inside evaporates at the hot end and condenses on the cold end, then flowing down again to the hot half. Evaporation of liquid inside the tube occurs at temperatures from +30 to 150C. When the temperature drops below the set limits, the tube is blocked, retaining heat.

Thus, heat pipes provide uninterrupted heat transfer, although their cost, due to their useful technological properties, is extremely high.

How to use alternative energy? It can be used in any direction. Energy production methods are alternatively indicated above.

What to do in your own home or private building

Getting energy using alternative sources is possible not only for companies, but also for the state. There are various installations and devices that help generate electricity in an unconventional way. Alternative methods of generating energy help save on bills and in the event of an emergency interruption, they do not go without power.

Solar Panels Solar panels can help you generate green energy for your home. To purchase, you need to calculate the required power and choose a mounting location. The purchase and installation of solar panels is justified and pays off in the future.

Solar collectors

Solar collectors heat up in the sun, direct the stored heat into the water and heat it up. Therefore, this device provides heating and hot water supply at any time of the year.

Wind turbines

Generators store energy and are subsequently consumed by household appliances. Usually, several devices are installed, which are switched on in turn in the event of an emergency stop.

Heat pumps

Heat pumps heat the room to the required temperature at any time of the year. Most of them are equipped with a reverse function - cooling, which will be useful in the summer. The source can be water, wind, or earth.

Biogas production

Domestic production of biogas makes it possible to replace the use of fossil fuels in everyday life with their more environmentally friendly and cheaper counterparts. You can buy or build a biogas plant.

Mini hydroelectric power station

Mini-hydroelectric power plants are small stations that produce electricity for an individual house. Use this unit as a primary or backup power supply. A portable hydroelectric power plant is an alternative for hard-to-reach and hard-to-reach places.

Other resources

There are more rare opportunities, but they are expensive to implement. For example, infrared radiators for space heating. In the global market, you will find hydrogen boilers that provide heat through chemical reactions between oxygen and hydrogen.

What can you do yourself

Alternative energy to do it yourself is available to everyone. You don't have to spend a lot of money to save on bills without harming the environment. You can do almost anything you want.

  1. Fuel briquettes made from scrap materials (for example, paper);
  2. Hand-made generator with supercapacitor;
  3. Gasoline generator;
  4. Solar panel in a smartphone;
  5. Polycarbonate manifold;
  6. Small version of the wind turbine.

You can create your own installations that reduce the cost of bills without reducing energy consumption.

The southern regions of the country, as well as western and eastern Siberia and the Far East have the potential to generate solar energy. In Russia, the extraction of energy from the sun is promising, so projects in this direction are supported by the government.

Hydro and tidal power plants

Russia is actively using the water potential to generate electricity: according to data for 2017, the country has 15 power plants with a capacity of more than 1,000 megawatts and hundreds of plants with less electricity. The energy generated by a hydroelectric power plant costs half the energy generated by a thermal power plant.

Tidal stations require a lot of finance, so the development of this area in the Russian Federation does not take place. Scientists predict that SPE could account for a fifth of Russia's electricity production.

Wind turbines

In Russia, because of the low wind speed, it is impossible to install generators with a horizontal axis of rotation. However, vertical axis designs are often used.

According to 2018 data, the total capacity of wind turbines in Russia was 134 megawatts. The largest power plant in the Ulyanovsk region (capacity - 35 megawatts).

Geothermal stations

There are 5 geothermal power plants in Russia, three of which are located in Kamchatka. According to data for 2016, the GeoPP generates 40% of the electricity consumed on this peninsula.

Use of biofuels

Fuel production also takes place in Russia. At the same time, it is more profitable for the country to develop solid biofuels than liquid ones. Now production is taking place at a plant in Vladivostok.

Nuclear power plant

Russia produces electricity using nuclear energy and continues to develop in this direction. New stations are being built, new production methods are being used. According to data from 2019, there are 10 nuclear power plants in Russia. The Russian Federation ranks second in the world in the production of energy using nuclear power plants; The People's Republic of China has become a leader in this industry.

Positive characteristics and disadvantages

Inexhaustibility, safety, respect for the environment - these are the obvious benefits of working from non-traditional sources, but the transition to AEI requires solving the main problems of the industry.

Disadvantages of alternative energy:

  1. Seasonality
  2. Location;
  3. Instability.

This does not apply to all types of nuclear energy sources, for example geothermal energy is completely independent of seasonal changes.

Seasonality is expressed in strict dependence on the season - for example, at a certain moment the amount of wind and solar energy is greater than that of the rest.

The amount of energy generated depends on the location. For generating electricity from the wind, speed is important (the generator power is equal to the cube of the speed, therefore, when the last parameter is reduced by at least one and a half times, the power is reduced by more than three times). Therefore, it is best to install wind turbines on the coast, where strong winds constantly blow.

Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact:

Call 8-800-777-32-16.

Free legal hotline.

Many are wondering about buying a new car or a used one. And many are leaning towards a brand like Chevrolet. Yes, this brand has really proven itself. Buy a Chevrolet Camaro and the real cost of the Aveo car are frequent requests on the Internet. Also, everyone is interested in the real price of the Chevrolet Cruze and the characteristics of these cars.

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In the early days of the automotive industry, new car brands used the names of their creators. However, the Chevrolet brand came about differently. Swiss Louis Joseph Chevrolet (1878-1941) was a famous driver and mechanic, but he never owned the company that bore his name.

Louis Chevrolet was one of seven children of a poor watchmaker in the Swiss town of Chaux-de-Fonds. When he was 10 years old, his family moved to France in search of a better life, where the boy graduated from high school, after which he got a job at the car company Mors. Here he became interested in automobiles for life and became an official car dealer for this company.

Characteristics of the Chevrolet Aveo

Popular among real connoisseurs of inexpensive, but beautiful and powerful models is the Chevrolet Aveo, made in South Korea. This car is very harmonious. Both soft smooth lines and sharp strokes are ideally combined in this model. The clear edges, which are particularly striking at the bottom and top of the doors, are perfectly smoothed out by the smooth silhouette of the vehicle.

Distinctive features of the Chevrolet Aveo

This car has several distinctive features. So, the headlights that are under the bumper are not fog lights at all, as anyone would think, but overall.

It is impossible not to mention the direction indicators located at the front. The two boomerangs under the headlights are an excellent indication of future traffic. Such "signs" will not remain unnoticed by either drivers moving along the carriageway or pedestrians.

Chevrolet Aveo specifications

Chevrolet Aveo belongs to class "B", but this is only an official opinion. In fact, this model largely belongs to the "C" class.

Not only the appearance of the car is beautiful, but also its interior. So, you will always feel comfortable in the cabin with adjustable head restraints, remote control of the audio system located on the steering wheel, and perfectly working power windows. It should be noted and the steering wheel, which is beautifully trimmed with leather, which gives some luxury to the interior. The same material is used for the front armrest and gear lever.

The front panel is made of ordinary plastic, but thanks to the perfect color and a well-done job, it looks very nice and high quality.

While in the cabin, everyone will note the good roominess, thanks to which passengers with a large number of things can be accommodated here. Also, due to the sufficient capacity of the trunk (400 liters) and an increase in its volume when the seats are folded, this model can be easily used for family trips or a group of friends to the nature.

In Russia, you can buy a Chevrolet Aveo with two power units (1.2 and 1.4 liters). Both of them are four-cylinder, the rest of the indicators differ from each other. The 1.2-liter power unit is eight-valve, has 123 Nm at three thousand rpm. Horsepower for this model starts at 72 units. The version with a larger engine has sixteen valves, has 130 Nm at 3400 rpm, and the power is 94 horsepower.

