How to choose the right hair color. Dyed and natural: different hair - different mentality! Your hair color or dyed

Hair is one of the main components of female beauty. With their help, you can create any hairstyle that will complete a woman's image. And here the question arises: should you dye your hair to look more impressive, or stay with your color?

The influence of hair color on a person’s fate and character

When we change hair color, we partly change our character. Psychologists believe that hair color affects a person’s behavior, communication style and character. So, if a girl’s hair color is light, closer to blond, then in the eyes of others she will look soft and feminine. This is why men prefer blondes, because they associate them with docile wives. There is an opinion that such girls are not endowed with intelligence, but as research shows, it is erroneous.

Light brown color has very little effect on a person’s fate. It is believed that people with such hair are very calm, fair, and harmonious. They value their freedom and simply hate being pressured from all sides.

Red suits girls who just can’t find themselves and the meaning of their lives. With this color they try to attract the attention of the people around them.

Should you dye your hair red? Once upon a time, girls with this color were considered witches and were believed to practice magic. And this opinion arose because of the charisma, strong character and assertiveness that these women possess.

Brown hair is a sign of softness and diligence. Often such people are sociable and friendly.

Brunettes are endowed with only strong qualities. They always try to achieve their goal and do not look at any obstacles.

People with multi-colored hair want to show their rebellious nature and challenge others.

How do you decide to dye with henna?

Everyone faces the choice of whether to paint or not. People are divided into two camps: some are in favor of a unique image, others are against saturating hair with chemicals. But if you want to dye your hair red or copper, then you can consider yourself lucky, because there is henna for this.

Is it worth dyeing your hair with henna or is it better to buy a special dye? This is a natural dye that will saturate your hair and protect it from brittleness, loss and split ends. It is sold in powder form and has been used by humanity for several thousand years. Its main advantage lies in the fact that it is capable of giving hair a whole palette of colors, although in its pure form it dyes only reddish-reddish.

Why should you choose henna?

  1. Restores the hair structure, namely makes it smooth and destroys dandruff.
  2. Caring for nature, because it is not tested on animals and does not contain chemicals.
  3. Saves money because it costs several times cheaper than any hair dye.
  4. It tends to accumulate - each time the hair becomes better and the color becomes richer.
  5. Color fastness, because henna does not wash out like ordinary paint.

Harm from henna dyeing

Experts say that you shouldn’t get too carried away with henna, because it dries out your hair. And if you use it regularly, you will not get shiny and healthy hair, but dull and hard hair that will begin to split and break. They are often difficult to style and it is difficult to create beautiful volume.

Another feature is that after henna treatment, curls are difficult to dye even with the most expensive and high-quality products. And therefore, it is not recommended to use artificial colors until hair dyed with natural pigment grows out. Often such an experiment gives a completely unexpected result (indigo, purple, green, orange and other colors).

Is henna worth it? The answer to this question is ambiguous. Although this dye will hide gray roots or completely hide hair, it will not be possible to even out the color the first time. This is due to the fact that gray hair quickly catches the dye, and therefore it will look much brighter.

Men and hair dye

A lot of people wonder: should a guy dye his hair? It is impossible to answer yes or no here, let everyone decide for themselves whether the emu needs it. Of course, a guy should take care of his appearance. But some people who see well-groomed men question their sexuality. More than forty percent of women consider this stupid, since a man should remain a man, and hair coloring is for women.

Studies show that women prefer gray hair. But the second half of the fair sex believes that if the hair is dyed a natural color, then there is nothing wrong with it. And almost four percent of women prefer guys with unusual hair color.

Radical Change - Black

Today, more and more women are dyeing their hair black; it is very popular. But is it worth dyeing your hair black if it wasn’t originally black?

It is very convenient to be a brunette - black paint goes on smoothly, there are no stains or color discrepancies. Also, girls with such hair, as already mentioned, are very confident in themselves and achieve their goals. But it's not that simple - it draws attention to imperfect skin, blemishes and other problems of the face and body. And there’s no need to talk about how it adds age and emphasizes all the disproportions of the face! A girl’s wardrobe also plays an important role.

