We create aromatic fragrances of perfumes ourselves. DIY essential oil perfume

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine based on the use of essential oils in order to change the state of mind of a person and improving his health. Aromatic oils have been used for health purposes for over six thousand years. Ancient Hindus, Greeks, Chinese, Egyptians and Romans used them as perfume and cosmetics, as well as for ritual, spiritual and hygienic purposes. The term "aromatherapy" itself was first used in 1937 by the French surgeon Jean Valne in his book "Aromatherapy: Essential Oils". Aromatherapy as a method of influencing the human body has its own characteristics:

  • dosage and constituent components are always selected individually;
  • you need to gradually accustom the body to essential oils;
  • aromatherapy is successfully combined with other methods of treatment, enhancing the effect of medications;
  • fir oils are perfectly combined with cosmetics.
The principle of "the more the better" does not apply to aromatherapy. As part of mixtures, essential oils can enhance their properties tenfold!

In the modern world, against the backdrop of growing interest in ancient culture and a return to all natural, a variety of forms of using essential oils has blossomed again: aromatization of premises, enrichment of cosmetics, aromatic baths, candles, and, of course, natural perfumes made by hand.

How to make natural perfume yourself

In order to make a perfume with your own hands, you will need:

  1. Base oil (jojoba oil, almond oil, or any other odorless oil) or alcohol. Oil-based perfumes are long-lasting, but discreet. Alcohol-based perfumes show themselves more vividly, but also fizzle out faster.
  2. Mixing containers and bottles for storing perfume (it is better to choose bottles made of dark glass).
  3. Essential oil set(Essential oils are sold in almost any pharmacy and cosmetic department of supermarkets).
  4. Test strips(they can be easily made by cutting a landscape sheet or photographic paper into strips of 15x2 cm) and a simple pencil for their signature.
  5. Pipettes.
  6. Inspiration, fantasy and some theoretical knowledge.

The principle of aroma construction depends on the rate of evaporation of aroma oils.

  • Top note, or "perfume head" creates the first impression of the scent, evaporates within 5-30 minutes ("volatile" aromas - basil, rosemary, mint, bergamot, juniper, tangerine, lemon, orange and other citrus fruits)
  • Middle note, or "perfume heart" gives the main scent, evaporates within 12-24 hours (rose, jasmine, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, neroli, nutmeg)
  • Base note it is felt the longest, evaporates within a few days (pine, sandalwood, patchouli, cypress, vanilla, vetiver, all oriental spices).
The division of aromas, corresponding to the arrangement of notes on the stave, was first proposed in the 19th century by the French perfumer Pisse.

Step 1.
Determine the direction of future perfumes (floral, oriental, woody, etc.) and their "mood".

Step 2. Apply existing fragrances to the test strips after signing them. First, one at a time, and then in various combinations, bring them to the nose (but not closer than 20 cm.) First, it is recommended to decide on the "heart notes", and then select the base and top notes for them.

When creating perfumes, experts advise adhering to a 1: 2: 3 ratio (1 part of a base note, 2 parts of a middle note, 3 parts of a top note).

Step 3... Determine the desired concentration by dropping the minimum amount of the selected fragrance oils into the mixing bottle, and gradually add the required constituents. Remember that with the same ratio of aromas related to, for example, top and middle notes, the middle will always dominate, as its aroma is more intense.

Step 4. Dilute the composition with an oil base or alcohol solution in a 1: 4 ratio (1 part essential oils, 4 parts base) and pour the perfume into a storage bottle. Oil-based perfumes can be used immediately, alcohol-based perfumes should “mature” in a dark, cool place for at least three weeks. Oily perfume should only be applied to the skin; alcohol-based perfume can be sprayed on clothes and hair.

Step 5. Write down the formula for a handmade perfume and be proud of yourself as an aspiring perfumer.

In addition to creating your own fragrances, you can try to repeat the creations of legendary perfumers at home, finding out the aromatic ingredients of the most famous male and female perfumes on the manufacturer's website or on the packaging in a perfume store.


For women:

Chanel №5 (Сhanel):

100 ml alcohol (base)

  • 8 c. Bergamot, 12 c. Neroli, 15 c. Lemon (top note)
  • 9 k. Jasmine, 15 k. Lily of the valley, 13 k. Roses (middle note)
  • 7 k vetiver, 10 k sandalwood, 17 k vanilla, 15 k amber (base note)

Light Blue (Dolche & Gabbana):

  • 100 ml alcohol (base)
  • 12 bar lemon, 16 bar green apple (top note)
  • 13 k jasmine, 17 k bamboo, 10 k roses (middle note)
  • 17 bar pine, 13 bar amber, 15 bar musk (base note)

Fahrenheit Absolute (Dior):

  • 100 ml alcohol (base)
  • 18 points violets, 16 points myrrh (top note)
  • 24 k. incense (middle note)
  • 18 c. Nutmeg, 15 c. Cloves (base note)

Author's perfume from the master Anna Bardina:

  • 100 ml alcohol (base)
  • 15 k grapefruit, 8 k orange, 5 k bergamot (top note)
  • 7 K. jasmine, 4 K. rose, 3 K. cinnamon, 1 K. nutmeg, 2 K. sage, 1 K. coriander, 0.5 K. ylang-ylang (middle note)
  • 5 bar sandalwood, 4 bar vetiver, 2 bar patchouli, 1 bar vanilla (base note)

For men:

Pour Homme (Givenchi):

  • 100 ml alcohol (base)
  • 15 c. Mandarin, 14 c. Grapefruit, 11 c. Coriander (top note)
  • 12 k. Wormwood, 23 k. Vetiver (middle note)
  • 14 c. Cedar, 25 c. Incense (base note)

L.12.12 (Lacoste):

  • 100 ml alcohol (base)
  • 15 k grapefruit, 13 k cardamom, 21 k cedar, 2 k rosemary (top note)
  • 16 k. Ylang-ylang, 18 k. Tuberose (middle note)
  • 19 bar cedar, 1 bar birch tar (base note)

Еau de Cologne:

The real cologne recipe is kept secret, but the similarities are amazing.

