Doubles in warm summer colors. Style for a woman of the "Summer" color type: actual tips

This is the softest, softest and, at the same time, the most common color type in our latitude.
The shades of summer are always muted, as if in a haze, unobtrusive, sweet and modest. In a word, delicate.

So, let's try to understand the color characteristics of the summer color type.
Eyes: gray-blue, greenish, walnut, steel gray, blue.
Leather: pinkish beige, light olive, ivory.
Hair: ash chestnut, medium blond, light blond, grayish.
The best colors for "summer" are cool, matte, delicate, restrained. The main tone is smoky blue, in its frame the natural tenderness of "summer" is especially manifested. Complementary colors: moon yellow, rosewood, phlox (smoky rose red).

In its “own” colors, “summer” looks blooming: the skin gets rid of the redness that is characteristic of “summer” due to closely spaced vessels on the face, the color evens out, the look becomes deeper and more piercing, the hair acquires a pleasant ebb.

In "foreign" colors "summer" (in the picture - in autumn) fades significantly, "is lost", the contour of the face becomes heavy, the eyes look tired, the hair acquires a faded yellow tint.
Girls of the "summer" color type should always remember that their range is a cold, muted palette. Then, even without makeup, you can look fresh!

Summer color type - colors in clothes

For the owners of the summer, there will be such shades as: milky white, gray-blue, smoky brown, moon-yellow, wine-red, lingonberry, lilac, mint green, etc.

And also remember that orange, deep black and all body colors in clothes are contraindicated for the summer color type. Try to replace the black color with dark gray, dark blue, the color of dark chocolate. Below is a table of the shades corresponding to the Summer color type.

Color type Summer - hair color

When choosing a hair color, girls of this color type need to adhere to the same rules as with choosing the color of clothes. Avoid reddish tones. Red hair color will spoil the complexion of "summer". The "summer" girl with red hair looks sickly. The shine in the eyes disappears. The skin acquires a grayish-yellow undertone. Wrinkles deepen.
Look at examples: 1 and 2 pictures - "summer" in red shades; 3 and 4 - "summer" in its natural shades.

The result, as they say, is on the face! So, don't try to change your hair color to the opposite. Nature has harmoniously created your image, do not argue with her. And if you want an update, then just try coloring lighter or darker 1 tone of your native shade. And be sure to take into account the most important characteristic of color - warm and cold color.
Summer color type is a cold color type, therefore exceptionally cold shades of hair are suitable for him: light brown, ash blonde, ash brown, ash blonde, etc.

A couple more examples of good and bad hair color choices.

Makeup for the color type Summer

After the correct selection of hair color and clothing color for the summer color type, it was the turn of the final stage - makeup. For makeup, as well as for all other components of the image for "summer", all the same basic characteristics of shades are used: cold, icy, calm. It should be especially noted that red, warm brown, golden yellow colors are completely absent.

Main tone

For "summer", always choose a foundation with an olive tint. Why olive and not peach or pink? This is where the color property works. Let me tell you one secret. Green neutralizes red. It's easy to check. Take paints and paper. Draw a line first with red paint and then over green. You will see that the combination of these two colors gives gray. Why am I explaining everything. The Summer color type has one important feature. Summer's skin is thin, and red capillaries are always present on it. Someone has more, someone less. Sometimes there are representatives of Summer in general with a reddish tinge of the face. So, in order to eliminate redness, you need to use a greenish (olive) shade of tone. Do not hesitate, when applying it, the face will not turn green, it will become light with an even dense natural color.

Avoid: Overly pink, warm, golden and especially self-tanning tones, which give the fly a painful yellowish orange tint.

When applying the tone, remember that it should not "argue" with the color of the skin on the rest of the body. This difference in color is especially noticeable on the face and neck when the face is “masked” and the neck remains as it is. It creates the effect of a mask on the face, and it looks pretty silly.


Use a colorless powder, and for evening make-up - with a shimmery effect.


When choosing a blush, look again at the appropriate colors for Summer. Use a cool pink blush that doesn't overlap the color intensity of your lipstick, and avoid brick reds, light tones, and coral.


