How to narrow down pores on your face as much as possible. Is it possible to shrink pores once and for all

Oily skin lends itself to aging later and is less prone to dryness. However, it also has its drawbacks. Due to the intensive release of fat, it shines and quickly clogs. This interferes with the normal breathing of the skin, negatively affects the metabolism and its general condition. But the main drawback is enlarged pores, which lead to the appearance of acne, comedones, and inflammation. How to narrow enlarged pores on the face, read the material.

Causes of enlarged pores on the face

Let us dwell on the reasons due to which the pores expand. Oily skin produces more oil than other skin types. This causes the pores to fill up with oil, stretch and dilate. At the same time, dust and other dirt from the environment gets into the pores. Small particles enveloped in fat get stuck in the pores, clogging them and interfering with normal operation. If such skin is not properly cared for, it quickly loses its tone, freshness, and the risk of inflammation increases.

Often this problem arises in adolescence, when, under the influence of hormones, there is an active increase in the productivity of fat. But after a transitional period, the pores may shrink, although this does not happen for everyone. The reason for the enlargement of the pores can be pregnancy, menstruation, and other factors due to which the hormonal background is disrupted in the body. If you have naturally oily skin, the question of whether it is possible to shrink pores remains almost unresolved. In this case, you can narrow them down a little, but also not for long.

Eating a large number of salty foods, spicy, fatty and sweet, contributes to the expansion of pores. If you want to shrink pores, try to eliminate foods containing flavor enhancers, spices, and preservatives from your diet. Also, this process is enhanced by hot weather, when sweating increases under the influence of high temperatures. But in any case, enlarged pores are not a sentence. You can always tighten the pores on your face at home.

Rubbing your face with an ice cube to tighten your pores

The easiest and most affordable way to narrow the pores on your face and reduce their diameter is to wipe your face with an ice cube. The cold helps to reduce the production of sebum for several hours. Cosmetologists also note the effect of toning and tightening the skin after this procedure, so they recommend making it a habit to wipe your face with an ice cube every morning after washing your face.

Important! Before narrowing the pores on your face, check if you are taking proper care of it. You need to wash at least twice a day: in the morning after sleep and in the evening before it. Never use hot water, as it only expands the pores. The procedure is carried out using special milk, foam, gel. Then, decoctions of herbs, micellar water or a narrowing tonic are used. A scrub is applied once or twice a week, and in addition, it is advisable to use various kinds of masks.

To narrow the pores on your face with cryotherapy, ice cubes must be frozen. You can take ordinary purified water, or you can add several useful substances to it. For example, lemon juice or herbal decoction, which help to narrow pores, relieve inflammation. After freezing every morning, take a cube of such ice and massage it thoroughly on the forehead, nose and chin - the places where the pores are most enlarged.

Vegetable and fruit masks to tighten pores on the face

If ice for narrowing pores is a daily procedure, then masks should be done once or twice a week. Before the procedure, it is recommended to scrub the skin so that the nutrients penetrate the skin faster.

Important! Never use masks on insufficiently cleansed skin. First, you need to remove grease and dirt from it and only then apply a mask. If there are many comedones in the skin, it is advisable to get rid of them too.

Here are some examples of the most effective masks for tightening pores on the face.

Lemon juice and cream based mask

To prepare the mask, you need to mix these two components in equal proportions and add about 10 drops of 10% hydrogen peroxide. The mask is applied for about half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water and a cream is applied. The cream, on the other hand, nourishes the skin and gives it elasticity. Small age spots can be whitened with lemon juice. But in this case, lemon is used to tighten the pores on the face.

Orange mask

Finely chop one orange, then grind in a blender until gruel is formed. It is applied to a cleansed face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and then apply the appropriate cream.

Potato mask

Ordinary potatoes do an excellent job with enlarged pores. To prepare a mask based on it, you need to grate one peeled fresh potato, add a little flour and beaten egg white to it. The mask is kept on the face for 10 minutes.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice mixed with corn flour is also used to shrink pores. A thick paste is applied in a thin layer on the face and kept for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. This blend not only tightens pores, but also improves skin texture.

Tomato juice

We take the pulp of one vegetable, knead it well and apply it on the face for about 20 minutes. Before applying, add a couple of drops of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of potato starch to the pulp. The mask not only tightens pores, but also reduces acne on the face due to the action of potassium and acid.

Parsley mask

Parsley not only perfectly regulates fat production, but also fights acne and other skin inflammations. In addition, it has a cleansing effect, removes toxins, lightens acne scars, and whitens age spots. To prepare the mask, the greens are finely chopped so that the juice flows. Add two tablespoons of yogurt, yogurt or kefir to a spoonful of gruel, mix well and apply on the face for 15 minutes.