230 ml. 70% alcohol, 10 ml. distilled water (base)

  • 27 K. bergamot
  • 15 k. Petitgrain
  • 16 k. Orange
  • 15 k. Lemon
  • 6 K. lavender
  • 16 K. neroli

Advantages and disadvantages of handmade perfumes

The undoubted advantages of home perfumery include:

  1. The relative cheapness of production - the cost of essential oils in a pharmacy is ten times lower than finished perfumery products of good quality.
  2. Quality control is carried out by you independently, while when buying perfume there is a risk of running into a fake. In addition, even well-known manufacturers replace natural ingredients with cheaper synthetic analogs and add preservatives.
  3. 3. Aromatic oils in homemade perfumes, created by hand, have a therapeutic effect.
  4. You will acquire an interesting hobby, you will no longer puzzle over gift ideas and you will be able to create an exclusive scent.

The disadvantages of home spirits are in part:

  1. Some "finicky" in storage conditions - heat, humidity, bright light lead to a deterioration in their properties. Even if all conditions are met, the shelf life of home perfumes is no more than a year.
  2. Sensitive skin may have an allergic reaction. Do not apply perfume before going out into the sun - when its components interact with the sun's rays, stains may appear on the skin. In addition, perfumes based on essential oils should not be used by children and women during pregnancy.

Take a look at this video about the terrible power of essential oil perfume:

Scents of love

Essential oils have another interesting use. Many of them are natural aphrodisiacs, that is, substances that induce or enhance sexual desire. Here is a list of the most famous aphrodisiac oils and their properties:

  • Orange - relieves psycho-emotional stress, reduces anxiety, tones and activates erectile function.
  • Vanilla - awakens animal instincts, provokes erotic fantasies.
  • Bergamot - relaxes the mind and body.
  • Clove - increases the duration of orgasm without shortening the duration of intercourse.
  • Jasmine - liberates, gives confidence and a sense of attraction for yourself and your partner.
  • Ylang-ylang - the strongest aphrodisiac for both partners, causes an insatiable desire, vivid fantasies, increases potency in men and the quality of orgasm in women
  • Ginger - creates an atmosphere of romance, comfort and gentle excitement.
  • Cedar - a symbol of strong family and determination, refreshes and awakens desire.
  • Cypress - the scent of mature men, prolongs and enhances erection.
  • Cinnamon - gives energy, vigor and sensuality.
  • Lavender is a feminine fragrance that relaxes and gives a feeling of the highest attractiveness.
  • Patchouli is a fragrance for experienced partners that restores mutual attraction, removes coldness and helps to relax.
  • Rose is a feminine scent that will help even an inexperienced shy girl to open up.
  • Sandalwood is a masculine scent that increases potency and lengthens the duration of intercourse.

Remember that in the composition of mixtures all the properties of aromatic oils are multiplied?

Introducing Enhanced Aphrodisiac Combinations

  • For women: 3 points of rose oil, 2 points of jasmine oil, 1 points of bergamot oil, 2 points of sandalwood oil.
  • For men: 2 points of ylang-ylang oil, 1 points of patchouli oil, 3 points of cedar oil, 1 points of ginger oil.

You can use these oils and their mixtures in the "traditional" way - aromatize the room with an aroma lamp, you can add to the bath, after mixing the oils with honey or milk, or you can make real perfumes with your own hands - aphrodisiacs by the method you already know!


As you can see, mastering the craft of a perfumer is not difficult: a flight of creative imagination and knowledge of a theoretical base will be enough. Over time, they acquire their own unique experience, hone their taste and skills. The reward will be unique flavors, which will provide a great mood and inner harmony.

It is believed that you cannot save on cosmetics, and even more so on perfumes and eau de toilette. But this is most likely a statement, not a fact, since perfumes and eau de toilette can be prepared on your own at no special cost. It should be noted that, unlike the products of stores and departments where perfumery is sold, the aroma of self-prepared perfumes will be individual and unique. So, ladies, let's get down to making perfume at home.

Base for making perfume at home, most often, alcohol is, but you can take your favorite cream or base oil instead.

To make perfume, you will need essential oils and utensils. It is best to take ceramic or glass (dark glass) dishes. Avoid using metal or plastic utensils, as essential oils are highly corrosive to plastic and react with metal.

Home perfume recipes

Here are the most interesting perfume recipes you can make yourself at home.

Perfumes for men

Required ingredients: Two drops each of Juniper, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Lemon, Lavender and Bergamot essential oils.

Place in a bowl 100 ml of 70% alcohol and add the above oils to it, mix the mixture thoroughly. Pour the resulting perfume into a dark ceramic or glass bottle, shake well and leave in a dark place to infuse for two to three weeks.

Summer perfume

To prepare summer perfume you will need: bergamot essential oil - 2 drops; neroli oil - 2 drops; lemon ether - 4 drops; lemon balm essential oil - 2 drops; rose essential oil - 4 drops; ethyl alcohol 90 percent - 25 ml.

Alcohol should be poured into a dark glass bottle and, adding essential oils, mix thoroughly. You need to insist on such perfumes for at least three days.

