DIY sheep costume. New Year's goat costume for children

The main detail of the sheep's New Year's costume is a do-it-yourself hat with cute ears. This funny costume is suitable for babies from 3 months to 2 years old. You can wear it to celebrate the New Year at home, for a matinee in a nursery and for a New Year's holiday in the theater.

What is required

The main material of the hat for the costume is soft plush of white or milky color; faux fur under a sheepskin is also suitable. You can do with regular fleece. You will need about 45 cm of fabric.

Lining - plain flannel of light pink color, also about 45 cm.

You can make a do-it-yourself lamb costume in a different "sheep" color: for the top, take a dark gray flannel, and the lining is made of white plush. It is desirable that the lining fabric is natural, cotton, so that the baby in the hat is comfortable.

Scale the pattern:
the size of the side of the pink square is 1 inch (2.54 cm)

Let's start cutting

Choose the appropriate size for the lamb costume pattern and glue the paper parts of the cap and ties, they should be one-cut.

From the main fabric you need to cut out:

    2 mirrored side caps with ties;

    2 mirrored ear pieces;

    rectangular piece of the middle of the cap measuring 9 x 29 cm (9 x 31; 9.5 x 34; 9.5 x 37; 10 x 39 cm for other sizes).

All details also need to be cut out of the lining fabric.

Sewing order

1. You need to start sewing a lamb costume with your own hands from the ears. Fold the base fabric and lining fabric face to face in pairs and sew. Having carefully trimmed the allowances, unscrew the ears and fold each in half with the lining inward, as shown in the photo.

2. On the pattern of the lamb's costume, two dashes indicate the place where the ears are sewn. Pin them to the upper side details of the hat with the fold forward, stitch.

3. Then sew the side pieces with the ears to the long side of the middle part of the beanie. Do the same with the details of the lining.

4. Fold the top of the beanie and lining face to face. Sew all over the outside edge.

5. In one of the middle seams of the lining, support a small section of the seam about 10 cm and turn the product inside out. Sew the hole by hand.

The do-it-yourself New Year's Eve lamb costume is almost ready!

See also:

What to add to the costume?

Just a hat may not be enough to create a full-fledged sheep image. Choose a soft blouse or vest to match the color of white plush. If there is no ready-made one in the closet, then sew using the simplest pattern from the same material.

If you have chosen a dark hat, then according to the natural "sheep" colors, you need to choose a fluffy white blouse with short sleeves. Sleeves and tights should match the hat.

It's time for New Year's parties in kindergartens and schools. And as always, mothers have to puzzle over a festive New Year's costume for their child. Someone does not want to bother too much and immediately turns to the rental.

However, if you know how to do a little needlework, then I see no reason to waste the family budget. It is much easier and more economical to sew a suit yourself and create a fabulous image for your child. In addition, the baby will be happy to help you with this.

2015 is the year of the Sheep and all the kids in the kindergarten decided to dress up in beautiful, cute sheep. The costume is already ready for us, but in order to complete the look, we decided to make a hat for a sheep's head. This work will take the very minimum of time, but what we got - see below, where the work itself with step-by-step photographs is presented. What if someone else will come in handy ?!

We also made New Year's ones.

To create a lamb-hat for a New Year's costume, we need the following materials:

  • whatman
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • pink colored paper
  • double sided tape
  • synthetic winterizer or holofiber, you can take cotton wool
  • plastic eyes 2 pcs.

A lamb hat for a New Year's costume - a master class with a photo:

Before starting work, we will use the template according to which we will make a drawing of our lamb hat.

Draw an enlarged copy of the template on a sheet of Whatman paper, respecting all the proportions.

Cut out the pattern along the contour.

Next, cut into strips of the same width to the line marked on the template.

Then we cut off one strip at a time through one strip. It will look like the following images, i.e. we get, as it were, "ribs".

We connect with PVA glue into a ring. It turns out this is the crown.

Apply glue to the strip and glue it to the empty space from the opposite side to the inside of the cap.

Now we apply glue to the second strip, only from the side to which the previous strip is glued.

Thus, we glue all the strips, throwing each one on one side, then on the other side. You should end up with a hat-like dome.

Now we will create the image of a lamb. To do this, copy or print the following template.