Pore ​​tightening oil masks

Despite the fact that the main cause of enlarged pores is excess oil, masks with the addition of oils are used to narrow them. The fact is that a number of oils have a narrowing effect, so their use is not only justified, but also very useful. To prepare a mask that narrows the pores at home, use the essential oil of parsley, lemon, cedar, myrtle, lemongrass, bergamot. To cleanse the pores, it is recommended to add limette, eucalyptus, coriander, and mint oil to the masks.

Most often, for the preparation of such masks, clay is taken as a base, since it has an absorbing effect, absorbs excess fat from the skin well and at the same time narrows the pores. It is recommended to add not even one, but two or three types of different oils to it. If, in addition to enlarged pores, there is inflammation on the skin, it is worth using the oil of hazelnut, black cumin, St. John's wort.

Such masks are applied to the face for no more than 15 minutes and washed off with warm water. After that, it is recommended to rinse your face with cold water or rub it with an ice cube, and then apply a cream.

Clay masks for tightening pores

It has already been said that clay perfectly narrows the pores on the face. In addition, clay has a bactericidal effect, tones the skin, makes it taut and elastic. It normalizes the secretion of fat, whitens, gives freshness.

Important! The pores can be enlarged on dry skin. In this case, it is necessary to use clay to narrow them with caution, as it can greatly dry out such skin. For these purposes, with sensitive skin, it is recommended to use blue clay, and before using it, apply a nourishing cream to the cleansed face. It is also important not to leave the mask until it dries completely, but to remove it after the first sensations of constraint.

If we use clay to shrink pores on our face at home, white is best for oily skin. In addition, it will remove oily sheen, inflammation, and whiten. To prepare the mask, dilute it with warm water until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream. You can add five drops of lemon juice, mix well and apply to the skin for 20 minutes.

You can use green clay to help fight acne. A little olive oil is added to the diluted clay. Do not use other vegetable oils, as only olive oil will not clog pores. Lemon juice and honey are also added to the mixture. The mask is applied to well-cleansed skin for half an hour. It is desirable that during this time it does not crack much when it dries. After the time has elapsed, remove the mask, rinse your face with cold water and wipe with an ice cube.

Egg whites masks

The good thing about egg white is that it draws excess fat from the pores, tightens them and tones the skin. To prepare a mask based on it, take the protein from one egg and mix it with two tablespoons of lemon juice and the same amount of oatmeal. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the cleansed face for half an hour. This mask is recommended to be done twice a week, especially for virulent acne.

In order to have a whitening effect, in addition to narrowing the pores, it is recommended to make a protein mask with the addition of lemon juice. To do this, beat the white of one egg into a foam and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the face until dry, and then immediately washed off with warm water.

How honey helps to shrink pores

How else can you tighten your pores on your face? With the help of a universal remedy - honey. It not only tightens pores, but also has a wonderful tonic and nourishing effect. To prepare a mask of this type, mix equal proportions of honey and brown sugar, adding a little lemon juice to them.

You can also mix honey with starch and salt, diluting it with warm milk so that the mass is thick enough to apply. Apply it on the face in several layers for about half an hour.

Before applying the mask, you need to prepare your face well: clean it with a cleanser and scrub well, massaging the places where the pores are most enlarged. The products are washed off with warm water and the prepared mask is applied.

Aloe Vera Juice to Shrink Pores

In the question of how to shrink pores, aloe vera juice helps well. In addition, it nourishes the skin and cleanses even the deepest pores.

To get juice, take the longest and fleshy leaves, wash in warm water and wipe with a dry napkin. Then the leaf is cut and the juice is squeezed out slightly. This juice is rubbed onto the face and left for a few minutes until the moisture is absorbed. After that, you can wash your face with warm water.

Did you know? The pores become enlarged under the influence of the sun, not only due to the increase in ambient temperature. Ultraviolet rays destroy elastin and collagen, causing the density and structure of the skin to deteriorate. Therefore, in the summer and even in the off-season, it is recommended to use sunscreen.

You can also make an aloe vera mask using other ingredients. For example, in a blender, mix 50 g of chopped aloe leaves, the same amount of water and one cucumber. The prepared mixture is applied to a previously cleansed face. If possible, it is advisable to leave the mask overnight. In the morning after washing your face, refresh your face with tonic and apply cream.

Which herbs help to shrink pores

To narrow the pores, you can use special herbal decoctions. The general principle of preparation is that 2-3 tablespoons of herbs are taken for half a liter of boiling water. Having poured the mixture into boiling water, let it brew for at least a couple of hours, then filter it and use it for washing several times a day.

For example, take nettle leaves and burdock root in equal proportions and insist at room temperature for at least a day. The broth is suitable not only for washing, but also for taking baths. He himself turns out to be quite concentrated, dark brown in color. It must be diluted to yellow.

Did you know? To increase the effect of masks and other cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to adjust the diet and introduce herbal tea into the diet. It should consist of herbs such as star anise, rosemary, sweet clover, chamomile, coltsfoot, taken in equal proportions. Thyme and rosemary can also be added. You can drink it several times a day, diluting it to a pleasant consistency.