Perfume "Erotic Fantasy" (oil-based)

You will need: rose essential oil - 14 drops; neroli - 14 drops; lemon - 4 drops; benzoin - 5 drops; verbena - 3 drops; cloves - 3 drops; sandalwood - 3 drops; ylang-ylang - 7 drops; jojoba base oil - 20 ml; almond oil - 10 ml.

Pour base oils and esters into a dark glass bottle, shake well and leave to infuse for two days in a cool dark place.

Basic perfume

To prepare a basic perfume, you will need fresh flower buds (1 cup), mineral water (1 cup).

For a light and unobtrusive base perfume, place the flower buds in cheesecloth and place in a large bowl. Pour mineral water over the flowers and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, squeeze the gauze with flowers, and place the resulting aromatic water in a bottle with dark glass and put it in the refrigerator. You can use such aromatic water for a month.

Spirits "Silent rain"

To prepare spirits "Quiet Rain" you will need ethyl alcohol - 3 tbsp. spoons, water - 2 glasses, bergamot aromatic oil - 10 drops, sandalwood oil - 5 drops, cassis essential oil - 10 drops.

Place all the ingredients in an airtight container, mix them thoroughly. Leave the perfume to infuse for 15 hours. Be sure to shake the perfume before applying.

Perfume "Starfall"

To prepare the Starfall perfume, take distilled water (2 glasses), valerian and chamomile essential oil (10 drops each), lavender essential oil (5 drops), vodka (1 tablespoon).

Place all oils, water and vodka in a dark colored bottle and mix thoroughly. Place the mixture in a dark place to infuse. In 12 hours, the Starfall perfume is ready.

Perfume "Night"

To prepare the perfume "Night" you will need the following ingredients: 5 drops of musk oil, 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 3 drops of frankincense oil, 3 teaspoons of jojoba oil.

Place all the ingredients in a dark bottle, mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for 15 hours. The perfume should be stored in a dark, dry place.

Floral perfume

For the preparation of flower perfume, take 50 ml. ethyl alcohol, lemon essential oil - 12 drops, rose essential oil - 5 drops, rosemary essential oil - 30 drops, sage essential oil - 2 drops, mint essential oil - 2 drops, neroli essential oil - 5 drops.

Pour all the ingredients into a dark bottle, shake well and leave the mixture to infuse in a dark place for 10-12 hours. The perfume should be stored in a dry and cool place. These perfumes have a short shelf life - only 1 month.

Solid perfume

To make hard perfume at home, you will need: hard beeswax (2 tablespoons), sweet almond oil (2 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon), wax emulsifier (1/4 teaspoon), stearic acid (1 / 4 teaspoons), distilled water (2 tablespoons), a few of any essential oils (1-2 teaspoons).

To prepare a solid perfume, melt the wax and wax emulsifiers in a water bath. Once the wax has melted, add stearic acid, water, and almond oil to it. Stir the mixture thoroughly and remove from heat. Add essential oils to a warm mixture. Divide the resulting mixture into molds. Once the perfume has set, you can use it.

All women love perfume and eau de toilette. But it is not always possible to find exactly the scent that would fit perfectly. There is an exit! Perfume can be made with your own hands at home. You don't need any hard-to-reach components and special skills.

What does it take to make a perfume at home?

  • Vodka. Please note that vodka must be of sufficient quality and expensive. It's best if you grab the most expensive vodka from the nearest supermarket.
  • Distilled water or spring water. Don't use tap water when making your perfume. Water alone can ruin future perfumes.

  • Opaque vials. In them you will store the finished perfume. Of course, you can store it in transparent bottles, but they will deteriorate faster in them.

  • Notepad and pencil. In a notebook, you will make the necessary notes regarding the composition of your perfume, you will record the course of the experiment, mixing smells in search of "your" scent.

  • Pipettes. They will need to collect essential oils. Without pipettes, it is very difficult to measure out one or two drops of essential oil.

  • Paper strips. For each strip, you will need to apply one drop of essential oil (different for each strip).

  • Natural coffe. You will smell it from time to time, as a large number of smells will mix, and you will no longer smell one or another scent.

  • Essential oils. Any and in any quantity. Just keep in mind, if you want to get a rich perfume, the percentage of essential oil in them must be at least thirty percent. In milder perfumes, the percentage of essential oils will be about ten percent.

How to choose an essential oil for perfume?

Any fragrance consists of three components: base, head and heart. The best ratio of these components is 3: 1: 2.

  1. Essential oils that are recommended for use as the "head" of the fragrance: essential oil of verbena, bergamot oil, lemon grass oil, tangerine oil, limette, peppermint essential oil, orange oil, lemon oil.
  2. Essential oils recommended for use as the "heart" of the fragrance: iris oil, geranium essential oil, jasmine essential oil, lavender oil, chamomile oil, mimosa essential oil, lemon balm oil, clary sage essential oil, myrtle oil, neroli oil, essential oil tuberose and roses, hyssop and ylang-ylang oil.
  3. Essential oils that are recommended for use as a "base" of the fragrance: galbanum, benzoy, honey essential oil, clove oil, musk oil, patchouli essential oil, sandalwood and rosewood oil, vetiver, styrax, frankincense oil, juniper oil, cinnamon, cedar , cypress, vanilla.

It is very important in what sequence to add and mix oils. Depending on the combination, the aroma will be different.

Do not forget to make notes in a notepad, what and in what sequence you mixed. If you like the scent, you can always look at the recording and make the perfume at home again.

Chances are you prefer one style of perfume. Perhaps these are the smells of freshness, or maybe floral aromas.

