Gingerbread from fabric patterns are all. Gingerbread men

In the west, there is a wonderful Christmas tradition - baking gingerbread, often they also serve as a decoration for the Christmas tree. And we will try gingerbread for the Christmas tree…. sew! Such gingerbread cookies will never become stale and will not deteriorate. You can decorate a green beauty with them for more than one year. In addition, (which is obvious) they do not fight and are not afraid even of hyperactive space explorers: small children and pets.

Ingredients for textile gingerbread can be found in any home:
1) Fabric (white calico). It is not necessary to run to the store for fabric, you can use a white sheet.
2) White sewing thread
3) Filler: synthetic winterizer or synthetic winterizer. Cotton wool or scraps of fabric are fine.
4) PVA glue
5) Instant coffee
6) Ground cinnamon
7) Acrylic paints (I have glossy Decola, but any other acrylic is perfect): white, red, green or any of your favorite colors
8) Strong thick thread (for example, "Iris" for crocheting).
9) Brushes (thin and thick)

Print the pattern and enlarge to A4 paper size:

As you can see, we have here not only gingerbread men, but a Christmas tree, a house and a heart. You can dream up and come up with something of your own, but you can also learn from the example of ready-made forms: gingerbread boy and girl.

We transfer the contours of the figures to the fabric, not forgetting that you need to leave allowances for the seams. 3-5 mm. from all sides.

Then we take in our hands a needle with thread and basting stitches we sew our little men along the contour:

Then they can be cut out, it will turn out neatly, and the details will not move.

Next, you need to sew the parts together finally. If you have a sewing machine, you can use it. If not, this is not a reason to abandon the idea. The height of the figures is only 10 cm, it will not be difficult to sew them by hand. Remember to leave a small hole in the side for stuffing.

After the little men are stitched, they must be carefully turned onto the front side. To make the seams look neat, do the following: in those places where the angle of curvature of the contour is 90 degrees or less, make small cuts, a little short of the seam.

Now you can turn it out.

We stuff the future gingerbread through the hole left in the side. You need to stuff it quite tightly so that the fabric does not deform during subsequent painting.

Sew up the hole with small stitches. We remember a little the toy in our hands so that the stuffing is evenly distributed.

These are the beauties we got.

It's time to make ruddy gingerbread from this pale dough. Let's prepare a mixture for painting. Mix until a homogeneous mass two teaspoons of coffee, one teaspoon of cinnamon, a third of a glass of water and a tablespoon of PVA glue.

Using a brush, apply the mixture to one side of the figures.

Place them in a heat-resistant dish and put them in the microwave or oven. Gingerbread should be baked, what did you think? Figures dry in the microwave for 6 minutes at a power of 500W. You should not set a higher temperature, as the filler may start to burn and nothing remains of the pleasant gingerbread smell. When drying in the oven, it is worth adhering to the same principle: it is preferable to dry the toy a little longer at medium temperature than burning it in three minutes at the highest.

After one side is dry, you can paint the other.

And here they are, our ruddy and very fragrant gingerbread!

Festive gingerbread cookies are usually decorated with white or multi-colored icing. Well, we will not break the tradition. We take a thin brush in our hands and turn on the imagination!

White jewelry is, of course, good ... But something is missing. Colors!

Small red and green dots are very lively and create a sense of conviviality.

Well, the gingerbread cookies are completely ready, but we seem to have already forgotten that we were going to decorate the Christmas tree with them! Let's make the loops. They are done very simply: a thick thread is threaded, no matter how awful it may sound, through the man's head, its ends are tied in a knot.

So our gingerbread family is ready, along with real estate! There is a mustachioed retired general, and his fashionista wife in bows, and their grown children, and a house, and a decorated Christmas tree, and, of course, a heart as a symbol of home comfort and love. All of them will undoubtedly bring a little more warmth and a sense of celebration to your home.

The gingerbread man is one of the symbols of Christmas in Europe and America. Cookies in the form of a funny man are baked for a holiday and painted with colored icing or chocolate. In recent years, such people have appeared here. And I propose to sew a Christmas tree toy in the form of an elegant gingerbread man.

