How to make original jewelry with your own hands. What decorations can be made for the New Year: ideas and master classes (73 photos)



Almost every girl can boast of extensive "bins" with well sooo necessary things - scattered earrings, pretty beads, bright buttons, ribbons, laces, pieces of lace and unusual fabric. It is a pity to throw away such "wealth", but it is not clear where to use them. But you should not despair, because it is easy to make unusual, and most importantly, exclusive jewelry out of these little things.

Surely many have heard about hand-made, but did not dare to do it because of the fear that the plan would not be crowned with success. But creating original jewelry with your own hands is not as difficult and long as it might seem at first glance. Materials and basic handicraft tools can be found in sewing shops and supermarkets, or ordered online. And then the endless flight of imagination is connected and fascinating creativity begins.

Stylish handmade jewelry always attracts genuine interest and attention to its owner. And such a gift to relatives and friends will become doubly pleasant, since they created it with certain emotions.

This publication contains several step-by-step master classes on how to transform unclaimed items and simple accessories into a non-trivial and spectacular neck accessory.

Asymmetric necklace

To make an asymmetric necklace, inspired by the Diorganic Leafy Waterfalls necklace from the spring-summer 2014 collection of the Dior brand, you need very little - strung on a string of plastic beads resembling pearls, a bezel covered with fabric to match the beads, a thread with a needle, scissors, thick fabric and glue matching the color.

Making a necklace does not require a lot of effort, but it will take a little time - since you need to carefully sew each separate segment of the beads.

First of all, you need to measure and cut off fragments of different lengths from the main thread. Then each of them must be folded so that one edge is shorter than the other and you can begin to attach them to the base.

First, long sections are sewn on to the edge of the rim and gradually you need to move in the middle, the length of the bead threads decreases.

Long pieces are also swept from the opposite end of the rim, creating a beautiful asymmetrical line - long in the front and short in the back.

When the main work is finished and all the threads are attached, you need to do the final touch - sheathe the rim from the inside with a dense fabric to close all errors and uneven seams.

Stylish bean necklace

To make a lasting impression with your appearance, you do not have to dress in designer outfits, you can just complete your look with an original necklace. And what could be more original than a bean decoration?

In order to make such a non-standard creation with your own hands, you should stock up on the following components:

  • printed necklace template,
  • beans,
  • beads of a golden hue,
  • a sheet of thin plastic with a thickness of 2-3 mm,
  • neon nail polish,
  • chain with attachment,
  • stationery knife,
  • Super glue,
  • tweezers,
  • hole punch for eyelets.

Before starting work, you should paint the beans with varnish and wait until they dry.

Then you need to print the necklace template and attach a sheet of plastic to it.

On a transparent surface, you must carefully glue the beans after the beans, having previously greased them with glue.

After that, fill in the remaining places with beads. You need to form the necklace in parts - first collect the circles, and then fill in the small details.

Let the filled workpiece dry for a couple of hours. When the semi-finished product is completely dry, it must be placed on a cutting board and carefully cut along the contour of the glued components. At the end, you need to drill holes along the edges of the necklace and insert a chain fastener into them.

Cord necklace

A necklace made of a cord seems so commonplace and familiar that you just don't want to buy another one for your collection. But even such a worn-out model can be diversified by decorating the rope with sequins and beads to match.

For alteration, you will need two types of twisted black laces, one of them with gold thread, large sequins in the same palette, a thread with a matching needle, suitable beads, scissors, pliers, glue and necklace clasps.

First you need to measure the length of the ropes to your size, while pure black should be longer than the other. Then on the longer cord you need to glue the tips for the fastener.

Black sequins should be sewn to the plait interspersed with gold thread, stepping back a few centimeters from the edge.

On top of the sewn sequins, a few more sequins are attached, only in gold color, and the beads in store.

And the final touch - a lace with sequins and beads is neatly sewn to the main plait with fasteners.

Macrame necklace

The necklace made using the macrame technique looks interesting on the neck.

To make such a decoration, 5 types of harnesses of different textures and colors, a chain, scissors, pliers, a tailor's tape, tape and necklace clasps are useful.