  1. If you want to make a perfume with a floral scent at home, use essential oils of jasmine, geranium, rose, neroli, violet, rose and li ylang-ylang.
  2. If you want to make a perfume with a fruity scent at home, use grapefruit and bergamot essential oils. Lemongrass, lemon, tangerine, lime or orange.
  3. If you want to make a herbal perfume at home, use the essential oils of basil, angelica, chamomile, lavender, clary sage, rosemary, or peppermint.
  4. If you want to make a sea-scented perfume at home, you will need sea salt for that.
  5. If you want to make a spicy perfume at home, use cardamom, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, coriander, nutmeg, or juniper.
  6. If you want to make a woody perfume at home, use cedarwood, acacia, pine, cypress, or sandalwood essential oils.
  7. If you want to make a tart perfume at home, use sandalwood or cedarwood essential oils.

The most combined options for combining essential oils:

  • Lavender essential oil blends with all other essential oils except rosemary essential oil.
  • Citrus essential oils work well with juniper essential oil.
  • To soften the strong scent of peppermint, you can add rosemary or lavender essential oil to your perfume (either one!).
  • An excellent aroma is possessed by perfumes containing the following essential oils: iris, jasmine, ylang-ylang, chamomile, lavender and rose.

How to make a perfume at home?

The technology for making perfumes with your own hands is very simple.

Take 71 ml of 57% vodka (for accurate measurements, you can use a medical syringe), add the required amount of the selected essential oil to the vodka, and start slowly stirring the components. It is necessary to stir for a long time until the oil is completely dissolved. Set aside the mixture to infuse in a dark place for two days.

After the specified time, add 2 tablespoons to the liquid. water, mix everything thoroughly again and insist for another two days. If you have the patience and persist in the perfume for one to two months, you will get a permanent perfume. Strain the perfume through a coffee filter and you're done! If the perfume smell is too strong and harsh, you can add a little more water.

How to make toilet water at home?

The procedures are the same, the composition is slightly changed. You will need 100 ml. vodka and 10-15 drops of essential oil. Alternatively, you can add five drops of glycerin to your perfume to keep the scent lasting longer.

  • Male scent. You will need two drops each of sandalwood, juniper, vetiver, lavender, lemon, and bergamot essential oil.
  • Summer scent. To create a summer scent, you need two drops of neroli, bergamot and lemon balm essential oils, four drops of lemon oil and rose oil. In addition, 25 ml. 90% alcohol.
  • Night scent. You will need five drops each of musk oil and sandalwood oil and three drops each of frankincense oil and jojoba oil. It should be insisted for fifteen hours.
  • Floral scent. You will need 12 drops of lemon essential oil, 5 drops of rose oil, 30 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops each of peppermint and sage oil, five drops of neroli oil and 50 ml. alcohol.
  • Aroma "Aphrodite". You will need 3 drops each of rosewood and ylang ylang essential oil, 4 drops of grapefruit oil, 2 drops each of geranium oil and rosemary oil, and 1 drop of Japanese mint oil. Use 10 ml as a base for perfume. sweet almond oil.
  • Light, slightly harsh aroma. You will need 5 drops of myrtle and frankincense essential oil, 3 drops each of orange and lilith oil, and 1 drop of peppermint essential oil.
  • A sports fragrance for women. 2 drops of cypress essential oil, 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 3 drops of clary sage, 3 drops of bergamot oil, 3 drops of myrtle and 1 drop of peppermint oil.
  • Erotic scent. 3 drops of patchouli essential oil, 3 drops of ylang ylang oil, 3 drops of jasmine oil, 3 drops of verbena oil, 8 drops of sandalwood oil and 1 drop of rose oil. You can read more about essential oils-aphrodisiacs in the article Essential oils for attracting love.
  • A scent to attract money. 7 drops of patchouli essential oil, 5 drops of cedarwood oil and 5 ml of sweet almond oil.
  • A scent to attract good luck. 2 drops of rose oil, 2 drops of neroli oil, 5 drops of limet, 3 drops of sage oil.
  • A scent for the development of communication skills. 4 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of nutmeg oil, 2 drops each of ylang-ylang and bergamot oil.

Composition and components of oil perfumes. Recipes, stages of preparation, storage rules and features of using oil-based perfume.

Composition and components of oil perfume

When creating perfumes, you can use your imagination, strive for experiments, keeping in mind the accepted rules. The composition of such a perfume includes: a base, that is, a fatty refined odorless vegetable oil, for example, jojoba, almond, apricot pits, peach, etc. (usually 9 parts), and a composition of a mixture of essential oils (1 part).

The classic scent includes three phases (notes), determined by the degree of volatility:

  • Top ("head")... Lasts 5–20 minutes. Determines the first impression of whether you like the smell or not. Rosewood, lemon, orange, mint, bergamot are suitable for her.
  • Medium ("heart")... It lasts 20-60 minutes. It connects the lower and upper notes, opens up gradually, revealing new shades and semitones. You can take geranium, rosemary, violet, thyme, jasmine, ylang-ylang, palmarosa.
  • Lower ("base")... Stable up to 8 hours. The longest phase. Creates a general impression of the perfume, often fixes the aroma. Ginger, cinnamon, cloves, sandalwood, cedar, vetiver, patchouli will do.
To get the required combination, you should have various components in your arsenal, with varying degrees of volatility. The main thing is that the achieved result meets your requirements for your favorite scent.

Oil based perfume recipes

Many women are wondering how to make an oil perfume. It may seem that this is a time consuming activity that requires special knowledge and skills. But a beginner can also cope with this, the main thing is to have the appropriate components and materials.