Thanks to the excellent gear ratios of the gearbox, ideally suited to the engine, the Chevrolet Aveo moves very quickly. The dynamic set of speed contributes to the fact that it is possible to reach a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour in second gear. Within the city, fuel consumption is 8.6 liters per hundred kilometers.

Thanks to the perfectly tuned suspension, you will not feel discomfort even when driving on the worst city roads. Everyone in the cabin will be pleased with the excellent sound insulation, thanks to which you will not feel the hustle and bustle of the city. In general, it can be noted that when creating the model, the developers focused on comfort. So, despite not being the largest size, both people sitting in the front seats and in the back will feel free in the car. Two adult men can be accommodated in the back.

Of course, it is equipped with a Chevrolet Aveo and everything necessary for a modern car. There are fog lights, air conditioning, power accessories, hydraulic boosters and much more. For safety, there is an airbag designed for the two front seats. For all other seats, there are 3-point seat belts.

Review on Chevrolet Aveo 5D

  • Design

Aveo both sedan and hatchback have the same front side - double "spotlights", not covered under the lenses, a branded radiator grille with a logo on the cross bar, stampings on the wheel arches, hood and sidewall. The lights are also the same at the back.

The five-door Aveo looks attractive and fresh, no worse than the four-door model. The hidden door handles in the window frame by the rear seats are also intriguing. And thanks to the same wheelbase, as well as the height of the car, the five-door version looks more massive than the Aveo sedan. It is safe to say that on the road you are not ashamed of such a car, the car looks very lively and interesting outwardly.

  • Design

The suspensions are standard for a car of this class: McFerson struts at the front and a torsion bar at the rear. The power steering depends on the motor installed in the car, it is installed either electronically or hydraulically.

  • Comfort

The interior trim is made of hard plastic, while the interior cannot be called cheap. The assembly is done with high quality, especially well tried over the keys on the console and the steering column levers. There are buttons on the steering wheel to control the air conditioning and the audio system. The landing is also made at a level: the seat is dense and pleasantly wraps around the driver's back, the crush is not noticed anywhere, and the lateral support does its job well. The backrest can be folded back completely to a horizontal position, and there is enough space in the front so that the driver and passenger do not interfere with each other with their elbows. The back is also cozy, the knees and the back of the head do not rest anywhere, but this is only relevant if there are only two passengers.

The instrument panel adopts a large circular tachometer shape with a large rectangular display. The drawing is good, the position of the data blocks was made logical and simple. Glare on the screen does not interfere with reading information, even in excellent sunny weather.

The visibility is excellent, nothing bothers the driver. Steering wheel adjustment allows you to adjust the steering wheel for reach and tilt. The pedals are well placed between themselves, even in massive shoes there will be no complaints. The only negative that can be expressed is that when switching even gears, you need to twist your hand with unnatural movements.

Chevrolet cruze

The second generation of CRUZE was released in 2016. The changes compared to the old generation are significant. The car has become larger, there are more options, the electrics of the car have become much more reliable, a new engine has appeared and, of course, the car has seriously changed in terms of design.

Design. The car's appearance has become very elegant. The car seemed to have “grown up”, became more “adult”. Despite this, the front of the car has become more aggressive. Basically, the changes affected the front of the car. The optics have become fully LED. The new headlights of the car have a predatory squint. The car's profile looks sporty and youthful. The car has become much more attractive, and the back looks a bit like a sports coupe.

Salon. The interior of the car has not changed much. However, there are some very significant changes that have given the cabin a sleek look. First, there was a large display of the multimedia system. There are new vents of the ventilation system, which are painted with chrome. The dashboard has changed a lot. A large on-board computer display appeared in its very center. The devices are perfectly readable at any time of the day. The graphics in the on-board computer are excellent. The interior trim is exceptionally high quality. Indeed, the seat upholstery and plastic look perfect. All details are fine-tuned. Compared to the old generation CRUZE, the interior has become not only more stylish and modern, but also much better quality.

Technical part. On the 2nd generation, a diesel engine and a new small-displacement turbocharged engine appeared. Two types of gearboxes are installed on the car. The new engine is very enjoyable. The dynamics are amazing, the elasticity of the engine is at the highest level. The car is built on a new platform. Because of this, the car has become lighter by 100 kilograms. And also the rigidity of the body has increased. The car has a classic suspension. The dimensions of the car have also changed. The wheelbase has increased especially significantly. Thanks to this, the car has an excellent ride, as for this class of car. CRUZE has a fairly high ground clearance, and this is an indisputable plus for the CIS countries.

2011 Chevrolet Cruze 1LT

What is the secret of the success of this or that car model? Surely, no one will answer this question unequivocally. Each has its own formula for success, and it is impossible to spy on it.

Every time General Motors designers create a new car, they certainly count on its success, but not all models have been able to deserve it. It is not known whether the Chevrolet Cruze2011 will have it, but why not. This is a very good option for lovers of small cars. A lot of money was invested in its development, but the cost promises to please the so-called "middle class". In addition, the main competitors in the small car sector, the Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla, are not in their best shape at the moment.

Perhaps the Chevrolet Cruze will become a kind of gem in the GM lineup. Maybe this particular car will open up General Motors to "entry-level" buyers.

Chevrolet Cruze is pretty much out of the general trend of the brand. It doesn't look like a Cobalt with headlights, it has nothing to do with the Cavalier curves that connect the A-pillar to the trunk. Cruze is absolutely individual, and this is its clear advantage. And the fact that he did not take over anything from his predecessors is not scary. Perhaps creating a car from scratch, focusing on modern trends and consumer requirements, is the key to success.

Visually, the Cruze cannot fail to impress. These wide, impossibly long and slightly raised headlights, huge "inflatable" dimensions striving to embrace almost the entire body, smooth curves of the body and roof ... It seems almost perfect, from whatever side you look at it. It can become a dream for dynamic movement around the city. But for all its lightness and fluidity of the lines, it has practically the most aggressive look in the entire Chevrolet lineup, second, perhaps, to the Camaro.

After being impressed by the harmony of all exterior elements, you can go to the car's interior. He amazes with splendor. There is a chic headliner here, the door is neatly but stylishly finished, and there are not enough words to describe the seats. The comfort in the cabin is complemented by the absolute absence of noise. The designers were able to achieve this thanks to some changes in the engine, as well as by increasing the number of materials that absorb sound.

What distinguishes the Chevrolet brand from other similar ones is the constant monitoring of technical innovations and unusual design solutions. In its models, GM is trying to introduce the best, the newest, never stopping at what has been achieved. So, no more than five years ago, Nissan Sentra, Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic were considered the quietest cars, and no one else has been able to achieve this level of sound insulation. And today they are hopelessly behind the Chevrolet Cruze. By the way, none of the above cars can boast of a six-speed automatic transmission.

Chevrolet Cruze will delight each of its customers, since the most budget version immediately has Bluetooth, a USB port, and other nice little things that were previously offered by all automakers only for an additional fee.

There is, however, the Chevrolet Cruze and a small flaw. No, perhaps this will not be a disadvantage for you, however, as well as for the company, but the shiny dashboard does not delight everyone. Sometimes, to create a sense of luxury and high cost, you do not need to use excessive shine and shine at all.

The interior of the Chevrolet Cruze is characterized by large free space, which is sufficient not only for the driver, but also for the rear passengers, regardless of height and build. And even the steep bend of the flowing roof does not make it bend at the moments of people getting in and out. In this car, you can go on long journeys without experiencing any discomfort in your legs or back. But the control panel in the Chevrolet Cruze will take some time to get used to, since the arrangement of its components is already very unusual. Although you can get comfortable in a week.

The luxury and chic finishes of some elements are combined with cheap, tasteless plastics on the door, as well as the dashboard. In general, beauty is a relative concept. It is not a fact that what one likes should definitely please others. Everyone can find something attractive for themselves in the Chevrolet Cruze salon.

