How to clean your heels at home. How to wash hands and feet after giving? Brush your heels off the ground

Country mud is one of the problem situations for gardeners, summer residents and gardeners. Usually their hands are betrayed by their occupation. Therefore, today we decided to tell you what can be done to keep your hands clean, even after summer work, and keep this cleanliness for a long time.

How to wash your hands from dirt after giving?

Often, coming from the garden, we see the same picture. Legs and often hands look terrible. And even after a bath, they still lack the freshness and neatness they used to have. What to do to give the dermis a healthy and well-groomed appearance, even after hard summer work? There are many products out there that will fight off impurities and give your skin a clean look. Namely:

  • Soap;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Pumice;
  • Soda;
  • Milk;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits;
  • Steam baths;
  • Sugar;
  • Olive oil;
  • Soap baths.

Sugar aid - Put a handful of sugar in your hand and pour in olive oil. Use a washing motion to wipe off any dirt from your hands. Then rinse with warm water, wipe off and apply a nourishing cream.

How to wash your hands with soap after giving?

  • Dampen the soap with water.
  • Lather your palms and other contaminated areas.
  • Use your fingernails to rub over the soap with a scratching motion.
  • Rub the soap into the stubborn dirt.
  • Then wash the soapy areas with running water.

How to wash hands after giving with hydrogen peroxide?

Would need:

  • Hydrogen peroxide - 100 ml;
  • Water - 400 ml;
  • Detergent - 15 ml;
  • Ammonium alcohol - 20 ml.
  1. Combine the ingredients to create a cleaning bath.
  2. Heat water to 40 ° C.
  3. Pour the remaining components into it, and shake everything well.
  4. Immerse your hands in the bath for 10 minutes, then brush with a brush.
  5. After cleaning is complete, brush your palms with baby cream.

How to wash your feet after giving?

Option number 1

  • Pour 40 ° C water into a tub or basin.
  • Pour in liquid soap and shake everything.
  • Submerge your feet inside for 20 minutes.
  • Pumice or brush.
  • After the bath, lubricate your feet with baby cream.

Option number 2

  1. Put some olive oil on top of a handful.
  2. Connect and work well one foot and then the other.
  3. After cleaning, rinse, pat dry and brush with olive oil to restore.

Soap foot baths after giving: recipes

  1. Soap and soda - combine 20 ml of soap and 10 g of soda in water. Submerge your feet for 15 minutes, and then brush.
  2. Soap and sea salt - pour 20 ml of soap and 5 g of sea salt into a 2 liter basin of water. Submerge your feet and hold them there for 20 minutes. Then treat with a soft sponge and apply the cream.
  3. Soap and essential oil - combine 10 ml of soap and 5 ml of any essential oil with 2 liters of water. Submerge your feet for 15 minutes, and then work them with a brush. At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream.
  4. Soap and chamomile - brew 2 sachets of chamomile in 2 liter hot water, then add 15 ml of soap. Submerge your feet inside and stand for no more than 25 minutes. After the procedure, treat with a sponge and lubricate with cream.

How to wash feet after giving with citric acid?

Option number 1

  • Place a handful of citric acid in your hand.
  • Drop in a few milliliters of warm water.
  • Wipe your feet all over with citric acid.
  • Scrub off the dirt and then rinse under running water.
  • After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream.

Option number 2

  • Divide the lemon in half.
  • Place the nail plates in one piece for 1-2 minutes.
  • Then rub your feet with the other part and remove the stubborn dirt.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water, wipe off and lubricate with regenerating cream.

How to quickly wash your heels after a summer cottage and garden?

  1. Soda and ammonia - combine 10 g of soda and 5 ml of alcohol in 2 liters of water. Submerge your feet in the bath. Sponge the hard side of your heels with a double-sided sponge. After the procedure, rinse with clean water, dry and lubricate with a regenerating cream.
  2. Sea Salt Bath - Place 3 tablespoons of salt in hot water and immerse your feet for 15 minutes. Then treat the heels with a pumice stone, rinse with clean water and grease with a fat cream.
  3. Herbal decoction - combine a teaspoon of calendula, chamomile, string and add a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Immerse your feet in the broth and keep them inside for 15 minutes, then treat with a soft sponge, dry and grease with baby fat cream.

How to clean your heels from dirt after a garden with a pumice stone?

  • Fill hot, but not boiled, water in a basin or tub.
  • Lower your legs inside and hold them there for 15 minutes.
  • You can add oil or mint herb to the water for a relaxing effect.
  • After steaming, treat the heels with a pumice stone.
  • Perform circular motions, but do not press hard on the dermis, otherwise you will damage it.
  • After removing all impurities, rinse your feet in warm water and lubricate with a greasy repair cream.

How do I clean my heels after giving milk and soda solution?

  • In a liter of warm milk at 40 ° C, pour 20 g of baking soda.
  • Shake everything well and pour into a convenient container for lowering your legs.
  • Immerse your feet in a container and hold for 15-20 minutes.
  • Next, treat with a soft sponge, rinse, pat dry and apply moisturizer.

How to clean your hands and feet from dirt after giving:

After giving, usually hands and feet are all in the ground and mud. Many people wash away dirt with home remedies, soap, water, alcohol. But what if the assistants are very close, and you do not need to wait for the trip home? Secrets of vegetables, or how to clean the summer cottage dirt in place:


  • Pick a large tomato.
  • Push in your palms and rub the surface of your hands.
  • Try to treat all contaminated areas with the insides of the tomato.
  • If one tomato is not enough, use the help of the second.
  • After thorough cleaning, rinse the extremities with warm water and lubricate with cream.


  • Pluck the sorrel from your garden.
  • Rub the dirty areas with a sheet.
  • Wipe off the dirt gently with a massage motion.
  • After the procedure, rinse your hands, dry them and lubricate with cream.


Option number 1

  • Place the peeled potatoes on a fire.
  • After cooking, drain the potato water into a separate container.
  • Immerse dirty hands and feet in the broth and let sit for 15 minutes.
  • Brush, rinse, pat dry and brush with revitalizing cream.

Option number 2

  • Grate the young potatoes.
  • Rub the resulting puree on the dirty areas of the limbs.
  • After cleaning, rinse, dry and brush with a greasy cream.

grated apple

  • Grate the apple with the peel on a grater.
  • Treat dirty hands and feet with the resulting puree.
  • After complete cleansing, rinse off the remains with water, dry and lubricate with baby cream.

How to protect hands and feet from dirt in the country and in the garden?

To help wipe off dirt quickly and easily, a protection can be used to keep a lot of dirt off your hands and feet.

  • Before work, lubricate your hands and feet with a greasy cream, then the dirt will not be so sticky.
  • To keep your nails clean, use soap before you work. Scratch the soap so that it gets under your fingernails. Then, after working in the garden, you can easily remove the dirt from under the nail plates.
  • Be sure to use gloves when working with the ground, especially since now you can find them for every size and taste.
  • In addition to real gloves, artificial gloves can be made. To do this, combine 1/4 cup of water, a drop of gelatin and boric acid, half a tablespoon of talc / starch. Apply the mixture to your hands and pat dry, then get to work. After work, rinse your hands and lubricate with a greasy cream.

How to take care of hands and feet after summer work?

After hard work on the site, you need to relax your body, and your arms and legs are also part of it. Therefore, be sure to do:

  • Various baths;
  • Light massages;
  • Scrubs and peels;
  • Treat the skin of the feet and hands with greasy creams;
  • Wash off dirt gently;
  • Use soft brushes.