Romantic scent recipes

Creating a unique perfume that emphasizes your exclusivity is a very exciting process. It can provide positive energy and wonderful mood for a long time. Special emotions are caused by the preparation of compositions that stimulate sensuality and desire.

Oil perfume recipes for romantic purposes.

  1. "Magic aroma"... Suitable for passionate people seeking love. You should take jojoba oil (10 ml), pour 5 drops of coriander and bergamot, 3 drops of neroli and rose, and finally 1 drop of jasmine.
  2. "Fleur of charm"... Leaves an enchanting aftertaste. Take 10 ml of tender almond oil as a base, add a "heart" note - ylang-ylang (7 drops), then 3 drops each of verbena, cloves and sandalwood, 5 each - benzoin and lemon, 14 each - roses and neroli.
  3. "Aphrodite"... Such a perfume is the weapon of a sensual and mature woman. The base is sweet almond oil (10 ml). Also in the composition - 3 drops of rosewood and ylang-ylang oils, 1 each - rosemary and Japanese mint, 4 - grapefruit, 2 - geranium.
  4. "Irresistible macho"... Perfume for a confident young man. Almond oil (5 ml) should be taken as a base. Also in the composition - essential oils of cedar (7 drops), patchouli (4 drops), bergamot (3 drops), rosemary (1 drop).
  5. "Exciting smell of money"... Not only awakens sensuality, but also contributes to the improvement of material well-being. The base is 5 ml of almond oil. It contains patchouli oil (7 drops) and cedarwood oil (5 drops).
  6. "Temptation"... Leaves a seductive light flair, emphasizes the charm. Add 1 drop of ylang-ylang, cedar, lime, clary sage, lemon, incense, lavender and 2 drops of patchouli to jojoba oil (5 ml).
  7. "Beautiful Eve"... Shades femininity, gives mystery and attractiveness. The carrier substance is jojoba oil (25 ml). Ingredients: ylang-ylang (15 drops), rosewood (8 drops), 5 drops each of palmarose, jasmine, bergamot, sandalwood, tangerine oils, as well as 4 drops of vanilla and 2 drops of musk.
When you go out on a date, it's nice to know that your oil-based perfume is made up of only self-selected natural ingredients. There is no need to worry that someone will repeat the recipe. You yourself can "level" the aroma, guided by your own preferences, and the accuracy of the ratio of the constituents here is very conditional.

How to make natural oil perfume

A well-chosen sensual perfume plays an irreplaceable role in a woman's life. He makes it possible to become more confident, attracts attention, and can even seduce. But there is also a great role of aromatic compounds that unite us with nature, remind us of its beauty and uniqueness.

These are the recipes below. As a carrier base in each of them, you can use 10 ml of jojoba, coconut (fractionated) or almond oils.

Natural recipes:

  • "Sweet November"... Natural aroma with pronounced sweet ingredients. Components - essential oils of ylang-ylang (3 drops), lime (9 drops), lavender (6 drops). You can enhance the sweetness, if desired, with a few vanillin crystals.
  • "Fresh breeze"... The enveloping fleur is designed for fast and light young people. The heart of the composition is a rose (7 drops), a long-lasting trail is provided by a sweet orange (15 drops), the top note is lemon (7 drops). Mix the oils in the sequence shown and enjoy.
  • "Flower Fairy"... The composition has a rich summer floral scent, which can be varied by choosing the ratio of the components. Essential oils in the composition - ylang-ylang (2 drops), lavender (5 drops), geranium (9 drops), as well as 2 drops of sandalwood or patchouli.
  • "Spicy citrus"... Combines exciting citrus and spice notes to enhance energy. As ingredients, take the oils of ginger, cinnamon and patchouli (2 drops each), ylang-ylang (4 drops) and tangerine (8 drops).
  • "Scent of Christmas"... It evokes a feeling of winter freshness and memories of a magical holiday. Components - essential oils of ginger and patchouli (2 drops each), cinnamon (4 drops), blood orange (10 drops).
When choosing a recipe to your taste, it should be remembered that there are no universal aromas. Each person is characterized by a special susceptibility. What delights one person may not suit another. Finding exclusive notes is impossible without creativity and experimentation.

Stages of making oil perfume at home

When embarking on an undoubtedly entertaining creative process, you should take a responsible attitude to the search and selection of a suitable perfume recipe. It is important to prepare all the ingredients - base oil and essential fillers, as well as a bottle of the required volume (preferably made of dark glass).

Stages of perfume creation:

  1. Filling the bottle with the base.
  2. Add essential oils drop by drop according to the recipe. First, the components of the base note, then the middle, and finally the top.
  3. The addition of each ingredient is followed by shaking the mixture. At the end of the process, the composition must also be shaken well.
  4. Placing the bottle in a dark place for infusion, which, depending on the original composition, can take from 2 days to 1 month.
  5. In the process of infusion, it is recommended to shake the perfume regularly.
Experts note that the creation of perfumes is akin to high art. Here it is important to know not only the characteristics of the components, but also the peculiarities of their compatibility in one composition. But it is quite possible to find your flavor using proven recipes and manufacturing recommendations.

Storage rules for oil perfume compositions

When preparing oily perfumes at home, it is quite reasonable to wonder how long they last. It is appropriate to proceed from logical considerations here: if even one of the components has a shelf life, for example, a month, and all the others - more than a year, it is clear that in a month the composition may lose its properties.

But this is not always the case, because manufacturers often indicate a minimum period, even after which an ingredient can retain its qualities. Perfume over time can "open up", acquire new shades. Of course, if their smell has changed unrecognizably, causes rejection, a sediment has appeared, it is better not to use them anymore. To prolong the "life" of a composition, it is important to store it correctly.