First you need to measure and cut off the desired length of the chain for yourself.

Fold the chain in half, and put all the laces perpendicularly in a row on it.

Then make a slush and fix the chain to the surface with tape and you can start weaving, as in the pictures below.

When all the laces are twisted, you should correct the length by cutting off the excess.

Then attach the clasps to the chain.

Sequin necklace

A necklace with sequins will create a festive mood and perfectly complement any look.

As materials, you will need glitter, matte decoupage glue, a brush, a base for a necklace, pliers, clasps and a chain. Apply a drop of glue to the metal base, fill the entire surface with it and sprinkle with glitter. When the first layer dries, you need to shake off the remnants of the glitter from the workpiece and repeat the procedure again with glue and so on until the sparkles fill the entire space in the base.

Attach a chain and fasteners to an already dried semi-finished product.

Alternatively, crushed glass can be used instead of glitter.

To create such a necklace, pieces of a stack, a hammer, a pendant for the necklace, matte glue, nail polish, nail polish remover, cotton swabs or a disc will come to the rescue. Grind the glass with a hammer and repeat the same as with glitter.

After the structure has dried, you can paint the glass in the color of interest, and carefully remove the remaining varnish with liquid.

To look exclusive and stylish is one of the most important desires of any woman, especially if she is fond of art or just loves beautiful things. Although most modern jewelry and costume jewelry stores offer a huge selection of various earrings, bracelets, and rings, it is not always possible to choose something to your liking.

That is why the question of how to make jewelry with your own hands has become so urgent lately. And this is natural, because not only work is invested in jewelry made with oneself, but also a piece of the author's soul. It is not difficult to master the hand-made technique, you just need to have perseverance and a desire to create.

In order to start creating new and interesting things, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and raw materials. With the latter, it's easier, for sure you have old beads lying around at home, or maybe a couple of bags of beads, rope, fishing line and even old T-shirts.

Yes, do not be surprised, the most unexpected things can go to the expense. Of course, if you are determined to create a particular piece of jewelry, then you can visit specialized stores where you can purchase everything you need, since now this is not a problem.

Handicraft is not only an interesting hobby that you do alone, you can also attract your family members, children and friends to it, which allows you to spend your time interesting and usefully.

We take out the dial from the watch, removing the strap from one side and the other. Insert the strap fasteners back into the dial. In the resulting holes we pass a scarf on one side and the other, tie it on the arm - we get a very original bracelet watch.

In the same way, you can come up with a suede or leather lace, weave a pigtail, thread a watch. You can add some beads or other decorative elements to the bracelet.

Sometimes it's a little harder

But in order to get completely original jewelry, to add more variety and meaning to them, you still have to master some techniques. To begin with, you will need to decide what you would like to learn and what you need for this.

Maybe you will like the technique of working with beads? On various thematic forums and sites, there are many weaving patterns - from simple and complex bracelets to various necklaces and hiratniks. You will need to purchase a couple of skeins of fishing line and a variety of bags of beads.

Maybe you will like it? The technique is similar to weaving from beads, but the starting material is any threads and ropes: silk, synthetic, linen, flat braid, etc. In macrame, the main thing is that the knots are correctly selected, because all the technique is based on them.

There is a very interesting polymer clay modeling technique. This whole industry is in home handicrafts. Almost anything can be made from such a wonderful material - earrings, pendants, necklaces, figurines and many other beautiful jewelry.

In order to get down to work, you need to carefully study everything that you need when working with polymer clay, and this is a lot - the colors of the clay that are combined with each other, a sharp stationery knife, since you cannot use a kitchen knife - this is unhealthy, a special rolling pin.

All this is just a minimal set of tools for working with the clay itself, and if you want to make earrings or beads, you will need special accessories for them. So learn, read and create unique jewelry!

Gone are the days when DIY jewelry was considered bad taste and lack of money. Many designers develop jewelry collections that are much more expensive than gold and diamond jewelry.

So what is costume jewelry?

