Summary of the lesson "Dagestan fairy tale" Brave boy. Theatrical performance in the middle group

(middle group)

Software content:

To acquaint children with the Dagestan folk tale "Brave Boy". Learn to determine the genre of the work. Develop coherent speech. To educate the moral qualities of a person: kindness, courage, love for the Motherland. To teach to convey an episode from a read fairy tale. To bring the idea to the end, to achieve the most interesting solution. Improve pencil drawing techniques and skills.

Materials for the lesson:

Book with illustrations, album sheet, colored pencils.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk with you about fairy tales. Who knows what a fairy tale is?

Children's answers.

Educator: Name the fairy tales that you know.

Children's answers.

Educator: In fairy tales, various extraordinary events occur. And heroes are cowardly and vice versa brave. Guys, which of you considers yourself brave and why? What brave thing have you ever done?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let the children discuss one problem situation. Just imagine: you were walking on the street and suddenly saw a chick that fell out of the nest. What will you do with him?

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you know that there is a Dagestan folk tale about a brave boy. She is called "Brave Boy". And today we will meet her. The teacher reads a fairy tale.

Physical minute.

Educator: Guys, who are they talking about in this tale?

Children's answers.

Educator: Who is the main character?

Children's answers.

Educator: What happened to the boy in the forest?

Children's answers.

Educator: What did he see when he lay down to rest?

Children's answers.

Educator: How did the boy feel when he saw the snake?

Children's answers.

Educator: Why did he decide to help the chicks?

Children's answers.

Educator: How did the boy help the chicks?

Children's answers.

Educator: Who can remind me and tell this story?

Children's stories.

Educator: What about the boy? What was he like?

Children's answers.

Educator: Was the victory easy for the boy?

Children's answers.

Educator: Why didn't the miracle bird kill the boy?

Children's answers.

Educator: How did the miracle bird thank the boy?

Children's answers.

Educator: In what words is the main idea of ​​the tale expressed: "Be ...." (always the same as now, that is, be always brave).

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, did you like this fairy tale and what does it teach us?

Children's answers.

Educator: Still, it's good that the fairy tale ended as we read it. And now I suggest you take pencils and draw your favorite story from the tale of a brave boy.

Children's answers.

Educator: And when you draw, that is, at the end of our lesson, we will all together consider your drawings and, summing up, determine the plots you have expressed from this fairy tale. Is everyone ready? Then get to work.

Children's answers.

Educator: Today in the lesson you got acquainted with the Dagestan folk tale "Brave Boy". We drew wonderful drawings for her. Everyone tried very hard and worked well in the class. You are great! This concludes our lesson.

Tosya Akhmedova
Theatrical performance in the middle group. Dagestan folk tale "Brave boy" Video


1. Through theatrical activities to realize the individual capabilities and needs of children in self-expression and development, to reveal the creative potential of children, their talent.


1. Continue to cultivate love for the native land. Expand children's ideas about folklore... Raise patriotic feelings for your the people.

2. Introducing children to theater as a form of culture the peoples of Dagestan.

3. Continue to teach children in theatrical activities to reincarnate through the development of language and gestures.

4. To develop in children the skills of joint activities, a sense of community, the ability to express their mood.

5. Develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person.

6. Work on the formation of correct, clear speech, on articulation, pronunciation.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading Dagestan fairy tales« Brave boy» ... Conversation about creativity and folklore the peoples of Dagestan.

2 Introducing children to the mini-museum of applied arts, culture and traditions the peoples of Dagestan.

Course of the lesson:

Finger gymnastics "Goose"


Children, I knowingly started our today's lesson with Dagestan finger nursery rhyme.

Today we will talk about our small homeland

What is the name of your small homeland?

Children: Dagestan

Educator: Our Dagestan rich in beautiful nature, culture and traditions.

Has long been famous Dagestan folk-applied art, creativity and variety of folklore.

Today we will talk about folklore the peoples of Dagestan.

Fairy tales, legends, sayings, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs and sayings composed peoples of Dagestan for centuries... They contain human wisdom, they contain love for children, for their land, for its people.

In detail we will get acquainted with one of the forms of folklore fairy tales. Tales of the peoples of Dagestan passed down from generation to generation.

Educator: Children why fairy tales are called folk?

Children: They were composed people.