Video: how to clean hands and feet after a summer cottage, garden

Working in the garden requires a lot of time and effort, but it brings joy and pleasure from the results obtained. There is a bit of tar in every barrel of honey. In this case, dirt on the limbs and under the nail plates acts as tar. But for our beloved readers, we have selected the most effective ways to deal with stubborn dirt. By reading us, you will be aware of all the effective home cooking tools.

Sorrel and lemon against dirt. How to clean your hands and heels after working in the country

In the season of harvesting and harvesting "AiF-Chelyabinsk" tells how to wash your hands from the juice of vegetables and berries, and heels from the ground.

Berry boom. Unusual blueberry food and drink recipes

Lemon, soda, vinegar

The easiest way to cleanse your hands is to use lemon or citric acid. You need to squeeze out the juice or dilute citric acid in warm water, wet a cotton swab and rub your hands with it several times. For a quicker effect, you can add a little baking soda to the solution.

Plain 9% vinegar, not essence, is also great at removing stains, including berry stains. You just need to moisten a cotton swab and wipe your hands with it.

Sorrel peeling

The ingrained colored dirt from berries, mushrooms and tomatoes leaves right before our eyes from several sorrel leaves. It is enough just to crush them and rub your hands with them, paying attention to your nails and fingers. A rhubarb peeling is suitable for the feet - chop, apply gruel, wrap with foil, put on cotton socks on top, hold for about an hour.

An alternative is a scrub made from coffee grounds or sugar and vegetable oil.

Potato and soap baths

To wash your hands or feet from dirt, you can steam them in potato broth or soapy water. If the dirt is deeply embedded in the skin, you can add a little baking soda to the bath, and then brush your hands with a soft brush and your feet with a pumice stone.

Gloves and two pairs of socks

When there is no time for cleansing baths and peels, then in the country you need to wear not slates, but two pairs of socks and closed shoes. On the hands - cotton gloves, and rubber on top.

Avid gardeners advise to soap hands, heels and dry without rinsing before summer work. The dirt is then easily washed off. You can also run your nails on a piece of dry soap before going out into the garden, then the earth will not be crammed under them. In addition, it is much easier to clean your nails if they are painted with varnish.


After peeling the berries, you can do a hand wash, your hands will get wet and clean.

How to wash hands and feet after giving - simple, proven recipes

With the beginning of the summer season, keeping hands and feet in a well-groomed form becomes more and more difficult. Working with the ground, using garden tools and household chemicals leaves a negative imprint on the condition of the hands and feet. The skin on the hands becomes thinner, becomes dry and rough, painful cracks and corns appear on the feet. There are many homemade recipes to get your hands and feet in order quickly!

Homemade ways to cleanse and moisturize your hands

The first step is to wash your hands and nails from stubborn dirt. The easiest method is to use a washcloth and soap, or you can use an old toothbrush to clean your nails.

  • But if the dirt is ingrained very strongly and it is not so easy to wash it off, an ordinary lemon will come to the rescue! It is necessary to cut off a slice and rub the contaminated areas of the skin for several minutes. Lemon juice has a whitening effect and has a firming effect on the nails. This method is also suitable for washing feet.
  • Micellar water and other makeup removers are also good at removing dirt from the skin. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product on a cotton pad and wipe your hands and nails with it.
  • If you have some free time in stock, you can prepare a cleansing bath for your hands. You need to dissolve a small amount of sea salt in warm water and add a couple of drops of lemon essential oil. Enough five minutes for each hand. This bath will help wash away dirt, strengthen nails and soften cuticles, so you can combine it with a manicure. At the end of the procedure, be sure to apply a greasy cream to soften and moisturize the skin of the hands.
  • If conventional hand creams do not cope with dryness and flaking, you can purchase a special cream with a high lipid content (Lokobase or Lipocrem) at the pharmacy. These creams are designed for very dry skin and heal cracks effectively. To enhance the moisturizing effect of regular hand cream, you can add 1 teaspoon of glycerin to it, as it has the ability to retain moisture. A few drops of hydrogen peroxide added to the cream will enhance the whitening properties. Oils are also good for fortifying creams. You can use jojoba, olive, avocado, shea, and cocoa butter.

Paraffin therapy

A natural and effective procedure such as paraffin therapy, which you can carry out on your own, will help moisturize and nourish the skin on your hands. This procedure removes not only external defects, it also has a healing effect. This method is based on the ability of paraffin to solidify in the form of a film, which creates a greenhouse effect. To carry out paraffin therapy at home you will need:

  1. refined paraffin wax for cosmetic use, which can be purchased at the pharmacy,
  2. Body Scrub,
  3. nourishing hand cream,
  4. brush for applying masks,
  5. plastic gloves,
  6. terry towel.

First you need to melt the paraffin in a water bath. This process takes about 5 minutes and you can prepare your hands for the procedure. To do this, you need to apply a scrub to your hands, massage for a couple of minutes, and then rinse. This will help remove dead skin particles from the skin of your hands and improve the action of the paraffin wax.

After using the scrub, you need to apply a fairly large amount of fatty cream to your hands. In the meantime, the paraffin has already melted and must be removed from the water bath. Then liquid paraffin must be carefully applied to the entire surface of the hand in several layers using a brush. Paraffin instantly acquires body temperature and hardens in the form of a film on the skin.

When the application is complete, you need to put a plastic glove on your hand and do the whole procedure again with the other hand. Then wrap your hands in a terry towel and wait about 20 - 30 minutes. Paraffin therapy is a very effective procedure, the result of which exceeds all expectations. Especially if you do a course of paraffin treatments. Enough 1 - 2 times a month to keep your hands in order.

We wrote more about paraffin therapy in this article.

Foot care after summer work

The use of steaming foot baths is an important step in caring for them. They help to remove rough skin on the feet and relax well after working in the country. Adding a few tablespoons of baking soda to the foot baths is good for softening the skin on the heels.

Of the essential oils for feet, peppermint oil is good (cooling and relaxing effect), and in the presence of cracks and wounds, tea tree oil (antibacterial effect). Also popular are trays of herbal decoctions of mint, chamomile, nettle, string and calendula. These herbs have a calming and bactericidal effect and will help relax your feet after a hard day.

The water temperature should be between 40 and 50 degrees. After the bath, you need to wipe your feet with a dry towel, then use a pumice stone or a special grater for a pedicure. It is necessary to rub the skin on the feet in one direction to prevent the formation of corns.

Next, you need to wash your feet in the shower, apply a greasy cream and put on cotton socks overnight. Creams with a high content of urea and lactic acid in the composition perfectly nourish the skin of the feet. Popular means of the brands Scholl and Gehwol, Radevit ointment, creams Healer, Dachnitsa, Secrets Lan, BoroPlus and Zorka (sold at a veterinary pharmacy). Dry feet can also be dealt with by regularly applying castor oil at night.

For a pedicure at home, you can use a special exfoliating bath. To prepare it, you need to crush 10 aspirin tablets and add the resulting powder to 1.5 liters of warm water. Lubricate the feet with hydrogen peroxide and immerse them in water for 15 minutes. Then rub the hardened areas with a pumice stone. After such a bath, all excess skin is very easily removed.

You can take care of your feet using various masks and compresses. A good way to soften rough skin on your feet is a grated apple mask. The apple needs to be grated, the resulting gruel should be applied to the feet and wrapped with cling film. In the same way, you can prepare an onion mask or use it baked. The halves of the onion must be baked in the oven at low temperature, cooled and tied to the heels overnight with a bandage. This compress must be repeated 5 - 6 times.

