Games for left-handers in kindergarten. Developing activities for left-handed children

Zlata Kurmanova
Graphomotor tasks for left-handers

Originality and atypical development left-handed due to the peculiarities of the functional organization of their nervous system. Timely assistance, and in some cases correctional work, may well compensate for most of the problems of these children.

It turned out that left-handed differ from other people not only by the primacy of the left hand, but also by a number of other features of development and life: emotionality, creativity, vulnerability.

Scientists distinguish different groups of left-handed children. The first includes almost half of left-handed, the so-called genetic, in the family of which there are left-handed relatives. Their leading hemisphere is right (responsible for speech, reading, logic).

Genetically, a left-handed child can write with his left hand flawlessly, his coordination of movements is very delicate and perfect. It is impossible to retrain such a child - that is why he left-handed that his brain is so arranged.

The second group - compensatory left-handed... If the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the work of the right hand, was injured during childbirth or severe pregnancy, the right hemisphere takes over the leading function, and the left hand becomes the leading one.

Do I need to retrain the compensatory left-handed? Definitely not.

Retraining of genetic or compensatory left-handed can lead to neurotic problems: irritability, stuttering, headaches, irascibility, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, whims, etc.

There are rare cases when a child injured his right hand, began to take care of it and trained his left hand. At school, it turns out that he writes poorly with his left hand. Such children are called forcedly left-handed.

Even more rare are imitative left-handed: the child tries to do everything with his left hand, imitating the adult he loves.

The decision to retrain forced and imitative left-handed takes a neuropsychiatrist. "Hand" (i.e., predominant activity of the right or left hand) is one of the most important neurobiological properties " (Sirotyuk I.V.).

Lefties They are distinguished by imaginative memory, heightened intuition and a craving for paradoxes, because they often give out non-standard ideas and solutions. There are disproportionately many of them among artists, musicians and some categories of athletes, but almost none among people in technical professions.

“The inner speech of a left-handed child is much richer and brighter than the outer one. This is supported by the fact that children left-handed, as a rule, a very high level of conceptual thinking " (Sirotyuk A.V.).

About 3-4 months, the right hemisphere begins to prevail over the left and take over the development of areas that will subsequently be responsible for speech and writing.

Now left-handers over 600 million... According to forecasts, by 2020 their number will increase to one billion.

Lefty more difficult in everyday life and in the environment, in the learning process, but this is their problem, not a whim. Educators and parents should understand this and help left-handed children adapt to life.

In addition to external difficulties, left-handed there are problems of their own. They cope worse with visual-spatial assignments... Many are characterized by insufficiency or impairment of visual-figurative thinking, visual memory, spatial perception.

They find it especially difficult to mentally manipulate and memorize sequences, switching. They perceive worse (not to be confused with "See") what is to the left of them. Along with mirror writing, they often have mirror painting. Especially characteristic Eversion at drawing: top and bottom, vertical and horizontal, right and left are interchanged, moreover, the child does not feel wrong. This is a manifestation of the lack of assimilation of the basic principles of space organization.

Neuropsychologist A.V. Sirotyuk proposed a holistic, holistic system for optimizing neuropsychological status left-handed.

To improve the rhythm of the exercises of this complex, it is useful to add an appropriate verse accompaniment.

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Methodical development


Completed by: Velikorodova Irina Valerievna


MBDOU Kindergarten No. 10 "Firefly"



1.1 The origin of left-handedness. 7

1.2. Features of the development and education of left-handed children. fourteen

1.3 The main problems of left-handed preschool children. eighteen

2.1 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of left-handed children. 24




Left-handedness has been and remains an eye-catching mystery for centuries.

People - left-handed people have always aroused special interest and some cautious attitude of those around them, aroused surprise and curiosity.

According to the latest scientific data, the preference for using one or the other hand appears in children simultaneously with two-syllable babbling at the age of five to six months. And, until about seven to eight months of age, there is a different frequency of using one of the hands in a supine position, sitting on the floor or at a table, standing at a barrier, crawling, and then when walking. Only at the eleventh month can parents establish a clear preference for a child for one or another hand.

As a rule, the child's left-handedness is revealed by his relatives, observing what part of the child's activity is performed with his left hand. For example, at breakfast, a child drinks tea with a cup in his right hand. He also holds a spoon with his right hand. Uncomfortable, he puts the spoon aside and takes the cup with both hands. Often he resorts to the help of his left hand, replacing the right, sometimes he holds the spoon alternately with his left and now with his right hand.

Such actions of the child are familiar, perhaps, to everyone. It turns out that up to a certain age, children are completely indifferent to which hand to use. And if the child prefers one hand and this hand is the left? The opinions of relatives and friends are often cause for serious concern. Maybe our child simply does not know that he needs to hold a spoon and draw with his right hand and not with his left hand?

“Is our child really left-handed? "- the parents ask themselves a question and are seriously upset.

The negative attitude towards left-handedness has a long and long history, and the events, actions and attitudes associated with the right and left in different cultures, separated by both space and time, are very similar. As a rule, in different cultures, the positive correlated with the right, and the negative with the left. For example, Muslims consider it an insult if they are offered their left hand at a meeting or if they are given money or a gift with their left hand. They consider her to be "unclean." There is also an opinion about the connection between left-handedness and lower mental abilities of people, despite the fact that special psychophysiological studies do not provide any grounds for this.

We come across such views and attitudes very often. What is it from? From the desire for a child to be no different from “ordinary children” and to be “like everyone else”! And left-handed: a gift from nature or pathology? The study of this problem is the relevance of our research.

According to Russian authors, the number of left-handed children varies from 15 to 23% by year. Of course, left-handed people are in the minority and even fewer as they grow older. Left-handedness does not disappear, just the aggressiveness of the right-handed environment makes them, sometimes with great difficulty, adapt, retrain, become like everyone else.

Since there is still no clear and unambiguous answer to the question of what is the cause of left-handedness and what is the difference between right-handed and left-handed children. Is this the norm or not?

The question of the norm, determined by the presence of certain properties and qualities in the majority, has long been questioned in modern psychology and psychiatry. The norm is understood as the absence of pathology. If a person does not show symptoms of pathology, therefore, he is normal. With regard to left-handed people, we can say the following: none of the reference books defines left-handedness as a pathology. In the worst case, it is presented as a deviation. Here is one of the definitions given in the pedagogical encyclopedia:

"Left-handedness is a persistent preference to act with the left hand, due to functional weakness of the left hemisphere of the brain." This definition was given by adults, but what does a left-handed child think of himself and what difficulties does he face? The study of this issue is the problem of our research.

The subject of the research is left-handedness or, as a commonly used word, left-handedness.

The object of the research is left-handed preschool children.

The purpose of the study is to identify the problems and characteristics of the development and education of left-handed preschool children.

Research objectives:

1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on this problem.

2. To determine the features of the development and education of left-handed children.

3. Analyze the main problems of left-handed preschool children.

Research methods:

1. Theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological and educational-methodical literature.

2. Diagnostic methods: tests, conversation, observation of children of younger preschool age in everyday life.

3. Analysis of children's work.

The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study consists in expanding and deepening knowledge on the problem of left-handedness and finding answers to many questions related to this:

Why does the child write and draw with his left hand?

What problems can a left-handed child have?

Do I need to retrain him?

How to save him from stress?

The practical significance of the studyin the development of guidelines for organizing classes with left-handed children and in drawing up advice to parents about the peculiarities of raising a left-handed child in a family.


1.1 The origin of left-handedness.

The opinions of scientists about how and why left-handedness occurs are not only different, but also contradictory, but despite a significant number of works devoted to this problem, it cannot be said that it has been studied and there is clear, well-reasoned confirmation of any one hypothesis. Among the works there are also serious, unproven and proven by many years of research. The abundance of hypotheses in itself speaks of the possibility of the existence of various reasons leading to left-handedness.

Naturally, in theories of the origin of left-handedness, not only different factors - sociocultural, pathological, genetic, but also their complex combination are taken as a basis.

Many hypotheses of the last century explain the reasons for the predominant possession of the right hand, and left-handedness is considered an exception. According to one such hypothesis, right-handedness is explained by the asymmetric arrangement of internal organs, which shift the center of gravity of the body to the right. The necessary emphasis on the left leg makes the right hand more free, it trains, its muscles become more developed, and its movements become more precise.

Even more popular was the so-called "shield and sword" theory, according to which the shield during battles must protect the heart and therefore the warrior holds with his left (passive) hand, and the weapon with his right. The centuries-old training of the right hand in countless battles has determined its advantage in various activities.

One of the first theories of the emergence of left-handedness was the social theory of the English scientist S. Jackson, who considered left-handedness to be the result of habit, the influence of social conditions of the environment. However, according to Jackson, this habit of working with the left hand is not passed down from generation to generation.