  • It is unacceptable to keep the perfume in the light. Even if it is tempting to decorate the dressing table with an original bottle, you should not do this, the composition of the fragrance may not change for the better. A dark place and dark glass are the preferred storage options.
  • It is important to avoid temperature extremes. Do not use both the refrigerator and rooms that are too hot. A wardrobe in the bedroom is a good choice for perfume.
  • Keep air away from the composition. The tightly closed bottle protects the fragrance from unwanted changes.
  • Do not store perfume in a place that is constantly opening and closing, such as a purse or makeup drawer. Constant movement or vibrations of the air harm it.
  • Do not leave perfume in the bathroom - high humidity and temperature changes have an extremely negative effect on them.
Attention to the shelf life of all components of the composition being created and storage recommendations are important rules that should be followed. But the aroma can also change under the influence of other factors.

It is important to remember that the perception of perfume is distorted in states of stress, increased nervousness, tension. It also depends on the season, ambient temperature, and even your mood. Perfume can just get bored and annoying. The main thing is to figure out the reason in time and correct the situation.

How to use an oil based perfume

The use of such spirits requires certain skills. It is important that they set off your dignity, and not provoke others. It is better not to apply at all than to apply incorrectly. An obsessive scent can cause headaches, nausea, irritation, and nervousness. Therefore, it is important to follow proven recommendations.

Rules for using oil-based perfumery compositions:

  1. Apply one drop to recommended areas of clean skin or damp hair. You should not "fill" yourself, as well as apply on clothes, as you can get "greasy" spots.
  2. The fragrance composition will be appropriate on the temples, neck, wrists, elbows, between the breasts, collarbones, under the knees. The smell of perfume applied behind the ears can be distorted, as there are many fatty glands. For unobtrusive flair in an official environment, not all points should be used, but 2-3.
  3. It is advisable to have different perfumes that are appropriate for use at different times of the day and year, for different situations and moods. In hot weather, the aroma is felt more intense. When moving, it opens up.
  4. In anticipation of an intimate date, you can drop perfume into the places of expected kisses - on the chest, lower abdomen, back, ankles, etc.
  5. If your skin is dry, the fragrance should be reapplied more often than oily skin, which lasts longer.
  6. Ideal is a perfume that you stop feeling shortly after application.
  7. Avoid applying oil compositions to jewelry. They can lose their luster and color.
  8. Do not use cosmetics and hygiene products with strong fragrances. They can distort the smell of perfume.
Remember that food has an intense effect on flavor character. The spicy meat gives it bitterness. Fresh fruits and berries will intensify the florals. Middle notes are enhanced by alcohol. Drugs and cigarette smoke change the smell of perfume unpredictably. Identical perfumery compositions are felt differently on people. It depends on lifestyle, age, skin type, etc.

How to make oil perfume - watch the video:

The world of exquisite aromas has always attracted people. Everyone experiences pleasant feelings from subtle smells on themselves and other people. The language of the spirits is surprisingly eloquent. It allows you to emphasize individuality, refine the appearance, reflect the character. Originality and its exclusive flair are what a self-prepared oil-based perfume composition can provide.

Whether the smell of freshly cut grass comes from the window, does the cafe smell of a dessert beloved since childhood, does the smell catch a fleeting hint of sea freshness in the cologne of a stranger passing by - the subconscious of a person reacts to each of the millions of all kinds of smells in a special way. Much depends on the individual characteristics of perception, personal impressions, personal preferences. It is not surprising that perfumery occupies such an impressive niche in the total production of cosmetics and personal care products - a person has long realized that various scents can affect mood, which means that they can change the current attitude towards the world, regulate well-being and predetermine many emotions.

On the modern market, there is mainly alcoholic perfume, and not all women and men like the clearly distinguishable alcoholic notes in the composition of expensive compositions. Is there an alternative to commercial fragrances? Undoubtedly! Moreover, everyone is able to make a perfume on their own - from essential oils. The recipes for the best flavors are presented below. If you don't like any of them, use the recommendations for composing your own perfume compositions and create a unique scent, only yours.

Acquaintance with the types of smells

All recipes for perfumes from essential oils are somehow based on a mixture of fragrant substances belonging to different families of fragrances. To take advantage of the opportunity to mix your own unique composition, you first need to ask the question: what kind of smells do you like so much that you will be comfortable wearing them on your skin and clothes?

Below is a list of the main mono fragrances. Print it out or rewrite it on paper, and then draw a table with the following columns: "Like", "Don't care", "Strongly dislike". Check the boxes next to each name. By filling out the table, you will know exactly which essential oil perfume recipes are right for you and which ingredients to mix to create new incense.

Basic Mono Flavors

  • Leather.
  • Musk.
  • Cream.
  • Burning candle.
  • Freshly cut wood.
  • Church incense.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Earth after rain.
  • Freshly cut grass.
  • Christmas tree.
  • Fresh strawberries.
  • Mint leaves.
  • Freshly washed linen.
  • Lemons.
  • Baby powder.
  • Magnolia flowers.
  • Lily of the valley.
  • Honeysuckle.
  • Rose flowers.

Think of each scent as a distinct, abstract scent, not a perfume that you will be using. Then analyze the "Like" column. Your essential oil perfume recipes will be based on this information.