If there are painful cracks on the heels, then a compress of aloe juice and pulp, which should be left overnight, will help speed up their healing.

For small cracks, a softening compress made of honey, egg yolk and olive oil will help. Also, in this case, a compress of boiled and crushed potatoes in their uniforms mixed with butter helps.

If the skin on the heels is very rough and cracks appear, then this may be a reason to visit a doctor. Cracked heels are often a symptom of hypothyroidism, a serious endocrine disorder caused by decreased thyroid function. For diagnosis, it is necessary to pass a routine test for thyroid hormones (T3, T4, TSH). It is very important to get treatment on time, and not deal with only cosmetic problems, as cracked heels can be a sign of serious health problems.

How to reduce the negative impact of summer cottage work?

To prevent and reduce damage and contamination of the skin of the hands and feet during summer cottage work, you can follow a few simple recommendations:

  • All work with the earth and household chemicals should be carried out only with gloves. Regular rubber or fabric will do. Bring a spare pair with you to the dacha so that the gloves are always at hand.
  • If working with gloves is inconvenient, you can apply liquid soap to your hands and let it dry. After work, you just need to wash your hands with water. It is desirable that the soap contains glycerin and aloe or chamomile extract.
  • To protect your nails, you can cover them with a clear, hardening varnish. A layer of such a varnish can be renewed daily without removing the previous one to increase protection.
  • To prevent dirt from clogging under your nails, it is enough to scrape a piece of solid soap with them. It fills well under the nails and can be easily removed while washing your hands.
  • After each hand wash, you must use a special protective cream. The composition of such a cream must necessarily contain silicones in order to form a protective film.
  • To protect your fingertips from calluses and chafing, you can glue pieces of adhesive plaster on them.
  • To protect your feet from dirt, it is advisable to wear closed shoes in the country. But if this is impossible or inconvenient, you should wear socks under the slates.

During summer cottage work, hands and feet are regularly exposed to heavy pollution, microtrauma and aggressive effects of household chemicals. To keep your hands and feet well-groomed, it is important to remember about effective protection and proper care, and then they will delight you with their beauty and ideal condition!

How to clean dirt from hands and nails

Everyone knows that the condition of the neck and hands can be used to determine the age of a person. In order for the hands not to spoil the mood, and especially those hands that are engaged in dirty work, for example, working in the garden, they need care. Here are some tips on how to clean your hands and nails from dirt after working in a summer cottage.

First you need to remember that when working in the country, in the garden, you always need to wear gloves. If it seems to you that working with gloves is inconvenient, then you are deeply mistaken. Most likely, you are not keeping up with the times and do not know that now there is a huge selection of very comfortable gloves on the world market. They come in rubber, cotton and even beautiful suede. Working with gloves will not only save time wasted washing your hands from dirt, but also save them from scratches and cuts.

Work in the garden leaves an irreparable mark on the gentle female hands. In order for them to look well-groomed, after work it is recommended to wash your hands with soap and smear with a special moisturizer.

If for some reason it was not possible to use gloves while caring for the garden, then it will take more time to put your hands in order. Then there will be a need to perform a procedure for caring not only for them, but also for the nails.

In order to prevent dirt from getting under your nails, you can use an ordinary plaster - stick its pieces on the nail plates. To remove dirt under your nails, you can hand wash something or wash your hair with shampoo.

When cleaning hands, sorrel leaves or lemon wedges are helpful. They will not only help cleanse your skin, but they will also serve as a nourishment for your nails. If lemon is not on hand, you can use citric acid. It is enough to dissolve it in water and rub the hands with the resulting solution, and then wash them with warm water.

A homemade mask will help your nails and hands very well. In a glass dish, the yolk, a tablespoon of oil (preferably olive oil), and a teaspoon of honey are thoroughly mixed. Rub the brushes with the resulting cream and wrap them in plastic wrap for 20-30 minutes.

If the skin on your hands has become dry, then you can pour warm water into a bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of salt, a spoonful of soda and squeeze out the Aevita capsule. Keep your hands in this mixture for half an hour. A mask of sour cream, cucumber and mashed potatoes can cleanse your hands and lighten the skin a little. It is good to apply this mask after a salt bath for 20 minutes.

Darkened hands washes well with superphosphate. It is applied to damp skin with massaging movements, after that, hands are washed and lubricated with a moisturizer.

By the way, if, as a result of gardening work, burrs or wounds appear on the hands, then they must be lubricated with synthomycin ointment or iodine in order to avoid inflammatory processes.

When caring for your hands, be sure to use a cream. This can be done at any time, not just before bed. To keep your nails healthy, remember that you cannot use iron scissors, nail files, or sharp objects to clean them. A non-rigid brush or wooden spatula is ideal for these purposes.

Be beautiful and healthy! And remember that following these simple tips will forever save you from the question of how to clean your nails and hands after working at their summer cottage.

Perfect heels are a source of pride for any woman. The smooth, delicate skin on the heels allows you to go barefoot on the beach and wear open shoes without hesitation. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the skin of the feet is a kind of health indicator.

The appearance of calluses, corns, cracks, hyperkeratosis and, as a result, dry heels indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Rough and dry skin on the heels in most cases is a cosmetological problem that develops as a result of poor foot care or the wearing of poor-quality tight shoes. Pathological conditions develop with the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • dermatoses of an allergic nature;
  • psoriasis;
  • hormonal disorders in women during menopause.

To achieve a successful result from foot care, it is necessary to exclude the likelihood of painful conditions of the skin. By contacting a dermatologist, a histological examination of the hardened skin will be carried out.

If a pathology is detected, the doctor will identify the cause and prescribe treatment. Adhering to the doctor's recommendations, in parallel, you need to carry out thorough foot care. Without appropriate therapy, rough skin in diseases will reappear.

If the ugly skin on the heels is the result of neglect, cleansing procedures will quickly give a good effect. To do this, it is not necessary to go to specialized salons; thorough home care is enough.

Method number 1: hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable, inexpensive remedy sold in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It is used mainly for disinfecting damaged skin. Antiseptic and exfoliating properties in the complex give an excellent result when cleaning the skin of the feet.

For a cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to prepare a special solution, which includes 5 tbsp. spoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 liters of hot water. For ease of use, you can choose wiping or foot baths.

In any case, before the procedure, it is advisable to steam dry skin on the heels in order to achieve maximum effect. For rubdowns, you can take a cotton pad or cotton cloth and, moistened with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, cleanse all the skin of the feet on both feet.

For, it is necessary to pour the resulting mixture into a clean dish and place your feet there for 10 minutes. At the end, the skin of the feet is cleaned off with a pumice stone or a file, after which it is lubricated with a fat nourishing cream.

The number of procedures will depend on the condition of the feet, usually a full course can take up to one and a half months. Once every 3 days - the optimal frequency to achieve a good result, more intensive use will only dry out the skin.

Having achieved smooth skin on the feet, the ideal condition must be maintained regularly. The skin of the feet is subject to constant pressure and friction during walking under the weight of its own weight, so it is more vulnerable than other parts of the body.

Hydrogen peroxide will become an indispensable aid in the fight for healthy heels.

Method number 2: Epsom salt

Epsom salts are great for removing rough heels. Bitter salt can be purchased at the pharmacy, its other name is magnesium sulfate. The unique chemical combination of sulfur and magnesium gives the skin a radiant look and strong structure to the nails.