To make the "Gingerbread Man" toy, we need:

  • - beige or light brown felt;
  • - red felt;
  • - synthetic winterizer;
  • - white braid "bindweed";
  • - Red ribbon;
  • - golden braid;
  • - red braid with snowflakes or just red;
  • - white braid, consisting of flowers or snowflakes;
  • - threads of red, black, beige and white colors;
  • - scissors;
  • - black beads;
  • - a needle.

Operating procedure

1. Let's draw a gingerbread man figurine on paper. Let's cut out the figure and draw pants for the little man on it. We will cut them out too. A pattern for a toy, consisting of two parts, is ready.

2. Place the figure of the little man on the beige felt, circle it and cut it out. In total, we need two such figures.

3. Now we will transfer the pattern of the panties to the red felt. You will need two such parts.

4. Take one beige detail of the figure of a man and sew bead eyes to it.

5. Embroider the mouth with red thread.

6. Sew a figure of a man from two pieces with beige threads. We will sew them with small neat stitches of a buttonhole seam. It is not necessary to sew up to the end, it is necessary to leave an unsewn area on the side, through which we can fill the figure.

7. Fill the figurine with a synthetic winterizer, pushing the synthetic winterizer with a pencil or a stick first into the man's head, then into the arms and legs, and only then into the body.

8. Sew the unfinished area on the figure with beige threads.

9. Take the details of the pants, cut out of red felt, attach one detail to the front of the figure, and attach the second from the back. Sew the side and inner seams on the pants. For stitching, we need red threads.

10. Take the red ribbon with snowflakes and cut two pieces about 9 cm long each. We need these segments in order to make shoulder straps on the panties.

11. Sew the straps to the panties.

12. Cut off two flowers from the white braid and sew them to the front of the pants. If there is no such braid, you can sew on two small buttons of white or any other color.

13. Take four small pieces of braid "bindweed", wrap each piece of the little man's legs and arms and sew them with white threads. This tape will create the effect of a painted sugar glaze.

14. Fold a piece of red ribbon with the edges to the middle and sew, pulling the middle with a red thread - we get a festive bow tie for the little man.

15. Sew the butterfly to the figure. Now our little man looks even more elegant.

16. Each Christmas tree toy should have a loop. For our toy, we will make a loop from a piece of golden braid about 21 cm long.

17. Fold the prepared piece of tape in half and sew to the back of the figure. Sew a flower on top, cut off from the white braid, then the toy will look neater.

18. This is how a toy gingerbread man looks from the front.

The Christmas tree toy "Gingerbread Man" is ready, it will look good on the Christmas tree. You can also make a gingerbread man as a girl - for this, you need to sew not pants, but a sundress or a skirt to the figure. A toy gingerbread man will also be a good unusual addition to a Christmas present.

November 13th, 2014 ale4ka

I want to inspire you great a selection of sewn gingerbread men... Excellent New Years Eve Decorations which you can do it yourself... Below, attached patterns of gingerbread men which you can use.

Gingerbread men are usually sewn from brown fabric, often from felt, with the addition of elements from white ruffles or canvas. This is a great material for various crafts. There are the following types of felt - natural (felt), viscose, polyester. The quality of the felt directly depends on the composition. Any felt, regardless of the composition, also has the following qualities:

  • strength and durability
  • ease
  • no need for processing edges
  • variety of shades
  • wide choice of density and thickness of felt

Maybe someone remembers the cartoon Shrek, where the chef baked a gingerbread man, with icing buttons, a cowboy hat and boots. A very vivid example of how you can show your imagination and make a similar souvenir for the New Year. On the site, the needlewoman will find the necessary material for her work at the best prices in Ukraine. This convenient and beautiful material is used not only by needlewomen who sew toys with their own hands, interior items, ornaments. Felt is also used in the automotive industry, the furniture industry, and the production of children's goods.

Any felt products can only be washed by hand at a temperature of 30 degrees. Before washing, the craft must be cleaned of dust with a dry brush. Wash the felt with household or baby soap. The material is not twisted, but dried under natural conditions.