Using the template from the remaining Whatman paper, we cut out the head and bangs.

Cut the inner ears out of pink paper and glue them to the ears on the head.

Glue the bangs on top.

We glue plastic eyes on the face and draw a mouth.

We glue the lamb's hat in a circle with holofiber, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool, leaving a place for attaching the muzzle.

We also glue holofiber on the forelock so that the lamb is fluffy.
On the back of the muzzle we glue double-sided tape, tear off the protective tape and glue it to the cap.

Would you like to sew a New Year's outfit for your baby? Not sure how and what to do? Make your own lamb costume. It is not difficult, but such a thing looks very original.

Options and ideas

A do-it-yourself lamb costume is easy to make in different ways from several types of materials. The options may be as follows:

  • in the form of a blouse with and without sleeves;
  • warm or light, with terry or plush inserts;
  • a voluminous muzzle is performed at the same time as the suit;
  • overalls, a continuation of which are hoof-shaped slippers;
  • separately sewn hooves (like mittens and gym shoes);
  • a vest and a hat with horns, the rest is selected from ordinary things;
  • only a muzzle in the form of a hat.

A do-it-yourself lamb costume can be sewn from white or brown material. The most important thing is to make such clothes in which it will be comfortable for a child of this age to walk, sit and not be hot. If you make an outfit for a baby for a photo shoot, even a warm fabric and a model in the form of a jumpsuit will do, but for a preschooler to go to the Christmas tree, where he will actively move, dance, it is better to provide something easier - a vest with a hat, for example. Choose the rest of the accessories also for reasons of comfort.

What do you need

In order to make a lamb costume with your own hands, you need to prepare the following:

  • the fabric from which you will sew the product, or ready-made clothes that match the color, which can be modified for sheep;
  • pattern paper and pencil;
  • scissors;
  • threads with a needle;
  • pins;
  • a sewing machine, although you can do everything by hand;
  • cotton balls, openwork yarn, woolen or acrylic threads to imitate sheep skin.

DIY lamb costume for baby

To perform such a model as shown in the photo below, do the following:

1. Buy a ready-made jumpsuit made of soft fabric or make a pattern using the existing cotton and sew it yourself according to the pattern.

2. From pink fabric (blue - for a boy) cut out the details of the ears, chest and cuffs.

3. Sew all the pieces into the appropriate places, having pre-cut the sections.

4. For the legs, ordinary white socks are quite suitable, which can also be decorated.

5. Sew on satin ribbon bows.

The first version of the suit is ready. If you need something lighter to keep your child from sweating while in the suit, try another idea.

You can sew this option yourself, cutting out the details according to the existing bodysuit or overalls, or take a finished thing and cut off the legs and sleeves. Don't forget to trim the edges. You can take any shoes, and sew on top or just put on terry or fluffy leggings, which are easy to make by folding a strip of fabric of the desired width and stitching one seam.

DIY lamb costume for a preschooler

In this case, it is assumed that the child will be in it on the tree for at least an hour or two, so the outfit should not be too warm.

If you need to make such a thing quickly, take the following:

  • a white turtleneck and pants (sports are better);
  • Czech women;
  • hat;
  • black material such as fleece (for trim) and white for the face and tail.

The sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. Cut out stripes from the black material to trim the hem of the sleeves and legs.
  2. Sew each element into a ring, stitch the detail in the right place.
  3. Make a hat with two semicircles or four petals.
  4. Make the tail, ears and muzzle.
  5. Connect all the elements.

You can try on!

Cotton ball suit

Another fun option that will take more time and perseverance, but in this case, you do not need to be able to cut or sew. Choose the right clothes for the base. A turtleneck, vest, T-shirt will do. The outfit is made both with sleeves and without them. Buy cotton balls from the pharmacy and simply sew them tightly onto the product. If you don't feel like working with a needle and thread at all, glue them to the base. It's great if you have a thermal gun.

Don't forget to shake the costume after decorating. If something falls off, you will have to sew harder. To make this outfit even more original, paint some of the balls black or brown. Use them for decoration. The application of the pigment must be carried out before sewing to the base. The paint should dry properly. You can decorate a hat, knee-highs with cotton balls. Instead of balls, you can use pom-poms made from white or brown yarn. It will also be very original.