Epsom salts interact with the skin of the feet to cleanse, soften and have an antibacterial effect.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, magnesium sulfate relieves puffiness and fatigue after a long day on your feet. Sulfur with magnesium is effectively used to combat unpleasant foot odor.

Cleansing manipulations for dry heels are carried out in the form of warm evening or crystals of Epsom salts are used as a scrub. A handful of bitter salt is rubbed into the surface of rough heels for several minutes into previously steamed skin. After the procedure, the skin is washed with warm water and generously lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Cleaning rough heels with a salt solution at home is easy and pleasant. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Add a pinch of Epsom salts to hot, clean water and stir until dissolved.
  2. We place our feet in the solution and steam the heels for half an hour, keeping the mixture hot.
  3. After finishing, mechanically remove the thickened skin with a pumice stone or a brush.
  4. We wash our feet with fresh water and wipe dry with a clean towel.
  5. Lubricate the skin of the feet with cream. To enhance the nutritional effect, you can add 3 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A and E to the cream.

A good result will be noticeable in a few days. The course is completed when the desired result is achieved, on average it lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Method number 3: onions

How to cleanse hardened skin with onions? Onions are in every home. The information that it can be used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic procedures is not known to everyone.

Fresh onions are a source of calcium, fluoride, zinc, magnesium and essential oils. The high content of these elements makes common onions a bactericidal agent that improves the condition of the skin epithelium and has a cleansing effect.

When applied topically, onions regulate the activity of the sweat glands and eliminate unpleasant odors.

To remove rough and dry skin on the heels, a large onion is cut in half and placed on top. Then, on top of the onion, you can wrap your legs with cling film and put on socks made from natural materials.

Another method is to use chopped onions. The gruel-like mass is applied to cheesecloth folded in several layers. The bandage is applied to the heels, the contact time with the bow should be no more than 30 minutes.

Onions, as a remedy for removing rough skin, are suitable for everyone. Try not to overdo it, and perform manipulations no more than 1 time in 3 days.

Daily use can lead to inflammation as a result of irritation of the sweat glands. For the fastest effect, try to choose shoes made from natural materials that can let the air pass through.

Method number 4: baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate has long been known for its unique skin cleansing properties. The emollient action prepares rough skin to remove unwanted growths.

Antiseptic properties will remove pathogenic bacteria and fungus that cause not only skin changes, but also an unpleasant odor. The anti-inflammatory effect will promote healing and regeneration of the skin of the feet.

How to clean rough heels with baking soda at home? There are several popular recipes:

  1. Dry mixture of baking soda and soap. A small amount of soap should be grated on a coarse grater. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the crushed soap and apply to the skin on the heels. Wrap with foil, put on socks and leave the compress for 20 minutes, then clean the feet with pumice stone and grease with nourishing cream.
  2. Foot. Add a little soda to the hot water and take a bath for 15 minutes, while the solution remains warm. After steaming, wash your feet with clean water, and the rough skin on the heels is mechanically removed. After softening with cream, be sure to wear warm socks.
  3. Soda with milk. An excellent effect can be achieved by using milk instead of water. The use of dairy products for nourishing and softening the skin has been known since ancient times by Egyptian beauties. with milk are carried out in the same way.
  4. Olive oil and baking soda: Mix 15 grams of baking soda with 5 ml of olive oil and rub into rough skin. The abrasive properties of dry baking soda act like a scrub, and the oil softens the skin and makes the cleansing process more gentle.

Method number 5: natural honey

How to get rid of rough heels with honey. Honey is a natural antiseptic that combines an emollient and nourishing cosmetic to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body.

When cleansing the skin of the legs, to accelerate the effect, not pure honey is used, but its mixture with viburnum or prunes. When exposed to honey, rough keratinized layers are noticeably exfoliated, freeing clean epithelium and eliminating inflammatory processes from the skin. Kalina is a real storehouse of trace elements that stimulate the growth of young layers of epithelial tissue.

How to quickly and easily remove rough skin from the heels with a compress:

  • Crush 50 g of viburnum berries, after removing the seeds, and mix with half a glass of honey;
  • before application, the gruel should be heated in a water bath to a warm state;
  • the mixture is applied to a bandage or natural fabric, and applied to the heels;
  • to obtain the effect of a compress, the legs are wrapped in cellophane and wrapped in a blanket for 30 minutes.

In a similar way, instead of viburnum, it is useful to use prunes. The mixture of honey and prunes breaks down the thick keratinized layers of damaged skin and acts as a chemical peel to remove the rough skin on the heels. The skin begins to peel off in large pieces, freeing the smooth surface of the feet.

The advantage of this method is absolute safety and painlessness. Compresses with honey can be applied daily without harm to the feet. The duration of the course is extended until the desired effect is achieved.

Prevention of corns, calluses and rough skin of the feet

Having done a tremendous job, you can achieve amazing results. Smooth and healthy feet will delight and delight, but many people face the problem of hardened skin over and over again. Having achieved the desired result, it is necessary to maintain the effect with preventive procedures.

Daily foot care allows you not to think about how to clean the heels of rough skin again. The obligatory evening toilet includes:

  • with medicinal herbs and essential oils;
  • regular use of scrubs and fine-grained foot files;
  • daily use of foot creams with vitamins A and E;
  • using a personal towel to dry the skin of the feet.

Increased demands must be made on footwear. It is ideal if it is made of natural materials and an anatomically correct last. In this case, the feet will be provided with air circulation, and the orthopedic layout will ensure the correct distribution of the load on the foot when walking, eliminating the appearance of corns.

It should be added that the daily work of caring for your feet will be rewarded with admiring glances from others at the sight of your feet.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to provide you with products that I have been using for a long time, and which allow me to clean my heels at home, not only quickly, but also effectively. Summer is the time for sandals and a flip-flop. Many passers-by pay attention to the legs. Take care of your heels before going outside. If the heels are in a very neglected state, then there is a way out early, you need to perform the procedures for several days to achieve the result. So, I offer you my proven remedies for heels.

How to clean your heels using glycerin and vinegar

Glycerin is widely used as an emollient. It is also suitable for the treatment of hardened heels. This remedy is especially effective when mixed with vinegar.

Action taken:

Softening dead layers;




Wound healing.

Also, such a composition allows you to prevent the appearance of cracks and get rid of existing ones. It can be used both in the form of compresses and for local baths. It is advisable to take apple cider vinegar, but, as a last resort, table vinegar is also suitable.

1. Bath - glycerin and vinegar

1. Dissolve one large spoonful of glycerin in a liter of tolerantly hot water.

2. Vinegar is required three times more.

3. Legs are steamed in liquid for 10 minutes, then they begin to cleanse the feet.

In especially neglected cases, such a procedure as an independent means will not give impressive results, but with an insignificant level of coarsening, the effect is immediately noticeable.

By reducing the amount of vinegar, you can use this bath to prevent dryness and cracking of the skin of the feet.

2. Mask with vinegar and glycerin

Vinegar and glycerin are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the desired areas of the feet. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to pre-steam them and clean them with a pumice stone.

Polyethylene is applied over the mask layer. You also need to wear socks. The procedure is quite long - 3-4 hours.

3. Compress with glycerin

For the most difficult cases, it is better to use night compresses.