By definition, costume jewelry (from French bijouterie)- jewelry made from inexpensive materials. Various metals and alloys, transparent and colored glass, plastic, ceramics, wood and leather can be used for production. But high quality jewelry can consist of expensive crystals, gilding or silver plating. In appearance, such jewelry may be indistinguishable from real jewelry, and the cost is much more expensive.

In more sophisticated leather jewelry, real patterns are created or figures are carved.

Natural materials (wood, stones, shells)

Wonderful summer decorations can be made from varnished and threaded shells.

Ordinary stones can also be used to create jewelry. Most often, a stone of an interesting shape is braided with wire to create a pendant:

And wooden jewelry has long become classics:


Felt is an excellent material for making jewelry. Decorations turn out to be very bright and really sunny.

In the new review, 12 stylish jewelry is immediately brought to the attention of readers, each of which can be made with your own hands with due diligence and attention to the issue. Definitely, any of these crafts will help to make a positive impression on others, so watch and remember.

1. Earrings made of threads

Original long earrings that will be a great addition for both everyday and evening looks, and the process of their creation will take no more than half an hour. To create such earrings, you need a skein of floss of your favorite color, which you need to carefully cut, form two tassels, attach loops to them, fasten with a thread of a contrasting color and put on hooks, bought in a specialized store.

2. Necklace of pins

From safety pins of the same color and size, beads, two strong cords, you can create an unusual and very effective necklace that will become an exquisite addition to any look.

3. Resin pendants

You can create pendants of incredible beauty from epoxy resin without much skill and effort. To do this, you need to put dried flowers, shells, beads or sparkles in special silicone molds, fill them with epoxy resin, previously mixed with a hardener, and wait for it to harden.

4. Pendant with sequins

A simple and at the same time very attractive shimmering pendant that you can make yourself from a metal base, decoupage glue and sequins. Spangles should be carefully laid out in layers on a base greased with glue. Each new layer must be greased with glue and filled with glitters until they fill the entire pendant.

5. Bright necklace

A stunning large dyed bean necklace will be a wonderful addition to your spring and summer look. Painted beans together with fittings must be glued onto thin plastic according to a specially prepared template. When the layout is finished and the glue is dry, the necklace must be carefully cut out, holes made on the sides and fastened to the chains.

6. Asymmetric necklace

An original asymmetrical necklace in the Christian Dior style, which can be made from a hoop by sewing beads of different lengths to it.

7. Choker

A trendy choker with a ring in the middle, which is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. To do this, using glue and a small ring, you need to fasten two identical pieces of a thin velvet ribbon and equip the product with a fastener or ties.

8. Massive necklace

An original massive necklace made of rope and knots, which, despite the simplicity of its creation, will become a universal adornment and addition to any outfit.

9. Necklace-harness

An ordinary clothesline can be braided with beads to create a unique and very beautiful neck decoration that will undoubtedly draw attention to its owner.

10. Wooden earrings

From small wooden blocks, special accessories, glue and varnish, you can make unique long earrings, which, for sure, will appeal to all lovers of natural materials and connoisseurs of creative things.

11. Dream catchers

Simple in execution, but at the same time beautiful and airy earrings-talismans, which you can make yourself from special accessories, small rings, wire, threads and feathers.

12. Bulky necklace

Leather accessories always look expensive and elegant, and if a product is also made with your own hands, it automatically becomes exclusive. Getting a unique necklace is not difficult at all. You just need to cut out several identical petals from the skin, give them the desired shape, fasten them together with glue and connect them with a chain.

Recently, handmade Christmas decorations for the home have become very popular. There are several reasons for this: home-made products are of much better quality than purchased ones and look beautiful, ideas are unique, making crafts captivates children.

The product can be made from any available material. On the Internet, there is a step-by-step production of almost any New Year's toy. You can develop a design yourself, using a variety of materials.

Home Decorations (MK)

Having decided to make holiday compositions on your own, a natural question arises: what kind of New Year's decorations can you make with your own hands? It is clear that it is impossible to make glass crafts at home. It is worth starting by identifying the materials that are at home and are easy to process. After that we draw sketches, choose colors for further decoration.