So, you saw how differently you can make a lamb costume with your own hands. The photos in the article clearly show this. Choose an idea according to the amount of time you can spend making and your sewing skills. Please your child with an original New Year's outfit. Even a beginner can do a beautiful thing.

A lamb costume for a small child is incredibly cute! This one, for example, is made of white bodysuit, pom-poms made of thread and felt(for ears and muzzle).

Children's New Year's costumes for sheep are usually made from cotton balls sewn on or glued to a vest or jacket. This is done in the following way:

An ideal addition to this outfit would be a headpiece with ears, made on the basis of a hoop.

And if you have a white fluffy one, you don't even need to invent anything especially. In this case, a New Year's lamb costume for a boy can be made in less than an hour! We take black fleece, and a little more white felt (for the eyes), cut out the ears, muzzle, and sew to the hood.

A wonderful fluffy vest or a jacket is already ready, but there is no hood? Or maybe you don’t like to wear a hoop on your head, and therefore a headdress based on it doesn’t suit you? Not scary - sew sheep ears to a white hat! Like this:

And you get such a beauty!

Well, did you like these ideas for making an outfit for? Which is the best option? ;)

To become a Sheep or a Goat on New Year's Eve is not at all tantalizing, but very much even fun and funny! Children and adults can try on a new fabulous image! A new year, as young as the first snow, is marking time on the threshold. It all begins and ends someday. So the year of the Blue Horse, which brought many chaotic changes, came to an end. He was replaced by a cheerful, but at the same time capricious Blue-Green Goat. What is significant about the new mistress of the year?

What will the coming year bring us, the playful eccentric Goat?

The new 2015 th year, for many, will be the year of “planned desirable changes”. And this is not surprising, because all the changes this year, you can plan in advance and track their implementation. The priority values ​​in the coming 2015 will be harmony and harmony. After all, the Sheep is a peaceful animal and does not like conflicts and swearing. The solution to unbearable problems, it is better to postpone for another time, the Sheep tries to avoid difficult tasks, and turns out of them, resorting to cunning tricks, without acting directly. But one should not think that it will be possible to leave unfinished business and obligations with impunity. Despite her frivolity, the Sheep is very hardworking and knows how to alternate work and rest. Therefore, the craftsmen will properly arrange their life, luck will promote the whole year.

The Wood Goat is very supportive of creating a family. In 2015, she will help Cupid in every possible way in uniting hearts, and in building strong relationships.But with colleagues and friends, relations will be quite tense. Conflicts from scratch and betrayal are quite possible. Do not give in to negative emotions and try to ignore your colleagues' insults. After all, no one needs a spoiled mood. The hostess of the year is pretty careless and lives for today, so you shouldn't build in new year's eve and throughout the year, plans for a period of more than six months - a year and make long-term forecasts. The same applies to monetary investments.

Why do I love the new year?

New Year: why do I love him? An interesting and amazing celebration, celebrated once a year, is the New Year's holiday, meet it in a fun and interesting way. In winter, on the streets of the metropolis, everything is decorated with garlands, balloons, fireworks, firecrackers, colorful lights. How unusual and beautiful it is!

Residents of cities in their living quarters usually put a Christmas tree, take part. Before the New Year holidays, children write letters to Grandfather Frost in advance. They are looking forward to this mysterious and magical time. The responsible and exciting moment begins in the evening closer to midnight. It was then that the New Year 2015 will be celebrated, when the arrows on the Spasskaya Tower will strike at 12 o'clock.

Why else do I love the wonderful New Year?

I like this holiday because it is much better than a birthday. At this time, people give gifts to friends, colleagues, acquaintances. Surrounded by relatives and friends, dressed in costumes, they go to the Christmas tree performance. They also take part in theatrical performances, sweepstakes and so on. In the morning, when they come home, they receive from Santa Claus everything they dreamed of. I also like it due to the fact that the Christmas holidays have been going on for quite a long time.

Sitting in a rocking chair with a cake and a glass of tea, you can always have a good rest. The smell of a living tree, tangerines, delicious unusual dishes - this is all New Year's Eve, purchase all the necessary products and many other things in advance.