1. To prepare them, you need to combine three large tablespoons of glycerin with a small spoonful of vinegar.

2. The resulting mixture is moistened with small gauze cuts, folded in several layers.

3. They are applied to the heel zones.

4. The feet are wrapped with cling film, over which socks are put on.

5. In the morning, the compress is removed, the feet are washed and lubricated with cream.

How to clean your heels with baking soda

Baking soda for heels

If the skin of the heels is rough, rough and small cracks appear on it, a soda foot bath will help.

1. We need warm water and soda.

2. For a liter of warm water, one spoonful of baking soda, but not a mountain.

3. You can also add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the water. I love lemon oil, but everyone has their own tastes and preferences.

4. Take a bath of baking soda for about 15 minutes until the water cools.

5. After the bath, clean the heels with a pumice stone, thus removing the rough skin.

6. Rinse your feet with warm water, wipe dry and be sure to lubricate your feet and heels with a nourishing cream, you can use a fat cream.

It is better to do heel skin care procedures in the evening, before going to bed. Within a few days, the skin on the heels will be softer, smoother and healthier in appearance and color.

Milk bath for heels

1. Many people use milk instead of water, dissolve soda not in water, but in warm milk.

2. A tablespoon of baking soda is needed per liter of warm milk.

3. The washed feet are immersed in a warm solution for 15 minutes.

4. After that, the heels are cleaned with a pumice stone.

5. The heels are rinsed and lubricated with cream.

Soda scrub for heels

1. You can also dilute soda with water, so to speak, make a paste from soda.

2. Add water little by little and mix with baking soda, prepare a thick paste.

3. And now apply this mixture on the heels, feet, on the toes and between the toes, and massage them well.

4. Soda eliminates the unpleasant odor of the feet, fungal diseases, and helps to remove the stratum corneum from the feet.

5. Rinse the baking soda off your feet with warm water.

6. Do not forget about the nourishing foot cream.

Soda and oil scrub

You can mix baking soda with vegetable or olive oil, for 1 tablespoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of oil.

Add a couple drops of your favorite essential oil and massage it onto your heels and feet as well.

How to clean your heels using hydrogen peroxide

1. Prepare the bath as follows:

1. Heat 3.5-4 liters of clean water on gas, pour it into the bowl in which you will make the bath (it can be a basin or a large bowl, whatever is convenient for you).

2. Add three tablespoons of table salt there (it is better - if it is iodized, which will help to additionally saturate the skin with minerals)

3. Plus - three tablespoons of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide (or - 2 tablets, if it is used in tablet form).

4. Stir everything thoroughly. Dip your feet into the water.

5. Its temperature should be comfortable for you.

6. Naturally, the water should be warm, not cold, otherwise the expected effect can not be expected.

7. The time to complete the procedure is approximately 4-6 minutes.

8. After you dip your feet into the solution, you will be able to observe how the problem areas turn white.

This is due to the formation of a large number of bubbles on them - this is a natural reaction, it is the result of the healing effects of peroxide.

2. We clean the heels and feet with a pumice stone

At the end of the procedure, treat the heels with a special volcanic pumice stone, or with a brush designed for this (as an option, a pedicure brush may work).

Use a trowel with coarse and fine abrasive particles.

Blot your feet with a clean cotton towel to help remove any moisture residue from the feet.

3. The final stage - mitigation

1. Apply on the heels and other problem areas of the skin of the feet, a natural moisturizer, ointment.

2. So that they are not erased from the heels at the first contact with the blanket, the floor, and so on - you can wrap your feet in polyethylene and put socks on top of them.

3. Legs should be warm for 3-4 hours.

4. Ideally, the same amount of cream or ointment is absorbed until this process is complete.

The modern cosmetology industry provides a ton of products for the treatment of cracks. But we will consider budgetary and affordable, and most importantly, time-tested tools.

The most effective pharmacy ointment for cracked heels

This remedy is designed to relieve inflammation and treat fungus.

It removes dryness and flaking of the skin. It also has antiseptic properties and excellent odor control.

The ointment should be rubbed in the morning and evening with massaging movements.

It should be absorbed, so don't apply a thick layer.

Feet should be dry and clean.

It is best to apply the ointment after a previously taken foot bath.

Salicylic ointment

It has a wider range of applications than zinc.

With this tool, psoriasis, comedones, burns, eczema and fungi are treated. The ointment is an excellent antiseptic.

Therefore, it forms the basis of a healing remedy for the healing of heel fissures.

The recipe is simple enough. Mix salicylic acid, paraffin wax and beeswax. Proportions 1/1/1.

Melt the mixture. When the compound is warm, apply with a cotton swab to the cracks. Let it dry completely.

Repeat the procedure about 4-5 times. Then apply a bandage. After a few hours, remove the bandage and rinse your leg in water with soap and baking soda. Dry your feet. Apply a greasy cream.

Another not very pharmacy, but a very popular remedy is Zorka cream.

The composition itself is designed for the care of the cow's udder. It heals cracks, softens the skin, and removes dryness. It is also suitable for heels.

Before the procedure, steam your legs, but not in hot, but in warm water. Dry with a towel.

Apply the cream to your feet. Leave it on for a couple of tens of minutes to absorb. At this time, it is better to refrain from walking.

Then put on your cotton socks. So go to bed. In the morning, the legs can be steamed again and treated with pumice. But remember, the cream has a rather pungent odor.


The product contains lactic acid, which softens the skin, and a mixture of oils that moisturize and nourish.

But the remedy should not be used if the skin is injured to the state of an open wound.


This is a great solution if the cracks were caused by a vitamin deficiency.

The ointment is widely used to treat skin conditions, and contains a large amount of nutrients that promote skin healing.


This is a cream that is designed to remove dead skin cells from the epidermis. It contains urea and components that enhance its effect.

The cream will relieve the unpleasant sensations of itching. It will soften the skin, relieve pain, and help the skin recover faster.

Take a foot bath a couple of hours before bed.

Then dry your feet with a towel and apply the cream. For best effect, wrap the feet with cling film and fix on top with socks. Leave it overnight. Rinse your feet in the morning and you can clean with a pumice stone.


This cream is significantly different from the above products. Its action is aimed precisely at normalizing the natural protective border of the skin.

Violation of this balance leads to dryness and cracks. Skin elasticity increases. The cream is applied to steamed legs once a day.

Zazhivin 911

The gel not only disinfects the affected area, but also promotes its regeneration. Well established for the treatment of abrasions.

The gel contains natural oils. Apply the gel to dry and clean feet. Leave it on for a couple of tens of minutes for the gel to absorb.

After that, you should put on cotton socks.

Dr. Biocon

The product contains a mixture of oils that promote healing of the skin of the feet.


Fulex is a cream of broader action.

It is used for foot care, combating excessive sweating, treating corns and cracks.

The drug cannot boast of a budgetary cost, but it has a rich natural composition.

The cream should be applied twice a day.

Balsam flexitol

Suitable for very dry and cracked skin of feet and heels, suitable for rough heels.

It contains 25% of urea, vitamin E and shea butter, does not contain parabens. Made in Great Britain.

Homemade homemade heel ointment

1. Wax ointment. Fry the onion in vegetable oil. Then drain the oil. Mix 250 ml of oil with 100 grams of wax. And add a pea of ​​propolis.

Put on fire and bring to a boil. After dissolving the wax, let it simmer for a couple of minutes. Then remove from heat, pour into a vessel and let cool and thicken. The ointment is ready.

