Summary of the lesson city of masters middle group. Summary of the game-lesson "Journey to the City of Masters" (for children of the middle group)

Valentina Gracheva

Target: learn to find in the play space something to your liking, believe in your strengths, abilities, unite in small in groups.

Continue to acquaint with different professions, develop logical thinking during the game. Through developing Wednesday contribute to the early manifestation of children's curiosity. curiosity, individual capabilities.

To cultivate such qualities as kindness, politeness, love of work.

Preliminary work: Conversation "All professions are important", examining illustrations on the topic "Professions". Didactic games: "Who needs what to work?", "Who does what?", "Where can I buy it?"

Making attributes: bus, gate cities, gifts for the store. Registration group playroom... An excursion to the store was held.

Fiction: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", V. Borisov "Gifts", S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa".

Educator: It's a beautiful morning. I smiled at you, and you smile at each other. it's so good that we are here together today. I wish you a good mood.

Do you know where your moms and dads work? (survey children)

"All professions are needed, all professions are important!" When you grow up, then too will work in a hospital, in a store, in a kindergarten. And now I suggest you go to a journey to a magical city... It is called " City of masters". Children who fall into this town, can choose a profession for themselves. And we'll go by bus.

(the bus is built from chairs)

Who will be the chauffeur? And everyone else will be passengers. Get on the bus. Who will we skip ahead? Is it convenient for everyone? Go!

1 child: I'm swinging, flying at full speed, I'm a driver myself, I'm a motor myself!

I press the pedal and the car rushes into the distance!

(the song "Merry travel")

Educator: Stop, driver, bus. We arrived. Here it is city ​​of masters!

Let's go and see what is interesting here! Look, here is the "hairdresser".

"If you want to be beautiful, go to the hairdresser.

It's light and interesting here: mirrors, perfumes and chairs ".

Who works here? (hairdresser)

Who knows what a hairdresser does? (cuts, style hair)

Didactic game "What is superfluous". You see how beautifully the doll Dasha is combed.

What do you think needs to be done to make her even more beautiful?

(need to tie a bow)... Who else thinks? (children help tie a bow)

Oh, what you, Dasha, have become! You simply cannot be recognized! You sit down, wait for your mother, and we will move on.

Look, here is the "hospital".

"The doctor knows about us quite a few: what's my name, who is our mother,

knows height and weight, who sleeps how and who eats how.

He does not take his eyes off us, because he heals us! "

(there are toys in the hospital - a bear and a bunny)

Misha and Stepasha came to see the doctor. They must have gotten sick. Here's the problem, but the doctors were summoned to other patients. What to do?

Children: we will treat them ourselves. I will be a doctor. And I'm a nurse. I always help the doctor. (children put on robes, examine the patient, find out that Misha has a sore throat)

Misha, you need to drink warm milk with honey, tea with lemon.

(the nurse "writes" the appointment on the card)... And Stepashka's eyes hurt.

You should definitely eat carrots and do special exercises for the eyes. We will show it to you now.

gymnastics for the eyes is performed.

Stepashka, Misha, get well, but we need to move on.

Educator: Guys, I heard that there will be a spring sale of toys and gifts in the store today. You can buy something from your family and friends. Let's go?

"Look at the shop windows, here are dolls and cars, and toys for children, whoever

will buy, he will be glad! ". We are so lucky, they give gifts in the store. To do this, you need to take a card and see what gift you can take. Everyone has chosen gifts? Aren't you tired?

You see how much interesting City of Masters... And now you can work where you want and give gifts to your friends!

(children disperse according to group - city)

Hairdresser - just master- I'm not shaggy now.

He will heal everyone, he will heal - good, Nastya, doctor!


family d / s "Nadezhda"

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech in the middle group

On the subject: "A journey to the city of craftsmen"

Held by Mushref N.Kh.

"A journey to the city of craftsmen"

Teach children to compose short stories about folk crafts and their products, answer questions, encourage an active dialogue;

Help children form adjectives from nouns;

To develop in children clearly and expressively the pronunciation of words and phrases at different rates and timbre.

Course of the lesson

1 .Org. Moment.

The teacher calls the children to his place and pronounces the words out loud:

“Whoever wants to talk must pronounce everything correctly and clearly so that everything is clear. Let's sit on a hillock and tell you a pure phrase:

“Granny bought beads for Marusa”.

The pure phrase is pronounced all together slowly and quietly, then again loudly and quickly.