To work with sheets, you need stationery:

  • scissors
  • marker
  • threads
  • a bar of soap
  • needles
  • filler
  • beads and beads

For small parts, you need scissors with straight ends, and for thick felt, a roller knife. If you need to cut a round part, you can use a punch to install eyelets. Also, floss threads should be used to work with felt. With their help, you can create a pattern on the fabric itself.

I wish you pleasant inspiration!

More pendants.

The gingerbread man is the symbol of the New Year holidays. It is very interesting to bake and glaze it with the whole family. Recipes for delicious and aromatic gingerbread are presented in this article.

The famous gingerbread man is baked goods in the shape of a man, which received its first popularity and wide distribution in the USA and Europe. Such a funny gingerbread can be with any aromatic additives: honey, ginger, mint, cinnamon. Together with, he is an integral symbol of Christmas and New Year in many countries.

The finished product must be must be painted and decorated with chocolate and white glaze... Often the gingerbread is also decorated. colored sweet powder, candied fruits and even M & M's. You can draw anything on the little man: facial features, eyes, mouth, nose, buttons, clothes, vest, scarf, mittens and much more.

INTERESTING: The production and home baking of such gingerbread has its origins in in the 16th century... It happened in England, in the queen's court Elizabeth the First... At the whims of the royal person, the bakers made sweets that looked like loved ones and guests of the lady.

Since then sweet figurines have become very popular and in demand all over the world. Until now, people are trying to cheer up those around them with the help of this simple baking. For example, make huge gingerbread... The largest man was baked in Texas in 2006 and weighed 600 kilograms... Such a gingerbread man could not go unnoticed and was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Also, during the New Year season, some countries, such as England, suit races in costumes of gingerbread men. The image of sweetness is the hero of cartoons, and in 2008 in Smithville he even a monument was erected.

INTERESTING: Every Russian-speaking person knows a fairy tale about a kolobok. But, hardly everyone knows that an earlier version of this story was still popular. in the 18th century and she talked about how the gingerbread man ran away from home and was eventually eaten in the forest.

The tale of the gingerbread man

Each baked gingerbread man is handwork of the master. Therefore, all gingerbread cookies are different and unique, even if they are a bit similar to each other. Such baked goods will certainly will please adults and children on New Years and during Christmas celebrations.

Finished products, gingerbread men:

Gingerbread men: boy and girl

Gingerbread men decorated with icing and chocolate

Gingerbread men decorated with icing and M & M's

Gingerbread men in sweaters and glaze hats

Gingerbread man with colored buttons

A modern and classic way to decorate a gingerbread man with icing

Christmas gingerbread men

Family of gingerbread men, colored glaze for decorating gingerbread

Gingerbread dough honey, ginger, custard for a man: recipes

Each hostess has her own recipe for making gingerbread men... To do this, you need to make a delicious dough: simple or with aromatic additives. This pastry is original in that has a long shelf life(up to a month).

The interesting thing is that the longer the gingerbread is stored, the tastier it is, as it "ripens". You should not add raisins, candied fruits or M & M's candies to the dough - this will ruin its structure and taste. The glaze is prepared separately from egg white and powdered sugar. If desired, a colored food coloring is added to it.

Gingerbread glaze decoration

Honey gingerbread dough: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour- 3 cups (this is about 700 g, be sure to sift and use premium flour).
  • Sugar- 70 g (white or brown)
  • Honey- 200 g (you can use any, but acacia honey is more aromatic).
  • Egg- 1 piece + 3 yolks(no proteins!)
  • Baking soda- 10 g
  • Water- 1 glass

If desired, you can add a pinch of vanillin or vanilla extract to the dough.


  • Honey must be poured with a glass of hot water but not boiling water. This is very important, since all the beneficial and taste qualities of honey disappear under the influence of too high temperatures. Cool the diluted liquid.
  • In other dishes it is necessary beat the protein until foamy with a small pinch of salt. After the first foam has formed add sugar and keep whisking. After the formation of a thick, stable mass, add yolks and continue beating for another five minutes. At this point, you can add the desired spices or vanillin to the dough.
  • The whipped mass should be add diluted honey. Add flour gradually and do not stop beating until the flour runs out. The finished dough should not be too steep. Leave it to "rest" for at least 5 hours before baking.
  • After that the dough is kneaded and rolled out again... A man should be cut out of it with a mold. Gingerbread cookies are laid out on parchment paper and baked in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees.