2. Egg ointment. Separate the yolk from the protein. Add 5 milliliters of vinegar and 15 milliliters of oil to the yolk. Mix everything.

Apply to feet, fix with foil and toes. Rinse your feet in the morning and apply a greasy cream.

3. Based on fat. You will need to pour boiling water over a collection of chamomile and celandine herbs. Melt 50 milliliters of badger fat. Then add 30 grams of collection. Boil the mixture for half an hour. Then remove from the stove, allow to cool, and carefully separate the grass by rubbing.

4. Onion ointment. Peel and chop a couple of medium onions. Fry them in a skillet with 250 ml of unrefined sunflower oil until the onions turn brown.

Then strain the mixture and while the oil is hot, add a little beeswax to it. Mix, cool and store in the refrigerator.

5. Solid oil. Yes, and this is not a joke. Only you need to buy not a synthetic solid oil, but on a fat basis. But after application, the heels will be dark for a while.

6. Phyto ointment. You will need aloe juice. Mix 100 ml of juice, 150 ml of castor oil, and add about 50 ml of eucalyptus oil. Mix everything.

7. Cream with plantain. Dried plantain leaves should be thoroughly crushed into powder. Plantain is a really medicinal plant that promotes healing of wounds and the restoration of damaged cells, in addition, it will help to overcome unpleasant symptoms, but only fresh leaves retain this property.

10 remedies to help get rid of dry and rough heels

Knowing how to effectively clean your heels at home, you can use the tools described above, but I will add more. What else helps, and what else can be applied.

1. Apple compress

1 To carry out such a procedure, we need to grate a green apple on a fine grater in order to get as much juice as possible.

2. We apply the resulting gruel to the hardened areas of the skin, wrap it with polyethylene and fix the compress with socks.

3. Please note that it is important to carry out the procedure just at night.

4. During this time, the juice will soften the hard skin, nourishing it with its beneficial substances.

2. Banana

1 To carry out such a procedure, you should choose exactly ripe fruit so that it can be turned into a homogeneous porridge.

2. So, thoroughly knead the banana, then apply the puree to the damaged skin and leave for 20 minutes.

3. It is necessary to apply the product on clean skin, therefore, before starting the procedure, you should take a bath.

3. Honey

1. In folk medicine, honey is almost the main healing agent that helps to restore the structure of the skin.

2. We need just liquid honey, since we will add it to the bath.

3. After that, you can do a massage using the same honey.

4. Honey helps to get rid of dry, rough heels, is effective in healing cracked heels and dry feet.

5. You can also make honey compresses, leaving the compress for 20 minutes to 1 hour.

6. Then wash off the honey with water.

4. Lemon juice

1. Citric acid is known to be the best emollient for rough skin.

2. In addition, it helps to cleanse the feet of dead skin.

3. Lemon juice can be added to foot baths, after which it will not hurt to rub the heels with a lemon wedge.

4. This will help not only soften and cleanse the skin, but also disinfect it.

5. Curd compress

1. All of us have long known sour cream face masks, which are able to restore the beauty of "tired" skin.

2. In this case, we will take cottage cheese as the basis of the compress, mixing it with a spoonful of sour cream.

3. For the best effect, you can add a little honey to the curd puree, which will help in the healing of cracks.

4. Apply the resulting base to the heels for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

6. Milk and onions

1. Grind the peeled onion with a fine grater and add a little milk to it.

2. Apply the product to the feet and fix it with cling film.

3. Again, the procedure should be performed at night.

7. Castor oil

1. This oil has a sufficiently dense structure that makes it easy to apply to the skin.

2. It is castor oil that is considered one of the best remedies for dry skin.

3. Wet cotton pads with oil and apply to the heels as a lotion.

4. The skin will have time to be nourished with useful substances only overnight, so daytime procedures are unlikely to lead to any result.

8. Leaves of celandine

1. Rub the leaves of a young plant and apply them to the affected area of ​​the skin.

2. Wrap your feet in cellophane and leave the mask for an hour.

3. Please note that celandine juice can cause allergies, therefore, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction.

9. Cabbage

1. As a compress, we will use two cabbage leaves, which must first be kneaded.

2. This can be done with a meat hammer.

3. We apply the sheets to the heels and fix them with cling film.

10. Oils

You can use vegetable oils (olive, peach, sesame and others).

After cleansing the heels, lubricate the feet and heels with oil, put on a bag and a sock. Then remove after 15-30 minutes.

The most effective heel and foot bath

Herbal baths

Chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula, string and others. They can be combined with each other, or used completely separately.

To prepare the infusion for its further use as part of a herbal bath, you need to take one spoonful of herbs per liter of clean water.

The herb is poured with boiling water in a porcelain teapot, if there is none, then in an enamel bowl.

Insists from twenty to twenty-five minutes.

The bath is done from fifteen to twenty minutes. The liquid itself should be warm, comfortable for your feet.

Starch trays

They help to tighten the wound, nourish soft tissue and kill some pathogens.

To prepare a starch-based foot bath, take one and a half tablespoons of starch per liter of clean water.

You can not boil it, but heat it to an approximate temperature of about 50 degrees, then add starch, previously diluted in a small amount of cold water, stirring constantly so that the product is of a uniform consistency.

You can take baths of this plan once every two days on an ongoing basis.

Soda trays

Soda is a powerful antiseptic. Great for removing the top layer of skin by softening it.

Heel soda has a ton of merit:

1. Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Inhibits perspiration and helps to get rid of very unpleasant foot odor.

3. It is the most excellent remedy for fungal diseases.

4. Neutralizes the stratum corneum, softens it, and so on.

A bath of soda diluted in water is done as follows: for one liter of water, two teaspoons of soda are used.

The water should be warm (up to 40 degrees Celsius), but not hot!

You need to keep your feet in it for up to 15 minutes. After one or two such procedures a week, for a month, your heels will be flat and smooth.

Applying potatoes for heels

Using a foot care product based on this mega common product in our country gives almost the same effect as starch baths.

Is that, separately, plus everything, the moment should be highlighted that she (potatoes) nourishes the skin with minerals and vitamins.

So, how to properly prepare the product?

1 For one leg, take two to three medium-sized potatoes.

2. They are ground on a grater, 2-3 tablespoons of ethyl alcohol are added to the mixture.

3. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

4. The product should be applied to the heels when the patient is in the supine position "on his stomach", secured properly (for example, using plastic bags) and left for about 2 to 4 hours.

5. After that, everything is removed, the feet are washed in warm water and rubbed with nourishing fatty oil or cream.

Aloe - a cure for cracked heels

Many people know this plant, which has outstanding healing properties: it disinfects, acts as an antiseptic, eliminates pain, itching, inhibits the activity of fungi, tightens cracks.

Aloe can be crushed into a gruel by taking the required amount of the bottom sheets.

It is used in the form of compresses for such cases where cracks are bothering.

It is aloe, one of the first remedies that helps to get rid of cracked heels quickly and effectively.

Aloe can be applied on an ongoing basis after one day. Keep it on the wound for no more than 10 minutes.

White cabbage

White cabbage is a very good emollient that can be used on rough skin.

Vegetable sheets are kneaded in hands, placed under the heels and carefully fixed with bandages.

The compress can be left overnight. In the morning, the treated areas are lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Heel oil

If there are small notches and cracks on the heels, then it will be advisable to use healing oils, they help get rid of cracks in the heel.

Rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, St. John's wort oil, calendula oil are suitable.

You can make appliqués with this oil.