Therefore, you need to think carefully about whether you should dye your hair this color.

Hair coloring, like any other business, has its own subtleties. You need to be very careful with paints, and therefore it is better to entrust this matter to a professional (yes, it will cost a pretty penny). If you can’t spend quite a large sum on a stylist, then you can dye your curls yourself.

Difficulties often arise with coloring gray hair. As already mentioned, they have a different structure, and to achieve the result it is worth mixing several colors.

The painting process itself is divided into the following stages:

  1. Protect skin and clothing (use gloves and protective cape). Apply a good layer of rich face cream to your face, ears, and neck. It will protect them from the chemical effects of paint. If it gets on an unprotected area, quickly wash it off before it gets into the skin.
  2. Mix oxidizer and color only in plastic or glass containers, since when interacting with metal it can give an unpredictable result.
  3. Start working from the back of the head, dividing the hair into small strands. Paint from the root and comb so that the paint is distributed evenly.
  4. The residence time of the paint on the head should be counted from the moment it is completely applied.
  5. Rinse with water, then apply shampoo and conditioner.
  • Dry without a hairdryer so as not to cause harm.
  • One box of dye is designed for shoulder length hair.

Outdated and new technologies

Due to new fashion trends, stylists absolutely do not recommend dyeing your hair in the following ways:

  • Highlighting in three colors.
  • Hair bleaching.
  • Paint with one even tone.

Today, at the height of fashion, hair of the following colors and techniques:

  • Ombre and sombre, which have been leading for many years now.
  • Shatush - the effect of burnt hair.
  • Balayage - causes the least damage to hair, unlike other techniques.
  • Tiger eye, which is used by brunettes and which fascinates with its brilliance.

The answer for those who are tormented by the question of whether to dye their hair red is a definite yes! This color will be popular in the upcoming season.

How to choose hair dye?

Should you dye your hair with professional dyes yourself? About the features - below:

  1. "Vella" offers women three categories of colors, which include dark, light and red shades.
  2. "Estelle" is the most popular and is used in all salons of the country. Of course, it can also be used at home. Its palette is rich in colors and shades, and manufacturers are releasing more and more new hair care products.
  3. "Schwarzkopf" is one of the few that completely covers gray hair (the first time).
  4. Matrix is ​​known for its creative colors, durability and large packaging volumes.
  5. "Katrin" is ammonia-free paint with a palette of more than a hundred colors.
  6. "Londa" is a creamy and long-lasting hair dye for gray hair.
  7. "Loreal". Feature - low level of hydrogen peroxide.

What do the numbers say?

Before you decide whether to dye your hair, you need to choose the right dye. The numbers on the tube will help you decide.

They represent colors and shades, and to know which color is better, you should pay attention to them:

  • The first number is the degree of saturation (1 - dark, 9 - light).
  • The second is the shade (4 - light, 9 - very light).
  • The third is an additional tone (3 - copper, 9 - chocolate).

But the main rule of choice is this: the best hair dye is the one that will not cause harm and will lift your spirits. After all, this is what every woman strives for, isn’t it?

Decided to change your image and dyed your hair unsuccessfully? Now a problem has arisen: how to quickly grow your hair after dyeing. There are many methods to return to your natural tone. Among them are radical (short haircut or wash) or gentle (masks, natural dyes).

What determines natural hair color?

Hair contains 2 coloring pigments:

  • melanin – dark;
  • pheomelanin – reddish.

Their number is determined genetically. Asians have a predominance of melanin, which is why they are predominantly dark-haired. Residents of northern countries have little of it, and pheomelanin is practically absent. Therefore, they have predominant light brown, blond, beautiful ash tones of hair.

With age, the synthesis of pigments decreases, which is why gray hair appears. It often happens that a child is born blonde, and after 5 years the tone changes and the hair darkens. This is due to the fact that at this age the body begins to produce melanin. During puberty, hair may change tone again.

How to get your color back after dyeing

There are several ways to return your hair to its natural shade. The easiest one is to wait until the strands grow. The method is suitable for women who do not want to burden their hair with chemicals.

Growing natural hair color has its advantages: harmlessness and simplicity. But you will have to put up with the unfortunate tone for a while.