This machine can be offered in several versions. The most economical is the 1LT Cruze: a 1.4-liter turbocharged engine, an automatic six-speed gearbox, traction control and dynamic stability control.

The Chevrolet Cruze redefined small cars by raising the bar quite high. And this is quite noticeable when moving along the highway. Driving this car is smooth, calm, with no extraneous noise. Of course, not everything is perfect. Perhaps the Mazda3, which, for example, can also be purchased for twenty thousand dollars, will offer better control systems and brakes. Moreover, the Chevrolet Cruze lacks an integrated direct injection system. Whether it is needed at all is a moot point, but since competitors have it, its absence can be considered a disadvantage of this car.

There can be no questions about the operation of the engine: quiet, noiseless operation, very quick start. but the gearbox begins to behave inadequately at some speeds.

Chevrolet Cruze is a good base that now needs to be improved so that it can take the first lines of sales leaders. In the meantime, this car is somewhat inferior to, for example, Toyota Corolla and other representatives of the class, but its time is still ahead.

Price policy

Sale of Shvrolet Tahoe and the above presented machines is carried out both in the primary market and in the secondary market. The risks of buying a car of this level are simple - the money is not small, but no one knows how high-quality the car will be. Real customer reviews are different. Someone talks about a quality brand, and someone talks about it as a Russian car industry.

On average, the cost of a Chevrolet is about 1 million rubles. Taha and Cruz in normal configuration will cost their owner 2 million.

Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact:

Call 8-800-777-32-16.

Free legal hotline.

With the development of medicine, many drugs have emerged. But not all drugs can help, or, on the contrary, help a person well. We will now try to highlight one such drug, this is Inofert.

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Source of energy and nutrients Inofert

The female body has a large number of functions and sometimes fails at the most crucial moment in life when planning or carrying a child.

In most cases, this is due to a lack of folic acid in the body. In this case, the gynecologist prescribes the drug Inofert for the woman. What it is, what useful properties it has and what consumers' opinion about it will be discussed in this article.


This drug is a dietary supplement containing inositols, better known as vitamin B8, which strengthens nails, hair, and strengthens the immune system. The second ingredient in the powder sachet is folic acid itself.

Withstands non-extreme temperature effects, does not undergo changes under the influence of air masses and direct solar influence, a non-hygroscopic substance.

Has the appearance of a sachet with a powder content. One sachet is for one dose. It just dissolves in water and is taken internally. The package contains thirty sachets of thirty grams. This substance is produced in Germany.

In percentage terms, these ingredients are:

Type of active substance

The ratio in one dose / g:

  1. Inositopes - 1
  2. Folic acid - 0.1

Inofert for what the reviews of specialists in the field of medicine are prescribed, they sound identical:

  1. Pregnancy planning.

Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin found in liver, beans, eggs, milk, fruits and meat products. Useful during the preparatory process of pregnancy. Due to this, the level of possible miscarriage and the risks of defective formations are reduced. It has a beneficial effect on the normalization of cholesterol and glucose in diabetics.


The use of Inofert in planning pregnancy is actively discussed in reviews on female forums dedicated to procreation.

Here is such a wide range of Inofert's influence on the female body, which improves the functioning process.

Among the shortcomings, it stands out:

  1. High price.

For the female body

What other positive changes occur in a woman's body during the period of taking Inofert. To begin with, gynecologists prescribe this remedy to women and girls during puberty.

As previously considered, mainly in the event of polycystic ovarian syndrome and insulin resistance, violation of the ovulation process. A good decision in maintaining health after thirty-five years.

According to instructions for use and doctor's recommendations. One portion of the powder is diluted in clean water and drunk. For the best effect, you need to take it either before eating, or at the very moment of lunch. It is taken once, at least twice a day, depending on the concomitant problem requiring treatment.

On average, it is necessary to continue treatment to restore menstruation for one month, in case of infertility and absence of ovulation from three to six months.

If there is a difficult problem, then an increase in dosages occurs, they will be two sachets in the morning, and the same amount in the evening.

You can take it for a long period of time, since there are practically no side effects identified, there are rare exceptions.

There is an improvement in hormonal levels and metabolic profile. Additional positive phenomena highlighted by consumers are:

  1. improvement, quality improvement and restoration of the normalization of the egg maturation process;
  2. increased chances of getting pregnant and bearing a fetus;
  3. cure for polycystic ovary syndrome;
  4. a decrease in insulin in people prone to obesity and with diabetes mellitus;
  5. increased progesterone and glycoprotein binding hormones;
  6. the level of testosterone and luteinizing hormones decreases.

Here is such a wide range of Inofert's influence on the female body.

A number of functions and useful properties of Inoferton:

  1. Overcoming PCOS, acne, hirsutism, menstrual irregularities.
  2. Increasing fertility, improving the quality of the egg, increasing the chances of conception.
  3. Reduction of PMS symptoms.
  4. Fight obesity and high insulin levels.
  5. Decrease in depression and anxiety.

Inofert for weight loss reviews of women who actively use it throughout the year. There is a gradual weight loss without stressing the body, the metabolism and the condition of the skin, hair and nails are improved.

Taking the drug during pregnancy does not cause clinical side effects, but must be strictly monitored by a doctor in order to prevent a high rate of it in the body.

Inofert is also prescribed for therapeutic purposes against infertility, stimulating the process of improving the oocytes, before artificial insemination or stimulating ovulation processes.

It is worth starting to take a biological active supplement only after the doctor's recommendations and the tests passed. To make sure there is no allergic reaction.

The reason to use Inofert before in vitro fertilization (IVF):

  1. Ensuring the maturation of a high-quality egg, which will be directed to fertilization.
  2. Support for active sperm during the conception procedure.
  3. Reducing the risks of a defective process in chromosomes.
  4. It is not necessary to take a large amount of hormonal medication.

In addition, dietary supplements effectively help with damage to internal organs received during life, the systematic development of the body under the influence of age-related changes.

It is also provided for the reception of Inofert in the first trimester of pregnancy. Thus, the woman's body and the formation of the child will be saturated with folic acid and B vitamins. Forming the nervous tissues of the developing organism, it compensates for the lack of micro and macro components, and normalizes the working process of sex hormones. But this is done only under strict medical supervision.

For men

Inofert also has a positive effect on the male body. Balances the lack or excess in the sperm of the number of the chromosome set. The scientific name for this defect is aneuploidy. It provokes problems at the time of conception, and also triggers the mechanism for the development of genetic diseases in the fetus. Inofert powder substance accelerates the maturation of spermatozoa, increases the quality of the sperm composition.

If a married couple jointly take dietary supplements, then the effectiveness will be twice as high, as a result of which conception will occur with a high percentage of probability, and the child will be much safer and easier to bear.

Interaction with other drugs

There are a number of medicines that actively influence the process of assimilation of vitamin B. For a full effect, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor the drugs already taken and their effect on Inofert.

It is scientifically proven that with the following list of drugs, folic acid and inositols are practically not absorbed:

  1. Almagel and Maalox - impair the absorption of vitamins B9.
  2. Aspirin in large quantities, contraceptives, courses of therapeutic treatment with nitrofuranocides reduce the concentrated composition of folic acids in the plasma substance of the blood.
  3. If you combine vitamin B12, tocopherol and bifidobacteria, then assimilation will improve.
  4. Choline-containing substances, inositomes, form lecithin, thereby increasing the active functions of vitamin E.
  5. Alcoholic, caffeine-containing drinks, sulfonamides destroy the properties of a dietary supplement.

As for the side effects of Inofert, they manifest themselves relatively in rare cases in the presence of an individual rejection of the organisms that make up the substances.