To emphasize the natural beauty of your eyes, choose shades of pastel and simply cold shades: pale blue, silver gray, icy pink, lilac, smoky blue, gray-green.

Mascara & Eyeliner

In addition to black, you can safely use lilac, dark brown, dark blue mascara. It is better to replace a black eyeliner with dark blue, dark brown, olive green, gray, purple.

Lipstick or lip gloss

The whole palette of pink shades is suitable for the summer color type: berry, dusty rose, lilac-pink. And also more intense: cherry, red wine color, watermelon pulp color.

Avoid warm brown shades, ripe tomato color, orange shades.

If your color type is Summer, surround your delicate beauty with the same delicate shades (photo below) that color summer itself: gray-green foliage of trees, gray-blue sky, silvery haze at dawn.

Determining your color type yourself is very difficult. Even professional image consultants use special tools for this, namely test shawls. It is possible to determine the color type from photographs, but only a professional can do it.

You can order service for determining your color type via the Internet. Write to me at. For consultation I need some of your photos. I will explain their number and format to you personally.

You can order a color consultation - the cost is 5500 rubles, which includes:

  • color testing
  • determination of color type
  • drawing up a color palette
  • recommendations for hair shades and wardrobe items, as well as makeup palette
  • the principles of combining shades in clothes as a percentage based on one of the 16 color types of appearance

Or you can order only by determining your color type without additional characteristics and descriptions - the cost is 1000 rubles. This consultation is also conducted online.

Additional Information

How to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of your appearance? How can some who seem to be not particularly fashion conscious, women manage to look more attractive than ladies in perfectly fitting clothes from expensive brands and thorough makeup? The answer to these questions is pretty simple: it's not the style, it's the color. That is why it is so important to correctly determine the color type of the appearance and the correspondingly selected image that suits you. However, before choosing your style, make sure that you are the woman of the summer.

Summer natural colors

Professional stylists use dozens of different pieces of fabric to find out the color type of a particular model. At home, this option, of course, is difficult - it is quite enough to acquire several paper samples of shades of warm and cold colors. How do I use them? Apply to your face and see if this color suits you - if the palette of ash pink, muted blue, or other cold colors suits you, then you are a woman of summer. If your natural shade of hair has a sparkle of "gold", red pigment, then you belong to the warm type (autumn, spring).

Stages of determining the color type of appearance

But, when determining your color type of appearance, remember that you may not be objective enough about your reflection in the mirror. Therefore, it makes sense to invite a couple of reputable friends to the bride. Well, if there are none, when trying on colors, pay attention to how the most problematic areas look at the same time: the nasolabial fold, the area around the eyes and small, typical for women like summer, redness on the skin. For example, a poorly chosen hair tone can make the face contour heavier and accentuate not-so-large traces of fatigue.

Important nuances

What else is important to consider, if you want to accurately determine your type of season:

  1. We carefully wash off cosmetics.
  2. If the hair color is not native, we hide it under a white kerchief.
  3. Turn off artificial lighting.
  4. We are located in front of the window so that direct sunlight does not fall on the face.


Color type, not a sentence - this is a hint for the selection of favorable color shades that will emphasize your natural beauty in the portrait area (near the face). It can be blouses, dress tops, tops, scarves, necklaces, earrings, glasses. This is especially true with age, at the first signs of aging. The uniqueness of the subtype palette is that all colors are combined with each other and you can safely combine them. All your favorite colors NOT from your palette can be used in skirts, trousers, shoes, subject to a combination of colors.

If you find your appearance (skin tone, hair color, eye color) similar from the presented photos of stars or representatives of subtypes, we recommend that you save the shade palette to your smartphone so that you can experiment when shopping, trying on new colors from the palette. It will also help when choosing cosmetics for makeup and coloring.
And remember that there is no clear framework, because we dye our hair, change tonal means, sunbathe, we use certain styles of clothing, which in themselves dictate the color. Each appearance is individual. Experiment, but accentuate your beauty!

Summer shades palette

So, we figured out how to determine the color type of a woman in summer. Now it's time to choose your look.
However, this is not all, because the summer color type assumes 3 more subtypes, due to the combination of hair, skin and eye color. When choosing your individual style, such nuances must be taken into account.