Odor categories

More often than not, people choose fragrances from the same family. For example:

  • Leather, musk, honey, cream, a burning candle - these are the smells of natural animal essences (in fact, musk, amber, civet, castoreum (beaver stream)). In their pure form, they can hardly be called aromas, since natural essences can smell very harsh and unpleasant, giving off rancidity. However, you can hardly find 100% natural substances in this category in retail sale; The most popular essential oil perfume recipes involve the use of weak synthetic copies of such expensive ingredients. In perfumery, they embody the dark notes of a primitive, exotic mystery. Since the original substances have much in common with the secretion products of the human body, the smells of this category are considered natural aphrodisiacs - substances that induce sexual desire.
  • Wood, church incense, cinnamon, earth after rain, freshly cut grass are a family of spicy, woody, bitter aromas. The most familiar to the average consumer is the notes of culinary spices such as cinnamon or cloves. This includes the olfactory incarnations of cedar, oakmoss, sandalwood, vetiver and myrrh, as well as many other seeds, roots and bark. By themselves, these essences can be tart, sour, bitter and even pungent. Many essential oil perfume recipes incorporate spicy and bitter notes to refresh and revitalize the precious heart of the fragrance. To experience the life-giving power of Tier 2 substances, try adding a little cinnamon to your morning coffee. As you prepare your drink, a warm, awakening aroma will fill your entire home.
  • A Christmas tree, fresh strawberries, mint leaves, freshly washed linens and lemons represent a family of fresh, green, resinous, herbal scents. Healthy, clean aromas include pine, eucalyptus, camphor, citrus fruits, lavender and balsam, as well as some herbs used in cooking (marjoram, basil, rosemary). Although these notes are often found in essential oil perfume recipes for men and women, in their pure form, the essences can seem rather nasty and even unbearable to you. It is enough to imagine or smell household chemicals with pine aromas or moth balls soaked in camphor. Nevertheless, in the composition of perfumery compositions, fresh and herbal scents change character, giving a lively note to an overly sweet or overly neutral composition. Eau de toilette and colognes for men are often composed entirely of substances of the green group, slightly diluted with intermediate ingredients.
  • Baby powder, magnolia and rose flowers, lily of the valley, honeysuckle are representatives of the flower family. from the essential oils, the recipes for which you find below, give the impression of softness, sweetness and ripeness, but in concentrated forms they are very heavy, sticky odors, causing headaches or nausea and dulling the senses. The whole point is in the right balance; in the composition of aromatic compositions, floral scents acquire amazing properties. They calm the psyche, relieve stress, allow you to relax and even cause a state of mild euphoria. Hundreds of the best women's fragrances are based on floral essences. With the exception of the light, volatile aromas of lily, lily of the valley and narcissus, the notes of this group embody serenity and maturity.
  • Most commercial perfumery products are based on a blend of fragrances from one of the above families. To ensure complete harmony and to create a real innovation, contrasting substances are added to the perfume recipes from essential oils for women, which emphasize the heart of the fragrance. Solvents (solvents) dilute base oils, and fixing agents (usually iris rhizome or benzoin gum) serve as preservatives while preventing volatile essences from rapidly evaporating. Using all of these ingredients, you can develop your own essential oil perfume recipes for women and men.

Experiment Delight

The primary constituents of any modern perfumery are essential oils. You can buy them in health food and organic food stores, as well as in specialized supermarkets, hypermarkets and pharmacies. If you live in a small town where there are no such stores, order the ingredients you are interested in from mail catalogs or the Internet.

Once you have chosen your favorite family of fragrances and purchased your first set of essential oils, you can start the fun part - the experiments. To begin with, drop the oil, which will become the basis of the future composition, on the inside of your wrist, then add a drop of solvent and let the substances mix on your skin. Smell and thoughtfully evaluate the result - it is on such intermediate results that your personal perfume recipes will be based. You can mix almost any perfume composition with your own hands from essential oils, the main thing is to remember: the sense of smell is significantly dulled from fatigue and an excessive abundance of odors, so do not carry out home experiments for too long and do not mix many compositions at one time.

Simple combinations

To give you at least a rough idea of ​​which oils to combine with each other, try to start by following the simplest examples of professional perfumers. So, in classic pink dry perfumes and aromatic mixtures, combinations of rose with lavender or rose with cinnamon are used. To add a touch of mystery and passion, you can add a little musk to this combination.

If you like a floral perfume made from essential oils, the popular pairing recipes are sure to please. A sweet blend is made from jasmine and wood, while more delicate incense is created from a combination of musk or amber with rose or daffodil.

For a greener heart, use the heavy Indian patchouli note found in the trendiest perfume recipes. Aphrodisiacs (essential oils that kindle love passion) will be a great addition to the bouquet. For a lighter scent, you can replace animal essences with traditional rose or lavender.

For preparation or eau de toilette, it is best to focus on green and spicy notes that can be successfully set off with natural ingredients from the musk family. A bright men's perfume is obtained by mixing balsam, cedar or sandalwood with cinnamon or musk itself.

Remember, it's not so easy to create a good perfume from essential oils. Recipes should contain several scent ingredients, with the balance of the bouquet being paramount. No fragrance should definitely dominate the rest.

Once you have developed a successful composition, prepare a small amount of perfume using pipettes and start a special notebook or notebook. Describe in detail all your experiments and record the perfume recipes you invented. With your own hands from essential oils, you can mix not only aromas, but also more practical formulations: shaving lotion, bath salt, massage oil ... The main thing is to never stop there.

Perfume "Life is Beautiful"

To create a bright and life-affirming scent, you will need the following essential oils (for brevity, only the names of the essences are given here and below):

  • 4 drops of orange;
  • 10 drops of Mexican lemon;
  • 6 drops of sweet tangerine;
  • 8 drops of olibane;
  • 5 drops of neroli.

As a basis, 11 ml of jojoba oil is taken.

Place the base in a mixing container, add all the ingredients in the order in which they are listed and mix. The perfume is ready. When preparing this aroma, you can reduce the proportion of base oil, but in this case, it should be borne in mind that the concentration of the final composition will exceed 15%.