Questions for children:

Who is Granny? (Granny)

What is the girl's name? (Marusya or Masha)

What did granny do? (I bought beads)

Who did Granny buy the beads for? (Marus)

Where do you think your grandmother bought the beads for Marusya? (In the store, in the market)

What other name does the market have? (Bazaar)

2. New topic.

I invite you today to go to the bazaar in the city of craftsmen. What is a bazaar, we know, and what does “City of Masters” mean? (The city where people who are masters of their craft live and work)

A master is a person who does a job well. There are different craftsmen: carpenters, woodcarvers, potters, glass blowers. The better the job, the more honorable the master.

What can you buy at the bazaar?

Today we will go to an unusual bazaar. Here we are in the city of craftsmen. (funny music sounds)

Children enter the room.

1 table - "Dymkovo toys"

2 table - "Bogorodskaya toy"

3 table - "Gzhel"

Children come to the first table.

See what the master is selling here?

Hello, good health!

1st seller: Look - don't blink,

Do not open your mouths

Don't count the crows

Disassemble as soon as possible!

Ah, toys are a real treasure!

Disassemble in great demand!

Seller: We do not sell our products, we give them away for free. For your kind word, and if you tell us what you know about our trades.

Children in turn tell everything they know about the origin of the Dymkovo toy.

At the second counter, children tell about the Bogorodsk toy, that these toys are from the village of Bogorodskoe MO. They are made from linden.

The seller asks questions and then gives the children a "Bear"

And finally, gzhel:

What kind of dishes are such

All painted - blue, blue!

This dish is called Gzhel because it was made at a porcelain factory located in the village of Gzhel MO. In this area, craftsmen found white clay and began to sculpt a variety of dishes from it. The master liked the story of the children and he asks the children to sing and dance a ditty for him.

3.Phys. a minute.

After all, we are at the bazaar, and it is always fun here!

Katya, Katya, Katyukha saddled the cock,

And the rooster whinnied and ran to the market.

I embroidered a flower, I heard it,

A bee sat down on a flower, a runaway craftswoman.

If there was no water, there would be no mug.

If there were no girls, who would sing ditties!

The seller gives the children a candy bowl as a gift. We say goodbye to the masters and return to their desks.

They got on their horses and rode: no-no-no! (Children clatter their tongues)

Hey horse, clink-clink

Hey horse, hop-hop

On a line of three, three

Along the path, nonsense, nonsense.

Take us home

Stop at the gate!

4. Outcome... Have arrived! Where have we been with you? What have we seen? Take a look and tell us what we bought in the city of craftsmen? (children put up purchases)

What is superfluous here? Why? (Candy bowl, because it belongs to the dishes, and everything else is toys)

What are our purchases made of?

The young lady from (Clay) What is she? (Clay)

Bear from (Wood) What is it? (Wood)

Candy bowl made of (Clay) What is it? (Clay)

What's superfluous? (Bear) Why? (It is wooden, and everything else is clay)

These are the good purchases we made for our home!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - kindergarten" Bee "Kozlovsky district of the Chuvash Republic

Pedagogical event

"Journey to the City of Masters"

in the middle group

Prepared by: A. Stepanova,

Educator first

Qualification category

Kozlovka -2016

Target: with to systematize knowledge about professions.

Tasks: Learning tasks:

1. To consolidate, clarify and expand the knowledge of children about professions.

2. Show the importance of work in human life.

3. Clarify, summarize and expand children's knowledge about the peculiarities of the profession of a hairdresser, cook, doctor, seller, builder.

Developmental tasks:

1. To promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation.

2.A to revive and enrich the children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson.

3. Form the need for children to respond with full common sentences.

Educational tasks:

1. Develop the ability for collective creativity, provide assistance to peers.

2. Correct the emotional sphere, develop positive character traits that contribute to a benevolent attitude towards people.

3. To form the skill of cooperation with an adult, the ability to act according to an example, to follow the rules of the game.

4. Foster respect for adult work

5. Foster self-control over speech

Activity type: Activity-game. The guys go on a fabulous journey to the city of Masters. To get acquainted with various professions, the guys at each station will complete tasks. In the process of playing, children form initial ideas about various professions, develop creative imagination and logical thinking.


  • Pictures with images of people of different professions
  • Construction sets
  • Fruits and vegetables for the chef
  • Chef's hat, apron
  • Tools for hairdresser and doctor
  • Didactic game "Professions"
  • Audio recordings for musical accompaniments of games.

Approximate content:

Children enter the group, stand near the teacher.

1. Organizational moment.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet:

Good morning!

Good morning! - the sun and birds.

Good morning! - smiling faces.