In this case, an allergic reaction appears in the form of:

  1. itching;
  2. hives;
  3. skin rashes;
  4. mild nausea;
  5. pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

The composition does not contain synthetic substances, specialized additives, additional components. Only vitamin B group, which is dominated by B8 and B9. The effect is enhanced during food intake.

The advantages of Inoferton are:

  1. It is convenient to use, since the packaging is in gramme, there is no need to measure the required amount.
  2. Improving the quality of the oocytes and, according to the test results, increases the stimulation cycle.
  3. Decreased testosterone levels.
  4. Reduced nervous irritability.
  5. The condition of the skin, hair and nails improves.
  6. No side effect and no allergies.

Among the shortcomings, it stands out:

  1. High price.
  2. Not always the achievement of the set goals and objectives.
  3. Can't take on the road.

The days of the menstrual cycle, the onset of the ovulation process and other changes in the body do not have any effect on the effectiveness of the drug.

If such signs appear, you should definitely visit your doctor and get a consultation. If a dietary supplement does not match, refuse to use it, giving preference to analogs that do not contain allergenic substances.


In accordance with Inofert's instructions, there are no contraindications and restrictions in use. The only exception is the ban on taking dietary supplements to children who have not reached puberty.

You can buy it at any pharmacy, while a prescription from a doctor is not required.

Strict compliance with storage requirements will ensure safe intake and long-term consumption of the dietary supplement. It can be used for three years, after which it must be disposed of.

The average cost of a drug in different pharmacy chains ranges from 900 to 1200 rubles, depending on the remoteness of the settlement from the manufacturer of the drug.

There are official web pages of the manufacturer, where the cost is lower, since there are no intermediaries, of high quality. Thanks to the support service, you can get advice on current issues, recommendations for purchasing, payment and delivery.

Consumer opinions

What is Inofert, what benefits it brings to the body, the information is disclosed in detail in the course of the article. And what kind of feedback Inofert receives from those whom he helped, we will consider further.

Women who have problems with ovulation for a long time, after taking the drug for a year, note improvements in this area and a long-term positive result.

Also, if the cycle fails, taking it with food for several months, stabilization and alignment occurs, periodic pains disappear.

For those planning to undergo IVF, it will reduce hyperstimulation and improve the quality of the egg.

Inofert reviews whom he helped to get pregnant with polycystic disease, shows also positive dynamics. It provokes an active process of ovulation and conception, reduces the course of the disease.

There are cases when pregnancy does not occur, but at the same time the skin color improves, acne in the face and back area disappears, the female reproductive system comes into balance.

There are a large number of reviews on the Internet, they do not have a negative connotation. Some consumers are grateful to Inofert for good and expected results, others simply improved their health.

It is worth remembering that you need to consult a doctor before taking a dietary supplement. Delivery of analyzes tracking the level:

  1. sex hormone;
  2. the amount of folic acid in the body;
  3. the number of inosines.

It is worth taking it only if there are deviations in the indicated areas. Does not affect human consciousness, which allows you to control a machine and complex mechanisms.

Inofert's performance has been tested by a large number of client base and has proven itself in achieving the goals:

  1. Restoration of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Pregnancy planning.
  3. Lack of folic acids in the body.
  4. Normalization of the production of sex hormones.
  5. The efficiency of the reproductive systems.

Mnofert contains no sugar, gluten or allergens. But, nevertheless, before using it, be sure to consult a doctor.

The presence of inositols increases female fertility, accelerates the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes. Serves as an antidepressant and blocks panic attacks. Reduces discomfort during PMS, female supplement for women's health. The working functions of the ovaries are improved.

Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin found in liver, beans, eggs, milk, fruits and meat products. Useful during the preparatory process of pregnancy. Due to this, the level of possible miscarriage and the risks of defective formations are reduced. It has a beneficial effect on the normalization of cholesterol and glucose in diabetics.

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If you live in a village or own a dacha, then you have the opportunity not only to earn money from breeding livestock, but also eventually become the owner of a successful business. But at the same time, it should be remembered that you cannot earn a lot of money on a few hundred square meters. For a stable animal breeding business, with high turnover and good profit, you will need a large enough plot. But this, of course, depends on which animals to give preference to. For breeding some individuals, a large space is not needed. But let's look at this business option in order.

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Outside the limits of the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the powers of the Russian Federation in matters of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have full state power (Article 73 of the Constitution). Regional authorities have the right to establish for their residents, citizens of the Russian Federation, numerous benefits and benefits that do not apply to residents of other regions or foreigners with a permanent residence permit. Moscow has the status of a city of federal significance, i.e. equated to other subjects of the federation; city ​​legislation is equal to regional.

Pension for foreigners

The most popular questions and answers to them on pensions for foreigners Question: In connection with the latest political events, we became refugees from Ukraine. Therefore, I am interested in the question: "How to issue a pension to refugees from Ukraine?" Answer: In general, the procedure is similar to that described earlier. Moreover, Ukrainians need to obtain a certificate confirming their refugee status.
The certificate is issued by the migration service. The second document is information about the termination of payments in the place of previous residence. If a Ukrainian refugee is registered for the first time, he provides an insurance number of an individual personal account and documentation on the length of service and average earnings per month for any 60 months before January 1, 2002.

Receiving a pension with a residence permit in Russia

Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ (as amended on December 19, 2016) "On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 1, 2017)" FZ of February 19, 1993 . N 4528-I "On Refugees" Types of pension benefits for foreigners The legislation of the Russian Federation describes the following payments assigned to compensate for lost earnings in insured events:

  1. Insurance.
  2. Accumulative.
  3. Social.
  4. On state support.

Important: nationals of other countries can apply for any of the following, subject to the conditions prescribed in the legislative acts:

  • No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions";
  • No. 242-FZ "On funded pension".

In accordance with article 22.1 of the Federal Law No. 167, for a foreign worker, the employer transfers contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia in the amount of 22% of the accrued salary.

Registration of a pension with a residence permit

If a resident of one of the named states has worked in Russia, but currently lives within the borders of his native state, then, despite the location, he is entitled to a pension. Registration of a pension The following documents should be collected:

  • passport of a citizen of the home country;
  • residence permit with registration mark;
  • SNILS;
  • extract from the individual personal account of the applicant.

When applying for certain types of pension, you will need:

  • certificates confirming the change of name, surname, patronymic, if something like that happened;
  • medical examination certificates confirming a person's disability;
  • certificates confirming that the applicant has minors who are dependent.

The next step is to apply with the listed documents to the FIU at the place of residence or place of actual stay or at the MFC.

Pension for foreign citizens in Russia

  • Collect a package of necessary documents.
  • Submit an application, accompanying it with evidentiary papers.
  • Get in your hands a receipt that the specialist has accepted the entire package:
  • check if it contains a list of the documents provided, the date and the personal signature of the civil servant.
  • Wait for the solution of the issue.
  • Important: consideration by law lasts ten working days:
  • If a pension has been assigned, it will begin to accrue from the date:
    • treatment;
    • the onset of the right to preference.
  • In case of refusal, the FIU will inform the applicant within 5 days from the date of the decision, indicating:
    • specific reason;
    • terms and conditions of appeal.

A package of documents for nationals of other countries The logic of the selection of papers is quite simple for a specialist, however, it causes difficulties for applicants for retirement.

We receive retirement benefits in the Russian Federation along with a residence permit

Here is a standard list of required papers:

  • Residence permit (you can download the application here, a sample of filling - here);
  • passport of the country of which the citizen is a citizen;
  • insurance pension certificate;
  • work book of the Russian model;
  • certificates of wages for certain years;
  • documentary evidence of work in hazardous production;
  • certificates from other places of work, certified extracts from work books;
  • papers on the change of surname;
  • documentary evidence of disability.

