Commodity characteristics of jewelry on the example of the store “585. Tips to increase the likelihood of jewelry selling Jewelry Description Sample

Each person chooses jewelry in his own way, most people pay attention to two factors: cost and appearance. And only after the buyer is determined with these two criteria, other points start to be taken into account: the type of precious metal, the type of precious stone or gem, the style of the jewelry. It is precisely about the styles that exist in jewelry fashion that we would like to talk about.

We can talk about the style of jewelry in two aspects:

  • The professional classification of jewelry, which is generally accepted for any fashion and art, is a classification by the type of eras:, and romanticism. Then, in the 20th century, modern trends appeared - cubism, abstractionism, futurism and high-tech. However, this is a really specific classification used by jewelers, designers, artists, fashion houses and, occasionally, jewelry connoisseurs.
  • The second classification was created specifically for amateurs, ordinary buyers: classic style, avant-garde, zoological style, ethnic style, geometric style, exotic style, space style. Such a classification is more understandable to the consumer, because the name can immediately tell what exactly to expect from a piece of jewelry. We will consider both classifications so that each customer can understand what exactly he chooses, what jewelry can be combined with and how to wear it.

Classic style - most jewelry brands work in it, although at the same time they release collections that are slightly different from the mainstream. Rarely does a jewelry company adhere to a truly uniform style, customer preferences are different, and it is precisely the consumer's needs that are the main one in the jewelry market and world jewelry brands strive to satisfy them.

So, in the classic style work:, Links Of London,. We have listed only a small fraction of existing jewelry companies that operate predominantly in this style, just for example. So, what is the difference between the classic style: graceful forms, sophisticated, not too intricate, strict, laconic. Most often, the shape of the jewelry is a circle or rectangle. The main advantage of this style is that it is not subject to fashion; they will be relevant at any time and in any place, be it a work suit or an elegant evening dress.

Under the word avant-garde understand more unusual jewelry, which is inherent in the denial of all familiar forms and traditions. Jewelry made in this style obeys only one law - the talent, taste and desire of the jeweler. Usually it is a shocking, eccentric, unusual, mobile, flexible, bright and catchy piece of jewelry, in which unusual materials can be combined, gems can coexist with gems, and platinum can coexist with leather. There are also no rules for using the proportions and shapes of jewelry. The avant-garde style mainly works: Very, o, Style Avenue, La Nouvelle Bague, Mauboussin, Pomellato, Vhernier, Rossilver.

The next style is zoological , these are decorations in which figurines of animals, birds, fish ... in general, flora and fauna are used. Sometimes these collections look frivolous, sometimes funny, but at least one collection in a similar style can be found in any international jewelry brand, even the most elite brands. Moreover, almost all such jewelry can still be attributed to the classics.

Ethnic style , or else it is called the style of folklore. It is clear that all jewelry of this style interprets the motives and culture of a particular nationality or nationality: India, Spain, Japan, China, Russia…. For example, Celtic jewelry or the characteristic Indian style can be attributed to a typical representative of the ethnic style. A narrower style is: exotic, in principle it can be attributed to ethnic style. Decorations are made in bright, challenging and spectacular colors, for example, African style is the closest to this direction. Brands with ethnic collections are Deno Silver, Bochic, Gianmaria Donin, Henry Dunay, La Nouvelle Bague.

Gothick style - this is jewelry with ritual paraphernalia, crosses, gargoyles ... in general, the close attention of this style is directed to the symbolism of jewelry. You can clearly trace the pentagram, runes or magical signs in the interweaving of patterns, as well as elements of the Middle Ages, for example, openwork spiers of towers. Another subtype of this style is mourning items in dark, gloomy tones. Jewelry brands of this style are Le Sibille,.

Now let's move on to professional classification and start with style baroque is a luxurious jewelry decor with dynamic, lush and pretentious shapes. The main features of this style: lush decor, no restraint, clarity, correctness, harmony. Heavy ornaments, garlands, bows, curls prevail. Most often these are massive jewelry. Modern jewelry brands of this style are Buccellati,.

Style Rococo - lighter than baroque. It is characterized by curved shapes, asymmetric, bizarre combinations of all kinds of curls and garlands. In general, for the Rococo style, all sorts of twists, weaves are used, this is a fan-shaped composition: graceful, fragile, graceful. Many Russian jewelry brands work in this style: Sirin, Stela Exclusive.