Of course, a purely social factor in the origin of left-handedness is easy to dispute, since many years of research on left-handedness in different countries have proved that the percentage of left-handed and right-handed people in the human community does not change. It is unlikely that this would be possible with such a strong influence of the environment. There are situations when right-handed people, under the influence of external circumstances, and not for biological reasons, become left-handed. The most common causes of such left-handedness (sometimes called forced) are injuries to the right hand (fractures, dislocations, sprains) suffered in early childhood. Imagine a one and a half to two year old toddler with a broken arm. On the one hand, this is the age of very active hand movements, intensive formation of coherence, accuracy, on the other hand, attempts to draw something, put cubes, a pyramid. But the right hand is sick, incapacitated, the left hand involuntarily becomes more active. If this period does not last long, then there is no reason for concern, but quite often there are several injuries in a row, and then the external conditions of the environment take their toll. It becomes more convenient for the child to work with the left hand than with the right, and this is how “forced left-handedness” arises.

The influence of the environment may not be so harsh, but give the same result of the formation of already "unforced left-handedness". The fact is that a child's activity is formed by imitating the activity of adults or peers. This is how “non-violent” retraining arises, and many left-handers, surrounded by right-handers, also begin to act more actively with their right hand. We cannot exclude the possibility of the opposite situation, when a right-handed child finds himself in a left-handed environment - he may have left-handed dad and mom, grandmother or grandfather, brother or sister. And most importantly, no one in the family will be surprised at yet another left-hander, and he himself will consider himself left-handed, if only not very skillful. It should be noted that cases of a forced hand change, as a rule, are accompanied by neurotic and emotional disorders, as well as coordination discomfort, difficulties in mastering complex motor skills.

So, the external environment under certain conditions can influence the formation of left-handedness. But to be more precise, this is not true left-handedness, because left-handedness is in a complex way related to the activity of the brain.

Currently, a sufficient number of facts have been accumulated confirming the possibility of a pathological origin of left-handedness. Moreover, there are supporters of extreme views, claiming that any left-handedness, even found in different generations of left-handers in the family, has a pathological origin associated with brain dysfunction, and most of these cases are explained by birth trauma. Indeed, studies carried out in different countries, including ours, show that among left-handed children there is a very high frequency of pathologies during intrauterine development and childbirth, birth trauma. It cannot be ruled out that there is a genetically determined increased risk of birth trauma in certain families. And then a truly pathological left-handedness can manifest itself in different generations.

The likelihood of having a left-handed baby increases the so-called birth stress. Labor stress is usually determined by the presence of at least two unfavorable factors, including low birth weight, too rapid or prolonged labor, use of instruments during obstetrics, and newborn asphyxia.

But there are few supporters of such extreme views, most researchers are inclined to believe that pathological left-handedness occurs, and it is important to understand that in these cases, left-handedness can be combined with a complex of impairments or delays in the development of speech, perception, and motor functions. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between left-handedness and these disorders, highlighting, perhaps, as a single cause of the occurrence of both left-handedness and disorders in the development of the child, pathological factors associated with the course of the period of intrauterine development and childbirth.

However, there is evidence suggesting that pathology in childbirth is only superimposed on the already existing lateral preference (the advantage of one side of the body over the other in sensory, that is, sensory, and motor activity), since even before childbirth, some mothers note "special concern" future left-handed fetus. Among left-handed children who have no history of development of neurological diseases and intellectual delays, about 5% of children stand out, whose left-handedness can also be classified as “pathological”. Among these children, the percentage of speech disorders is high.

Another evidence of the emergence of "pathological left-handedness" associated with brain damage due to the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth is the data on a significant percentage (about 20%) of left-handed children among twins - both identical and fraternal. It is clear that the conditions for the intrauterine development of twins are less favorable and the likelihood of pathology in childbirth is higher, which means that the likelihood of left-handedness is higher.

However, according to American scientists S. Springer and G. Deutsch, there is one more specific factor, acting only in identical twins, which can lead to the emergence of left-handedness. This is a so-called mirroring phenomenon that occurs in a quarter of identical twins. In this case, one twin is a "mirror image" of the other up to the direction of curls of hair on the head and fingerprints. Naturally, one of the twins can be left-handed and the other right-handed. Mirroring mechanisms are associated with certain points in the early development of the embryo and are not yet fully understood.

Frequent familial left-handedness made scientists look for an answer to the question of the possibility of inheriting this trait. There are several concepts of the genetic conditioning of that left-handedness, which is called normal, or genetically fixed, not associated with developmental disorders. The significance of the genetic factor is confirmed by the data that left-handedness is especially common in families where at least one of the parents is left-handed. Left-handed children mention left-handed relatives five times more often than right-handed children; left-handedness is more often detected among left-handed children than among right-handed children. Back in the 1920s, it was proved that the probability of finding a left-handed child among right-handed parents is only 2%, but it rises to 17% if one parent is left-handed, and increases to 46% if both parents are left-handed.

There are variants of theories that consider a complex combination of pathological and genetic factors underlying the manifestation of lateral preference. But, apparently, the idea of ​​heterogeneous (different reasons) left-handedness would be more correct. It is possible to distinguish left-handedness, due to various pathological factors, as well as left-handedness, which is based on a mixed genesis. The option of forced hand preference (forced left-handedness) due to loss, limb defect, pathology of the peripheral part of the analyzer system and other reasons cannot be ruled out. In fact, three main factors can be identified that determine the preference for the left hand: genetic laterality, or a genesis hereditary basis; pathological laterality, largely due to perinatal disorders in brain development; forced laterality. Moreover, various combinations of these factors are possible, which significantly complicates the identification of the nature of their origin and requires the development of special methods for diagnosing the causes and degree of hand preference.

Considering various theories of the origin of left-handedness, we have repeatedly mentioned the two hemispheres of the brain, the different functional organization of the brain in right-handed and left-handed people.

We are used to talking about the brain as a single organ, but in fact, the unity of the brain consists of the activity of two hemispheres - the right and the left, closely connected with each other by the most complex system of nerve fibers, which is called the corpus callosum. Each hemisphere, despite the almost identical (mirror) structure, has its own specific features and functions.

The differences between the right and left hands when performing movements are a direct reflection of the inequality and specificity of the two hemispheres of the brain - the right and left. The motor pathways connecting the brain and arm muscles are almost completely crossed.

Both hemispheres are involved in the regulation of movements of both the right and left hand. At the same time, more fibers go from the left hemisphere to the muscles of the right side of the body than to the muscles of the left side; but from the right hemisphere to the right half of the body a greater number of fibers come, that is, the 2 hemispheres seem to strive to exercise greater motor control over the right-sided muscles. Perhaps this morphological asymmetry is one of the explanations for the predominance of right-handed activity. Therefore, let us clarify: in right-handed people, predominantly the left hemisphere coordinates the work of the muscles of the right hand, while in left-handed people this function belongs to the right hemisphere.

In a special work on the study of the reactions of the motor areas of the cortex during real and mental movement, it was revealed that in right-handed people, the left hemisphere is reactive, more involved in activity only when moving with the right hand, and when moving with the left hand, the activity of the hemispheres in most was bilateral. In left-handed people, the activity of the left hemisphere was higher when moving both the left and right hands.

There are beliefs that by forcing a left-handed child to work with his right hand, we are trying to change not the nature of hand preference, but to remake his biological nature.

1.2. Features of development and education of left-handed children

In our work, an attempt has been made to generalize the experience of biologists, physiologists, psychologists and educators, accumulated over many years of research, and to answer many questions:

What do we currently know about the origin of left-handedness?

What are the characteristics of the individual development of left-handers?

Should you retrain left-handed children?

How difficult is it for them in our "right-handed" world?

Who exactly can we call left-handed?

Are lefties really “incapable,” “awkward,” “inept,” or can they be superior to right-handers? Difficult question, and there is no single answer to it. First of all, because the left-handed minority is not yet well studied, and the prejudice against left-handedness has not been eliminated. In addition, left-handers are forced to live in a right-handed world, they, of course, can write with their left hand, and everything else - from a doorknob to the most complex machine tools in almost all countries - is mainly for right-handed people. Therefore, the constant stress of the right-handed environment in which the left-hander is forced to live cannot be ruled out. This means that left-handers are in less favorable conditions of existence than right-handers. And although now no one believes that, by exercising the left hand, one can achieve extraordinary success, the cessation of nervous diseases and the strengthening of morality, there are still two extreme views. Supporters of the former believe that left-handers have reduced mental abilities; adherents of the second, on the contrary, defend their exclusivity, talent, and originality. There is also a third point of view, linking the characteristics of left-handers and right-handers with the functional specialization of the dominant (leading) hemisphere of the brain - left in right-handers and right in left-handers.