Apply oil on a piece of bandage folded in several layers, then wrap it in a bag and put on socks.

Sit like this for 20-30 minutes, it is better to read a book or watch TV at this time. Then remove everything and wipe off the skin.

Beekeeping products - wax and propolis

1. They soften too dry skin of the feet: after melting over low heat, add a little propolis and literally a little salicylic acid to the wax.

2. Has the mixture already warmed up?

3. After a few minutes it will be possible to moisten a special tampon in it, with which wax with propolis is applied in as many as three layers (the second - when the previous one dries up).

4. Then it can be carefully removed.

The ingredients used in this recipe nourish the skin, cleanse it, take care of it carefully and delicately.

Feet are rightfully considered a delicate part of the human body, they require careful hygiene, for this reason, basic care cannot be neglected. Many women and girls mistakenly believe that only professional preparations can be used to clean the heels. In an attempt to reach the ideal, they spend fabulous money on salon procedures. To keep the budget and comprehend the technology for processing heels, it is important to adhere to the recommendations that we will talk about today. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

Hydrogen peroxide to cleanse heels

Hydrogen peroxide solution is rightfully considered a universal drug. Due to its antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, the agent eliminates microcracks, effectively cleanses the skin, removes keratinized particles, softens corns, and saturates cells with oxygen. Peroxide-based foot baths can be used no more than 1 time per week, as the preparation dries the skin a lot.

Peroxide bath

  1. The easiest way to cleanse your heels is considered to be a hydrogen peroxide solution mixed with warm water. Pour 2.2-2.5 liters into a basin. warm (almost hot) water. The main thing is that the skin can withstand such a temperature regime. Now add one bottle of hydrogen peroxide (concentration 3%) to the container with water, mix.
  2. Dip your legs into the mixture, wait 10-15 minutes, then pull out one leg. During this period, the skin will steam out and become soft, cleansing will be many times more effective. You can start the procedure only if the heels turn white after being in the solution. If the top layer remains yellow or greenish, wait another 5-7 minutes.
  3. After the allotted time, take out one leg, wipe it with a towel, walk over the heels with a pumice stone, a roller or a special file with fine abrasive particles. You can also use an electric device or a professional pedicure machine, it all depends on the capabilities.
  4. Remove only softened (dead) particles, do not try to remove healthy skin cells. Clean each heel in turn, periodically wet your feet in the solution to evaluate the result. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream, put on cotton socks, do not remove them for 5 hours.

Bath with sea salt and peroxide

  1. In addition to cleansing the heels from yellowness and greenness, the composition heals wounds and acts on the skin in a complex way. Prepare a basin for a pedicure, pour 1.3 liters into it. boiling water, add 75 gr. chopped sea salt without fragrances, dyes and additives.
  2. Add 5 ml to the bath. eucalyptus ether, 10 ml. sea ​​buckthorn oil, 55 ml. olive oil. Pour in 70 ml. hydrogen peroxide concentration of 3%, mix everything. Add some liquid soap if desired to create a lather.
  3. Cool the mixture or dilute it with water to an acceptable temperature, immerse your feet, enjoy the procedure for 10-20 minutes. Take your leg out periodically and inspect the skin, if it has lightened, proceed with a pedicure.
  4. Use a pumice stone, roller scraper, or a cosmetic knife with a built-in blade to clean the keratinized skin of your heels. Sand the surface, removing microcracks. Pay due attention to the yellow and green areas of the skin, rub them as long as possible.
  5. In cases where there are large cracks, creases, severe wounds on the heels, pour peroxide into the cavity. Wait until the hissing stops, then lubricate the skin with a regenerating ointment and wrap it with a bandage, put on socks. Such actions will significantly moisturize the skin and prevent further cracking.

  1. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, prevents the skin from festering and heals cracks. To prepare a bath, pour 2.5 liters into a bowl. hot water, add 10 aspirin tablets or pour in 55 ml. acetylsalicylic acid solution.
  2. Add 30 ml. liquid glycerin, stir. Check the temperature: if the water is not very hot, add 45 ml. hydrogen peroxide (concentration 3%).
  3. Dip your feet into the bath, wait no longer than a quarter of an hour. Within the specified period of time, the dead particles should turn white. Otherwise, the exposure time should be increased to 20 minutes.
  4. When your feet are soft, rub over them with an abrasive file, heel roller, or pumice stone. Remove dead particles, wash your feet.
  5. After cleaning, mash 4 aspirin tablets between two tablespoons, mix the powder with a fat cream. Apply the resulting "ointment" on the heels, wrap it with a bandage, put on shoe covers and socks.
  6. Wait 3 hours, then treat the feet again with a pumice stone, if the situation requires it. Finish with a foot cream. Perform manipulations no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

Bath with body water and peroxide

  1. Bodyaga is a viscous algae that grows in fresh water (lake, river, etc.). To use the product as effectively as possible, dilute with 80 ml. hydrogen peroxide in 2.1 liters. warm water.
  2. Dip the legs into the solution, wait 15 minutes. After this time, scrape off the softened keratinized cells with a cosmetic knife (pedicure), pumice stone, roller or high abrasive file. Dip the feet back into the solution, wait another 10 minutes.
  3. Now prepare the mixture for the mask: mix 30 gr. freshwater powder with 20 ml. hydrogen peroxide, turn the mass into a paste. Apply on the heels one by one, fix with a wet bandage, wrap the feet with cling film or put on shoe covers.
  4. The duration of exposure of the mask varies within 15-30 minutes, it all depends on the degree of contamination of the skin of the heels. After the expiration of the prescribed period, do not wash off the mask, massage your feet, carefully rubbing the mixture.
  5. Scrape off the composition with your hands, wash your feet, lubricate them with pure glycerin, tea tree oil or any ether (geranium, lemon, etc.). This cleaning method is good because a bath in combination with a mask can be done 2 times a week, in some cases more often.

  1. Rub on a medium to fine grater half of the bar of baby soap that contains the lotion. Pour 1.8 L into a basin or wide saucepan. hot water, send the chips into the liquid. Wait until it is completely dissolved, then add 1.5 liters. hot fat milk.
  2. Place the legs in the composition, keep them in the bath until it cools down. After the indicated time, massage your heels with a coffee scrub, then proceed to cleansing. Soak a pumice stone or an abrasive pedicure brush in hydrogen peroxide, start to remove the top (dead) layer of the skin, which has a yellowish tint.
  3. When you treat two heels, mix the baby cream with sea buckthorn oil in a 3: 1 ratio, lubricate with the composition of the foot, put plastic bags on your feet. Wait 3 hours, remove the rest of the product with paper towels.

Compress of glycerin and vinegar

  1. Purchase pure glycerin from a pharmacy or online. Buy 6-9% apple cider vinegar from a health food store. Mix glycerin with vinegar solution in a 3: 1 ratio. Fold the gauze or bandage in 5 layers, dip the fabric in the prepared product, let it soak. Squeeze a little, apply to the heels, fix with cling film.
  2. Put on warm socks, keep the composition for about 3 hours (if possible, leave it overnight), then remove the compress. Rub your heels with a pumice stone, scraping away any yellowed skin with a pedicure knife or roller. Sand the surface with a fine abrasive file.
  3. Apply nourishing foot cream (can be replaced with baby or anti-freeze). Do not be lazy to prepare a compress 3-4 times a week, the result will be noticeable after the first application.