Style classicism , please note, not to be confused with the classic style described above. This style is defined by the centuries of Ancient Greece and Roman antiquity. The main features of the style include: imitation of antiquity, mainly the themes of laurel, oak, meander and acanthus are used. The color scheme is simple, soft, and not flashy, the most noticeable colors are black, red and white. The classicism style is characterized by strict and simple forms, most often these are medallions and rosettes. In this style, you can see collections from Faberge, Tiffany,.

Style modern it is distinguished by a large number of smooth lines, elongated shapes, fluidity, asymmetry, sophistication. The main theme in jewelry of this style is floral motives, graceful compositions and mystical color of things. It is not the value of precious stones or metals that is important here, but the meaning that they carry in themselves. What is important is not the combination of stones in terms of value or quality, but in terms of color, esoteric meaning. Jewelry companies of this style: Konstantin Kryukov, Carlo Lucadella Quercia.

And to conclude our conversation about styles of jewelry, let's dwell a little on modern styles. The main thing is style Art Deco , which combines luxury and simplicity at the same time, clarity of lines and a bright play of precious stones. The main brand and the founder of the style is the Cartier jewelry brand, which creates jewelry that is full of harmony, elegance, but at the same time, simple and clear forms are preserved in them. Other brands have also taken up this trend: StefanHafner, Tiffany & Co, Chorard, Picchiotti, Boucheron, Bruni, Adler.

Style High tech - these are minimalist forms and precious metals (Chaumet, Di Modolo). Mainly, attention is paid to the quality of metal processing, however, precious stones are rarely found in jewelry of this style. Constructivism subject to one idea: the form should reflect the name of the object and its purpose. It is here that most often there are products - transformers, jewelry in the style of constructivism is multifunctional (Gavello,).

As you can see, there are many styles, we talked only about the main directions, however, each style has its own trends, substyles, classification. Therefore, a person, first of all, when choosing a piece of jewelry should be based on his own taste. In addition, the addiction to one style does not exclude the presence of other styles in your home collection. Man is a changeable, multifaceted creature, so we quite often adjust to our mood: today we want to look strict, classic and for this we select the appropriate styles. And tomorrow you want to fool around a little, take a break from the usual way of life and clear rules - it is for such cases that jewelry of other styles is needed.

How to choose a description for your product. Part 4. Beautiful, cute, lovely April 7th, 2011

We continue to look at articles by Chelsea Clarey from the Writing Product Descriptions for Your Jewelry series or How to find a description for your product.

"Nice" kit? Of course! But "cocky and charming" will convey the mood better.

The concept of beauty is naturally what we want to convey, but in order to get a bright sparkling text, we must choose unique and most appropriate wording.

With our syllable, we are trying to convey certain emotions to the reader. An emotional message is an important part of your content, it gets your customer to buy.

"Beautiful" is so vague and obvious that such a description is difficult to analyze because there are too many ways to use it. Plus, we all think our pieces are beautiful!

Let's get straight to a discussion of our alternatives:
- "Handsome" - avoid this word. Just as every child is beautiful for their mother, all artworks are beautiful for their creator. In most cases, we see even deliberate flaws as a highlight. How can you convey emotions with such vague words that increase the value of your product in the eyes of the buyer?
- "Beautiful" is slightly better than "beautiful". Has a softer, more feminine sound.
- "Sweetheart" is more girlish than the previous two, suggests jewelry for girls, but also vague.

Consider replacement by carefully choosing appropriate terms as in this list(they can be taken into account not only by sellers of jewelry, but also by other online copywriters). They will help your website stand out:
- Nice, graceful, classic, high quality, shiny - a great choice for vintage jewelry and for simple, traditional designs as they offer soft vintage glamor. For those who wanted, for example, a classic wedding decoration with "grandmother's pearls", such a description will seem attractive.
- Intriguing, alluring, captivating, exciting, teasing, - These words mean equal parts of romance and mystery. They suggest a hypnotic effect. They can be especially good for steampunk jewelry, jewelry using unusual materials or techniques.
- Delightful, expensive, sparkling, delicious, charming, precious - great for items that are aimed at young women and girls, or use a feminine "attraction". "Sensual designs", "charming bracelets and necklaces", "colorful polymer clay" - the hue of these options is sweet and fun.
- Gorgeous, adorable, luxurious, regal, divine - perfect style, when you sell wedding jewelry or items made with very high quality materials, direct your customers' attention to the quality you put into every step.
- Juicy, tangible, magnetic, mesmerizing - this is a guide for your client to recognize the hypnotic, sexual qualities. These words have a very sensual connotation, great for dark shiny colors.