Sensual women's perfume

It is quite logical that with all the variety of perfume compositions, women's perfumes from essential oils prevail in the total volume of production and consumption. Recipes (aphrodisiacs, heavy oriental scents and sweet flower mixes) often contain animal essences. If you prefer the exceptionally light, volatile scents of your favorite flowers, but at the same time want to surprise your loved one with an unexpected note of passion and temptation, try mixing the following essential oils from flowers and spices:

  • 5 drops of spicy coriander;
  • 6 drops of fresh bergamot;
  • 4 drops of sweet neroli;
  • 3 drops of rose.

You can use 10-11 ml of jojoba oil as a base oil, which must be mixed with the rest of the ingredients in this order. Pour the mixture into a bottle, close the lid tightly and leave for a week to bloom. Only after seven days the perfume will acquire its true features and conquer you with the richness and sophistication of the bouquet.

Sensual perfume for men

Essential oil recipes are traditionally based on green and spicy scents. Create a passionate composition by shading familiar scents with a sudden and intriguing lavender note. To do this, take:

  • 10 drops of lavender;
  • 20 drops of coriander;
  • 22 drops of sandalwood;
  • 23 drops of red cedar;
  • 5 drops of olibanum.

The composition is designed for a large volume, so for the base you need 100-110 ml of jojoba base oil. You just need to mix all the ingredients. You can use the perfume right away.

Dry perfume with your own hands

Dry perfume in a metal medallion is a great gift idea for your beloved friend, mom or sister. Solid formulations are very durable, have amazing odor retention, and are remarkably compact. Any of your favorite fragrances can be modified to create a dry (solid) version, but experts recommend trying oriental perfume recipes using essential oils first. The generalized composition is as follows:

  • 3 tbsp. l. grape seed oils;
  • 1 tbsp. l. unrefined coconut oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. natural beeswax in any form;
  • 60-80 drops of various essential oils (combinations are presented below).

If desired, substitute grape seed oil for any other base, such as jojoba, almond or olive oil.


Simple recipes for homemade perfumes made from essential oils most often come down to one procedure - mixing. However, in the case of solid compositions, preparation is a more complex process:

  • In a water bath, heat and melt the beeswax with the addition of the base oils. Continue heating until the mixture is completely homogeneous.
  • Remove from heat immediately and add full volume of odoriferous oils. Stir vigorously until the ingredients are fully combined.
  • Pour the mixture into containers chosen for storing dry perfume. If you want to make your own medallion with aroma, be sure to take a pipette - pouring the composition directly from the dishes is strongly discouraged.

Smell options

Like other essential oil perfume recipes, the instructions for creating solid fragrances are based on mixing incense. Try the following combinations ideal for solid perfumes:

  • "Happiness": 35 drops of grapes, 15 drops of orange, 20 drops of field lavender, 8 drops of Roman chamomile, 10 drops of medicinal sage.
  • "Forest nymph": 45 drops of orange, 20 drops of cedar, 10 drops of mint, 5 drops of rosemary.
  • "Earth Fairy": 20 drops of mountain lavender, 20 drops of sweet marjoram, 10 drops of red cedar, 3 drops of sweet ylang-ylang.
  • "Muse": 10 drops of cinnamon, 10 drops of cloves, 5 drops of vanilla, 10 drops of bergamot, 20 drops of orange, 8 drops of red cedar, 8 drops of oliban, 3 drops of spicy nutmeg.
  • "Floral romance": 20 drops of orange, 8 drops of mountain lavender, 10 drops of patchouli, 10 drops of red cedar, 5 drops of sweet ylang-ylang, 5 drops of fresh bergamot.
  • "Morning chill": 13 drops of mint, 13 drops of spicy rosemary, 8 drops of tonic lemon, 8 drops of medicinal sage, 8 drops of juniper.
  • "Sweet Summer": 10 drops of mountain lavender, 8 drops of field chamomile, 4 drops of cardamom, 1 drop of cedar, 1 drop of geranium or roses.
  • "Warm winter": 27 drops of sandalwood, 27 drops of vanilla, 25 drops of grapes, 20 drops of bergamot.
  • "Energy": 17 drops of grapefruit, 14 drops of ginger, 13 drops of vetiver.
  • "Dreams of Love": 25 drops of rose, 10 drops of lime, 10 drops of vetiver.
  • "Riddle": 20 drops of orange, 15 drops of ylang-ylang, 12 drops of cedar or sandalwood.
  • "Timeless classics": 17 drops of mountain lavender, 6 drops of spicy rosemary, 3 drops of lemongrass.
  • "Northern Lights": 25 drops of grapes, 25 drops of mandarin, 10 drops of roses, 6 drops of sandalwood, 4 drops of sweet ylang-ylang.
  • Twilight: 40 drops of lavender, 10 drops of cloves, 6 drops of nutmeg, 8 drops of vanilla, 2 drops of sweet ylang-ylang.

Basic combinations for solid perfumes:

  • patchouli and tangerine;
  • sweet orange, patchouli and ylang-ylang;
  • lavender and geranium;
  • sandalwood, rosewood and grapefruit;
  • palmarose and bergamot;
  • jasmine, cloves and vanilla.


Many people underestimate essential oils unfairly. Perfumes (oriental scents), the recipes for which you will find above, are not just enchanting scents - they effectively relieve stress, create a special mood and even treat depression. You just need to choose a composition that is right for you, and you will overcome life's difficulties, knowing for sure that at any moment you can open your own, personal source of pleasure and breathe in the anticipation of happiness.

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