How much should I grow? The process is long. On average, hair grows 1-1.5 cm per month. Over the course of a year, this is 12–15 cm. If you don’t want to wait long and are radical, you can choose the methods described below.

In dark or black

The most difficult thing is to quickly grow out your natural hair color after dyeing it black. But don't give up. A little patience, everything will work out.

Try these methods.

  1. Contact the salon to have your hair color removed. The hairdresser will select a gentle composition.
  2. If you are a blonde and dyed your hair brunette, you will most likely have to wash your hair several times.

The first procedure is carried out in the salon. The rest can be done at home using special shampoos. Some products will help remove the color pigment from your hair. These include:

  • natural honey;
  • a mixture of salt and soda;
  • kefir mask.

After rinsing, hair needs increased hydration and nutrition.

After bleaching or lightening

The simplest case, requiring virtually no effort. It is enough to let the bleached hair roots grow out a little, and then create a smooth transition of color from natural to dyed. The technique is called ombre.

If you are against such changes in image, you can paint over the bleached curls with a tonic that is as close in color as possible to the natural one. The procedure will have to be carried out regularly.

After highlighting

Highlighted strands grow slower than simply colored ones. Therefore, waiting until your hair grows is not an option. Stylists have come up with several ways to return your natural tone after highlighting. But you should not try to recreate them at home, as there is a high risk of doing something wrong. Then a shocking result in the form of purple, green, bright red hair cannot be ruled out.

  1. Re-dyeing. A color is selected that is as close as possible to natural. The advantage is that the transition from regrown roots to colored hair will be almost imperceptible.
  2. Repigmentation. During the procedure, the stylist dilutes the paint with water to minimize its harm. The oxidizing agent is not added immediately. Hair looks much healthier than with regular dyeing.
  3. Dyeing individual strands in a natural tone. A long and difficult method, but the safest for hair. First, a third of the hair is dyed, then another third. Subsequently, the volume of processed curls approaches 100%.

Modern techniques for quickly restoring natural color

The salons offer 2 procedures.

  1. Picking. Washing off the coloring pigment from the hair with specialized products. The procedure is expensive. If you choose the right drug, you can do it at home.
  2. Bleaching. A very aggressive method of removing pigment and creating a base to return the natural tone. The result allows you to quickly grow your hair into a light brown or red color after dyeing, but if done incorrectly, the result may be unexpected.

See the before and immediately after photos.

Removing an unwanted shade in a hairdresser

There are two types: superficial and deep. The second provides a good result, but contains a lot of oxidizing agent. It is used only by professionals, strictly checking the proportions of the drug so as not to cause harm.

Surface washes are gentle. They are more often used to neutralize light shades and colors, for example, natural blonde.

Each girl chooses the method with which she fights for her natural tone. But there are general recommendations. According to reviews, they should not be neglected if you decide to grow your hair color from blonde.

  1. Choose keratin-containing shampoos. They make curls strong, healthy after highlighting, and heal them.
  2. Oil masks are most effective. They act directly on the follicles, causing hair to grow faster and restore color. Make masks at least once a week.
  3. If you use care ampoules (protein-based healing products), apply them continuously for no longer than 3 weeks.
  4. You can stimulate growth with special combs - electric or laser. They act on the skin with impulses, activating the bulbs.
  5. A daily head massage will help speed up the growth of strands of your own color.

Masks with natural remedies

Very effective, especially with the addition of pepper and mustard. The components of the masks have a warming effect, stimulate blood flow to the roots, supplying them with nutrients and oxygen, and restore their own color.

Pepper mask, components:

  • 4 tsp. white clay;
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon powder;
  • 1 g red pepper.

Preparation and use of the mask.

  1. Dilute the clay with warm water, mix with pepper and cinnamon.
  2. Leave the mask on your hair for 15 to 30 minutes.
  3. Do it once a week for 2 months.

Mask with mustard, components:

  • 2 tbsp. l. powder;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. castor or burdock oil.

Preparation and use of a hair mask.