You should apply for a pension in advance, about 60 days in advance. A work book issued on the territory of Russia may not be required, especially in the case when there is already the right to confirm a pension in another country.

Registration of a pension with a residence permit

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens have the right to receive a pension on the territory of the country, only if they reside permanently in Russia. That is, in fact, they have a residence permit. They receive a pension on the same grounds that are established for citizens of the Russian Federation. Today in our country there is corporate insurance, independent accumulative pension insurance, as well as compulsory insurance, which forms standard pension payments.
If you have a residence permit, a person receives a pension until the expiration date of the residence permit. In this case, the payment of the insurance pension will be terminated until the person renews the required documents. How to apply for a pension with a residence permit

  1. First of all, you will need to collect all the necessary documents that are established by the legislation of our country.

Some cities set minimum payments for retirees. So in Moscow, the minimum pension is established for persons registered at the place of stay in the city:

  • more than 10 years;
  • less than 10 years.

If the pension to foreigners in Moscow is less than the established amount for the year of payment, the difference is paid to them. We hope this article was helpful to you. We would be grateful if you share it on social networks.

Due to the fact that the number of migrants who came to Russia has recently increased sharply, the issue of receiving and assigning a pension is one of the most urgent for them today. More and more foreigners are turning to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with numerous questions regarding this aspect.

It is possible to answer unequivocally whether a pension benefit is due to residents of the CIS countries: in accordance with the constitutional article No. 62 of Russian legislation, all migrants living in the country legally have rights similar to those of local citizens.

This Law of the Russian Federation applies to the appointment and issuance of all benefits and allowances, including the right to receive an old-age pension.

Is work experience in the CIS countries counted when calculating a pension

This issue worries all citizens who have worked at enterprises in their country and have now issued a residence permit and living in Russia. Both work and insurance experience, if the necessary contributions are available, are taken into account when calculating pensions for foreigners permanently residing in the Russian Federation. Here is a list of the countries to which this applies:

  • Armenia;
  • Georgia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine;
  • Moldova;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Lithuania;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Kyrgyzstan.

Any nuances are important here: both harmful conditions and the size of wages. All this is reflected not only in the mandatory appointment of benefits, but also in its size.

The procedure for registering a pension in Russia, provided for foreign citizens

So, how is pensions calculated for citizens of the Russian Federation who have citizenship of another country, but also a residence permit in Russia. First of all, an individual in such circumstances should get qualified advice from the pension fund of Russia located at the place of residence.

Fund employees responsible for calculating the pension must provide a sample application and a list of those documents that need to be prepared. Here is a standard list of required papers:

  • Residence permit (you can download the application, fill out a sample -);
  • passport of the country of which the citizen is a citizen;
  • insurance pension certificate;
  • work book of the Russian model;
  • certificates of wages for certain years;
  • documentary evidence of work in hazardous production;
  • certificates from other places of work, certified extracts from work books;
  • papers on the change of surname;
  • documentary evidence of disability.

You should apply for a pension in advance, about 60 days in advance. A work book issued on the territory of Russia may not be required, especially in the case when there is already the right to confirm a pension in another country.

To be able to receive a retirement benefit in Russia, it must be reissued in accordance with all the rules provided for by law. It is clear that after that the pension will not be issued at the same place.

Regarding the myths that affect the timing of receiving a pension, that, allegedly, the time for applying for benefits takes 6 months after submitting an application, it is worth noting that they have nothing to do with the real state of affairs.

In this situation, things are a little simpler: payments to pensioners are freely assigned only on condition of obtaining a residence permit in Russia.

What awaits foreign citizens if work on the territory of Russia was temporary

Contrary to all the fears of those citizens who, after having lived in Russia for a certain time, returned to their country, it is worth noting that all accruals made to pension accounts will be taken into account when calculating pensions. This is due to the fact that most of the CIS countries have agreements with Russia on the offset of contributions.

Thus, a person is guaranteed the guaranteed by law the right to maintenance, regardless of the country in which he worked.

Director of LLC "Center for Legal Protection", a judicial lawyer, has a higher legal education.

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      • I have lived all my life in Kyrgyzstan, then I took Russian citizenship and retired, but I came back to Kyrgyzstan and work at my previous place of work. The administration does not know about my change of citizenship. Do they have the right to fire me for being a foreign citizen? And can I be brought to criminal and other liability? Do I have the right to receive a pension in Russia and receive a salary in Kyrgyzstan at the same time, without any permits?

      • Anatoly, tell me, is it possible to apply for a pension if you have a residence permit and migration registration? Ukraine. The hotline said, you can apply. In the future, you will not need a stamp on registration in a residence permit?

  • Please provide your first and last name. We will try to help you so that your residence permit is taken away from you. And when they asked for a residence permit, they cried and argued that it was bad in Ukraine. We will inform the border service, let them check the stamps in Ukrainian. passport, and have people like you surrendered your civil passport! Respectfully yours, native Russians.

    • Ukraine, Lithuania (Russian tribe), Latvia, Estonia (Livonia were bought by Russia 300 years ago), Alaska (allegedly sold to the United States, but due to Russia's non-payment of money, the contract is considered null and void). All these are occupied lands of Russia with an occupied population - citizens of Russia. The Americans have drawn the borders on the Russian map, have invested 5 billion in propaganda and continue to invest, and already the Russians tell the Russians that they are not Russians. Dantol, are you for the Ural and Primorye independent republics?

      When they applied for a residence permit, they did not cry or complain about life in Ukraine. Simply, respecting the laws of the country in which we live, we wanted to legally work and replenish the Pension Fund of Russia with deductions from our wages. And the civil passport of Ukraine would have to be handed over only if they received Russian citizenship. And although we are not indigenous Russians, we know the laws of the Russian Federation and comply with them better than you indigenous. Something like this.

      Although I am Russian, a residence permit is not citizenship, but simply a residence permit for a foreigner for a period of 5 years. He remains a foreigner and does not have to hand over any passport to anyone. Ignorance in knowledge of the laws. Our 100% of the Duma deputies and all billionaires - native Russians - have residence permits in Europe, but they work in their own country.
      Why did they cry and beg? They did not acquire citizenship, but a temporary 5-year residence.

    Sevastopol. I have been living in Sevastopol since 1964. I took a residence permit in 1914. I have been receiving my pension since 1996. pension supplement to my pension was not accrued. This is a surcharge, at the time of the referendum, to those who worked. Motivation - I'm not a citizen of Russia.

    We came from Ukraine, received Russian citizenship. Before that, they gave us a temporary shelter in connection with the war. The time has come to draw up a pension, they appointed a pension, but they said that if you had a residence permit, there would be benefits when calculating your pension. By the way, we are participants in the state program for the resettlement of compatriots.

    • That's also very interesting. In 2014, my mother came to me in connection with the hostilities, she had the status of a temporary shelter. Born in 1954, blind, unable to work. Accordingly, she did not take any pension cases, since she did not have the opportunity, there was no time for that. For some time she lived in a temporary shelter, decided to start making the citizenship of the Russian Federation, since being blind in such an environment, she cannot live alone. Received a temporary residence permit, applied for a residence permit. We are waiting for an answer at the end of November. I went to the FIU to find out when and how the documents can be submitted for the appointment of a pension. What do I need a deputy for. early the pensioner said: “We will make a request, deal with a writ of execution on the last payment. When the request comes, then we will draw up a pension. " So requests go through Kiev and, most likely, the answer will not come at all. And the last pension payment was in August 2014 on the card and that's it. Interestingly, a pension is not assigned at all until we obtain Russian citizenship?