May everyone become kind, trusting,

And good morning lasts until evening.

Guys, guests came to our class today to look at our work. Wish them good morning.

  1. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Introductory conversation.

Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day? But to work as a doctor, hairdresser, salesman, you first need to grow up, finish school, get a specialty. Oh, how long to wait. And I really want to become an adult and work right now. Truth?

Let's go on a journey to a magical town. It is called the "City of Masters". All children, getting there, become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there? I suggest you go there by train, get up all the "locomotive" behind me.

3. The procedural part.

So we got to the fabulous city of Masters. Our journey through the city of Masters begins. Station 1.

Guess the riddle.

We work as a team

They bring us sand and concrete.

I need to work hard

To build a new home. (builder).

The builder builds houses for children and adults! Builders know how to build different houses: a one-storey house is one-storey, a two-storey house is two-storey, of different sizes and shapes. Now I invite you to feel like real builders.Designing "Our House".

We continue the journey and the next station 2. Guess what kind of profession it is:

Walks in a white cap

With a cook in hand.

He prepares us lunch:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

That's right, this is the cook. The chef knows how to cook many tasty and healthy dishes, knows how to bake cakes and pies. Now I propose to play the game "Chef". Educational game "Cook". 2 chefs are selected, they are put on a chef's hat and apron. The rest of the guys are divided into 2 teams. They are invited to choose from the presented fruits and vegetables what they need to cook soup and compote.

Guys, guess the riddle?

This sorceress, this artist,

Not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors.

She has a mysterious power:

Whoever touches will become beautiful.

That's right, this is a hairdresser. A hairdresser is a very interesting and creative job, because a hairdresser makes different hairstyles every day.And here's another riddle:

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells everyone how to be treated,

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops.

Those who are healthy are allowed to take a walk. (Doctor)

That's right, this is a doctor. This is a very important and necessary work.

Each profession has its own tools, that is, special items that are needed to carry out their professional activities. Of course, both the hairdresser and the doctor have such tools. Now I suggest that you split into two teams: 1 team - a team of hairdressers and 2 team - a team of doctors.The task is this: from the presented tools, the guys from the first team need to select those tools that are needed for the work of a hairdresser. And the guys from the second team need to choose the tools that are needed for the doctor's work. (There are various accessories on the table, the children choose the necessary ones and explain).

We leave for the next station 4.

And now I suggest you play the game "Professions". On the table, you will find pictures of various professions. You need to choose the right tools for them, which are necessary for a particular profession.

Bottom line.

Today guys, we talked about professions. What professions have you met today? How did you like the trip? (children's answers). Today you are good fellows and the residents of the city have prepared gifts for you. Giving gifts - coloring pages with professions. And nowI suggest you go back to your kindergarten.


integrated lesson

for children of middle preschool age

"A journey to the city of craftsmen"

Preliminary work:

  • Acquaintance with household items (conversation about household items and their purpose)
  • Examining wooden spoons
  • Playing on spoons
  • Reading the Russian folk tale "Zhikharka" and staging an excerpt from the fairy tale with the help of the theater of spoons
  • Learning proverbs and sayings about labor
  • Experienced activity: Acquaintance with the properties of wood and metal based on a comparison of wooden and metal spoons
  • Acquaintance with the Russian folk toy "Matryoshka", the use of songs and dances. D / And "Wonderful Matryoshka"
  • Working with parents - sewing folk costumes; consultation "From the history of wooden dishes". The use of small forms of folklore in the development of speech.
  • Acquaintance of children with the elements of the plant pattern.


To introduce children to Russian folk art, to show the connection between various types of creativity: folk crafts, Russian folklore (proverbs, sayings, riddles, dances).

Continue your acquaintance with arts and crafts.

Concretize ideas about the traditional decoration of the Russian hut, generalizing concepts on the topic "Household items".

Improve coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary. Foster respect for work.

To develop the creative imagination of children, their independence in coming up with a pattern to decorate the silhouettes of utensils, using the elements already known to them. Exercise in drawing various floral ornaments.

Vocabulary work:

Chest, oven, rolling pin, cradle, hut, workshop, casket.


Elements of the Russian hut, utensils and household items, nesting dolls, a ball.

Gouache, palette, brushes, coasters, cloth and paper napkins, glasses with water, paper silhouettes of utensils, samples of floral ornament elements, audio recording on a folk theme.

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the hall in folk costumes.


Hello children! How beautiful and smart you are. What kind of costumes do you have?


Russian national.