Use the same words, but describe your pieces like this:
- replace "beautiful pearls" with "flawless, spotless pearls"
- replace "beautiful stones" with "beautiful glossy stones of an intriguing shape"
- replace "beautiful batik" with "graceful transparent silks"

And about colors:
- instead of “beautiful red” try “lipstick red” for sensual glamor items, “caramel red” for the young and energetic;
- instead of “lovely blue” try “subtle dreamy blue” for a bracelet, or “luxury blue” for an upmarket piece with mixed materials.

By using more connotative words, you not only show your products beautiful, but also make your customers think so. When an apt and sharp description reflects the beauty of your work, it makes an appropriate impression on your target audience by helping them buy your products.

Being a star and shining is one of the main tasks of a woman. Who can say that this is not so? They always expect beauty, joy and good mood from a woman, even if they say exactly the opposite things about this.

A woman cannot live only rationally - she lives in a world of feelings and images. This is nature. To create different images, to approach the issue creatively - there is a divine principle in this!

Jewelry may not be a girl's best friend like diamonds. But an irreplaceable assistant in creating an image - that's for sure. With the help of jewelry of various styles, you can easily adjust the intensity of your star radiation and always match the circumstances. And also to demonstrate your temperament and give everyone a good mood. Is it possible to realize all this only with the help of jewelry?

It is inappropriate to go to work wearing rubies and diamonds, it is considered a sign of bad taste. Unless you are a Hollywood star or the president of a reputable company. And sometimes you want to look spectacular! For this, there is quality jewelry. The choice is huge, the cost is often affordable. You can create any images, even every day, delighting everyone around!

"Bijouterie" is such a beautiful, graceful and slightly florid word. French! “Bijou” translates as “treasure” or “jewel”. So there is not even a hint of the second grade in the name. These are unusual jewelry, exquisite, not at all like stamped wholesale goods. This is creative work, this is exclusive!

It is not by chance that jewelry is called the French word. French jewelers and fashion designers have been the main instigators of the fashion for jewelry over the past two centuries.

Georg-Frederic Straz is the most famous glassmaker and jeweler in France in the late 18th century, working with glass and base metals. The renowned master made a huge contribution to the development and popularization of costume jewelry. Stones and jewelry by Georg Straz were in great demand by the ladies' society. That is why his name has become synonymous with artificial precious stones for centuries, and entered the world history of costume jewelry.

There are several types of jewelry.

Depending on the materials of manufacture:

Depending on the art style:

  1. Art Deco

    This is a special type of jewelry that cannot be confused with any other. Suffice it to say that its ancestor, Coco Chanel, is an icon of 20th century European style. The hallmarks of Art Deco are chic and luxury in everything. These are unique images. Stylish and at the same time discreet extravagance. Juicy and rich color palette, bold geometric shapes, ethnic ornaments. Art Deco style jewelry is wide bracelets, cocktail rings, earrings with shocking long pendants, etc.

  2. At the beginning of the 20th century, Coco Chanel suggested wearing costume jewelry, which, unlike jewelry, is combined with everyday clothes. Before that, women wore exclusively jewelry, believing that artificial stones are bad form.

    Bright flower-themed clips, refreshingly fashionable art deco bracelets and necklaces easily turned a classic white collar dress into a smart one, saving girls from having to change clothes several times a day.

    It was a bold design move that did not go unnoticed by the general public. But such was Coco Chanel - she was simply not interested in another result. She boldly broke all traditions and changed the rules of the game at her discretion.

    “Jewelry shouldn't be jealous! Jewelry should delight women and everyone around! " - said Chanel and released her line of jewelry, which immediately scattered among the French fashionistas.

    Being a minimalist in clothes, in matters of jewelry, she became a furious maximalist, recklessly violating all the rules of traditional taste.
    Read more about: Coco Chanel Jewelry

  3. Vintage

    Vintage costume jewelry is the so-called "costume" costume jewelry. It was also invented by the great Coco Chanel in those years when taxes on jewelry were raised in France (!). Designers began to create jewelry from what was available. Just imagine: they connected several parts of different chains, stones and beads of different styles, crystals from a chandelier ... and you got a fantastic brooch! There was simply no other such brooch in the whole world.
    The vintage jewelry industry in Russia is only gaining momentum. It is these items that become collectibles. Increasingly, you can find stunning pieces of jewelry made in vintage technique with Swarovski crystals, which are almost indistinguishable from juicy rubies or mysterious sapphires.