Many researchers note a high percentage of left-handed children among children suffering from neuroses, delays and developmental disorders. Speech disorders are especially common in left-handed children. Among left-handed people, a high percentage of children have complex writing and reading disorders. This is true, but it is important to understand what lies at the root of such violations, and to find out if left-handedness, speech impairment, and writing difficulties are the result of some general developmental disorder of the child. Considering various options for the genesis of left-handedness, we note that in some cases it may be the result of pathology or dysfunction of the left hemisphere. Dysfunction of the left (speech) hemisphere, as a rule, is also associated with a violation of the child's speech development, which largely determines the pace of general functional development. With the pathological genesis of handiness (for example, due to birth trauma), damage to other areas of the brain cannot be ruled out, which in turn can lead to disruption of complex integral processes that are the basis of complex activities. However, the origin of left-handedness is almost not taken into account in studies of the characteristics of left-handers, which means that almost always the general group of left-handed children is analyzed, the origin of left-handedness in which may be different.

A very interesting work by the American researcher J. Levy made it possible to clarify the features of visual and spatial functions in left-handers. Considering that in many left-handers the right hemisphere (in addition to the left) is involved in the implementation of speech functions, she suggested that speech and visual-spatial functions (characteristic of the right hemisphere) will compete, and speech may prevail due to the lower organization of the visual spatial functions. But other authors believe that the same combination of verbal (speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) functions in one right hemisphere allows verbal and non-verbal abilities to interact, reinforcing each other, which can determine higher creative abilities. And this is also confirmed when comparing left-handers and right-handers.

When it comes to the significant percentage of left-handed children with mental health problems, it’s probably worth considering the ongoing stress. The constant feeling of oneself not like that, different (even if not bad, not awkward, incapable, then simply different), dissatisfaction with oneself, attempts to understand oneself, to evaluate objectively is not an easy burden. And if small failures, inconvenience, someone's annoyance are added to this. And this is from day to day, and tomorrow will not pass, which means that over time there will be restrictions in the choice of profession and some other problems. These are the micro-stresses that the left-hander cannot avoid.

Daily micro-stress not only leads to the appearance of neuropsychic disorders, but also negatively affects the development of the child's personality and emotional sphere, stimulates negative feelings, reduces emotional stability, increasing the risk of violations of social and psychological adaptation.

It is necessary to understand that the greatest negative effect has those microstresses that a person cannot (or believes that he cannot) control, that is, we are talking about those cases when he is not able to change the situation. From this point of view, the stresses that left-handers constantly face (even if we do not take such extreme options of the negative impact of the environment as retraining) are precisely those situations over which left-handers have no control.

Maybe in such cases we should separate "what - why". Do mental health disorders arise from the fact that left-handers are simply more disposed to this, less adaptive, more sensitive, or because the existence of left-handers in a right-handed environment inevitably creates conditions for stress, adaptation disorders that lead to a breakdown in health?

Unfortunately, there is still no clear idea of ​​how the left-hander and the right-hander differ in the organization of higher mental functions. We do not know who is more capable, who has higher intelligence, who is characterized by creative thinking, who is more concrete, who is more emotional and musical. Experience shows that left-handers, like right-handers, can be very different.

There are many who are unlike anyone and different from everyone, both left-handed and right-handed. And this once again confirms that left-handedness is an individual variant of the norm.

1.3 The main problems of left-handed preschool children

According to the data of domestic doctors, neuroses are more common in left-handed children than in right-handed peers. As already mentioned, one of the causes of neuroses is forced retraining, which is a strong stress factor. According to the observations of Professor A.P. Chuprikov, clinical forms of neuroses in left-handed children occur in 32% of cases. Moreover, an increased frequency of neurotic abnormalities is observed not only in children showing a clear preference for the left hand, but also in right-handed people who have left-handed relatives (that is, in children with unexpressed left-handedness).

Unfortunately, often adults do not see anything special either in the child's increased excitability, or in sudden mood swings, or in restless sleep, or in fears and anxieties. It is sometimes difficult for children to understand their condition, it is difficult to explain to adults what they feel (and are adults always ready to listen to them?). If we talk about something “special” that happens to children during retraining, perhaps first of all one should bear in mind what exactly adults see, how much the child's suffering touches their soul. It is also important to emphasize the following: the peculiarities of the child's personal development, the kind of person he will grow up to be - all this is closely related to the state of his neuro-mental health. The factors that provoke anxiety, vulnerability, resentment, emotional sensitivity of left-handed people often contribute to the emergence and formation of such forms of behavior, from which not only the child himself, but also the adults around him will suffer (isolation, conflict, aggressiveness, etc.). This means that we must do everything to smooth them out, soften, relieve tension. Retraining seems to give an impetus to everything negative, exacerbates all contradictions, and truly creates stress. We have already talked about the detrimental effect of daily stress on the growth, development and health of a child.

Of course, only a doctor can make a diagnosis (neurosis), prescribe treatment, and give recommendations on the necessary corrective measures. However, to see the first symptoms, to understand that the child does not indulge, does not misbehave, does not harm, both parents and educators should be able to correctly assess the condition of the child.

Professor A.P. Chuprikov, who was one of the first to begin a serious study of neuroses in retrained left-handers, and his colleagues convincingly showed that "the retraining factor (stress of the right-handed environment) is essentially a highly specific psychogenic factor for the onset of neuroses in left-handed children."

Why is retraining becoming a psychogenic risk factor for neuroses?

First, by retraining a child, imposing a type of activity unusual for his biological nature, we disrupt the balance of interaction between the cerebral hemispheres, invading extremely complex and not yet formed mechanisms of coordination and control of movements, disrupt the natural course of improving these mechanisms in the process of age-related development and learning. That is, we deliberately create conditions for difficulties, failures, ineptitude, awkwardness.

What should a child feel, apart from awkwardness, difficulties, and ineptitude? Of course, - lack of confidence in their abilities, of course, - anxiety, anxiety, of course, - indecision, fear of repeating failure. It is not clear to him why he experiences resentment, fear, humiliation, and therefore he is looking for ways to escape from these negative experiences. One option is to avoid conditions that lead to failure. Remember the sad exclamation of the kid: "I will never, never draw!" But this is possible before school. Systematic teaching deprives the child of this option of removing problems.

However, neurosis can occur without an acute traumatic situation. A situation of chronic resentment, constant emphasis on failures, and adults' dissatisfaction with children's successes can have the same effect as acute trauma. In cases of retraining left-handed children, there is, as a rule, both.

School fears are quite common among left-handed children. These are fears of failures in school, censure from educators, teachers and parents.

The reason for such health disorders in retrained left-handers is education by fear: “you will not be like everyone else,” “they will laugh at you,” “you will not be able to write beautifully,” and so on.

Sometimes parents involuntarily instill in the child fear of school, as they themselves give in to difficulties, dramatize them, which is an additional (and sometimes the main) source of anxiety. Constant concern, low mood background, lack of constructiveness, ease in solving emerging problems worsen the child's condition, increase anxiety, fears.

Often, during retraining, left-handed children develop obsessive-compulsive neuroses, especially in families where parents are anxious about left-handedness, they believe that it can serve as an obstacle to their future life, choosing a profession. If parents try to force children to do everything with their right hand with threats and intimidation, children usually try, but they do not succeed, and parents regard such behavior as disobedience, whim, stubbornness and punish. All of this can be exacerbated in school if the teacher not only requires right-handed writing, but also lowers grades for quality and slow speed.

Parents are particularly concerned about neurotic stuttering. Moreover, in cases where the cause of such an ailment is retrained left-handedness, stuttering intensifies after strenuous execution of a written task with the right hand. This circumstance clearly manifested itself when comparing the speech of these children, recorded on a tape recorder before and after completing the corresponding tasks. Stuttering is especially pronounced at school. There is an idea that the stuttering that occurs in left-handed people during retraining is due to the competition of the hemispheres in speech control. However, this is rather controversial, since there is no evidence of a connection between the frequency of stuttering and the distribution of speech functions between the hemispheres. Most likely, various factors play a role in the occurrence of this disorder, and along with the constant stress experienced by the child during retraining, a violation of the functional organization of the brain cannot be ruled out.

Stuttering can occur suddenly, but it can build up gradually over a long period of time. If stuttering occurs suddenly, first of all you need to see a doctor. It is recommended to limit verbal communication, not take the child to school for a while, change the environment. Of course, one should figure out what caused the trauma and try to smooth out the situation. It is necessary to schedule the daily regimen by the hour, strictly follow the sequence of actions. This will help the child get ready for the start of work, eliminate surprises, and prevent anxiety. Such ritualized actions reduce the stress on the nervous system and calm the child. In addition, you can help your child by talking to him slowly, in short sentences, calmly. You can teach him to squeeze a soft toy during a conversation, twist it - this will be a distracting element that will help not fix attention on stuttering.

By the way, neurotic tics (blinking, licking lips, wrinkling of the forehead with twitching of the nose) rarely cause anxiety for parents, and the teacher most often takes them for "antics", "tomfoolery". The child himself does not control these movements, they are involuntary. However, the ridicule and imitations of classmates, the irritated twitching of the teacher, the remarks of the parents do their job: these violations are consolidated. The child begins to be ashamed of himself, becomes irritable. As a rule, tics are not directly related to the execution of written assignments with the right hand, but intensify when the child responds, is nervous.