Well done! We live in the great country of Russia, in which there are many talented people and interesting places. Today you will go on an unusual journey "City of Masters", and a little ball will help you with this.


You roll, roll a ball through forests and valleys.

Bring us a ball to the city of Russian craftsmen.

Children snake along the hall and approach the hut, where they are met by a teacher dressed in a folk costume.

Marya the Mistress:

Hello girls are red, but good fellows! My name is Marya the Artisan. Hello welcome guests.



Marya the Mistress:

The welcome guest is always welcome!

Guys, what is this?


The glomerulus.

Marya the Mistress:

A ball, but not simple, magical. He brought you to the city of craftsmen, right to my hut. I live in a painted house. I will invite all the guests to my hut. Let's go into the hut and see what's inside.

Children enter the "hut", decorated in the Russian style.

Children sit on the benches, examine the decoration of the hut.

Marya the Mistress:

You are welcome, dear guests! Look around, take a seat.

Glory to our side

Glory to the Russian land.

And about our old days,

I'll start telling.

So that children can know

About the affairs of the native land.

Sit back

And listen to the story about my hut.

The door to the hut is low, and the threshold is high. They did this so that it would not blow from the street in the cold. The old hut had only one room and almost half of it was occupied by a stove. "Without a stove, a hut is not a hut" - they used to say in Russia.

Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Marya the Mistress:

Yes guys. The Russian stove heated the house, cooked all the food in the stove. And how many fairy tales were told on the stove on long winter evenings.

There was always a table in the left corner of the stove. There is bread and salt on the table. Near him are simple long benches.

Do you know what this corner was called?

It was called "red", i.e. beautiful. Here guests were received with bread and salt.

In the corner to the right of the stove there were household utensils of beautiful wooden dishes, a spinning wheel, embroidered towels. There was also a cradle, a cot for a baby.

Children go to the household items that the teacher talks about.

Marya the Mistress:

Look from what beautiful dishes or people used to be. What material is it made of?


Made of wood.

Marya the Mistress:

The Russian craftsmen were very fond of and still love to make dishes out of wood: plates, mugs, spoons, ladles. And to make the dishes bright festive, skilled craftsmen painted them.

On the dishes curls grass - a blade of grass, and berries peep out of it - currants, raspberries, mountain ash or different flowers. And sometimes such herbs come out from under the artist's brush that you will not find them in any forest.

There are many forests in Russia. And how many craftsmen are there in Russia! An ordinary log can be cut, for example, just such a carved box in which small items are stored. Or a chest, but not a simple one - a painted one, a toy, a whistle.

A cup for millet porridge!

Saucers - never beat!

Wooden spoons, ruddy nesting dolls!

Do you like riddles?

What subject am I going to ask you a riddle about now? Only mind you, don't shout in unison! Raise your hand and answer calmly. And pay attention to the things in the upper room, maybe you will find the answer faster.

Belted with one sash,

They stand under one hat.

I'm spinning I'm spinning

I work under my hands.

She has a mouth and a leg

There is always soup in your mouth

Can't swallow

And pours it into the other mouth.

Different girlfriends are tall,

Not alike.

They all sit in each other,

And just one toy.


Yes, the masters put in a lot of effort and labor. You know how to work hard, know how to have fun. Isn't it time for us to have some fun? And start a merry dance? Hey, people, don't be lazy - start dancing soon!

Children with a teacher:

Blow the pipes, beat the spoons, nesting dolls have come to visit us.

Dance "matryoshka"

(After the dance, the children stand in a circle)

Marya the Mistress:

Russian people have always worked very hard. Even for walks and gatherings, the girls did not go without work.

Do you know sayings and proverbs about labor?

Let's remember them, and a magic ball will help us.


You roll, roll the ball,

Quickly, quickly from hand to hand.

Who is staying at

That proverb and will tell us.

"Ball game"

(Music sounds, with the music stopping, the one with the ball in his hands tells a saying or proverb about labor.)

Marya the Mistress:

What wonderful proverbs you know! Russian people always knew how and loved to work. Children, how much work is put into each spoon, spindle, toy. And the masters have always tried to decorate them.

Do you want to become real masters?


Yes, we do.

Marya the Mistress:

Then I invite you to my workshop.

(Children choose silhouettes of household items, sit down at tables and decorate silhouettes with floral ornaments. They compose a pattern from already familiar elements. Music sounds.)

Marya the Mistress:

Well done guys, you are a master of drawing. Russian people have never been afraid of work, but have always worked with joy. We did a good job, we did a good job and we had fun. It's not a sin to reward for good work.