It is not difficult to clean the yellowed skin of the heels if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the technology for preparing folk remedies. Make regular baths based on hydrogen peroxide and acetylsalicylic acid, bodyagi powder (algae), fatty milk, chopped sea salt. Don't be too lazy to apply an apple cider vinegar and glycerin compress.

Video: how to care for the heels of your feet

Rough skin on the heels occurs due to improper care, constant friction, and uncomfortable shoes.

To begin with, you need to eliminate the factors contributing to skin damage.

How to clean rough skin from heels at home?


The skin on the heels is not as soft as on the face or hands. Why the skin on the heels coarsens faster:

  • perhaps the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals;
  • excess weight, the load at which "goes" to the legs, feet and heels;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • work “on legs” (hairdresser, salesman, etc.);
  • Constantly wearing high-heeled shoes, uncomfortable, tight shoes, or poor quality shoes;
  • fungus on the legs, requiring the attention of a dermatologist;
  • walking barefoot;
  • kidney function should be checked;
  • lack of vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, B12;
  • summer shoes don't breathe enough.

Cracked heels can increase the risk of infection and skin ulcers. Rough skin is removed, softening it with folk remedies or creams and masks.

Sometimes coarse skin can disappear on its own, as soon as you change your shoes for more comfortable ones.

First, the skin needs to be steamed... To do this, warm water is poured into a basin and the legs are kept in it for about 10 minutes. Dead skin will soften. Sea salt or a few drops of essential oils are added to the water.

After steaming, they begin to mechanically remove the hardened skin. Pumice, brush, file will help with this.... Then you need to hold your feet in warm water.

You need to change the water in the basin, pour in a tonic (rosemary, citrus, tea tree). The heels are wiped off with a soft towel, treated with a foot scrub.

The scrub is washed off, a nourishing cream is applied... After absorbing the cream, you need to put on cotton or linen socks. This procedure should be done once a week.

How to remove rough skin on the heels using folk remedies:

This remedy can be bought at every pharmacy, it is dispensed without a prescription. The main feature of the drug is wound disinfection.

With the help of hydrogen peroxide, hair is lightened, facial skin is cleansed, and heels are treated.

Peroxide will help even in the most advanced cases.... It helps with bacterial skin diseases (fungus).

To prepare a rubdown, you need to dilute a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in six tablespoons of warm water. A cotton pad is moistened in the solution, the problem areas are wiped for three minutes.

For the bath, take two liters of hot water, 5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. I take the bath for 10 minutes.

For a salt bath, you need to take two liters of hot water, two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, and a tablespoon of sea salt. Legs soar in the solution for 7 minutes.


How to soften your heels with aspirin? Mixtures with aspirin, rubbing alcohol and iodine heal cracked heels and heal the skin in a very short time. The feet are first washed well, wiped dry, smeared with a mixture, put on cotton socks.

Aspirin heals wounds, disinfects alcohol, dries iodine. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka. A sea salt bath is applied at the same time. The tool will help if there is no fungus on the skin.


Glycerin perfectly softens and moisturizes the heels... It also disinfects, eliminates the risk of suppuration of wounds on the feet.

However, it is a highly active substance and should not be left on your heels overnight.

With glycerin, you can make a bath or peeling... For cracks and corns, ammonia with glycerin will help. The components are mixed in equal proportions. In the composition, the rolled gauze is moistened, cut into pieces.

Compresses are applied to steamed and treated heels, the feet are wrapped in cling film, and socks are put on. After 3-4 hours, the feet are washed with water, treated with a nourishing cream.

How to clean your heels with pharmacy products?

Radevit cream is made on the basis of retinol, tocopherol and vitamins... It is an anti-inflammatory, revitalizing agent. It is able to fight itching, dryness, reduce keratinization, soften, moisturize, and accelerate regeneration.

Apply it in a thin layer twice a day. It is recommended to limit the use of the cream during pregnancy.

Calendula ointment removes deep cracks in the feet... Carotene, flavonoid, salicylic acid, resin groups, essential oils help her in this.

Calendula flowers, larch resin, allantoin take good care of the skin of the legs, relieve irritation, restore elasticity, and accelerate the healing process.

Thanks to lanolin, the pores open and the cream penetrates deeper. Beeswax can fill cracks, scratches, and create a protective membrane. The tool has an antiseptic effect, eliminates inflammation. The ointment is applied at bedtime. The skin is thoroughly cleansed beforehand.

How to get rid of rough skin quickly? Flexitol ointment has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, restores elasticity, eliminates irritation, heals wounds.

Gevol is another cream for hardened heel skin... Nourishes, softens, moisturizes, heals, relieves swelling and inflammation. Eliminates unpleasant odor, gets rid of fungus, is able to have a mild analgesic effect.

Ingredients: wheat germ extract, natural lipids, lanolin, avocado extract, Panthenol. Apply twice a day. The skin is pre-steamed.

Healer cream will not give an instant result, but it is very effective... Urea in the composition is the main active component. There are no harmful substances in the product, it does not cause allergies. Also contains tea tree oil, allantoin, celandine extracts, oak bark, vitamin E.

Scholl cream is also made on the basis of urea, but it also contains about two dozen useful components. Fills cracks, relieves calluses.

Natura Siberica cream is rich in extracts of Siberian and Far Eastern plants... It softens, moisturizes, regenerates, beeswax helps chapped skin.

Ingredients: Yakut oxalis, calendula, extracts of meadowsweet, chamomile, Siberian flax and many other useful components.

Other effective creams:

  • Sesderma cream;
  • Juniper cream;
  • cream with walnut oil and urea.


Rules for holding heel masks at night to remove rough skin:

  • you need to make masks systematically, even in autumn and winter;
  • pre-steam the feet in hot water, treat the heels with a pumice stone;
  • keep your legs in the composition for at least thirty minutes;
  • legs with a mask should be kept in cellophane or wrapped with cling film, put on socks on top;
  • rinse off the formulations with warm water, then lightly blot with a soft towel;
  • rub in a nourishing cream;
  • it is necessary to carry out the procedure at night.


Treatment of rough skin on the heels at home can also be carried out with scrubs.

DIY scrubs


  1. 50 g of salt is mixed with 20 g of white clay and 20 ml of shower gel.
  2. White clay in the above recipe can be replaced with 15 ml of boric alcohol. This remedy will regulate sweating.
  3. Lemon is passed through a meat grinder with peel and seeds, add 50 g of sugar, a drop of essential mint oil. This scrub will give you a vitamin boost and a pleasant chill.
  4. 50 g of semolina is mixed with 20 g of cinnamon and 20 ml of shower gel. Cinnamon will warm up and relax the skin of the feet.
  5. Mix 50 g of ground coffee with 20 ml of coconut oil, 15 ml of shower gel. This scrub will moisturize your skin well.
  6. 50 g of walnut shells are mixed with 15 ml of shower gel, 20 ml of jojoba oil. The shell will exfoliate well, the jojoba oil will perfectly moisturize.


The skin of the feet should be lubricated with moisturizer regularly.... After the baths, fatty creams can be replaced with olive oil. It is also worth regularly massaging your feet with a fat cream. This will improve blood circulation.

You need to give up uncomfortable and tight shoes and try to wear stockings and socks made of high-quality and breathable material.

It is necessary to observe hygiene of the feet, wash them thoroughly, periodically treat the skin with a pumice stone. To restore blood supply, you can alternate hot and cold water.

It is necessary to create a balanced diet... Without the body receiving nutrients from the inside, all scrubs, creams, baths will be useless.

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