Elderberry berries or flowers are used to narrow the pores. This herb also helps relieve inflammation of the skin, brightens it, disinfects and heals wounds. To prepare the broth, in addition to flowers or elderberries, you can add linden color, chamomile - a spoonful of each herb for half a liter of water. Cook the mixture over low heat, and after boiling - no more than three minutes. When the broth has cooled, it is filtered, honey and oat flour are added so that the mixture is not too thick. Put it on the fire again and cook for a few minutes. When the mixture has cooled, it can be applied as a mask and kept on the face for about 20 minutes.

Enlarged pores are easy to clean and can even be shrunk for a while. It is impossible to get rid of them for good, since this is an individual feature of the skin type, but there are many proven home remedies that help maintain the skin in good condition.

Well-groomed and smooth skin is a dream for many girls. Especially those lovely ladies who every day are faced with the fight against acne, acne and other troubles. Enlarged pores are one of the most distressing problems for us.

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

The pores have a very important function in our body. They help to remove dirt and all sorts of toxins outside. This part of the body helps our skin to look healthy and soft. But when these skin "holes" expand too much, not very pleasant moments begin.

When too much dirt and grease gets into the enlarged socket, there is a risk of acne. Failure to tackle a similar problem in time can lead to more unpleasant cases. Therefore, you need to clearly understand how it is possible to narrow the pores on the face at home.

First of all, a girl who is faced with a similar problem should have in stock several different masks and narrowing tonics that will come to the rescue. What helps in such cases best?

  1. Potato. Mashed potatoes work very well when you need to tighten pores on your face. This product will help fight the problem if the skin is mature. It will get rid of age spots, make it more elastic and even.
  2. Grape seed oil. Taken as a base, blended with grapefruit, cedarwood and tea tree esters, it will tighten pores, saturate the skin and leave it with a shine and pleasant scent.
  3. Lemon juice. Lemon is one of the main helpers in this situation. He will be able to whiten the skin, even out its color and create a barrier to the penetration of grease, dirt and other harmful substances.
  4. Clay mask. Blue clay is the best remedy for normal to combination skin. Reviews of women say that clay perfectly narrows pores, helps to make the skin smooth and silky.
  5. Parsley. In order for the greens to become your assistant, you need to finely chop them and mix with kefir or low-fat yogurt. Apply this mask on your face for 20 minutes and enjoy your appearance in the mirror. You can freeze the parsley broth in ice cubes and wipe the skin every morning.
  6. Almond. Scrubbing the skin with this nut is great for cleansing enlarged pores. Almond peel should be done on a steamed face, but avoid this method if you have any kind of inflammation.

What other means are there to narrow the pores on the face

Any girl can seek help from a specialist. After cleansing your face, you will be offered a range of treatments to deal with enlarged pores. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be overcome forever. Therefore, girls who are faced with this nuisance need to get used to constantly looking after their skin condition.

The cosmetologist will tell you how to quickly cope with enlarged pores, which helps to get rid of unnerving depressions on the skin of the face, what to do so that not forever, but at least temporarily get rid of this unpleasant situation. Be sure to find a good specialist. A person who will understand the intricacies of the skin will know everything about the means of narrowing the pores on the face. A master about whom you will find some good reviews, satisfied customers.

Narrowing tonics will come to your aid. Some experts will tell you what procedures you can go through in their salon in order to forget about this problem forever. Also, don't forget that there are slimming serums for the face.

There can be a lot of funds. The main thing is not to overdo it with them. It is important to understand what is helping you. You need to figure out how quickly your skin responds to healing. What recipes are most beneficial for you to get rid of such hated enlarged pores.

A few rules on how to tighten pores on your face

As in any other business, there are rules in the fight against enlarged holes on the skin. It is important to always remember about them, so that helping your body really becomes useful, and does not cause even more harm. Below are the most important rules, without which your actions will not bring any sense, and in the worst case, even add to the trouble.

First you need to understand that skin with enlarged pores is already a damaged epidermis. This means that the care for her is specific. For this type of skin, a gentle exfoliation should be applied. It must be carried out with constant regularity. The procedure should take place in your life, if you are the owner of a similar problem, at least once a week.

Peeling is a very important moment in the life of women who are faced with the problem of enlarged pores. It helps to get rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This, definitely, when carried out regularly, eliminates the possibility of blocking "wells" on your facial skin. It is also a good thing that cleansing your face improves blood circulation, thereby creating a healthy and fresh color for the skin.

The second point to pay attention to if you are struggling with the problem described above is cleaning your face after applying makeup. If you are the owner of a problematic person, then you should take off the make-up every day and with great care. Can you go to bed with makeup on? Definitely NO. You should know what helps to effectively remove the remains of decorative cosmetics on your beautiful face.