(Marya the Mistress treats herself to a pie from the oven)

He gives the ball and says goodbye to the guys.

Marya the Mistress:

Come again. Dear guests are always welcome.

Objectives of a complex lesson:

  • to expand children's understanding of folk crafts;
  • develop cognitive interest, stimulate in the process of cognitive communication their curiosity, the desire for independent acquisition of knowledge;
  • to instill in preschoolers love and respect for people of labor, the products of their activities.

Vocabulary work: craft, potter, straw weaving, basket weaving, weaving, beads.

Equipment: potter's wheel, products made of clay, straw, vines, flax, beads.

Course of the lesson

The lesson begins in the hall of the nursery-garden.

Educator (V.). Guys, welcome everyone who came to visit us today. (Children greet the guests with the words “good afternoon!”) ​​We will continue our journey through the City of Masters. Who lives in this city? (Answers of children.) That's right, people of different professions. There are a lot of professions! What professions do you know? (Children name professions.)

A new journey today will be unusual, we will learn with you about the long and rich history of Belarusian crafts, about Belarusian craftsmen.

During the teacher's story, the masters are busy with work.

V. Are you ready to go there right now? The journey begins.

Children with a teacher come to the first table, greet.

V. Maybe any of you know who a potter is? (Answers of the children.)

A potter is a master of pottery making clay products: dishes, toys, small sculptures, building materials.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the potter's wheel.

V. The potter's wheel is a machine for making tableware and ceramics. Let's watch the work of the potter with you.

The teacher comments on the work of the master, the children listen to the teacher and observe the work of the master.

The master places a lump of clay in the center of a rotating potter's wheel, moistens his hands with water and then, by pressing his thumbs, makes a depression and forms a bottom. Next, the workpiece is pulled into a cylinder of the desired height. They work, as a rule, with both hands: one inside, the other outside. Hands move from the bottom up. They must be constantly moistened with water so that they glide well on the clay.

V. Guys, pay attention to how many products are made by the hands of a potter, but for this you need to place the finished product in the oven, burn it, and then the master will paint it.

Children thank the master, receive a gift from him and put it in a basket.

V. Now the master will tell us about working with straws and show us his work.

Master. Come in, dear guests, I will tell you what can be made from amazing straw: household utensils, hats, toys and jewelry.

Hand-harvested straw is best suited for weaving, and I harvest it at different times - then it turns out in different shades. Then I dry it, clean it and soak it in hot water. After that, it becomes soft and elastic.

The master demonstrates his work. Children examine them and thank the master.

V. The master will tell us about an ancient craft - basket weaving.

Master. You are welcome, dear guests! Come on in. (Tells and shows.) For a long time, people from the vine wove products of various shapes and purposes: they built dwellings, made hedges, weaved sandals, dishes. For the manufacture of wickerwork, I use a willow twig.

The rods should be long, thin, flexible, and have a flat and smooth surface. To make the vine more elastic, it is soaked in water before starting work.

V. The road is calling us again

Who is waiting for us this time?

Who will continue their story?

Children with a teacher come up to the fourth table, greet the master.

V. Guys, pay attention to the products that the master will tell us about (towels, linen products, embroidery, dolls in Belarusian costumes, etc.). Let's listen to the master's story.

Master. Maybe some of you guys have heard who the weavers are? (Answers of children.) A person working on a loom is called a weaver. The craft of making fabric on a loom is called weaving.

The loom is one of the most ancient tools of human labor. Here, from simple threads, fabric, linen, and a finished product are obtained. For a long time, all clothes, all household items, towels, tablecloths were made by weavers.

Children look at the work and thank the master.

V. To make the products look beautiful and attractive, Belarusian craftswomen decorated them with embroidery and beads.

Children with a teacher go to the fifth table.

Master(on embroidery with beads). Beads can be made from various materials. Traditionally, they were made from wood, amber and other natural materials. The art of making beaded jewelry is called beadwork.

Children look at the work and thank the craftsmen, receive gifts, say goodbye.

V. Dear Guys! So our journey to the City of Craftsmen ends. What folk crafts have we met? Let's take a look at our basket. How many souvenirs did the craftsmen give us? (The teacher takes turns taking out souvenirs.) People say: "If you love work, then work will love you." And a master who is not afraid of any work and knows how to do everything is called a master of golden hands. Let's once again admire the work of our craftsmen and thank them for their work.

Children say "thank you" in unison.

You guys are great, you know a lot. Grow up healthy, strong, hardworking, remember our folk craftsmen!

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