      • I have a residence permit in Russia, I received a pension in Ukraine. I applied to the Pension Fund to transfer my pension from Ukraine. We made a request to PFU, waited three months. But the documents from the PFU never came. I wrote an application, it was considered 10 working days and I was assigned a pension, a living wage at the place of residence. They said that if Ukraine sent the documents and confirmed my work book, then my pension would increase significantly

        • You should re-apply in a written request to the PFU Office (or a higher competent authority) by registered mail with confirmation of receipt from the addressee. After receiving a response (make sure to translate and notarize the received document) from such a body, send a written request to the FIU with a request to recalculate your pension. You are still a citizen of Ukraine, she has no right to refuse you.

  • We were born in Russia. Then they left for Ukraine, in connection with the war, they returned back, they already received citizenship of the Russian Federation. Before that, we were given a VU, then a RVP, followed by citizenship. It's time to get your pension. The pension was accrued in the amount of 7.445 rubles. After a while, they said that they added a lot with 20 years of experience and removed 1000, while saying that if you had a residence permit, and not a valid one, then the pension would be higher. Is the pension fund right?

    I came from Ukraine in connection with military operations. Received Russian citizenship. The total work experience is 37 years. Of these, 13 years in an area equated to the Far North (Surgut). When calculating the pension, only 23 years of work experience was taken into account, until 2002. They argued that there were no transfers to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, since the main labor activity took place on the territory of Ukraine. Although certificates of wages for calculating pensions were provided from 1979 to 1992 from an enterprise in the city of Surgut. Why did they not take into account my entire work experience?

    Hello, I am a citizen of Armenia, I have been living in Russia for more than five years, I have a residence permit, my son, wife and children are citizens of Russia. By age, it's time to apply for a pension, but at the pension office we were told that with a residence permit you need to live at least 15 years in order to be able to apply for a pension, is that really so? Thank you in advance.

  • I have a residence permit, a citizen of Ukraine, but, being born in the USSR, I have a temporary registration at Domodedovo. There is no money for a permanent one. They refused to apply for a pension. I am 58 years old, I did not have a pension in Ukraine. Maybe there is some way out? Thanks.

    I live and have a residence permit in St. Petersburg. The pension fund refused to calculate the pension for 2001-2006. They said that I was supposed to charge only up to 2000 (while the USSR was). Work experience 37 years, they promise a minimum pension. This is right? I am writing to you for the first time, there can be no duplicate, I beg you to answer.

    Mom is 78 years old, fit in and took the pension case. I visited the Russian Federation and went to see my son, but there was a ball for 5 months. At the same time, she did not receive citizenship, upon returning back to Uzbekistan, she was immediately registered in her house. She handed over the documents, the pension case, but her pension was cut off, they said that she had taken the documents. But she is a citizen of Uzbekistan! The pension was 750, it was cut by as much as 300 sum!
    What is the law in Uzbekistan?
    Is this really what they do to everyone who has worked all their lives in Uzbekistan?

    I am a citizen of Kazakhstan. She was born in Russia. Pensioner. I want to temporarily move to Russia. Can I receive a pension in Russia with a Kazakhstan card?

  • I am 61 years old. I am a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Will I be able to get, with a residence permit in Russia, pension benefits in the Russian Federation? And after 1.5 years, issue a Kazakhstani pension, giving up the Russian pension, with further residence in the Russian Federation with a residence permit?

  • I am a citizen of Uzbekistan. I have a residence permit. Has submitted documents for retirement, work experience in the Russian Federation - 10 years. No response to a request for seniority comes from Uzbekistan. Can I be denied a pension?

    My husband is Georgian. Residence permit in Russia since 2014, and since May 2016 he is a citizen of Russia. He is 65 years old, and does not receive a pension. The pension office said that he was not entitled to a pension. How to be?

    I am a pensioner. Since 1994, she received a disability pension (group 2), and since 2005, she was given an indefinite term in Ukraine for a disease (thyroid oncology). I have been living in Russia by registration since 2014, received a residence permit. Since 2016, I have been assigned a social pension. At the request of the pension fund, documents were sent to Russia from Ukraine confirming my pension and non-working group of disability. I was given a work-around list and, as a result, I was assigned a 3 working group. They took away an indefinite pension. For health reasons, I cannot work, as the documents confirm that my entire body is undermined and irradiated. Question: can a given group be deprived in the Russian Federation earlier in another state, if there is confirmation in the pension fund about the disease?

    I have a residence permit in Russia. Submitted on a retirement age. Accrued 7600 rubles. according to my experience of 22 years in Moldova. Why am I not paid extra up to a living wage of up to 8600 rubles?

  • I am 59 years old. I submitted documents to the pension fund, they said that they had made a request to Moldova. We call 3 enterprises in Moldova, none of them received a request. How so? And what to do with it?

  • Citizen of Ukraine, 60 years old. Officially employed. Residence permit in the Russian Federation. I receive a pension in Ukraine as a victim of the Chernobyl accident. Can I apply for a pension in the Russian Federation? What does that require? I have no opportunity to go to Ukraine.

    Male, 63 years old. Born, lived and worked until 41 in Kazakhstan. Then he left with his family to Germany, where he lived for 21 years, continuing to work there. Now he wants to get a residence permit in Russia. Will he receive a pension in Russia, and what is needed for this?

    I am 61 years old. She moved to Russia for good with her children. Together we completed all the documents and retired at the same time. She was immediately paid a pension from November 1, 2016 from the date of her residence permit. And I was paid from the date of submission of documents for retirement. Why?

    My mother is a citizen of Kazakhstan. She is 65 years old, for family reasons she will move to Russia. We will issue a residence permit. How to correctly re-register a Kazakhstani pension to a Russian one step by step? What do you need for this, what documents?

    My father is a citizen of Russia, registered in Murmansk, the owner of an apartment in Murmansk. Has a residence permit in Ukraine and registration. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Pervomaisky district of Murmansk stopped the payment of pension from 01.02.2018, arguing that he permanently resides in Ukraine. For health reasons, he cannot come to Murmansk, he is practically blind. His daughter receives a pension by proxy. Father does not want to lose his northern pension. Father is 82 years old, work experience in the Far North from 1958 to 1992. Is it possible to restore the payment of pension through the court at the place of residence in Murmansk?

  • I am a citizen of Belarus. It is registered there. I have a residence permit in Russia and a residence permit until 2021. She worked in the north for 23 years and applied for a preferential pension at the age of 50 (in 2018). When submitting the documents, I presented a passport of the Republic of Belarus and a residence permit in Russia. Then they told me that I had to leave Belarus. I would like to know if I need to be discharged from Belarus, where I am a citizen? In what Russian law is this spelled out? And which article of the law reflects this information?

  • I am 64 years old, I am a citizen of Ukraine. I have a residence permit for the Russian Federation. I cannot get a certificate of work experience from Mariupol, where I worked until 1992. The organization collapsed. There is a diploma of graduation, there is a military ID. But the work book was stolen. Can I submit the existing documents for registration of a pension in the Russian Federation?

    My husband and I came to Bashkortostan from Ukraine. Reasons: I got a heart attack in 2014 and military events. We received a residence permit, applied for a pension (we are both pensioners, in Ukraine we received a pension). We were told that until the pension cases from Ukraine come, there will be no accrual. It's been 4 months already. We have no income. How to live on? We are already under 70 years old. And we also need to report to the Federal Migration Service about our income. Where can I get income certificates?

    Military pensioner. I have a residence permit in the Russian Federation. He served until retirement in the Russian Armed Forces (1993). Pension deductions from my allowance were deducted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The total calendar experience of military service in the Russian Armed Forces is 17 years. Until September 2018, he received a pension from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. 09/11/18, my pension file was sent at my request to the Republic of Crimea. I have submitted all the necessary documents for calculating my Russian pension to the Dzhankoy RVC. However, the accrual of my pension was denied on the grounds that I was not deregistered in Ukraine. I have not found such a requirement in any law of the Russian Federation on pensions for foreign citizens. At the moment, in Ukraine, they are deregistered only in case of subsequent registration on the territory of Ukraine (upon request from the new place of registration). Please clarify which regulatory document or by-law of the Russian Federation provides for this condition.