Thanks to crafts, the holiday will seem more homely and exciting, and the home will shine with new colors. We offer several simple master classes on making decor for the New Year.


The easiest option would be to make jewelry and crafts from cones. Lush, beautiful products are obtained from fir cones. Individual elements and single decorative ornaments are made from pine.

An original solution will be a nest of cones of different species of spruce trees with elements of branches:

1. First, the buds are thoroughly washed and dried.

2. The bottom and sides are formed, the cones are fastened together with glue, using threads and twigs.

3. Beads, sparkles and other decor will help to decorate the composition. The finished decoration can be used as a candle holder.

In this likeness, they make vases for tangerines, fruits, sweets. It is easy to decorate any festive table with such original dishes.

From felt

Recently, felt toys in the New Year's style have become very popular. Figurines made of felt serve as the main decoration for the Christmas tree and at home, because they are safe, non-shattering, eco-friendly and bright.

How to make a toy like this:

1. Cut a shape out of paper.

2. Place the template on the felt and prepare the patterns.

3. Cut out blanks and make basting.

4. Sew the details of the cut out figure by hand or on a sewing machine.

5. To add volume, you can put cotton wool inside. The felt figurine is ready.

From beads

It takes a long time to make New Year's interior elements and bead drawings. This option is suitable for those who love hard work and have a lot of free time. But such products look decent. Desktop mini-trees are often found, as well as toy keychains. Consider the manufacturing process of the first option.

For the frame of the future Christmas tree, you will need a large bead, for example, amber, 2 cm in diameter. Insert a small stick into its hole. To make the frame more stable, glue it to a large coin or flat button. Then we work according to the scheme.

The photo below shows a step-by-step master class.

From foamiran

Foamiran can be used to make festive fridge magnets with New Year's themes, a Christmas tree toy, figurines for garlands and much more.

Let's look at the process of making a Christmas tree from this material:

1. First, a pattern is prepared, according to which the toy will be formed. To do this, draw templates on a sheet of paper and cut them out.

2. We apply the patterns on the foamiran, outline them with a pencil. As a result, you should get three elements with different cuts.

3. Cut the blanks with scissors clearly along the line. Do this as carefully as possible to keep the edges straight.

4. The further principle is to connect the parts. You can cover the finished craft with sequins, decorate with gouache or sprinkle with sparkles - at your discretion.

Corrugated paper

Large-scale decorations for New Year's holidays are made of corrugated paper. Stylish wall decor elements are obtained from this material. Some craftsmen make up whole pictures with a plot. But we will consider the step-by-step making of a Christmas tree, see the photo below.

Polymer clay

The products closest to factory toys are formed from polymer clay. The result is durable, reusable jewelry that is easy to make with your child. The easiest way to make such a Christmas tree toy is in the form of a snowman.

To begin with, white clay is taken - it serves as a base, you can also use colored clay. When the body is ready, they start painting. One toy takes about 10-15 minutes to make.


It is better to make New Year's decor elements from foam sheets that will be used outside the home. These can be huge letters, figures, houses. Styrofoam is easy to cut with a metal hacksaw. We decorate objects with glowing garlands, can be painted with paint, pasted over with decorative paper.

From ribbons

Small toys for the Christmas tree are formed from the ribbons. Ribbons are often used as a base, decorative material for many other compositions. Appliques and hanging toys are especially often made from satin ribbons. Fixation is done with a thread with a needle, glue, textile stapler.

From fabric

Decorative pillows with New Year's motives, soft toys for children are sewn from fabric. By using different fabrics, contrasting balances and shapes are created. It is better to sew elements and details by hand. It is very profitable to make New Year's interior elements from textiles - there will always be a few extra scraps of fabric at home.

From plastic bottles

Large objects are created with the help of plastic bottles: beautiful houses, boxes, geometric shapes. If you correctly decorate a plastic bottle, you will get a souvenir for a New Year's gift or a decoration for a Christmas tree. See what a wonderful penguin you can make.