How to make honey cakes?

Mint gingerbread dough: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour- 1.5 cups (this is about 350 g of sifted premium flour).
  • Sugar- 150 g (adjust the sweetness of the gingerbread to taste yourself, add more or less sugar).
  • Water- 100 ml (this is about 0.5 cups)
  • Vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. (preferably olive).
  • Mint essence- 1.5 tsp (can be bought at the pharmacy, if desired, replace with mint tincture).
  • Food soda I - 1 tsp.


  • Flour is required sieved along with baking soda
  • In the stewpan follows heat water and dissolve sugar in it. The resulting syrup should be boiled for a few more minutes and allowed to cool.
  • In the cooled syrup, it is necessary add mint tincture or essence and mix thoroughly.
  • Pour flour in a slide, pour oil into it and gradually add mint syrup, knead the dough. Add more oil to make the dough more elastic.
  • The kneaded dough is wrapped in foil. He should "Rest" for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  • 15-20 minutes at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees. The cooled gingerbread is decorated with glaze.

How to make delicious mint gingerbread?

Gingerbread dough: recipe

You will need:

  • Flour- 2 glasses with a slide (this is about 600 g of sifted premium flour).
  • Egg- 1 PC.
  • Sugar- 1 glass (adjust the sweetness of the gingerbread to taste yourself: add more or less sugar).
  • Honey- 10 tbsp. (there are about 20 g of honey in a tablespoon, therefore, you need 200 g of honey in the dough).
  • Butter 73% fat- 150 g (you cannot replace with margarine!).
  • Ginger, grated or dry powder- 1 tsp
  • Baking powder- 1 sachet or 1 tsp.
  • Cognac- 3 tbsp.

Spices to taste: vanillin, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, citrus peel, and so on.


  • In the microwave melt honey and butter, add sugar and mix thoroughly these ingredients. You can use a steam bath instead of a microwave. Let the mixture cool.
  • Into the cooled mixture add egg, cognac and ginger. Mix thoroughly.
  • Flour follows sift and gradually add to the honey mass. When the flour is finished, knead the dough again and wrap it in plastic wrap. In the refrigerator, the dough should be "Rest" for at least 4 hours.
  • The present dough is rolled out. With a mold, little men are cut out of it and laid out on parchment paper. Gingerbread cookies are baked in the oven 10-15 minutes at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees. The cooled gingerbread is decorated with glaze.

How to make a delicious gingerbread?

Cinnamon Gingerbread Choux Dough: Recipe

You will need:

  • Milk- 1 glass (a full glass is 250 ml of milk)
  • Flour- 2.5 cups (this is 600 grams of sifted flour + 50 g for sprinkling).
  • Sugar- 1 glass (you can adjust the sweetness of the gingerbread yourself: add more or less sugar).
  • Egg- 2 pcs + 2 yolks (without proteins, you can use whites for making the glaze.
  • Cinnamon- to taste (the spice is sharp enough, do not use too much, it will give aroma in any quantity).
  • Vegetable oil- 50 ml.
  • Vanillin- 1 package
  • Baking powder- 1 package


  • In a stewpan or cooking ladle, you should pour milk and put it on fire.
  • Bring the milk to a boil. At this time, we carefully sift a glass of flour and mix it with sugar.
  • Hot milk (not boiling water!) Should be gradually add a mixture of flour and sugar. This should be done gradually and quickly so that the dough does not pick up in lumps.
  • You should have enough choux pastry liquid. Add vegetable oil to the still hot dough, mix the mass thoroughly and let it cool.
  • Into the cooled custard mass sift the second glass of flour and once again everything is well mixed.
  • Next stage - adding eggs and cinnamon. Kneading the dough should be active and do it for a long time, adding flour each time.
  • The dough should come out soft. It shouldn't stick to your hands.
  • Roll out the dough and cut out the little men with a special mold. We spread the gingerbread cookies on parchment and bake 25 minutes at a temperature of 160-170 degrees.