  4. Retro

    Retro jewelry is a purely American style that originated in the United States in the mid-20th century. The style of luxurious and brilliant women - Elizabeth Taylor, Vivien Leigh and others. In artistic terms, it was represented by intricate forms, emphatically feminine images and the most unexpected variations. This is a difficult-to-manufacture bijouterie. Many natural metals, stones and the most unexpected elements are used as materials - bronze, pearls, bird feathers, enamel coating. The design is characterized by the charming elegance of early Hollywood.

  5. Art Nouveau

    Jewelry in the Art Nouveau style (Art Nouveau) is a real feast of color and floral ornaments, flowing lines and stunning picturesqueness. The main feature of Art Nouveau style jewelry is the abundance of shapes and images of animals and birds, and especially insects (butterflies, dragonflies, cicadas, spiders).

    The materials used are all kinds of jewelry alloys, jewelry enamel, amber, turtle shell, horn, glass, ornamental stones. In artistic terms, this is always a pronounced decorativeness and emphasized femininity. The most famous brand in the world of Art Nouveau jewelry is the renowned American company Tiffany.

  6. Youth

    This style of jewelry has been formed relatively recently. Youth jewelry is intended only for young girls - motley and often just acidic colors, almost childish romance, catchy details, the symbolic nature of the images.

    The most modern materials, hypoallergenic alloys, lightweight plastic, rubber are used as materials. Toy strawberries and hearts, doll bows and stars - everything looks very cute. But at the same time, the forms of products can be the most daring and non-standard, going beyond the classical samples. For example, cuffs are jewelry for ears without punctures, which in their size can decorate at the same time the hairstyle of a young fashionista (they can be so large). This is an extraordinary style of jewelry, suitable only for young people - daring and very interesting jewelry made in the form of flowers, animals and in other versions.

  7. Glamorous

    The main sign of glamorous jewelry is the abundance of rhinestones. Without a large number of rhinestones, jewelry can hardly be classified as glamorous. Is that one artificial stone of incredible size. This is glamor too! Delicate and romantic, capricious and vulnerable. But at the same time, it is extremely brilliant, attracting the attention of others. Glamorous ladies never go unnoticed.

    Long, luxurious earrings with color transitions, bracelets and necklaces with Swarovski crystals - the world of glamor features a wide variety of jewelry and accessories, from stunning hair combs to exquisite metal buckles.

Depending on the purpose:

  1. Casual

    Everyday bijouterie - jewelry in which it is comfortable to walk around the shops, it is appropriate to attend lectures at the university, ride on public transport, etc. It can be jewelry in a youthful style (modest shocking "vintage"), romantic options for jewelry in the style of "Art Nouveau" and "retro".

    Everyday jewelry can be very colorful depending on your mood and your outfit. But at the same time, it should not be solemn, elite. A brooch studded with sparkling crystals is not a casual style. Bright red ladybug earrings without stones are a classic example of everyday jewelry in a youth format. Adult women most often prefer not too flashy jewelry with a floral theme. Decorations made of ornamental stones (jasper, agate, etc.), as well as amber, onyx and other semi-precious stones are good for every day. Such products warm with their natural energy. They are always and everywhere appropriate, do not attract much attention, at the same time they support energy and have a positive effect on health.
    Learn more about: The healing properties of amber.

  2. Office

    As much as we would not like to shine, but the office has its own dress code, which must be adhered to. Not all jewelry and accessories will work. Your jewelry should not distract you or your colleagues from work. The main requirement is restraint in shapes, sizes and colors. We can say that office jewelry is jewelry made in a moderate classical style. Strong lines, soft colors, elegant shapes. Jewelry for the office can be expensive, even jewelry, but it must fit into the canons of the rules accepted in the business world. You should look solid, stylish, but not glamorous, not festive. Otherwise, you violate business etiquette and look frivolous. A frivolous image is unacceptable for an office. In your choice, you can plunge into extravagance, exoticism, even retro, but up to a certain limit! Of course, here you need to have an innate sense of style. For a strict business trouser suit, you can choose earrings even with pendants, but these should be the thinnest rings or rods of elementary shape and short length. Similarly - with other types of jewelry. If you want to look emphatically stylish in the office, but fit into the dress code, it is very important to maintain a balance - choose an extravagant form, but austere design, or an elementary form, but a design with such a "twist" that will not go unnoticed.

    Jewelry with Swarovski crystals is perhaps not suitable for the office, because it looks elite - the stones shimmer exactly like diamonds. Although the latest collections contain laconic jewelry with a moderate amount of crystals.