  1. Dilute the powder in 2 tbsp. l. water.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the mask and mix.
  3. Apply under polyethylene for 30 - 40 minutes.
  4. For a mask for dry strands, reduce the amount of sugar by half and increase the oil.

Oil wraps

Provide deep cleansing and moisturizing of hair, deliver oxygen, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Masks with oil stimulate blood circulation and normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands. The roots are healed, and, consequently, the hair itself and its natural tone.

The masks are easy to make.

  1. The product is applied to the hair.
  2. The head with the mask is wrapped in something warm.
  3. Aged for 20 minutes to an hour.
  4. The mask is washed off in three stages: first with lukewarm water, then with shampoo, and rinsed with water acidified with lemon or apple cider vinegar.

Try oil wraps.

  1. Olivev. For a mask 4 - 5 tbsp. l. heated and used.
  2. Tea tree. Pour 50 g of herbal mixture (clover flowers, nettle, St. John's wort) with half a bottle of oil, leave in a warm place for 10 days. Strain and use an oil mask.
  3. Kastorov. To prepare the mask, the bottle is mixed with 10 ml of vitamin D, 1 tbsp. l. honey, lemon juice, yolk.

Using Tonic

Many girls, in order to grow their hair from light to sharply black strands, prefer tonic. He:

  1. It has a gentle effect and does not destroy the natural pigment.
  2. Does not penetrate deep into the hair structure.
  3. Carefully looks after. Natural substances add shine, moisturize, make strands manageable and silky.
  4. Produces an unstable effect. The tone is washed off gradually over 2 weeks. This allows for correction in case of unsatisfactory results.

For work you will need:

  • water;
  • toning balm;
  • crest;
  • gloves;
  • plastic or glass container;
  • shampoo;
  • brush;
  • towel.

How to use.

  1. Comb your hair, put on gloves.
  2. Dilute the tonic with water in a container (the proportions are indicated on the tube with the product).
  3. Moisten the strands, apply the composition with a brush from the parting to the center and down.
  4. Cover with a towel.
  5. After 15 - 20 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Some people use tonic this way. Add a few drops of the product to your regular shampoo and wash your hair. At the same time, the color intensity and tone are less pronounced and not as persistent.

Experiment with short hair

A great way to speed up the process of growing natural hair. The longer the curls, the longer you will have to wait for them to grow. And short strands grow faster.

There are many stylish hairstyles to choose from without the need to use dye every month to even out your tone.

How to eat to grow and restore natural hair

Enrich your diet with vitamins and microelements.

  1. In: oatmeal, nuts, buckwheat, prunes, poultry, liver, fish, beef, apricots, bananas.
  2. A: pumpkin, carrots, peaches, watermelon, grapes, fish oil, cottage cheese, cheese, milk.
  3. E: almonds, vegetable oils, cereals, peanuts.
  4. With: citrus fruits, cabbage, greens, rose hips, sea buckthorn, strawberries, tomatoes, black currants.
  5. Iron: seaweed, calf liver, brewer's yeast, egg yolk.
  6. Sulfur: garlic, liver, fish.
  7. Silicon: cereals.
  8. Copper and zinc: walnuts, shrimp, beans.
  9. Molybdenum: peas, kidneys, liver.

To moisturize your curls from the inside, drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day. It saturates the skin with moisture, prevents dryness, hair loss, and aging.

Advice from experts on growing your hair after coloring

  1. Have you decided to return your natural color? Forget about the tone of your hair for at least six months. It takes about this long for the paint to wash off and for the curls to grow enough. Yes, it is difficult, but thinking about it every day will not save the situation.
  2. Dye your strands 2 shades darker than your natural shade. Over time, the paint is washed off and the color evens out.
  3. Enlist the help of a friend. At moments when you want to change your image, this person will remind you of your goal.
  4. Straighten the ends at least once every 3 months. The split ends go up, and you will have to cut more later.
  5. Nutrition is one of the main points. If you cannot balance your diet, buy vitamins, for example, Perfectil or Complevit.