Opening a bottle of champagne, make a wish, the celebration of the New Year of the Goat will be wonderful. Next year 2015 will be the year of the goat.

Definitely, everyone already knows that the rapidly approaching new 2015 will come and pass in the form of an extremely cute and benevolent animal - a goat or a lamb, and in this regard, the costumes of these animals, especially made by hand, will be very popular at New Year's carnivals.

And how to make this costume can be found in this our publication.

Costumes of the Goat and Sheep for the New Year 2015. Photo

New Year is the holiday when you want not only to decorate the Christmas tree, the room, but also to come up with bright, stylish outfits for yourself and your children. Of course, today the stores offer a huge selection of New Year's dresses and costumes. A sheep costume will organically fit into the New Year 2015 celebrations, both for boys and girls.

In addition, if you have enough free time, it is very easy to make such a suit with your own hands. Thinking over the details of the costume, some unusual solutions will be a great pleasure for both an adult and a child. In addition, a do-it-yourself New Year's Eve sheep costume will be original, and your child will positively stand out at the New Year's party.

It is not difficult to make a carnival costume for a sheep on your own: for kids, you can think of an outfit based on a white overalls with a playful tail. We will make a sheep's head out of the hood - we sew on the ears by hand, make a kind of "forelock". Slippers can be picked up in the store, as long as they fit perfectly with the sheep's costume. For older children, we will sew a New Year's carnival costume of a sheep with our own hands. You will need a white or gray fabric. Terry is ideal. You will also need faux fur.

We sew a pullover with sleeves and a hood, trousers. We process the lower part of the sleeves and trousers with fur, we also make a tail from it, attach it to the back of the trousers. We make the ears from fabric, sew on beige fabric on the back. Now we fix the ears on the hood. We make two pom-poms from the remnants of the fur and attach them to the slippers. It is not difficult to make a sheep costume with your own hands, and how much pleasure a child will get when he comes to a New Year's party in a suit made by his loving parents!

The fun of the New Year holidays is very close, but before that you need to solve a difficult task - to choose a New Year's costume. It is very easy to predict that goat and lamb costumes will become the trend of New Year's fashion 2015.

And to ease your worries, we have collected smart sheep and goats. Mostly these costumes are for children. They are suitable for both boy and girl.

Children will help the child to transform into a fairy-tale character and become an animal from a cute fairy tale during the New Year's celebration. Let him decide who he should be: a Sheep or a Goat. These animals are unusually pretty. They still emit soft milky light.

There are carnival costumes for both girls and boys. Check out the photos of the Sheep and Goat costumes. For little girls, it is better to choose bright dresses. Dress decorations should be shiny. An adorable little Goat in a green dress can turn out to be a little girl.

A New Year's costume of a goat may not be in the form of an animal, but in the form of a fairy-tale character - the very mother-goat who "brought milk". In this case, you only need a mask. The image will be based on an old-fashioned Russian sundress and a white painted shirt.

Girls from three years old may like a pink lamb costume. It is very soft and plush. From the sheep there is only a semblance of its curly wool, and the rest is cute shorts and a blouse with a pattern on the chest. If she likes an elegant dress more, you can see the photos in this article:. If you look at the times of the ancient Russian pagans, a “costumed” goat or a person in her image is an integral part of many rituals. Festive processions in a goat mask are still found among Belarusians and Ukrainians, while Russians are much less common. On the territory of Ukraine, the goat mask was constantly attracted to wedding ceremonies and funerals (then it was called "playing with the dead").

How to make a do-it-yourself goat costume?

What you need to know and take into account when making a goat costume from an improvised material. Like the previous version, the dress is taken as a basis, with only one amendment: we will not sew it, but look in the children's wardrobe. You do not have to choose a white or gray dress, you can use an outfit of any color, any outfit is also suitable, be it a set of blouses and skirts or a sundress with a turtleneck, which all girls have.

To the chosen outfit, you need to add a small apron, which is available for every hostess, but if it is still not there, visit any store or super-market, there it is definitely there. If we talk about a headdress, here it would be best to use a simple scarf after having sewn two small horns on it, which will be easiest to make from multi-colored paper or the same shade, not too thick cardboard. In this not at all tricky way and spending a minimum of time, you can make a goat costume for the girl with your own hands, which you can look at in the photo that we offer.