The most common neurotic symptoms in retrained left-handers are: sleep disturbance, appetite, headaches, abdominal pains, fears, stuttering, tics, obsessive movements, motion sickness in transport, lethargy, lethargy, mood swings.

In all cases when these manifestations are noticed in a child (especially a retrained left-hander), you should not expect that this will go away by itself, but you should not self-medicate, listen to the advice of "knowledgeable" people, it is better to seek advice from a doctor - a neuropsychiatrist or pediatrician ... The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment and give recommendations. However, without the help of parents, educator or teacher, without their joint and coordinated work, it is impossible to change the situation. And only the right choice of tactics for joint assistance to the child will determine the success of all activities.

A child (retrained left-hander) can overcome insecurity, anxiety, fears only with the help of adults. It is necessary to build confidence in it, create conditions for overcoming shyness. Constant support, approval, exclusion of ridicule, resentment, discontent help to avoid the main thing that leads to neurosis - feelings of inadequacy, failure, inability. The sooner adults manage to do this, the more likely the child will be cured.

Medication helps the child cope with his condition, but pills cannot eliminate the cause of the neurosis. Only overcoming all the reasons that led to health problems will help restore it.

The best way to restore strength is calm and deep sleep. Children with neuroses tend to sleep poorly, so it is important for parents to learn how to relax the child before bed.

Many people come to the obvious conclusion - to urgently stop teaching left-handed children to write right-handed, "change hands", to give the child the opportunity to write with his left hand. Do not rush to change your hand, especially in cases where retraining began long before school and the first stage of training (letter period) has been completed. Relearning can be just as stressful. What to do in these cases? No matter how difficult it is, both the teacher and the parents will need to come to terms with both poor handwriting and a much slower pace of activity, but, in addition, everything should be done so that the child does not feel his own inferiority.


2.1 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of left-handed children.

Additional testing should be done when determining left-handedness, right-handedness, or two-handedness. In this case, the following rules should be observed:

Offer each task to the child in a playful way;

Do not fix his attention on which hand he is acting with;

Put all objects before completing the task strictly in front of the child.

So, for the diagnosis of left-handedness, we selected a group of 10 people attending (senior speech therapy group 03) MDOU №7 "Kolokolchik". We carried out a number of diagnostic methods with them:

1. Supervision of children in free activities.

2. Testing # 1

Tests for children of primary preschool age to determine the leading hand.

A) Opening the box.

The child is offered several different small boxes, for example from under matches (you can paint them in different colors so that the repetition of actions excludes randomness in the assessment of this test).

Assignment: "Find a match in one of the boxes."

The leading hand is the one that performs active actions (opens, closes).

B). Untie knots.

Loosely tie a few knots in advance with a cord of medium thickness.

The leading hand is the one that unties the knot (the other holds the knot).

V). Raising an object.

The child is asked to pick up an object lying on the floor. Right-handers very rarely take it with their left, left-handers - with their right hand.

Tests for middle and older children

A) Interlacing of the fingers.

Assignment: "Quickly, without thinking, interlace the fingers of both hands."

No matter how many times the request is repeated, the thumb of the same hand is always on top, usually the leading one (right for right-handers and left for left-handers.

B) Crossing arms.

The leading hand is the one whose hand first goes to the forearm of the other hand and is on top of it, while the other hand is under the forearm of the leading hand.

3. Tasks for determining the leading hand (results in Appendix No. 1).

Tasks for determining the leading hand.

Draw what you want

Left hand right hand

Draw 10 crosses with a pencil

Left hand right hand

Task number 4 (Appendix 2)

Game "Difficult turns"

Purpose: to develop the accuracy of the child's hand movement.

Game progress:

The game starts by drawing tracks of different shapes; there is a car at one end of each path and a house at the other. For example, like this:

Then he says to the child: “You are a driver, and you need to take your car to the house. The road you will take is not an easy one. Therefore, be careful and careful. " The child should use a pencil, without lifting his hands, to "drive" along the bends of the tracks. Better to start with relatively simple ones. Later, when the child gets comfortable with the game, you can narrow the tracks and change the rhythm of the bends.

For example, like this:

As a result, we had 2 left-handed children: Misha Vinokurov and Artem Gerasimov. We conducted individual testing with them.

Task No. 5 (the results are presented in Appendix No. 3)

Determination of the leading hand

Leading hand




Drawing the same pictures (house, person, car) with the right and left hand

Drawing with a pencil 10 crosses with the right and left hand

Unfolding cards, lotto (a stack in one hand, cards are laid out in the other)

Undoing 3-4 knots tied in advance on a lace

Stringing 5-10 buttons with different holes

Throwing a tennis ball at a target on the floor or wall (repeat several times)

Unscrewing and twisting lids on 3-4 jars

Unscrewing and screwing a nut from a children's constructor with a wrench

Folding the pattern (mosaics, cut pictures, etc.)

Folding a figure from cubes

Transferring water from one bottle with a narrow neck to another

Fastening and unfastening buttons, zippers

Folding small parts (buttons, beads) into a long cylinder

Winding thread on a spool or winding thread into a ball

The presence of left-handed relatives in the family (parents, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers)

Task number 6 Drawing with the right and left hand (Appendix number 4)

Thus, individual testing and analysis of children's works confirmed the left-handedness of Misha Vinokurov and Artem Gerasimov. For them, recommendations were developed on organizing classes, individual work, and advice to parents was drawn up.

on organizing classes with left-handed children.

These recommendations must be followed from the initial moment of learning to write, however, if this is not done on time, then it is necessary to use these tips in soft correctional work with left-handed children who already know how to write.

SITTING FOR WRITING: When properly seated, left-handed children should sit upright without touching the table with their chest. The legs of the entire feet are on the floor on a stand, the head is slightly tilted to the right. In the classroom at the desk, the left-handed child should always sit to the left of his neighbor so that the right hand of the neighbor on the desk does not interfere with him when writing. The table lamp is located to the right of the child.

POSITION OF THE HANDS: Hands should lie on the table so that the elbow of the left hand protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the table, so that the left hand moves freely along the line from top to bottom, and the right hand lies on the table and holds the sheet.

HAND POSITION: Most of the left hand should be facing the table surface. The points of support for the hand are the nail phalanx of a slightly bent little finger and the lower part of the palm.

HANDLE GRIPPING: The handle is placed on the middle finger, on its upper nail part. The nail phalanx of the thumb supports the handle, and the index finger easily rests on top of the handle at a distance

1.5 - 2 cm from the writing ball and controls the movement of the fingers. In the process of writing, there is a movement from left to right (the direction of the pen is to the left, and the movement of the fingers is to the right).

ORIENTATION IN THE NOTEBOOK: The notebook is tilted to the right so that the lower right corner of the page on which the child is writing is directed towards the middle of his chest. It is difficult for a left-handed child to navigate in a notebook, in a line. He cannot immediately determine the side from which to start writing, he confuses directions. In such cases, the left side of the sheet should be marked with a colored pencil.

How parents should behave with a left-handed child:

Given the increased emotionality and extreme impressionability of such a child, be empathetic and benevolent with him.

Create a favorable family climate for him.

To take for granted the peculiarity of a child and not try to turn him into a “right-hander”, explaining to everyone and to him that there are a lot of “left-handed” people and this is also a kind of norm.

Do not make excessive demands on him and do not oppose him to other, ordinary children.

In no case should you teach your child to read, write and foreign languages ​​before school. where failure awaits him, reducing the level of self-esteem of the baby.

To love him for who he is.


Having studied the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue, we learned and made sure that left-handedness is a kind of norm.

As we found out, left-handed children are a heterogeneous group. Therefore, the approach to each child should be individual. The manifestation of certain developmental disorders is associated with the predominance of some factor in the development of left-handedness. In any case, the parents of a left-handed child should not be wary, especially negatively, towards left-handedness.

The inexpediency and perniciousness of retraining has a great influence in the development of the child's abilities, since this is precisely what can cause the onset of neuroses. The most common neurotic symptoms in retrained left-handers are: sleep disturbance, appetite, headaches, abdominal pains, fears, stuttering, tics, obsessive movements, motion sickness in transport, lethargy, lethargy, mood swings.

So, the neuroses that arise in left-handed children during retraining are serious diseases, the manifestations of which must be noticed in time in order to start treatment without delay.

Constant support, approval, exclusion of ridicule, resentment, discontent help to avoid the main thing, which leads to neurosis - feelings of failure, failure.

It is quite obvious that in no way should the child's left-handedness be emphasized and no attempt should be made to change anything. Just calmly explain to the child that this is a kind of norm.

Along with the opinion about the significant difficulties in the development of left-handed children, there is also a directly opposite idea of ​​the unique abilities of left-handed people. It is believed that left-handed people are creative, emotional children.