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The answer to this question depends on many factors. For example, if you dyed your hair because you have gray hair, you should definitely continue to dye your hair, because gray hairs will not go away, but only more of them will appear. And gray hair makes a woman look very old and often looks simply untidy. It is also possible that the natural color of your hair is not very expressive, not bright and does not suit you. In this case, you should continue to use hair dye, but it is better to choose more gentle and natural formulations. It is possible to switch to more natural paints containing henna or basma. Another great option is to try dyes without ammonia, they are not so harmful to your hair, and even take good care of it. If you are tired of wearing makeup, it seems that it is too expensive or your natural color is beautiful, it suits you and when you dyed your hair, you just wanted to change a little, it is better to grow out your natural color. It is also worth doing if you become pregnant and plan to breastfeed - the chemical components of paints can harm the health of the child and will need to be discarded. But often overgrown roots look very untidy, especially if you dyed your hair a completely different color. In this case, it is better to try to even out the color using a shade close to your natural hair color. Or highlight your hair for the first time so that the difference between your own and dyed hair is not so noticeable.

I believe that your natural hair color is always better than coloring. As you know, hair dye is not made from natural raw materials, which causes great harm to your hair. Having dyed your hair, you are faced with problems such as:
1) section of the tips;
2) heavy combing;
3) loss of shine (dull hair);
4) dry, scorched hair (after several colors);
5) in some cases, after several recolors, the hair breaks off in half.
Therefore, it is better to grow your hair natural color, in order to avoid the previously listed.
Also, in many salons and hairdressing salons there is such a procedure, called washing. It's safe, but as far as I know, the remover is not done on bleached hair.
However, there are times when it is better to resort to hair coloring (gray hair, etc.), so you can dye your hair with natural dyes. These are basma, henna and onion peels. In this case, there will be no harm to the hair.

In my opinion, every woman has thought about this question at least once in her life. Oh what a dilemma. Naturalness and naturalness are in fashion now. Just what to do with the desire to be even more beautiful and irresistible. We live in an age of modern technology where you won’t surprise anyone with extended nails, hair, or eyelashes. But why do we so want to be different from each other? It is in the pursuit of individuality that we begin dramatic changes. I believe that dyeing your hair is more of a minus than a plus for your beauty, except when it is necessary for aesthetic reasons. What do we all want to achieve by coloring our hair over and over again, spending a lot of money and time? Unfortunately, we are not always happy with the result and experiments continue. It seems to me that well-groomed and neat hair in natural shades, which “Mother Nature” awarded you, always looks more advantageous than hair in trendy shades of the current season. Often we don’t keep what we have, and when we lose it, we cry. So let’s at least take pity on our hair, so that later we don’t have to run to the hairdresser and cut off precious centimeters of hair. Well, if you really want brightness and saturation of the shade, then you can resort to using a tinted shampoo. It won't do as much harm to your hair as dye. It has only one drawback - it washes off quickly. Its price is cheap, and everyone can carry out the procedure at home on their own while taking a bath. But you will not encounter the problem of overgrown roots.

I have natural hair color. And I'm very happy about it. You don’t have to go to the hairdresser every month to touch up your roots. The color becomes different over time, you have to look for something new, thereby constantly causing damage to your hair. Of course, there are exceptions and you have to dye your natural hair color. For example, a person simply doesn’t suit his hair color. Well it looks terrible. Of course, paint comes to the rescue here. It also happens that the hair color is faded and does not look very good; in such cases, dye helps to refresh the hair color. If a girl dyes her hair just because she wants to change something, I think it’s stupid. After all, most often girls try to eventually return to their natural color, but this is very difficult to do. It is difficult to restore hair later. I once had my hair done, and I’m still restoring my hair that way. So they get very upset. If you want to change something, it is better to wash your hair with tinted shampoo or henna. Henna generally strengthens hair. So they will thank you again! Of course, natural hair color or dyed hair is the choice of every girl. But before you change, you need to weigh the pros and cons. After all, sometimes it can only get worse. Of course, everything can be fixed, but it will take time!