From disks

Discs are mainly used to create disco balls, which are used together with a luminous garland. The atmosphere of a night club is created. A finely chopped disc can also serve as a finishing material for other products. So, for example, you can decorate a glass ball on a Christmas tree.

From pasta

The pasta is characterized by durability and flexibility in work. From pasta, you can make a small Christmas tree, animal figurines, an asterisk or a snowflake on a Christmas tree. It is easy to paint finished products with gouache, watercolors.

From threads

Often they perform New Year's work to decorate the interior using floss threads. It is enough just to tie a bunch of floss, forming figures. An unusually interesting option will be applications on a New Year's theme and posters. It is easy to make a decoration for a Christmas tree from threads, for this it is enough to wet them in glue and form the shape you need. When the product dries, it will become hard.

From the branches

Twig crafts can be candlesticks, vases, decorative plates, boxes for toys, fruits and candies. It is very trendy. They use mainly a pine twig. Branches of other trees are used as more non-standard wood.

From padding polyester

Soft toys for the Christmas tree are sometimes made of padding polyester, but more often this material is used to create applications. Colored padding polyester can be used to embroider pictures on decorative pillows or canvas. The craft in the form of a snowman also looks original - such a toy will decorate the interior of any room.

In the video: a snowman made of padding polyester.

From Thomas (polyethylene foam)

It is easy to make any shape from Thomas, just use stencils. Preparations consist in the correct design and color scheme. You can also make a Christmas tree to decorate your New Year's table. The principle of operation is very simple, see the photo below.


You will need templates and fleece. Parts are cut out, which are subsequently stitched together. The principle of operation is the same as when working with felt. Fleece makes New Year's decor elements soft and pleasant to the touch.


Foil is used to make disposable decorations, toys and garlands. The material quickly breaks, crumples and breaks. Used for decoration and shape maintenance. It is easy and simple to make snowflakes on a Christmas tree, you need to crumple pieces of foil into a sphere and fasten them together with a wire, forming a shape.

From newspapers

Newspapers and glue are used to create papier-mâché-style Christmas tree toys. A blank form is made of foil, on which a newspaper soaked in glue is applied in layers. When the paper is dry, you can paint the craft with colored paint or cover it with glitter.


Models of toys for the Christmas tree are made of plywood in the form of images of animals, houses, fruits, vegetables, fairy-tale characters. A hole is formed with an awl for attaching the thread. The toys can be used for a long time.

From light bulbs

We make garlands from light bulbs, "balls" for a Christmas tree, devices are suitable for a room and a street. Lamps are pasted over with bright or shiny materials. Registration takes a few minutes.

Burlap and jute

From burlap and jute, toys are sewn on the principle of felt and fleece products. Party bags and headbands are also made from this natural material. A bouquet of chestnuts, dried flowers, acorns can serve as an addition.

From cotton pads

Cotton wool is used as a finishing material for appliqués and crafts. We glue it to any base with glue. Cotton wool can be painted with watercolors, gouache. It is easy and simple to work with such material.

From newspaper tubes

Interesting tangerine baskets and other elements of New Year's decor come out of the tubes. Volumetric decorations are also made using tightly rolled sheets of newspapers. The paper can be dyed later.

Twine (twine)

Balls and hanging structures are made of twine, twine, rope. Such interconnected details form a garland. Christmas tree decorations made of textile material have many positive features: they do not break, are environmentally friendly, and are safe for children.

In the video: a New Year's ball made of threads.

From beads

Beads are used to create additional decor for larger items. Beads are sewn, glued, put on the base. From them, screw Christmas trees are obtained. Small crafts are gifts for relatives and friends.


Origami is used to create a huge number of works, you can make toys for a Christmas tree, a garland, hanging decorations. Paper figures are stored for a long time, have volume. They are used as interior decor if the structure is of impressive size.

Christmas tree decorations (MK)

Christmas tree decorations can be made from almost any material that is at home. Thanks to persistent fixation means, creative ideas are created. For the base, you can use ready-made toys. On plain Christmas balls, a frosty pattern is often painted with stained glass glue or a contour.