The next rule, which is absolutely necessary to fulfill, is a narrowing tonic. He is your best friend in the field of facials, he is your faithful assistant. Without it, you do not go to visit with an overnight stay, do not rest on weekends, in the country, and do not go on vacation. The tonic is a lifesaver in the fight against your problem. You must and constantly use it after cleansing your face. In addition to this, it is very helpful to wipe your face with ice cubes. This will enhance the effect of narrowing the pores on the face.

The last but the most important rule of grooming for girls who are struggling with the problem that everyone is talking about so much. It sounds like this: any care must be comprehensive and continuous. Can any of the procedures be interrupted during the process? YES, but only if it is harmful. In any other case, nothing should be the reason for stopping one or another method of treatment.

Everything that you do with your pretty face helps better and does not add to the trouble if it has a certain algorithm. Any creams, ointments, oils, narrowing tonics and other means become friends only if used wisely and carefully. Carefully study the recipes for all the products that narrow the pores on the face that you want to prepare according to popular advice. Make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.

If you cannot understand the drugs, you are afraid to deal with the problem at home - seek help from a specialist. Carefully study the reviews about the clinic, or a master providing private services. Choose a person who will like you, and feel free to go to him for clues.

If the assistance provided will be effective for you, if you see the results of its actions, if your skin begins to glow with health, and the problems with the pollution of your pretty face will fade into the background, then you have found the one you were looking for. Stay with this master for a long time.

Self-care is always hard work. Nothing is done overnight. You cannot find a magic remedy that will help you once and for all. But if you approach the solution of the problems of enlarged pores from the side of complex care, find the right means, consult with educated people in this area, then the result will not be long in coming.

Study your body, look for the cosmetic preparations you need, do not be lazy to help your body and your reflection in the mirror will become a holiday for you for many years.

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of having perfect skin today. And for this reason, in this article we will talk about enlarged pores on the face, how to narrow them and how to do it better.

There are several types of skin: combination, oily, normal and dry. If the owners of normal and dry such problems practically do not arise, then the "owners" of combination and oily skin have a very difficult time. Their face looks porous, with rashes, blackheads and redness often appearing on it. Let's try to understand the reasons for the appearance of the "enemy" and eliminate them.

Before you know how to narrow pores on your face, you need to know and how to clean them. Indeed, without thorough cleaning, there can be no question of any "treatment". Cleaning your pores is easy enough. For this, many different cosmetics and home recipes have been invented, which we will tell you about.

Scrub- an excellent product that, using granules, exfoliates keratinized particles and deeply cleanses. However, this product is not suitable for sensitive skin. In this case, it is better to use a soft peeling... It will gently cleanse the epidermis from dirt and dust.

Soda- always at your fingertips. You just need to mix it with water to a gruel consistency. You can add essential oils to it. If your skin is very oily, mix the baking soda with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Gelatin and activated carbon. Mix the crushed activated charcoal tablet with a spoonful of gelatin and a spoonful of milk. Send the mixture to the microwave for 10 seconds, stir and again for 3 seconds. Apply a viscous mask to problem areas for 15 minutes. Then take off.

Cleansing steps:

  • Steam the skin over a decoction of chamomile, sage, or other herbs. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil there.
  • Cleanse the skin with any of the above (scrub, exfoliation, etc.)

Causes of enlarged pores on the face

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. There are many reasons for enlarged pores on the face. These can be hormonal disorders, chronic diseases, genetic predisposition, improper nutrition and care, insufficient cleansing, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, poor-quality cosmetics, stress, bad habits. And if you do not know exactly your reason, you should contact a good specialist. However, the most common cause is improper care and poor cleansing. Let's talk about this in detail.

Is it possible to narrow the pores on the face

Many are interested in the objective question of whether it is possible to narrow the pores on the face and how to do it forever. It is possible to finally cope with the problem if it is not genetic, but caused by some other factors. If these are health problems, medical treatment will save you. If you have bad habits and unhealthy diet, then you need to finally decide and change your usual life. The rest will have to learn how to properly and regularly care for their skin.

Let's talk about proper care.

Important rules:

  • Never leave your makeup on overnight
  • If you use a sufficient amount of decorative cosmetics, then your cleaning should be thorough - removing cosmetics with micellar water (milk), washing with foam (gel)
  • Don't neglect the tonic that suits your type
  • Use the scrub once a week (not more often)
  • Use day and night cream
  • Buy cosmetics only for your skin type
  • do not get carried away by products that contain alcohol
  • do not use expired products (no matter how sorry it is, throw it away!)
  • start studying the composition of the care products (focus on natural cosmetics)
  • do not touch with dirty hands
  • do not crush pimples
  • eat more vegetables and fruits
  • drink at least three liters of water a day

Also, don't forget to apply masks. They cleanse, moisturize and nourish the epidermis, making it radiant and attractive.

Clay masks are very effective.

Let's figure out which clay is better for narrowing the pores on the face. It can be blue, white, pink, black, gray, yellow, red, green. Black, white, blue and red clay fights with the problem of interest to us. Here they act in about the same way, so you should choose from them according to other desired properties.