And here is a photo of a do-it-yourself goat costume. The original solution was to make the hooves in the form of gloves with two "fingers". A hat with horns and ears is all that remains of the goat. The rest is at your discretion. This can be an embroidered T-shirt, a simple dress, or shorts. The main thing is to adhere to the natural color scheme: white, black, brown, gray.

How to make a goat mask. Instructions

The goat mask is very easy to make yourself: you need black, white or gray paper, a beige blank with spots made before. The square is divided diagonally into two parts (the lighter side is the top). When the shape is folded, fold it on its side (right or left). Bend the top edge of the fold with a fold inward, but do not overdo it. Then align it and cut through the top along the inner line approximately along the middle of the fold.

Then bend the sharp edge in the middle along the cut line on both sides, so you should get a fold across with a horn that sticks out. Make a series of folds that will go from the center fold to the ends, so that you get the desired shape. Tuck the end of the nose into the middle, and be sure to glue the eyes on both sides. When the mask is put on the head, the paper strip should hold its ends. The simplest paper goat mask is made.

Sheep costume for carnival

Forget about stereotypes, sheep are stupid, submissive and are only suitable for a delicious barbecue and a warm sheepskin vest! From the carnival costume of the lamb, it breathes romance and even coquettishness: the curly-haired queen of the lawn enjoys the beauty of her possessions, fragrant flowers, cream clouds, from all sides her attention is drawn by her subjects in a round dance - little lambs, cockerels and even a wolf cub. A real find for little dreamy girls, since the role of a lamb will not be too tiring at a festive performance, and it will become a real decoration of fun.

But such a goat is the snowiest and wettest. White dress, white turtleneck - such a New Year's costume will be like Snowflake's, only more original. Long white hair is attached to a hat with horns and a goat's face.

And for little girls - let the goat be small. This costume looks more like a plush toy, which kids will love. In the circle of animals, they can be imagined as Cinderella and Snow Maiden. Whatever fairy tale you take, everywhere a goat or a lamb are good friends who always help out. The most good-natured creature looks like a girl dressed as a goat, and the light curls of a festive lamb costume reminds that the New Year is coming very soon.

From the symbol of the next year, there is only a muzzle and shoulder pads. The rest of the suit looks summer and fresh thanks to the green color. After all, the Goat does not have to be in its usual outfit.

If your baby is only a few months old, he will be very cozy and warm in a charming lamb costume. The little one himself is unlikely to understand the difference between a carnival outfit and ordinary clothes. But you will get great photos and a good mood.

A dress with a plush texture will look good with a hat or a goat mask. It is suitable for both little girls and older children.

How to make a Goat carnival costume? Instructions

In case you plan to add femininity to your carnival costume, but do not want to endure the inconvenience associated with wearing a fluffy dress, create a goat costume. It will be very comfortable, much easier, and will fit perfectly into the theme of the evening, and beautiful makeup will add femininity. You will need to find a rim to keep the ears and horns firmly on your head. When choosing a material, give preference to a non-stretching gray or white shade. It will be very good if the rim is trimmed with synthetic fur.

The horns need to be made from papier-mâché. First, you will need to prepare a base from sculptural plasticine. Sculpt one to one two horns of the desired length and think over the shape (straight or curved). Cover this base with pieces of paper, the layers smeared with glue should alternate with layers moistened with water. In this form, papier-mâché should dry for at least 2 days. When the horns are dry, cut the bottom edges about one centimeter, fold the flaps outward and then use them to adhere the horns to the rim.

Dress in Russian folk traditions. And the goat in it does not look like an animal, but like a hospitable hostess who is about to take out a loaf and begin to treat guests.

For making ears you need to draw a pattern. It will be oval in shape with a length of 13 cm and a maximum of 6 cm in width. Transfer the pattern to the fabric. Each ear is assembled from two parts. Bring the details face to face and sew around the edge, but remember to leave a hole. When you turn out the ears, do it again, the line retreating from the edges about 1 cm.In the drawstring that turned out, you will need to insert a hard wire, then manually sew the ear completely. When the ears are finished, they need to be sewn to the rim, and the frame be bent so that the shape resembles the ears of a goat from the picture.