Decorating Christmas balls

Decorating spheres does not require any special skills or materials. This finish is ideal for transparent balls, but you can use a styrofoam ball as a base.

Algorithm of action:

  1. Remove dirt from the ball and degrease with acetone.
  2. Lubricate the surface with adhesive solution.
  3. "Dress up" the ball with finishing materials (in this case, sequins).
  4. If necessary, fix all parts with clear varnish and allow to dry.
  5. If the ball is made of styrofoam, stick in a pin or special hanging hardware.

All Christmas tree decorations can be upgraded. Broken glass from old toys, beads, beads, sparkles and ribbons are suitable for decoration.

Hair Jewelry (MK)

It is easy to make New Year's hairpins, headbands and hair ties from scrap materials. On this occasion, you can watch a lot of videos on the Internet. Let's take a look at two of the most interesting workshops.

Headband with horns

Creativity lies in creating a unique set that will adorn your hair. The simplest option is a decorative headband:

1. On the old rim, with the help of a wire, the frame of the future craft is formed - the antlers of a deer.

2. The hoop is wrapped with twine from one edge to the other together with a wire frame.

3. Secondary fastening is made with glue (deer ears and fabric flowers can act as an additional decoration).

The decor can be Mickey Mouse ears, a decorative bow or colored mohawk, Christmas trees, cones, pine branches, snowflakes - there are a lot of ideas.


For more discreet options for hair products, the kanzashi technique is suitable. Work is carried out from ribbons, which are applied to the base coated with glue. Practice is important for such products.

In the video: New Year's snowflake - a hair band.

Crochet and knitting Christmas decorations: diagrams and description

Christmas decorations can be crocheted or knitted. Knitted animals, little men, fruits, houses will decorate the tree and the house.

The work consists in:

  • buying threads and yarns;
  • knitting in accordance with the patterns;
  • stitching products.

Knitted toys last a long time. The technique will not take much time, it will calm the nerves, and it is easy to master. There are knitting-embroidery combinations in one product.

Decoration Santa Claus crochet
Crochet knitted snowflake on a Christmas tree
Christmas balls knitting pattern

Wall decorations

On the wall you can hang pictures made in various techniques, simple New Year's posters. Garlands of lights or decorative material are usually placed under the ceiling. There are a lot of options, see the photo and choose the option you like.

Door decoration

The door from the street and rooms are usually decorated with a New Year's wreath. Modern interpretations present compositions not of branches and cones, but of luminous garlands. From plywood blanks and thread, you can create a composition in the form of hinged structures.

Wooden decorations look also against the background of a metal door - it is unique, fresh and modern. You can make an original decorative wreath from a tree and branches.

New ideas

It is easy to create original Christmas decorations with children. Creative ideas can be drawn from the drawings and inventions of the baby.


The following original decorations are created in accordance with the decor:

  • Garlands on which unusual household items are strung.

  • Framed photos that form interesting compositions.

  • We drew an incomprehensible picture and decorated it with rain, sparkles. The main thing is to show creativity.


Interesting and fun ideas can be found in children's magazines.

  • A cool option would be to create garlands from volumetric figures of kawaii pictures.

  • You can alter old stuffed animals or make them yourself from socks.

  • Bring an animal to life from scrap materials, for example, from branches.

We make jewelry with children

Making jewelry for children is exciting, and working with them is even more exciting. Adults can show real class for their child. For the kid, time will fly by quickly and cheerfully.

When choosing a technique, it is worth considering:

  • the age of the child;
  • its capabilities;
  • the complexity of the work ahead;
  • safety of materials.

Greater preference is given to jewelry making: appliqués, drawings with additional finishing, corrugated paper, napkins.

For girl

The ideal option for a girl will be drawings that can be decorated with sparkles or sequins. A baby can offer ideas for New Year's decorations: bijouterie, decorative items for furniture, Christmas tree toys. The main thing is to use a lot of bright colors.

The simplest and most effective option would be to create a toy of a cartoon or fairytale character. Mom can do the main job, and the daughter can help at first.

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