  • Black - perfectly cleanses and absorbs toxins, has a regenerating effect
  • White - tightens, whitens, rejuvenates
  • Blue - evens out the tone, prevents pimples, smoothes
  • Red - oxygenates, tightens, improves blood circulation

This product, which tightens pores on the face, has good reviews.

Different types can be mixed.

Herbs. Make tonics from herbs: calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, plantain, nettle, parsley, yarrow. Make small portions and keep them in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Consider which oil is the best for tightening pores on your face. Fortunately, there are many of them. You can choose according to the smell you like or combine several at once. Good for: lemon, bergamot, mint, rosemary, cypress, juniper, ylang ylang, geranium, lavender. You can make tonics, steam baths and masks with them, as well as add them to the cream before applying.

Cream for tightening pores on the face

In addition to those that we create with our own hands, there are a number of ready-made cosmetics. The manufacturers took care of us and came up with many tools that help to cope with the hated problem. For example, a cream that narrows the pores on the face. There are quite a few of them, let's consider the most recommended ones.

  • Normaderm Detox Night Cream by VICHY

It cleans well, evens out, removes oily sheen and of course eliminates the problem we are interested in. However, this cream is low in nutrients and should only be used in spring and summer.

  • Mary Kay Serum

It nourishes and soothes the skin, helps fight acne. Has a light, fast-absorbing texture.

  • Avene Cleanance K Face Cream Gel

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, controls the production of sebum, exfoliates, removes the defects of problem skin. This cream has an excellent composition, contains pumpkin seed oil, lactic acid, zinc, thermal water, vitamins. Most positive reviews.

  • Effaclar k + by La Roche-Posay

The emulsion mattes for 8 hours, regulates sebum secretion, smoothes, removes blackheads. It is a good makeup base.

  • Cream concentrate Bioderma Sebium

Contains mushroom extract Fomes officinali, kelp and ginkgo biloba extract, dimethicone, salicylic and citric acid. The composition is not bad, but the reviews are mixed.

Ointment narrowing pores on the face

Let's move on to ointments that narrow the pores on the face. Preparations with an extract of badyagi help a lot. They also get rid of acne and stubborn blemishes after pimples. However, they should be used with extreme caution, because many people are allergic to badagi. Test the product on the inside of the elbow before applying.

Lemon tightens pores on the face

Lemon has proven itself excellent in the fight for clean and beautiful skin. This is a cheap and effective remedy, but it should not be abused. Apply it only diluted. Can be used as an essential oil, added to creams, masks, scrubs.

Lemon tightens pores on the face, tones, refreshes and relieves acne, whitens, disinfects, removes scars and rejuvenates. It is possible to replace the tonic with water with lemon. Ice cubes with lemon juice also help to achieve excellent results. Ice is generally very good for the skin. Lubricate the skin with it in the morning and evening after washing. Freeze mineral water or parsley juice. All this, with regular use, also helps to solve the problem.


Protein and lemon

  • One egg white
  • A spoonful of lemon juice

Beat the protein until light foam and add the juice. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Lemon juice and honey

  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • natural honey - 1 tablespoon

Mix the ingredients, apply the mixture and rinse off after 20 minutes.

There are practically no women who completely love their skin. Especially dissatisfied with the face of the owner of oily skin. Ugly shine and enlarged pores do not adorn anyone. But the problem can be solved if you follow the rules of hygiene and adhere to the advice of cosmetologists.

We accept the face as it is

Every owner of oily skin should understand that enlarged pores are not a disease, but a feature of their appearance. The structure of the epidermis cannot be changed by any doctor or cosmetologist. Many cosmetic companies offer their customers lotions and creams that help to shrink pores. In fact, it is impossible to completely get rid of this problem. Improper use of cosmetics can lead to dehydration of the skin. Due to moisture loss, the pores can visually shrink. For the same reason, the face does not receive sufficient nutrition and withers faster. And those who have asked themselves the question: "How to narrow pores forever?" Should seek help from a qualified specialist. He will be able to suggest how to organize the right facial care to get rid of enlarged pores and at the same time not dry out the skin.

Enlarged pores are not a problem!

Enlarged pores by themselves do not cause any discomfort and are easily masked with decorative cosmetics. It is much worse if they become clogged. In this case, the cause of such a nuisance can be not only improper hygiene. Sometimes, serious diseases can be hidden behind the problems of the skin of the face. Therefore, when thinking about how to narrow pores, you need to understand that you first need to examine your body.

The sebaceous glands help our skin to function properly. They have a very important purpose. A special fatty secret, which is produced by the sebaceous glands, moisturizes, nourishes the skin, and also protects it from harmful environmental factors. The lack of this essential substance leads to rapid aging of the skin, to various diseases. If more secretion is released than necessary, the pores become clogged. This, in turn, leads to the onset of an inflammatory process. Acne on the face appears precisely as a result of clogged pores.