Sew the jumpsuit using fabric in gray or white tones. Any of your T-shirt and trousers, circled on paper, will help to draw a pattern for him. When the two pieces, the top and bottom, are folded together, you have a complete jumpsuit. It is best to sew it with a machine and use a zipper as a fastener, which is located on the back from the collar to the waist.

To maximize your association with your character, it is recommended that you paint fur all over the jumpsuit. To avoid paint dripping onto the back, place a polyethylene lining under the outer layer of the material. Let the painted wool be curls. Use cold batik paint or a special marker. Dry the drawing with an iron.

Let a small piece of fur be your ponytail. Outline the layout in the shape of a petal 7 cm long and 5 cm wide. Cut the details on the wrong side using a razor blade. Sew both pieces with a hidden seam and attach to the jumpsuit with a needle and thread.

We make goat makeup for children

Going to the New Year's party, any kid dreams that his costume will be the brightest and most colorful, thanks to which he will receive an additional gift from Santa Claus. In order to become the star of a children's matinee, it is not enough for a child to have a beautiful princess dress or a bunny boy's costume.

In the latter, the fashion for the facial drawings of the characters represented by the children is flourishing. The next New Year represents such an animal as a goat, respectively, that most of the children at matinees will just be in the costume of this pet. It is quite simple to make a "make-up" of a goat on the face. To begin with, the baby should be washed, and also treated with baby cream if it peels off. As a base for "make-up", you can use my mother's base for foundation. The next step is to whiten your face.

This can be done with light-colored powder. Do not use powder with shiny microparticles - the face will have an unnatural shine. The next step is to stick the false eyelashes over the baby's eye. Alternatively, you can simply tint your lashes with mascara. Highlighting the eyes with a black pencil and the area around them is the final stage of the "make-up" of the skin. The perfect completion of the image will be the horns on the baby's head.

Adult New Year's Eve Sheep and Goat Costume

Everyone knows that all adults remain children at heart! And it is on New Year's Eve that every adult longs to return to childhood, where one does not need to observe prohibitions and rules and be an inveterate robber, a formidable pirate, an oriental princess or just a gray wolf. And for this you do not need magic at all! In just a few moments, this adult carnival costume will transform you from a big and focused uncle or aunt into any fairytale character.

Soon, soon, soon the favorite holiday of adults and children. New Year is just around the corner. So let's meet him in a fun and unusual way.

This year, the symbol will be a wooden blue-green goat (or a sheep, as you like). And we more and more often see in magazines, on advertising banners, photographs of girls dressed as goats. And this always raises the New Year's mood.

Since this image is purely feminine, it seems possible to use a goat costume on the New Year's Eve. These are playful animals and therefore the outfit of the evening should give its owner charm, grace, the ability to drive any man crazy. And holding a fancy-dress corporate party is always more interesting than an ordinary boring evening.

The goat's outfit should not hinder movement, it is advisable to use natural fabrics in it (for example, a woolen dress), accessories can be made of wood, with decorative elements made of leather, wool. The color of the suit can be from light green to deep blue. It all depends on preferences, but it is better to leave very bright colors in the outgoing year. Photos of girls in goat costumes look funny.

Spend the New Year celebrations cheerfully, at ease and you will have fond memories, a lot of positive emotions and a boost of vivacity for the whole next year.

The whole family is dressed as a Sheep. Adults and children can have fun on New Year's Eve in a funny and funny Sheep costume.

New Year's costume of a kid for a boy

In the soul of every child lies a white, jumpy and vigorous nature. Kid in English can mean both "kid" and "kid", so it's worth giving him some fun. Festive matinees in kindergartens and schools for children are an excuse to jump from the heart and have fun and this event will be remembered for a long time. In the form of a kid, the child will easily join in good games and plunge into noisy, naive childish communication.

A little boy can also be dressed up as a symbol of the year. Only not in the dress of the Goat, but in the outfit of a cute kid. Gray color and fur, small horns on the hat and ears - all this creates a very cartoonish and themed image.