  3. Evening

    Evening jewelry is an opportunity to show and emphasize all your advantages.

    Evening decorations can be anything you like. Are there any limitations? Probably not. The only exception can be a status event in the world of bohemia or the establishment, where the rules of high society and high fashion dictate: gentlemen - in tuxedos, ladies - in diamonds, accessories - only from the latest collections of world fashion houses.

    If you are free from dress code, then the choice of jewelry depends on your mood, wardrobe and theme of the event.

    Evening fashion is most often romantic and solemn. But there are many variations. Jewelry for a club party is different from jewelry for a romantic dinner in a restaurant. If in the first case, you can use absolutely any materials and solutions - shocking exotic, glamorous chic, bewitching vintage. Then, in the case of a romantic date, classical sophistication, mystery and sophistication come out on top. Only elite and jewelry costume jewelry of impeccable quality and classic design works in this style.

    Evening jewelry is very diverse - choose according to your taste!

  4. Wedding

    Wedding jewelry is distinguished by one main criterion - perfection. Perfection in everything - in the quality of performance, in design, in style, etc. All the guests' attention is riveted to the bride, so not the slightest mistake should be made.

    Of all the listed types of bijouterie, it is recommended to use elite and jewelry bijouterie as a wedding one. This is an impeccable workmanship and an impeccable classic design. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the stones in the jewelry be natural! The main thing is to take into account many selection criteria (style of dress, color type of appearance, hairstyle, etc.) and choose jewelry that is as close as possible to the jewelry group of jewelry.
    Read more about that.

Commodity characteristics of jewelry on the example of the store "585"

For the commodity assessment, 10 samples of gold jewelry presented for sale in the 585 store were selected:

1. Ring (fig. 13). Manufacturer: "Moscow Jewelry Factory" (Moscow).

Figure 13 - Ring

Purpose - women's hand jewelry, metal - 585 gold, the weight of the item is 2.07 g, the design of the ring with inserts is emerald and diamonds, the weight of the stones is 0.3260 g and 0.0600 g, respectively. Ring size - 17.5 mm, article number 585-100593.

The ring consists of the following parts: a rim, a setting for stones (caste), a welt for a setting, onlays and inserts of two types of stones. From the outside, the rim of the ring is smooth. The method of setting an emerald in a ring is clawed, and for diamonds - in a corner. The method of making a ring is a mounting method; in terms of completeness, the ring is unique.

Advantages: combination of two types of stone inserts.

Price - 11 628 rubles.

2. Ring (fig. 14). Manufacturer: Jeweler (Moscow).

Figure 14 - Ring

Purpose - women's hand jewelry, metal - 585 gold, item weight - 1.79 g, by design a ring with diamond inserts, stones weight - 0.19 g. Ring size - 16.5 mm, article number 585 -143234.

The ring consists of the following parts: a smooth rim, a rim for stones (caste), a welt for a rim, overlays and inserts.

The method of setting diamonds in the ring is pronged, the method of making the ring is mounting, the ring is unique in terms of completeness.

Advantages: stone inserts are framed in the form of a flower.

Disadvantages: it is not convenient to clean the ring, where there are inserts with stones.

Price - 17609 rubles.

3. Earrings (fig. 15). Manufacturer: "Moscow Jewelry Factory" (Moscow).

Figure 15 - Earrings

Purpose - female head jewelry, metal - 585 gold, item weight - 1.99 g, earrings with diamonds and sapphire inserts by design, stones weight - 0.0460 g and 0.2120 g, respectively, article - No. 585-203230.

Earrings consist of a base, a setting for a stone (caste), a welt for a setting, onlays, pendants and a lock. Stamped base, smooth, with places for setting precious stones. The method of making earrings is mounting, the method of setting stones is claw, according to the completeness - paired, the type of fastener is English. The type of earrings for decorative design is a knot snake.

Advantages: fancy form of decoration.

Disadvantages: not easy to clean earrings in places of inserts and rounded shapes.

Price - 7791 rubles.

4. Earrings (fig. 16). Manufacturer: Novosibirsk Jewelry Factory (Novosibirsk).

Figure 16 - Earrings

Purpose - female head ornament, metal - gold 585, weight - 1.38 g, earrings with cubic zirconia inserts by design, article number 585-206844.