Why does the production of skin secretions increase?

Even people with oily skin can look great with proper nutrition and proper facial care. But health problems will cause acne to appear even in girls with normal skin. The following factors can contribute to an increase in the secretion of skin secretions:

  • Hormonal disbalance(an increase in testosterone levels in the blood). Quite often, this situation is observed in boys and girls during puberty.
  • Malnutrition. An excess of fatty acids in food leads to hardening of skin secretions. This makes it difficult for him to get out.
  • Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin. The sun makes her rougher, and the oily sheen on the face becomes more.
  • Infection in the body.
  • Hereditary factor.

Before you quickly narrow your pores, you should take seriously your health. A complete examination of the body will make it possible to identify the main reasons for the increased secretion of sebum and clogged pores. Cleaning in the salon can only give temporary results.

Excessive brushing makes the problem worse

Many girls mistakenly think that only cleanliness is the key to beautiful and even skin. Therefore, they study information on how to clear and tighten pores as quickly as possible. At the same time, they forget that the skin should be cleaned correctly. Use a scrub, for example, with extreme caution.

Cosmetologists recommend using this cosmetic product no more than once a week. The fact is that the solid particles of the scrub scratch the skin, and its protective layer is damaged. In the future, the epidermis thickens unevenly, which leads to the appearance of enlarged pores, as well as to their blockage.

Dehydration of the skin with the help of various alcohol-containing lotions is also not beneficial. Trying to remove the oily sheen, girls provoke a defensive reaction to such an effect. The skin secretion begins to stand out even more intensely.

Clogged pores spoil your face

Girls would not be bothered by the question of how to quickly tighten pores, in the absence of such a problem as comedones. These are formations that are obtained precisely as a result of blockage of the sebaceous ducts. Small bumps make the face uneven. In advanced cases, the skin may be covered with black dots. In the pores, not only skin secretions accumulate, but also keratinized skin particles, dirt and dust.

Most often, comedones appear on the nose, forehead and chin. Those with oily skin may also notice unpleasant formations on the cheeks or neck. People who lead the wrong lifestyle are more likely to suffer from this problem. Alcohol and smoking can trigger more sebum production. Excessive consumption of fatty foods, flour products, sweets, coffee is also not beneficial. The diet should contain more vegetables and fruits. An elementary lack of hygiene also leads to the appearance of comedones.

You should deal with the problem in stages. Before you narrow your pores and clear them of comedones, you should identify the cause of the increased oily skin. In parallel with this, proper care for her should be organized. It is better to contact a professional beautician for help.

We cleanse the skin correctly

A specialist will help you choose cosmetics that are most suitable for a specific skin type. Various foams and gels are used for cleansing. You should wash your face daily, morning and evening, with special products. You do not need to repeat the procedure more often than twice a day.

For many, simple baby soap and clean water are enough for facial care. It should be noted that plain tap water is not a good option for washing your face. It is very tough and contains impurities that can damage the skin. Better to use filtered water or boiled water.

Facial cleansing in the salon

Facial cleansing is one of the main procedures in most beauty salons. Girls who regularly apply for such services have smooth and beautiful skin. Cleaning by a beautician can be done in several ways. It all depends on the degree of neglect of the problem.

Before you cleanse and shrink your pores, you need to open them to remove comedones and excess sebum. This is done by steaming. The steam bath is based on herbs that also reduce inflammation and nourish the skin. In cosmetology, chamomile, sage or calendula are most often used. This procedure is very useful not only for the skin of the face, but also for the respiratory system. Some cosmetologists achieve the best effect of opening pores by adding a small amount of salt to hot water.

Steaming the skin can last no more than 15 minutes. This is followed by a procedure for cleansing from comedones. This is done by a professional beautician by squeezing. It is undesirable to repeat the procedure at home. There is a possibility of infection.

You can also get rid of comedones in the salon with the help of various masks. A specialist for each client selects an individual composition that allows you to overcome the problem as quickly as possible.

How to tighten pores after brushing?

After cleansing, the pores on the face become more vulnerable to various infections. Therefore, every beautician knows how to tighten pores quickly and effectively. The aesthetic side of the issue is also important. Closed pores without excess sebum is a beautiful and healthy face.

What needs to be done? You can close the pores after mechanical removal of comedones with a tonic. A white clay mask, which is applied in the salon for 15-20 minutes, also has a beneficial effect on the skin. Many people know how to quickly tighten pores with a lemon juice mask. But it is not suitable for those with sensitive skin.

You can also qualitatively narrow the pores in the salon with the help of peeling. But this procedure cannot fundamentally solve the problem. Only an integrated approach can give good results.

Laser resurfacing of the face against enlarged pores

Laser resurfacing is a popular procedure that seeks to improve overall skin condition. This service is also suitable for those who do not know how to tighten pores. Customer reviews of numerous beauty salons show that the procedure really gives excellent results. The large laser beam is split into smaller ones. Each microbeam creates a small depression. The laser does not affect the entire surface. There is an alternation of damaged and surviving areas of the epidermis.