SUMMER subtypes: representatives, bows, makeup, palette

Summer includes the following subtypes:

Light type (Light Summer)

Light type (Light Summer) corresponds to the owners of light blond hair, pink skin and blue eyes.

Celebrity subtype Light Summer

The representatives of the Light Summer include: Reese Witherspoon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Naomi Watts, Cate Blanchett, Rosie Huntington.

A girl of a summer color type can create her own individual image by trying on a silk or cambric sarafan with a length of maxi gradient color. The main thing is that the palette of watercolor stains is cold shades. Sandals and jewelry will serve as style-forming elements. For example, an elegant handbag and a thin chain with a cute pendant will make an elegant look, while a casual hippie style will be supported by a backpack and jewelry made of beads, wood or matte stones.

Clothing options for the light summer subtype

A fashionable wardrobe of a woman of appearance, summer often includes ripped jeans and a daring one. In this case, it is better to replace the black leather of the latter with a shabby brown "antique", while an alternative to the shining rivets will be a delicate shimmering, as it were, of green old buckles.

Palette Light Summer

The more natural you look, the more fashionable your look will be. So women with the color type "summer" will not have to emphasize their soft charm. Nevertheless, if you feel uncomfortable without makeup at all, give preference to lipstick and blush of all shades of pink. More saturated berry colors will also be appropriate.

Makeup for subtype Light Summer

Natural type (True Summer)

Natural color or contrasting SUMMER (True Summer) implies a soft combination of basic indicators. For example, grayish blue eyes, dark blond hair, olive or beige skin.

Celebrity Natural subtype

Celebrity color type natural or contrast summer (True / Cool Summer):, Olivia Wilde, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Emily Blunt.

When choosing shoes and bags, consider not only the color and style, but also the material. The best option would be products made of thin matte leather or suede in soothing shades: wet asphalt, gray-blue, brown, muted green and similar cold shades of cold color that fit into the main wardrobe.

Color matching in clothes for Natural Summer

The overwhelming majority of fashion designers recommend to ladies of the summer type of appearance a romantic style that is not the first year. And indeed - pastel shades, floral patterns, flying fabrics and feminine frills perfectly emphasize the soft charm of a summer girl.

The combination of shades in clothes of the cool summer subtype

Color palette Natural / Pure summer (True Summer)

Depending on the time of day, you can use either traditional black or trendy lilac mascara. But the eyeliner is better to use gray, brown, olive green or purple. Choose your eyeshadow accordingly, although, as mentioned above, such a thorough makeup will only be appropriate at a party.

Suitable tank top for cool summer

Soft Summer

The soft type of woman summer (Soft Summer) corresponds to the owners of light blond hair with an ashy tint, ivory skin and blue eyes.

Celebrity subtype Soft Summer

Stars of the Soft Summer subtype: Jennifer Aniston, Keri Russell, Miley Cyrus, Sarah Jessica Parker, Natalia Vodianova.

Representatives of the subtype Soft Summer

Composing her wardrobe, a summer woman can choose any style. It is important to remember that clothes for the summer color type should not be too bright. Otherwise, you risk "getting lost" in your own outfit.

Clothing color for subtype Soft summer

The delicate palette defines not only the wardrobe, but also the important details accompanying it. So, give up too dark toning, otherwise the soft shine of your hair and skin will fade into the background, and black glasses will dominate on your face.

Palette of shades Soft summer (Soft Summer)

If during your vacation your skin has become darker and your hair color is lighter, do not be afraid to try on bright colors in your clothes, but do not forget about a sense of proportion in your makeup.

Makeup for the Soft Summer subtype

The summer color type is best suited for materials that do not drown out soft, even intelligent, charm:

  1. Matt silk.
  2. Cotton.
  3. Knitwear.
  4. Jeans.
  5. Cashmere.
  6. Wool crepe.
  7. Tweed.

Too heavy or shiny fabrics in a woman's wardrobe for the summer are inappropriate - with them, the grace and grace inherent in this particular type is lost. Choose a print accordingly: a dull Paisley pattern, exquisite patterns of Venetian glass, fantasy watercolor stains, a variety of ethnic patterns in light colors and a dull check would be an excellent choice. It is permissible to emphasize your business image with a suit or a sheath dress in a thin, dull strip.