All hair dyes, no matter what they are, are all chemical synthesis, which negatively affects their structure and leads to gradual hair loss. In addition, dyed hair under the influence of the sun can cause irritation on the scalp and lead to dry hair. The only thing you can dye your hair with is dyes of plant origin, i.e. henna, which gives a shade of copper, gold, mahogany, a decoction of nut peels, which strengthens the hair structure, prevents dandruff, and over time gives the hair a natural shade of chestnut, as well as chamomile decoction. The duration of use of vegetable dyes depends on the type of hair and the desired color tone.
In addition, recently many young women, due to constant stress and conflicts at work, turn gray prematurely, and no matter how good they look outwardly, the woman wants to hide it, so it is best to use long-forgotten and effective folk remedies for based on oak bark and onion peel, this decoction will help hide the “traces” of graying hair and give the hair its natural shade.
If a woman is blonde, then it is best for her to lighten and strengthen her hair with low-fat kefir, lemon juice taken in equal parts with water, as well as chamomile decoction, but natural hair color will always be better than dyed hair, which has more problems in the sense that The dye from the hair is washed off within a month, due to the fact that the hair grows, its natural shade appears in the roots and additional coloring is required, and this creates problems for the woman. Therefore, the advantage of natural hair is that it needs to be kept in good condition and nourishing masks should be used to give it vitality.

I have been dyeing my hair since I was 15 years old (for more than 10 years now) and for me the answer is obvious: of course, dye, dye and dye again! I look with pity at women who protect their natural hair color, despite the fact that, as a rule, gray hair and split ends are very noticeable on such hair. And the dull color leaves much to be desired! In addition, natural hair fades in the sun and its color is uneven along its entire length. But you really want to look bright, beautiful, spectacular and well-groomed! Why not dye your hair and experiment with style? Moreover, now there is a huge selection of hair dyes. I buy non-professional hair dyes in the mid-price category, and I’m happy with the results. I color my hair once every three weeks and do not use additional care products. Modern dyes do not damage hair, do not in any way affect hair loss or thickness, but on the contrary, they take good care of it. So my vote will always be in favor of coloring your hair! But for me personally, there is one big disadvantage of dyeing: I have to often tint my hair roots. But what to do if this is already a necessity? Experiment, change and let your hair always be beautiful, bright and very well-groomed!

Now in 2015, natural beauty has become popular. All girls try to wear their makeup naturally, some specifically try to grow their natural hair color. If you are a young girl, then I advise you better not to dye your hair, but to grow your natural hair color, because not only is it fashionable to be natural, but dyeing can also damage your hair. They can become very dry, they can fall out, and there can also be very severe splitting of the hair.
But if you want to dye your hair very strongly, then it is better to dye it in a beauty salon, since it is not very safe to dye it at home. If you don’t like your hair color later, you can also go to a beauty salon and have it washed out, but the procedure has a very bad effect on your hair.
If you are already a fairly mature woman and your hair is starting to turn gray, then it is better to dye it, preferably in your natural color, since in my opinion gray hair does not look very good.
In any case, you should decide for yourself, since you cannot depend on other people’s opinions.

I think it all depends on the specific situation. If your hair is healthy with a bright color, then it makes sense to leave the natural color. Moreover, it is fashionable now. With natural hair color, women look younger because their hair without dye is more vibrant. Well, you will avoid many problems, such as dry hair, split ends, and spending money on coloring your roots every month.
On the other hand, you need to look at your feelings. A lot of people may tell you that natural hair color is cool, it’s great, it’s fashionable, etc. etc... And you don’t like your color. You feel like a gray mouse with him. (Sometimes this is true.) Or gray hair has appeared - there is no time for the race for naturalness. I recently observed a picture - a 33-year-old girl, she does not dye her hair and has a gray strand of hair on her forehead. It just looks terrible! Moreover, the girl is beautiful, bright brunette. So judge by how you feel. If you want to dye your hair, dye it, change it. Take shades 1-2 shades lighter or darker than your color. Nowadays there are a lot of good dyes based on henna and basma. (Although neither henna nor basma works on my hair. My color is mousy dark blond. I dyed it 8 times in a row and nothing happened. I gave up on this idea.)
If you want to grow your color, you have the green light. In any case, care is the first thing. Well-groomed hair is beautiful in any form.