The main thing is to instill in the child confidence in his usefulness, "normality", to try, perhaps, to find the advantages of his left-handedness. You need to perceive the child as he is, and then left-handedness will not become a problem.


1. Barkan A.I. Practical psychology for parents, or How to learn to understand your child. - M .: AST - PRESS, 2001 .-- 432s.

2. Bezrukikh M.M. Left-handed child at school and at home. - M .: Ventana - Graf, 2005. - 240 p .: ill. - (Your child).

3. Bezrukikh M.M. Left-handed child - 2nd ed., Add. - M .: Ventana - Graf,

2006 .-- 64p .: ill. - (Future first grader).

4. Bezrukikh M.M., Knyazeva M.G. If your child is left-handed. - Tula,

1996 .-- 79s.

5. Dobrokhotova T.A. , Braginina N.I. Lefties. - M., 1994 .-- 93p.

6. Kutepova I. Lefty in the world of right-handed people. // Preschool education, 2002.-№4. - 64-69s.

7. Maiskaya A. Child - left-handed: how to achieve harmony with the "right" world. - SPb .: Peter, 2006 .-- 96p.

8. Makariev I.S. If your child is left-handed. 2nd ed., Erased. - SPb .:

Publishing house "Lan", 2003. - 80s.

9. Pavlova L.N. Lefty: a gift of nature or costs // Pedagogical Bulletin.-1996, No. 6.- P.7.

10. Usova A.P. Teaching in kindergarten. - M., 1976.

11. Mental education of preschool children / ed. Podyakova N.N., Sokhina F.A. - M., 1994.

12. Shcherbakova E.V. On the development of cognitive activity // DV, no. 10, 1991.

Educational game hour "Congratulations to the left-handers" (for the Day of the Left-handers) for elementary school

author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU secondary school number 47 city district of Samara
Description This material can be used by primary school teachers, counselors, educators for extracurricular activities, thematic conversations, games in a summer camp for primary and middle school students.
Target Organization of children's leisure time, acquaintance with the holiday "Left-handed Day".
-Expand the horizons of children, enrichment of vocabulary;
- To develop the cognitive interest of students, thinking, memory, speech;
-Clarify and consolidate knowledge on this topic.

Event progress

1 Host
Today is a holiday for left-handers -
Today will be great!
But first I would like to say
About their contrasting secrets.
Who sat with a left-handed person from the left -
That luck will suddenly go
Who deals with a left-handed person -
Tom will be lucky in life.
Lefties fill the world
Today there will be a feast in honor of them!
Happy holiday, dear lefties!
2 Lead
Today is an interesting day for lefties,
Let it be more fun for everyone.
And will surprise us with unusual moments
And we in return with our applause.
1 Presenter

World Left-Handed Day was first celebrated on 13 August 1992 at the initiative of the British Left-Handed Club, created two years earlier. According to statisticians, about 10% of the world's population is left-handed.

In everyday life, they often have to deal with such a problem as the adaptability of many household items, such as writing instruments, computer mice, kitchen utensils, hand coffee grinders and mills, exclusively to the needs of right-handers.

Those who use their left hand as their leading, more than 500 million people around the world, strive on this day to draw the attention of designers, manufacturers and sellers of goods to the need to take into account the convenience of left-handed people when using various objects.

On August 13, public organizations of left-handed people organize various events and competitions "by contradiction", not allowing participants to use their right hand when eating, at work, and various subtle manipulations.
2 Lead
In Russia, left-handers were forbidden to testify in court, and in the Soviet Union, all left-handers were retrained without fail at school, which could cause psychological stress and a decrease in student performance.
Of course, it is customary to give gifts on International Lefty Day. Now in stores you can already find products designed specifically for left-handers: pens,

rulers, computer mice, scissors, keyboard,

kitchen knife,

There are even musical instruments and sporting goods that left-handed people will be comfortable using.

3 Lead
Psychologists are sure that left-handers are special people, very gifted, creative and extraordinary thinking.
It is believed - it's all about the well-developed right hemisphere of the brain.
The hemispheres have different functions. If we separate these functions of the hemispheres, then the right one is artistic, and the left one is cognitive, that is, it is responsible for cognitive processes.
1 Presenter
It is known that left-handedness is inherited, and those who use both hands equally, by
definition of the French, are called "racemates", or "graphic left-handers, but everyday right-handers", and finally -
a couple of centuries ago it was believed that a woman must be right-handed in order to keep a baby close to her heart.
I propose to try today to become left-handed and draw a hare with their left hand for everyone. It is easy to see if it is so easy.
1 Game "Lefty"
And those guys who are left-handed draw with the right hand.

How did you do it? Who was it easy for? (children's answers)
2 Lead
When a person took up a tool of labor, the world was divided into left-handers and right-handers. And endless disputes began - where did this division come from and who is better? The subject of the dispute is still relevant today.
One thing I can say is that those people who have developed left-handedness are people who are impressionable, excitable, sensitive,
responsible, sociable, but often insecure.
Those who have a developed right hand are calm people who gravitate towards the exact sciences.
There are a lot of left-handed people among great people. Now you will be divided into two teams and each team will try to guess some of them. You need to make up their first or last name from the scattered letters.
2 Contest "Know the name"
Assignment to 1st team
1.Famous composer: TSORTMA

2.Famous actress: LDOIZ
(Angelina Jolie)

3.Great commander:
(Alexander the Great)

4.The Great Storyteller:

Task for the 2nd team
1.The Great Emperor:
(Peter the Great)

2.Famous composer:

3.Famous comedian:
(Charlie Chaplin)

4.Famous Emperor:

3 Lead
Well done! You have given their names correctly. These famous people really were or are left-handed and this did not stop them from becoming great. And this list can be continued for a long time.
3 Competition "Fisherman - left-handed"

Teams face each other, opponents are taken with their left hands. The task of each player is to drag the opponent to his side.
4 Competition "Dexterous left-hander"

Team relay. Players, on their left foot, walk the distance carrying a tennis ball on a racquet.
5 Competition "Left-Handed Center"

Team relay. The players take turns dribbling the basketball with their left hand and go over the pins.
1 Presenter
So, our game hour is over. Tell me guys, what holiday are we celebrating on August 13?
(children's answers)
Is it good or bad to be left-handed?
Neither, that is, as bad and as good as being right-handed. So, dare, learn to use both hands to the fullest. Someday it will be useful to you!
You are gallant, very polite,
Nice, too, though.
You are always ready to help
You will do everything exactly.
Be like only yourself
May all the years be bright.

We call you left-handed
And we consider it a little unique.
It is not for nothing that they say that they are left-handed,
They are just wonderful people.
They are all smart, active, good,
Today we will congratulate them and we will.

May success be in everything
Let love warm you up.
Let them be surrounded by smiles, laughter,
Well, let happiness always accompany.
(Left-handed children are given cards and gifts)

Who are left-handers and how do they differ from left-handed people?

We call left-handed people who are dominated by the right hemisphere of the brain. Initially, they were "conceived" so that the left hand, the left leg are leading, as well as the left eye and left ear. And left-handed people are people who, although they were born right-handed, for some reason began to use their left hand more actively. Their left hand became more active, because the right hand, due to injury or due to brain damage, hemorrhage during childbirth, could not perform the leading function. Left-handed - these are children with a dominant left hemisphere, but the activation of the right half of the body did not occur in them.
According to various authors, the number of left-handers in the world ranges from 1 to 30% in the population. The spread is due to the fact that in different social groups there is a different number of left-handers. For example, there are several times less of them among pensioners than among schoolchildren. This is due to the fact that, until the middle of the last century, left-handers were retrained, besides, the world was convenient only for right-handers, tools for left-handed work were not produced. Only in the 90s. XX century there were scissors and various tools sharpened for the left hand.
In the USSR, no one wrote with their left hand. Everything had to be done right. If the child could not master such a skill, they began to retrain him. In a soft form - they put all the objects on the right and unobtrusively reminded: "Baby, what hand should you take the spoon with?" In an extreme version, the left hand was tied, bandaged and not allowed to use it.

The article was published with the support of the Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Clinic in Vladimir. The laser correction center provides its clients with high-level services, guarantees the results of its work, which is carried out exclusively by highly qualified specialists using only modern equipment. Cataract surgery, vitreoretinal surgery, retinal dystrophy treatment, diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma and other services. It is very important to contact a specialist in time and consult with professionals in their field, and not self-medicate. You can make an appointment on the clinic's website: ophthalma.rf.