In order to create a stylish and harmonious look for women with the Summer color type, which is the most common in Russia, you need to learn to understand the seasonal palette of shades and be able to correctly combine them.

In this article:

Download the Instructions for combining shades in clothes ..

How to create harmony in the image of women of the summer type

It is well known that the Summer color type is a cold direction in appearance, based on shades with a cold (blue) undertone. It seems that any shade in the range from blue-green to purple on the color wheel should work a priori.

This is indeed the case. However, in life, disharmony in appearance often arises not due to the incorrect selection of warm and cold shades, but due to improperly created contrast in the appearance, incorrectly selected shades in lightness and saturation.

For example, a typical summer look has medium contrast and low saturation. High contrast and bright spots of a large area in the wardrobe are unlikely to suit such an appearance.

That is why, to create harmony, it is important to consider not only color temperature, but also lightness and saturation. Taking into account all these characteristics, seasonal palettes of shades have been created both for each color type as a whole, and for their individual subtypes.

Seasonal palette of shades for the Summer color type

To get a seasonal palette of shades for the Summer color type, you need to take 8 primary colors (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet and purple) and make them a little colder and softer: add a drop of blue pigment and gray tone to each of them ... As a result, we get a general palette suitable for all summer types:

As you can see, orange color is completely absent in this palette. it has no cold tone range. And the second row is represented by cool shades of yellow, which are more likely to be green than yellow. The fact is that the coldest version of yellow is yellow with an admixture of green, which instantly makes the color "dirty" and sloppy. Be careful with cool shades of yellow in your wardrobe to avoid a messy look.

Light shades of the palette for the summer type of appearance (grayish-beige, grayish-white, gray-pink, light gray-blue, lavender, light lilac, light green) - great for summer wardrobe, blouses and tops, accessories and add-ons, and also underwear.

Most dark palette shades(wine, lingonberry, dark needles, deep blue, sapphire, dark gray, wet asphalt, dark gray-brown) will look best in outerwear, going out clothes, as well as in an office wardrobe. Bags and shoes of classic styles in these shades look harmonious.

Neutral shades, with medium lightness and low saturation, are suitable for any season and most occasions. Soft and soothing colors. They are good both for clothing and footwear of the basic group, and for everyday wardrobe. These shades include medium gray, gray-blue, gray-green, gray-brown, blue-green, aqua, classic blue, dark blue, cold lilac, dark lilac, etc.

Bright shades are the most vibrant and vibrant colors of the palette. Ideal for summer and beach wear. Very good for small accents in everyday and business wardrobe. Suitable for special occasions. Used in shoes, bags, gloves, scarves and shawls, belts, etc. These shades include red currant, purple, aquamarine, sky blue, deep blue, ultramarine, amestyst, lavender, deep pink.

The summer type of appearance is divided into three subtypes: cold, soft and light. Each of them has its own peculiarities in the selection of colors.

  • »Summer color type: description and subtypes
  • »Shades of hair for the color type Summer
  • »Secrets of makeup for the color type Summer

Color palette for Cold Summer

Download the Album of recommendations for the Cold Summer color type ..

A distinct cold undertone is the dominant characteristic of a Cold Summer. This is where color temperature comes to the fore. The coldest shades with a slight addition of gray within the seasonal palette are best suited for women of this type: dark blue, pine needles, emerald, medium gray, wet asphalt, gray-black, etc.

As a rule, the degree of saturation of the appearance is medium or higher. It must be reflected in the form. Opt for medium-saturated and rich shades for your wardrobe.

The contrast is medium or above average. Try to create the same contrast by combining fairly dark and light tones in one ensemble.

  • »Lookbook: Cold Summer

Color palette for Mild Summer

Download the Album of recommendations for the Soft Summer color type ..

Softness and mutedness are the main characteristics of the appearance of women with the Soft Summer type. As a rule, light or medium-brown hair, dim eyes. Often the owners of this type themselves call their appearance "mouse".