How to make cinnamon choux pastry gingerbread?

Gingerbread man: pattern, baking dish

It is impossible to bake a gingerbread man without special mold... As a rule, it is silicone or metal figurine with an empty center. You can purchase such a mold at a hardware store or order it online.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a ready-made mold, you will need to cut out a piece of cardboard and apply it to the dough each time trace the figure with the tip of a knife.

Gingerbread Man Figures and Patterns:

Pattern for the gingerbread man

Culinary molds for cutting gingerbread men from dough

How to buy a baking dish for a gingerbread man on Aliexpress?

It is profitable to purchase the necessary gingerbread baking dish can be on the website Aliexpress store... There is a large catalog here products for working with dough: brushes, silicone and metal molds, potholders, dishes and much more.

IMPORTANT: All that is required of you is filling out a special form, where you indicate only your name, address and contacts. You can get acquainted with the work of the resource in detail in the video instructions.

Finding bakeware is very easy. To do this, you need to select on the left side of the screen item "For home and garden" and find in it folder "Baking dishes"... Your eyes will open a catalog of various silicone and metal molds.

How to find the right category of goods on Aliexpress: bakeware

Forms for baking the gingerbread man on Aliexpress

New Year and Christmas gingerbread man at home step by step?

Gingerbread man - delicious baked goods, and most importantly - beautiful. But even this kind of sweetness can be made at home. A step-by-step recipe with a photo is useful for this.

You will need:

  • Flour- 2 cups (full, about 400 g)
  • Sugar- 0.5 cups (sweetness can be adjusted independently).
  • Egg- 1 piece (preferably homemade)
  • Cocoa- 1/3 cup
  • Butter- 100 g (not less than 73% fat).
  • Honey - 1 glass (liquid)
  • Baking powder- 1 sachet
  • Cinnamon- taste
  • Nutmeg- taste
  • Vanilla n - to taste

Step-by-step cooking:

  • The butter is melted and mixed with sugar, cocoa and honey.
  • Gradually add the egg and add flour in portions, mix thoroughly and knead the dough.
  • The finished dough should be firm and elastic. Crumple it into a ball and refrigerate for an hour.
  • After that, roll out the dough 5 millimeters thick and cut out the gingerbread men with a mold.
  • Bake the gingerbread cookies for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  • Let the gingerbread cookies cool. After that, prepare the icing and start decorating.
  • Place the frosting in a plastic bag. Squeeze out the glaze in a thin stream, drawing out fine details. Allow the glaze to harden (a few hours).

How to knead the dough for the gingerbread man?

How to make a gingerbread man step by step?

Gingerbread Man Frosting: Recipe

White glaze:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon into a saucepan. fresh lemon juice and 1 tbsp. water.
  • Without waiting to boil, add a little powdered sugar and mix thoroughly with a spoon.
  • In total, you need 100 g of powdered sugar.
  • The glaze should be applied hot, as cold quickly hardens.
  • You can apply the glaze through a pastry bag, a brush or a medical syringe.

Chocolate glaze:

  • Melt 100 g of dark chocolate in a saucepan
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly and add 100 g of butter to the chocolate.
  • After the butter has melted, add 100 g of powdered sugar. The frosting is now ready to be applied to the gingerbread.

How to make gingerbread man frosting?

You can quickly dry the icing on a gingerbread in the oven in a few minutes

Decorating a gingerbread man for the New Year

Decorating gingerbread with glaze can be very diverse: classic, modern, detailed, colored, black and white, with the addition of powder, candied fruits, raisins, sweets.

Ideas for decorating gingerbread men with icing:

Simple gingerbread painting, colored glaze

Colorful detailed coloring of gingerbread with colored glaze

Unusual coloring of gingerbread men

Simple gingerbread painting and ribbon decor

Gingerbread man decorated with pastry powder

Video: "Gingerbread man, painted with glaze"

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