Now the world has come to terms with the fact that there are people whose left half of the body is more active than the right. They have not only the right hemisphere of the brain more active, but also the interhemispheric cerebral activity is organized in a very special way. Analysis of the behavior of retrained left-handers has revealed dire consequences. Such children more often suffered from neuroses, urinary incontinence, stuttered, were possessed by nightmares. According to medical statistics, every third stutterer was a retrained left-hander!
Among artists, musicians, there are more left-handers than among livestock breeders and carpenters, because left-handed people are very active in those parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions, fantasy, creativity.
Currently, there is a theory that a certain gene is responsible for the formation of left-handedness.
Distinguishing a left-handed child from a left-handed child is important, because you can try to develop a left-handed child's right hand, but nothing can be done about the dominance of the right hemisphere in a left-handed child. It is advisable to intervene in the development of a left-handed child as early as possible, because after 6-7 years, when he goes to school and begins to write with his left hand, retraining him with his right hand is not only not useful, but even dangerous. The brain is no longer as plastic as in a year - four years, and there is a risk of nullifying all the compensatory capabilities of the child, while not only not retraining him to write with his right hand, but also having learned to use his left.
What is important to know for a school teacher dealing with a child who does everything or much with his left hand? Opportunities for left-handed and left-handed children are not the same, and accurate diagnostics of who is in front of us will help the teacher to build the correct system of rewards and demands, help to individually approach the problem of school maladjustment of such children and successfully solve it.

How to identify a true left-handed person and distinguish him from a left-handed person?

As a diagnosis, you can use a questionnaire developed by the Department of Psychiatry of the Research Institute of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents. (Although, let us warn you right away, in our opinion, it is incomplete).

1. With what hand do you write?
2. With which hand do you draw?
3. With which hand do you throw the ball or stone?
4. With which hand do you string beads or build a tower of cubes?
5. Which hand do you hit with a hammer?
6. Which hand do you use to cut with scissors?
7. Which hand do you comb your hair with?
8. What hand do you use to erase what is written?
9. Which hand do you have on top when you applaud?
10. In which hand do you hold the spoon?
11. In which hand do you hold the toothbrush?

Right-handedness - left-handedness is assessed in points. If the child answers: "only with the right" - he is given 2 points, "more often with the right" - 1, "with either hand" - 0, "more often with the left" - -1, "only with the left" - –2. Next comes the processing of the results. If the child received 17-24 points - he is “pronounced right-handed”, 16-9 - “weak right-handed”, 8 - –8 - “ambidextrous”, equally working with both hands, –9 - –16 - “weak left-handed”, –17 - –24 - “pronounced left-hander”.
It should be noted that not all answers in the questionnaire are equal. For example, if a child answers “+2” to questions about writing, hammering, drawing, but at the same time “–2” - about food, a comb and a toothbrush, then the result is “0”. According to the questionnaire, the child is “ambidextrous”, but in reality we are dealing with a retrained left-handed person. What was not paid attention to during the upbringing process, the child does as a left-handed person, and performs only trained skills, as a right-handed person. The question of working with ordinary scissors is indicative - the left-hander often cuts with them with the right hand, since they are sharpened under the right hand. In addition, left-handed people tend to be dominated by the left eye and the left ear. We single out these signs as the most important in the differentiation of the state, unfortunately, they are not reflected in this questionnaire.
Take a closer look at the hyperactive and uncontrollable child who writes with his right hand: does he have signs of left-handedness? If there is, you need to show it to a correctional teacher. And develop with the help of special exercises the fine motor skills of the right hand or let him write with the left.

Dominant hemisphere and developmental features

There are several types of brain functioning. A person who is dominated by the left hemisphere is prone to analysis, he is easily given the verbal-logical nature of cognitive processes. Anyone who is dominated by the right hemisphere has a developed imagination, holistic perception. And between them there is a large layer of people, in whom both one and the other hemispheres are quite well developed.
The group of children maladjusted at school most often includes children with a dominant right hemisphere - hyperactive, inattentive in the lesson, with speech difficulties and poor handwriting.
In a healthy child, the brain develops unevenly, and asymmetry that persists over time is absolutely normal. In maladjusted schoolchildren, developmental asynchrony acquires a pathological character - and the asymmetry ceases to be functional. Normally, the development of the right hemisphere outstrips the development of the left, which, in turn, gives an impetus to the development of the left lobes of the brain. The crisis of three years is the beginning of self-knowledge, the activation of volitional processes, the study of emotional boundaries. As the left half of the brain matures, and in particular the frontal lobe, the child learns to control his own impulses and emotions, begins to adequately relate to requests and fulfill them without resistance. If this process has not started before the age of 6-7, the child does not develop educational motivation, he cannot program the stages of the tasks and control their execution. The reading and writing zones mature in the same way. In left-handed and left-handed children, the maturation process of these zones is delayed. In such children, some functions correspond to the biological age, and some are delayed in their development. Children with great difficulty master the composition of the number, they are disorganized and forgetful, retelling the text with difficulty.
If the left hemisphere is left “non-fired,” the child will inevitably make such mistakes. With insufficient functioning of the left frontal region, attention deficit develops, which we described in detail in the previous lecture. In the lesson, such children need external support - the pronunciation of the text they are writing, extra reminders: "Check yourself, be attentive." In the letter, they skip letters, they may not finish the line to the end, not finish solving the example and move on to the next one. The reason for the errors lies in the fact that the programming and control functions are not sufficiently developed. With insufficient development of the temporal regions, the nature of the errors may be different. Acoustic errors will prevail. Children do not keep up with the pace of the teacher's speech, it is difficult for them to endure the school noise, they are very tired of the din at recess. Often, such children even respond poorly to their name: in order not to experience every minute stress from the noise, they “turn off” the auditory analyzer. In written speech, these students replace words with similar sounding, replace letters so that sometimes they cannot recognize the written word. It is difficult for them to isolate the stressed syllable, distinguish sounds by softness and hardness, deafness and sonorousness. Their reading has little intonation. During retelling, they can be verbose, since it is difficult for them to grasp and retell the meaning of what they have read. If they are interrupted and rushed, then they become withdrawn and silent.

What difficulties do right-brain children face and how can these difficulties be overcome?

They find it difficult to compare "more - less" when it comes to abstract concepts. Moreover, since they experience spatial difficulties, they can equate the numbers 13 and 31. Such children need additional lessons to explore space, to be able to analyze the concept of "more is less" at the everyday level, followed by transfer to the abstract level.
It is difficult for right-brain children to work according to the model - this is clearly seen in the lessons of labor and drawing. They cannot do or draw anything in the same way as the teacher, and they suffer incredibly from it.
In physical education lessons, they find it difficult to move, in which arms and legs alternately participate. Sometimes they cannot master the asynchronous movements of the right and left half of the body (an example is the crawl - swimming style). These children can only copy someone's movements. At some stages of training, you have to literally move their arms and legs.

In what ways is a right-brain child successful? These children have a good sense of rhythm. In physical education lessons, they are successful when you need to feel the actions of a partner. For example, in a team game. They can master math material using articles in business newspapers and magazines. They are successful in music, drawing, but not in copying forms, but where a creative approach is required, for example, when illustrating a text.

What mistakes do left-handers make? They find it difficult to operate with letters and words. They often have a delay in speech development, so writing lessons are extremely difficult for them. They skip letters and syllables, swallow words in the text, so the meaning of what they read eludes them. Right-brain children are impulsive, inattentive. Actually, what we talked about in previous lectures: hyperactivity and attention deficit - is a feature of the psyche of a right-brain child.
It is easier for them to retell what they have read verbatim than to answer substantive questions. It is important for an inattentive child to say not “repeat what I just said”, but “what do you think?”. The same must be remembered when working with right-brain children, they need to be trained to highlight the main and the secondary.
They learn the rules poorly, forget exceptions, they find it difficult to analyze sound-letter analysis.
In addition to learning activities, they need to be loaded with daily activities to develop creativity, and in such a way that both hands are occupied. This can be music, dancing, modeling, beading (for girls), construction (for boys). From sports, karate, wushu and swimming are useful. It is good to ride a bike, scooter, rollerblades. Right-brain children should type more on the keyboard than they should write.

Techniques for working with right-brain children

Such children respond much better to the melody instead of the usual school bell. Because they are very emotional and take well everything that is supported by positive emotions. For the same reason, in elementary school, when teaching for them, it is necessary to introduce as many game elements as possible.
With individual correctional and developmental work, you can use the following tasks and exercises aimed at developing mental operations, voluntary attention, auditory-speech memory, etc.

    Allocation of unnecessary concepts from the logical chain.

    Word games. The teacher writes a letter on the blackboard, then dictates different words. In notebooks, students should write down only those words that do not contain this letter.

    Find differences in pictures.

    Find letters on the sheet that are written incorrectly (mirrored, with unnecessary elements or the absence of the required elements).

    Finish half of the object (apple, mushroom, carrot, car).