One should not violate the intended harmony by nature, trying to give excessive brightness to the image. The palette of shades of Soft Summer should repeat the natural colors of the exterior, playing with a little more contrast to give expressiveness to the appearance.

Choose the softest shades within the general summer palette: wormwood, charcoal gray, gray green, grayish blue, gray brown, etc.

Considering the low degree of natural contrast in appearance, take a closer look at the monochromatic combinations in the wardrobe.

Contrast in lightness will help to make the appearance brighter. Combine light shades with medium-dark shades for a seasonal palette.

  • »Lookbook: Soft Summer

Palette of colors for Bright Summer

Download the Album of recommendations for the Light Summer color type ..

The Bright Summer palette consists mainly of light, pastel and low-saturated tones. These are the characteristics of the appearance of women of this type.

It is noteworthy that pastel shades are remarkably combined with each other, regardless of the color temperature. Therefore, Bright Summer and Bright Spring have many shades in common, both cold and warm. However, the summer type should wear shades with a cold blue undertones (blue, purple, cold pink) near the face, which will make the complexion healthier.

Low natural contrast in appearance is conveyed in clothing: you can combine two light shades. Darker tones must be diluted with a contrasting light shade.

Beauty industry experts say that women who have Leto's appearance color type are very lucky because they can experiment with choosing colors and makeup. But in order for your experiments to be successful, you still need to adhere to certain rules that correspond to your type of appearance. The thing is that the Summer color type is also divided into Light, Cold and Soft Summer, each of which has its own characteristics. Let's consider them in detail.

Light Summer is pale skin, blue, light green or gray eyes, cold blond or light blond hair. In the summer season, the skin color becomes more tanned with a beautiful blush, this is what gives a special zest. Light summer is a light cold color, which means the mandatory presence of a white shade in the palette.

Cold Summer is pale yellow skin, often with an olive tint, gray, blue or green eyes, hair of cold and dark shades. This appearance is characterized by cold colors and not bright contrast.

Soft Summer is light pink skin, green, blue or gray eyes, light brown, light brown or dark blonde hair. A feature of this color type is that the strands of hair, fading in the sun, acquire a golden hue.

If you still have doubts about which of the three summer color types you belong to, then watch this video. It deals with this issue in more detail. Only Cold Summer in the video is titled Typical Summer, and Mild Summer is subdued.

Matching colors

After you have determined which specific color type you belong to, it is important to understand which colors suit you best.

In order to be able to emphasize all the features of this color, it is important to understand and accept the features of your appearance. The shades of Light Summer are discreet and do not differ in saturation, but this does not create the image of a "gray mouse". It's just that the owners of this color type should adhere to minimalism when choosing paints. Sharp contrasting transitions look inappropriate in their image, even with those colors that suit them, it is better not to experiment, combining them.

Such moderation and delicacy in the image of the Light Summer color type is associated with the lightness of clouds, tranquility and harmony.

Color type Cold summer

The name of the Cold Summer color type speaks for itself, unlike Light, which is characterized by gentle, romantic shades, it is dominated by a calm, restrained palette of colors.

Stylists explain that it is necessary to choose colors based on associations with mountain landscapes, clear water that is present on them and the freshness of the forest after rainy weather. At first, this approach may seem complicated, but in fact everything is simple: in the palette of colors of the Cold Summer color type, the main element is blue pigment. Also, natural beauty can be emphasized with the help of such shades:

  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • gray;
  • green;
  • light green;
  • beige, etc.

It is better to avoid white color, since it has the property of softening the image; it is better to replace it with colder similar colors, for example, beige.

The image of such an appearance seems to be shrouded in a light haze, which gives it charm and charm. This feature of appearance is clearly visible on the Soft Summer color type. The colors of this image are soft, that is, muted, moderate. Despite the fact that such desaturation is inherent in the Bright Summer color type, they are very different from each other. Soft Summer implies the transition between shades, but very smooth.