Earrings consist of a base, a setting for a stone (caste), a welt for a setting, onlays, pendants and a lock. Base with a stamped pattern, smooth, with places for setting stones. The method of making earrings is mounting, the method of setting stones is in a corner, according to the completeness - paired, the type of fastening is French. Thanks to the clasp that secures the end of the loop, the earrings hold well. The thickness of the loop is small and the earring passed into the lobe does not injure it. Earrings with a French lock look very elegant. The type of earrings for decorative design is fantasy.

Advantages: form of decoration, decor with cubic zirconia inserts in the form of a bunch of grapes.

Disadvantages: The design of the French castle can be deformed.

Price - 3010 rubles.

5. Earrings (fig. 17). Manufacturer: Novosibirsk Jewelry Factory (Novosibirsk).

Figure 17 - Earrings

Purpose - female head jewelry, metal - 585 gold, item weight - 1.7 g, earrings with diamond inserts by design, article number 585-88958.

Earrings consist of a base, a setting for a stone (caste), a welt for a setting, onlays, pendants and a lock. Base with a stamped pattern, smooth, with places for setting stones. The method of making earrings is mounting, the method of setting stones is claw, according to the completeness - paired, the type of fastener is a carnation. Studs use a stud lock that fixes the earring in the ear. The lock is set to one stone. A stud lock in the form of a clip that keeps the retainer from slipping off by means of a special groove on which the clip is screwed. The type of earrings for decorative design is a heart.

Advantages: the form of jewelry, fashionable earrings - studs.

Disadvantages: unreliable, inconvenient lock design.

Price - 10,829 rubles.

6. Bracelet (fig. 18). Manufacturer: "Moscow Jewelry Factory" (Moscow).

Figure 18 - Bracelet

Purpose - women's hand jewelry, metal - 585 gold, product weight - 1.81 g, bracelet design without stone inserts, article number 585-36051.

The bracelet consists of links, a safety lock in the form of a chain. The links of the bracelet are stamped, the links are connected by a chain. Manufacturing method - mounting. The type of bracelet is hollow with rhodium plating, the type of weaving is a double rhombus, the size is 16.

Advantages: decorative type of braiding links of the bracelet.

Disadvantages: it is not convenient to clean the bracelet.

Price - 6844 rubles.

7. Chain (fig. 19). Manufacturer: "Moscow Jewelry Factory" (Moscow).

Appointment - female jewelry for the neck and dress, metal - gold 585, the design of the chain without inserts of stones, article - №585-23354.

The chain consists of links, lock, clockwork ring. By the type of links - anchor, by design - cervical. The links in the chain are located in planes mutually perpendicular. The chain is fastened with a special design lock - a winding ring.

Figure 19 - Chain

Advantages: reliable design of the lock.

Price - 4268 rubles.

8. Suspension (fig. 20). Manufacturer: "Moscow Jewelry Factory" (Moscow).

Figure 20 - Suspension

Purpose - female jewelry for neck and dress, metal - 585 gold, pendant with diamond inserts by design, item weight - 1.15 g, stones weight - 0.13 g, article number 585-190068.

Manufacturing method - assembly, according to the completeness - a single product. The suspension consists of a base, a connecting ring, an overlay. The method of setting stones at the pendant is in the corner.

Advantages: the shape of the suspension in the form of a key.

Price - 7912 rubles.

9. Suspension (fig. 21). Manufacturer: Novosibirsk Jewelry Factory (Novosibirsk).

Figure 21 - Suspension

Purpose - female jewelry for neck and dress, metal - 585 gold, pendant with diamond inserts by design, item weight - 1.17 g, stones weight - 0.0860 g, article number 585-193133.

Manufacturing method - assembly, according to the completeness - a single product. The suspension consists of a base, a connecting ring, an overlay. The method of setting stones at the pendant is in the corner.

Advantages: type of insertion of stones - on one of the petals of a stylized flower, passing to another petal.

Disadvantages: it is inconvenient to clean the pendant in the places of diamond inserts.

Price - 6794 rubles.

10. Ring (fig. 22). Manufacturer: Novosibirsk Jewelry Factory (Novosibirsk).

Figure 22 - Ring

Purpose - women's hand jewelry, metal - 585 gold, item weight - 1.99 g, ring with inserts by design - 5 diamonds. Ring size - 17 mm, article number 585-129983.

The ring consists of the following parts: a bezel, a setting for stones (caste), a welt for a setting, overlays and inserts. From the outside, the rim of the ring is smooth. The method of setting diamonds in a ring is channel. The method of making a ring is a mounting method; in terms of completeness, the ring is unique.