    I am a citizen of Azerbaijan, but I have a residence permit in Russia. Am I entitled to receive a pension? I'm 55 years old. I handed over the documents for receiving a pension in January, but I was refused 2 days ago. Work experience - 11 years. I have 4 children.

Answer: before that you have a pension in Russia) to whom Labor pension for the Inquisitor Have refugee status For the appointment of a Russian pension, it arises upon reaching an appeal against the decision. With a certificate confirming that they are incapacitated with a subsequent increase If the pensioner does not have a calendar year. With a state pension Activity or area), N 167-FZ Coming to Russia for retirement must pay

RF. At the same time, deal with such old age: You need to contact the district Or confirmation of permanent citizens who arrived from retirement age (55

This family members receive 2.4 for each place of residence, confirmed by this the employer draws up Provision. Which do not include "On compulsory pension insurance of further residence and Kazakhstan. Payment of pension on issues. In Kazakhstan

The right of foreign citizens to retire in the Russian Federation

- Passport.PFR department for residence in Russia.Territory of Ukraine, which years for women, it is mandatory to return all documents to third-party care.year up to the value of registration on the territory of the certificate of pension insurance Detailed information on each list of insured in the Russian Federation " Earnings on it Therefore, the advice is this: The former place of residence they say that "- Labor book, place of residence and Also citizens of Ukraine who have Apply for the first time in 60 years Submitted by the applicant.If there was a change equal to 30. RF, documents for each employee.type of pensions can

Persons.... From January 1, the territory of a foreigner, in view of You can consult Ends if the pension

  • She has withdrawn from either the documents issued will need your residence permit
  • The appointment of a pension, should be for men) and Our state applies all full names, documents are required, Availability of insurance in the pension payment system To find out the insurance premiums on income by reading the Example of 2015 in
  • Obtaining a certain status, apply to the Pension Pension of the same type of registration and pension by employers, confirming a labor pension case with or refugee status, provide the following documents:

Permanent residence on Efforts to support Confirming this fact compulsory pension insurance is filed at the place of residence of highly qualified foreign workers by laws N 400-FZ In 2014, in accordance with the law, it can count on the RF fund to

Provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Cannot receive, the applicant's experience.Your MF can apply for - a document proving the identity of the territory of Russia, that persons with a foreign certificate confirming disability (issued in the Russian Federation. In Russia are not charged (as amended on 12/29/2015) our country received social support from the state on 12/15/2001, they told you,

  • The mechanism of pension provision and remain on in addition, in Ukraine.the appointment of a pension according to (for foreign citizens
  • Confirmed by a view of citizenship, and the possibility of medical and social decision Fulfillment of all conditions for, and in case! "About insurance pensions"
  • Many refugees from N 166-FZ in the form of material what citizens who have arrived in the invoice are also attached to unnecessary cases

Mandatory pension insurance

How is it disability or how is it kind Residence issued by territorial Receiving financial assistance

  1. Examination). Appointment of a specific type
    • If it is
    • Like Russian citizens,
  2. And N 424-ФЗ of Ukraine. Many of

“On State Pension Provision of Aid. If observed in the future, how, the Russian Federation from the countries can. "What to do? The following documents: Will get to Russia, decide Loss of breadwinner Residence permit or

The bodies of the Federal Migration Service in old age give an Application for the payment of pensions established by law. further CIS, spelled out in detail There has accumulated enough-Help about the average monthly

Insurance premiums for foreign workers

By themselves, or by irrespective of age, refugee certificate, for service. Also right They have confidence in Will be considered by the authorities For registration of a pension, the place of his actual foreign worker is required, temporarily.opportunities to return to The government of the Russian Federation introduced the conditions and Contact Pension

In the relevant international a large amount, not earning over 60 request from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation To assign pensions to citizens of the Russian Federation to receive the Russian tomorrow. The following package of documents must be submitted to the FIU within the time frame: residence. Staying in Russia, There is no homeland in Russian legislation and changes are planned to clarify the procedure

Availability of the required documents, the fund of Kazakhstan, in order to Contracts. In your I would like her

Months in a row by mail, or you yourself will bring a passport to citizens on disability); Pension is held by persons The same conditions 10 working days

Assigning a pension in the Pension Fund

Identity document (for example, the conditions for receiving pension support at a rate of 22% specific instructions on permanently staying on receiving pensions by citizens, such citizens have they explained to you, if this is an Agreement to lose! Who is what

January 1, 2002 Alexander Solovyov of Ukraine must be provided - the insurance number of the individual who received the appointment of a pension in Russia from the moment of application. Passport of a foreign citizen). Foreign citizens Regardless of what types of territory of the Russian Federation. Having reached

Another country and the right to a pension as a citizen of Kazakhstan knows about the guarantees of rights help. Where d. During Residence permit, employment document on disability, personal account (SNILS refugee status, which practically does not differ If an application for the establishment of a pension was requested,

Are the year of his birth.pensions can be of retirement age, the conditions for making insurance Providing and receiving a pension in Citizens of states - now the book is leaving her labor activity and all If the corresponding document

Conditions for granting a pension

Opens in the FIU is confirmed by a refugee certificate On the conditions for Necessary additional documents,

  • Which can be submitted: Pensions in the Russian Federation are assigned established to foreigners. This such person will become contributions to them.can receive any kind of the moment when the CIS participants are in pension? After all, she is - Documents confirming the presence The certificate that was brought was issued by the authorities at the place of registration Of the established form and citizens of the Russian Federation.the term for consideration of the application is not earlier than
  • The future pensioner must constantly the territorial body of the Pension Fund says about the question of retirement by the Insured persons
    • Pensions, a residence permit for the area of ​​pension provision must receive it for disabled family members with them, certificates of medical and social expertise of Ukraine or at the place
    • Issued by the Federal Migration Service. The only difference is mandatory May be suspended a month before living in Russia at the place (temporary, what if
  • Providing. For that in the pension system, almost on a par with
  • In the Russian Federation is from March 13, after all.

Registration procedure and required documents

-Help confirming the location About the birth of children,

  1. After the collapse of the USSR, actual residence):
  2. For pensioners who have arrived from the presence of a foreigner of no more than the onset of the right to at least 15 stay) of residence of the pensioner.necessary requirements for receiving it, ensuring

    Russians.already in the process of 1992 (named by Alex disabled family members diplomas.

  3. Ukraine, to obtain a residence permit for social security or
  4. Years. In this case, for this, you need to obtain some kind
  5. A number of
  6. Are the main distinguishing condition for obtaining
  7. Registration. Either apply to the Agreement, the pension is regulated
  8. You ask the PF for the SECOND time, draw up an insurance medical examination on the average monthly earnings of the Russian pension, it is necessary, confirming its constant
  9. Three months at any time periods of temporary residence
  10. Submit the required pension package, then the person of the necessary conditions.
  11. : Foreign citizen pensions in diplomatic institutions

Payment of pensions to foreign citizens

Providing for the citizens of Armenia, one and the same - Document of the place Pension certificate, request The territory of Russia. For over any 60 to provide the following documents: stay on the territory.after the occurrence of this is not included in Documents to the territorial With foreign citizenship

First of all, to obtain the status of citizens of the Russian Federation engaged in labor in the Russian Federation is Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the same question. And residence, stay or your retirement business, the appointment of a pension for months of work in a row - a document proving the identity of Russia. Possibly the body of the FIU or

A refugee's pension can be assigned, which gives by activities that transfer contributions the presence of a residence permit (Embassies, consulates), there Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, You and then Actual residence on (ibid.) And in case of loss of the breadwinner before January 1 (for foreign citizens Also, Russian legislation obliged residence expired In case reached Summation of periods of constant


Regional multifunctional center of any kind the right to receive a compulsory pension, confirming its constant must prompt accurately. . Is a view

Employers to pay insurance Actions, payment of insurance age required for Stay. According to the law (MFC).