In high school, the explanation of topics in chemistry and physics should begin with experiments, and only then proceed to the theoretical presentation of the material. In the lessons of mathematics and literature - first, set tasks, for the solution of which you need to master some material, and only then proceed to the study of theorems and products.
It is important to teach such children to write an outline of an essay or presentation. Without this skill (the ability to highlight the semantic parts), the teaching of the right-brain child will stall.
During the explanation of the material, it is necessary to rely on specific cases from practice. At the end of the explanation and for homework, ask the children to think about or imagine situations in which the new knowledge might be useful.
Children with increased activity of the right hemisphere find it difficult to solve logical problems. When event A is necessarily followed by event B, which will then lead to outcome C: “Vasya had 5 apples, Masha had one more; how many apples did they have together? " But they do not have problems in solving everyday and production difficulties when everyone else is at a dead end. Right-brain students may find it difficult to study in school, but later, having found a job to their liking, they achieve success in a professional environment.

The problems of left-handed children

Left-handed children are a different matter. They were naturally conceived by right-handers. They are dominated by the left hemisphere. But if for some reason, with a dominant left hemisphere, they have to write with their left hand, they begin to do poorly at school. Such children need the supervision of a specialist: an orthopedist, if their right arm was broken, for example, and from this they now write with the left, or a neurologist - if the paresis of the right side of the body was caused by a birth trauma. Such children should receive courses of therapeutic massage at least 2-3 times a year, depending on the diagnosis.
Left-handed children are incredibly malnourished. In elementary school, they need an extra day off per week, an extra vacation every 5 weeks for at least 3 days. Do not worry that your child will lag behind his classmates. If you give up the holidays, then the child will get sick more from exhaustion than he will "skip" in a planned manner. For these children, swimming or martial arts classes are desirable. They have poor control of their own body, they have poor coordination, they cannot master the space of the sheet, because they do not orient themselves in the space of a room or classroom, even in their own body.

Motivating left and right handers

The school curriculum is focused on left hemisphere children, on the development of the left hemisphere, so the right hemisphere in schoolchildren is underdeveloped, and the left is depleted. By the middle of each school year, doctors identify rows of children with increased right-sided muscle tone, tics, stoop, and urinary incontinence. This happens due to the depletion of the left hemisphere and the inability to replenish energy costs with the help of the right hemisphere. So that children do not lose their ability and desire to learn by the end of the year, it is worth thinking about how to organize the educational process.
Left-brain children love to learn because the process is also a goal for them. Right-brain children do not understand why they need to do this "bodyag" for 10 years, when it is much more pleasant to rest and have fun. Accordingly, they need to be reminded more often why. Personal growth, improvement of the position in the team, struggle with their own shortcomings and failures can become motivation for them.

How to build a lesson for left-handers?

1. Write assignments not on the blackboard, but on light paper and distribute to everyone. The fact is that right-brain children perceive dark letters on a white background better than white on black. Of course, it would be nice to have both dark and light boards in the classroom, but so far these are only dreams. Easels or tablets with a roll of white paper can be used, but they are not available everywhere. So the easiest way is to give the children tasks on pieces of paper individually.
2. In explanation, refer to the integrity of perception. In the lower grades, use the global reading technique, when the word is not understood by letters and syllables, but is perceived as a whole (using pictures with signatures). In mathematics lessons, offer the children semantic, practical problems instead of abstract examples. And the lessons of physics and chemistry in the middle grades begin with showing experiments and explaining laws using practical examples.
3. Focus on solving practical problems. It is better if the homework in the lower grades does not consist of examples for subtraction and addition, but of the task of going to the store, where the child himself will have to read the names of the products and carry out calculations within the available amount of numbers. Then, in a notebook, he will write a list of purchased products and a recipe for preparing a dish from them. The clarity of the practical application of mathematics will help the left-handed person to cope with the task faster and easier.
4. Additional lessons in dancing, music, drawing are required.
5. It is very important to emphasize the success of a left-handed child. Such children tend to be afraid, easily irritated, offended. They need emotional support.
6. They are jealous of others' success. It is important to explain to them: "If I praised Petya, it does not mean that I scold you, now Petya has done this task well." It is better to avoid comparative assessments, to talk only about the success of each child.
7. Lefties can be advised to do home music with music.
An important point is the rate of perception of information by the right-brain pupil.

He is slower to process the material he receives through the auditory canals, but he perceives visual visual examples faster. Such children cannot be explained in a loud voice at an increasing pace. For a left-handed person, it is necessary to repeat the task or explanation several times, setting up visual supports.
We perfectly understand how many papers teachers have to write. Still, it's worth taking the time to sketch out a curriculum for the "special child."

Writing posture, left hand pens

We talked about the organization of the brain activity of left-handed and left-handed children. We will now offer practical tips to help children who write with the left hand adapt in the lesson.
The hands of left-handed and left-handed children should lie while writing so that the left elbow protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the table, and the hand itself moves freely along the table. The desk should be in the far right row so that the board is to the left of the child. It is better for him to sit at the left half of the table. The lower right corner of the notebook is directed towards the middle of the chest. The left side of the sheet should be marked with a pencil for better orientation in the plane of the sheet. In the first grades, when writing skills are formed, you need to monitor the position of your right hand - you cannot let it fall from the plane of the table, it must hold the sheet. The left hand is facing the plane of the table, resting on it with the nail phalanges of the little finger, ring finger and the lower part of the palm. The handle lies on the nail part of the middle finger, adheres to the nail phalanges of the thumb and index fingers at a distance of 1.5–2 cm from the sheet. The left hand is above the line. This method is good when copying from a sample, leads to a decrease in the number of errors, since it allows the child to control himself in the process of work.
Lefties are often unable to maintain the correct slope of the letters. You should not be zealous in this matter, since it is difficult for a child to control several processes at the same time: to write letters correctly, write words correctly, and even follow calligraphy.
Very often left-handed and left-handed children confuse letters with similar spelling. To avoid this, advise parents to study at home with such children according to special recipes for left-handers, where there are many tasks with additional supports - drawing by points, by arrows.
Even the choice of a handle is an important consideration for left-handed and left-handed children. The most famous and tested by Moscow schoolchildren pen for left-handers is from Stabilo. It is thick, has a curved shape, a letter is written on the body L. The peculiarity of the pen is also in the fact that the rod inside it is gel, it will not write if the left-handed person holds the pen incorrectly - not at the desired angle. Therefore, the student, using this pen, places his hand exactly as necessary for the correct mastering of the writing skill. When teaching left-handers, it is worth deviating from traditional requirements and allowing them to use a gel pen. The teacher should think about the fact that the imaginary dirt created on the back of a thin sheet (from the gel) is nothing compared to the many blots and errors that will surely occur when using ordinary ballpoint pens.
You can use lined albums with thick pages instead of notebooks (parents molt them like a notebook on their own), or you can let your child write on one side of the sheet. It must be understood that the process of mastering writing is not endless and the child by the second or third grade will be able to switch to an ordinary pen and notebook. If you consider this option unacceptable or the child refuses to write with a different pen than everyone else, suggest that he write with a special pen at home, and with an ordinary pen in class, or use a ballpoint pen with a thick body (diameter not less than 0.7-1 cm) and easy-to-write pen.

Teaching left-handers to write

Learning to write should go from the images of letters to their graphic representation on a sheet of paper. It is good to draw huge letters on the wallpaper and walk or crawl on them. On the table, lay out letters from sticks or matches, sculpt from plasticine and then trace with your finger. Then you can move on to using the writing utensils. It is better if at the beginning it is a brush, then a felt-tip pen and only then a pen.
When teaching left-handers to write, you can use additional exercises to develop motor skills, improve interhemispheric connections.
1. Draw converging and diverging circles, squares, and eights on a sheet of paper with a felt-tip pen at the same time with the right and left hands.
2. Both palms are on the table, hands are firmly pressed to the table. It is necessary to simultaneously raise the little fingers, ring fingers, middle fingers, index fingers and thumbs.
3. Both hands are clenched into fists. Perform circular movements at the same time and at the same pace, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
4. A pencil or stick is sandwiched between the index and middle fingers. You need to unclench and squeeze your fingers so that the object does not slip out of your hands. The exercise is first done with the right, then with the left hand. Then with both hands at the same time.
5. Twist paired Chinese balls in the right and left hands.
6. Simultaneously stroke yourself on the stomach with your left hand, and pat on the top of your head with your right hand. Then change hands.

Muscle tension is to blame

There is dirt in the notebooks, there is no order in the portfolio, teachers complain about the behavior and advise to transfer the child to a correctional class. And the kid sits for hours on homework and suffers from headaches.
It is useless to blame the child for incapacity and laziness. It's all to blame for the muscle tension in the arms, which occurs when completing writing assignments. The reason for this tension lies in the distant past, which everyone has already happily forgotten. Difficult pregnancy and childbirth, the inattentive attitude of doctors to the development of a child in the first year of life ... It is impossible to change drastically at the age of six or seven, but it is simply necessary to help the student.
First you need to determine whether muscle tension is really to blame. Answer our questions with the child's parents.
1. Does the student have headaches:
- at the end of the school day;
- at the end of the school week?
2. Whether pain in:
- neck;
- shoulder?
3. Does your hand get tired by the end of the lesson or school day? Would you like to shake her?
4. Is the child keeping up with the pace of work in the classroom?
5. Does homework more neatly when time doesn't matter?
6. Does handwriting deteriorate towards the end of the day and week? Doesn't he write worse in class than at home?
7. Is a “supervisor” required for homework?
8. Do you spend a lot of time on writing lessons? (Yes, if about half an hour in first grade.)
9. Are there missing letters and syllables when writing?
10. Does it write letters in a mirror image?
11. Does he write down his homework neatly?
12. Is the Russian language more difficult than mathematics?
13. Isn't there a mess in a notebook (recording starts from the middle of a line or page, from the middle of a notebook)?
Each positive answer is 1 point. Scored 4 points, which means that neither the belt nor the gifts will help. You need to go to an appointment with a neurologist and develop a plan for rehabilitation measures.