Of course, it is believed that whatever color nature has given you means that it goes with it. It’s good if your hair color is naturally rich blond, deep black or chocolate, but what should people do if they have, as they say, “mouse” hair color? Definitely a paint job!
If you want to radically change yourself, then of course you first need to bleach your hair (you may have to do this more than once, especially if your hair is dark), and then apply the desired color.
You can buy regular dye with ammonia, but science does not stand still and ammonia-free hair dye has been invented for girls/women, which does not harm the hair very much.
But I’m still for natural dyes :) If you want to be red or red, then you need to paint yourself with henna, if you want black hair, then basma, if you want to give light hair a golden hue, then onion skins, chamomile or honey.
BUT! You need to remember that henna and basma dry out your hair. Therefore, you need to add base oils, honey, various decoctions to the dye, and your hair will thank you)

Brown-haired Scarlett Johansson

It is very difficult to stop and finish these experiments on your own appearance, to trust and come to terms with what nature has given. After all, the hair color that is yours is natural and alive, everything else is dead and artificial. Goddesses are not artificial.

It’s worth thinking about it and stopping doing like everyone else.

It's hard to be yourself, but if you feel the truth in it, take the risk. You will not need to “treat” your hair, you will not have forever growing roots, your hair will stop splitting and breaking. You will have an even, shiny, natural hair color. You'll like it!

This is a strange thing to do - first spoil and destroy your hair, lighten and recolor it, and then treat it with expensive products. There is something strange about this. But everyone does this...

It took me 2 years to grow my hair, but it's worth it. And besides, this is a real saving of women's resources: time, energy, money and nerves. If you dye your hair, then you constantly need to keep your finger on the pulse, it takes a lot of time, a lot of money, and your energy.

If your color is natural, then you just need to wash your hair and style your hair. There are no unpleasant sensations from dealing with living hair, it is soft, not brittle, shiny and there is no eternal problem of regrown roots. Life becomes much simpler, easier and more beautiful.

And today no one will convince me to dye my hair to change my image. My look is natural, natural and long hair.

As for gray hair. We all know that gray hair doesn't just happen. At the young age of 30-40, it appears as a result of severe shock.

And for women who have gray hair, it is also advisable to stay in touch with these issues. What caused your hair to turn gray? Why do you feel very anxious or helpless? Hair is directly related to these sensations. Remember how, during times of fright or sudden danger, your hair seems to stand on end.

Problems with hair (gray hair, dandruff) say that for some reason you cannot be yourself, you do not believe in yourself and the help of the Universe. Read more in Liz Burbo's book “Your Body Says: Love Yourself!”

At the psychosomatic level, hair loss means that you are losing your strength, experiencing fear of loss, afraid of losing something or someone. Before you start strengthening your hair, you need to answer yourself the questions - who or what are you afraid of losing and what? And then take care of yourself, your life, and also learn non-attachment.

Hair extension.

Previously, when I had short hair, I really wanted to add extensions. But when I learned more about this procedure, I became more interested. The fact is that hair extensions can be made using artificial or natural strands. I don’t want to combine my natural hair with artificial hair. And if you use natural strands for extensions, it means that you will have to add the energy of another person to yourself, to carry this information on yourself. Where is the guarantee that this information is positive?

The second point: natural hair is injured if the “hot gluing method” is used. And if metal clips are used, you will have to walk around with foreign objects in your hair.

It's better to grow your hair. Yes, it takes a long time, it requires time, attention and care. But this is a woman’s job – to be beautiful and well-groomed. But when your hair grows, you will feel much more attractive, beautiful and confident.

Should you wear bangs?

It is believed that the third eye area needs to be kept open to access intuitive information. And even without bangs it feels somehow more natural and lighter. In my opinion, without bangs the face looks more open.

How to care:

— It’s better to dry your hair naturally; use a hair dryer only in extreme cases. Also, do not walk for a long time with a wet towel on your head, your hair will be damaged.

— Do not comb wet hair, let it dry, wet hair is easily damaged by a comb.