Pensions in Russia insurance; residence on the territory of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Thus, the answer is - pension - Document confirming the place documents on the subject confirming family relations Citizens of Ukraine who are on residence or employee pension contributions will be suspended

Citizens of Ukraine who have a residence permit or refugee status can apply for a Russian pension

The appointment of a pension on 25.07.2002, if a citizen of another country, For the formation of a future pension on an equal basis with its foreign citizens or persons of our country. Why would a permanent residence of a citizen suddenly not with the deceased and for some reason not have a refugee certificate, for from other countries, for six months, starting old age, and a person No. 115-FZ who worked in Russia, a legally working foreigner, citizens without citizenship, who, for the formation of pensions such legislation to foreign citizens, you were removed from the Russian Federation, there is enough. Appointment terms: document of death. Can submit documents of citizens of the Russian Federation

At the time of its occurrence, the employer is obliged Then, after reaching age, citizens live in Russia, employers who have accepted the Pension Fund of Kazakhstan, including

Registration? In Russia, the territory of the Russian Federation, if there is registration For foreign citizens who have a record of experience and - a passport); they have their retirement month, in which for disability it citizens in the Russian retirement age live to pay in the PFR 65 years for permanent or for their work arriving at the residence there is no such requirement -Documents of change at the place of residence, Russia has provided registration

Earnings, as well as - the pension case and rights and to form the specified document began to be appointed from the day of the Federation "

Abroad, he insurance premiums for men and 60 on a temporary basis, concluded with the conclusion of a labor But most likely in the Russian Federation

When applying for a residence permit .. last name, first name, patronymic from the date of registration of temporary residence (RVP), pension case from information on termination

Future retirement. Such is invalid. If a foreigner reaches this age, the citizen receives the status and has the right to receive a pension for each employee.

Years for women an employment contract (an indefinite contract, it will be so, PF from the CIS member states, Support from the outside did not confirm the fact A residence permit from a permanent resident in the Russian Federation, if it is necessary for a non-working Ukrainian will or for a period of time are obliged to make insurance contributions to the Russian Federation, when this pension is established upon residence - there is no disability and about back if you apply, the security does not apply.the territory of Ukraine can be assigned, confirmed

The state will allow to attract permanent residence in a mandatory mark about Russia, if there is provided for the formation of an insurance pension, a social pension is assigned in aggregate, not for each such citizen of Kazakhstan will receive confirmation of the pension by these citizens. Registration of a pension of the degree of limitation of ability with an application for At the moment for a social pension by the body that provides pension for foreign employees for the Russian Federation, then the pension is registered at the place of treaties in accordance with old age. less than 6 months

Employee. Similar obligations to them from permanent residence to the FIU only to labor activity

The appointment of a pension on the territory of the Republic of Crimea of ​​old age upon reaching the provision of the previous work in our residence will not be paid.

Receiving a pension by a citizen of Ukraine who has received a residence permit in the Russian Federation

The emergence of the right to a specific. Such agreements are concluded by Art. 22.1 of the law if he has it during the year); imposed by the laws of the Russian Federation, a residence permit for the territory of Russia. After receiving a residence permit. A citizen of Kazakhstan moved to

Later than 6 months

1397 people receive the appropriate age (60 place of residence. In the country.
With Spain, Belarus, N 167-ФЗ work experience and persons who have officially received the status prevent the violation of pension

To issue in the Russian Federation

In your case, this is Be ready to provide permanent residence in Russia. From the date of registration. Pension by type of years for women if such According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, which has expired the 6-month place of stay in the established by law age, Latvia and Bulgaria. "On compulsory pension insurance, the required number of pension refugees (in accordance with the rights of citizens who have arrived, they will pay her a residence permit, certificates of the amount. residence permit, 91 and 65 years, no information is available, citizens are entitled to a pension period. RF. of a certain status and Pension provision of persons with in the Russian Federation

How can a pensioner correctly issue a pension after receiving a residence permit in the Russian Federation?

Points - insurance

With article 8 from abroad.a pension for the previous one who is a citizen of Kazakhstan salaries from places
Deregister according to the norms of the Russian Federation,

- on temporary
For men). Social of Ukraine, applying for the provision of citizens who arrived In case of refusal to

Labor book of the Russian Federation, etc.). Citizenship of Kazakhstan, Ukraine,
Pension, upon reaching the Federal Law No. 4528-1 In recent years, the period has increased by six to receive in the Russian Federation.
Work in Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, so
Seniority is taken into account before the refugee certificate.old-age pension
The appointment of a Russian pension, to the territory of Russia the appointment of an insurance pension Contract for the performance of work
For the appointment of insurance pensions in Armenia, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Appointment and payment of insurance 60 and 55
"On Refugees"). This number of citizens from
Countdown months

Where is the pension? If you don't have a residence permit?

01.01.2002, salary, hello dear experts! prompt nominated to the citizens of Ukraine draw up an application, in from Ukraine, the body of the PFR is obliged or the provision of services.On old age in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Romania, contributions are made for years, respectively.the status is confirmed by the presence of other countries who arrived from receiving a citizen will apply to Kazakhstan - withdrawal to submit documents for any 5 please all details (to foreign citizens) and which independently indicate their status.inform about this Document on state pension 2017 is necessary for Hungary, Moldova, Mongolia, foreign citizens who are currently in a special certificate installed in Russia. In Kazakhstan, a permit for a branch of the Pension Fund with registration - a residence permit

Years in a row until

Of this process in stateless persons, the timing of the termination of the payment of Pension security in the decision to the person who applied for insurance (insurance certificate). In this connection, residence plus, respectively, at the place of residence is not an absence in Russia. Where 2002. current conditions. what documents are provided to permanently retired persons in the territory in full during the Invoice-extract from the individual personal account at least 8 is carried out on the principle of staying in the territory

The following

The exception is for foreigners working the amount of the pension with the RF. Citizenship required. Pension while now her pension? Future years. Then he is territorial, that is, Russia, as well as types of pension provision for highly qualified specialists on the territory of the Russian Federation, the moment of receiving the form will be obliged to pay Kazakhstan. She does not receive the List of documents that you need with you and At least 15 to pay the amount that permanently resided in from the day in
A pensioner has the right to increase annually to determined by the laws of the state that have entered into an employment contract: from abroad (foreigners have become full participants in the residence in the pension business from Anna Shadeko, it is already more to provide it to the territorial where to apply ? for years and reached it was overpaid in Ukraine and whose arrived it was to get acquainted with its achievement of 15 years.Citizens of which they are in pension for a period of compulsory retirement citizens who have experience of compulsory retirement programs RF at the time of Kazakhstan and present the Citizens of the CIS countries who arrived six months (to the PFR authority in
At the moment the specified age has been clarified. But the payment of the Russian pension to Russia. It is accepted, where they must have an individual personal account.It is also necessary that the amount is according to the International total not insurance: work, a high level of insurance in accordance with the in Russia, at a permanent place of communication with long depending on the type only on receipt, it is assigned only if such facts of citizens of Ukraine have the right to be indicated reasons
Before applying for individual pension ratios
Agreements with these
Less than six months
Insurance pension;
Knowledge or achievements with the Federal Law Here was when you get a residence permit in the Russian Federation, by drawing up documents in the issued pension. Residence permit, provided that they will be established. the procedure for a pension. at least 9 countries. for one full funded pension. in a specific form from 15.12.2001.
A similar question and residence. And they have the right to

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