But this New Year's image is suitable not only for girls, with exactly the same effect on the New Year tree may appear and boy in cute goat suit, about the creation of which we intend to tell you further. The kid's carnival outfit, which we bring to your attention, includes a light jacket with a zipper, slightly cropped trousers and a hat on which horns and ears are sewn, just like a real animal.

For sewing jackets and trousers, you can take the most unpretentious patterns, the flared frill sewn to the trousers, divided in the middle in the form of hooves, can greatly complement the image, the same element on the cuffs of the sleeves will be very harmonious. When making a hat, use the simplest models, if it is difficult to manufacture this part of the suit, its place can be taken without damage by a corresponding mask, the choice of which in stores is very wide, it can also be made personally using the papier-mâché technique.

As for the choice of fabrics, there is no difference from the female version, the best options will be white and gray, and the material can be wool, silk, knitted and cotton fabrics, fake fur is very suitable here.

Of course, not every mother was involved in such a business as cutting and sewing, for them we have recommendation: try to make all the necessary parts of the costume using plain white paper... Take some white landscape sheets, a pencil and, scissors, a ruler and paper glue.

Sometimes just a mask and hoof gloves are enough. It all depends only on who is inside the suit. You can get a good mood and positive charge in any outfit!

The first step is to measure the circumference of your child's head, a ruler with a centimeter division will help with this, then you need to cut a strip of the same length and width of about five centimeters, when you glue the edges of the strip together, it will turn out like a rim. The next step is to draw on paper a sketch of goat's horns, which should be fifteen centimeters long, three centimeters wide at the base and two centimeters at the bend. On a new sheet, you need to draw the kid's ears, which should turn out to be five centimeters wide. Then all the drawn parts must be carefully cut out, the horns should be painted with a choice of brown or gray, and the middle of the ears can be painted pink

Finished body parts the animal needs to be glued to the rim, not forgetting to add a certain amount of curls to the composition, we get them by cutting out stripes one centimeter wide and making a curl with scissors stretching through the blade.

The next step is to make the notorious goatee, this should be done in this way: measure the circumference of the child's face from temple to temple through the chin and cut a strip of the same length and ten centimeters in width. We make equal cuts in strips of one centimeter along the entire cut out workpiece and twist them in the same way with the help of scissors. The beard needs to be glued to the chin and you will get a very distinctive headdress for the New Year's outfit. For greater similarity with a real animal, cut out the child's hooves from white cardboard, according to the example and sizes given below. These parts will not be able to hold on to the legs by themselves, and it is worth sticking or sewing rubber bands to them, which you will later put on your son's ankles.

Very important and even irreplaceable a small ponytail should be an addition to the costume, which can also be cut out of paper or sewn using pieces of natural or artificial fur for this, a crocheted or knitted tail is also very suitable, it is done like making a bootie or sock. You can more accurately imagine and choose a suit that suits you using the photo collection presented below.

A Goat costume for a girl can be very cute and adorable.

The goat-dereza carnival costume can bring a smile and joy to your child.

And in this suit, the lamb turned out to be two-colored. To create it, it was enough to have a hat and a blouse made of the same fabric, similar to sheep's wool.

We have another option for a costume for a child.

To create it, you will need some elements: a vest or a T-shirt, in light colors, a hat, darker shorts, dark tights (two pairs). Tights can be replaced with dark stockings, they must be put on your hands. You can make a costume decor using cotton balls. The basis of the outfit is a white T-shirt. In the most chaotic form, you need to sew or glue cotton balls to the T-shirt.

We also attach cotton balls to the hat. We make the ears from a dark material, cut out the triangles and place them on the hat on both sides. Remember that the ears can be made with a wire frame. The lamb's tail consists of the same balls of cotton that are sewn into a bunch and attached to the appropriate place of the shorts. You must first put on tights on your legs, then stockings on your hands, shorts with a tail, put on shoes, a hat, and finally, a light fluffy vest.

For girls from 10 years old, a very serious costume of the mother-Goat is suitable: a strict simple dress and a shawl to match.

You can decorate an ordinary dress in a light shade: add fur along the hem, on the shoulders and on the neckline. A hat with a toy face - and your costume is ready! A lamb can be a very stylish thing. Look at this dress: a mix of different fabrics, fur on the cuffs and ribbons - even now on the catwalk!