Advantages: the shape of the ring with an unusual insert of diamonds.

Disadvantages: not easy to clean rings with diamond inserts.

According to the results of the study, it was found that the store "585" presents a varied assortment of gold jewelry, depending on the types, designs, manufacturers, sizes and other characteristics.

Hello dear readers!

We continue to analyze the sales situation with you. Selling is a series of consecutive actions by the seller in order to convince the buyer to purchase the product.

The seller goes through 5 stages in communication with the buyer:

1. Greetings

2. Clarification of desires

3. Product presentation

4. Dealing with objections

5. Completion of the sale

In previous issues, we reviewed the techniques that are used in the "Welcome the Buyer" and "Clarify the Customer's Desires" stages. Today we will talk about how to act effectively at the stage "Jewelry Presentation". The purpose of the third step is to describe the jewelry that is suitable for the buyer and make a case for purchasing each of these items. At this stage, the seller talks about the products.


We offer the seller a universal scheme for describing jewelry. This scheme includes three blocks:

Who made the decoration:

2. Company

What the decoration is made of:

How the decoration is made:

6. Construction of the lock

The first step in the description is to give titles. You need to name the country, company, metal, stone, decorative elements and the structure of the castle! When describing jewelry, it is possible to skip the points of this scheme. Any jewelry has a country and a manufacturing company. The rest of the items - metal, stone, decorative elements and the construction of the castle - are optional. For example, a piece of jewelry can be made without the use of metal, without the use of stones, without special decorative elements or without a lock. The lock is provided only for certain types of jewelry (earrings, chain, necklace, necklace, bracelet, brooch). Table 1 provides examples of such a brief description of jewelry.

The second step in the description is to list properties or distinguishing features. It is necessary to reveal the peculiarities of the country, company, metal, stone, decorative elements and the structure of the castle! To avoid advertising, we omit the discussion of countries and manufacturers. This question will remain for independent work. He will think about what features of the country and the manufacturing company can arouse the confidence and interest of the buyer. For example, a buyer may be interested in such company features as a long period of work in the jewelry market, international contacts, long-term cooperation with your store, etc. Table 2 shows a complete scheme for describing a piece of jewelry. The first column is the first step in the description, the second column is the second step in the description. Please note that this table describes in detail all possible features of metal, stone, decorative elements and the structure of the castle.

Table # 1.


Ring "Serpent Gorynych"

Earrings "Forest Fairy Tale"

Chain "Sailor"

1. Country




2. Company

3. Metal




4. Stone





Weaving "Ribbon"

6. Construction of the lock



Table No. 2

What is the name of?

What properties(distinctive features) possess?

1. What is the name of the country?

What properties does the country have?

2. What is the name of the company?

What properties does the company have?

3. What is the name of the metal?

What properties does metal have?

Precious, non-precious


Color, shade

Size -Weight

4. What is the name of the stone?

What properties does a stone have?

Precious, semi-precious, ornamental, organic, cultured


Color, transparency, shine


Size -Weight

5. What are the decorative elements called?

What are the properties of decorative elements?

Specific processing and shape of the metal

Specific selection, arrangement and fastening of stones

6. What is the name of the structure of the lock?

What are the properties of the lock structure?




When describing a piece of jewelry, a different sequence of six points of this scheme is possible. For example, first you can talk about the country and the manufacturing company, then describe the features of metal and decorative elements made of metal, go on to describe the stone and decorative elements using stones, and at the end mention the construction of the castle. The description inside the paragraph can also be built in any order. For example, when describing a stone, you can first say what type of stones the given stone belongs to, indicate the hardness, size, weight, and then describe the color, cut. Describing the decoration is a creative process. How you do it depends only on you!

The author of the article tried to describe his jewelry according to this scheme. This scheme has been tested and proven to be effective. To practice, try to describe your jewelry too. As an example, let's describe the jewelry shown in the pictures.

The Zmey Gorynych ring is made by the Russian jewelry company X. Russian jewelry is highly valued in the world market. Company X exports its products to a number of foreign countries. The ring is made of 585 gold. Gold is a precious metal. But precious metals are not used in their pure form. Why? Precious metals are relatively soft and have low strength. Therefore, they use alloys of precious metals with other metals. The alloys have high hardness and mechanical strength. The fineness is the content of the base precious metal in the alloy. The most common amount of gold in an alloy is 58.5%. Gold is yellow and has a red tint. The color and shade depend on the alloy composition. The copper in the alloy imparts a more yellow color with a transition to red. The lower part of the rim of the ring (shank) has a small width (2 mm) and expands towards the top. The weight of the ring is 2.72 grams. The top is made in the form of three snake heads. The heads are adorned with a grainy filigree background. The ring is made using three identical emeralds. Emerald is a precious stone. Hardness - 9. Stones are green, transparent, have a glass luster. Cut - round brilliant. The stones are 1.3 mm in diameter and weigh 0.01 carats.