Mode and gymnastics

How to help an unsuccessful child?
First of all - to streamline the daily routine. Every morning you need to start with exercises and a contrast shower aimed at the neck area.
In the exercises, special attention should be paid to the back and shoulders. Rotational movements in the shoulder joints, stretching up, stretching, squatting with a straight back on a full foot.
When doing lessons, every ten minutes - physical education. It is necessary to do the indicated rotational exercises and add to them smooth movements of the hands, imitating the flapping of wings, waves. Draw converging and diverging circles on an imaginary wall with your hands.
It is useful to carry out a course of massage aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and relaxing the back muscles of the neck and upper shoulder girdle.
In the evenings, it is good to take baths with sea salt or pine extract.
Any medical treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. But don't rely only on drugs. Daily exercise helps just as well. Exercise activates the brain as a whole, activating the subcortical structures, and restores energy balance when tired.
You need to start with breathing exercises that activate the subcortical structures of the brain. At the same time, it is important that the stomach participates in the act of breathing, so that breathing itself is associated with movement, symmetrical and asymmetrical.
I.p .: standing, hands down.
1. Inhale - both hands up, exhale - down.
2. Hands on the belt. Inhale - the right hand rises, the left one goes down, exhale - the right hand goes down, the left one rises.
3. I. p.: The right arm is bent at the elbow at chest level, the left straight is extended to the side. On inhalation and exhalation, the arms bend - unbend.
4. I. p.: Standing, hands down. To inhale, raise your left leg and bend it at the knee. With the elbow of your right hand, touch the left knee. On exhalation, we return to the SP. Then the same is the other way around: the elbow of the left hand goes to the right knee.
5."Okay". It is worth playing not only with your hands, but also with your feet, while lying on your back. As you learn motor skills, you can complicate the task. Hands - clap your hands, then clap your hands crossed with your partner. A fist blow to the palm. Clap, then one hand claps the palm, the other with the back of the hand.
It is necessary to engage in two-handed activities in everyday life on a daily basis. Wash dishes, wash, rinse and wring out laundry. Even if you have a washing machine, you need to wash small things by hand. Two-footed activities - cycling, skating, rollerblading.


Teaching and raising a left-handed child is a difficult process, but very interesting, because it is creative. The child will force you to make non-trivial decisions. Do not drive him into the framework of the right-handed world, and then he will be successful.

1.Istomina N.B. Methods of teaching mathematics in primary grades. - M .: Academia, 2000.S. 288.
2. Istomina N.B. Mathematics (textbook) for a four-year elementary school. - M .: Association XXI century, 2006.S. 240.
3.Luria A.R. Fundamentals of Neuropsychology. - M .: Academy, 2004.S. 381.
4.Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction in childhood:
Textbook for universities. - M .: Academy, 2002.S. 232.
5.Semenovich A.V. These Incredible Lefties: A Practical Guide for Psychologists and Parents. - M .: Genesis, 2007.S. 250.

Questions for self-control

1. What are the reasons for left-handedness?
2. How is a left-handed child different from a left-handed child?
3. Give methods of teaching left-handers.
4. What techniques of working with left-handers do you manage to use in the classroom?
5. Are there any students in your class who write with their left hand with special pens?
6. What work do you do with the parents of left-handed and left-handed children?

In the past, the attitude towards left-handers was the most controversial: such people were credited with either aiding the devil or divine providence. In the 20th century, the "rights" of left-handers and right-handers have become equal, but children who perform most of the actions with their left hand require a special approach to teaching and upbringing.

The hand is only the visible part of the iceberg, in fact, everything is much more complicated. As you know, each hemisphere of the brain performs its own function: the left is a sensory center responsible for speech, reading, writing, while the right one gives us the ability to distinguish objects, voices, melodies, and memorize images. Often the left half of the brain dominates (it is responsible for controlling the right half of the human body), but it also happens vice versa. Ambidexters are very rare - people who have well developed both hemispheres, they equally own both the right and the left hand.

How to understand that a child is left-handed?

First of all, take a closer look: often by the age of 2-3 you can definitely say whether your child is left-handed or right-handed. Look with which hand he performs certain actions:

  • Collects pyramid or cubes;
  • Puts the phone to his ear;
  • Brushing his teeth;
  • Combs;
  • Watering flowers;
  • Holds a spoon;
  • Peels fruit from the skin;
  • What eye looks into a kaleidoscope or a telescope;
  • Which foot goes first during the run;
  • What ear is listening.

If the baby performs most of the actions with his left hand (ear, eye), you are left-handed.

This tendency can be transmitted genetically: in a family where at least one of the parents is left-handed, the probability of raising a child with a dominant left hand is 10 times higher! This is not a deviation, as was previously believed, and there is no need to retrain children. Their right hand is not so adapted to work and will be less dexterous.

How can I help my child get ready for school?

  • If the child is left-handed, it is very important to determine in time that this particular hand is the leading one, and it is advisable to do this before the baby goes to first grade. Otherwise, he will be retrained by force, and this is fraught with mental health problems of the student;
  • Test the child which hand he owns better: take a closer look, when the fingers are intertwined, which hand is on top, with which hand he carves figures, opens boxes, boxes, and so on. Assess the level of activity of both hands, and only then calculate which one dominates;
  • Left-handed children may periodically have difficulties with concentration, orientation in space, they may confuse letters and process information more slowly. In the emotional sphere, with a left-handed person, it is also not so simple: they are vulnerable and touchy, get tired faster, and are capricious. These traits make it very difficult for children to adapt at school. Parents need to show patience, encourage their child, because, despite the setbacks, left-handed people often show talents in music, drawing, singing and other arts;
  • In no case be overly demanding, do not force you to change your hand when writing, do not criticize in case of failures. For a better understanding of information, left-handers often need visual illustrations and manuals, so even a math problem can be sketched rather than read at first. "There were four apples" - we draw them on paper, "one ate" - crossed out the apple - so it will be easier for the child to concentrate;
  • As soon as the child went to kindergarten or school, be sure to get acquainted with the teacher and make sure that all the conditions are created for the child. In particular, the baby should sit to the left of the neighbor, so as not to interfere with each other, the light should fall on the right. If at first the student confuses the beginning and end of the line, you can mark the left side of the notebook with a pencil or stickers;
  • For left-handers, mirroring is a common problem. The connection between the two hemispheres of the brain is not yet sufficiently developed, so children can draw pictures upside down or write letters incorrectly. By the age of 10-11, this phenomenon disappears, but it is in your power to help your child.

Exercises for left-handed children

First of all, spatial exercises are necessary: ​​show your left hand, take an apple with your right hand, show your left eye with your right hand, and so on. Having dealt with the parts of the body, you can proceed to objects: put the album to your left, take the apple that lies near your right hand, and so on. Gradually, the number of items can be increased.

Timely need to prepare the hand for writing: the easiest option is coloring, the child learns to hold a pencil in his hand, regulate the pressure, coordinate movements. You can translate drawings through carbon paper, paint stencils. Plasticine or clay trains the muscles of the hands and fingers well. Various applications, stringing beads, undoing hooks or buttons are also aimed at developing fine motor skills. You can learn letters together, sketch them on paper and cut them out, and then stick them into a special album. A similar technique is used with numbers, shapes, and so on. The main rule is visualization, as much clarity as possible.

  • The gene for left-handedness has not been found by scientists to this day;
  • There are much more left-handers among men than among women;
  • August 13 is the day of the left-hander;
  • The last five US presidents (Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Obama) are left-handed;
  • In boxing, tennis, fencing and other doubles competitions, left-handers are much stronger, since it is more difficult for a right-hander to calculate where the opponent will hit;
  • In ancient Rome, left-handed slaves were considered spoiled goods and even demanded to return money for them;
  • There are a lot of creative people among left-handers - Leonardo da Vinci, Charlie Chaplin, Michelangelo, Picasso. There is evidence that even Caesar and Napoleon were left-handed.

Each child is special, and it is in your power to help him get used to this huge world. Lessons with a left-handed baby may be unexpected and seem incomprehensible to you, but who knows, perhaps the child will teach you to look at this world differently!

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