The fact that the palette of colors is muted does not at all make the image boring, because a combination of colors is allowed. They are associated with soft grass, delicate flowers, especially violets and refinement is clearly visible in the appearance of Soft Summer. The basic principle when choosing paints is the golden mean, that is, they should not be either very light or dark.

Many colors of cold shades are suitable for the Soft Summer color type. It is strongly not recommended to use:

  • black;
  • dark brown;
  • fiery red and other challenging colors.

Suitable wardrobe

In our area, the Summer color type is the most common, however, not all women are able to create a suitable image for themselves. When choosing a wardrobe, a person's character plays an important role. The Summer color type usually has a balanced and gentle behavior, so femininity is an integral part of the image, which can be most easily emphasized with a wardrobe.

Stylists are advised to opt for a romantic style, as well as Provence and country. Laces, frills, ruffles, which many women love so much, are ideal for the Summer color type, because they will emphasize femininity. Developing dresses will perfectly complement the evening look.

Strict business and sports suits are an absolute taboo for the Summer color type. No matter how feminine and romantic the makeup is, these clothes will destroy the image, giving it roughness. If the situation requires you to come in a tracksuit or a classic business suit, their appearance must necessarily be softened. It is not difficult for designers to add embroidery, romantic patterns and other decorations to them that will change the image without changing the style.

The shades that are ideal for the Summer wardrobe are:

  1. White and black. The use of one of these colors or their combination with each other is not allowed. Both white and black must be combined with other paints.
  2. Blue. It must be the main one in the wardrobe of the Cold Summer color type, in all the rest it looks also appropriate. It is better to use clothes that are not pure blue, but, for example, blue-gray, indigo, denim and others.
  3. Red. If such clothes are present in the wardrobe of the Light Summer, then there can be only one detail in the image, for example, a red skirt, and all other parts are delicate. Shades of red look beneficial: ripe cherries, fuchsia, raspberries, watermelon and others.
  4. Green, yellow, brown and purple. For the Summer color type, preference should be given to the cold shades of these colors.

The most unsuccessful shades for the Summer color type are:

  • Orange;
  • gold;
  • ginger;
  • scarlet and other harsh, warm colors.

Examples of the right combination of things in a wardrobe.

Suitable hair color

The summer color type is unique in that its owners have their own natural hair color can range from cold blonde to chestnut. All of them have a natural hue - a light gray haze. Hair color must be chosen based on the characteristics of the color type:

  1. Bright Summer... Light ash and wheat hair color is suitable for its owners. A frequent undesirable effect when painting with these colors is yellowness, which instantly spoils the image. Therefore, it is better to dye your hair from professional hair masters.
  2. Cold summer... Paints with cold shades are suitable for representatives of this color type: light brown, chestnut and other brown tones. The color can be any of them, but a prerequisite is a cool shade.
  3. Mild Summer... Owners of this color type will look defiantly both too light and too dark tones, therefore, when choosing a hair color, it is necessary to abandon experiments, stopping at the "golden mean". It can be light brown shades, light chestnut and others not bright.

Suitable makeup

The fact that representatives of the Leto color type often complain about the inexpressiveness of their natural image can be easily turned into dignity with the help of well-chosen makeup.

When choosing makeup, it is necessary to stop the choice on light, delicate colors:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • peach;
  • pale pink;
  • light gray and others.

In the Light Summer color type, the skin has a natural pale shade, so it will be appropriate to apply blush, but not bright ones. When choosing a foundation, you cannot use one that is darker than the natural complexion.

The natural hair color of the Cold Summer color type is usually dark, so pale shades will not work when choosing makeup. This type is hardly the only one on which pink shadows look very appropriate, which can be combined with clothes of the same shade.

The main rule when choosing colors for makeup, as well as for hair and clothes is the need to use cold shades, which are found in almost all colors.

Bright lipstick looks appropriate, but it should be combined with makeup and the overall look. Lips with clear contours are inherent in the Soft Summer color type, so bright shades always look advantageous on them, which cannot be said about most other types. The eyeshadow color can be gray, turquoise, cool brown or purple.