Educator: Children today I received an invitation card to theatre where will be held theatrical performance of a Dagestan fairy tale« Brave boy» .

I think that you have already saw the theater where real artists perform. People also come to our kindergarten, as Puppet Theatre and theater of real artists... What is the name of the place where the artists come out? "Scene".

Educator: Who knows what else is in theater? (curtain, curtain, etc.)

Rules of conduct in theater:

1. Observance of silence during the performance is the main rule. You cannot whisper, shuffle your feet, knock your fingers on the armrest of the chair during the performance - you distract not only the audience, but also the actors.

2. An important rule is to arrive on time. You need to have time to calmly undress yourself and help a friend to undress, to correct his hair in front of the mirror.

3. In theatre come dressed nicely, because it's a holiday.

4. If you like the performance, thank the artists with a round of applause. If you don't like it, you shouldn't shout, make noise and stamp your feet. You can just leave, even after the 1st action, during the break.

5. It is impossible in theater take other people's places!

6. Do not get up from your seat until the performance is over - do not disturb other spectators.

so: we go to theatre!

We take our seats, enjoy your viewing!

Narrator: Assalam alaykum, you friends,

I invite you to fairy tale i!

And I will lead mine story

About the magical land - about the Caucasus.

There are mountains right up to heaven and a lot fabulous wonders!

National music sounds. Appears on the stage boy MANSUR... He peers into the distance, walks, wearily leaning on his staff.

Narrator: Among sparkling peaks, Mansur walked home alone -

From a neighboring village I wanted to get to the dark.

Mansour: I walked the mountains all day - I was just exhausted.

Apparently, I lost my way, got lost and got lost!

Perhaps we need to rest in order to continue the journey later.

The boy looks back choosing a place to stay.

Narrator: And here, where the old oak grows, the formidable bird lives.

But she is not at home yet - she chases the clouds.

Two chicks remained in the nest - two curious tomboy.

From behind the screen, CHILDREN appear over the nest (boy and girl) ... They turn their heads in different directions, look boy... Mansour sits under a tree.

Narrator: Night, with a blue silk scarf, quickly covered everything around.

The moon rose from behind the mountains, brought the stars with it.

GIRLS in dark national dresses appear from the wings to music. They carry a dark transparent veil with stars across the stage.

Narrator: Although the light of the moon is so bright, Mansur does not see the chicks, no!

Another star lit up, Mansur lay down at the nest.

A boy lies down under a tree... CHILDREN appear from the nest.

1st chick: Here's an amazing chick finally came to visit us!

2nd chick: Yes, this is a little horseman! Don't make a noise, let him sleep!

Narrator: You hear - rustles grass: a head flashed with a sting.

The snake creeps in the moonlight, the villainous needs bird children!

She ate a lot of chicks, again plotting an evil deed!

A SNAKE appears on the stage to the music. She moves to the tree, tries to reach the nest.

1st chick: My dear sister, look - a snake is crawling here!

2nd chick: We are not good for you! We need to call louder for help!

Chicks (in chorus): Uh-eh! Anyone! Trouble! Trouble!

A snake is crawling to us here!

(in turn): Help! Help!

Mansour (waking up): Why are you shouting so loudly? (chicks point to snake)

Blimey! What do I see? Big long snake.

(takes a stick, swings, knocks on the floor)

What are you up to, villain?

Don't you dare touch the chicks!

Get out of here, or it will be bad for you!

Snake: Are you challenging me or just threatening me?

Silly and funny-sh-sh- shnoyboy,

For me, you are a weak sh-sh-sh-shkom.

I bite you painfully, and then strangle you!

Mansour: Well, away from the nest! Get out forever!

Disturbing energetic music sounds. Boy holds a stick with both hands, blocking from the snake. The snake attacks him, tries to grab him. Chicks squeak, in fear they cover their faces with their hands. Mansour wins. The snake is removed.

Mansour: Don't be afraid anymore, chicks, don't tremble, calm down! (stroking them)

You probably want to eat? (chicks nod their heads)

Here's a cake for you - divide. (takes bread out of the roll, gives it to them)

And I need to rest - there will be a way to home ...

Boy lie down again under the tree and fall asleep.

Storyteller: Here the lightning flashed brightly - the WONDER BIRD returned to the nest.

A WONDER BIRD appears to the music. Sees the sleeping boy flaps his wings angrily.