Emeralds are the eyes of snakes. The stones are fixed with a deaf caste. The blind fastening emphasizes the shape of the stone.

The Lesnaya Skazka earrings were made by the Russian jewelry company Y. Russian products are very popular abroad. Company Y jewelry is worn by many foreign stars. The earrings are made of 925 sterling silver. The length of the earring is 2 cm. The metal part of the earrings has a classic shape. Earrings are made using 14 garnets. Garnet belongs to semiprecious stones. Hardness - 7. Stones are dark red, transparent, have a glassy luster. The diameter of the stones is 2 mm. Cut - round. Stones are attached 7 pieces to each earring using a corner cast. Corner caste provides maximum access to light. In appearance, the combination of stones resembles a blackberry. The total weight of the product is 7 grams. Earrings - with English lock. The English castle is very secure.

The "Sailor" chain was made by the Russian jewelry company Z... Russian companies are famous for their unique handmade work. The Z company has already released several exclusive collections. The chain is made of 585 gold. Gold is pale yellow in color. Chain length - 50 cm, width - 2.5 mm. weight - 10 grams. Weaving - "Ribbon". Each link is assembled from many turns of wire. The lock is a carbine. The carabiner lock is very reliable.


What determines the credibility of jewelry presentation? The persuasiveness of the presentation depends on the language of the description. To convince a customer to buy, speak the language of customer benefits. Remember: you are not selling the properties of a product, but the consumer values ​​of these properties. That is why, when presenting jewelry, it is effective to use the SV technique. The SV technique is the translation of the Properties of a jewelry item into consumer Benefit.

The CB technique consists of 5 steps:

1. The property of the jewelry.

2. A connecting phrase such as: "This will allow you ...", "For you it means ..". "And then you can ...".

3. Benefit arising from the properties of the jewelry.

4. Closing question like: "Is it important for you ..." "" Is it interesting for you? "

5. Getting an answer to your question (yes, no, not really).

For example, “The ring is made of 585 gold. Very tough alloy. For you, this means that the jewelry will be worn for a very long time. Is it important for you? ”,“ The earrings are made of 925 sterling silver. For you, this means that the earrings will not darken. Is it important for you? ”,“ A chain with a carabiner lock. A very simple lock. This will allow you to fasten the chain while looking. Is this important to you? "Hold a pause after the question. A pause gives the buyer an opportunity to answer your question.

There is no need to tell the buyer about all the properties and corresponding consumer values ​​of the product! Concentrate on those properties of the jewelry that are most important to the buyer. And you should have learned about this at the stage "Clarifying the client's desires".


In the previous section, we formulated the rule: "To convince a customer to buy, you need to list the customer's benefits." What is customer benefit? Benefit is a benefit or advantage that the client acquires along with the product. The advantage can be at the level of reason and at the level of emotion. Therefore, the seller should make both rational and emotional reasons for purchasing the product.

Rational reasoning is the rational advantage of a given product over other products. For example, “Cannes are fastened with a corner caste. Corner caste provides maximum light access. For you, this means that the stones will sparkle and sparkle in the sun. Is it important for you? ”,“ Earrings with an English lock. A very reliable lock, for you this means that you will never lose them. Is it important to you? "

Emotional reasons are the emotional advantages of a person with a given product over other people, For example, “Many foreign stars wear company Y jewelry. You will feel like a special person ”,“ The rich red color of the stone. This color will give you extra confidence. " When the salesperson makes emotional arguments, the CB technique is not performed strictly. It is important to name the property and the advantage of the buyer on an emotional level.

It is worth noting that the same product property has both rational and emotional benefits for the client. For example, “Colorless stone. This will allow you to wear the jewelry with any clothing. Is it important to you? " or: “Colorless stone. It resembles a splash of champagne. You will feel like a risky person. "

A detailed and correct story about a piece of jewelry can lead to an immediate end to the sale. But often at this stage of the sale, the buyer still has doubts. And then we move on to dealing with the client's objections. Read in the next issue of the Jewelry Trade Navigator about the techniques of the fourth stage, “Dealing with customer objections”.


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