Kids fashion for boys

In the old days, collections for children were developed only with an eye to fashion for adults, but nowadays the trend has become the imitation of babies to their parents in the choice of costumes. The trend is gaining popularity when dad and son choose the same clothes and even accessories. The colors of children's outerwear that betray "adulthood" are gray, black, blue ink, woody brown, they harmonize well and look very embarrassing. Your boys will get a more formal look by using wool and leather in the manufacture of the suit. Perfect costume for the holiday.

This little kid may well go to school: a white shirt and a sleeveless jacket - well, just like a student of a forest school. The boys in the Goat costume look interesting.

Children's New Year's costumes. Video.

Surprises in New Year 2015

There can be a great variety of them, and these are not only gifts in socks or surprises under the pillow. It can be various games and combinations, which, at first glance, are just decorative items, but also conceal mysteries and surprises. For example, fortune telling by a snow house is well known. To do this, you need to make a wish and turn on a New Year's toy with an LED flashlight shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, and then look at the color values ​​written in advance on pieces of paper, among which there will be the color that appeared first.

But the same comic fortune-telling can be turned into an exciting game for children, if, instead of predictions, you write comic tasks, for example, open a box with the number 3 or sing the chorus of your favorite song with your eyes closed, etc. But you can do much easier and make a real surprise for your husband or loved one by celebrating the New Year together. Indeed, often lovers do not have to be left alone, so arrange a holiday for your husband. You can easily surprise your husband for the New Year by appearing in front of him in an unusual way that needs to be thought out in advance. It can be a Snow Maiden or a Vamp Woman costume, or maybe a frivolous nurse or a schoolgirl in stockings. The main thing is that later it would be easy to take off such a suit. You can do an unusual make-up for you and, of course, a manicure, without which no image will look complete.

How to make a Goat mask. Foam rubber construction.

Cheerful Goat and cute Sheep

Cheerful Goat and cute white pliable Sheep will be able to amuse you and put you in a funny children's fairy tale. Choose the image that you and your child like best and feel free to celebrate in it a magical holiday - New Year! New 2015 will be the year of the wood goat. We already know how adults will spend it: friends, feast and fun - adults create a holiday for themselves. But the children are too young to make themselves a beautiful evening and organize a celebration. Therefore, we, adults, must help them in this. And if your child wanted to wear a costume of the symbol of the coming year for his matinee or school New Year's Eve, you just have to decide exactly how it will look.

It can be a carnival outfit made of fur and horns, with a mask and a tail - everything to be like a real goat (or a sheep, which is also important). Or, you can make only some details of the costume: for example, the horns will immediately make it clear what kind of character came to the holiday.

In many ways, the choice of costume depends on the age of the child. The smallest ones will be "kids" not of their own free will, but to please their parents. Older children will actively participate in choosing or making a costume. And teenagers may not even want to "disgrace themselves" with horns on their heads, because at that age few people have the courage to come to a school evening in a goat costume. In any case, listen to your child (regardless of age) and try to find a compromise.

And one more costume of Mom-Goat. Only now a red scarf has been added. The lilac color of the dress and bright ribbons with embroidery - Alyonushka or Little Red Riding Hood could easily wear this without a hat. Celebrating the New Year for a child is the most magical and fun time. You will make your child a real fireworks of emotions if you create a costume yourself, like a fairy from a fairy tale. The child will feel very confident and sincerely enjoy your masterpiece.

A Goat mask hat, a simple white sundress with a fur applique, white blouse and shoes - your daughter is ready to go to New Year's Eve. With the help of New Year's costumes for adults, they realize the desire to be completely different people, even if for a couple of hours. One has only to put on a mask and the person changes dramatically. Costumes can even change gait, posture and even voice. Christmas costumes for adults transform you instantly. Feel free to get into the image of a playful and fun lamb! For a girl, the choice of a goat costume will be very relevant! Girls year of the goat - it's time to have fun and flirt! Have a great mood in the New Year 2015!

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To the entry "New Year's costume of the Goat for children" 2 comments

    By the way, a great idea !!! My daughter and I are going to our first New Year's party. And ns has a little white dress. I thought we could depict a snowflake costume, but here such a way out with a sheep is relevant!

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