In this regard, it is interesting how the pores can be narrowed with a laser. A good effect is achieved due to the regeneration of the damaged skin areas. This is what leads to the contraction of the pores.

The procedure will be useful not only for those who are thinking about how to tighten pores. The laser also promotes skin rejuvenation by activating the collagen production process.

Shrink pores with natural remedies

Our grandmothers and mothers could not visit beauty salons regularly. Many women do not have this opportunity today. It can be helpful to learn how to use natural home remedies to reduce pores on your skin.

Perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores, a mask of protein and sugar. To prepare it, you need to prepare one egg and two teaspoons of sugar. Initially, the protein is separated from the yolk and thoroughly mixed with sugar. You should get a homogeneous mass without lumps. The mask is applied to the face in two stages. The resulting sticky mass helps to remove dirt. Protein also helps to narrow the pores. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 15 minutes.

Baking soda can also help tighten pores. But you can use this component only if there are no wounds and inflammation on the face.

Specialists in the field of cosmetology unanimously say that enlarged pores are a serious defect that is difficult to deal with. However, dermatologists refute this statement, arguing their position with affordable folk remedies. Depending on the size of the pores, girls and women simultaneously fight acne, blackheads and increased oiliness. To save yourself the trouble, you need to stick to basic care and prepare masks on a regular basis.

  1. Clean clogged pores regularly with facial mousses, gels and serums. Purchase a fine-bristled brush from your local beauty supply store for deep cleansing. The procedure must be carried out once a day - in the morning. Otherwise, the pores accumulate dust, which, in combination with sebum, forms camendons and large blackheads. Finish your wash with a rinse with chamomile broth and a wipe with cosmetic ice.
  2. Get in the habit of scrubbing 2-3 times a week. The peeling compound can be purchased at any cosmetics store or large supermarket. Some ladies prefer to prepare scrubs on their own from coffee grounds, granulated sugar, ground nuts, etc. Such a move simultaneously cleans and narrows the pores, as a result of which much less dirt accumulates in them.
  3. The constant use of homemade masks aimed at tightening the pores ensures an even skin structure. The composition has narrowing, cleansing, regenerating and smoothing properties. All presented masks are universal, they are suitable for girls with any type of epidermis. The recommended frequency of the procedure varies from 3 to 5 times a day.
  4. Experts have deduced an interesting fact, which says that age-related changes negatively affect the size of the pores. The older the person, the more clearly the defect appears on the face. To avoid this, it is recommended to use professional cosmetics. Choose an anti-aging serum, gel or cream labeled "35+", "40+" and so on.
  5. If possible, wash your face at least 3 times a day, while the procedure should be carried out with contrasting water (first cold, then warm). It is recommended to finish washing with cosmetic ice. To prepare it, boil sage and let it brew. After half an hour, strain the composition and pour into molds, freeze, use as directed.
  6. In order not to clog pores, refuse to use foundation, powder, blush, concealer and other decorative cosmetics. If this is not possible, apply makeup on rare occasions, try to limit yourself to a daytime BB base. Remove makeup for 2 hours before going to bed, never leave it overnight.
  7. Give up the addiction of squeezing blackheads and pimples. If you do not have sufficient knowledge regarding the conduct of such procedures, entrust your face to professionals. You can resort to hardware cosmetology if the use of home formulations was unsuccessful.
  8. After using folk remedies, wipe your skin with a cosmetic toner or lotion. Products of this kind were originally designed to tighten pores, so the effect will be maximized. Depending on the type of epidermis, products can be moisturizing or drying.