— If your hair becomes tangled after washing, use any hair oil, a few drops are enough. I use Lee Stafford Argan Oil. This oil is non-greasy, non-sticky, lightweight, suitable for all hair types. My hair becomes smooth, shiny, well-groomed and simply luxurious; I use it in the summer to prevent frizz and excessive curling. It's very simple to use: rub 5-7 drops between your fingers and apply, starting from the middle to the ends. No greasy shine, even on the second and third day. Nowadays there are a lot of hair oils on sale much cheaper, and there is even liquid silk, for example from Estel.

- You can do aroma combing. Read more The longer you comb your hair, the more you massage the scalp, ventilate and saturate your hair with oxygen. Naturally they grow better.

— It is better to choose a wooden comb with natural bristles. It is better to avoid plastic combs; they create electrical voltage, which is bad for your hair. At the end of this article, I suggest you watch a video from a well-known beauty blogger on the Internet, Iren Vladi, about how to grow your hair. Here you can find a lot of recommendations on how to choose the right comb and where to buy it. I have been using her recommendations regarding essential oils for a long time.

— You need to take care of your hair and not go outside without a hat; in the cold, blood vessels narrow and nutrients do not reach the roots, this can lead to hair loss. It is better not to let your hair out from under your clothes in severe frost. Hair is alive, it will lose moisture and become dry and brittle.

— If you go to places where a large number of people gather, it is better to take your hair, because your hair can “pick up” negative energy that you don’t need. For example, braid your hair. They say that hair grows faster in braids.

And at the end, as promised, a video about how to grow your hair.

Tatiana Dzutseva.

In contact with

We staged a real battle and invited two stylists to participate in it. Alexandra Tonkikh, hairstylist at Rise studio, is defending natural color, and her opponent is Alexander Kuklev, stylist at the MilFey City salon, defends the benefits of coloring.

Alexandra Tonkikh and Alexander Kuklev

Which hair has the most shine?

Jennifer Lawrence: left - natural color, right - coloring

Alexandra Tonkikh: Your color looks better! It usually proportionally combines cold and warm pigments and always matches your color type. And nature rarely makes mistakes. Experimenting with dyes often results in the wrong color highlighting imperfections.

Alexander Kuklev: Only painted! Modern dyes contain a huge number of caring components: oils to moisturize the structure and proteins that fill gaps in damaged areas. And by filling the strands with pigments, the color becomes multifaceted.

Which hair looks better?

Leighton Meester: left - natural color, right - dyeing

Alexandra Tonkikh: The advantage of natural hair is that all you need to do is cut it and you will return it to its well-groomed appearance. But it’s impossible to answer unequivocally: the condition of any hair depends on whether you use masks and thermal protectants before using hot tools.

Alexander Kuklev: First of all, dyed hair can boast of this, because natural hair often looks faded. They do not have the sophistication that one would like to boast, but it is enough to choose the color, length, professional care and a minimal cocktail of styling products to transform.

Which hair is healthier?

Kristen Stewart: left - natural color, right - coloring

Alexandra Tonkikh: Definitely natural! Dyeing is always a chemical process. If the manufacturer promises a completely natural composition, he is deceiving you. When a paint says that it is ammonia-free, it just means that it has been replaced by another, more gentle component, but still a chemical one.

Alexander Kuklev: I won’t lie: any permanent coloring puts stress on your hair. But poor ecology, temperature changes and other negative factors harm them no less! In addition, modern dyes are much more gentle, and the care that accompanies dyeing is an absolute benefit for hair. It is important to work with a professional who can correctly diagnose the individual characteristics of your hair and choose what is right for you.

Which hair requires less financial investment?

Jessica Biel: left - natural color, right - coloring

Alexandra Tonkikh: One of the undoubted advantages of natural color is the absence of the need to renew the color monthly. You can periodically add brightness and shine to your hair using masks and other care products.

Alexander Kuklev: Coloring is expensive, but the results are worth it. When it comes to price-quality ratio, everyone makes their own choice, but beautiful and healthy hair needs constant care. The first step is working with hair follicles, filling them with useful micro- and macroelements. Next, weekly comprehensive care and protection of hair from thermal effects and ultraviolet rays. And also use only high-quality combs, hairpins and elastic bands that will protect the strands from breakage. All this costs money, but the results will be impressive!

What is your opinion?

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