Despite the fact that each subtype has its own shades, the basic rules for applying makeup can be distinguished:

  1. Blush. Depending on the characteristics of the natural complexion, they can be either cold pink or beige gray. It is strongly not recommended to use orange, brick and red shades in blush.
  2. Shadows. When choosing shadows, it is best to opt for the heavenly and marine colors: gray, blue, beige, blue shades. Taboo colors are copper, red-purple and other poisonous shades.
  3. Mascara. The best option is classic black mascara; for those who like to experiment, purple is also suitable, but by no means green or bright blue.
  4. Pomade. Since the lips of the Summer color type are usually of the correct shape, there are no special restrictions. You can use any shades of pink, beige, eggplant, but not orange.
  5. Foundation creams. When choosing any concealers, it must be borne in mind that they must be in harmony with the skin tone and in no case be darker. Tanning creams are not suitable for this color type.

The owners of the Leto color type are lucky, because they can be given free rein to their imagination, but within the framework of acceptable rules. Universal makeup and wardrobe can be spied on by stars belonging to this type, or you can choose it yourself by experimenting.

Mild summer - soft cool coloring ... This means that the colors of this palette are primarily softened, complex, grayish. Because the palette is cool, the colors have a grayish blue undertone.

The most important characteristic of the palette is softness, a grayish undertone. Additional - coolness (ie not warm colors are neutral and slightly cool). Lightness - darkness is not important .

Representatives of color : Bianca Balti, Chris Evans, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michael Ely, Robert Pattinson, Brad Pitt, Ornela Muti, Miranda Kerr, Josh Halloway, Adriana Lima, Rashida Jones, Ellen Pompeo.

Associations :

This is the palette of the forest after the rain, the coolness of the foliage and the freshness of the water, summer fog, an August evening. This is a mysterious mystical palette of nuanced colors, colors loved by the Pre-Raphaelites, the romance of antiquity and the passage of time, mystery.

Color shades palette

White is the color of purity and new beginnings. A grayish white or milky is suitable for soft summer. Black is an elegant and mysterious color. Grayish-black suits soft summer. Gray is calm and elegant. The palette includes neutral grays, bluish grays, and taupe beige.

Beige is a soft and elegant color. Grayish beige and neutral soft beige are suitable for soft summer.

Brown is associated with coziness. The palette has greyish brown shades and dark cocoa color.

Red is the color of energy and passion. Watermelon red, soft berry red, neutral and cold soft burgundy shades are suitable for soft summer.

Pink is associated with softness and dreaminess. Softened neutrals and cool pinks, as well as watermelon, are suitable for soft summers.

The color of an ash rose is delicate and unusual. The palette contains soft pink-beige as well as grayish cold pinks.

Yellow is a cheerful color. Soft, softened yellows are suitable for soft summer.

Green is a calming color. The palette contains softened neutral greens and cool greens, similar to the color of needles and the color of wormwood.

Blue-green is a disposing color. Soft grayish turquoise and calm aquamarine suit soft summer.

Blue is a calm and elegant color. Light greenish blue and neutral blue with a grayish tint, similar to the color of jeans, are suitable for soft summer.

Lilac color is mysterious and mysterious. In the palette of mild summer there are neutral, slightly softened lilacs, as well as gentle and sensual reddish-lilacs, with a large gray admixture, as if covered with haze.

Using the palette

All colors of the palette are combined with each other due to the common subtone.

The palette has softer colors and brighter, lighter and darker colors. I will mark them: light - in blue, dark - in blue, soft - in gray, bright - in red.

Light the colors of the palette are usually used closer to the face - in blouses (for women), shirts, sweaters, hats, and also in summer clothes.

Soft colors are the calmest colors of the palette and do not attract much attention. They are usually used in basic clothing. This is a background, everything that will be easily combined with other colors of the palette, without attracting attention to itself. Plus, there are soft pinks in the mild summer palette. they are not used for the base, but rather to express calmness and gentleness.

Dark the colors of the palette can be used as a more interesting and effective base or in accessories - shoes, bags, belts.

Relatively bright palette colors are accent colors. They are used wherever you want to attract attention. They are often used in evening wardrobe and accessories.

All colors of the palette are perfectly combined with each other so you can let your imagination run wild and experiment!

Good luck with mastering the palette!

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