  1. Coffee. Scrub based on used ground coffee effectively cleanses and tightens pores. To prepare it, mix 60 gr. sour cream with 45 gr. fat cottage cheese, rub until smooth. Grind half a banana in a blender, add 65 g. coffee grounds and stir into the previous mixture. Apply on problem areas of the skin or the whole face, soak for a quarter of an hour. After that, start rubbing the dermis in a circular motion for 5 minutes.
  2. Cucumber. Wash one fruit without peeling. Pass the cucumber through a food processor or meat grinder to make a porridge. Add 15g. potato starch, 20 ml. lemon juice, stir. Make a mask, soak it for about 40 minutes. In the summer, you should be careful, the cucumber whitens the skin and removes freckles. The composition also effectively fights against age spots and premature skin aging (smoothes wrinkles).
  3. Bodyaga. For a long time, a freshwater sponge called "bodyag" has been used to smooth out the texture of the face and tighten pores. Many beauticians recommend using a powder, not a gel. The loose composition is diluted with warm water to a pasty consistency, after which it is used for its intended purpose. The duration of the exposure of the mask based on the body should not exceed 15 minutes. Be sure to rinse off the product with ice water.
  4. Cottage cheese. Beat 1 chicken protein with a whisk or mixer until a thick foam is obtained. Grind the mass with 40 gr. fat cottage cheese and pour in 10 ml. hydrogen peroxide solution (concentration 3%). Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, place a plastic wrap on top. Soak the mask for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with ice water, lubricate your face with a moisturizer.
  5. Parsley. The plant controls the secretion of subcutaneous fat, as a result of which the pores become clogged more slowly. At the same time, parsley whitens and evens out the tone of the face, tones, fights wrinkles. Since the composition also tightens pores, its use is extremely relevant in this case. Wash the bunch of parsley, chop it in a mortar or blender to let the juice come out. Add 25 ml. lemon juice, 5 gr. sugar and 20 gr. low-fat cottage cheese. Apply the mask to your face, cover with plastic wrap, rinse off after 25 minutes.
  6. Granulated sugar. To effectively narrow the pores at home, use a mask of well-known sweeteners - sugar (preferably cane) and honey. Combine the indicated products in such a way that you get a pasty scrub. Spread it over the entire surface of the problem area, massage intensively for 3 minutes. After the expiration date, wash with cold water to fix the result.
  7. Activated carbon. Prepare 4 activated charcoal tablets, mash them in a mortar or use tablespoons. Mix the resulting powder with 40 ml. fat milk, add 15 gr. gelatin. Soak the composition in a warm place until it swells completely. After that, distribute it over the problematic parts of the skin, wait until it dries. When the mixture has set on a crust, rinse it off with warm water. For ease of removal, use a cosmetic brush (you can replace a toothbrush with soft bristles).
  8. Starch. The recipe is designed for owners of a fatty and combined type of epidermis. Potato starch effectively narrows pores and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. To prepare a mask mix together 30 gr. liquid honey, 15 gr. starch, 30 ml. olive oil and 5 gr. chopped sea salt. Make a mask, cover your face with gauze or a bandage, soak for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mixture with contrasting water to restore blood circulation and consolidate the result.
  9. Black bread. To prepare the composition, you will need to soak the bread crumb in hot water. When it swells, drain the liquid, mash the bread with a fork. Pour in 2 g. ground cumin, add 3 gr. baking soda and 5 gr. salt. If the mixture is too thin, add 10 g. gelatin and wait 15 minutes. Place the prepared product on the skin of the face, fix with gauze so that the composition does not drip down. Soak for a third of an hour.
  10. Cosmetic clay. The tool is rightfully considered the most effective in the fight against enlarged pores. However, clay can only be used by girls with oily skin. The composition helps to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, refresh and smooth the face. To use the mask, dilute white, pink, black or blue clay according to the instructions. Make a mask, let it dry completely.
  11. Egg. Beat one or two chicken proteins into a thick foam, add 35 g. finely ground oatmeal. Squeeze the juice from a third of the lemon, and grind the zest in a blender or grate. Pass through a coffee grinder or food processor 50 g. nuts of almonds, mix the resulting crumb with other ingredients. If the composition is too thick, dilute it with milk or kefir. Make a mask, cover with pieces of cling film and leave for 20 minutes.
  12. Citrus peel. The scrub recipe is notable for its simplicity and affordability. For cooking, you can use the peel of any fruit, be it lemon, grapefruit, orange or pomelo. Dry the zest in the oven, then grind in a coffee grinder or blender. You will get fine abrasive particles that perfectly exfoliate the skin. To narrow the pores, pour 3 ml into the crushed zest. hydrogen peroxide (3%) and 30 ml. lemon juice. Massage the skin with a scrub for 5 minutes.
  13. Acetylsalicylic acid. The effect of aspirin on enlarged pores is similar to activated carbon. The composition cleanses and tightens the skin, prevents purulent inflammation and further pore opening. To prepare the mask, grind 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid into powder, pour in 35 ml. kefir. Spread the mass in a thin layer over the entire surface of the face, avoiding the area under the eyes. Wait until it dries and then gently rinse off the mask. Wash your face with ice water, apply a moisturizer, it will restore the PH balance.
  14. A tomato. Peel 1 ripe tomato, mash the flesh with a fork or use a blender. Mix the resulting composition with rye bran so that the mass becomes viscous. Apply the mixture to the problem area in a thick layer, put a gauze cloth or bandage on top. Soak the composition for about 35 minutes, rinse with water and rub with ice.
  15. Baking soda. The free-flowing mixture has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Soda-based masks are often used to combat acne. To make the correct composition, mix the baking soda with lukewarm water. You will end up with a pasty mass. Spread it over the previously cleansed face, soak for about 15 minutes. After this period, moisten the skin with water, remove the mask with light circular movements.

To tighten pores at home, you need to regularly use homemade masks and scrubs. Consider effective recipes based on activated carbon, lemon juice, acetylsalicylic acid, cucumber, bodyagi, granulated sugar, cottage cheese. Do not neglect basic care, use foam or gel for daily washing, wipe your skin with ice.

Video: how to tighten pores

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