WONDER BIRD: How did a person get into our magical secret forest here?

How dare he come here - to the nest of the magic miracle bird?

I will avenge him for this - I will turn him into a cold stone!

1st chick: No, mom, don't be angry, wait! After all, this boy is not easy!

He appeared at a difficult hour, saved us from a terrible snake!

2nd chick: He defeated the evil snake

And we are a churek (or flat cake) fed.

WONDER BIRD: Well, then I am very glad, the hero will receive a reward in the morning.

I will hide boy's wing, let him sleep while a restful sleep!

The bird sits down and covers the sleeping boy's wing... Everybody sleeps.

Narrator: Here the sun rose over the mountains, and a good morning has come.

From the wings to the national music comes group girls in light dresses, the FIRST has the SUN on her head. They endure a light transparent bedspread. Then, the girls perform a DANCE.

Narrator: Mansour saw through eyelashes

The wing of the magic miracle bird.

Boy jumps to his feet in fear.

WONDER BIRD: Hero, why such a fright? Do not be afraid of me - I am your friend!

You are a fine fellow, you saved the chicks from death!

You consoled them, caressed them and gave your last bread!

Ask what you want my boy!

Mansour: I want to get home as soon as possible!

Relatives are standing by the road, their hearts ache from anxiety!

WONDER BIRD: You, my friend, thank you: I give a magic feather.

As soon as you waved the pen - in front of you is your native aul.

They are waiting, mother and father will not wait for you in front of their own porch.

And if you get into trouble, wave your pen - and I'll come!

The bird gives up the feather boy.

1st chick: Farewell, horseman! Hero, goodbye!

Protect the weak all the time!

2nd chick: Be brave, you are always kind!

Let the trouble pass!

Mansour: And you chicks, goodbye, don't forget me!

And I will remember you.

Bird and chicks: (in chorus) Goodbye! Good hour!

BOY waves his hand, goes backstage. The bird and chicks wave after him. Then, the BIRD enters behind the screen, the FATS - go behind the screen from the nest.


He gave us a gray-haired Caucasus about brave boy story.

Let everyone know what's in Dagestan the horseman does not tremble from fear,

And he values ​​his valor and honor more than his life!

Remember that fairy tale this expresses being

Dagestani, Dagestan women, DAGESTAN my!

The tale of the peoples of Dagestan about a brave boy and a grateful bird


Dagestan fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a boy. He went into the forest. Walked, walked and got lost. And it was high in the mountains. I was looking for a way and I was tired. He broke a strong stick for himself and went on. He walked and went and lay down under a bush to rest.

So he lay down to rest and sees: a huge snake is crawling along a large tree. And on the tree there is a nest, and in the nest there are chicks. When the chicks saw the snake, they shouted, and wept:

Help! Help! But no one came to their aid.

And the snake hisses, opened its mouth, stuck out its tongue. Climbs higher and creeps closer and closer ...

At first the boy was very scared, and then he took pity on the chicks, took his strong stick, swung and hit the snake. She turned around, curled up again and jumped on the boy.

The snake was strong, thick and long. Snake and boy fought for a very long time, but the boy won.

He threw snake meat to the chicks, and again lay down under the bush and fell asleep, because he was very tired.

Suddenly the forest rustled from the wind, the night animals hid in their holes, the stars covered themselves with clouds.

This is, waving its mighty wings widely, the miracle bird flew to its chicks. She saw the boy, screamed in a terrible scream:

Human, human! Rip it up yeggo!

Mom, mom, - the chicks cried, - this man killed the snake, fed us!

Then the miracle bird sank to the ground and spread its wide wing over the boy so that neither wind nor rain would interfere with his sleep.

In the morning the brave boy woke up, saw a large wing above him and began to cry.

Do not be afraid, - the miracle bird told him. - You saved my children, now I will do whatever you want for you.

Take me home, the boy said.

Sit on my back, hug me by the neck. And the miracle bird lifted the boy high, carried him far away and lowered him to the roof of his home.

Questions and tasks for Dagestan fairy tale :

  • What would you do if you were a boy?
  • Do you consider yourself a brave person?
  • If you find a chick that has fallen out of the nest, what will you do with it?
  • Come up with a sequel to the tale of how the chicks grew up and met the boy again.
  • Tell us about something brave you did.

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